Crime and mystery: cosy mystery

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  • by Marc Ritter
    51.99 kr.

    Lokalreporter Karl-Heinz „Gonzo" Hartinger ist im vorliegenden dritten Band der Alpenkrimi-Reihe von Autor Marc Ritter zunächst nur wenig begeistert, als er von Redaktionsleiter Peter Habersetzer dazu genötigt wird, den steinreichen Unternehmer Oliver Klammert, einen Freund des Verlegers der Lokalzeitung, den Ort zu zeigen. Doch dann endet eine ihrer Besichtigungen schließlich mit dem Fund einer verwesten Leiche im Grand Hotel Sonnenbichl und damit für Protagonist Hartinger in einem neuen, spannenden Kriminalfall...Marc Ritter wurde am 18. Oktober 1967 in München geboren, wuchs jedoch überwiegend in Garmisch-Partenkirchen auf. Bereits während des Zivildiensts bzw. Studiums arbeitete er als Reporter und Fotograf für verschiedene Lokalzeitungen, zudem absolvierte er eine Ausbildung im Bereich Medienmarketing. Seitdem arbeitet Marc Ritter im Bereich Print- und Onlinemedien. Zudem ist er mittlerweile erfolgreich als Schriftsteller tätig.

  • by Carolyn Wells
    67.99 kr.

    The second in the ‘Fleming Stone’ series of mystery novels by popular author Carolyn Wells, ‘The Gold Bag’ centres on the mysterious murder of a wealthy businessman Joseph Crawford – killed in the comfort of his own home. Amateur young detective Herbert Burroughs is on the case, but finds himself increasingly baffled by the many clues he unearths. Matters are complicated when he realises he is growing romantically attached to one of the suspects, and so he calls on the famous investigator Fleming Stone for help.Fleming Stone is a private investigator with a flair for reading books and people. New York police department often resorts to her skills when a crime turns out to be too complicated for them to resolve. Carolyn Wells’ "Fleming Stone" series follow the eponymous character’s adventures as she solves crimes and mysteries.Carolyn Wells (1862-1942) was a prolific American novelist and poet, best known for her children’s literature, mystery novels and humorous verse. Born in New Jersey, following school Wells worked as a librarian where she developed her love of reading, and her first book ‘At the Sign of the Sphinx’ was published in 1896. From 1900 Wells dedicated herself to her literary career, writing over 170 novels in total across a range of genres. Some of her most loved works include the ‘Patty Fairfield’ and ‘Marjorie Maynard’ series for girls, as well as the ‘Fleming Stone’ mystery series for adults. Wells is also well-known for her humorous nonsense verse, and was a frequent contributor of verse to magazines. She published an autobiography ‘The Rest of my Life’ in 1937. Wells died in New York City in 1942.

  • by Edgar Allan Poe
    38.99 kr.

    A dark comedy, threaded through with an unsettling plot twist, "The System" follows a bumbling narrator through a tour of a mental institution in southern France. The peculiar Monsieur Maillard, architect of this institution, hosts his visitor to a most peculiar evening with the most unusual guests. The Monsieur and his extraordinary host of friends, provide an evening of unsettling, haphazard and absurd company, full of strange happenings, beautifully described through Poe's eye for detail. Poe's flair for the absurd and hilariously satirical shines bright in this short story, as evidenced by the numerous adaptations that have followed, most notably 2014s "Stonehearst Asylum" starring Kate Beckinsale and Sir Michael Caine.Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) is a titan of literature. Most famous for his poetry, short stories, and tales of the supernatural and macabre, his body of work continues to resonate to this day. Poe is widely regarded as the inventor of the detective genre and a contributor to the emergence of science fiction, dark romanticism, and weird fiction. His most famous works include "The Raven" (1945), "The Black Cat" (1943), and "The Gold-Bug" (1843).

  • by Patricia Moyes
    From 79.00 kr.

    Detektiv Henry Tibbet og hans kone Emmys ferie bliver pludseligt afbrudt, da de modtager et opkald om en forsvundet væddeløbshund, som Tibbet bliver bedt om at undersøge. Efterforskningen griber hurtigt om sig da en hundevæddeløbsgambler køres ihjel af en hundeopdrætter. Den ellers fredelige landsby bliver omdrejningspunket i den mere og mere komplicerede sag, der trækker tråde til rivaliserende bander i Londons underverden. Krimiserie om Scotland Yard-detektiven Henry TibbetPatricia Moyes (1923 - 2000) var en irsk forfatter. Hun har skrevet en lang række spændings- og kriminalromaner og er især kendt for krimiserien om Inspector Henry Tibbett, hvoraf romanen "Hvem så hende dø?" blev nomineret til en Edgar Allan Poe-pris i 1971. Før Moyes begyndte sin forfattergerning arbejdede hun i 1960’erne som personlig assistent for filmmanden Peter Ustinov, hvor hun var med til at skrive flere filmmanuskripter. Herefter blev hun ansat som redaktørassistent på britisk Vogue mens hun sideløbende arbejdede som oversætter. Hun står blandt andet bag oversættelsen af skuespillet "Léocadia", som blev opsat på Broadway under titlen "Time Remembered" og efterfølgende vandt adskillige Tony-priser. Udover sine romaner til det voksne publikum har Moyes skrevet en række ungdoms- og børnebøger.

