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  • by John Milton
    102.99 kr.

    "Better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven."It's the classic temptation - power. And these are the words John Milton puts on the forked tongue of the serpent when it speaks to Adam and Eve.We know how it ends - an apple, nakedness and banishment.But in 'Paradise Lost', Milton turns a few Bible verses into a true epic. In 10,000 lines of beautiful but dark verse, he tells the parallel stories of Satan and of Adam and Eve.With greed, temptation, lust, sex, deception, shame and much more, it is a classic whose themes are as relevant and alluring today as ever before.John Milton (1608-1674) was almost 60 when he produced his masterpiece, 'Paradise Lost'.He was an English poet who served as a civil servant under Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell in the 17th century. Before this, he was considered a dangerous radical as he published rebellious pamphlets during the reign of Charles I.A famed republican, his work 'Areopagitica' was a scorching condemnation of pre-publication censorship.The Restoration of Charles II saw Milton marginalised from 1660. He died blind and impoverished.

  • by Kahlil Gibran
    59.99 kr.

    ‘The Prophet’ is a collection of prose poetry offering spiritual insights into a range of subjects. Through 26 fables, Gibran explores everything from love, marriage, and children to the nature of good and evil, friendship and death. An extraordinary work, it lyrically suggests that we should welcome being present on the Earth and, only after we die will we understand the greater meaning behind our personal highs and lows. An eminently quotable book for those who want to delve into the idea of spiritual enrichment.The book was adapted into a film by the Mexican actor and producer Salma Hayek. The voices of Liam Neeson and Frank Langella were also used in the animated film.Born in Lebanon, but to move to the USA, Kahlil Gibran (1883 – 1931) was an important figure in the Romantic movement of the early 20th Century. Although he regarded himself more as a painter than an author, his writing challenged the established rigidity of traditional Arabic literature. In his works, he explored the theory of the loss of natural beauty in the modern world, alienation, and personal discord. Influenced by the Romantic writings of 19th Century European authors, Gibran is widely recognised as one of the most intellectually-sensitive writers of his time.

  • by Harriet Beecher Stowe
    102.99 kr.

    You won't fail to be captured by one of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s greatest books 'Religious Studies, Sketches and Poems'.Religious and spiritual, the studies and poems reflect on how to live a godly life, discuss the afterlife, and the consequences of loss and tragedy. Stowe, herself, was very religious from early childhood and throughout her life, so it’s not surprising that an entire book was written by her about religious thought and feelings. This is a great collection of some of her best literature classic works.A thorn in the angry eyes of American slave owners, Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896) was an American author and ardent abolitionist. Her novel 'Uncle Tom’s Cabin' (1852) became one of the most famous literary attacks on slavery at the time. The novel was also turned into a play and made into movies more than once.The latest version from 1987 features Samuel L. Jackson. Stowe also wrote numerous travel memoirs, letters, articles, and short stories – all crucial to the depiction of the injustice of African Americans we still hear about today.

  • by Sarojini Naidu
    42.99 kr.

    She was the 'Nightingale of India', and her voice was first heard in 1905 when 'The Golden Threshold' was published.This collection of Sarojini Naidu's early work is already infused with the rich imagery and lush descriptions of India that she was known for.Borrowing from the tradition of British Romanticism, the works are largely lyric poetry. But never mind the style, it is the substance that counts.A rich range of content includes songs for music, folk songs and poems, all opening a window and allowing the scents and sounds of early-20th century India to blow in.Evocative, educational, imaginative, charming...this is ideal for fans of Arundhati Roy's 'The God of Small Things' and the poetry of Daljit Nagra.Sarojini Naidu (1879-1949) was an Indian poet and political activist.She was educated in Madras, London and Cambridge, where she took up the cause of women's suffrage.Back in India, she became a leading figure in India's struggle for independence from colonial rule.Her poetry, which was vivid, colourful, evocative and challenging, earned her the title "The Nightingale of India".In 1925 Naidu was made president of the Indian National Congress and in 1947 was appointed Governor of the United Provinces.

