Crime and mystery: cosy mystery
24.99 kr. Hon kände igen honom med en gång. Nästintill oförändrad var han när hon stack kniven i honom och tog ett steg tillbaka. Kände han igen henne? Gick det upp för honom just i det ögonblicket som han dog? Hon hoppas att det var så... för den ljuva hämndens skull."Pappa upp i dagen" har tidigare publicerats som en del av Novellmästarnas samling "Överkörd" (2014).Ulf Durling, född 1940, är en svensk psykiater och författare. Han är verksam inom deckargenren och är en utav föreningen Novellmästarnas grundare.
- Ebook
- 24.99 kr.
From 43.99 kr. Dżentelmen i włamywacz w jednym? Taki właśnie jest Arsène Lupin! To na podstawie książkowej serii o szarmanckim złodziejaszku powstał hit Netflixa "Lupin".Bohaterem ośmiu opowiadań, z których składa się książka, jest niejaki Jim Barnett. To szarmancki, uwodzicielski właściciel agencji detektywistycznej. Kieruje się zasadą, że nigdy nie pobiera opłat za konsultacje, jednak z każdej rozwikłanej sprawy czerpie dla siebie korzyści finansowe. Jego partner zawodowy, inspektor Bechoux, jednocześnie pomaga mu w rozwiązywaniu zagadek oraz krytykuje za podwójną moralność w interesach. Wszystkie te cechy sprawiają, że w postaci Barnetta czytelnik bez trudu rozpozna kolejne wcielenie mistrza charakteryzacji, dżentelmena-włamywacza Arsène'a Lupina. Książka idealna dla fanów detektywa Sherlocka Holmesa!Arsène Lupin to szarmancki, czuły na wdzięki kobiet mistrz charakteryzacji. Wrodzony spryt pozwala mu wychodzić z największych opresji. Żyje z kradzieży, ale trzyma się etosu, zgodnie z którym rabuje jedynie złoczyńców, wymierzając im tym samym sprawiedliwość. Postać tego dżentelmena-włamywacza była inspirowana historią Mariusa Jacoba - anarchisty, który dokonał ponad 150 włamań, za co został skazany na 23 lata więzienia.Maurice Leblanc - francuski nowelista i publicysta. Pod koniec XIX wieku wyjechał do Paryża, aby spełnić marzenie o zostaniu pisarzem. Ciężka praca i pragnienie odniesienia sukcesu poskutkowały stopniowym zjednywaniem sobie czytelników. Pośród wielu jego dzieł, największym powodzeniem cieszyła się i cieszy do dziś seria książek o włamywaczu-dżentelmenie imieniem Arsène Lupin.
24.99 kr. När onkel Edvin gått till de sälla jaktmarkerna sitter brorsonen kvar med tusen frågor. Edvin hade börjat yra om systern Maja - vad var det egentligen som hände med henne? Släktens svarta får, som försvann och sedan dök upp igen, bara för att stryka med i influensan 1957. Varför satt hon därute i ödetorpet? Och vad var det Edvin såg den där hemska dagen?"En svart ballad" har tidigare publicerats som en del av Novellmästarnas samlingar "Full fart mot det okända" och "Arga katter ger rivet skinn".Ulf Durling, född 1940, är en svensk psykiater och författare. Han är verksam inom deckargenren och är en utav föreningen Novellmästarnas grundare.
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- 24.99 kr.
111.99 kr. Infirmière fraichement diplômée en psychiatrie, Alicia rejoint l’équipe du Center Hospital, vieille institution au cœur de New York dont les légendes précèdent la réputation. Entre secrets et phénomènes inexplicables, la bâtisse renferme son lot de mystères. À commencer par Julian, un patient au tempérament de feu qui, à peine arrivé, donne déjà du fil à retordre aux équipes en place.Alors que la loi du silence règne entre les murs, Alicia se retrouve au cœur d’une série de meurtres non résolus qui la plongent rapidement dans une enquête au péril même de sa vie…Cindy Lia vit en région parisienne. Depuis sa plus tendre enfance, elle rêve de voyages, de grands espaces et de dépaysements. Bien qu’elle n’y soit encore jamais allée, les États-Unis sont une source inépuisable d’inspiration. Elle s’amuse à mettre en scène des héroïnes fortes, indépendantes… et des hommes mystérieux qui leur courent après. « À la folie » est son premier roman. Elle a ensuite publié une duologie Young Adult chez Kaya Éditions (racheté par les éditions de l’Opportin), puis une nouvelle romance à succès chez Plumes du Web en 2019 (« À cœurs rompus »). En 2020, elle s’essaie à la dark romance, chez Plumes du Web en mai.