  • by Elinor Bicks
    51.99 kr.

    Lore Kukuk lebt in einem kleinen Haus auf dem Otzberg, einem erloschenem Vulkan im Gebiet des Odenwalds. Seit kurzem hat die Frau in den besten Jahren einen Verehrer namens Lazlo Kalinn. Doch nach einer gemeinsamen Verabredung wird dieser leblos in seiner Wohnung aufgefunden. Hat Lore etwas mit seinem Tod zu tun? Und warum umgibt die Leiche der Duft von Lavendel? Seien sie dabei, wenn Kommissar Otto und sein Kollege Brenneisen im ersten Teil der beliebten Gartenkrimi-Reihe von Elinor Bicks in diesem rätselhaften Fall ermitteln!Elinor Bicks wurde im Jahr 1966 geboren und wuchs in Darmstadt sowie im Odenwald auf. Sie studierte Romanistik in Heidelberg und in der kolumbianischen Hauptstadt Bogotá. Nach ihrem Studienabschluss arbeitete Elinor Bicks zunächst als Sprachlehrerin und Journalistin. Später war sie zudem als Werbetexterin für verschiedene internationale Agenturen tätig. Mittlerweile lebt Elinor Bicks in Frankfurt am Main und ist auch als Schriftstellerin sehr erfolgreich.

  • by Gertrude Atherton
    67.99 kr.

    Spoilt, wealthy and bored, Harold Dartmouth is tiring of his time in Paris. When he encounters the enchanting and beautiful young Welsh heiress Weir Penrhyn however, life suddenly looks much more promising, as he falls hopelessly in love with her. There are sinister forces at play though, and what begins with love could turn out to be something far more perilous - and its consequences far-reaching. A fast-paced, intriguing romantic mystery by the feminist author Gertrude Atherton. -

  • by Carolyn Wells
    67.99 kr.

    Lawyer Tom Brice has always fancied himself as something of a sleuth, and when he overhears a violent encounter in an office nearby he gets the chance to put his detective skills to the test. Calling on his friend, private investigator Pennington Wise, together they must work out what happened – and who is truly to blame. ‘The Man Who Fell through the Earth’ is an action-packed mystery from popular author Carolyn Wells, full of twists and turns."Pennington Wise" series follows the life and detective work of Pennington Wise, a private investigator, and his associate Zizi, who operate in New York City and New England. They are involved in a lot of mysterious and adventurous situations, but their shrewd analytical and deductive abilities always help them come out victorious and with the perpetrator in handcuffs.Carolyn Wells (1862-1942) was a prolific American novelist and poet, best known for her children’s literature, mystery novels and humorous verse. Born in New Jersey, following school Wells worked as a librarian where she developed her love of reading, and her first book ‘At the Sign of the Sphinx’ was published in 1896. From 1900 Wells dedicated herself to her literary career, writing over 170 novels in total across a range of genres. Some of her most loved works include the ‘Patty Fairfield’ and ‘Marjorie Maynard’ series for girls, as well as the ‘Fleming Stone’ mystery series for adults. Wells is also well-known for her humorous nonsense verse, and was a frequent contributor of verse to magazines. She published an autobiography ‘The Rest of my Life’ in 1937. Wells died in New York City in 1942.

  • by Carolyn Wells
    67.99 kr.

