Fiction: literary and general non-genre
From 68.99 kr. ”Havet omkring Jorden” indeholder syv spændende noveller, der i tid strækker sig over to hundrede år, men som alligevel har det til fælles, at de handler om danskere, der på hver deres vis må forholde sig til havet som naturmagt og som en kraft i deres eget sind.Bogen udkom første gang i 1990.Vagn Predbjørn Jensen (1936-2006) var lærer og forfatter. Han begyndte at skrive i en alder af 19 år, men først i en alder af 44 begyndte han at henvende sig til forlagene med sine tekster. Han debuterede i 1983 med ”Tårnet i Atlantis”.
78.99 kr. I en lille sydtysk kur- og badeby ligger Pension Hipfel. Det tidligere pensionat er efter krigen blevet forvandlet til et logi for boligløse. Mens de allierede har overtaget styringen med det udbombede Tyskland, og nazi-spidserne stilles for retten i Nürnberg, fortæller de elleve beboere på Pension Hipfel på skift om den skæbne, der har bragt dem til pensionatet. Vi møder bl.a. en jødisk mand, en SS-læge, en nazists elskerinde og en ung kvinde, der må sørge for sin søster.Romanen ”Glasvæggene” udkom første gang i 1998.Vagn Predbjørn Jensen (1936-2006) var lærer og forfatter. Han begyndte at skrive i en alder af 19 år, men først i en alder af 44 begyndte han at henvende sig til forlagene med sine tekster. Han debuterede i 1983 med ”Tårnet i Atlantis”.
- Ebook
- 78.99 kr.
42.99 kr. …życie zaczyna się od papierosa i kawy oraz mocnej herbaty w palarni. W cenie, i to jakiej, jest papieros, kawa i herbata, rarytasem jest czekolada, cukierek czy ciastko. Kto ma ten towar jest bogaczem, kto nie ma, zrobi wszystko, aby go zdobyć. Tam rządzą takie zasady.To nie opis życia więziennego. Tak swój pobyt w szpitalu psychiatrycznym wspomina autor ukrywający się pod pseudonimem Ryszard Drzazgowski. Jak sam mówi, choroby psychiczne są przez nasze społeczeństwo wciąż traktowane jak wstydliwe znamię, które rzutuje na życie chorego i jego rodziny. Wstrząsające opisy kolejnych pobytów w oddziałach zamkniętych szpitali psychiatrycznych, sposób w jaki przez personel traktowani są chorzy, poczucie bezradności, osamotnienia, strach i upokorzenie dają wyobrażenie o tym, co było udziałem autora i zapewne tysięcy innych chorych.Ryszard Drzazgowski – pseudonim autora książki pod tytułem „Z podniesioną głową”
- Audiobook
- 42.99 kr.
42.99 kr. Najlepsza rzecz, jaką możecie w tej chwili zrobić, to wyłączyć komputer i rozejrzeć się dookoła, ile wspaniałych rzeczy i ludzi Was otacza. Wyjdźcie na spacer, a Wasze życie się odmieni. Tego nauczyła mnie przygoda z Rose.Wybierz się w nieprawdopodobną podróż z 27-letnim Krzysztofem, który mieszka z matką i jest uzależniony od Internetu. Pewnego dnia otrzymuje tajemniczego maila od pięknej nieznajomej, przebywającej w Afryce. Początkowo nieufny, przełamuje się i zaczyna z nią korespondować. Kiedy dziewczyna znika, postanawia ją odnaleźć.„Nie pytaj mnie o Rose” nie jest kolejnym internetowym love story. To szalona, pełna humoru i niewiarygodnych zwrotów akcji opowieść o sile fascynacji, upartym poszukiwaniu szczęścia i o tym, jak Sieć kształtuje sposób naszego myślenia.Paweł Olearczyk – ur. 23 marca 1988 roku w Oświęcimiu, dzieciństwo spędził w Kętach. Jak sam twierdzi, tworzenie jest jedną z jego naturalnych potrzeb, którą regularnie musi zaspokajać. Ma tak od dziecka i nie wie, skąd to się wzięło. Na rynku wydawniczym zadebiutował tytułem „Nie pytaj mnie o Rose”, wydanym jesienią 2011 roku.
- Audiobook
- 42.99 kr.
