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  • by L. Frank. Baum
    92.99 kr.

    The third book in ‘The Boy Fortune Hunter’ series by prolific author L. Frank Baum follows our plucky hero Sam Steele to Egypt. Little does Sam know when he rescues young Joe Herring from a sinking dinghy that the pair are in for a wild adventure on the other side of the world. The duo are joined by the spoilt Archie Ackley as they sail to Egypt, where legend has it that the lost treasure of Karnak has been hidden in the desert. The boys must be on their guard as their quest to find the treasure takes them into increasing peril.Lyman Frank Baum (1856 – 1919) was a prolific and well-known American writer. He is best known for his famous series of modern fairy tales set in the imaginary land of Oz. The first of the books, ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ is widely considered to be the first true American fairy tale and was the basis for the hugely popular 1939 classic musical ‘The Wizard of Oz’ starring Judy Garland. Born and raised in New York, Baum held a range of jobs including as a poultry farmer, clerk, and storekeeper before pursuing his talent for writing at the age of 41. He wrote 14 novels in the Oz series, as well as over 40 other novels and over 80 short stories. He died in California in 1919.

  • by L. Frank. Baum
    92.99 kr.

    Also published under the title ‘The Boy Fortune Hunters in Alaska’, ‘Sam Steele’s Adventures on Land and Sea’ is the first story in L. Frank Baum’s popular ‘Boy Fortune Hunter’ series. Sixteen-year-old Sam Steele finds himself orphaned following the reported shipwreck of his father’s ship. Cheated out of his inheritance, Sam sets sail with his uncle, the sea captain Naboth Perkins to provide provisions to miners in Alaska. When the pair are shipwrecked on a remote island in a storm they must contend with treasure, thieves, and the might of mother nature before they find their way home. A gripping adventure story from the popular ‘Oz’ author.Lyman Frank Baum (1856 – 1919) was a prolific and well-known American writer. He is best known for his famous series of modern fairy tales set in the imaginary land of Oz. The first of the books, ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ is widely considered to be the first true American fairy tale and was the basis for the hugely popular 1939 classic musical ‘The Wizard of Oz’ starring Judy Garland. Born and raised in New York, Baum held a range of jobs including as a poultry farmer, clerk, and storekeeper before pursuing his talent for writing at the age of 41. He wrote 14 novels in the Oz series, as well as over 40 other novels and over 80 short stories. He died in California in 1919.

  • by L. Frank. Baum
    92.99 kr.

    Originally published under the pseudonym Edith van Dyne, ‘Mary Louise Solves a Mystery’ is the third book in the popular children’s series by prolific author L. Frank Baum. Mary Louise is travelling around Italy with her grandpa Jim when she comes across unhappy young heiress Alora Jones. Alora’s mother died not long ago, leaving Alora and her inheritance under the control of her moody and secretive ex-husband in Italy. Sensing a mystery, Mary Louise and her friend and trainee detective Josie O’Gorman are soon on the case.Lyman Frank Baum (1856 – 1919) was a prolific and well-known American writer. He is best known for his famous series of modern fairy tales set in the imaginary land of Oz. The first of the books, ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ is widely considered to be the first true American fairy tale and was the basis for the hugely popular 1939 classic musical ‘The Wizard of Oz’ starring Judy Garland. Born and raised in New York, Baum held a range of jobs including as a poultry farmer, clerk, and storekeeper before pursuing his talent for writing at the age of 41. He wrote 14 novels in the Oz series, as well as over 40 other novels and over 80 short stories. He died in California in 1919.

  • by L. Frank. Baum
    42.99 kr.

    First published in 1914, ‘Little Wizard Stories of Oz’ is a collection of six short stories from the famous and much-loved ‘Oz’ author L. Frank Baum. Short stories in the collection include ‘The Cowardly Lion and the Hungry Tiger’, ‘Little Dorothy and Toto’, and ‘Tiktok and the Nome King’. A sweet collection of magical stories, perfect for younger readers new to the world of Oz.Lyman Frank Baum (1856 – 1919) was a prolific and well-known American writer. He is best known for his famous series of modern fairy tales set in the imaginary land of Oz. The first of the books, ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ is widely considered to be the first true American fairy tale and was the basis for the hugely popular 1939 classic musical ‘The Wizard of Oz’ starring Judy Garland. Born and raised in New York, Baum held a range of jobs including as a poultry farmer, clerk, and storekeeper before pursuing his talent for writing at the age of 41. He wrote 14 novels in the Oz series, as well as over 40 other novels and over 80 short stories. He died in California in 1919.