    Master detective Fleming Stone returns in ‘A Chain of Evidence’, the third in the mystery novel series by prolific author Carolyn Wells. An attorney in New York City, Otis Landon overhears a commotion in a neighbouring apartment and discovers that his neighbour Robert Pembroke has been brutally murdered in the melee. A mean, miserly old man, Pembroke had no shortage of enemies, but only two people have keys to his apartment – one of whom Otis is falling in love with. With his judgement clouded, Otis calls on Fleming Stone to help crack the case. A thrilling instalment in the mystery series from the popular author.Fleming Stone is a private investigator with a flair for reading books and people. New York police department often resorts to her skills when a crime turns out to be too complicated for them to resolve. Carolyn Wells’ "Fleming Stone" series follow the eponymous character’s adventures as she solves crimes and mysteries.Carolyn Wells (1862-1942) was a prolific American novelist and poet, best known for her children’s literature, mystery novels and humorous verse. Born in New Jersey, following school Wells worked as a librarian where she developed her love of reading, and her first book ‘At the Sign of the Sphinx’ was published in 1896. From 1900 Wells dedicated herself to her literary career, writing over 170 novels in total across a range of genres. Some of her most loved works include the ‘Patty Fairfield’ and ‘Marjorie Maynard’ series for girls, as well as the ‘Fleming Stone’ mystery series for adults. Wells is also well-known for her humorous nonsense verse, and was a frequent contributor of verse to magazines. She published an autobiography ‘The Rest of my Life’ in 1937. Wells died in New York City in 1942.

  • by Alexander Oetker
    88.99 kr.

    Ausgerechnet in Frankreichs schönster Straße gerät Luc Verlain in ein Dickicht aus Lügen, Neid und wohlgehüteten Geheimnissen.Bei einer schweren Sturmflut wird in einem kleinen Ort an der Atlantikküste eine Straße vom Wasser stark beschädigt. Die Rue de Paradis hätte nie bebaut werden dürfen. Nun sollen die Anwohner gegen ihren Willen umgesiedelt werden. Luc Verlain soll vermitteln – und findet sich bald in seinem kniffligsten Fall wieder. Nicht nur gibt es eine bei dem Unglück verunfallte Tote, sondern man findet auch den Bürgermeister des Ortes leblos. Ermordet. Ist einer der wütenden, obdachlos gewordenen Anwohner der Täter? Doch so einfach ist es nicht - nahezu jeder seiner einstigen Nachbarn hat ein exzellentes Mordmotiv.Alexander Oetker ist der Frankreich-Experte der neuen Generation. Er war langjähriger Frankreichkorrespondent für RTL und n-tv. Aus seiner Feder stammen mehrere SPIEGEL-Bestseller.

  • by Gitta Edelmann
    96.99 kr.

    Es regnet und ein kalter Wind fegt durch Canterburys Straßen, als Ella sich nach der Chorprobe von Aileen verabschiedet. Am nächsten Morgen ist Aileen tot. Zunächst sieht alles nach einem Unfall mit Fahrerflucht aus, doch dann stellt sich heraus, dass Aileen starke Beruhigungsmittel im Blut hatte. Entschlossen beginnt Ella, die erst kürzlich nach Canterbury gezogen ist, in Aileens Leben nachzuforschen. Dabei stößt sie auf Ungereimtheiten, häkelnde alte Damen, einen mürrischen Professor, einen pfiffigen Nachbarsjungen, einen ausgesprochen attraktiven jungen Mann im Pub und einen Detective Inspector, der ihr das Leben nicht unbedingt leichter macht ...Spannung mit einem Augenzwinkern findet man nicht nur in Gitta Edelmanns Kinderbüchern, sondern auch in ihrem neuen Kriminalroman "Canterbury Requiem". Derzeit lebt die Autorin in Bonn, von wo aus der Weg zu den Britischen Inseln nicht allzu weit ist.Gitta Edelmann ist Co-Autorin eines Schreibratgebers und leitet auch Seminare für kreatives Schreiben.

  • by Annie Haynes
    96.99 kr.

    Nancy Dampier, una giovane ragazza inglese, arriva a Parigi dopo aver trascorso tre settimane di luna di miele con John, un pittore inglese naturalizzato francese. La coppia ha deciso di restare qualche giorno all’hotel Saint Ange. Sfortunatamente, è l’anno dell’Esposizione universale, l'albergo è quasi al completo e i due giovani sono costretti a trascorrere la notte in due camere separate. Il mattino dopo, per Nancy inizia l’incubo. Gli albergatori la trattano in modo scortese e quando chiede spiegazioni riceve una sconvolgente notizia: la sera prima lei è arrivata da sola e non c’era nessuno ad accompagnarla! Da qui parte l’affannosa ricerca del marito, aiutata in questo dai nuovi amici incontrati all’hotel: il senatore americano Burton e i suoi due figli. Busseranno così a diverse porte, anche a quella della polizia, ma senza risultati, come se le ricerche si abbattessero sempre contro un muro invalicabile. I giorni diventeranno settimane e poi mesi, le congetture sulla scomparsa del marito di Nancy si moltiplicheranno... Che cos’è veramente successo?Giallo classico ma ancora oggi elettrizzante, 'Luna di miele da incubo' conduce gli ascoltatori in una Parigi d'altri tempi affascinandoli con un mistero che sembra insolubile.©2018 Edizioni leAssassine (P)2021 Saga EgmontMarie Adelaide Belloc (1868-1947) è stata una scrittrice inglese. Autrice molto prolifica, ha scritto più di 40 romanzi, soprattutto di genere giallo e mystery.

