Crime and mystery: hard-boiled crime, noir fiction

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  • by Dario Crapanzano
    73.99 kr.

    Milano, 1958. Leonardo Bruni dirige l’omonima e fortunata casa editrice con sede in Porta Venezia. Tra i suoi collaboratori spicca Alberto Masserini, correttore di bozze poi promosso a redattore capo dopo aver scovato e fatto pubblicare un romanzo di successo.La sua fortuna però si esaurisce presto, perché viene trovato con la gola squarciata nel suo appartamento in via Settala.L’assassinio del giovane e brillante redattore capo porta Arrigoni a indagare in un ambiente per lui del tutto nuovo, quello dell’editoria. Il caso si presenta piuttosto complicato: l’omicidio è avvenuto a casa della vittima, ma non c’è traccia di forzature alla porta d’ingresso né tanto meno impronte digitali: l’assassino ha agito con freddezza e lucidità.L’indagine mette il commissario in contatto con i vari personaggi che hanno a che fare con la casa editrice: l’editore, la moglie e i componenti dei diversi reparti, più il classico ricorso alla portinaia della vittima. Ma non ne esce un gran che, se non che il defunto aveva una forte passione per le donne e il gioco d’azzardo. L’inchiesta si allarga così coinvolgendo anche conoscenze extra lavorative del Masserini...La soluzione del caso alla fine arriverà nel modo più inaspettato e imprevedibile, con la scoperta di un assassino assolutamente insospettabile.©2022 Società Editrice Milanese (P)2022 Saga EgmontDario Crapanzano, nato a Milano, nel 1970 ha pubblicato la guida sentimentale A Milano con la ragazza...e no. Ha esordito come romanziere nel 2011 con Il giallo di via Tadino, creando il personaggio del commissario Mario Arrigoni, protagonista di numerose inchieste tra le quali Arrigoni e l’omicidio nel bosco (SEM, 2018). Sempre con SEM ha pubblicato anche le prime indagini di Margherita Grande, La squillo e il delitto di Lambrate e Una contessa di Chinatown.

  • by Paolo Pedote
    96.99 kr.

    Nerone Crespi soffre di "fuga dissociativa", una forma di amnesia che gli impedisce di ricordare il suo passato. Una sera, mentre rovista nella spazzatura in mezzo alla strada, un uomo nudo, coperto di sangue, gli indica la finestra di un palazzo. Scappando, Nerone si scontra con Angela Delfino, la "sbirra", una poliziotta dell’antidroga che ha deciso di mollare la divisa. I due, nonostante un rapporto conflittuale, collaboreranno per indagare su quanto visto da Nerone nella finestra. Nonostante la memoria dell’uomo sia offuscata dal trauma, insieme scopriranno il legame con un altro omicidio e con una misteriosa fotografia scattata negli anni ottanta chiamata ‘I bambini di Escher’...©2017 Todaro Editore Srls (P)2021 Saga EgmontPaolo Pedote, classe 1966, è un critico letterario e scrittore italiano. Dopo diverse pubblicazioni saggistiche, Pedote esordisce nella narrativa con 'I bambini di Escher", un noir forte e crudo.

  • by Edgar Wallace
    From 59.99 kr.

    All that Jim Steele remembers of the disappearance of Lady Mary Danton and her young daughter was the commotion surrounding their large fortune. Vanished without a trace, the two were never found and the mystery was left unsolved. But 20 years on, the Danton fortune is about to fall into the hands of Digby Groat. And this doesn’t sound quite right - not to Jim Steele. With all the courage he can muster, Jim is about to dig a little deeper, uncovering some uneasy secrets along the way. Perfect for thrill-seeking fans, Edgar Wallace’s ‘Blue Hand’ is the ideal suspenseful read, straight from the mind of the man behind Carl Denham’s blockbuster hit ‘King Kong’Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English writer so prolific, that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England. An author, journalist and poet, Wallace wrote countless novels, short stories, screenplays, and stage plays, along with historical non-fiction. His work has been adapted into more than 160 films. In 1932, Wallace died suddenly in Hollywood, during the initial drafting of his most famous work, ‘King Kong’.

  • by Edgar Wallace
    59.99 kr.

    ‘Down under Donavan’ follows an ex-convict who strikes it rich gambling, but as the famous philosopher from Brooklyn, Notorious B.I.G once suggested "Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems", and soon a murder lies in the wake of his new found fortune. Wallace weaves an intricate and detailed plot around an ensemble of brilliant characters of gangsters, colonial officers, vile aristocrats and damsels in distress. It is a book with a phenomenal pace and stunning plot twists, a perfect read for fans of the thriller mysteries or anyone who loved Mark Wahlberg’s ‘The Gambler’.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English writer, poet and journalist. He was such a prolific writer that his publisher claimed his work could account for a quarter of all books sold in England. He wrote countless books, screenplays, poems and historical non-fiction, spawning over one hundred and sixty films based on his work. He unfortunately passed away suddenly before he could see his most famous creation ‘King Kong’ come to life. It has been adapted several times over the years, notably by Peter Jackson of Lord of the Rings fame, and more recently in ‘Godzilla vs Kong’ starring Millie Bobby Brown.