  • by Bavo Dhooge
    From 58.99 kr.

    Het eerste deel van Bavo Dhooge's spannende Bibberboeken reeks. Jerry en Daan zijn goede vrienden en gaan naar de kermis. Na het altijd spannende spookhuis besluiten ze de waarzegster te bezoeken maar dat heeft niet de gewenste uitkomst: de waarzegster spreekt een vloek uit over Jerry, die vanaf dat moment begint te lachen en steeds meer moet lachen, totdat hij in het ziekenhuis opgenomen wordt. Het lijkt een hopeloze situatie, waarin Jerry's lichaam het schokken van het lachen niet meer aan kan! Jerry's verleden speelt hierin ook een rol, want hij vond het altijd erg leuk om andere mensen uit te lachen. Daan besluit op zoek te gaan naar de waarzegster om de vloek op een of andere manier ongedaan te maken...-

  • by L. Frank. Baum
    67.99 kr.

    A young baby named Claus is found abandoned in a forest. Claus is taken in by Ak, the Master Woodsman of the World and a wood nymph named Necile and has a happy upbringing away from other humans. When Claus moves away, he gains a reputation for kindness towards children, and starts carving toys to give them. The evil Agwas steal the toys as they are stopping the children from misbehaving, forcing Claus to enter homes through chimneys to deliver his gifts. There are plenty more adventures in store for Claus before he becomes Santa Claus, in this delightful festive children’s story from renowned author L. Frank Baum.Lyman Frank Baum (1856 – 1919) was a prolific and well-known American writer. He is best known for his famous series of modern fairy tales set in the imaginary land of Oz. The first of the books, ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ is widely considered to be the first true American fairy tale and was the basis for the hugely popular 1939 classic musical ‘The Wizard of Oz’ starring Judy Garland. Born and raised in New York, Baum held a range of jobs including as a poultry farmer, clerk, and storekeeper before pursuing his talent for writing at the age of 41. He wrote 14 novels in the Oz series, as well as over 40 other novels and over 80 short stories. He died in California in 1919.

  • by L. Frank. Baum
    92.99 kr.

    ‘The Daring Twins’ is a mystery novel by L. Frank Baum, first published in 1911. The story follows the adventures of twins Phil and Phoebe Daring, the eldest of five children in a once wealthy family. Following the failure of their father’s business and his subsequent death, the children are now penniless and find themselves living with their elderly grandfather. To help make ends meet Phil finds work in a bank – where he is wrongfully accused of stealing, and it is up to the plucky Phoebe to prove his innocence.Lyman Frank Baum (1856 – 1919) was a prolific and well-known American writer. He is best known for his famous series of modern fairy tales set in the imaginary land of Oz. The first of the books, ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ is widely considered to be the first true American fairy tale and was the basis for the hugely popular 1939 classic musical ‘The Wizard of Oz’ starring Judy Garland. Born and raised in New York, Baum held a range of jobs including as a poultry farmer, clerk, and storekeeper before pursuing his talent for writing at the age of 41. He wrote 14 novels in the Oz series, as well as over 40 other novels and over 80 short stories. He died in California in 1919.

  • by Bavo Dhooge
    From 58.99 kr.

    Marco wist al dat hij een slaapwandelaar is: soms wordt hij ergens in huis wakker en weet hij niet hoe hij er gekomen is. Hij maakt zich zorgen en is bang. Gelukkig gaat het, sinds hij een drankje van zijn huisarts Dr. Jaak Rippen inneemt, stukken beter. Hij is er zelfs een stuk moediger van geworden! Marco is een echte stuntman geworden en durft zelfs van de hoogste duikplank te springen, om indruk te maken op Mona. Er is ook iets anders aan de hand, en Marco ontdekt dat de huisarts 's nachts als Mr. Hank vreselijke dingen doet op straat. Zorgt het drankje ervoor dat Marco zich in zijn slaap ook steeds meer als een monster begint te gedragen?-

  • by L. Frank. Baum
    92.99 kr.