  • by Anja Gustafsson
    From 73.99 kr.

    Paula Roos viettää rauhaisaa eläkeläisen arkea Helsingin Kruununhaassa. Kun hänen taloyhtiössään tapahtuu itsemurha, Paulan tuntosarvet nousevat pystyyn. Onko kuollut nainen voinut todella riistää hengen itseltään? Pikkuhiljaa Paula alkaa epäillä, että naisen kuolemaan liittyy antiikkinen lipasto – ja Paulan on koko ajan vaikeampaa uskoa, että kyseessä olisi todella ollut itsemurha. Mihin lipasto on naisen asunnosta oikein kadonnut? Ja miksi kukaan tappaisi lipaston vuoksi?"Antiikkilipasto" on Anja Gustaffsonin jännittävä cosy crime -dekkari, joka sopii myös antiikin ystäville.Eläkkeellä olevan Paula Roosin arki ei käy pitkäksi, kun hän ratkoo rikoksia. Terävä Roos huomaa asioita, jotka jäävät jopa kokeneilta poliiseilta huomaamatta. Anja Gustafsson (1944–2012) oli Siilinjärvellä syntynyt kirjailija, joka julkaisi kolme dekkaria. Dekkareissa seikkailee mysteerejä ratkova eläkeläinen Paula Roos.

  • by Anja Gustafsson
    From 73.99 kr.

    Kun eläkkeelle jäänyt historianopettaja Paula Roos matkustaa kesäksi Tammisaareen, pikkukaupungissa tapahtuu jotain odottamatonta. Roos osallistuu paikallisen taidegalleristin juhliin. Juhlissa keskiössä on maalaus: kaunis Mansikkatyttö. Pian eräs tauluun liittyvä henkilö löytyy merestä kuolleena. Mitä on tapahtunut? Kuka halusi murhata uhrin ja miksi? Liittyykö kuolema jollain tavalla taideväärennöksiin? Paula Roosin on jälleen aika ryhtyä etsiväksi.Eläkkeellä olevan Paula Roosin arki ei käy pitkäksi, kun hän ratkoo rikoksia. Terävä Roos huomaa asioita, jotka jäävät jopa kokeneilta poliiseilta huomaamatta.Anja Gustafsson (1944–2012) oli Siilinjärvellä syntynyt kirjailija, joka julkaisi kolme dekkaria. Dekkareissa seikkailee mysteerejä ratkova eläkeläinen Paula Roos.

  • by Anja Gustafsson
    From 73.99 kr.

    Eläköitynyt opettaja Paula Roos lähtee Mustion linnaan antiikkiharrastuksensa perässä. Linnassa järjestetään nimittäin kiinnostava antiikkia ja ruokaa yhdistelevä tapahtuma. Mustiossa on samaan aikaan myös toinen kurssi, joka on suunnattu naisjohtajille. Ei kulu aikaakaan, kun alkaa tapahtua kummia. Joesta löytyy ruumis, ja myös yksi naisjohtajien kurssin osallistujista kuolee mystisissä olosuhteissa. Liittyvätkö kuolemat toisiinsa? Paula Roos ryhtyy tutkimaan kuolemia.Eläkkeellä olevan Paula Roosin arki ei käy pitkäksi, kun hän ratkoo rikoksia. Terävä Roos huomaa asioita, jotka jäävät jopa kokeneilta poliiseilta huomaamatta.Anja Gustafsson (1944–2012) oli Siilinjärvellä syntynyt kirjailija, joka julkaisi kolme dekkaria. Dekkareissa seikkailee mysteerejä ratkova eläkeläinen Paula Roos.

  • by Anna Ihrén
    From 38.99 kr.

    Trying to process a life crisis Gothenburg policeman, Dennis Wilhelmson, decides to take a trip to his quiet childhood island, Smögen. Dennis is looking forward to enjoying some peaceful days at the small town island, where nothing really ever happens... or so he thought. Everything changes when the body of a young man is found in the habour basin and an old friend of his is missing without a trace. Dennis is now involuntarily thrown in to the biggest murder investigation the area has ever seen.Enter Sandra Haraldsson, a young ambitious and very straight forward police aspirant. This was definitely not the calm and harmonious summer Dennis had been planning for himself to recover. But can Sandra heal his heart while they take on the investigation?The Man on the Beach is the first part in the series "The Smögen Murders".Anna Ihrén grew up in Stockholm and in Gothenburg, but spent her childhood summers on the island of Smögen. Now she resides in Sjövik with her husband and children. Her series of crime novels "The Smögen Murders" has become very popular, "The Man on the Beach" being the first book in the series.