96.99 kr. Een veelzijdige collectie geschriften van Louis Couperus, in drie delen gevat in deze e-bundel.‘Proza’ verzamelt een grote diversiteit aan teksten van de grote romanschrijver Couperus: feuilletons en verhalen uit de periode 1908-1920. Deze bevat columns, reisverhalen en fictie, veelal sprookjes en historische verhalen. En af en toe geeft de grote Couperus ook schrijfles, met stukken over ‘Hoe een roman wordt geschreven’, beeldspraak en spelling. Afwisseling in overvloed, kortom, in deze dikke bundel.Louis Couperus (1863-1923) was een Nederlands romanschrijver, columnist en dichter. Hij is de auteur van verschillende onverwoestbare klassiekers: 'Eline Vere' (een bestseller bij verschijnen), 'Van oude menschen, de dingen, die voorbij gaan…' (verfilmd), 'De stille kracht'… Hij woonde o.m. in Frankrijk en Italië en reisde de wereld rond. Of zijn romans zich nu afspelen in Den Haag of Djakarta, het heden of het oude Rome, het noodlot speelt altijd een grote rol. Couperus schreef in een meeslepende, emotionele stijl. Zijn verzameld werk bestrijkt vijftig boekdelen.
- Ebook
- 96.99 kr.
68.99 kr. POWIADAJĄ, ŻE JEŚLI POSTRADAŁEŚ ZMYSŁY,TO POWINIENEŚ ICH SZUKAĆ W DOMU WARIATÓW.Zrządzenie opatrzności kieruje M., młodego, zagubionego we współczesnej rzeczywistości lekarza, do tajemniczej kliniki. Złośliwy, ale zbójecko inteligentny karzeł, Księżycowy Kot i Trzy Cnoty Boskie to tylko niewielka część ekipy, z którą przyjdzie mu się zmierzyć. W tytułowym ośrodku pacjenci i terapeuci często zamieniają się rolami, a odpowiedzialny za cały ten burdel jest... No właśnie, kto?Czy wrony jedzą kasztany? Jakie prawdy życiowe może zdradzić pająk pomieszkujący w twojej łazience? Czy warto kraść gołębie sąsiadowi i czy to prawda, że Anioł Stróż ma w nosie pierze? Na te i inne, znacznie trudniejsze pytania, będzie musiał znaleźć odpowiedzi główny bohater tej zabawnej książki.„Klinika Pana B.” to utrzymana w surrealistycznym klimacie, wielowarstwowa i kontrowersyjna powieść, na pograniczu kilku gatunków. W dowcipny i inteligentny sposób podnosi istotne kwestie, odwołując się do ponadczasowych dylematów. Budzi nadzieje i niepokoi.Sara Leiss - autorka powieści obyczajowej pt. „Klinika Pana B.” opublikowanej po raz pierwszy w 2015 roku.
- Audiobook
- 68.99 kr.
34.99 kr. Zostawić to, co nie sprawia satysfakcji… Porzucić życie, które nie daje zadowolenia… Wyruszyć do Paryża…Do miasta przepięknego, starego, ale też doświadczonego jak artyści tworzący na Montmartre. To ono było niemym uczestnikiem tylu dziejowych wydarzeń. Na jego brukach rodziły się kultura i historia. W nim powstały najsłynniejsze dzieła sztuki, filozofii oraz literatury… Odkrywać go, odkrywając siebie…Chodzić po starych bulwarach, słynnych muzeach, monumentalnych katedrach. Pić kawę w kawiarniach, w których niegdyś bywali Napoleon Bonaparte, Vincent van Gogh, Simone Beauvoir i inni… Chłonąć całą sobą Paryż, szukać odpowiedzi na wiele pytań. Odnajdywać na nowo sens. Docierać do sedna tego, co najważniejsze – i wołać z utęsknieniem do tego, którego miłość odrzuciła.Magdalena Leszner-Skrzecz - absolwentka historii sztuki oraz studiów podyplomowych z zakresu mody na ASP. Autorka kilku publikacji książkowych. Współpracuje z magazynami oraz portalami, dla których przygotowuje artykuły z zakresu szeroko pojętej sztuki. Recenzuje literaturę. Fascynuje ją średniowiecze ze swoją misternością i duchowością, ujęcie postaci kobiecej u Camille Claudel, a także francuski impresjonizm w swych barwach. Kocha café au lait, którą delektuje się w kawiarniach Paryża i Rzymu.
- Audiobook
- 34.99 kr.
44.99 kr. Hermann er ósköp venjulegur 11 ára strákur. Fyrir utan eitt. Hann er að missa hárið. Dag einn fer Hermann í klippingu sem hefur afdrifaríkar afleiðingar. Rakarinn tekur nefnilega eftir að Hermann er að verða sköllóttur. Alveg sköllóttur. En Hermann lætur það ekki á sig fá. Með einstöku ímyndunarafli sínu og skopskyni tekst Hermanni að takast á við lífið, bernskuna og það að fullorðnast. Í leiðinni kynnist lesandinn alls kyns skrýtnum og skemmtilegum persónum í þessari bráðskemmtilegu þroskasögu. Það sem situr eftir er einstakt hugarfar Hermanns í gegnum erfiðleika og áhrifin sem hann hefur á fólkið í kringum sig.Kvikmynd með sama nafni var gerð eftir bókinni árið 1990 sem hefur unnið til ýmissa verðlauna. Lars Saabye Christensen (1953) er norsk/danskur rithöfundur og einn vinsælasti norski rithöfundurinn af sinni kynslóð. Hann hefur unnið til fjölda verðlauna fyrir skrif sín og hefur verið aðlaður af bæði norsku og frönsku ríkisstjórnunum. Árið 2018 fékk hann Amanda kvikmyndaverðlaunin fyrir framlag sitt til norskrar menningar, en hann er einnig afkastamikill handritshöfundur.