    ‘The Boy Fortune Hunters in the South Seas’ is the sixth and final novel in the popular children’s series by ‘Oz’ author L. Frank Baum. Sam, Joe and Archie are transporting cargo from Australia to Columbia when they are shipwrecked upon a mysterious island during a typhoon. Much to the boy’s delight, the island happens to be overflowing with valuable pearls, but the islands inhabitants are unwelcoming and determined not to let any visitors get off alive. A perilous thriller from the prolific author.Lyman Frank Baum (1856 – 1919) was a prolific and well-known American writer. He is best known for his famous series of modern fairy tales set in the imaginary land of Oz. The first of the books, ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ is widely considered to be the first true American fairy tale and was the basis for the hugely popular 1939 classic musical ‘The Wizard of Oz’ starring Judy Garland. Born and raised in New York, Baum held a range of jobs including as a poultry farmer, clerk, and storekeeper before pursuing his talent for writing at the age of 41. He wrote 14 novels in the Oz series, as well as over 40 other novels and over 80 short stories. He died in California in 1919.

  • by L. Frank. Baum
    92.99 kr.

    ‘The Surprising Adventures of the Magical Monarch of Mo’ is a collection of fourteen short stories for children by renowned ‘Oz’ author L. Frank Baum. The stories focus on the adventures of the Magical Monarch of Mo and his family, who inhabit a magical and nonsensical world where everything you could ever need grows on trees. The characters find themselves in all kinds of weird and whimsical situations, including a fight with a purple dragon and the invasion of a wind-up iron intruder. Full of magic and the absurd, this is a wonderful introduction to early L. Frank Baum.Lyman Frank Baum (1856 – 1919) was a prolific and well-known American writer. He is best known for his famous series of modern fairy tales set in the imaginary land of Oz. The first of the books, ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ is widely considered to be the first true American fairy tale and was the basis for the hugely popular 1939 classic musical ‘The Wizard of Oz’ starring Judy Garland. Born and raised in New York, Baum held a range of jobs including as a poultry farmer, clerk, and storekeeper before pursuing his talent for writing at the age of 41. He wrote 14 novels in the Oz series, as well as over 40 other novels and over 80 short stories. He died in California in 1919.

  • by L. Frank. Baum
    67.99 kr.

    Young Rob Joslyn loves experimenting with electricity. One day, when trying to light-up a little cardboard house, he haphazardly connects different wires trying to get the right combination. With a bang and a flash, a mysterious creature called the Daemon of Electricity appears. Rob has inadvertently summoned him through his electrical wires. The Daemon informs Rob that he is entitled to three wishes each week for the next three weeks. There are lots of magical adventures in store for Rob in this captivating children’s book by popular author L. Frank Baum.Lyman Frank Baum (1856 – 1919) was a prolific and well-known American writer. He is best known for his famous series of modern fairy tales set in the imaginary land of Oz. The first of the books, ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ is widely considered to be the first true American fairy tale and was the basis for the hugely popular 1939 classic musical ‘The Wizard of Oz’ starring Judy Garland. Born and raised in New York, Baum held a range of jobs including as a poultry farmer, clerk, and storekeeper before pursuing his talent for writing at the age of 41. He wrote 14 novels in the Oz series, as well as over 40 other novels and over 80 short stories. He died in California in 1919.

  • by Bavo Dhooge
    From 40.99 kr.

    Tijdens het laatste schoolreisje naar de dierentuin hebben Lisa, Benny en Rob iets te veel fratsen uitgehaald, en daarom moeten ze vandaag - op vrijdag - nablijven. Dat is heel vervelend natuurlijk, rond moeten hangen op school zo vlak voor het weekend. En dan ook nog onder toezicht van de oude schooldirecteur, met alle ramen en deuren gesloten. Het nablijven begint saai, maar de drie leerlingen krijgen langzaam in de gaten dat er ook iemand anders, of beter gezegd iets anders, door de gangen van de school beweegt... Er lopen giftige spinnen door de gangen!-

  • by L. Frank. Baum
    67.99 kr.

