Historical crime and mysteries

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  • by Robert W. Chambers
    42.99 kr.

    "The Yellow Sign" is considered to be Robert Chambers’ horror masterpiece. He introduces us to Mr. Scott, an artist living in New York City. One day, Scott sees an overweight young man, who looks like a lawn grub to him. The artist’s is working on a painting of a girl named Tessie. When the girl falls ill, Scott tries to cure her, so he can finish his work as fast as possible. However, Tessie’s condition gets worse and she starts having very strange dreams.Who is the young man that Scott saw? Is he related to Tessie and is he responsible in some way for her condition? Will she survive? What is the mystery surrounding her condition? Find all the answers in Robert W. Chambers’ horror story "The Yellow Sign" from 1895.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Robert William Chambers (1865 - 1933) was one of the most popular fiction writers in American. Born and educated in Brooklyn, Chambers joined the Art Students’ League at the age of twenty, where one of his fellow student was Charles Dana Gibson. Robert Chambers remains best known for his collection of short stories named "The King in Yellow" from 1895.

  • by Artur Górski
    32.99 kr.

    Powieść autora serii o gangsterze MASA!Napisana w XVI wieku „Narratio prima", książka, w której ujawnione zostać miały teorie Kopernika, staje się obiektem zainteresowania członka mafii. Na tym nie koniec tajemnic związanych z Kopernikiem – trwają także badania nad domniemaną kochanką uczonego, Anną Schilling. W niezwykłe wydarzenia kryminalne zostaje wciągnięty główny bohater powieści, Łukasz Dybowski.Opowieści o śledztwach prowadzonych przez Łukasza Dybowskiego.Artur Górski - pisarz, dziennikarz, korespondent wojenny. Wielokrotnie wyróżniany i nagradzany, książka „Z ringu do piekła" stała się bestsellerem tygodnika „Wprost". „Masa o kobietach polskiej mafii" i „Masa o pieniądzach polskiej mafii" zostały nominowane do nagrody Bestsellery Empiku 2014 (kat. literatura faktu). Statuetkę i tytuł otrzymała pierwsza część cyklu.

  • by Zbigniew Zbikowski
    From 48.99 kr.

    Właściciele majątku Lipiany zostali zamordowani. Po okolicy krąży wieść, że pozostawili po sobie ukryte skarby. Do ich poszukiwań zostaje wysłany młody SS-man, szef posterunku Kripo. Mężczyzna nie zdaje sobie sprawy, w jak skomplikowaną i upolitycznioną grę bezwzględnych intryg zostaje wciągnięty. Gdy zaczyna docierać do prawdy, może być już za późno. Kości zostały rzucone. „Transprussia" rozgrywa się na terenach dawnych Prus Zachodnich. Akcja powieści opiera się na prawdziwych wydarzeniach. Także bohaterowie mają swoje pierwowzory w rzeczywistych postaciach. W 2014 roku książka została nominowana do Nagrody Literackiej Europy Środkowej ANGELUS.Zbigniew Zbikowski, właśc. Żbikowski (ur. 1952) – polski powieściopisarz. Absolwent Uniwersytetu Opolskiego. Po studiach pracował krótko jako nauczyciel fizyki. Porzucił nauczanie i zajął się karierą dziennikarską. Publikował w kraju i zagranicą. W latach 2005-2012 był wykładowcą dziennikarstwa na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim. Jako powieściopisarz zadebiutował książką „Berlin Blue" w 2012 r. Trzy lata później, jego kolejna powieść „Transprussia" znalazła się w polskim finale Europejskiej Nagrody Literackiej.

  • by M J Lee
    102.99 kr.