  • by Gustav Wied
    69.00 kr.

    En komedie i fire akter om den evigt ironiserende forfatter Povl Abel og hans latterliggørelse af snart hvem som helst; hustru, svigerfar og det almindelige højborgerlige koryfæ.Gustav Wied (1858-1914) dansk forfatter, dramatiker og samfundsdebattør, selv om denne sidste betegnelse let kan udskiftes med samfundsrevser. Gustav Wied var både i sin samtid og eftertid kendt som en stærk satiriker, der ikke stod tilbage for at spidde borgerskabet i sine værker.Gustav Wied blev født i Nakskov, men flyttede i sine unge dage til København. Han debuterede med skuespillet "En Hjemkomst" i 1889, men hans egentlige debut var under pseudonymet Peter Idealist to forinden, hvor han i en pamflet revsede den daværende kulturminister Scavenius for pamperi og dobbeltmoral.Gustav Wieds stykker bliver opført med jævne mellemrum rundt omkring på de danske scener. Senest kan blandt andet nævnes "Skærmydsler" fra 1901, som genopstod på Folketeateret i vintersæsonen 2015-2016.

  • by Manuel Bretón de los Herreros
    36.99 kr.

    Curioso texto de corte humorístico en el que el autor arremete contra la escena teatral de su época, mofándose en verso de ciertos comportamientos pomposos y altivos por parte de actores y actrices del momento, endiosados en sus roles supuestamente trascendentales. Pullas, brutales ataques y finos lances se suceden en un poema que destila mala baba y sátira por los cuatro costados.Manuel Bretón de los Herreros fue un dramaturgo y poeta español nacido en Quel (Logroño) en 1796 y fallecido en Madrid en 1873. Periodista errante hasta afincarse por fin en Madrid, se especializó en el teatro y llegó a formar parte de la Real Academia. Sus obras teatrales le granjearon no poca fama en el Madrid de la época, llegando a escribir más de 360 títulos. Se le recuerda como uno de los dramaturgos más prolíficos y relevantes de su tiempo.

  • by Rosario de Acuña
    36.99 kr.

    «Morirse a tiempo» es, según lo presenta su autora, «un ensayo de un pequeño poema imitación de Campoamor». En esta breve historia en verso el sonido de las campanas de la iglesia anuncia una boda. María va a casarse con un hombre al que no ama.Rosario de Acuña (1850-1923) fue una escritora, librepensadora y periodista española. Fue una defensora de la igualdad social entre hombres y mujeres y de los derechos humanos. Colaboró con medios de comunicación como «Las Dominicales del Libre Pensamiento», «El Imparcial» o «El Liberal», sus obras se estrenaron en los principales teatros del país y se convirtió en la primera mujer del Ateneo de Madrid.

  • by Charles Baudelaire
    99.00 kr.

    Charles Baudelaires legendariske digtsamling "Les fleurs du mal", på dansk "Helvedesblomsterne", "Ondskabens blomster" eller "Syndens blomster", er et af 1800-tallets vigtigste digteriske værker. Digtene beskriver digterens moralske forfald, hans flugt fra virkeligheden og den ondskab og lidelse, han ser overalt omkring sig.Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867) var en fransk digter, kunstkritiker og oversætter. Han var en af de mest indflydelsesrige franske digtere i 1800-tallet, og særligt hans digtsamlinger "Helvedesblomster" (1857) og "Parisisk spleen" (1862) er blevet klassikere, der læses overalt i verden.

  • by Bodil Bech
    49.00 kr.