  • by Edgar Wallace
    59.99 kr.

    The third novel in the ‘Four Just Men’ series, the Just Men find themselves in beautiful Cordova, decorated with it’s Moorish influences. Following the trend of the previous entries, the core of three Just Men remains the same while a new face joins the team on their quests for justice, equally capable and unique in their own way. This wealthy group of vigilantes exists to show criminals that the limits of the justice system aren’t enough to keep them safe, that wherever they are justice will come for them. It is a thrilling, action packed and fast paced novel with a brilliant ensemble of characters. If you love ‘Batman’ you’ll love these wealthy Englishmen doling out some old fashioned justice, just in Tweed instead of a Batsuit.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English writer, poet and journalist. He was such a prolific writer that his publisher claimed his work could account for a quarter of all books sold in England. He wrote countless books, screenplays, poems and historical non-fiction, spawning over one hundred and sixty films based on his work. He unfortunately passed away suddenly before he could see his most famous creation ‘King Kong’ come to life. It has been adapted several times over the years, notably by Peter Jackson of Lord of the Rings fame, and more recently in ‘Godzilla vs Kong’ starring Millie Bobby Brown.

  • by Edgar Wallace
    77.99 kr.

    The second novel featuring Wallace’s iconic Scotland Yard Inspector Elk ‘The Fellowship of the Frog’ involves tracking down the head of a vast underground criminal network lead by the eponymous ‘Frog’. He is just as slippery as his name implies and he has always remained a leap ahead, that is until Elk arrives on the scene. It is a tale of the seedy underworld, rampant corruption and inexplicable violence. With pounding pace, a punchy plotline and compelling romance this thriller stands the test of time and is perfect for anyone who loves Michael Connelly’s ‘Bosch’ detective series.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English writer, poet and journalist. He was such a prolific writer that his publisher claimed his work could account for a quarter of all books sold in England. He wrote countless books, screenplays, poems and historical non-fiction, spawning over one hundred and sixty films based on his work. He unfortunately passed away suddenly before he could see his most famous creation ‘King Kong’ come to life. It has been adapted several times over the years, notably by Peter Jackson of Lord of the Rings fame, and more recently in ‘Godzilla vs Kong’ starring Millie Bobby Brown.

  • by Edgar Wallace
    77.99 kr.

    ‘The Three Just Men’ belongs to the famous ‘Four Just Men’ anthology created by Edgar Wallace, and follows the vigilante group at the later stages of their lives. They are older now and they’ve changed, they operate within the law to serve justice now. They are much more human, they make mistakes, they feel the dread of fear and they fall in love. At its core however it is still a punchy fast packed thrill ride full of sensational, action absurdity as the just men go about doling out justice one last time in this satisfying end to their action packed anthology. If you love ‘Mission Impossible’ with it’s world defying gadgets this novel is perfect for you.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English writer, poet and journalist. He was such a prolific writer that his publisher claimed his work could account for a quarter of all books sold in England. He wrote countless books, screenplays, poems and historical non-fiction, spawning over one hundred and sixty films based on his work. He unfortunately passed away suddenly before he could see his most famous creation ‘King Kong’ come to life. It has been adapted several times over the years, notably by Peter Jackson of Lord of the Rings fame, and more recently in ‘Godzilla vs Kong’ starring Millie Bobby Brown.

  • by Joan Roure
    111.99 kr.

    Un grupo de amigos inseparables ve cómo la tragedia rompe su corazón en pedazos. Sara, Laura, Daniel, Marcel y Arnau son cinco amigos que disfrutan de la juventud, la amistad, el amor... hasta que pasa lo de Sara. Transcurren muchos años, pero Daniel sigue sin superarlo y sus sentimientos por Sara son tales que decide acabar con su desdicha. El pasado regresará como una tormenta que amenaza con destruir la falsa comodidad del resto y que dejará al descubierto las heridas que nunca sanaron. ¿Conseguirán salvar su amistad? ¿Podrán convertir el dolor en cicatrices?Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Joan Roure supo que los libros eran lo suyo desde que de pequeño descubrió a Julio Verne. Natural de Lleida y profesionalmente dedicado al sector aeronáutico y aeroportuario, la literatura es su pasión. En 2017 publicó su primera novela, «La casa entre el sorgo».

  • by Val McDermid
    149.99 kr.