    A woman appears on the streets of Shanghai. She has thousands of cuts – and is screaming for Inspector Danilov...Days later, the woman is dead. But another body is left waiting for the Inspector. Someone is playing with Danilov... someone prepared to kill, just to get their message across.At first, the victims seem unconnected. But with each body bringing a new message for Danilov, he knows this is a riddle especially designed for him.As more bodies start appearing, time is running out to solve the deadly puzzle...Haunted by the past and riven with tension, The Murder Game is hair-raising and unputdownable, perfect for fans of Philip Kerr and David Young.M J Lee has spent most of his adult life writing. As a university researcher in history, as a social worker with Vietnamese refugees, as the creative director of an advertising agency.He has lived in London, Hong Kong, Taipei, Singapore, Bangkok and Shanghai. While working in Shanghai, he loved walking through the old quarters of that amazing city, developing the idea behind a series of crime novels featuring Inspector Pyotr Danilov, set in the 1920s.

  • by Andrea Maria Schenkel
    96.99 kr.

    Landshut, 1922: Ein blutiger Doppelmord erschüttert ganz Süddeutschland. Als die ledige Clara Ganslmeier und ihre alte Mutter grausam ermordet in ihrer Wohnung gefunden werden, gerät die kleine bayerische Stadt in Aufruhr. Der Hauptverdächtige ist Hubert Täuscher, Sohn eines reichen Bürstenfabrikanten, das schwarze Schaf der Familie und Verlobter von Clara. Als er in den Gerichtssaal geführt wird, wo ihm wegen kaltblütigen Doppelmordes der Prozess gemacht werden soll, ist die Menge kaum noch zu halten. Aber Hubert Täuscher lässt sich nicht beirren - obwohl alle Indizien auf ihn verweisen, schweigt er beharrlich zu den Vorwürfen, beteuert bloß seine Unschuld. Ist er ein abgebrühter Mörder oder das Opfer eines Justizirrtums? Fürchtet er eine Rache, die schlimmer ist als das Todesurteil? Andrea Maria Schenkel erzählt hochspannend und psychologisch meisterhaft von einem Verbrechen, von Opfern und von Tätern - und von den Mechanismen des Verrats.Andrea Maria Schenkel, geboren 1962, lebt in Regensburg. 2006 erschien ihr Debüt Tannöd, mit dem sie großes Aufsehen erregte. Der Roman wurde 2007 mit dem Deutschen Krimi Preis, dem Friedrich-Glauser-Preis und der Corine, 2008 mit dem Martin Beck Award für den besten internationalen Kriminalroman ausgezeichnet. Das Buch verkaufte sich über eine Million Mal, wurde in zwanzig Sprachen übersetzt und fürs Kino verfilmt. Für ihr zweites Buch Kalteis (2007) erhielt sie zum zweiten Mal in Folge den Deutschen Krimi Preis. Zuletzt erschienen Finsterau (2012) und Täuscher (2013).

  • by William Shakespeare
    58.99 kr.

    Les generaux Macbeth et Banquo sont au service du Roi d'Ecosse. Suite a une victoire, ils rencontrent dans la lande trois sorcieres qui leur annoncent que Macbeth va devenir roi... Macbeth fait part de la prophetie a sa femme qui l'encourage a accelerer son accomplissement en assassinant le roi...Piece consideree maudite dans le milieu theatral, cette A uvre a pourtant ete adaptee d'innombrables fois au theatre et a l'ecran, et continue de fasciner les lecteurs.-

  • by William Shakespeare
    58.99 kr.

    Othello est un Maure, autrefois esclave et desormais general de l'armee venitienne. Il a epouse Desdemone a l'insu du pere de cette derniere, mais Iago, qui deteste Othello, alerte le pere de Desdemone, son but ultime etant la chute d'Othello. Pour atteindre ce but, Iago est pret a tout, meme a l'irreparable. Othello echappera-t-il aux machinations de Iago ?-

  • by Albert Olsson
    50.99 kr.

    I lärarrummet sitter kollegorna Marbäck, Grönblad och Granberg och hämtar sig med varsin kopp kaffe i handen. En kopp kaffe står orörd. "Filip har inte syns till". Ingen har sett till Filip Granberg, överläkaren på den lilla folkskolan. Från fönstret på glänt hörs barnens gälla skrik. Vad kan ha hänt? Eleven Agust låter meddela att Granberg ligger på golvet i klockrummet. Helt stilla och till synes livlös...Albert Olsson (1904-1994) var en svensk författare. Olsson är känd bland annat för sina historiska romaner om Tore Gudmarsson. Hans böcker utgår ofta från Halland. Han var också utbildad förskollärare.