    "Hvorfor er jeg mon saa sært lykkelig?Det er, som boede der to Fuglebag mine spændte Bryster –gylden Sødme stiger og falder,naar jeg trækker Vejret –næsten pinefuld er denne ømme Bæven –mine Fødder har Lyst at slippe Jorden,og mine Arme at ro op i Himlene."Bodil Bechs digtsamling fra 1938 fortæller med moderne frimodighed om erotiske følelser, brændende kærlighed og sensualitet, som ellers før i tiden havde været den mandlige digters domæne. Bodil Bechs digte viser, hvordan kvinden kan være den digtende observatør, ikke blot den muse, der bliver beskrevet.Bodil Bech (1889-1942) var på mange måder et usædvanligt og interessant menneske. Hun uddannede sig som koncertpianist på konservatoriet i New York og var mere berejst end de fleste i samtiden. Hun debuterede sent som forfatter i en alder af 45 år, og hendes digtsamlinger blev flot anmeldt af Danmarks klogeste anmeldere. Hun var i kreds med berømtheder som Thøger Larsen, Johannes V. Jensen og Jens August Schade, som hun senere kom til at danne par med, men vandt alligevel aldrig bred anerkendelse. Hun er blevet beskrevet som et vildt og fyrigt menneske, der mødte megen modgang. Hun døde allerede som 53-årig.

  • by Arthur Conan Doyle
    59.99 kr.

    Better known as the creator of the eccentric detective Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was also the author of a number of poems during his literary career. ‘Songs of Action’ is a collection of some of his poetry. Mainly revolving around the themes of war and sport. Poems in this collection include ‘The Song of the Bow’, ‘The Storming Party’ and ‘The Blind Archer’. With some epic and some more philosophical poems, this is a rich collection of verse from the world-renowned author.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British author, best known as the creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Born in Edinburgh, he was educated in England and Austria before studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh. It was during his time at university that Doyle began writing short stories, submitting them to magazines and journals. His first Sherlock Holmes novel, ‘A Study in Scarlet’ was written in just three weeks and published in 1887 to favourable reviews, and more Sherlock adventures followed. By 1893, Doyle was growing tired of Sherlock and attempted to kill him off in the story ‘The Final Problem’, but public outcry caused him to resurrect the famous detective. He featured in a total of 56 short stories and four novels along with his trusty sidekick Dr Watson and made Doyle one of the best-paid authors of the time. The stories have been adapted multiple times; most recently in the successful BBC series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Later literary works included the Professor Challenger series which began with ‘The Lost World’, in which Challenger sets out to find evidence of prehistoric life. The book inspired numerous adaptations, including the films ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Lost World’. In later life Doyle became captivated by the world of spiritualism and the occult and published non-fiction works about his beliefs including ‘The Coming of the Fairies’. Arthur Conan Doyle died at home in 1930.

  • by John Keats
    77.99 kr.

    'Poems of 1820' is a great reminder that some achieve greatness at an early age.John Keats was 24 when this collection of poems was published and it is wild, ecstatic, sensuous and thrilling.In classic Romantic style, he uses Greek mythology and pagan imagery in his poetry and veers from explosive short poems to sprawling epics.Both - and much more in-between - appear in this collection, which is a poignant reminder of what the literary world missed when he died at the age of 25.This is ideal reading for fans of the poets Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley.John Keats (1795-1821) was one of a remarkable generation of Romantic poets, alongside Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley.He died of tuberculosis at the age of 25, having experienced little more than indifference towards his work.His reputation grew rapidly after his death, with experts including his work in the canon of English literature.His style was heavily sensual and he used natural imagery to express extreme emotion.Among his more famous poems are 'Ode to a Nightingale', 'Ode on a Grecian Urn' and 'Sleep and Poetry.

  • by Oscar Wilde
    77.99 kr.

    ‘Poems’ was published at Wilde’s expense less than 10 years before he wrote his acclaimed novel, ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray.’ It contains some of his best-loved poetry, including ‘Ravenna,’ ‘The Ballad of Reading Gaol,’ and ‘Sonnet On Hearing The Dies Irae Sung In The Sistine Chapel.’ Despite being criticised in the Press, ‘Poems’ sold out during its first run and further editions had to be printed in the same year. Wilde went on to gift copies of the book to assorted dignitaries, including Albert Edward, the then Prince of Wales. The anthology is an insightful exploration of human emotions and a landmark in his career.Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900) was an Irish novelist, poet, playwright, and wit. He was an advocate of the Aesthetic movement, which extolled the virtues of art for the sake of art. During his career, Wilde wrote nine plays, including ‘The Importance of Being Earnest,’ ‘Lady Windermere’s Fan,’ and ‘A Woman of No Importance,’ many of which are still performed today. His only novel, ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ was adapted for the silver screen, in the film, ‘Dorian Gray,’ starring Ben Barnes and Colin Firth. In addition, Wilde wrote 43 poems, and seven essays. His life was the subject of a film, starring Stephen Fry.