    Der erste Teil der erfolgreichen Thriller-Serie um das Ermittlerduo Carol Jordan und Tony Hill beginnt mit dem Fund von vier männlichen Leichen in Yorkshire. Diese Entdeckung ist selbst für das hartgesottene Team der Mord-Kommission ein Schock: Offenbar wurden die Opfer vor ihrer Ermordung mit mittelalterlichen Folter-Instrumenten gequält und verstümmelt. Obwohl alles nach der Tat eines Serienkillers aussieht, besteht der Superintendent darauf, dass die Morde getrennt voneinander untersucht werden.Detective Chief Inspector Carol Jordan und der um Unterstützung gebetene Psychologe und Profiler Tony Hill arbeiten dennoch an einem Täterprofil des möglichen Serienkillers. Sie stellen fest, dass die Morde immer einem bestimmten Muster folgen. Und sie decken auf, dass die Opfer des Serienkillers gar nicht, wie vorerst angenommen, homosexuell waren. Die Zeit wird immer knapper, denn schon taucht eine weitere Leiche auf: Wieder verstümmelt und wieder gefoltert, doch dieses Mal ist es einer von ihnen, ein Polizist. Wird es Carol und Tony gelingen, den grausamen Serienkiller zu stoppen? Mit einer Sache haben beide nicht gerechnet: selbst das nächste Opfer zu werden.Val McDermid, geboren 1955, arbeitete lange als Dozentin für Englische Literatur und als Journalistin bei namhaften britischen Tageszeitungen. Heute ist sie eine der erfolgreichsten britischen Autorinnen von Thrillern und Kriminalromanen. Ihre Bücher erscheinen weltweit in mehr als vierzig Sprachen.

  • by Val McDermid
    149.99 kr.

    Der zweite Band der spannenden Thriller-Serie der Bestseller-Autorin und Crime-Queen Val McDermid ist ein gnadenloser Pageturner: Der Polizei-Psychologe und Profiler Tony Hill händigt einem Elite-Polizeiteam zu Schulungszwecken eine Liste mit 30 verschwundenen Mädchen aus. Womit er nicht gerechnet hat, ist der Ehrgeiz der jungen und brillanten Shaz Bowman, die tatsächlich überraschende Zusammenhänge bei gleich sieben der Mädchen aufspürt. Als sie den berühmten TV-Star Jacko Vance der Mädchenmorde verdächtigt, dessen Veranstaltung die Opfer kurz vor ihrem Verschwinden besuchten, wird Bowman nicht ernst genommen - und ausgelacht. Das Lachen vergeht Tony Hill jedoch, als er die Polizistin wenig später entsetzlich verstümmelt in ihrer Wohnung auffindet. Lag Shaz Bowman mit ihren waghalsigen Behauptungen etwa doch richtig?Val McDermid, geboren 1955, arbeitete lange als Dozentin für Englische Literatur und als Journalistin bei namhaften britischen Tageszeitungen. Heute ist sie eine der erfolgreichsten britischen Autorinnen von Thrillern und Kriminalromanen. Ihre Bücher erscheinen weltweit in mehr als vierzig Sprachen.

  • by Val McDermid
    149.99 kr.

    Ein Wahnsinniger hat es offensichtlich auf Psychologen abgesehen, die er auf bestialische Weise misshandelt und anschließend nackt und gefesselt ertränkt. Der Killer wurde offenbar selbst in seiner Kindheit vom eigenen Großvater grauenvoll gequält und gedemütigt.Als Tony Hill der schrecklichen Vergangenheit illegaler Nazi-Experimente an Kindern auf die Spur kommt, ist es bereits zu spät. Er schwebt als Psychologe selbst in höchster Lebensgefahr. Kaum vorstellbar, doch der Nervenkitzel dieser Thriller-Serie lässt nicht nach, denn Carol Jordan ist parallel undercover in einem internationalen Drogen- und Menschenhändler-Ring einschleust worden - ohne zu ahnen, welch Grausamkeiten sie hier ausgesetzt ist. Sie hat sich auf einen Pakt mit dem Teufel eingelassen...Im dritten, nervenaufreibenden Band der erfolgreichen Thriller-Serie treffen die beiden Ermittler in ein Wespennest aus Korruption und Gewalt - und stoßen dabei schmerzhaft an ihre eigenen Grenzen. "Der kalte Strom" ist die ungeheuer fesselnde Suche nach bald mehr als einem Psychopathen im Dreieck von Deutschland, England und den Niederlanden. Ein weiterer Fall der preisgekrönten Thriller-Serie von Val McDermid, die mit Garantie für Nervenkitzel und schaflose Nächte sorgt.Val McDermid, geboren 1955, arbeitete lange als Dozentin für Englische Literatur und als Journalistin bei namhaften britischen Tageszeitungen.Heute ist sie eine der erfolgreichsten britischen Autorinnen von Thrillern und Kriminalromanen. Ihre Bücher erscheinen weltweit in mehr als vierzig Sprachen.

  • by Charles Dickens
    40.99 kr.

