Interest age: from c 8 years

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  • by Line Kyed Knudsen
    34.99 kr.

    ¡Rosa tiene un conejo muy tierno y Clara también quiere uno! Clara vuelve a casa a contarles a sus padres, pero algo anda mal, y sus padres no se están llevando bien...Los libros "C de Clara" se tratan de amistades, la escuela y como es madurar. Los libros son fáciles de leer y se dirigen a nuevos lectores de 9 a 12 años.Los libros de \"C de Clara\" tratan sobre amistades, la escuela y creciendo en Dinamarca. Los libros son fáciles de leer y las secciones de la serie se pueden leer de forma independiente.Line Kyed Knudsen (1971) debutó en 2003 y desde entonces ha escrito una gran cantidad de libros para niños y jóvenes. La autoría incluye de todo, desde libros ilustrados hasta pequeños, series de chicas, libros fáciles de leer, thrillers y libros para jóvenes.

  • by Wilhelm Hauff
    From 14.99 kr.

    Wilhelm Hauffs "Zwerg Nase" ist eines der schönsten Märchen überhaupt. Es erzählt vom Jungen Jakob, der bei der Fee Kräuterweis in die Lehre geht. Doch als er sie schließlich verlässt, ist er in einen hässlichen Zwerg mit langer, krummer Nase verwandelt. Doch Jakob nimmt sein Schicksal in der Hand und mit Hilfe der sprechenden Gans Mimi gelingt es ihm, am Ende wieder er selbst zu sein. Nick Benjamin interpretiert diesen Märchen-Klassiker mit viel Hingabe.Wilhelm Hauff wurde 1802 in Stuttgart geboren. In seinem kurzen Leben schrieb er eine Vielzahl von Märchen, Sagen, Romanen, Erzählungen und Satiren nieder. Berühmt ist er bis heute für seine Märchen, die zwischen 1825 und 1828 in drei 'Mährchen-Almanachen' erschienen. Hauff verstarb 1827 an den Folgen einer Typhus-Infektion.

  • by Kurt Juul
    49.00 kr.

    Adam og hans mor og far skal have stegt flæsk til aftensmad. Der er ikke mere persille, så Adam bliver sendt hen til gartner Madsen for at hente noget. Men gartneriet er lukket, og sammen med gamle Madsen smadrer Adam alle ruderne i drivhuset.Kurt Juuls letlæsningsserie om drengen Adam består af 15 bøger, der henvender sig til de 8-9-årige.Kurt Juul (1937-2019) var en dansk forfatter og højskolelærer. Han debuterede som forfatter med "Egils lange rejse" i 1982 og har siden skrevet en lang række bøger for børn og unge. I 1987 modtog han sammen med Roald Als Kulturministeriets Børnebogspris for "Røverne i Rold".

  • by Volker Präkelt
    74.99 kr.

    Ein Ritterschwert ist nie verkehrt, denkt sich Artus und zieht das stolze Stück locker aus dem Stein. Da bleibt den Rittern die Spucke weg - Artus ist ihr neuer König! Und Lancelot? Auch der spielt mit in der bekannten Artussage. Alles nur erfunden? Nicht die Bohne! Auf diesem Hörbuch erfährst du, wie die echten Ritter lebten und was im Mittelalter alles los war.

  • by Volker Präkelt
    74.99 kr.

    Wie gut, dass es den Urknall gab! So haben schlaue Wissenschaftler was zum Tüfteln und Erforschen: Sterne und Planeten wie Merkur, Venus, Erde, Mars und Pluto. Doch Pluto ist raus aus dem Planetenclub - zu klein. Genial Spannendes über das unendliche Universum, über Irdische und Außerirdische erfährst du in tollen Abenteuergeschichten und Interviews mit einem Experten.

  • by H. C. Andersen
    From 36.99 kr.