    First published in 1911, ‘The Sea Fairies’ is an underwater fantasy story for children by famous ‘Oz’ author L. Frank Baum. It follows the adventures of a young girl named Tiny Trot and her friend, the old sailor Cap’n Bill Weedles. They spend their days beside the sea, when one day Tiny Trot makes a wish to see a mermaid. Little does she know her wish will soon be granted, and Trot and Bill are whisked off on an underwater adventure, encountering beautiful mermaids, indignant octopuses, and an evil villain named Zog. A delightful children’s story, full of nonsense and magic.Lyman Frank Baum (1856 – 1919) was a prolific and well-known American writer. He is best known for his famous series of modern fairy tales set in the imaginary land of Oz. The first of the books, ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ is widely considered to be the first true American fairy tale and was the basis for the hugely popular 1939 classic musical ‘The Wizard of Oz’ starring Judy Garland. Born and raised in New York, Baum held a range of jobs including as a poultry farmer, clerk, and storekeeper before pursuing his talent for writing at the age of 41. He wrote 14 novels in the Oz series, as well as over 40 other novels and over 80 short stories. He died in California in 1919.

  • by Bavo Dhooge
    From 58.99 kr.

    Saskia is blij met haar nieuwe computer. Ze kan samen met haar schoolvriendje Sander spelletjes spelen en chatten. Ze heeft de computer ook nodig voor haar huiswerk, een boekbespreking. Zodra ze begint te werken aan de bespreking over een griezelboek lijkt het erop alsof haar computer een eigen leven begint te leiden! Sommige van haar klasgenootjes zijn plotseling in een coma terechtgekomen, en er lijkt een verband met de mailtjes en chat die ze vanaf haar computer heeft verstuurd. Hoe kan dit? Welk woord in haar berichten zorgt ervoor dat dit gebeurd? Saskia is bang om nog op inkomende chat te reageren en dat is extra lastig nu Sander alsmaar verliefde berichtjes stuurt...-

  • by Bavo Dhooge
    From 58.99 kr.

    In dit tweede Bibberboek van Bavo Dhooge, Schoolmonsters, leren we Sonny kennen die ontzettend slim is. De slimste van de klas zijn is leuk, maar ook lastig op de nieuwe school waar Sonny naartoe gaat. Niemand wil vrienden met hem zijn behalve Sara. Op een dag gebeurt er iets heel ergs, een leraar wordt door een leerling neergestoken! Na deze dramatische gebeurtenis verandert er iets op school; alle leerlingen beginnen steeds slimmer te worden, totdat Sonny niet de slimste maar de domste van de klas is. De directeur van de school lijkt hierin ee rol te spelen: elke dag moet er een leerling bij hem langs komen, en de directeur lijkt zich als een soort dokter Frankenstein te gedragen. Sonny overweegt weg te lopen als Sara ook begint te veranderen, want nu wordt het wel heel onveilig...-

  • by L. Frank. Baum
    92.99 kr.

    ‘The Flying Girl’ by L. Frank Baum was originally published under the pseudonym Edith Van Dyne. Specifically aimed at girls, the story follows strong and independent young girl Orissa Kane during the early days of aviation. Her brother Stephen is building his own flying machine with which he hopes to win an aviation competition. When he breaks his leg and cannot compete, Orissa must step in to fly his machine and prove its value. A thrilling read, and a fascinating glimpse of the excitement which surrounded the early days of air transport.Lyman Frank Baum (1856 – 1919) was a prolific and well-known American writer. He is best known for his famous series of modern fairy tales set in the imaginary land of Oz. The first of the books, ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ is widely considered to be the first true American fairy tale and was the basis for the hugely popular 1939 classic musical ‘The Wizard of Oz’ starring Judy Garland. Born and raised in New York, Baum held a range of jobs including as a poultry farmer, clerk, and storekeeper before pursuing his talent for writing at the age of 41. He wrote 14 novels in the Oz series, as well as over 40 other novels and over 80 short stories. He died in California in 1919.

  • by Edith Nesbit
    92.99 kr.

    Funny characters, mischiefs and crazy adventures - this book has got it all. It contains both fairy tales and stories of the Bastable siblings known from the famous novel "e;The Story of the Treasure Seekers."e; Continuing their journey, Oswald tells us everything about what happens next.Which of the children are you most like? Are you a diplomat like Dora or brave like Alice? Perhaps sensitive like Noel? No matter what the siblings go through, they do it together. The family dynamic, however, is put to the test as they get into risky business. For fans of Lewis Carroll and Elizabeth Winthrop. -

  • by Bavo Dhooge
    From 40.99 kr.