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- 111.99 kr.
73.99 kr. Eine misslungene Geisterbeschwörung und ein saftiger Skandal - Patricia Peacock und Dogge Sir Tiny stolpern in ihr zweites Abenteuer!Auf dem Silvesterball im Mena Hotel machen Patricia und John mit dem schrulligen Ehepaar Gräfin Walburga und General Huddelston Bekanntschaft. Wenig später bittet die Gräfin sie um Hilfe, denn ihr Gatte wurde entführt. Und das zwei Wochen vor der Goldenen Hochzeit der beiden! Als wäre das nicht schlimm genug, steht auch noch ein saftiger Skandal ins Haus, denn der General verschwand aus dem berühmt-berüchtigten Freudenhaus „Lotusgarten".Patricia muss noch einmal in ihre Rolle als Gesellschaftsdame schlüpfen, um im Umfeld des Generals Nachforschungen anzustellen. Dabei trifft sie ausgerechnet auf ihre alte Arbeitgeberin Lady Blanford. Außerdem macht Dogge Sir Tiny ihrem Ruf alle Ehre und richtet ein heilloses Chaos an, während John Maddock zum Sturm auf Patricias Schlafzimmer ansetzt ...Tiffany Crockham hat über zehn Jahre als Justizangestellte gearbeitet, bevor sie eine Künsterlaufbahn einschlug. Neben zahlreichen historischen Romanen bei mehreren Verlagen, entdeckte sie 2011 auch das Selfpublishing für sich und startete dort sehr erfolgreich unter dem Pseudonym Alexa Kim mit ihren Fantasy- und Liebesromanserien durch. Außerdem arbeitet Tiffany als Grafikdesignerin für Buchcover. Tiffany Crockham lebt mit ihren Katzen Lakshmi und Leia im bunten Ruhrgebiet. Neben gutem Essen (sehr zum Unmut ihrer Waage), liebt Tiffany gute Filme und Serien.
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- 73.99 kr.
77.99 kr. After a long stay in South Africa, Richard Hannay arrives back in London just before the outbreak of World War One. There he meets Franklin Scudder, who claims to be investigating the Black Stone – a German spy organization. Hannay gives a shelter to the man but one day he finds him dead. Now the Scotsman fears that he might be the next one on the Black Stone’s list. Hannay decides to go back to his native Scotland with the notebook Scudder gave him before he was murdered.Who is responsible for Scudder's murder? Is it the Black Stone or it is someone else? How will Hannay be involved in this story? What will he find in the mysterious notebook? Can he deal with the German spy organization on his own?Find all the answers in John Buchan’s adventure novel "The Thirty-Nine Steps" from 1915.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.John Buchan (1875 - 1940) was a Scottish writer, historian, lawyer and government administrator. At the age of seventeen he studied classics and mathematics at Glasgow University. With his second scholarship from Oxford Brasenose College, Buchan graduated with a Doctor of Laws degree. He admired Sir Walter Scott and was inspired by his works. John Buchan’s most famous work is the spy thriller novel "The Thirty-Nine Steps", which was written during First World War.
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- 77.99 kr.
67.99 kr. Hildred Castaigne is a young man who lives in New York City whose life changes drastically after he falls from his horse and injures his head. Castaigne gets unjustly confined to a mental institution, where Dr. Archer treats him. However, the doctor soon realizes, that this is a mistake and the young man’s condition is not as bad as he was told. During Hildred’s treatment, the United States have prospered and improved their infrastructure, a new aristocratic elite has been formed and suicide has been legalized.Who is responsible for Hildred Castaigne’s wrong diagnosis? How will Castaigne adapt to the new society? Who is the "Repairer of Reputation" and will he help Castaigne? Find all the answers in Robert William Chambers’ short story 1895 "The Repairer of Reputations".B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Robert William Chambers (1865 - 1933) was one of the most popular fiction writers in American. Born and educated in Brooklyn, Chambers joined the Art Students’ League at the age of twenty, where one of his fellow student was Charles Dana Gibson. Robert Chambers remains best known for his collection of short stories named "The King in Yellow" from 1895.