    ,,Tajemnica Edwina Drooda" to bardzo mroczna, niedokończona powieść kryminalna Dickensa, na przestrzeni wieków pojawiło się wiele spekulacji dotyczących jej związków ze śmiercią pisarza. Głównym bohaterem jest tutaj młody architekt Edwin Drood, który zgodnie z obietnicą daną jeszcze w czasach dzieciństwa ma zostać mężem pięknej Rosie Bud. Para jest do siebie bardzo przywiązana, choć płomienne uczucie między nimi już dawno wygasło. Pewnego dnia Drood znika w tajemniczych okolicznościach i ginie wszelki ślad po nim. Czy ma to związek z jego osobliwą narzeczoną albo pobliską palarnią opium? Powieść doczekała się wielu interpretacji, alternatywnych zakończeń oraz rozwiązań zagadkowego zniknięcia młodego architekta. Jeśli gustujesz w mrocznych historiach z epoki wiktoriańskiej, na pewno będziesz pod wrażeniem tej pełnej teorii spiskowych i dwuznacznego erotyzmu lektury. Charles Dickens (ur. 7 lutego 1812 r. w Landport, zm. 9 czerwca 1870 r. w Gadshill) - angielski pisarz i dziennikarz, najwybitniejszy przedstawiciel powieści społeczno-obyczajowej z drugiej połowy XIX w. Jego ojca w 1824 r. skazano za długi na więzienie, więc Charles wcześnie podjął pracę zarobkową - najpierw w fabryce pasty do butów, potem jako urzędnik sądowyi dziennikarz. W 1836 r. zadebiutował powieścią pt. ,,Klub Pickwicka", która obok dzieł takich jak ,,Oliwer Twist", ,,Dawid Coperfield", ,,Wielkie nadzieje", czy nowel ,,Opowieść wigilijna" przyniosła mu wielką popularność wśród czytelników. Twórczość Dickensa spełniała rolę ,,sumienia narodu", pisarz portretował życie ubogich oraz bezduszność urzędników i instytucji publicznych wobec ludzkiego cierpienia. W 1836 r. ożenił się z Catherine Hogarth, jego małżeństwo z nią nie było szczęśliwe, ale para doczekała się dziesięciorga dzieci.

  • by Carlo Barbieri
    96.99 kr.

    "A Palermo ad agosto non succede mai niente". Di questo è convinto il commissario Francesco Mancuso della Omicidi, ma sarà smentito dai fatti. Nel sotterraneo della chiesa delle Anime Purganti viene trovato il corpo di un uomo nudo, con una pietra al collo, giustiziato con un colpo alla nuca. Nel giro di pochi giorni gli uomini uccisi con lo stesso rituale si moltiplicano. Le indagini si snodano fra istituti per trovatelli e fondazioni religiose, pedofili noti e pervertiti insospettabili, palazzi lussuosi e cassonetti dell’immondizia, chiavi che tutti potevano prendere ma che nessuno può avere preso; intuizioni, depistaggi e conti che non tornano, passi avanti e "passi di lato".Un puzzle che Mancuso ricomporrà per un finale inatteso e ad alta tensione.©2012 Todaro Editore Srls (P)2021 Saga EgmontCarlo Barbieri (1946) è uno scrittore italiano. Legato molto alla sua terra natia, la Sicilia, Barbieri ha vissuto e lavorato in Nord Africa e medioriente. Marketer e chimico pentito, come si definisce lui stesso, adesso scrive gialli.

  • by Silvia Bottani
    96.99 kr.

    In una Milano estiva, soffocata dall’afa, le vite di tre personaggi si intrecciano in modo irreversibile, donando a chi legge una storia spietata, ma proprio per questo tremendamente umana. L’episodio, da cui si dipana l’inestricabile matassa, è la rapina ai danni di una signora di mezz’età, che finisce inavvertitamente in tragedia. Naima, la figlia della vittima, è un’insegnante di sostegno italo-marocchina, appassionata di kickboxing. Giorgio, artefice dell’aggressione, è un ex agente pubblicitario in preda alla ludopatia e all’alcolismo. Suo figlio Stefano, praticante avvocato e militante di estrema destra, conoscerà Naima nella stessa palestra in cui lei si allena. L’esistenza dei tre personaggi, apparentemente così dissimili, è destinata così ad intrecciarsi, sullo sfondo dei drammi esistenziali e dei molti problemi sociali di una moderna metropoli da contorni decadenti...©2022 Società Editrice Milanese (P)2022 Saga EgmontSilvia Bottani nasce e vive da sempre a Milano. Esperta di arte contemporanea, ha all’attivo diverse collaborazioni con varie agenzie di comunicazione, firmando interventi su molte webzine e riviste, fra cui Sapiens, Doppiozero e Arte. Ha esordito nel 2020 con "Il giorno mangia la notte", thriller psicologico acclamato per l’estrema sensibilità con cui dipinge Milano e il suo variegato universo sociale.

  • by Alfredo de Braganza
    96.99 kr.