64.99 kr. Örlagasaga fjögurra kynslóða sem eru markaðar af átakanlegum atburði. Veru Jebsen er nauðgað en hún segir engum frá, allt þar til Fred sonur hennar fæðist. Atburðurinn hefur afdrifarík áhrif á ævi Freds og fjölskyldu hans, en sagan er sögð frá sjónarhóli Barnum bróður hans. Inn í frásagnir Barnums af sérstöku sambandi þeirra bræðra tvinnast þroskasaga hans sjálfs og bréf langafa hans til langömmu hans frá Norður-Íshafinu og Grænlandi. Sagan segir jafnt frá bræðrunum og ævi formæðra þeirra, sem leiðir allt að sömu endalokunum. Inn í átakanlegan söguþráðinn tvinnast svo húmor höfundar, sem gerir lesandanum ómögulegt að leggja bókina frá sér. Bókin hefur unnið til fjölda verðlauna, meðal annars bókmenntaverðlauna Norðurlandaráðs, og verið gerð að vinsælli sjónvarpsþáttaröð, sem var tilnefnd til Prix Europa, evrópsku sjónvarpsverðlaunanna. Bókin fær 4,12 stjörnur af fimm mögulegum hjá notendum Goodreads.Lars Saabye Christensen (1953) er norsk/danskur rithöfundur og einn vinsælasti norski rithöfundurinn af sinni kynslóð. Hann hefur unnið til fjölda verðlauna fyrir skrif sín og hefur verið aðlaður af bæði norsku og frönsku ríkisstjórnunum. Árið 2018 fékk hann Amanda kvikmyndaverðlaunin fyrir framlag sitt til norskrar menningar, en hann er einnig afkastamikill handritshöfundur.
59.99 kr. Rzeczywistość i magia. Wybór i przeznaczenie. Zbrodnia i pokuta. Niemożliwa miłość, która staje się możliwa.Dzień 26 lipca 1955 roku zmienia wszystko.Ona – dziesięcioletnia Emilie – traci matkę w katastrofie lotniczej. On – Marceli Kłosiński – piętnastoletni Polak mieszkający z rodzicami w Londynie popełnia przypadkową zbrodnię i tym samym skazuje się na 10 lat więzienia. Czy jest możliwe, aby ludzie zostali ze sobą powiązani w sposób niezrozumiały i niewytłumaczalny?Czy jesteś pewien , że w pełni decydujesz o tym, jak będzie wyglądać twoje życie? Czy nie masz wrażenia, że czasami kieruje nim jakaś nadprzyrodzona siła? Czy nie dzieją się w nim rzeczy, które wcześniej wydawały ci się niemożliwe?Zwykły dzień, dzięki któremu uwierzysz, że niemożliwe może stać się możliwym.Marta Maciaszek - urodzona w 1978 roku w Warszawie, obecnie mieszkająca w Londynie. Z wykształcenia prawnik.
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- 59.99 kr.
77.99 kr. Gdy sytuacje znane dotąd jedynie z lekcji historii stają się brutalną rzeczywistością.Jasmin ma wszystko, czego może chcieć od życia młoda Europejka - mieszkanie w centrum miasta, bujne życie towarzyskie i obiecujące perspektywy na przyszłość. Nie musi się też martwić o pieniądze, które płyną szerokim strumieniem z matczynego konta. Gdy jednak matka odcina ją od finansów, a ukochana babcia umiera, przyparta do muru niepokorna Jasmin postanawia uciec do Tunezji, skąd pochodzi jej ojciec. W zupełnie nowym świecie bohaterka odnajduje nić porozumienia z przystojnym chłopakiem. Gdy parę zaczyna łączyć coś więcej, w Tunezji wybucha „Jaśminowa Rewolucja", a nowy przyjaciel dziewczyny aktywnie włącza się w jej przebieg...Świetny wybór dla miłośników powieści Khaleda Hosseiniego.Sonia Hadj Said - autorka powieści pod tytułem „Jaśminowa rewolucja” po raz pierwszy wydanej w 2015 roku.
- Audiobook
- 77.99 kr.