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- 67.99 kr.
102.99 kr. Jim Hawkins is a young boy who lives at his parents’ inn, near Bristol. After Billy Bones, an old sea captain, mysteriously dies at the inn, Hawkins unlocks his sea chest and finds a treasure map. The mysterious treasure map arouses Jim’s curiosity and sparks a wild and adventurous treasure hunt. Before long, Jim has gathered a crew of untrustworthy pirates and sails off to Treasure Island. Long John Silver with his missing leg and his parrot is part of the voyage.How did captain Billy Bones die? Was he murdered? Where did he get the treasure map from? Will Jim Hawkins and his crew reach Treasure Island? What is John Silver’s role in this story? Find all the answers in Robert Louis Stevenson’s adventure 1883 novel "Treasure Island".B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) was a Scottish writer of novels, poems, essays, and travel books. For most of his life, Stevenson suffered from serious bronchial issues, but he kept on travelling and writing. Although his writing has often been considered pure entertainment, author Henry James aligned Stevenson’s works with his own. His most famous novels are "Treasure Island" (1883), "Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" (1886), "Kidnapped" (1886) and "A Child’s Garden of Verses" (1885).
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- 102.99 kr.
42.99 kr. "The Yellow Sign" is considered to be Robert Chambers’ horror masterpiece. He introduces us to Mr. Scott, an artist living in New York City. One day, Scott sees an overweight young man, who looks like a lawn grub to him. The artist’s is working on a painting of a girl named Tessie. When the girl falls ill, Scott tries to cure her, so he can finish his work as fast as possible. However, Tessie’s condition gets worse and she starts having very strange dreams.Who is the young man that Scott saw? Is he related to Tessie and is he responsible in some way for her condition? Will she survive? What is the mystery surrounding her condition? Find all the answers in Robert W. Chambers’ horror story "The Yellow Sign" from 1895.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Robert William Chambers (1865 - 1933) was one of the most popular fiction writers in American. Born and educated in Brooklyn, Chambers joined the Art Students’ League at the age of twenty, where one of his fellow student was Charles Dana Gibson. Robert Chambers remains best known for his collection of short stories named "The King in Yellow" from 1895.
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- 42.99 kr.
69.00 kr. Hank Janson fra The Chicago Chronicle er kendt som Amerikas skrappeste politireporter, og i "Mord og kærlighed" lever han i den grad op til sit ry. Han giver sig i kast med at undersøge grunden til det værste trafikstop i Chicagos historie – og bliver hvirvlet ind i en uopklaret sag om et tyve år gammelt mord, om en gammel millionær og hans lidenskabelige unge kone, om pengeafpresning og mord...Hank Janson er en hårdkogt reporter, der ikke er bleg for at dykke ned i storbyens dystre underverden, hvor nådesløse gangstere, kæphøje håndlangere og hurtige damer lever efter gadens love – og ofte lader livet for dem.Hank Janson er pseudonym for den engelske forfatter Stephen Daniel Frances, der gav hovedpersonen i sin populære serie af hårdtslående thrillere samme navn. Den første roman om Hank Jansons eventyr i England og USA’s kriminelle underverden udkom i 1946, og bøgernes storhedstid fortsatte op igennem 1950’erne, hvor de blev oversat til adskillige sprog og solgt i millioner af eksemplarer.
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- 69.00 kr.
42.99 kr. Wsłuchaj się w powieść jednego z najpopularniejszych pisarzy crime z PRL-u!Zabójstwo znanego lekarza rozpoczyna wyścig z czasem dla majora Downara. Jedyne poszlaki, które mogą pomóc mu w przechytrzeniu zabójcy to tajemniczy telefonem w noc przed morderstwem i wrak samochodu. Czy odkryje prawdziwą tożsamość zbrodniarza?Idealna dla czytelniczek i czytelników Marka Krajewskiego i Joe Alexa!Język, postacie i poglądy zawarte w tej publikacji nie odzwierciedlają poglądów ani opinii wydawcy. Utwór ma charakter publikacji historycznej, ukazującej postawy i tendencje charakterystyczne dla czasów, z których pochodzi.PRL kryminalnie PRL kryminalnie - seria składająca się z powieści milicyjnych najbardziej poczytnych autorek i autorów czasów PRL.Zygmunt Zeydler-Zborowski (1911-2000) – znany z kryminałów PRL z majorem Downarem w roli głównej. Pochowany na warszawskich Powązkach.