  • by Agatha Christie
    64.99 kr.

    Det är Halloween och festligheterna är i full gång. Deckarförfattaren Ariadne Oliver är på plats, och det är även en trettonårig flicka som närmar sig författaren med en bisarr historia. Hon hävdar att hon bevittnat ett mord som barn – men hon var för ung för att förstå vad det var hon såg. Det är först på senare tid hon har börjat inse vad det var hon sett, men när ingen tror henne lämnar hon festen i raseri. Men bara timmar senare hittas flickan död.Oliver tar kontakt med den världsberömda detektiven Hercule Poirot för att lösa mysteriet. Detta blir upptakten på en kuslig och ruskigt intelligent gåta, som bara Poirot kan lösa.”Mord i Venedig” (tidigare utgiven som ”Mord på Allhelgonadagen”) är en klassisk pusseldeckare från Agatha Christie med hennes oefterhärmliga känsla för blodiga intriger i överklassen.Nu som storfilm med Kenneth Branagh som Hercule Poirot!Agatha Christie (1890-1976) var en brittisk deckarförfattare och en av världens bäst säljande författare med över 4 miljarder sålda böcker. Mest känd är hon för detektiven Hercule Poirot. Tillsammans med Arthur Conan Doyle är hon den som har format deckargenren mest genom tiderna.

  • by Nicolas Gogol
    148.99 kr.

    À peine arrivé dans une ville de province, le conseiller Tchitchikov cherche à connaître les notabilités locales. Profitant de la bonne opinion qu'on a de lui, l’escroc révélé son vrai but : l’acquisition des « âmes mortes ». Va-t-il réussir à convaincre les habitants du village ? Son crime sera dévoilé par l’administration russe ? Considéré comme une des œuvres maîtresses de la littérature russe, ce roman est une dénonciation frappante de la médiocrité humaine.Nicolas Gogol (1809-1852) est un écrivain russe d'origine ukrainienne. Après avoir terminé ses études artistiques, il se lance dans l'écriture à l'âge de 20 ans. Il a été fortement influencé par ses origines et ses œuvres font partie de la tradition littéraire russe. C’est avec son humour caractéristique qu’il dépeint les particularités culturelles du peuple d’Ukraine et de la Russie. Les aventures de son personnage Tarass Boulba ont été adaptées au cinéma en 2009 et en bande dessinée en 2008.

  • by William Shakespeare
    40.99 kr.

    La Tragique Histoire d'Hamlet, prince de Danemark plus couramment désigné sous le titre abrégé Hamlet, est la plus longue et l'une des plus célèbres pièces de William Shakespeare. Le roi du Danemark, père d'Hamlet, est mort récemment. Son frère Claudius l'a remplacé comme roi et, moins de deux mois après2, a épousé Gertrude, la veuve de son frère3. Le spectre du roi apparaît alors et révèle à son fils qu'il a été assassiné par Claudius. Hamlet doit venger son père et pour mener son projet à bien simule la folie. Mais il semble incapable d'agir, et, devant l'étrangeté de son comportement, l'on en vient à se demander dans quelle mesure il a conservé sa raison. On met cette folie passagère sur le compte de l'amour qu'il porterait à Ophélie, fille de Polonius, chambellan et conseiller du roi. L'étrangeté de son comportement plonge la cour dans la perplexité. Mis en cause à mots couverts par Hamlet, Claudius perçoit le danger et décide de se débarrasser de son fantasque neveu.

  • by Joseph Conrad
    73.99 kr.