59.99 kr. Magia, miłość i zdrada.Piękna, a zarazem okrutna opowieść.Jaelle to 13-letnia cygańska dziewczyna, która ucieka wraz z rodziną z ich płonącego domu. Istnieją podejrzenia, że dom został podpalony przez niechętnych Cyganom sąsiadów. W pożarze ginie babcia Jaelle i rozpoczyna się tradycyjne czuwanie Romów przy zmarłej. Podczas trwającego trzy dni obrzędu, dziewczyna wspomina historię, jaką opowiedziała jej seniorka rodu w dniu, gdy Jaelle oficjalnie stała się kobietą.W małej Romce budzi się pragnienie zemsty na podpalaczach. Starszyzna ostrzega dziewczynę przed niebezpieczeństwem takiego działania, ale decyzja po raz pierwszy w życiu leży tylko i wyłącznie po stronie trzynastolatki.„Zupa z jeża” to widziana oczami kobiet historia rodziny Cyganów, w której niewiasty zostały obdarzone niezwykłą mocą. Prowadzi czytelnika przez wydarzenia kluczowe w historii romskiej oraz przybliża kulturę, która rozwija się na naszych oczach, ale jest przez Polaków niezauważana i nierozumiana.Magdalena Kozłowska – baran z urodzenia, humanistka z natury, ścisły umysł z wykształcenia. Jej karta tarota to wieża, dlatego też jest powołana do uświadamiania innym ludziom, jak własnym postępowaniem niszczą swoje życie. Pracuje jako specjalista do spraw bezpieczeństwa.
- Audiobook
- 59.99 kr.
77.99 kr. Jedno przypadkowe zderzenie na ulicach Łodzi może zmienić wszystko.Ślepy los sprawia, że drogi dwóch nieznających się mężczyzn na moment się przecinają. I to dosłownie. Zwykłe zderzenie na chodniku staje się sygnałem nadchodzących zmian w życiu obu bohaterów.Czy sukces – zarówno w biznesie, jak i na scenie hip-hopowej – może przynieść ból i rozczarowanie?Gdzie przebiega wątła granica między samorealizacją a samounicestwieniem?Czy zawsze da się wyjść z najczarniejszej rzeczywistości i wziąć sprawy we własne ręce?Dwie historie, dwa zupełnie odmienne życiorysy i sposoby patrzenia na świat. Jedno miasto – pełna kontrastów i sprzeczności współczesna Łódź.Mateusz Bajas – ur. 18.06.1990 r. w Łodzi. Z wykształcenia turysta i rekreant. Zodiakalny bliźniak, czyli człowiek dwoisty. Miłośnik wszystkiego, co skrajne, wyraźne i charakterystyczne. Poszukiwacz paradoksów i nieścisłości, co potwierdzają jego zainteresowania. Sześciokrotny maratończyk, ze sporym zacięciem do jazdy na rowerze i pływania. Fan niełatwej literatury, do której uwielbia wypić ciekawe piwo. Włóczykij, z planem obejścia globu, choć póki co bez wielkich sukcesów na polu turystyki przez duże „Te”. Tata – domator, pragnący szczęścia kobiety i syna, i marzący o krainie wiecznie posprzątanego mieszkania. Równie mocno co spacery po klimatycznej Łodzi, uwielbia trzaskający w ognisku ogień, gdzieś w głuszy Beskidu Niskiego. A to wszystko spina niezmienna miłość do hip-hopowego werbla.
- Audiobook
- 77.99 kr.
163.99 kr. You’re invited to wander the streets of Victorian London with the nation’s literary greats. Weaving a remarkable collection from the very best writers, tales of love and loss never felt so good…With classics such as Charles Dicken’s ‘Oliver Twist’, you’ll peak behind the scenes at one of the West End’s most loved musicals. You’ll then laugh till you cry at the lives of London’s high society in Thackeray’s ‘Vanity Fair’ and Virginia Woolf’s ‘Mrs Dalloway’.But it’s not all rosy and bright in 18th-century London. In Oscar Wilde’s ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’, we’ll question and query the true worth of excess. And if the streets of London weren’t strange enough, you’ll also be led down a gothic and gory investigation involving Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde…Crafting a rip-roaringly dramatic and vivid portrait of Victorian life in London, this impressive collection is perfect for fans of the silver screen adaptions ‘Oliver!’ (1968) and ‘Dorian Gray’ (2009).Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) was an Irish poet and one of the most popular playwrights in the early 1890s. His works include ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ and ‘The Importance of being Earnest’Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) was a Scottish novelist, essayist, and travel writer. He is best known for ‘Treasure Island’ and ‘Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’.Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) was a hugely influential English writer. A pioneer in the narrative device of streams of consciousness, Woolf’s breathtaking collection spans ‘Mrs Dalloway’, ‘To the Lighthouse’, and the non-fiction title ‘A Room of One’s Own’.William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863) was a British author and novelist. He is best known for his satirical works, including ‘Vanity Fair’, ‘The Luck of Barry Lyndon’, and ‘Second Funeral of Napolean’.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was an English novelist and social critic, known for creating some of the world’s best-known fictional characters. His works include ‘Oliver Twist’, ‘A Christmas Carol’, and ‘Great Expectations’.