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- 42.99 kr.
38.99 kr. "Of living creators of cosmic fear raised to its most artistic pitch, few if any can hope to equal the versatile Arthur Machen." -H.P. LovecraftDr. Thomas Vivian has been brutally murdered and supernatural detectives Dyson and Phillips are rushed to the grisly crime scene due to its extraordinary nature. To their horror, the only clue remaining is a blood-spattered axe dating back to primordial times. Yet this is only the start of the strangeness and mayhem the two detectives are to uncover over the course of their investigation.Strongly recommended for fans of the 'Good Omens' series based on Terry Pratchett's fiction and starring a modern day rendition of Aleister Crowley. The late Crowley was also a lifelong follower of Machen's writing. Fans of H.P. Lovecraft and the TV series 'Lovecraft Country' will also love Machen's supernatural horror stories.Arthur Machen (1863-1947) was a Welsh writer of supernatural, fantasy, and horror novels. Before his literary career skyrocketed he also worked as a journalist and an actor. His major belief was that the ordinary and external world surreptitiously conceals something far more mysterious and bizarre. In turn, we are deeply interested in trying to lift the veil enshrouding the threshold separating the two. His most acclaimed works include the classic horror novella 'The Great God Pan' and the semi-autobiographical 'The Hill of Dreams'.
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- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. Machen’s occult investigator Dyson is back to the job with another murder mystery. 'The Inmost Light' presents Dyson’s first-hand account of a story he witnessed - the wife of a famous London doctor is found dead. However, the factors that came into play to cause her death can only be described as supernatural. A horrific transformation and a tinkering with the soul that resulted in her inevitable demise.'The Inmost Light' presents implicit horrors rather than the overt horrors commonplace in for example H. P. Lovecraft’s fiction. Fans of the supernatural horror genre will love this story.Jorge Luis Borges cited Machen as a great writer and an inspiration for the magical realism movement in literature. Notorious occultist Aleister Crowley also greatly admired Machen for effortlessly crossing over the threshold that separates reality and the magical realm.Strongly recommended for fans of the 'Good Omens' series inspired by Terry Pratchett's fiction and starring Michael Sheen and David Tennant. Fans of the HBO show 'Lovecraft Country' may also find a true Lovecraft-ian treasure trove hidden between these pagesArthur Machen (1863-1947) was a Welsh writer of supernatural, fantasy, and horror novels. Before his literary career skyrocketed he also worked as a journalist and an actor. His major belief was that the ordinary and external world surreptitiously conceals something far more mysterious and bizarre. In turn, we are deeply interested in trying to lift the veil enshrouding the threshold separating the two. His most acclaimed works include the classic horror novella 'The Great God Pan' and the semi-autobiographical 'The Hill of Dreams'.
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- 38.99 kr.
96.99 kr. Vanhuksia auttavan yhteisön kellarista löytyy talikolla lävistetty ruumis. Rikoskomisario Juha Muhonen alaisineen lähtee selvittämään Porvoon empirekorttelissa toimivan Valtakunnan toimintaa. Karismaattisen johtajan luotsaama yhteisö antaa itsestään pyyteettömän ja lämminhenkisen vaikutelman, mutta miksi poliisi haistaa ilmassa vääristyneiden ihmissuhteiden katkua?Pian käryää myös roskakatoksessa, ja Muhonen huolestuu hiljaisuuden retriittiin saapuneiden kaupunkilaisten turvallisuudesta. Komisariolle kiusallisen tuttu Hilkka Alitupa puhaltaa omalta osaltaan tulta hiillokseen, kunnes poliisin on aika iskeä piikki yhteisön tiiviisiin riveihin.Valtakunnan perustukset säröilevät, mutta Muhosen oman talon kunnostus etenee. Remonttireiska Väänäsen lämpimät suhteet Elleniin saavat kuitenkin komisarion epäilysten valtaan.