    Verloc est un agent secret de bas etage implique dans un ambitieux attentat visant a dejouer les plans d'un horrible groupe terroriste a Londres. Malheureusement, il n'est pas un agent tres doue et ses propres faiblesses ainsi que les temperaments hauts en couleurs des integrants de sa famille ne vont pas l'aider ! Malgre la gravite de la mission, le ton de l'histoire va tres vite passer a l'ironie et au comique des espions, terroristes et anarchistes.Conrad ecrit cette histoire s'inspirant d'un fait reel : un Francais fut tue en 1894 devant l'Observatoire Greenwich par une bombe qu'il transportait. Ce livre a ete adapte par le celebre Alfred Hitchcock au film Sabotage (1936) et par Christophe Hampton au film L'Agent secret (1996), avec Gerard Depardieu.-

  • by Ulf Durling
    24.99 kr.

    Rutger von G's mystiska död har gäckat östgötska Kisa i ett helt sekel. Han var illa omtyckt, och dessutom gammal och bräcklig, när han tog sitt sista andetag under äppelträdet i trädgården. Varför skällde inte vakthunden när den eventuelle gärningsmannen skred till verket? Hundra år senare, år 1974, tror sig en präst ha listat ut vad det var som hände. Men för att bekräfta sina misstankar behöver han lite hjälp..."Fallfrukt" har tidigare publicerats som en del av Novellmästarnas samling "Det allseende ögat är slutet".Ulf Durling, född 1940, är en svensk psykiater och författare. Han är verksam inom deckargenren och är en utav föreningen Novellmästarnas grundare.

  • by Arthur Conan Doyle
    41.99 kr.

    Smith, a University of Oxford athlete, witnesses strange things. Edward, a student in Egyptology, collects ancient artefacts, a mummy as well. Not only does he collect them, but Smith suspects that Edward is trying to reanimate the mummy. His suspicions grow bigger when he sees the mummy disappear and then reappear. Will Smith confront Edward and what will follow after that? Is it actually possible to reanimate an artefact or it is simply fruit of imagination? Who will make it out alive – Smith, Edward, or the mummy? "Lot No. 249" holds the answers.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was born in Scotland and studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh. After his studies, he worked as a ship’s surgeon on various boats. During the Second Boer War, he was an army doctor in South Africa. When he came back to the United Kingdom, he opened his own practice and started writing crime books. He is best known for his thrilling stories about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. He published four novels and more than 50 short-stories starring the detective and Dr Watson, and they play an important role in the history of crime fiction. Other than the Sherlock Holmes series, Doyle wrote around thirty more books, in genres such as science-fiction, fantasy, historical novels, but also poetry, plays, and non-fiction.

  • by Robert W. Service
    38.99 kr.

    Sam McGee is one of the many gold miners of the Klondike Gold Rush. The freezing-cold and harsh winter of Yukon is about to take his next victim in the face of McGee. The poor man freezes to death on the trail. The night before he passed away, McGee had asked his friend, the narrator of the story, to cremate his remains, saying that he did not want to be buried in the frozen ground. However, after the man is cremated some strange things begin to happen.Why does McGee not want to be buried in the frozen ground? And what will happen after his cremation? Find out the answers in one of Robert W. Service’s most famous poem, the 1907 "The Cremation of Sam McGee".B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Robert William Service (1874 - 1958) was a British-Canadian writer and poet. Before he began writing, Service worked as a bank clerk on a ranch on Vancouver Island and was therefore often called "the Bard of the Yukon". He travelled a lot in Western America and was inspired by the tales of the Klondike Gold Rush. Service’s collection of poems "Songs of a Sourdough" achieved a massive success and secured him a wealthy life on the French Riviera.

  • by Jeffrey Archer
    From 73.99 kr.

    Esta es la historia de un hombre que amó a dos mujeres. Esta es la historia de un hombre asesinado por una de esas dos mujeres. Algunos hombres tienen sueños tan inalcanzables que, de conseguirlos, cuentan con un lugar asegurado en la Historia. Algunos de ellos son Francis Drake, Robert Scott, Percy Fawcett, Charles Lindbergh, Amy Johnson, Sir Edmund Hillary o Neil Amstrong. Aunque, ¿y si hubiese un hombre que tuviese un sueño igual de inalcanzable, pero una vez conseguido, careciese de prueba alguna de haber cumplido sus ambiciones? «Sendas de gloria» es la historia de ese hombre. Sin embargo, hasta la última página de esta extraordinaria novela, el lector no podrá estar seguro de si George Mallory merece pasar a formar parte de esa lista de leyendas, porque, de ser así, hay un nombre en esa lista que debería borrarse.Jeffrey Archer es un autor y ex-político británico. La carrera política de Archer ha sido turbulenta y le llevó a un veredicto judicial que lo sentenció a prisión en 2001. Archer debutó como escritor en 1974 y desde entonces ha escrito numerosos libros, principalmente thrillers políticos. Actualmente es uno de los autores más exitosos del Reino Unido con más de 320 millones de libros vendidos en todo el mundo.