    Anna bezoekt samen met haar klasgenoten het Museum voor Egyptische kunst en prikt zich met haar vinger aan de tand van een slangenfiguur. Tot haar schrik bloed ze behoorlijk, en ze moet een oud stukje textiel gebruiken om het bloeden te stelpen. Het lapje is een stukje wikkel van een mummie en Anna begint zich steeds vreemder te voelen! Haar rare klasgenoot Adam gedraagt zich nog vreemder dan normaal en ze heeft het angstige voorgevoel dat er iets in haar buik leeft! Ze heeft over een oude Egyptische vloek gelezen en besluit Adam, die veel van slangen weet, om hulp te vragen. Maar ze moeten opschieten, want een voor een verdwijnen de organen in haar buik, net alsof ze een mummie begint te worden...-

  • by L. Frank. Baum
    92.99 kr.

    The second book in ‘The Flying Girl’ series by ‘Oz’ author L. Frank Baum, in ‘The Flying Girl and her Chum’ we re-join Orissa Kane as she takes her brother Stephen’s new hydroplane for a spin with her friend Sybil. There is a problem with the plane though, forcing Orissa and Sybil to make an emergency landing on a remote desert island, where adventures await them. A captivating adventure story by the famous children’s author.Lyman Frank Baum (1856 – 1919) was a prolific and well-known American writer. He is best known for his famous series of modern fairy tales set in the imaginary land of Oz. The first of the books, ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ is widely considered to be the first true American fairy tale and was the basis for the hugely popular 1939 classic musical ‘The Wizard of Oz’ starring Judy Garland. Born and raised in New York, Baum held a range of jobs including as a poultry farmer, clerk, and storekeeper before pursuing his talent for writing at the age of 41. He wrote 14 novels in the Oz series, as well as over 40 other novels and over 80 short stories. He died in California in 1919.

  • by L. Frank. Baum
    102.99 kr.

    Originally published under the pseudonym Floyd Akers, ‘The Boy Fortune Hunters in Yucatan’ is the fifth in the children’s adventure series by prolific author L. Frank Baum. We pick up with our three heroes Sam, Archie, and Joe as they search for the lost city of Tcha deep in the Yucatan jungle, where rumour has it there is treasure hidden beyond anyone’s wildest imagination. With the help of their guide Chaka, the group must evade bandits, natural disasters, and even human sacrifice as they seek out the legendary city and its’ hidden treasure.Lyman Frank Baum (1856 – 1919) was a prolific and well-known American writer. He is best known for his famous series of modern fairy tales set in the imaginary land of Oz. The first of the books, ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ is widely considered to be the first true American fairy tale and was the basis for the hugely popular 1939 classic musical ‘The Wizard of Oz’ starring Judy Garland. Born and raised in New York, Baum held a range of jobs including as a poultry farmer, clerk, and storekeeper before pursuing his talent for writing at the age of 41. He wrote 14 novels in the Oz series, as well as over 40 other novels and over 80 short stories. He died in California in 1919.

  • by Christiane Gohl
    21.99 kr.

    Im zweiten Band der beliebten Kinder- und Jugendbuchreihe von Christiane Gohl überführen die junge Protagonistin der Buchreihe Julia und ihre Freundin Kathi einen Pferdedieb. Daneben steht bei den Mädchen auch noch eine Prüfung im Dressurreiten an, für die sie sich vorbereiten müssen. Jede Menge Spannung ist daher beim Lesen des zweiten Bandes garantiert!Christiane Gohl wurde 1958 in Bochum geboren. Sie studierte Pädagogik und promovierte auch in diesem Fachbereich. Nach dem Studium arbeitete sie zunächst als Reiseleiterin und Werbetexterin, später auch als Journalistin. Mittlerweile ist Christiane Gohl eine erfolgreiche Schriftstellerin zahlreicher Werke, welche unterschiedlichen Genres zugeordnet werden können. Unter den Pseudonymen Sarah Lark und Ricarda Jordan veröffentlicht sie Romane für Erwachsene. Unter ihrem eigenen Namen wurden bereits zahlreiche Kinder- und Jugendbücher publiziert.

  • by Christiane Gohl
    58.99 kr.