  • by Gabriel Korpi
    From 73.99 kr.

    Vanhan tavaran kauppaa pyörittävä yksityisetsivä Valo Kurki viettää kesää idyllisessä Silverforsin ruukkikylässä, kun hän törmää kiehtovaan arvoitukseen. Mitä pikkupaikkakunnan kulisseihin oikein kätkeytyy? Salaisuuksien verkko vetää Kurkea voimakkaasti puoleensa, mutta asioiden penkominen vaarantaa viattomat. Pystyykö hän lopettamaan ennen kuin on liian myöhäistä?"Timantti ja ruoste" on kolmas osa Gabriel Korven kiiteltyyn Valo Kurki -dekkarisarjaan. 90-luvun Helsinkiin ja lähitienoille sijoittuvat kirjat ovat hurmanneet lukijat perinteisten salapoliisiromaanien hengessä.Gabriel Korpi on salanimi, jonka taakse kätkeytyy salolainen kirjailija.

  • by Mary Wesley
    From 79.00 kr.

    Henry Tillotson er en empatisk og generøs mand, som udover sit smukke landsted har arvet sin fars filantropiske holdninger. Under en rejse til Egypten redder han Margaret fra et katastrofalt ægteskab og bringer hende med hjem til England som sin nye hustru. Allerede ved dørtærsklen udvikler deres ægteskab sig i en højst besynderlig retning, da Margaret giver Henry et blåt øje for derefter at lægge sig i sengen. Her bliver hun liggende resten af sit liv med undtagelse af et par lejlighedsvise ondskabsfulde udbrud. Rygterne begynder at svirre i byen og med årene bliver to unge par regelmæssige gæster hos Henry. Parrene holder et vågent øje med Margarets lukkede dør, men før de når at stykke brikkerne i mysteriet sammen, opdager de, at de selv er blevet viklet ind i Henrys liv på uhyggelige måder. Mary Wesley (1912 - 2002) var en britisk forfatter. I løbet af sin karriere blev hun en af Storbritanniens bedst sælgende forfattere med flere end 3 millioner solgte eksemplarer af sine bøger. Wesley udgav tre børnebøger før hun i en alder af 71 skrev sin første roman "Jumping the Queue" (da. "Sensommer-udflugt"). Herefter fulgte ni bestsellere, blandt andre "The Camomille Lawn" (da. "Kamille-engen"), som i 1992 blev adapteret til TV-serien af samme navn.

  • by Carolyn Wells
    92.99 kr.

    ‘The Furthest Fury’ is the sixteenth book in the popular Fleming Stone detective series by author Carolyn Wells. David Stanhope is visiting friends in Connecticut when he hears of the brutal murder of a brother and sister who live locally. Suspects are wide-ranging, including the son of one of Stanhope’s own friends. With only the bumbling local police to help him solve the case, Stanhope does not get very far and is forced to call on the investigative skills of Fleming Stone. With plenty of twists and turns, this is a gripping detective novel.Carolyn Wells (1862-1942) was a prolific American novelist and poet, best known for her children’s literature, mystery novels and humorous verse. Following school in New Jersey, Wells worked as a librarian, where she developed her love of reading. It was during 1896 that Wells' first book ‘At the Sign of the Sphinx’ was published. From 1900 she dedicated herself to her literary career, writing over 170 novels in total across a range of genres. Some of her most loved works include the ‘Patty Fairfield’ and ‘Marjorie Maynard’ series for girls, as well as the ‘Fleming Stone’ mystery series for adults. Wells is also well-known for her humorous nonsense verse, and was a frequent contributor of verse to magazines. She published an autobiography ‘The Rest of my Life’ in 1937. Wells died in New York City in 1942.

  • by Edith Nesbit
    102.99 kr.

    If you are looking for a great combination of romance and thriller, look no further.This exhilarating crime and romance novel takes place in a Victorian society and uncovers a tale in the most unexpected way. Although it is one of her lesser-known works, it was written by both Nesbit and her husband Hubert Bland. This novel is the only book the unusual couple wrote together, and throughout the story, it is noticeable that both of them had socialist beliefs.Culminating in a surprising plot twist, this book is recommended for thrill-seekers, romantics, fans of Sherlock Holmes, and anyone who is looking for mystery and drama.Born in Kennington in 1858, Edith Nesbit wrote and co-authored over 60 beloved adventures at the beginning of the 20th century. Among her most popular books are "The Story of the Treasure-Seekers" (1899), "The Phoenix and the Carpet" (1904), and "The Railway Children" (1906). Many of her works became adapted to musicals, movies, and TV shows. Along with her husband Hubert Bland, she was among the first members of the Fabian society - a socialist debating club. A path in London close to her home was named "Railway Children Walk" in her honor, manifesting her legacy as one of the pioneers within the children’s fantasy genre.