  • by Honore de Balzac
    58.99 kr.

    Le colonel Chabert etait un cavalier digne des armees de Napoleon jusqu'au jour ou il meurt heroiquement a Eylau. Il est celebre par sa bravoure en combat et son deces entre dans les pages de l'histoire... Helas, des annees apres l'enterrement, un vieillard declare etre le colonel decede ! Dit-il la verite ? Ce roman de Balzac a ete adapte plusieurs fois au cinema, notamment dans le film homonyme realise par Yves Angelo (1994) avec Gerard Depardieu, Fabrice Luchini et Fanny Ardant.-

  • by Maurice Leblanc
    42.99 kr.

    From the books that inspired the new Netflix series "Lupin" with Omar Sy.Fifty thousand francs are stolen from Nicolas Dugrival’s jacket and Arsène Lupin is the main suspect. When Dugrival commits suicide, his widow swears revenge and sets an inescapable trap for our hero...The fourth story in Maurice Leblanc’s collection "The Confessions of Arsene Lupin" about gentleman thief and criminal mastermind, Arsene Lupin. A classic detective series perfect for readers who love Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes and Edgar Allan Poe’s C. Auguste Dupin.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, soaring to the top of the iTunes charts. He masterfully breathes life back into literary classics and plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has produced over 500 audiobooks. His productions of P. G. Wodehouse’s Jeeves series and Shakespeare’s Hamlet are regularly seen at the top of audiobook charts.Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous stories is available to readers everywhere.Maurice Leblanc was a French author during the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. He lived in Paris, and his literary legacy consists of novels and short stories. Though he wrote two well-received science fiction novels, he was most famous for his gentleman thief adventure series, Arsene Lupin.Thought to be based on the life of anarchist Marius Jacob, who had a very public trial in 1905, Lupin is a whip-smart, witty, and roguishly handsome master of disguise. Leblanc was compared to Arthur Conan Doyle throughout his career, and he even wrote a series of novellas where Lupin is introduced to and subsequently outwits the famous detective, Sherlock Holmes.Arsene Lupin has inspired many spin-offs including the hugely successful Japanese manga series "Lupin III" and a new Netflix series "Lupin" starring Omar Sy.

  • by Saki
    38.99 kr.

    For Mr and Mrs Thackenbury it seems like there are too many holidays. They start talking about the hypocrisy behind all these holidays, such as Christmas for example. Yet, they love listing some of the people they would like to honor on that day and discuss what they would give to them as a present. After all, they really enjoy having a good time together.If you want to find out what else Mr and Mrs Thackenbury are talking about, read Saki’s short story "The Feast of Nemesis" from 1914.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Hector Hugh Munro (1870 – 1916), better known by his artistic pseudonym Saki, was a British short story writer and playwright. He is considered the master of short stories. His works are often mischievous and macabre, which caught the attention of the general audience. Due to his sexual orientation, which was not tolerated by the society of his time, Munro decided to use Saki as his pseudonym so he could work.

  • by Rudyard Kipling
    42.99 kr.