    "e;Ein Pflegepferd fur Julia"e; ist der erste Band einer beliebten Kinder- und Jugendbuchreihe von Christiane Gohl. Die Autorin, welche selbst seit ihrer Kindheit reitet und mittlerweile neben dem Schreiben sogar eine kleine Pferdezucht betreibt, erzahlt darin die Geschichte der jungen Protagonistin Julia und deren groen Leidenschaft fur Pferde. Im ersten Teil der Romanserie ist Julia auf der Suche nach einer geeigneten Reitmoglichkeit. Ein Vorhaben, das sich jedoch nicht als ganz einfach erweist... -

  • by L. Frank. Baum
    67.99 kr.

    Published posthumously in 1919, ‘The Magic of Oz’ is the thirteenth book in the Oz series by author L. Frank Baum. Familiar characters Dorothy, the Wizard and the Cowardly Lion reunite to find gifts for Princess Ozma’s birthday. Leaving the Emerald City behind, the friends soon find themselves in all sorts of scrapes as they meet new friends, get trapped on enchanted islands and uncover treacherous plots. Imaginative and exciting, this is a charming addition to the Oz series.Lyman Frank Baum (1856 – 1919) was a prolific and well-known American writer. He is best known for his famous series of modern fairy tales set in the imaginary land of Oz. The first of the books, ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ is widely considered to be the first true American fairy tale and was the basis for the hugely popular 1939 classic musical ‘The Wizard of Oz’ starring Judy Garland. Born and raised in New York, Baum held a range of jobs including as a poultry farmer, clerk, and storekeeper before pursuing his talent for writing at the age of 41. He wrote 14 novels in the Oz series, as well as over 40 other novels and over 80 short stories. He died in California in 1919.

  • by Frances Hodgson Burnett
    From 92.99 kr.

    ‘The Lost Prince’ is a children’s novel from ‘Little Lord Fauntleroy’ author Frances Hodgson Burnett. Published in 1915, it tells the tale of twelve-year-old Marco Loristan and his father Stefan, who come from the fictional land of Samavia. Marco has been on the move all his life – travelling from place to place ever since Samavia fell into Civil War many years before his birth. When the pair arrive in London, they strike up a friendship with a street urchin nicknamed The Rat, and so begins a thrilling adventure across Europe and back to their homeland. A delightful tale from the famous children’s author. Frances Hodgson Burnett (1849-1924) was a British novelist and playwright. Born in Manchester, the family emigrated to America following the death of Frances’ father when she was just three years old. Her literary career began at the ages of 19, when she began writing stories for magazines to help financially support her family. Following her first marriage, Frances began to write novels, of which her children’s stories ‘Little Lord Fauntleroy’, ‘A Little Princess’ and ‘The Secret Garden’ are perhaps her best-known and most loved. All adapted for stage and screen numerous times, the latest film adaptation of ‘The Secret Garden’ was released in 2020, and starred Colin Firth and Julie Walters. Frances Hodgson Burnett died in New York in 1924 at the age of 74.

  • by Kjell Fridh
    35.99 kr.

    Vännerna Ulf och Enrico är på kryssning tillsammans med Ulfs familj. Ombord på fartyget ser de en man som tappar en pistol på golvet och alltihop verkar mycket märkligt. De bestämmer sig för att smyga in i mannens hytt för att söka efter en förklaring till varför han bär på en pistol. Inne i hytten hittar de en karta och snart visar det sig att mannen planerar att kapa fartyget. Ulf och Enrico bestämmer sig för att sätta stopp för mannens planer. Men kommer de lyckas innan det är försent?Kjell Fridh var en svensk författare, journalist och översättare. Han skrev ett tiotal romaner och instiftade även Lilly och Tage Fridhs stipendium för unga författare. Kjell gick bort år 2008 vid den ringa åldern 54 år.

  • by Theophile Gautier
    36.99 kr.

    À sept ans, Ninette rêve de contes merveilleux et se demande chaque jour pourquoi de nos jours les bonnes fées ne s’empressent plus autour du berceau des petites filles.Mais un jour, une certaine madame *** de passage chez sa mère offre à Ninette un oreiller magique capable de chuchoter les réponses aux question les plus secrètes de la petite fille...Magie, fée et morale, tous les ingrédients du conte sont réunis dans ce chef d'œuvre original et éducatif de Théophile Gautier.Théophile Gautier (1811-1872) est destiné à une carrière de peintre, mais une rencontre décisive avec Victor Hugo lui donne un fort goût pour la littérature. Victor Hugo lui prêtera sa tendance au romantique, qu’il défendra par ailleurs dans la fameuse bataille d’Hernani, le 25 février 1830, contre le classicisme. En 1831, il participe au petit cénacle, cercle littéraire qui lui fait rencontrer Nerval. Il publie cette année là son premier conte fantastique « La Cafetière », genre qu’il utilisera aussi dans « Avatar » en 1856, et « Le Roman de la momie » en 1858. En 1852, il publie « Émaux et Camées », un recueil de vers qu’il continue de travailler jusqu’en 1872. Il lui vaudra l’admiration de Baudelaire qui lui dédie « Les Fleurs du Mal ».