  • by Edgar Wallace
    67.99 kr.

    A 1915 short story by Edgar Wallace, ‘The Melody of Death’ is a thrilling crime story. A mysterious melody causes a young man to descend into mania whenever he hears the tune. Newly married, he is convinced that death is coming for him, and wants to make sure that his new wife will be well provided for following his demise. A fast-paced page-turner, this is an exhilarating and dramatic tale from the famous author.Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was an English author, journalist, and poet. Born into poverty in London, Wallace left school at 12 and joined the army at the age of 21, where he worked for the Press Corps as a war correspondent for Reuters and The Daily Mail during the Second Boer War. Following the war, Wallace turned to writing for his income, writing numerous stories for serialisation in newspapers and magazines. Hugely prolific, Wallace wrote over 170 novels and over 900 short stories over the course of his career. In later life Wallace moved to Hollywood where he worked as a scriptwriter, and it was here that he died unexpectedly in 1932 whilst working on a draft of what was to become perhaps his most famous work, ‘King Kong’.

  • by Амброз Бирс
    9.95 kr.

    Джеферсон Домен приезжает в городок Хэрди-Гэрди с целью обогатиться. В этом месте старатели добывали золото, и один человек по имени Барней Бри прислал ему письмо с указанием того, где он может найти клад. Оказалось, что сокровища зарыты на кладбище в могиле некой женщины Скарри. Во время раскопок Джеферсон натыкается на что-то странное и приходит в ужас. Откажется ли он от поиска клада? Как неожиданная находка повлияла на нашего героя? Узнаете из рассказа Амброза Бирса «Настоящее чудовище».Амброз Бирс (1842–1914) – американский писатель и журналист. Наибольшую популярность ему принесли рассказы на тему ужасов и страхов. Бирса часто называли «Горьким Бирсом» из-за его циничного взгляда на человеческую природу. Его мировоззрение отражено в произведении «Словарь дьявола», которое входит в число лучших произведений американской литературы. Короткометражный фильм «Совиный ручей», созданный по его рассказу «Случай на мосту через Совиный ручей», получил премию «Оскар» в 1963 году. Жизнь Амброза Бирса закончилась таинственным образом. Он написал другу, что уезжает в неизвестном направлении. С тех пор его больше никто не видел.

  • by Амброз Бирс
    9.95 kr.

    Трое мужчин сидят в комнате и размышляют о страхе перед мёртвыми. Все они медики. Доктор Хелберсон считает, что этот страх наследственный, но его можно излечить. Если человека запереть в тёмной комнате наедине с трупом, и он переживёт эту ночь, не потеряв рассудка, то страх будет побеждён. Его друзья Харпер и Мэнчер не верят в то, что страх перед мёртвыми можно излечить. Они заключают пари. Для эксперимента был приглашён игрок Джеретт. Кто выиграет пари? Сможет ли Джеретт провести всю ночь с трупом, не сойдя при этом с ума? Узнаете из рассказа Амброза Бирса «Страж мертвеца».Амброз Бирс (1842–1914) – американский писатель и журналист. Наибольшую популярность ему принесли рассказы на тему ужасов и страхов. Бирса часто называли «Горьким Бирсом» из-за его циничного взгляда на человеческую природу. Его мировоззрение отражено в произведении «Словарь дьявола», которое входит в число лучших произведений американской литературы. Короткометражный фильм «Совиный ручей», созданный по его рассказу «Случай на мосту через Совиный ручей», получил премию «Оскар» в 1963 году. Жизнь Амброза Бирса закончилась таинственным образом. Он написал другу, что уезжает в неизвестном направлении. С тех пор его больше никто не видел.

  • by Gertrude Atherton
    67.99 kr.