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- 163.99 kr.
43.99 kr. ‘Tales of Terror and Mystery’ is a volume of 13 short stories from the prolific ‘Sherlock Holmes’ author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Stories in the collection include the mystery of a disappearing train in ‘The Lost Special’ and the surprising science-fiction story ‘The Horror of the Heights’. Full of classic Doyle mystery, this collection also includes some wonderful terror tales from the much-loved author.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British author, best known as the creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Born in Edinburgh, he was educated in England and Austria before studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh. It was during his time at university that Doyle began writing short stories, submitting them to magazines and journals. His first Sherlock Holmes novel, ‘A Study in Scarlet’ was written in just three weeks and published in 1887 to favourable reviews, and more Sherlock adventures followed. By 1893, Doyle was growing tired of Sherlock and attempted to kill him off in the story ‘The Final Problem’, but public outcry caused him to resurrect the famous detective. He featured in a total of 56 short stories and four novels along with his trusty sidekick Dr Watson and made Doyle one of the best-paid authors of the time. The stories have been adapted multiple times; most recently in the successful BBC series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Later literary works included the Professor Challenger series which began with ‘The Lost World’, in which Challenger sets out to find evidence of prehistoric life. The book inspired numerous adaptations, including the films ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Lost World’. In later life Doyle became captivated by the world of spiritualism and the occult and published non-fiction works about his beliefs including ‘The Coming of the Fairies’. Arthur Conan Doyle died at home in 1930.
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- 43.99 kr.
103.99 kr. 'Ovington's Bank' is set in 1825 and was published in 1922 but - as the Financial Crisis of 2007 demonstrates - is as relevant today as it ever was.The story follows a run on a private bank and is based on the British Panic that saw 70 banks fail. As the financial fallout lands, the gentry and the business classes scramble to save themselves, while being forced to examine their morals and motives.This pacey narrative features a mugging, a stagecoach dash to London, a theft and a love affair. Who will be the winners and who will be the losers in this game of life?This thrilling, nail-biting novel is perfect for fans of Wilkie Collins and Fergus Hume.Stanley J. Weyman (1855–1928) was an English writer who wrote historical novels in particular. In his day, he was as popular as Charles Dickens and Rudyard Kipling. Many of his works are set in the 16th and 17th centuries. Weyman's best-known works include 'The Cardinal's Cause' and 'The True Nobleman'.
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- 103.99 kr.
60.99 kr. Young Jolyon Forsyte develops a friendship with his cousin Soames' estranged wife Irene. As the friendship blooms into something more, Irene’s divorce is not going as smoothly as hoped. Instead of divorcing his wife Soames embarks on a far more destructive course of action.'In Chancery' (1920) was written by English author and playwright John Galsworthy and is the second novel in his masterpiece, 'The Forsyte Saga'. The Forsyte Saga (1922) is a series of three novels and two interludes published between 1906 and 1921, all of which have been adapted for television.John Galsworthy (1867-1933) was an English novelist and playwright, best known for his masterpiece 'The Forsyte Saga', which won him the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1932. The trilogy depicts an upper-class English family in the years 1886-1926. It was adapted for TV in 2002 for the ITV network starring Damian Lewis, Rupert Graves and Gina McKee.In his stories, Galsworthy addresses social issues, family life, and the upper-middle class, in which he strongly criticised the morals and ideals of Victorian England. Among his other prominent works are 'From the Four Winds', 'The Silver Box', 'The Country House', and 'The Skin Game'.
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- 60.99 kr.
43.99 kr. Jules Verne’s “The Lottery Ticket” is a story about a message in a bottle with a twist. Hulda Hansen’s husband-to-be Ole embarks on a journey with a fishing boat with the hope to get rich and provide for his future family. However Ole never returns. The only thing left of him is a bottle with a note to Hulda and … a lottery ticket. Is it a winning one? What will Hulda win and is it going to be worth it if Ole is really dead? Verne masterfully weaves conflict, intrigue, and a strange chain of events around something as small as a piece of paper.Jules Verne (1828 – 1905) was a French author, whose works are thought to have seen the beginnings of the science-fiction genre. During his career, Verne wrote more than 60 novels, 54 of which were part of the ‘Extraordinary Voyages’ series. Many f his famous works have been adapted for film and television, including ‘The Invisible Man,’ starring Elizabeth Moss,’20,000 Leagues Under the Sea,’ starring James Mason, and ‘Journey to the Center of the Earth,’ starring Brendan Fraser.
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- 43.99 kr.