  • by Peter Gotthardt
    From 39.00 kr.

    De tre søskende Signy, Regin og Buri må flygte for livet, da deres far bliver dræbt af vikingehøvdingen Hærulv. Et sted langt mod øst bag de høje fjelde ligger et fremmed rige, hvor de håber at få hjælp til at hævne deres far og genvinde deres hjemland. Undervejs kommer de gennem en verden befolket af troldkvinder, genfærd, alfer, jætter og mennesker i dyreham. De tre kongebørn får brug for alt deres mod og beslutsomhed for at holde ud – og holde sammen.Dette er syvende afsnit i fantasyserien Kongebørn.Peter Gotthardt (f. 1946) er en anerkendt dansk børnebogsforfatter. Han har udgivet et utal af bøger, heriblandt Elverdronningens riddere, Det fortryllede slot, Elverdronningens børn, Den magiske falk, Elverfolkets skæbne og Eventyr fra Elverland.

  • by Adolf Langsted
    49.00 kr.

    "Robinson og andre børnekomedier" rummer de fire skuespil "Robinson", "Den lille hornblæser", "Hroar og Helge" og "Pjerrot Spilopmager". Komedierne blev oprindeligt skrevet til forfatterens egne elever på Maribo latin- og realskole og Adolf Langsteds drengeskole. Inspireret af de historier forfatteren selv fik fortalt som barn om Robinson Crusoe og Pjerrot, var det hans ønske at videreformidle fortællingerne i børnehøjde.Adolf Langsted (1864-1919) var en dansk forfatter og skolebestyrer, der hovedsageligt skrev romaner, digte og dramaer. Efter en studentereksamen og filosofistudiet i København var Langsted redaktør af Wisbechs Almanak fra 1885 og skoleinspektør ved Mariboes Latin- og Realskole. Langsteds digte og romaner er prægede af hans interesse for religiøse vers og bibelske tragedier.

  • by Peter Gotthardt
    From 39.00 kr.

    De tre søskende Signy, Regin og Buri må flygte for livet, da deres far bliver dræbt af vikingehøvdingen Hærulv. Et sted langt mod øst bag de høje fjelde ligger et fremmed rige, hvor de håber at få hjælp til at hævne deres far og genvinde deres hjemland. Undervejs kommer de gennem en verden befolket af troldkvinder, genfærd, alfer, jætter og mennesker i dyreham. De tre kongebørn får brug for alt deres mod og beslutsomhed for at holde ud – og holde sammen.Dette er tredje afsnit i fantasyserien Kongebørn.Peter Gotthardt (f. 1946) er en anerkendt dansk børnebogsforfatter. Han har udgivet et utal af bøger, heriblandt Elverdronningens riddere, Det fortryllede slot, Elverdronningens børn, Den magiske falk, Elverfolkets skæbne og Eventyr fra Elverland.

  • by Peter Gotthardt
    From 39.00 kr.

    De tre søskende Signy, Regin og Buri må flygte for livet, da deres far bliver dræbt af vikingehøvdingen Hærulv. Et sted langt mod øst bag de høje fjelde ligger et fremmed rige, hvor de håber at få hjælp til at hævne deres far og genvinde deres hjemland. Undervejs kommer de gennem en verden befolket af troldkvinder, genfærd, alfer, jætter og mennesker i dyreham. De tre kongebørn får brug for alt deres mod og beslutsomhed for at holde ud – og holde sammen.Dette er femte afsnit i fantasyserien Kongebørn.Peter Gotthardt (f. 1946) er en anerkendt dansk børnebogsforfatter. Han har udgivet et utal af bøger, heriblandt Elverdronningens riddere, Det fortryllede slot, Elverdronningens børn, Den magiske falk, Elverfolkets skæbne og Eventyr fra Elverland.