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- 96.99 kr.
96.99 kr. London, 1895: Eine Mordserie erschüttert die Stadt. Die Opfer gehören verschiedenen Gesellschaftsschichten an und werden scheinbar zufällig ausgewählt. So zufällig, dass die Metropolitan Police nicht an einen Einzeltäter glaubt.Ein Fall für die Ermittler des Sebastian Club, eines vornehmen Londoner Herrenclubs, der sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, Verbrechen aufzuklären, an denen Scotland Yard scheitert. Die Gentlemen entdecken ein Muster hinter den Gräueltaten: Um an ein wertvolles Juwel zu gelangen, setzt der Täter mittelalterliche Foltermethoden ein.Für die Detektive ist die Sache klar: Der Mörder muss schnellstens zur Strecke gebracht werden. Um jeden Preis. Auch mit Hilfe einer schlauen jungen Frau, die sich als Mann verkleidet, um ermitteln zu dürfen.Geboren und aufgewachsen in Bayern, verließ Sophie Oliver nach dem Abitur ihre Heimat, um zu studieren und die Welt zu erkunden. Sie lebte in Italien und England und durfte in verschiedenen Berufen Erfahrungen sammeln. Mittlerweile ist sie zu ihren Wurzeln zurückgekehrt und wohnt mit Familie und Hund auf dem Land. Sophie liebt die bunte Vielfalt, Schräges genauso wie Schönes und vor allem »all things British«.
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- 96.99 kr.
163.99 kr. "The Moonstone" by Wilkie Collins is one of the forefathers of detective fiction, cementing the foundations of the genre. At the centre of it lays the theft of a diamond, dating in origin from a religious Indian shrine, which prompts detective Sergeant Cuff to take up the case. It is an absolute page-turner of a story and goes through the accounts of the different characters, winding and meandering from fact to fiction and vice versa. A tale of romance, theft, murder, and mystery, "The Moonstone" is a central text for the genre, recommended to all readers of fiction.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Wilkie Collins (1824-1889) was an English novelist, one of the most popular and well paid during of his generation. A close friend of Charles Dickens, Collins achieved his fame mostly through his novel "The Woman in White" which many consider the first piece of British detective fiction. His other popular works include "The Moonstone" and "Armadale".
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- 163.99 kr.
77.99 kr. Set in the pseudo-historical Hyborian Age, this story introduces us to the legendary Conan the Barbarian. After the death of Vendhya’s emperor, Bunda Chad, Conan kidnaps his sister – Devi Yasmina. But why did Conan the Barbarian kidnap princess Yasmina? Does he want to be the new ruler of Vendhya or does he simply wants to become rich by exchanging the girl for money? Or is he working for someone with impure intentions?If you want to find out the answers, do not hesitate to embark on this journey full of all sorts of weird events, wizards, amazing deeds of super strength and plenty of blood and guts.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American author who wrote in a wide range of genres. Born and raised in Texas, Howard was a bookish and intellectual child with a great interest in boxing. He is the creator of the pulp fiction hero Conan the Barbarian and is considered as the father of the sword and sorcery subgenre.
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- 77.99 kr.
59.99 kr. Wsłuchaj się w powieść jednego z najpopularniejszych pisarzy crime z PRL-u!Świeża focaccia, przyjemna morska bryza i mordestwo...Emerytowany Major Downar, zamiast cieszyć się spokojem, wpada w wir przygód podczas wycieczki do słonecznej Italii. Wśród malowniczych zabytków i smaków włoskiej kuchni, Downar niechcący zostaje bohaterem misji ratunkowej turystów i stawia czoła mrocznej zagadce tragicznej śmierci jednego z nich. Czy uda mu się rozwikłać tę tajemnicę?Idealna dla czytelniczek i czytelników Marka Krajewskiego i Joe Alexa!Język, postacie i poglądy zawarte w tej publikacji nie odzwierciedlają poglądów ani opinii wydawcy. Utwór ma charakter publikacji historycznej, ukazującej postawy i tendencje charakterystyczne dla czasów, z których pochodzi.PRL kryminalnie PRL kryminalnie - seria składająca się z powieści milicyjnych najbardziej poczytnych autorek i autorów czasów PRL.Zygmunt Zeydler-Zborowski (1911-2000) – znany z kryminałów PRL z majorem Downarem w roli głównej. Pochowany na warszawskich Powązkach.