77.99 kr. Regarded as one of his finest works, Henry James' ‘The Bostonians’ (1886) is a brilliant satire about the women’s rights movement in America.Verena Tarrant is an inspirational feminist speaker, but her two disparate cousins are at loggerheads as they seek to control her future. Boston feminist Olive Chancellor hopes to turn Verena into a famous activist, while Basil Ransom, a southern lawyer, hopes to win Verena’s heart.Fans of ´The Bostonians´ might want to watch the movie adaptation from 1984, starring Christopher Reeve and Vanessa Redgrave.Henry James (1843-1916) was an American-born British author, and one of the founders of the school of realism in fiction. His inventive use of interior monologues and unreliable narrators brought complexity and depth to his work, making him hugely popular.A prolific writer, he published numerous novels, articles, travel books, biographies and plays. Among his best-known works are ‘Daisy Miller’ (1879), ‘The Portrait of a Lady’ (1881), and ‘The Bostonians’ (1886).Many of his stories have been adapted for TV and film, but it is his celebrated Gothic novella ‘The Turn of the Screw’ (1898), regarded as one of the greatest ghost stories ever written, that has been adapted more than any other. Most recently, the eponymous 2009 BBC TV series starring Michelle Dockery, and the Netflix series, ‘The Haunting of Bly Manor’ (2020).James was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1911, 1912, and 1916.
- Ebook
- 77.99 kr.
77.99 kr. ‘The Begum’s Fortune’ follows the plans of two scientists, the French physicist, Sarrasin, and German, Schultz. Each has a share in inheriting a vast fortune and sets about spending it on the project of their dreams. A humanitarian, Sarrasin builds the city, Frankville, dedicated to upholding the health of its citizens. Schultz, however, constructs Steeltown, which is devoted to the creation of weapons of war. Astonishingly prescient, ‘The Begum’s Fortune’ predicts a number of technological advances, including incendiary bombs, satellites, and even mobile phones. A taut and thought-provoking read for those with an interest in dystopian futures.Jules Verne (1828-1905) was a French novelist who became known as the ‘Father of Science Fiction.’ He wrote more than 60 novels, including ‘Journey to the Center of the Earth’ (1864), ‘Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea’ (1870) which was also released as a film, starring James Mason, and ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’ (1873), which has been released as a TV drama, featuring former Dr Who star, David Tennant.
- Ebook
- 77.99 kr.
43.99 kr. The story of a young girl raised in isolation in preparation to marry the King of Ulster sounds at first a little outdated.That is until you call it what it is - an arranged marriage and child abuse.These are themes that continue to exist and they give 'Deirdre' a resonance in the 21st century.The girl at the heart of the story eventually falls in love with a young man and they run away to Scotland - cue much relief.There is a nasty twist in the tale, however, when she is lured back to Ireland many years later.The story, which is based on Irish myth and legend, has echoes of the 1993 movie 'The Piano', starring Holly Hunter and Harvey Keitel, in which a mute Scottish woman was sold into marriage by her father to a frontiersman in New Zealand.James Stephens (1880-1950) was an Irish novelist and poet who based many of his works of myth and legend from Ireland's past.Life imitated art when he created his own myth - claiming to have been born on the same day as literary legend James Joyce ('Ulysses', 'Finnegans Wake').His father died when he was two and his mother remarried, leading to his being committed to a boys' school when caught begging on the streets.During time as a solicitor and a registrar at the National Gallery of Ireland, Stephens took up writing.He is best known for 'Irish Fairy Tales' and 'The Crock of Gold', while he also wrote an influential account of the 1916 Easter Rising, describing the death of his friend Thomas MacDonagh.
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- 43.99 kr.
77.99 kr. Jules Verne’s, ‘Tribulations of a Chinaman in China’ is an adventure novel exploring the themes of true happiness, and the real value of life. Kin-Fo is a young and extremely rich man who suddenly loses his fortune. He decides that there is no point in living but, since it’s impossible for him to take his own life, he asks his mentor, the philosopher, Wang, to do the deed for him. Things go wrong when Wang decides to give the task to a bandit. However what Kin-Fo does not know is that there is a plan going on behind his back and he is to be taught a lesson he’ll remember for the rest of his life – however long that might be...Using humour, adventure and important life lessons, Verne questions whether we need to lose something in order to appreciate it.Jules Verne (1828-1905) was a French novelist who became known as the ‘Father of Science Fiction.’ He wrote more than 60 novels, including ‘Journey to the Center of the Earth’ (1864), ‘Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea’ (1870), and ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’ (1873), the last of which has been released as a TV drama, featuring former Dr Who star, David Tennant.
- Ebook
- 77.99 kr.