  • by Oscar Wilde
    38.99 kr.

    A masterclass in the manipulation of the English language ‘Poems in Prose’ is a collection of six poems, from the pen of one of the world’s most celebrated writers. Delving into themes such as art, Christianity, vanity, sin, and love, Wilde flexes his literary muscles to create six works of enduring beauty and profound insight. The only poems published during his lifetime, this is a superb collection for those who want to see behind the wit that Wilde often used to protect himself.Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900) was an Irish novelist, poet, playwright, and wit. He was an advocate of the Aesthetic movement, which extolled the virtues of art for the sake of art. During his career, Wilde wrote nine plays, including ‘The Importance of Being Earnest,’ ‘Lady Windermere’s Fan,’ and ‘A Woman of No Importance,’ many of which are still performed today. His only novel, ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ was adapted for the silver screen, in the film, ‘Dorian Gray,’ starring Ben Barnes and Colin Firth. In addition, Wilde wrote 43 poems, and seven essays. His life was the subject of a film, starring Stephen Fry.

  • by Oscar Wilde
    38.99 kr.

    ‘Ravenna’ is one of Wilde’s earliest poems, written while he was a student at Oxford in the 1870s. He submitted it as an entry for the Newdigate Prize, in which the subject for a poem was already set. As chance would have it, Wilde had already visited Ravenna in the previous year and had already begun work on a poem, celebrating the "much-loved city." Needless to say, Wilde won the Newdigate Prize, despite submitting his entry anonymously. A wonderful example of the poet at his most lyrical, ‘Ravenna’ was constructively criticised by the college’s Professor of Poetry. Wilde, of course, ignored him and the poem remains as he originally wrote it.Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900) was an Irish novelist, poet, playwright, and wit. He was an advocate of the Aesthetic movement, which extolled the virtues of art for the sake of art. During his career, Wilde wrote nine plays, including ‘The Importance of Being Earnest,’ ‘Lady Windermere’s Fan,’ and ‘A Woman of No Importance,’ many of which are still performed today. His only novel, ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ was adapted for the silver screen, in the film, ‘Dorian Gray,’ starring Ben Barnes and Colin Firth. In addition, Wilde wrote 43 poems, and seven essays. His life was the subject of a film, starring Stephen Fry.

  • by Edith Wharton
    38.99 kr.

    While Wharton is best known for her searing autopsies on American aristocracy, ‘Verses’ reveals a more introspective side of the author. This was her first work, published by her parents, and swiftly to be followed by ‘The House of Mirth’ and ‘The Age of Innocence,’ the ladder which was adapted for the silver screen in 1993, starring Daniel Day-Lewis, and Michelle Pfeiffer.‘Verses’ reveals Wharton’s love for Shakespeare, in poems such as ‘Heaven,’ and ‘Maiden Arise.’ Through her work, the author explores the themes of life, love, and death, and sets aside some well-chosen words to write about the changing of the seasons. A wonderful read for Wharton fans who want to get to know the glass ceiling breaking author a little bit better.Edith Wharton (1862 – 1937) was an American designer and novelist. Born in an era when the highest ambition a woman could aspire to was a good marriage, Wharton went on to become one of America’s most celebrated authors. During her career, she wrote over 40 books, using her wealthy upbringing to bring authenticity and detail to stories about the upper classes and she went on to become the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize in Literature, for her novel 'The Age of Innocence'. She moved to France in 1923, where she continued to write until her death.Her works have been adapted to the screen countless times. The most recent examples are Martin Scorsese's 'The Age of Innocence' (1993) starring Michelle Pfeiffer, Daniel Day-Lewis and Winona Ryder and Terence Davies' 'The House of Mirth' (2000) starring Gillian Anderson and Eric Stoltz.