    First published in 1919, ‘The Avalanche’ by Gertrude Atherton is set in San Francisco following a devastating earthquake. Young Price Ruyler is struggling to keep the California branch of the family business running when he encounters a beautiful young French woman, Helene Perrin. The pair fall hopelessly in love and are swiftly married, but all is not as it seems, and Price begins to have suspicions about his new wife. Does he truly know the woman that he married? A novel full of suspense, mystery, and intrigue.Gertrude Atherton (1857-1948) was an American novelist, short story writer and early feminist. Born in California, Gertrude attended schools in California and Kentucky and became widely read. She married George H.B. Atherton in 1876, and lived with him and his mother in San Francisco, where they had two children. Atherton struggled with married life, her husband did not support her writing ambitions and Gertrude found life as a wife and mother stifling. When her husband died at sea in 1887, Atherton felt free to pursue her burgeoning career as an author and went on to publish over 50 novels. She is best known for her California series of novels which explored the social history of California and included popular works such as ‘The Californians’ and the controversial ‘Black Oxen’ which was adapted into a silent movie in 1923. Feminist themes and strong female characters are common in her novels. She died in San Francisco in 1948.

  • by Sonia Strömberg
    50.99 kr.

    Som ensamstående kvinna över fyrtio är man inte längre önskvärd. Särskilt inte när man är polis till yrket. Så mycket vet Iris. Hon blir inte längre inbjuden till vännernas middagar och båda föräldrarna är sedan länge borta. Vad har hon kvar? När ett brev meddelar att morbror Felix fru har gått bort, bestämmer sig Iris för att återvända till gården där hon spenderat en stor del av sin barndom. Där visar det sig att Felix har en överraskning åt henne. Ute i Holma skärgård finns en liten stuga som knappt någon känner till. Nu är den hennes.Fastän besöket hos Felix blir något som Iris sent ska glömma så dröjer det innan hon återvänder till sin stuga. Men när hon väl tar sig dit sätts saker och ting i rullning som hon aldrig kunnat förutspå. Här ligger nämligen hemligheter begravda – hemligheter som rör hennes egen släkt...Sonia Strömberg föddes 1929 och växte upp i det lilla sågverkssamhället Rundvik i Västerbotten. Genom att läsa kvällskurser skaffade hon sig tidigt en utbildning och flyttade sedan till Mölndal där hon arbetade som gymnasielärare under många år. När en hörselnedsättning tvingade henne att pensionera sig i förtid, bestämde hon sig för att skriva romaner. Det blev hela 19 böcker fram till hennes bortgång 2017.

  • by Carolyn Wells
    67.99 kr.

    John Waring’s life has never been better. He has just been elected as president of Corinth University, and his engagement has been confirmed to an attractive local widow. Just as it doesn’t seem that anything could mess this up, a strange girl walks into his life. When Waring is found dead behind the bolted doors of his study, detective Fleming Stone only has the small footprints found outside the French windows as clues to solve the murder. A locked-room mystery at its best, Carolyn Wells’ novel is delightfully reminiscent of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s ‘The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes'.Fleming Stone is a private investigator with a flair for reading books and people. The New York Police Department often resorts to his skills when a crime turns out to be too complicated for them to resolve. Carolyn Wells’ "Fleming Stone" series follow the eponymous character’s adventures as he solves crimes and mysteries.Carolyn Wells ( 1862 -1942 ) was a prolific American writer and poet. She wrote a total of 170 books, alongside collections of poetry and newspaper articles. She focused on children's books and mysteries, with great success in both of these areas. Some of her most notable works include ‘The Nonsense Anthology (1902), ‘Vicky Van’ (1918), and her autobiography ‘The Rest of My Life’ (1937). Carolyn Well’s humorous verse and intricate plotlines are perfect for fans of Arthur Conan Doyle, Jill Paton Walsh, and Laurie R. King.

  • by Ambrose Bierce
    38.99 kr.

    First published in 1890, ‘The Middle Toe of the Right Foot’ is a classic ghost story from famous American author Ambrose Bierce. A gruesome and horrifying murder has taken place. Manton, the only one left alive, flees the scene, leaving the house empty and abandoned. When a group of young men stumble across the empty property many years later, strange and unexplainable things start to happen. A terrifying tale suitable for all horror lovers.Ambrose Bierce (1842 - 1914) was an American author, journalist, and poet, best known for his horror and fiction stories. Born in Ohio to a large family, Bierce left home at 15 to become a printer’s apprentice. Bierce saw action during the American Civil War, and his terrifying experiences were recounted in horrifying and realistic detail in many of his stories such as ‘An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge’ and ‘One of the Missing’. Bierce also become known for his ghost and psychological horror stories, as well as his poetry. One of his most famous works is ‘The Devil’s Dictionary’ which contained satirical definitions of English words. Bierce wrote a letter to a friend in 1913 stating ‘I leave here tomorrow for an unknown destination’ before mysteriously vanishing without a trace.

  • by Annie Haynes
    96.99 kr.