163.99 kr. You’re invited to wander the streets of Paris with France’s literary greats. Weaving a remarkable collection from the very best romantic writers, tales of love, loss, and laughter never felt so good.With classics such as Victor Hugo’s ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame’ and Gaston Leroux ‘The Phantom of the Opera’, you’ll peak behind the scenes at some of the West End’s most remarkable musicals.But it’s not all rosy and bright. In 18th-century France, Charles Dicken’s ‘A Tale of Two Cities’ and Émile Zola’s ‘Nana’ portrays the harsh and raw reality for some of society’s most struggling protagonists. This collection will leave you questioning wealth and worth at a time when struggles were rife.Ideal for fans of ‘Les Misérables’ starring Eddie Redmayne, Hugh Jackman, and Anne Hathaway, this unmissable collection is a must-read for French history, art, and culture fanatics.Gaston Leroux (1868-1927) was a French journalist and author of detective fiction. He is best known for writing the epic novel ‘The Phantom of the Opera’, now a musical masterpiece by Andrew Lloyd Weber.Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) was a French novelist and pioneer of literary realism. His work spans ‘Madame Bovary’, ‘Sentimental Education’, and ‘Three Tales’.Victor Hugo (1802 – 1885) was a Romantic writer and politician. Celebrated for his internationally renowned epic novel, adapted into the Academy Award-Winning film, ‘Les Misérables’, his literary output also includes ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame’.Émile Zola (1840-1902) was a French novelist, playwright, and one of the most influential writers of French naturalism. Zola’s best-known works include ‘Germinal’, ‘Nana’, and ‘Work’.Celebrated as one of the greatest novelists of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was an English writer and social critic. His works include ‘Oliver Twist’, ‘A Christmas Carol’, and ‘Great Expectations’.
- Ebook
- 163.99 kr.
- A Philo Vance Story
77.99 kr. When playboy stockbroker Alvin Benson is found dead in his New York mansion with a bullet through his head, it sends shock waves through the city that never sleeps.Detectives descend - and so does amateur detective Philo Vance, who immediately notices that Benson's toupee and false teeth are missing.With the police always two steps behind, Vance sets off in pursuit of a mysterious killer. Along the way, skeletons fall out of every cupboard he opens in the homes of New York's rich and powerful.Can Vance dodge danger, negotiate the petty politics and catch the killer?'The Benson Murder Case' is ideal for fans of other amateur sleuths, including Agatha Christie's 'Miss Marple' and 'Poirot' and the wannabe detectives in Richard Osman's 'The Thursday Murder Club'.S.S. Van Dine (1888-1939) is the novelist pseudonym of American art critic Willard Huntington Wright.As an art critic, he was an influential name in pre-First World War New York, using a pseudonym when writing detective novels.He created the popular fictional amateur detective Philo Vance in the 1920s when he was seriously ill and confined to bed for many months.His 12 Philo Vance novels made him one of the best-selling US authors in the inter-war years.
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- 77.99 kr.
- Texar's Revenge
103.99 kr. ‘North against South’ is Verne’s comment on the American Civil War. Farmer, James Burbank, is committed to the abolition of slavery, while former slaver, Texar, is a fervent supporter. However, Texar has another axe to grind with the farmer, as the result of his criminal past. Using all his wiles and resources, Texar conducts the perfect plan to exact his bitter revenge.At its heart, ‘North against South’ is an adventure story. However, Verne infuses it with social commentary and vivid details surrounding the Civil War and the lives that people led back in the late 17th Century. A tense and fascinating read for fans of films such as ‘Glory,’ starring Denzel Washington.Jules Verne (1828-1905) was a French novelist who became known as the ‘Father of Science Fiction.’ He wrote more than 60 novels, including ‘Journey to the Center of the Earth’ (1864), ‘Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea’ (1870) which was also released as a film, starring James Mason, and ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’ (1873), which has been released as a TV drama, featuring former Dr Who star, David Tennant.
- Ebook
- 103.99 kr.
60.99 kr. What really happens when you meet your doppelganger?Well, if you are "dangerously antisocial" and your double is charming, well-liked and has the social skills that you lack, then they take over your life by pretending to be you!Dostoevsky’s novella 'The Double' follows the life of Golyadkin, a low-level official who is a dangerous sociopath. After a misadventure at a birthday party, Golyadkin has a chance meeting with Golyadkin Junior – his double who looks just like him.The theme of the doppelgänger runs potent in the story, together with universal ones like depression, sorrow, alienation, and social injustice. The only solution for the protagonist is the asylum, where his mind can finally be at piece.A sardonic, Gogolian tale of absurdity and social criticism that is proven to be a great read.Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881) was a famous Russian writer of novels, short stories, and essays. A connoisseur of the troubled human psyche and the relationships between the individuals, Dostoevsky’s oeuvre covers a large area of subjects: politics, religion, social issues, philosophy, and the uncharted realms of the psychological.There have been at least 30 film and TV adaptations of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s 1866 novel “Crime and Punishment” with probably the most popular being the British BBC TV series starring John Simm as Raskolnikov and Ian McDiarmid as Porfiry Petrovich.“The Idiot” has also been adapted for films and TV, as has “Demons” and “The Brothers Karamazov".