  • by Esteban Echevarría
    55.99 kr.

    La vasta obra poética de Esteban Echeverría es poco conocida, aunque para el porteño era una de las facetas más importantes de su escritura. Este volumen recoge libros publicados en vida, como "Los consuelos" y "Rimas", además de una buena cantidad de poemas que se mantenían inéditos a la muerte del autor.Echeverría soñaba con una poesía latinoamericana "sublime como los Andes; peregrina, hermosa y varia en sus ornamentos como la fecunda tierra que la produzca".Esteban Echeverría (Buenos Aires, 1805 - Montevideo 1851) fue un escritor argentino.Autor prolífico, Echeverría está detrás de uno de los cuentos fundantes de la literatura realista rioplatense –"El matadero", publicado póstumamente–. En vida dio a conocer otras obras muy reconocidas, como "La cautiva" y "El dogma socialista". Propagó las ideas del romanticismo como miembro de la llamada Generación del ´37, que impulsó el Salón Literario, emblemático círculo cultural y político.Echeverría integraba el bando unitario en la guerra civil que sacudía a la incipiente República Argentina. Era un acérrimo opositor a Juan Manuel de Rosas y murió tras diez años de exilio en Uruguay. Sus ideas influirían en algunos redactores importantes de la Constitución argentina de 1853.

  • by Esteban Echevarría
    55.99 kr.

    "El ángel caído" ocupa el segundo volumen de la obra completa de Echeverría. Se trata de un poema extenso que vuelve sobre la figura de Don Juan, pero en este caso, según el mismo autor, apuntado a ser "un proteo americano". También Ángela es anunciada como arquetipo de la mujer americana. En esta obra de 1846, las visiones sociales del exiliado Echeverría se entreveran con los temas románticos del amor pasional y el conflicto subjetivo.Esteban Echeverría (Buenos Aires, 1805 - Montevideo 1851) fue un escritor argentino.Autor prolífico, Echeverría está detrás de uno de los cuentos fundantes de la literatura realista rioplatense –"El matadero", publicado póstumamente–. En vida dio a conocer otras obras muy reconocidas, como "La cautiva" y "El dogma socialista". Propagó las ideas del romanticismo como miembro de la llamada Generación del ´37, que impulsó el Salón Literario, emblemático círculo cultural y político.Echeverría integraba el bando unitario en la guerra civil que sacudía a la incipiente República Argentina. Era un acérrimo opositor a Juan Manuel de Rosas y murió tras diez años de exilio en Uruguay. Sus ideas influirían en algunos redactores importantes de la Constitución argentina de 1853.

  • by Naiha Khiljee
    149.00 kr.

    "Noget er ved at forandre sig i vores samfund og vores verden. Det er det, Naiha Khiljees digte viser os." Sådan skrev en anmelder om debuten, Kære søster.Læg en besked er en samling spoken word-inspirerede digte, der lægger op til en ny form for åndelig aktivisme med budskabet om at gøre plads til ro, inderlighed og nærhed.Hvordan taler vi egentlig med hinanden i de sociale mediers æra? Hvordan påvirker det os altid at se os selv udefra, altid at have et åbent kommentarfelt, mails alle døgnets timer? Det er de spørgsmål, Naiha Khiljee tager afsæt i, når hun med en smittende humor og en brændende indignation skriver om mentalt helbred, online-kultur og ulighed. Glimtvis trækker hun på egne erfaringer fra blandt andet den danske medieverden og fra sit arbejde som psykolog.Som modvægt til skærmens altopslugende kraft reflekterer Naiha Khiljee over åndelighed, natur og de dyder, hun blev præsenteret for som barn, og som ikke altid harmonerer med den måde vi omgås hinanden, for eksempel gæstfrihed..

  • by Jacint Verdaguer i Santaló
    66.99 kr.