    Helen Turrell is a young and well-off single woman, living a the countryside village. But one day, she decides to travel to southern France and returns home with a baby called Michael. Helen says that Michael is the son of her brother, George, who died in India after falling off a horse. However, the truth is quite different and secretly, Helen tells Michael that he can call her "Mummy".Why did Helen travel to France? Is Michael really her nephew? Find out the truth in Rudyard Kipling’s story "The Gardener" from 1925.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) was a British journalist, poet and novelist, most famous for his collection of stories, "The Jungle Book" (1894). He spent a good part of his childhood and youth in India where his stories are set. In 1907, he received the Nobel Prize in Literature as the youngest recipient ever. Some other famous works by Kipling are "Kim" (1901), "The Man Who Would Be King" (1888) and "Mandalay" (1890).

  • by Jarosław Klonowski
    From 24.99 kr.

    Powieść, której akcja toczy się w szesnastowiecznej Polsce. Młoda i piękna Żydówka, niegdysiejsza złodziejka, w przebraniu mnicha ukrywa się w szpitalu w Kruszwicy. Kiedy wszystko wskazuje na to, że jest już bezpieczna, odnajduje ją janczar Bartłomiej Chodyna. Rzeczywistość zaczyna być coraz bardziej niepokojąca. Miriam uwodzi mnichów, a wokół dochodzi do zagadkowych śmierci.W utworze wątkom realistycznym towarzyszą wydarzenia magiczne, nie brak tu także erotyki oraz bardzo dynamicznych scen walk. Niektórzy bohaterowie powieści pojawiają się już we wcześniejszych utworach Klonowskiego: „Tajemnicy świętego Wormiusa" i „Ogniach świętego Wita".Jarosław Klonowski - prozaik, publikował m.in. w „Nowej Fantastyce", „Science Fiction", „Magazynie Fantastycznym" i „Esencji". Jego utwory zdobyły nie tylko przychylność czytelników, ale także krytyków literackich (m.in. nagroda w plebiscycie na najlepszą książkę na wiosnę w portalu Granice PL za „Tajemnicę świętego Wormiusa", nagroda w plebiscycie na najlepszą książkę na jesień w tym samym portalu za utwór „Ognie świętego Wita"). Od 2017 roku datuje się współpraca Klonowskiego ze Stowarzyszeniem Przystań, które skupia utalentowanych artystów-amatorów.

  • by Jarosław Klonowski
    From 24.99 kr.

    Akcja powieści rozpoczyna się w XV wieku w Bydgoszczy. Ma tu miejsce proces kobiety oskarżonej o czary. Katarzyna jest w ciąży, a ojciec jej dziecka to starosta, który, obok burgrabiego, przewodniczy sądowi. Historia Katarzyny może łączyć się z innym wydarzeniem: serią zagadkowych morderstw, do których dochodzi w Kruszwicy. Istotne wydają się także dzieje związane z pożarem – wybuchł piętnaście lat wcześniej w kruszwickim zamku.Niektórzy bohaterowie powieści pojawiają się już we wcześniejszym utworze Klonowskiego, „Tajemnicy świętego Wormiusa".Jarosław Klonowski - prozaik, publikował m.in. w „Nowej Fantastyce", „Science Fiction", „Magazynie Fantastycznym" i „Esencji". Jego utwory zdobyły nie tylko przychylność czytelników, ale także krytyków literackich (m.in. nagroda w plebiscycie na najlepszą książkę na wiosnę w portalu Granice PL za „Tajemnicę świętego Wormiusa", nagroda w plebiscycie na najlepszą książkę na jesień w tym samym portalu za utwór „Ognie świętego Wita"). Od 2017 roku datuje się współpraca Klonowskiego ze Stowarzyszeniem Przystań, które skupia utalentowanych artystów-amatorów.

  • by Maurice Leblanc
    42.99 kr.