    Inkeri on pieni tyttö, joka ei tottele vanhempiaan. Sen sijaan hänen hupiaan on repiä kärpäsiltä siivet irti ja talloa äidin esiliinaa! Kun Inkeri pääsee asumaan hienon perheen luokse, hän muuttuu entistäkin ylpeämmäksi. Ylpeys ei kuitenkaan ole hyvä piirre ihmisessä – sen Inkeri joutuu huomaamaan, kun hän lähtee leivän kanssa käymään vanhempiensa luona."Tyttö, joka astui leivän päälle" on H. C. Andersenin opettavainen satu vuodelta 1859.Tanskalaisen kirjailijan ja runoilijan Hans Christian Andersenin (1805‒1875) tuotantoon kuuluu romaaneja, näytelmiä, oopperoita, runoja, matkakertomuksia ja omaelämäkertoja. Andersen on maailmanlaajuisesti tunnettu saduistaan, joita on käännetty lukuisille eri kielille.

  • by Janina Porazinska
    From 12.99 kr.

    Mała Donia bardzo chciałaby dowiedzieć się, jak wyglądały początki państwa Polskiego. Dzięki tajemniczym butkom może spełnić każde wyśnione marzenie. Tym sposobem przenosi się do starodawnego grodu Kraka i rozpoczyna podroż w świat rzeczywistości dawnych Słowian. Opowieść o dziewczynce pomoże dzieciom zrozumieć, jak wyglądało życie naszych przodków. Mali czytelnicy poznają legendę o smoku wawelskim, a także o królowej Wandzie. Baśń przepełniona jest duchem patriotyzmu, który buduje w dzieciach przywiązanie do Ojczyzny. Lektura „Tajemniczych butków" to doskonałe dopełnienie lekcji o rodzimej historii.Janina Porazińska (1882/1888 – 1971) – polska pisarka, redaktorka, tłumaczka literatury skandynawskiej oraz szwedzkojęzycznej. W 1903 roku na łamach „Wędrowca" ukazał się jej debiut poetycki. W 1917 roku założyła pismo „Płomyk". Podczas okupacji była działaczką podziemia oświatowego i kulturalnego. Jest znana szczególnie jako autorka literatury dla dzieci. W swoich utworach często odwoływała się do polskiego folkloru. Jej twórczość tłumaczono na wiele języków. W 1955 roku została odznaczona Krzyżem Oficerskim, a w 1966 Krzyżem Komandorskim Orderu Odrodzenia Polski. Była również Kawalerem Orderu Uśmiechu.

  • by Monika Osberghaus & Thomas Engelhardt
    74.99 kr.

    Sinas Papa muss ins Gefängnis. Er hat etwas Schlimmes getan und muss nun dafür geradestehen. Sina versteht das alles nicht. Sie hat keine Ahnung von dem Ort, an dem ihr Papa jetzt lebt. Vom ersten Tag an begleiten wir Sinas Papa. Wir erfahren alles über den Alltag hinter Gittern: Was es dort zu essen gibt, wer dort alles lebt und arbeitet, wie ein Haftraum aussieht, was die Gefangenen den ganzen Tag lang machen. Und wie es ist, wenn man wieder rauskommt.

  • by Volker Präkelt
    74.99 kr.

    Mister Ötzi ruhte im Eis - über 5.000 Jahre lang. Dann ging's ab ins Museum. Wie hat er gelebt? Wie ist er gestorben? Die Pfeilspitze in der Schulter deutet auf ein Verbrechen hin. Doch die haben die Forscher zuerst glatt übersehen. Auf diesem Hörbuch erfährst du, welche verblüffenden Fakten Archäologen sonst noch ausgebuddelt haben.

  • by Volker Präkelt
    74.99 kr.

    Glückwunsch, Mary Anning! Hat das Mädchen doch glatt einen Ichthyosaurus gefunden und einen Plesiosaurus dazu. Und das schon vor 200 Jahren. Auf in die Vergangenheit! Die Dinos warten. Was es sonst noch über die schrecklichen Echsen zu berichten gibt, erfährst du in tollen Abenteuergeschichten und Interviews mit einem Experten.

  • by Hans Christian Andersen
    38.99 kr.

    The sculptor, Alfred, returned from Italy after spending ten years discovering Italian art and travelled to one of the cities in the province of Sjaelland island. There, everyone knew who he was and wanted to ask him questions... And he would impress more than one young woman!Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist. Celebrated for children’s literature, his most cherished fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Match Girl". His books have been translated into every living language, and today there is no child or adult that has not met Andersen's whimsical characters. His fairy tales have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with the animated films "The Little Mermaid" in 1989 and "Frozen", which is loosely based on "The Snow Queen", in 2013.Thanks to Andersen's contribution to children's literature, his birth date, April 2, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.