    L’obra de Jacint Verdaguer és coneguda sobretot per les seves poesies més religioses, però a més de mossèn, Verdaguer era també un home nacionalista que estimava Catalunya. En aquest quart volum de les obres complertes de l’autor, es recullen tres dels seus llibres més importants: Atlàntida, Canigó i Pàtria. Les tres obres mostren una faceta diferent de Verdaguer en la que explora la història d’Espanya i Catalunya.Jacint Verdaguer (1845-1902) era un capellà i va ser un dels principals impulsors de la poesia catalana del segle XIX. Amb deu anys va ingressar en un seminari, on va cursar els seus estudis eclesiàstics. L'any 1965 va participar en els seus primers Jocs Florals i va guanyar dos premis. Verdaguer és un dels màxims exponents de la Renaixença catalana i del romanticisme que dominava l’època. Igual que autors contemporanis, Verdaguer va perseguir la modernització i recuperació de la llengua catalana. Va morir l'any 1902, malalt de tuberculosis.

  • by Jacint Verdaguer i Santaló
    66.99 kr.

    És impossible conèixer bé el romanticisme del segle XIX sense conèixer l’obra d’un dels màxims exponents de la Renaixença catalana, Jacint Verdaguer. El mossèn feia servir la poesia per parlar de religió i de la fe cristiana. En aquest segon volum es reuneixen els poemes que representen figures importants com la de Sant Francesc, la de Santa Eulàlia o la de Sant Joan. A més, el recull també inclou la col·lecció de Roser de tot l’any.Jacint Verdaguer (1845-1902) era un capellà i va ser un dels principals impulsors de la poesia catalana del segle XIX. Amb deu anys va ingressar en un seminari, on va cursar els seus estudis eclesiàstics. L'any 1965 va participar en els seus primers Jocs Florals i va guanyar dos premis. Verdaguer és un dels màxims exponents de la Renaixença catalana i del romanticisme que dominava l’època. Igual que autors contemporanis, Verdaguer va perseguir la modernització i recuperació de la llengua catalana. Va morir l'any 1902, malalt de tuberculosis.

  • by Jacint Verdaguer i Santaló
    66.99 kr.

    Jacint Verdaguer va ser una de les figures més importants de la Renaixença catalana. La seva poesia parla de religió, de fe cristiana i de bondat. En aquest tercer volum de les seves obres complertes es reuneixen totes les poesies que va escriure al voltant de la figura de Jesús i la seva vida, des del naixement fins al seu viatge a Natzaret. A més, també reuneix Les flors del calvari, una de les antologies poètiques més conegudes i més contundents del mossèn.Jacint Verdaguer (1845-1902) era un capellà i va ser un dels principals impulsors de la poesia catalana del segle XIX. Amb deu anys va ingressar en un seminari, on va cursar els seus estudis eclesiàstics. L'any 1965 va participar en els seus primers Jocs Florals i va guanyar dos premis. Verdaguer és un dels màxims exponents de la Renaixença catalana i del romanticisme que dominava l’època. Igual que autors contemporanis, Verdaguer va perseguir la modernització i recuperació de la llengua catalana. Va morir l'any 1902, malalt de tuberculosis.

  • by Jacint Verdaguer i Santaló
    66.99 kr.

    Un recull de poesies melancòliques, de salms tranquils i folklore català. Setè i últim volum de les obres complertes de Jacint Verdaguer, una de les figures més emblemàtiques i importants de la Renaixença catalana. Als seus últims anys, Verdaguer va fer les paus amb la seva pròpia fe i les poesies que es troben en aquest volum tornen a l’espiritualitat dolça de les primeres.Jacint Verdaguer (1845-1902) era un capellà i va ser un dels principals impulsors de la poesia catalana del segle XIX. Amb deu anys va ingressar en un seminari, on va cursar els seus estudis eclesiàstics. L'any 1965 va participar en els seus primers Jocs Florals i va guanyar dos premis. Verdaguer és un dels màxims exponents de la Renaixença catalana i del romanticisme que dominava l’època. Igual que autors contemporanis, Verdaguer va perseguir la modernització i recuperació de la llengua catalana. Va morir l'any 1902, malalt de tuberculosis.

  • by David Escamilla Imparato
    36.99 kr.