    From the books that inspired the new Netflix series "Lupin" with Omar Sy.There is a mystery to be solved. A baroness and a great deal of money have disappeared from Paris, and neither her husband nor the police can find any trace of her. Enter the infamous Arsene Lupin, master thief, gentleman burglar and greatest criminal mind of all time."The 200,000 Franc Reward" is a story about robbery, betrayal, and criminal investigation, great for readers who want to dive into a classic detective series, set against the backdrop of Paris during the Belle Époque. Perfect for fans of Sherlock Holmes or Edgar Allan Poe’s C. Auguste Dupin.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, soaring to the top of the iTunes charts. He masterfully breathes life back into literary classics and plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has produced over 500 audiobooks. His productions of P. G. Wodehouse’s Jeeves series and Shakespeare’s Hamlet are regularly seen at the top of audiobook charts.Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous stories is available to readers everywhere.Maurice Leblanc was a French author during the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. He lived in Paris during the Belle Époque, and his literary legacy consists of novels and short stories. Though he wrote two well-received science fiction novels, he was most famous for his gentleman thief adventure series, Arsene Lupin.Thought to be based on the life of anarchist Marius Jacob, who had a very public trial in 1905, Lupin is a whip-smart, witty, and roguishly handsome master of disguise. Leblanc was compared to Arthur Conan Doyle throughout his career, and he even wrote a series of novellas where Lupin is introduced to and subsequently outwits the famous detective, Sherlock Holmes.Arsene Lupin has inspired many spin-offs including the hugely successful Japanese manga series "Lupin III" and a new Netflix series "Lupin" starring Omar Sy.

  • by Henry Rider Haggard
    102.99 kr.

    Allan Quatermain is a hunter who lives in South Africa. One day, after he returns home from an unsuccessful elephant hunt, he meets Sir Henry Curtis and Captain John Good. The two men are looking for Curtis’ brother, who disappeared whilst trying to find King Solomon’s Mines. Quatermain owns a map that show the way to the mines, so he decides to help Curtis and Good. Allan organizes an expedition that will take them to the edge of the desert.Who exactly is Curtis’ brother? Why is he looking for King Solomon’s Mines? Is he a looter or an explorer? Will the expedition be successful and what are the men going to find? Is Curtis’ brother still alive?Find all the answers in Henry Haggaard’s adventure novel "King Solomon's Mines" from 1885.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Henry Rider Haggaard (1856-1925) was an English author of Danish descent. Following his debut non-fiction book on South Africa, he helped introduce the "Lost World" genre through his character of Allan Quatermain from the classic bestseller "King Solomon's Mines". Haggaard has influenced many other fantasy writers, among these J.R.R. Tolkien, and several of his books have been adapted to film as well as having inspired the Indiana Jones movies.

  • by Herman Melville
    163.99 kr.

    Ahab is the captain of a whaling ship named the Pequod. His great obsession with the giant whale, Moby Dick, makes him embark on a dangerous voyage. Some years before, the captain lost his leg because of the whale and now Ahab’s main desire is to take his revenge on the whale by killing it. He is so obsessed, that Ahab is ready to sacrifice everything he has, including the Pequod and all the members of his crew, and even his own life.How exactly did the captain lose his leg? Is it worth it to risk everything just to have his revenge? Will Ahab survive the expedition and will he get his revenge on Moby Dick?Find all the answers in Herman Melville’s exciting novel "Moby Dick" from 1851.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Herman Melville (1819-1891) was an American author whose books were based on his own experiences as a sailor. Today Herman Melville is world famous for his novel "Moby Dick" but in his lifetime, this novel was ill received and quickly forgotten. Not until many years after Herman Melville's death did "Moby Dick" get rediscovered become what is today considered one of the greatest classics in American literature. Melville, along with authors such as Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau and Walt Whitman, was part of the American Renaissance – a literary movement that aimed to provide literature for the American democracy.

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    66.99 kr.

    A nameless Scottish soldier is recovering from his wounds in a Spanish hospital. He takes a temporary residence with a local family. Felipe and Olalla are two siblings living with their mother, with whom the soldier develops a casual friendship. After being absent for a while, Olalla returns to the house and the Scotsman immediately falls in love with her. He wants to take her away and show her the world but the family is hiding a dark secret. Why did the family accept to take in the soldier? What is the dark secret they are hiding? What will happen to the Scotsman? Find all the answers in Robert Louis Stevenson’s short gothic story "Olalla" from 1885.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) was a Scottish writer of novels, poems, essays, and travel books. For most of his life, Stevenson suffered from serious bronchial trouble, but kept on travelling and writing. Though his writing has often been considered entertainment, author Henry James aligned Stevenson’s works to his own. His most famous novels are "Treasure Island" (1883), "The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" (1886), "Kidnapped" (1886) and "A Child’s Garden of Verses" (1885).