    En el tercer volumen de la explosiva serie de thrillers políticos protagonizada por el agente David Ribas, asistimos a la debacle de nuestro protagonista tras los atentados ocurridos en el segundo volumen. Ahora David vive en India con un único propósito: la venganza. Sin embargo, la misión de acabar en Berlín con un miembro del Estado Islámico y el secuestro de una joven española lo sacarán de su obsesión. Está a punto de enfrentarse al mayor desafío de toda su carrera... y seguramente no salga indemne.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Alfredo de Braganza es un autor español nacido en Alicante. Guionista multipremiado, productor y director cinematográfico, en su faceta literaria se ha especializado en el género thriller, en especial con la exitosa serie de David Ribas.

  • by Jeffrey Archer
    From 58.99 kr.

    La quinta colección de irresistibles cuentos cortos del maestro del arte de contar historias, Jeffrey Archer. Tramas ingeniosamente urdidas, con personajes dibujados con esmero y conclusiones deliciosamente inesperadas, con el aliciente de las ilustraciones a color del artista internacional Ronald Searle. Durante su encarcelamiento de dos años en cinco prisiones diferentes, Jeffrey Archer reunió varias ideas para cuentos cortos. En esta colección se presentan algunos de ellos, como «El hombre que robó su propia oficina de correos», la historia del director general de una compañía que intenta envenenar a su esposa durante un viaje a San Petersburgo... con inesperadas consecuencias. En otro de ellos, «Maestro», un restaurador italiano acaba en la cárcel, incapaz de explicar a Hacienda cómo es que posee un yate, un Ferrari y una casa en Florencia a pesar de que solo declara un beneficio de 70.000 libras anuales. «El rey rojo» es la historia de un timador que descubre que un Lord inglés necesita una última pieza de ajedrez para completar un tablero que puede llegar a valer una fortuna. En otro de estos relatos, «El inspector», un timador de Bombay acaba en la morgue tras usar al jefe de policía como cebo en su último golpe. «La coartada» nos habla de un convicto que se las arregla para quitar de en medio a un viejo enemigo aun estando entre rejas, con dos funcionarios de prisiones como coartada. Un fuerte contraste presenta el contable que, en «La caridad empieza en casa», se da cuenta de que no ha conseguido nada memorable en vida y se propone hacerse con una fortuna antes de su jubilación. Y por supuesto, tenemos la historia favorita de Archer, con la que se cruzó recién salido de prisión: «El ojo del que mira», en la que un guapo futbolista de primera división se enamora de una chica obesa... que resulta ser la novena mujer más rica de Italia. Jeffrey Archer es el único autor que ha conseguido coronar las listas de bestsellers ya sea en ficción, no ficción o relatos cortos. Puede que algunos presos antiguos hayan servido de inspiración para Cat O’Nine Tales, pero el autor se ha valido de esa inspiración para tejer historias tristes, ingeniosas e inolvidables, rematadas por las divertidísimas ilustraciones de Ronald Searle.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Jeffrey Archer es un autor y ex-político británico. La carrera política de Archer ha sido turbulenta y le llevó a un veredicto judicial que lo sentenció a prisión en 2001. Archer debutó como escritor en 1974 y desde entonces ha escrito numerosos libros, principalmente thrillers políticos. Actualmente es uno de los autores más exitosos del Reino Unido con más de 320 millones de libros vendidos en todo el mundo.

  • by Edgar Wallace
    67.99 kr.

    With tramps, gangsters and English nobility, ‘The Northing Tramp’ is step away from Edgar’s usual setting. This crime classic jumps right into it with a tramp making a run for the Canadian border after getting married in a drunken slumber. As you meet characters and visual various settings, make sure you don’t forget a detail because as the plot twists and turns, you’ll be flicking back through it to decipher the clever conclusion.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English writer so prolific, that one of his publishers claimed that he was behind a quarter of all books sold in England. An author, journalist and poet, he wrote countless novels, short stories, screen plays, stage plays, historical non-fiction, etc. Today, more than 160 films have been made from his work. He died suddenly in Hollywood in 1932, during the initial drafting of his most famous work, "King Kong".

  • by Edgar Wallace
    67.99 kr.

    A classic mystery novel and a cheeky sense of humour are often associated with the works of Conan Doyle, but Edgar Wallace's 'The Terrible People' is just as gripping and inventive as Sherlock Holmes. A gang of criminals return from the dead to haunt an heiress, as they seek to find redemption for crimes they didn't commit.It is a novel which never ages and has remnants of a Gothic horror, as the protagonist attempts to exert revenge on those who have wronged him - his executors.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English writer so prolific, that one of his publishers claimed that he was behind a quarter of all books sold in England. An author, journalist and poet, he wrote countless novels, short stories, screen plays, stage plays, historical non-fiction, etc. Today, more than 160 films have been made from his work. He died suddenly in Hollywood in 1932, during the initial drafting of his most famous work, "King Kong".

  • by Edgar Wallace
    77.99 kr.