    Aquest poemari neix de lectures i reflexions sobre filosofia i estètica orientals així com de l'univers del Tao. David Escamilla porta la seva poesia a un terreny desconegut per a ell però molt inspirador.David Escamilla és comunicador, editor, escriptor i músic. Ha treballat com a director i presentador per ràdio i televisió a emisores com ara RNE, Catalunya Ràdio, TVE o Cuatro. Ha publicat més de cinquanta llibres des de 1992 entre els quals figuren assajos, biografies, novel·les, relats breus, guies culturals i poesía.

  • by David Escamilla Imparato
    36.99 kr.

    Sensibilitat, joventut i sinceritat. Aquestes tres paraules defineixen l'essència d'aquest llibre que en David Escamilla va escriure amb divuit anys durant un calurós estiu a Sant Pol de Mar. Les inquietuds d'un jove que demostra com les paraules poden ser dibuixos que retraten els nostres sentiments i la visió del món que ens envolta. Una obra sorprenent i cautivadora amb pròleg de Joan Manuel Serrat.-El primer llibre de poemes de l'autor, escrit amb divuit anys. Pròleg de Joan Manuel Serrat.David Escamilla és comunicador, editor, escriptor i músic. Ha treballat com a director i presentador per ràdio i televisió a emisores com ara RNE, Catalunya Ràdio, TVE o Cuatro. Ha publicat més de cinquanta llibres des de 1992 entre els quals figuren assajos, biografies, novel·les, relats breus, guies culturals i poesía.

  • by Arthur Conan Doyle
    42.99 kr.

    First published in 1911 ‘Songs of the Road’ is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s foray into poetry. This is a collection of his work and is split into three sections: Narrative Verses and Songs, Philosophic Verses and Miscellaneous Verses. Poems in the collection include ‘The Outcasts’, ‘Mind and Matter’ and ‘A Lilt of the Road’. Ranging in lengths and styles, this is a delightful collection of poetry – and a lesser-known aspect of Conan Doyle’s huge body of work.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British author, best known as the creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Born in Edinburgh, he was educated in England and Austria before studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh. It was during his time at university that Doyle began writing short stories, submitting them to magazines and journals. His first Sherlock Holmes novel, ‘A Study in Scarlet’ was written in just three weeks and published in 1887 to favourable reviews, and more Sherlock adventures followed. By 1893, Doyle was growing tired of Sherlock and attempted to kill him off in the story ‘The Final Problem’, but public outcry caused him to resurrect the famous detective. He featured in a total of 56 short stories and four novels along with his trusty sidekick Dr Watson and made Doyle one of the best-paid authors of the time. The stories have been adapted multiple times; most recently in the successful BBC series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Later literary works included the Professor Challenger series which began with ‘The Lost World’, in which Challenger sets out to find evidence of prehistoric life. The book inspired numerous adaptations, including the films ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Lost World’. In later life Doyle became captivated by the world of spiritualism and the occult and published non-fiction works about his beliefs including ‘The Coming of the Fairies’. Arthur Conan Doyle died at home in 1930.

  • by Alfred Tennyson
    102.99 kr.

    Dive into Poet Laureate Alfred Tennyson’s ‘The Early Poems’ collection with this fantastic anthology. Featuring his Chancellor’s Gold Medal awarded ‘Timbuktu’ and the sentimental ‘Mariana’ poems, the collection spans medievalism and powerful visual imagery, ideal for poetry, history and English language fanatics looking to uncover the source of many famous quotes. Perfect for lovers of Radio 4’s ‘Great Lives’ podcast.Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892) was a widely celebrated English poet, awarded the Poet Laureate following the death of William Wordsworth during Queen Victoria’s reign. His work spans the famous ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’, ‘Maud and Idylls of the King’ and ‘In Memoriam A.H.H’, the origin to the iconic English language quote ‘tis better to have loved and lost / than never to have loved at all’. References to his work today appear in countless songs, books and films, such as Sandra Bullock’s ‘The Blind Side’. Tennyson remains today one of the most popular British poets.