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- 59.99 kr.
64.99 kr. Det är Halloween och festligheterna är i full gång. Deckarförfattaren Ariadne Oliver är på plats, och det är även en trettonårig flicka som närmar sig författaren med en bisarr historia. Hon hävdar att hon bevittnat ett mord som barn – men hon var för ung för att förstå vad det var hon såg. Det är först på senare tid hon har börjat inse vad det var hon sett, men när ingen tror henne lämnar hon festen i raseri. Men bara timmar senare hittas flickan död.Oliver tar kontakt med den världsberömda detektiven Hercule Poirot för att lösa mysteriet. Detta blir upptakten på en kuslig och ruskigt intelligent gåta, som bara Poirot kan lösa.”Mord i Venedig” (tidigare utgiven som ”Mord på Allhelgonadagen”) är en klassisk pusseldeckare från Agatha Christie med hennes oefterhärmliga känsla för blodiga intriger i överklassen.Nu som storfilm med Kenneth Branagh som Hercule Poirot!Agatha Christie (1890-1976) var en brittisk deckarförfattare och en av världens bäst säljande författare med över 4 miljarder sålda böcker. Mest känd är hon för detektiven Hercule Poirot. Tillsammans med Arthur Conan Doyle är hon den som har format deckargenren mest genom tiderna.
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- 64.99 kr.
67.99 kr. "The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes" is a collection of 12 short stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, the final one being the tragic and tearful "The Final Problem". Offering pretty good mysteries and fast-paced action, the collection poses baffling problems and highly sophisticated situations where Holmes has to harness his full deductive potential to solve the puzzle. Doyle has done a great job painting a pretty realistic and humane portrait of Holmes as a person of flesh and blood, not some detective demigod. Definitely recommendable to fans of Arthur Conan Doyle and genre aficionados.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was born in Scotland and studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh. After his studies, he worked as a ship’s surgeon on various boats. During the Second Boer War, he was an army doctor in South Africa. When he came back to the United Kingdom, he opened his own practice and started writing crime books. He is best known for his thrilling stories about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. He published four novels and more than 50 short-stories starring the detective and Dr Watson, and they play an important role in the history of crime fiction. Other than the Sherlock Holmes series, Doyle wrote around thirty more books, in genres such as science-fiction, fantasy, historical novels, but also poetry, plays, and non-fiction.
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- 67.99 kr.
67.99 kr. Dr. Watson is still in mourning, when his best friend, presumed dead till now, appears in his office. And thank God he is back – for there is work to be done, and Scotland Yard is in dire need of a helping hand. "The Return of Sherlock Holmes" comprises 13 detective stories where our characters have to solve difficult puzzles, outsmart intelligent criminals, or find the missing piece in complicated mysteries. It is a strongly emotional collection of fast-paced narration and breathtaking escapades. Recommended to fans of the genre.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was born in Scotland and studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh. After his studies, he worked as a ship’s surgeon on various boats. During the Second Boer War, he was an army doctor in South Africa. When he came back to the United Kingdom, he opened his own practice and started writing crime books. He is best known for his thrilling stories about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. He published four novels and more than 50 short-stories starring the detective and Dr Watson, and they play an important role in the history of crime fiction. Other than the Sherlock Holmes series, Doyle wrote around thirty more books, in genres such as science-fiction, fantasy, historical novels, but also poetry, plays, and non-fiction.
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- 67.99 kr.
67.99 kr. "The Valley of Fear" is the last novel by Arthur Conan Doyle where the reader meets Sherlock Holmes, the famous detective. He and Doctor Watson arrive to a country manor to investigate a possible murder. After receiving a coded message, Holmes links the murder to the name in the message. Clue by clue, our friends get closer to Holmes’ arch enemy Professor Moriarty. It is a brilliantly executed mystery, riddled with sufficient evidence and compelling, plot-driven structure. Detective fiction enthusiasts will not be disappointed.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was born in Scotland and studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh. After his studies, he worked as a ship’s surgeon on various boats. During the Second Boer War, he was an army doctor in South Africa. When he came back to the United Kingdom, he opened his own practice and started writing crime books. He is best known for his thrilling stories about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. He published four novels and more than 50 short-stories starring the detective and Dr Watson, and they play an important role in the history of crime fiction. Other than the Sherlock Holmes series, Doyle wrote around thirty more books, in genres such as science-fiction, fantasy, historical novels, but also poetry, plays, and non-fiction.