  • by Jørn Jensen
    49.95 kr.

    Simon og Mads spiller bold i parken. Mads øver et svært skud. Men da Simon vil prøve, går det galt.

  • by Line Kyed Knudsen
    From 9.99 kr.

    "Það er verið að setja upp leikrit á frístundaheimilinu. Júlíu langar til þess að leika aðalhlutverkið, Stjörnustelpuna. Klara segir að hún muni vera ánægð með aukahlutverk sem Tunglskinsdrottningin. Þegar aðalhlutverkin eru gefin til Klöru og Freys breytist allt." Þetta er tíunda bókin í hinni vinsælu bókaröð um Klöru og vinkonur hennar. Bækurnar fjalla um vináttuna, skólann og það að verða eldri. Þær mæta lesandanum í veruleika hans. Bækurnar má lesa sjálfstætt, óháðar hver annarri."Line Kyed Knudsen (f. 1971) kom fyrst fram sem höfundur barna- og ungmennabóka árið 2003. Hún er nú orðin einn af langvinsælustu höfundum bóka fyrir þennan aldurshóp í Danmörku.

  • by Caroline Ørsum
    70.49 kr.

    Antons mor har arvet onkel Bertils stol. Den lugter og er grim. Anton er træt af den forbandede stol. Han gør nar af den og af onkel Bertils kunstige ben. Men det skulle han nok aldrig have gjort ...

  • by Inger Brattström
    43.99 kr.

    Allt är som vanligt för Mirja. Hon bor kvar med sin lillebror och sin mamma i förorten där de alltid har bott. Hon är lite utanför i klassen som hon alltid har varit. Men hon har faktiskt två vänner. Hektor och Adrian. Mirja gillar båda två väldigt mycket, men Mirjas mamma tycker inte om någon av dem. Adrian är för gammal och Hektor är adopterad. Mirja vet inte hur hon ska göra för att få sin mamma att sluta vara så fördomsfull, men snart blir hon fullt upptagen med sina egna fördomar ..."Mirja mellan Hektor och Adrian" är den fjärde boken i serien om Mirja.Inger Brattström, född 1920, var en svensk barn- och ungdomsboksboksförfattare. Hon debuterade som blott nittonåring och hann fram till sin död 2018 skriva över 80 böcker. Hon är flitigt översatt och har även tilldelats flera priser, bland annat Nils Holgersson-plaketten 1967 och Astrid Lindgren-priset 1982.

  • - 50 seje måder du kan hjælpe verden på
    by Isabel Thomas
    69.95 kr.

    Den ultimative guide til børn og unge om, hvad vi hver især kan gøre for at reducere den globale opvarming. Fyldt med nemme og sjove ting, som vi kan gøre for klimaet, dyrerne og hinanden.Bogen er fuld af facts, og den forklarer på en underholdende måde, hvad global opvarmning er, og giver 50 gode tips til, hvordan vi kan gøre noget ved det. Vi kan for eksempel købe mad, som er produceret i Danmark eller tage på cykelferie istedet for at flyve sydpå, og vi kan låne vores ting ud til vennerne.Fra ca. 8 år

  • by Märchen aus 1001 Nacht
    40.99 kr.

    Die weltberuhmte Erzahlung von Aladin und dem wundersamen Geist: Aladin, der Sohn eines armen Schneiders in China, bekommt von einem Zauberer den Auftrag, ihm aus einer tiefen Hohle in den Bergen eine Ollampe zu holen. Doch als Aladin in der Hohle gefangen zu sein scheint, erscheint ihm aus der Lampe ein riesiger Geist. Der Geist zeigt ihm den Weg aus der Hohle und erfullt ihm von nun an alle Wunsche!-

  • by Wilhelm Hauff
    From 36.99 kr.

    1826 erschien die orientalisch-wundersame Märchensammlung "Die Karawane", erdacht und aufgeschrieben von einem jungen Genie namens Wilhelm Hauff. Die Teilnehmer einer Karawane unterhalten sich auf ihrem langen Weg durch die Wüste gegenseitig mit Geschichten. Doch einer von ihnen verbirgt ein dunkles Geheimnis. Und der Schlüssel zu dessen Offenbarung liegt in der Geschichte eines der anderen ... "Der kleine Muck", "Kalif Storch" und "Das Gespensterschiff" – um nur die drei beliebtesten Erzählungen der Sammlung zu nennen – werden hier von grandiosen Sprechern vorgetragen.