    This police thriller opens with Scotland Yard Detective Surefoot Smith as he is called to a strange murder scene. Tom Tickler, a well-known petty thief has been brutally murdered, his corpse left in an abandoned taxi with a huge sum of money in his pockets. This sets Surefoot on a path that will take his investigation to the very top of British society and he will have to risk everything to get his man. The bodies continue to pile up in this mystifying thriller with an ever growing list of suspects. The plot is masterfully weaved to betray the reader at every turn creating an exhilarating and heartily enjoyable read for anyone who loves ‘Bosch’ or ‘Sherlock’.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English writer, poet and journalist. He was such a prolific writer that his publisher claimed his work could account for a quarter of all books sold in England. He wrote countless books, screenplays, poems and historical non-fiction, spawning over one hundred and sixty films based on his work. He unfortunately passed away suddenly before he could see his most famous creation ‘King Kong’ come to life. It has been adapted several times over the years, notably by Peter Jackson of Lord of the Rings fame, and more recently in ‘Godzilla vs Kong’ starring Millie Bobby Brown.

  • by Roman Klementovic
    118.99 kr.

    Sie fanden ihn am Waldrand in der Nähe des Dorfes. Die brütende Hochsommerhitze der letzten Tage hatte ihm schwer zugesetzt. Der Fäulnisgeruch war kaum zu ertragen. Hektisches Fliegensummen, überall Parasiten und Blut. Es sah so aus, als wäre er mit einem Messer massakriert worden, vielleicht auch mit einer Axt. Doch es war etwas anderes, das ihre volle Aufmerksamkeit auf sich zog. Etwas, das ihnen noch viel mehr Angst machte ...Roman Klementovic, geboren 1982 in Wien, arbeitete viele Jahre im Marketing bevor er seine Liebe zum Schreiben entdeckte. Seitdem ist er kaum von seinem Notebook zu trennen und tüftelt ständig an neuen Geschichten.

  • by Elsebeth Halckendorff
    From 79.00 kr.

    Julies søster er blevet fundet død. Det ser umiddelbart ud som om, hun har taget sit eget liv, men Julie, der er journalist, har svært ved at tro på det. Kan der i stedet være tale om mord? Der er ikke meget hjælp at hente hos Københavns Politi, så Julie allierer sig med rengøringsassistenten Vera Jensen, og de to kvinder går i gang med at finde ud af, hvad der er sket. Opklaringsarbejdet fører dem både i kontakt med rockere, narkotikasmuglere og en religiøs sekt – og der går ikke lang tid, før endnu et lig dukker op ...Elsebeth Halckendorff er journalist og forfatter. Hun debuterede i 1981 med kriminalromanen "– Og de onde lo" og har siden primært skrevet bøger inden for denne genre – men det er også blevet til en debatbog om religion og en fantasyroman for unge.

  • by Patricia Moyes
    From 79.00 kr.

    En ældre dame forsvinder på en ø i Caribien. Det lokale politi er på bar bund, men tilfældigvis er detektiv Henry Tibbet fra Scotland Yard på ferie med sin kone Emmy i det caribiske øhav. Tibbet tilbyder at hjælpe med efterforskningen, men det skal vise sig, at det ikke er helt ufarligt. Pludseligt hvirvles han ind i et kompliceret net af narkotikasmuglere og da han selv bliver kidnappet, står Emmy tilbage og må opklare sagen på egen hånd. Krimiserie om Scotland Yard-detektiven Henry TibbetPatricia Moyes (1923 - 2000) var en irsk forfatter. Hun har skrevet en lang række spændings- og kriminalromaner og er især kendt for krimiserien om Inspector Henry Tibbett, hvoraf romanen "Hvem så hende dø?" blev nomineret til en Edgar Allan Poe-pris i 1971. Før Moyes begyndte sin forfattergerning arbejdede hun i 1960’erne som personlig assistent for filmmanden Peter Ustinov, hvor hun var med til at skrive flere filmmanuskripter. Herefter blev hun ansat som redaktørassistent på britisk Vogue mens hun sideløbende arbejdede som oversætter. Hun står blandt andet bag oversættelsen af skuespillet "Léocadia", som blev opsat på Broadway under titlen "Time Remembered" og efterfølgende vandt adskillige Tony-priser. Udover sine romaner til det voksne publikum har Moyes skrevet en række ungdoms- og børnebøger.

  • by Neil Humphreys
    102.99 kr.

    When a foreign worker is found dead in a Singapore back street, few people care. But then another victim turns up, and then another, all killed with the same weapon.With its reputation as a safe, global city in ruins, Singapore struggles to come to grips with its first serial killer in decades.And when a famous woman disappears, terror takes hold.In desperation, the authorities turns to the one man they loathe almost as much as the serial killer Detective Inspector Stanley Low. Belligerent and unrepentant, Low's insubordination has been punished with a menial desk job. He's angry and refusing to address his bipolar condition, making him the least qualified detective to head a murder investigation with the world watching. He is also the only man capable of understanding what drives the serial killer.But Low's mental health deteriorates as he mimics the mind of a madman in search of the sickening truth. He must solve the case quickly to stop a serial killer and save his sanity.Neil Humphreys was raised in a Dagenham council house and somehow became one of Asia's best-selling authors. "Be My Baby" (2008) chronicled his journey to parenthood and was his first international bestseller.Humphreys then moved into fiction, penning two satirical novels about the Beautiful Game "Match Fixer" (2010) and "Premier Leech" (2011). Both critically acclaimed in the UK, and both bestsellers. "Premier Leech" was selected as the FourFourTwo Football Novel of the Year in the UK. "Match Fixer" also gave birth to Detective Inspector Stanley Low. The character spawned his own crime thriller series, the international indie bestseller "Marina Bay Sins" came first, closely followed by "Rich Kill Poor Kill". He also writes children's books.