  • by Victor Arreguine
    34.99 kr.

    «Rimas» (1892) es una breve recopilación de poemas de Víctor Arreguine, entre los que se encuentran, por ejemplo, «Sensación voluptuosa que tienes», «¿Qué soy? ¿Qué valgo en el inmenso mundo?», «En el Océano, bajo los trópicos», «¡Te amo! Tu dulce nombre», «Tú vives en mí» o «Te amo con el amor grande y profundo».Víctor Arreguine (1863-1924) fue un escritor, poeta, periodista e historiador uruguayo. Colaboró en periódicos como «La Razón» y «El Día». Fue un intelectual antipositivista y un defensor de la conciencia histórica americana. Llegó a publicar varios libros de poesía y novelas, así como ensayos sobre historia de América y Uruguay.

  • by Hilario Ascasubi
    104.99 kr.

    En su «Santos Vega o los mellizos de la Flor» el escritor Hilario Ascasubi presenta en breves cuadros descriptivos la vida de la Pampa y de sus pobladores a través de poemas gauchescos, épicos incluso. Esta recopilación es una excelente muestra de literatura gauchesca, fue publicada en París en 1872 junto con otros volúmenes de poesía.Hilario Ascasubi (1807-1875) fue un poeta, diplomático y político argentino. Se le considera representante de la literatura gauchesca, discípulo del uruguayo Bartolomé Hidalgo. Fue un ferviente antirrosista y participó en la lucha armada contra el gobierno de Juan Manuel de Rosas.

  • by Mariano Melgar
    69.99 kr.

    «Obra poética» recoge todas sus poesías, la edición estuvo a cargo de Aurelio Miró Quesada y de la Academia Peruana de la Lengua, además, fue la obra que inició la colección de clásicos peruanos de esta institución. Melgar cultivó todo tipo de poesía, desde la filosófica hasta los epigramas, pero sobre todo se le reconoce el cultivo del yaraví, una canción de tema amoroso que combina los harawi incaicos con la música trovadoresca española.Mariano Melgar (1791-1815) fue un poeta y revolucionario independentista peruano. Parte de la crítica lo considera el precursor del romanticismo literario en América. Participó en la guerra de Independencia de Perú junto al ejército de Mateo Pumacahua. Lo apresaron durante la batalla de Umachiri y lo fusilaron al día siguiente, cuando tenía 24 años.

  • by Bodil Bech
    49.00 kr.

    "Himmelportene er åbnesom Trompeter,som Blomsterkalke,og suger os til sig.I hvirvlende Kastslynges vi mod Solen,Solstraalerne griber ossom gyldne Arme,som Insekters Følehornog lader os opgaa i Solen.Det Guld paa min Fingerer en partikel af Solen –jeg er formælet med Solen,den er i mit Indre,den er i mit Hjerte,den fylder, besætter mig,ophøjer mig arme.Er Verden videndeom den Smerte,der er tilføjet mig,da jeg sattes ind i Verden?Vi er Børn,faldet ud af Himmelporte,Gæster i en umild Verden."Digtene i "Ud af Himmelporte" bærer præg af den stræben efter noget smukt og fortabt, som vi ser så ofte hos Bodil Bech. De er sensuelle og dog surrealistiske, og i flere af dem går netop himlen igen som tema og metafor for digteren, der længes efter det svundne himmelrige.Bogen udkom første gang i 1941.Bodil Bech (1889-1942) var på mange måder et usædvanligt og interessant menneske. Hun uddannede sig som koncertpianist på konservatoriet i New York og var mere berejst end de fleste i samtiden. Hun debuterede sent som forfatter i en alder af 45 år, og hendes digtsamlinger blev flot anmeldt af Danmarks klogeste anmeldere. Hun var i kreds med berømtheder som Thøger Larsen, Johannes V. Jensen og Jens August Schade, som hun senere kom til at danne par med, men vandt alligevel aldrig bred anerkendelse. Hun er blevet beskrevet som et vildt og fyrigt menneske, der mødte megen modgang. Hun døde allerede som 53-årig.