  • by Wilhelm Hauff
    From 36.99 kr.

    Eine spannende Marchen-Novelle von Wilhelm Hauff!Als Mustafa fur seine Schwester Fatme und ihre Freundinnen, unter denen auch seine Braut Zoraide ist, ein groes Geburtstagsfest organisiert, nimmt die Feier jedoch bald ein boses Ende: Seerauber kapern das Boot der Feiernden. Ausgerechnet Fatme und Zoraide werden entfuhrt, um als Sklavinnen verkauft zu werden. Schafft es Mustafa, die beiden zu befreien und sich somit von dem Fluch, den ihm sein Vater als Strafe auferlegte, zu befreien?-

  • by Hans Christian Andersen
    From 38.99 kr.

    In the tallest and poorest house in a very narrow winding street, was an attic with a single window. Behind this window, was a bird in a cage; the state of the house and the cage were so miserable that the bird did not even have a cup for drinking: he had to make do with the neck of a bottle closed with a stopper. The bird had no problem with this and sang joyfully – as for the bottle neck, he remembered the good old days when he was still a bottle...Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist. Celebrated for children’s literature, his most cherished fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Match Girl". His books have been translated into every living language, and today there is no child or adult that has not met Andersen's whimsical characters. His fairy tales have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with the animated films "The Little Mermaid" in 1989 and "Frozen", which is loosely based on "The Snow Queen", in 2013. Thanks to Andersen's contribution to children's literature, his birth date, April 2, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.

  • by Hans Christian Andersen
    From 38.99 kr.

    Johanne and Knud lived close to the town of Kjöge, where there are many gardens that extend as far as the river. There is not much else, but it is charming in summer! It was under the willow-tree in one of these gardens that Johanne and Knud spent a great deal of their time and theirs was a beautiful friendship. But everything would change when Johanne had to leave for Copenhagen with her father! Would they remain friends? Or even, as Knud hoped, could they become more than friends?Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist. Celebrated for children’s literature, his most cherished fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Match Girl". His books have been translated into every living language, and today there is no child or adult that has not met Andersen's whimsical characters. His fairy tales have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with the animated films "The Little Mermaid" in 1989 and "Frozen", which is loosely based on "The Snow Queen", in 2013. Thanks to Andersen's contribution to children's literature, his birth date, April 2, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.

  • by Hans Christian Andersen
    38.99 kr.

    Everyone was happy: an heir had been born and mother and son were doing well! Almost all the fairies came to offer a gift to the newborn, there was just one missing who should have brought the last pearl... Luckily, the child’s guardian angel knew where to find it!Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist. Celebrated for children’s literature, his most cherished fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Match Girl". His books have been translated into every living language, and today there is no child or adult that has not met Andersen's whimsical characters. His fairy tales have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with the animated films "The Little Mermaid" in 1989 and "Frozen", which is loosely based on "The Snow Queen", in 2013. Thanks to Andersen's contribution to children's literature, his birth date, April 2, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.

  • by Hans Christian Andersen
    38.99 kr.

    In this short tale, Hans Christian Andersen depicts the prison of Castelvold and tells of a little bird and a prisoner. Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist. Celebrated for children’s literature, his most cherished fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Match Girl". His books have been translated into every living language, and today there is no child or adult that has not met Andersen's whimsical characters. His fairy tales have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with the animated films "The Little Mermaid" in 1989 and "Frozen", which is loosely based on "The Snow Queen", in 2013. Thanks to Andersen's contribution to children's literature, his birth date, April 2, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.

  • by Hans Christian Andersen
    38.99 kr.

    One day, a competition was organised: the fastest would be awarded first price. The jury gave first prize to the hare and second prize was awarded to the snail. Long debates followed between the various animals because no one agreed with the results and each extolled the merits of their own agility.Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist. Celebrated for children’s literature, his most cherished fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Match Girl". His books have been translated into every living language, and today there is no child or adult that has not met Andersen's whimsical characters. His fairy tales have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with the animated films "The Little Mermaid" in 1989 and "Frozen", which is loosely based on "The Snow Queen", in 2013. Thanks to Andersen's contribution to children's literature, his birth date, April 2, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.