  • by Neil Humphreys
    102.99 kr.

    Detective Inspector Stanley Low is having a really bad day.His bipolar condition is already ruining another session with his psychiatrist when a sadistic sex murder-suicide at Singapore’s most prestigious hotel plunges him back into a sordid underworld he was desperate to leave behind.Marina Bay Sands represents Singapore’s attempt to become the Monaco of Asia, a sparkling, physical embodiment of the island’s devotion to economic growth at any cost. A murdered prostitute and a dead expatriate ask questions of a society no-one is particularly keen to answer.As the case spirals out of control, Inspector Low encounters self-help celebrity couple Yue Liang and Jimmy Chew. She’s a desperate singer willing to do whatever it takes to break the US market. He’s a motivational speaker embroiled in a financial crisis.Neither of them can get their story straight.Meanwhile, a South African CEO cannot control his addiction to Asian women, an elusive Indonesian businessman plays pimp for exiled military generals, a government minister is determined to protect foreign ‘talent’ and an imprisoned loan shark pushes Low to the brink of a nervous breakdown.Fuelled by his uncontrollable mania, Inspector Low goes undercover once more and returns to a world that the Asian metropolis refuses to acknowledge; a world of gambling addiction, crime syndicates, international money launderers, immoral celebrities and corrupt politicians, all living in Asia’s cleanest city.As Inspector Low gets closer to the unpalatable truth, the search for the murderer races to a gripping, horrifying finish.An intelligent, thought-provoking novel, Marina Bay Sins is Humphreys at his satirical best.Neil Humphreys was raised in a Dagenham council house and somehow became one of Asia's best-selling authors. "Be My Baby" (2008) chronicled his journey to parenthood and was his first international bestseller.Humphreys then moved into fiction, penning two satirical novels about the Beautiful Game "Match Fixer" (2010) and "Premier Leech" (2011). Both critically acclaimed in the UK, and both bestsellers. "Premier Leech" was selected as the FourFourTwo Football Novel of the Year in the UK. "Match Fixer" also gave birth to Detective Inspector Stanley Low. The character spawned his own crime thriller series, the international indie bestseller "Marina Bay Sins" came first, closely followed by "Rich Kill Poor Kill". He also writes children's books.

  • by Edgar Wallace
    59.99 kr.

    ‘The Council of Justice’ is the second book in the ‘Four Just Men’ universe, which follows a group of wealthy vigilantes doling out justice. In this entry the vigilante group must face down the Red Hundred, a Bolshevik terrorist cell intent on wreaking havoc in London. However the Councils plans are thrown off the rails when one of their members is arrested by the very people they are fighting to protect. It is a roaring short packed with action, from assassinations to jail breaks and everything in between. If you loved Alexander Dumas’ ‘The Three Musketeers’ you’ll love this explosive short story.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English writer, poet and journalist. He was such a prolific writer that his publisher claimed his work could account for a quarter of all books sold in England. He wrote countless books, screenplays, poems and historical non-fiction, spawning over one hundred and sixty films based on his work. He unfortunately passed away suddenly before he could see his most famous creation ‘King Kong’ come to life. It has been adapted several times over the years, notably by Peter Jackson of Lord of the Rings fame, and more recently in ‘Godzilla vs Kong’ starring Millie Bobby Brown.

  • by Alessandro Reali
    96.99 kr.

    La Milano degli anni Sessanta è un organismo in attesa di qualcosa. Gli studenti si riuniscono, chiacchierano nei bar all’ora dell’aperitivo, sognano ribellioni. È estate, e i Beatles hanno cantato da poco in città.Il commissario Caronte si trova ad indagare sulla sparizione di una studentessa, Ersilia, parente del prefetto, di cui non si hanno più notizie da diversi giorni. Caronte si getterà a capofitto in questa nuova indagine, portando alla luce verità insabbiate e segreti destinati a rimanere tali.Un giallo nostalgico e malinconico, crepuscolare come il cielo della Milano degli anni Sessanta...©2022 Fratelli Frilli Editori (P)2022 Saga EgmontAlessandro Reali (1966) è uno scrittore italiano di gialli e noir. Pavese, ambienta la maggior parte dei suoi romanzi nella sua città natale, per lui interminabile fonte di ispirazione.

  • by Jan Christensen
    99.00 kr.