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- 67.99 kr.
38.99 kr. "Please, speak softly, we might be overheard,"Two college friends run into each other in Paris and one tells the other of a mysterious woman he’s been seeing. She sets appointments to meet him and doesn’t show up, and she asks him not to write her at her home address but gives him an alias name and address instead. As the tension builds, the friends start to suspect that maybe the real mystery is that there isn’t a mystery at all.The Sphinx Without a Secret suggests that the thrill of the chase will always end in disappointment when it comes to love, because sooner or later the chase must end. With charm and a great understanding of the human condition, Oscar Wilde more than succeeds with this suspenseful Sherlock Holmes-like mystery.Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) was an Irish playwright, novelist, essayist, and poet, famous for ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ and ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ to name a couple. He was believed to be a homosexual and met a lot of resistance in his life on that account. He died in Paris at the age of 46.
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- 38.99 kr.
41.99 kr. "When I began to settle down in this right-principled and well-conducted House, I noticed, under the bed in No. 24 B (which it is up an angle off the staircase, and usually put off upon the lowly-minded), a heap of things in a corner."When a waiter in a hotel stumbles upon some luggage that has been left behind, he searches through it to identify its owner only to find a handful of stories instead. The writing is so good that he gets the stories published. One day, a visitor comes calling...Somebody's Luggage is a thoroughly entertaining and cleverly written mystery, and as always with Dickens’ work, the characters and places come alive on the page.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was an English author, social critic, and philanthropist. Much of his writing first appeared in small instalments in magazines and was widely popular. Among his most famous novels are Oliver Twist (1839), David Copperfield (1850), and Great Expectations (1861).
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- 41.99 kr.
51.99 kr. Wsłuchaj się w powieść jednego z najpopularniejszych pisarzy crime z PRL-u!Zapach smażonej flądry, ciepły piasek, błękitne morze i zabójstwo...Major Downar ma nadzieję na spokojne wakacje nad Bałtykiem. Niestety zostają one brutalnie przerwane przez morderstwo żony profesora archeologii. Zaskakujące powiązania ofiar i sieć romansów sprawiają, że Downar zostaje wciągnięty w wir śledztwa. Czy uda mu się odnaleźć mordercę, zanim zginie kolejna ofiara?Idealna dla czytelniczek i czytelników Marka Krajewskiego i Joe Alexa!Język, postacie i poglądy zawarte w tej publikacji nie odzwierciedlają poglądów ani opinii wydawcy. Utwór ma charakter publikacji historycznej, ukazującej postawy i tendencje charakterystyczne dla czasów, z których pochodzi.PRL kryminalnie PRL kryminalnie - seria składająca się z powieści milicyjnych najbardziej poczytnych autorek i autorów czasów PRL.Zygmunt Zeydler-Zborowski (1911-2000) – znany z kryminałów PRL z majorem Downarem w roli głównej. Pochowany na warszawskich Powązkach.
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- 51.99 kr.
24.99 kr. Rutger von G's mystiska död har gäckat östgötska Kisa i ett helt sekel. Han var illa omtyckt, och dessutom gammal och bräcklig, när han tog sitt sista andetag under äppelträdet i trädgården. Varför skällde inte vakthunden när den eventuelle gärningsmannen skred till verket? Hundra år senare, år 1974, tror sig en präst ha listat ut vad det var som hände. Men för att bekräfta sina misstankar behöver han lite hjälp..."Fallfrukt" har tidigare publicerats som en del av Novellmästarnas samling "Det allseende ögat är slutet".Ulf Durling, född 1940, är en svensk psykiater och författare. Han är verksam inom deckargenren och är en utav föreningen Novellmästarnas grundare.
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- 24.99 kr.
