102.99 kr. ‘An Essay Concerning Human Understanding’ is philosopher John Locke's pioneering examination of the origins of human knowledge and understanding. First published in 1690, it set the agenda for modern philosophy and influenced psychology and political theory.‘An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Volume One,’ covers Locke’s attempts to discover where our ideas come from, what it means to have an idea and what an idea actually is.He also discusses theories on free will and personal identity, outlining the notion of the blank slate at birth or tabula rasa, which is then filled in by experience of the world.Regarded as Locke’s most powerful and important philosophical work, ‘An Essay on Human Understanding’ still resonates today.John Locke (1632-1704) was an English philosopher and political theorist, whose work built the foundations of modern liberalism, political theory and economics. Commonly known as the "Father of Liberalism" he is widely regarded as one of the most influential Enlightenment thinkers.Locke’s ideas on ‘identity’ and ‘self’ and the notion we are born with a ‘blank slate’, helped shape the work of philosophers such as Kant, Rousseau and Voltaire, while his essays on religious tolerance were an early model for the separation of church and state.The American Declaration of Independence was influenced by Locke’s political ideas on government, creating the foundation for the freedoms enjoyed by Americans today.
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- 102.99 kr.
102.99 kr. ‘An Essay Concerning Human Understanding’ is philosopher John Locke's pioneering examination of the origins of human knowledge and understanding. First published in 1690, it set the agenda for modern philosophy and influenced psychology and political theory.In ‘An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Volume Two’ Locke discusses our use of language and its imperfections. He talks of the ‘Abuse of Words’ and laments the creation of words with no distinct meaning.The book also covers Locke’s ideas on truth, judgement, probability, enthusiasm and reason. His radical theories on the nature of human knowledge and where it comes from went on to change the face of philosophy.Regarded as Locke’s most powerful and important philosophical work, ‘An Essay on Human Understanding’ still resonates today.John Locke (1632-1704) was an English philosopher and political theorist, whose work built the foundations of modern liberalism, political theory and economics. Commonly known as the "Father of Liberalism" he is widely regarded as one of the most influential Enlightenment thinkers.Locke’s ideas on ‘identity’ and ‘self’ and the notion we are born with a ‘blank slate’, helped shape the work of philosophers such as Kant, Rousseau and Voltaire, while his essays on religious tolerance were an early model for the separation of church and state.The American Declaration of Independence was influenced by Locke’s political ideas on government, creating the foundation for the freedoms enjoyed by Americans today.
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- 102.99 kr.
42.99 kr. Could it be that people who never lie are devoid of creativity? If that’s true, then all creative art must be founded in lies. ‘The Decay of Lying’ is a beguiling essay on the nature of art, in all its forms.Set in the library of a country house in Nottinghamshire, and written as a dialogue between Cyril and Vivian, ‘The Decay of Lying’ sets out to prove just how creative we can all be, as long as we defy societal conventions.Referencing everyone from the Ancient Greeks to Shakespeare, this is Wilde at his most thoughtful and mischievous. For anyone interested in art or witty debate.Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900) was an Irish novelist, poet, playwright, and wit. He was an advocate of the Aesthetic movement, which extolled the virtues of art for the sake of art. During his career, Wilde wrote nine plays, including ‘The Importance of Being Earnest,’ ‘Lady Windermere’s Fan,’ and ‘A Woman of No Importance,’ many of which are still performed today. His only novel, ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ was adapted for the silver screen, in the film, ‘Dorian Gray,’ starring Ben Barnes and Colin Firth. In addition, Wilde wrote forty-three poems, and seven essays. His life was the subject of a film, starring Stephen Fry.
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- 42.99 kr.
96.99 kr. Andrea Sperelli, un giovane nobile che vive a Roma, trascorre le sue giornate tra feste ed eventi mondani, intrappolato in un vortice di femmes fatales, finte amicizie, vizi e piaceri. E innamorato della seducente Elena Muti, ma il suo e un amore impossibile e tormentato. Dopo esser stato ferito in duello, Andrea si trasferisce momentaneamente dalla cugina sulla costiera Napoletana. Li incontrera un'altra donna, Maria Ferres: ora, nella mente del giovane, Elena non e piu la sola.E cosi la vita di Andrea, un dandy tutto italiano, fara immergere il lettore nella mondanita piu sfarzosa e decadente delle feste di fine Ottocento. I palazzi nobiliari di Roma e la soleggiata riviera del golfo di Napoli saranno lo sfondo di questo romanzo innovativo, capace di catturare il lettore con una passionalita e una spavalderia stilistica rivoluzionaria per la letteratura italiana dell'epoca. Romanzo d'esordio di D'Annunzio, Il piacere e il primo dei Romanzi della Rosa, un ciclo narrativo che comprende anche "e;L'innocente"e; e "e;Il trionfo della morte"e;.-
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- 96.99 kr.
69.00 kr. Ole Sarvig var først og fremmest digter, men han var også kunstteoretiker og –kritiker, og hans tanker om den moderne kunsts fremmedgørelse og løsrivning fra mennesket knytter sig til de temaer, vi finder i hans digte og romaner. I "Glimt" præsenteres en række essays, som tidligere havde været bragt i aviser og tidsskrifter samt i radioen, og som i høj grad fungerer som en art introduktion til hans digte.Ole Sarvig (1921-1981) var dansk forfatter og digter. Han er mest kendt for sin lyrik, men han skrev også romaner, essays og debatbøger om billedkunst m.m. Han debuterede i 1943 med digtsamlingen "Grønne digte", og digtet "Regnmaaleren" herfra er optaget i Kulturkanonen. Et hovedtema i Sarvigs forfatterskab er det moderne menneskes krisesituation og udsathed i en verden uden faste normer, hvortil den eneste løsning synes at være nåden og kærligheden i en religiøs forstand. Ole Sarvig modtog mange priser for sit forfatterskab, og fra 1972 var han medlem af Det Danske Akademi.
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- 69.00 kr.
69.00 kr. Ole Sarvigs forfatterskab spænder bredt over digte, romaner og kunstkritik, og tilsammen udgør det en storslået og sammenhængende analyse af tidens angst og splittelse. En splittelse, der også er til stede i den moderne, abstrakte kunst. Sarvig forklarer i "Krisens billedbog" den moderne kunst som en indre, sjælelig proces, der ofte bliver uigennemtrængelig for andre, og diskuterer den fremmedgørelse, som den moderne kunst er et udtryk for.Ole Sarvig (1921-1981) var dansk forfatter og digter. Han er mest kendt for sin lyrik, men han skrev også romaner, essays og debatbøger om billedkunst m.m. Han debuterede i 1943 med digtsamlingen "Grønne digte", og digtet "Regnmaaleren" herfra er optaget i Kulturkanonen. Et hovedtema i Sarvigs forfatterskab er det moderne menneskes krisesituation og udsathed i en verden uden faste normer, hvortil den eneste løsning synes at være nåden og kærligheden i en religiøs forstand. Ole Sarvig modtog mange priser for sit forfatterskab, og fra 1972 var han medlem af Det Danske Akademi."For Sarvig står den moderne kunst som et forsøg på at gribe virkeligheden, et dokument over de seneste tiårs åndelige udvikling i den civiliserede verden. Man må erkende den energi og indfølingsevne, hvormed han søger at læse dette dokument med de mange svære hieroglyffer." – Otto Gelsted
- Ebook
- 69.00 kr.