    Charmian Karslake, bella e famosa attrice americana, viene trovata morta il giorno dopo un ballo organizzato da Sir Arthur Penn-Moreton. La donna, ospite nell’aristocratica dimora di campagna di Hepton Abbey, è stata uccisa con la propria pistola nella sua stanza, chiusa dall'interno. L’unico oggetto mancante dalla stanza è uno zaffiro prezioso da cui Charmian non si separava mai ma che era considerato un autentico porta sfortuna. Il furto del gioiello è stato il movente dell'omicidio? Sarà l'ispettore Stoddart di Scotland Yard a dover risolvere il caso, che si rivela subito intricato dato che tutti gli ospiti della casa, così come gli abitanti di Hepton Abbey, sembrano avere qualcosa da nascondere. Le indagini sono poi bruscamente interrotte a causa di un nuovo crimine efferato: la moglie di uno dei principali sospettati è stata infatti brutalmente aggredita...Giallo classico, bestseller d'annata, 'Chi ha ucciso Charmian Karlsake' non smette di affascinare e sorprendere con il suo garbo d'altri tempi e le atmosfere elettrizzanti.©2018 Edizioni leAssassine (P)2021 Saga EgmontAnnie Haynes (1864-1929) è stata una scrittrice inglese. Giallista bestseller, le trame delle sue opere—ricche di vicende romantiche e avventurose—si collocano a metà tra la Golden Age dei gialli alla Agatha Christie e il grande romanzo inglese dell’Ottocento.

  • by Marzia Musneci
    96.99 kr.

    I gemelli congiunti Zek e Sam, piccoli balordi della periferia romana, ricevono l'ordine da Chick Lanzetta, boss del quartiere, di dare una lezione a un vecchio orologiaio. Peccato che poco dopo il negoziante venga ritrovato morto. Qualcuno cerca di addossare il crimine ai due fratelli che, mentre provano a discolparsi, vengono aggrediti, seguiti, minacciati. Ma i ragazzi hanno alcuni improbabili complici nella loro indagine: il vice ispettore Nick Castillo, convinto che stavolta siano solo capri espiatori; Bob Carrezza, un giornalista di cronaca nera; Minny Morelli, il loro allenatore di boxe; Abbe e la "magica" Luz. 'Grosso guaio a Roma Sud' è una storia ai limiti della realtà e racconta una periferia romana, quella del quadrante Sud, che ci regala atmosfere contrastanti, tra malavita e personaggi memorabili.©2020 Todaro Editore Srls (P)2021 Saga EgmontMarzia Musneci, nata a Roma, è una scrittrice italiana. Specializzata in gialli e thriller urbani, le sue opere sono spesso ambientate nella capitale. Oltre ai romanzi, si dedica anche alla scrittura di haiku.

  • by Giulia Conti
    88.99 kr.

    Nach einer stürmischen Dezembernacht wird am Ufer des Lago d‘Orta die Leiche einer Frau angespült. Schnell ist klar, dass sie nicht bloß mit ihrem Ruderboot gekentert ist. Die Tote ist eine junge und ausgesprochen hübsche Nonne, die erst kürzlich auf die Isola San Giulio gekommen war, um nach ihrer verschwundenen Mutter zu suchen. Hat sie etwas herausgefunden, das sie das Leben kostete? Was verschweigen die Besitzer des nahe gelegenen Reishofs? Als am Grund des Sees zudem ein Autowrack mit zwei Leichen geborgen wird, ist es für Simon Strasser wieder nichts mit dem Dolce Vita. In einem Fall, in dem nichts so ist, wie es zunächst scheint, steht der ehemalige Polizei- und Gerichtsreporter der örtlichen Kommissarin erneut zur Seite.Giulia Conti ist das Pseudonym einer deutschen Journalistin und Reisebuchautorin. Sie hat viele Jahre in Frankfurt am Main gelebt und gearbeitet. Ihre zweite Heimat ist seit zwanzig Jahren ein kleines Dorf am Lago d'Orta in Norditalien.

  • by Martin Rasmussen & Michael Rasmussen
    From 39.00 kr.

    Sommeren 2019, Milas og Conrad tager igen på ferie hos Carl-Christian. For der er noget helt specielt ved at besøge vennen ude på landet. Det bliver igen en hyggelig, dramatisk og spændende sommerferie helt ude på Lars Tyndskids vildmarker.Kongeborgens hemmelighed 2 er fortsættelsen til Kongeborgens hemmelighed.Martin Rasmussen og Michael Rasmussen (begge født 1975) er tvillinger og opvokset på landet nær Faxe. Skoven og naturen var deres legeplads som børn, og sammen med deres fascination af eventyr ledte dette en dag til, at de prøvede at skrive en børnebog sammen i 2011. Nu har de skrevet sammen i mere end 10 år, og udgivet forskellige børnebøger siden 2014.