38.99 kr. Charles Dickens shared excessive interest in the machinations of the ghostly and the supernatural. Many of his ghost stories include a sense of justice or rational explanation in the end. "The Hanged Man’s Bride" is such a story that is rich in vivid descriptions of nature, murder mystery, and a restless spirit. Dickens does a great job in portraying the background in minutest of details, adding a layer of veracity and truthfulness to the supernatural occurrences. A chilling and recommended reading for the fans of ghost stories.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was an English author, social critic, and philanthropist. Much of his writing first appeared in small instalments in magazines and was widely popular. Among his most famous novels are Oliver Twist (1839), David Copperfield (1850), and Great Expectations (1861).
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- 38.99 kr.
From 51.99 kr. Anlagda bränder är ett ovanligt inslag i vardagen i västgötska Hjo. Men nu har det plötsligt inträffat två stycken på kort tid. När polisen identifierar samma skoavtryck på båda platserna blir Helena Groop och hennes kollegor på stationen än mer misstänksamma. Har man fått en blivande pyroman på halsen?På Hjo-kurirens redaktion sitter journalisten Sara Blidh i liknande tankar. För visst har det varit fler bränder i området de senaste åren? Kan det rentav finnas ett samband? Samtidigt har hon svårt att komma över det ouppklarade fallet med Johan Hult - pojken som försvann spårlöst för så längesedan. Då hade Sara varit så nära att hitta sanningen! Men kanske finns den fortfarande inom räckhåll..."Greve af Hjo" är den andra delen i Annette Brandelids mysdeckarserie "af Hjo" där mystik, spänning och relationer varvas om vartannat. Sakta men säkert vävs karaktärernas öden samman, i en småstad där alla känner alla. I Greve af Hjo får vi återigen träffa flera av den lilla stadens välbekanta invånare och dessutom stifta nya, spännande bekantskaper.Annette Brandelid, född 1974, är en svensk författare från Västergötland. Hennes debutroman "Ängel af Hjo" publicerades år 2011 som följetong i Hjo tidning och gavs ut som ljudbok 2020.
59.99 kr. Wsłuchaj się w powieść jednego z najpopularniejszych pisarzy crime z PRL-u!Spokój malowniczej polskiej wsi zakłóca odkrycie ciała młodej kobiety. Lokalny sierżant przeczuwa, że ten przypadek może wywrócić jego życie do góry nogami. Śledztwo szybko staje się dla niego niebezpiecznie osobiste. Kiedy krąg podejrzanych zacieśnia się, sprawę przejmuje detektyw Downar. Okazuje się, że prawda jest mroczniejsza niż spokojna społeczność mogła przypuszczać...Idealna dla czytelniczek i czytelników Marka Krajewskiego i Joe Alexa!Język, postacie i poglądy zawarte w tej publikacji nie odzwierciedlają poglądów ani opinii wydawcy. Utwór ma charakter publikacji historycznej, ukazującej postawy i tendencje charakterystyczne dla czasów, z których pochodzi.PRL kryminalnie PRL kryminalnie - seria składająca się z powieści milicyjnych najbardziej poczytnych autorek i autorów czasów PRL.Zygmunt Zeydler-Zborowski (1911-2000) – znany z kryminałów PRL z majorem Downarem w roli głównej. Pochowany na warszawskich Powązkach.
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- 59.99 kr.
59.99 kr. Wsłuchaj się w powieść jednego z najpopularniejszych pisarzy crime z PRL-u!Włoski biznesman pragnie wkroczyć na arenę polskiej polityki, ale dawna tajemnica grozi pokrzyżowaniem jego planów. Czy jego płatny zabójca odzyska kompromitujące dokumenty i wyeliminuje "problem"? Czy w obliczu nieznanego terytorium Polski i wysokiej stawki, misja zawodowego zabójcy zakończy się sukcesem?Idealna dla czytelniczek i czytelników Marka Krajewskiego i Joe Alexa!Język, postacie i poglądy zawarte w tej publikacji nie odzwierciedlają poglądów ani opinii wydawcy. Utwór ma charakter publikacji historycznej, ukazującej postawy i tendencje charakterystyczne dla czasów, z których pochodzi.PRL kryminalnie PRL kryminalnie - seria składająca się z powieści milicyjnych najbardziej poczytnych autorek i autorów czasów PRL.Zygmunt Zeydler-Zborowski (1911-2000) – znany z kryminałów PRL z majorem Downarem w roli głównej. Pochowany na warszawskich Powązkach.
- Audiobook
- 59.99 kr.