  • by Hans Christian Andersen
    38.99 kr.

    All the local children knew the river Odense and they all knew about the bell that could be found there. A long time ago, the bell, being tired, had fallen from its beam and had landed in the river, at the place, which is known today as the Bell-Deep. They say that when it rings, it tells stories of ancient times to the River Man... Could it be true?Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist. Celebrated for children’s literature, his most cherished fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Match Girl". His books have been translated into every living language, and today there is no child or adult that has not met Andersen's whimsical characters. His fairy tales have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with the animated films "The Little Mermaid" in 1989 and "Frozen", which is loosely based on "The Snow Queen", in 2013. Thanks to Andersen's contribution to children's literature, his birth date, April 2, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.

  • by Hans Christian Andersen
    38.99 kr.

    A flea, a grasshopper and a jumping goose entered a competition to see who could jump the highest. Who would win? That is a question that would turn out to be more complicated than expected.Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist. Celebrated for children’s literature, his most cherished fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Match Girl". His books have been translated into every living language, and today there is no child or adult that has not met Andersen's whimsical characters. His fairy tales have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with the animated films "The Little Mermaid" in 1989 and "Frozen", which is loosely based on "The Snow Queen", in 2013. Thanks to Andersen's contribution to children's literature, his birth date, April 2, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.

  • by Hans Christian Andersen
    38.99 kr.

    There were five peas in a pod: they held their line and waited for the moment to leave. For them, everything was green: they were green and their world, which was limited to their pod, was green as well. They were impatient to discover something other than this green world and were curious to find out who would go furthest in the world...Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist. Celebrated for children’s literature, his most cherished fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Match Girl". His books have been translated into every living language, and today there is no child or adult that has not met Andersen's whimsical characters. His fairy tales have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with the animated films "The Little Mermaid" in 1989 and "Frozen", which is loosely based on "The Snow Queen", in 2013. Thanks to Andersen's contribution to children's literature, his birth date, April 2, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.

  • by Hans Christian Andersen
    38.99 kr.

    An expedition was taking place to the other side of the sea: many boats had been sent to the North Pole to explore the sea and the ice. It was winter and over there the days ran into each other in perpetual darkness. The sailors were far from their family, their country and even from dry land. But the youngest sailor knew that he was not alone and that he never would be.Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist. Celebrated for children’s literature, his most cherished fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Match Girl". His books have been translated into every living language, and today there is no child or adult that has not met Andersen's whimsical characters. His fairy tales have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with the animated films "The Little Mermaid" in 1989 and "Frozen", which is loosely based on "The Snow Queen", in 2013. Thanks to Andersen's contribution to children's literature, his birth date, April 2, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.

  • by Hans Christian Andersen
    38.99 kr.

    While the town judge was at his window, the son of the washerwoman passed before him. The judge said him unkind words to him about his mother. She drank to keep warm during the long days she spent washing in the freezing water of the river. He even told her son that she was good for nothing. But, not everyone thought so!Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist. Celebrated for children’s literature, his most cherished fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Match Girl". His books have been translated into every living language, and today there is no child or adult that has not met Andersen's whimsical characters. His fairy tales have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with the animated films "The Little Mermaid" in 1989 and "Frozen", which is loosely based on "The Snow Queen", in 2013. Thanks to Andersen's contribution to children's literature, his birth date, April 2, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.

  • by Hans Christian Andersen
    38.99 kr.

    It was the month of May and spring had arrived, although it was still cold. The flowers were blooming, but not all flowers receive the same praise. Some would say that there a difference between a branch of apple blossom and a flower of the fields, but is there really?Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author, poet and artist. Celebrated for children’s literature, his most cherished fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Match Girl". His books have been translated into every living language, and today there is no child or adult that has not met Andersen's whimsical characters. His fairy tales have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with the animated films "The Little Mermaid" in 1989 and "Frozen", which is loosely based on "The Snow Queen", in 2013. Thanks to Andersen's contribution to children's literature, his birth date, April 2, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.