    Michael Brenners tilfældige møde med ghettoen bliver startskuddet på hans til dato mest komplicerede mission med tråde tilbage til brændpunkter fra hans professionelle militærkarriere.Hans seneste efterretningsmission i Kenya blev måske kompromitteret – og et politisk magtspil havde vist sig i skyggerne. De kenyanske medier fremhævede, at moderens død blev politisk dysset ned. Dette forhold og mødet med den mørke erotiske ulandsfrivillige læge Karen hvirvler Michael ind i en følelsesmæssig og eftertænksom odyssé, da han drager tilbage til familiens kenyanske kolonihistorie og landsted i Nairobi.Faderen er tidligere britisk general og er nu rådgiver for Natos militære ledelse. Faderens højteknologiske firma, Compita, arbejder på en banebrydende opfindelse, der vil revolutionere menneskeheden og tilbyde et digitalt liv efter døden.Fundet af et ukendt grundstof i Kenyas højland fører til et dramatisk opgør mellem fortidens magtfulde adelsslægter i landet og en involvering fra de herskende techgiganter fra Silicon Valley.Jan Christensen (f. 1963) har i tre årtier arbejdet i teleindustrien med roller i samspillet mellem ledelse, forretning og teknologi. Han bor i Roskilde, hvor livet som globetrotter og familiefar får næring gennem hans nysgerrighed på mennesker, kultur, naturen og videnskab. Som forfatter er hans store inspirationskilder Haruki Murakami og Harlan Coben.

  • by Volker Kutscher
    149.00 kr.

    En mand kvalt i et glasøje bringer Gereon Rath på sporet af Johann Marlow, Berlins største forbryderkonge, og hans slæng af kriminelle kompagnoner. Liget og forbryderringen er knyttet til de fremadstormende Stormabteilung-agenter, og sagen fører Rath og hans folk til den forladte forlystelsespark, Lunapark.Imens bringer den unge Fritze nazismen helt tæt på Charly og Gereon, da han insisterer på at blive medlem af den lokale ungdomsklub, Hitlerjugend ..."Lunapark" er den sjette bog i Volker Kutschers bestsellerkrimiserie om kriminalkommissær Gereon Rath og er både en hårdkogt actionkrimi og et historisk portræt af metropolen Berlin i 1930’erne.Volker Kutscher (f. 1962) bor i Köln med sin familie og har tidligere arbejdet som avisredaktør og manuskriptforfatter. I 2007 udkom "Den våde fisk", som blev den første i serien om kommissær Gereon Rath i mellemkrigstidens Berlin. "Lunapark" er sjette bog i den populære serie.

  • by Manuela Centeno
    From 55.99 kr.

    Un femicidio en un barrio cerrado. Una periodista que busca la verdad, y con ella algún tipo de nuevo rumbo. La conmoción por el asesinato de Claudia Ochoa repercute en su ciudad y en todo el país, pero el misterio se cierne sobre el caso. La justicia parece alejarse cada vez más. Pilar Rosso se propone ir al hueso, desbrozando la espesa selva de complicidades que protegen a el (o los) que están atrás del crimen.La novela de Manuela Centeno –basada en un caso real, relativamente reciente y muy recordado– sitúa la pesquisa en un terreno bien diferente al que se acostumbra en el género policial más clásico. Manuela Centeno (Pergamino, 1978) es una escritora y profesora de francés argentina, radicada en Río Cuarto, Córdoba. Escribió las novelas "La intérprete", "La elegida del poder" y "El crimen del que todos hablan". Sus narraciones suelen trabajar el suspenso, la impunidad, los crímenes a resolver desde una óptica feminista y filosófica. Es asimismo la autora de múltiples cuentos y reseñas que fueron publicados en antologías literarias y sitios web.

  • by Mari Carmen Sinti
    96.99 kr.

    Sudor frío nos muestra las vicisitudes de dos mujeres que, empujadas por la situación, tendrán que resolver un caso de desapariciones, malos tratos y corrupciones en Barcelona.Cuando Berta, una submarinista profesional, sufre un accidente que la obliga a retirarse de su trabajo, todo se empieza a desmoronar. Presa de una profunda depresión que la golpea con fuerza, Berta se encierra en sí misma y en su piso. Sin embargo, Leo, su vecina del primero, se introduce poco a poco en esa cáscara para intentar ayudar a Berta. Cuando Leo desaparece en extrañas circunstancias, Berta, con ayuda de su amiga Clara, emprenderán una trepidante búsqueda para encontrar a la vecina antes de que sea demasiado tarde.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Mari Carmen Sinti (Cadiz, 1969) nació en Andalucía, pero pronto migró, con su familia, hasta Catalunya. Ha sido una lectora acérrima desde pequeña y hace unos años empezó un blog que la llevó hasta dirigir su propio programa radiofónico: Lletres i música en la Radio Sant Cugat. Ha publicado varios relatos en diferentes antologías, Sudor frío es su primera novela.