- Ebook
- 60.99 kr.
60.99 kr. An alcoholic will always put their need for drink before their family and, sadly, this story is no different.'Netochka Nezvanova' is an unfinished novel by Dostoevsky that the author started writing before his arrest and exile to Siberia. Telling the story of Netochka, born in the family of a drunken father who drives them to poverty, the novel shifts its focus on the heroine’s psychological state and the resulting trauma from her “rescue” by an aristocratic family.A tale of tormented artists, family abuse, and melodramatic responses, 'Netochka Nezvanova' is a very eye-opening read.Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881) was a famous Russian writer of novels, short stories, and essays. A connoisseur of the troubled human psyche and the relationships between the individuals, Dostoevsky’s oeuvre covers a large area of subjects: politics, religion, social issues, philosophy, and the uncharted realms of the psychological.There have been at least 30 film and TV adaptations of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s 1866 novel 'Crime and Punishment' with probably the most popular being the British BBC TV series starring John Simm as Raskolnikov and Ian McDiarmid as Porfiry Petrovich.'The Idiot' has also been adapted for films and TV, as has 'Demons' and 'The Brothers Karamazov'.
- Ebook
- 60.99 kr.
38.99 kr. Jolyon Forsyte may be an old man and the new owner of the Soames house, but he has struck up an unlikely friendship with young Irene. Over a long summer, he slowly falls in love with her and makes decisions that will send shockwaves through his family.'Indian Summer' (1918) was written by English author and playwright John Galsworthy, and is the first interlude in his masterpiece 'The Forsyte Saga'.The Forsyte Saga (1922) is a series of three novels and two interludes published between 1906 and 1921, all of which have been adapted for television.John Galsworthy (1867-1933) was an English novelist and playwright, best known for his masterpiece 'The Forsyte Saga', which won him the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1932. The trilogy depicts an upper-class English family in the years 1886-1926. It was adapted for TV in 2002 for the ITV network starring Damian Lewis, Rupert Graves and Gina McKee.In his stories, Galsworthy addresses social issues, family life, and the upper-middle class, in which he strongly criticised the morals and ideals of Victorian England. Among his other prominent works are 'From the Four Winds', 'The Silver Box', 'The Country House', and 'The Skin Game'.
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- 38.99 kr.
103.99 kr. Deep dive into one of the greatest coming-of-age stories by the master novelist of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens.Charting young Pip’s experiences of poverty, prison, and fights to the death, ‘Great Expectations’ follows the entwined fates of wealthy spinster Miss Havisham, the beautiful but aloof Estella, and unsophisticated yet kind blacksmith Joe.As Pip journeys through life, his expectations are shaped and shunned by the people around him. Weaving the ultimate tale of good over evil, he must question love and loss at a time when social struggles are rife.The novel has been adapted into countless films and stage adaptations, most notably the 2012 blockbuster hit ´Great Expectations´, starring Ralph Fiennes and Helena Bonham Carter.Challenging our preconceived judgements, social standing, and moral cues, ´Great Expectation´ is ideal for fans of Dev Patel’s ‘The Personal History of David Copperfield’ and fans of West End’s ‘Oliver!’Celebrated as one of the greatest novelists of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was an English writer and social critic, known for creating some of the world’s best-known fictional characters. His works include ‘Oliver Twist’, ‘A Christmas Carol’, ‘David Copperfield’, and ‘Great Expectations’.Exploring the hypocrisy of British society at a time when social struggles were rife, Dickens' work probe the institutions, rules, and social codes that formed the bedrock of society as we know it today. Articulated with wit, charm, and plenty of human insight, his work is firmly embedded in modern culture today.
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- 103.99 kr.
43.99 kr. ‘The Castaways of the Flag’ is the sequel to ‘Their Island Home’ and the 47th book of the ‘Extraordinary Voyages’ series. A huge fan of ‘The Swiss Family Robinson,’ by Johann David Wyss, Verne decided to pick up the thread and, with the addition of ‘Their Island Home,’ turn one story into an unofficial trilogy. This, the final instalment, follows the fortunes of the family, as they finally leave the island and head for home. However, will its shores prove too difficult to escape from forever? A fitting finale to Wyss’ original tale, this book is for lovers of Verne and Wyss, alike.Jules Verne (1828-1905) was a French novelist who became known as the ‘Father of Science Fiction.’ He wrote more than 60 novels, including ‘Journey to the Center of the Earth’ (1864), ‘Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea’ (1870) which was also released as a film, starring James Mason, and ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’ (1873), which has been released as a TV drama, featuring former Dr Who star, David Tennant.
- Ebook
- 43.99 kr.