  • by Herman Melville
    66.99 kr.

    The narrator of this story is a successful lawyer on Wall Street. He hires a scrivener named Bartleby to help him with all the papers and relieve the load of work. Bartleby quickly gains the lawyer’s trust by completing his tasks on time. However, the newcomer becomes mentally unstable. He suddenly refuses to perform his duties and stares at a blank wall instead. The lawyer decides to give Bartleby a break, then tries to fire him, but the uncontrollable employee refuses to leave.Who exactly is Bartleby? Why does he refuse to perform the tasks he has been hired to do? What is his problem? How is the lawyer going to deal with the scrivener? Will Bartleby ever leave?Find all the answers in Herman Melville’s novel "Bartleby, the Scrivener" from 1853.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Herman Melville (1819-1891) was an American author whose books were based on his own experiences as a sailor. Today Herman Melville is world famous for his novel "Moby Dick" but in his lifetime, this novel was ill received and quickly forgotten. Not until many years after Herman Melville's death did "Moby Dick" get rediscovered become what is today considered one of the greatest classics in American literature. Melville, along with authors such as Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau and Walt Whitman, was part of the American Renaissance – a literary movement that aimed to provide literature for the American democracy.

  • by Robert W. Chambers
    67.99 kr.

    We all have heard about the great glaciers. Some may have even seen them. But did you ever wonder what is hidden behind the great and treacherous Canadian glacier? Now you have the opportunity to find out. Robert Chambers takes us on a great adventure beyond the impassable lands with his ''Beyond the Broken Glacier''.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Robert William Chambers (1865 - 1933) was one of the most popular fiction writers in American. Born and educated in Brooklyn, Chambers joined the Art Students’ League at the age of twenty, where one of his fellow student was Charles Dana Gibson. Robert Chambers remains best known for his collection of short stories named "The King in Yellow" from 1895.

  • by Agatha Christie
    62.99 kr.

    Hercule Poirot hatar att flyga. Han blir alltid åksjuk. Samma sak gäller när han ska flyga mellan Paris och London. Det är ett litet passagerarplan i lyxklassen som har rum för tio resenärer. Men Poirot har inte möjlighet att njuta av den lyxiga färden. Han sover genom hela resan. På flygplatsen i London inträffar emellertid något oväntat: en kvinna hittas död på planet, bragd om livet med hjälp av ett ovanligt potent gift. Detta ger genast den åksjuke Poirot lite färg på kinderna. Detta blir också början på ett djupt krångligt mysterium som kommer att kräva Poirots fulla uppmärksamhet ...Agatha Christie (1890-1976) var en brittisk deckarförfattare och en av världens bäst säljande författare med över 4 miljarder sålda böcker. Mest känd är hon för detektiven Hercule Poirot. Tillsammans med Arthur Conan Doyle är hon den som har format deckargenren mest genom tiderna.

  • by Agatha Christie
    62.99 kr.

    Det har gått nästan ett helt liv sedan Hercule Poirot besökte den lilla staden sist. St. Mary var den plats som Poirot kom skadad till efter att han hade lämnat militären 1916, efter att ha tjänstgjort i första världskriget. Nu, flera decennier senare, när han återvänder till staden är det dels för att sätta punkt för ett långt liv av mordgåtor. Men det är också för att lösa en av de gåtor som kan vara hans mest svårlösta hittills: fem mord som inte har något officiellt samband men som han vet, eller snarare känner på sig, är tätt länkade till varandra. Men hur? Detta blir en av Poirots tuffaste nötter att knäcka ...Agatha Christie (1890-1976) var en brittisk deckarförfattare och en av världens bäst säljande författare med över 4 miljarder sålda böcker. Mest känd är hon för detektiven Hercule Poirot. Tillsammans med Arthur Conan Doyle är hon den som har format deckargenren mest genom tiderna.t