Horror, ghost stories and supernatural fiction
9.95 kr. Когда Мария Гавриловна решает сбежать со своим женихом Владимиром Николаевичем, они и не подозревают, какие сверхъестественные явления природы это может вызвать. В мрачной и зловещей сказке «Метель» изображается переменчивое состояние жениха, который попадает в снежную бурю, пытаясь добраться до своей будущей невесты. Сказка сочетает в себе динамичное повествование в духе метаний и безвыходности, искусное описание природных явлений и реалистичную подачу психологического портрета главной героини. Всё это превращает историю о завоевании сердца в загадочное и захватывающее чтение.Александр Пушкин (1799-1837) – русский национальный поэт, родоначальник современной русской литературы. Для многих соотечественников он является большей величиной, чем такие всемирно известные писатели, как Толстой, Гоголь или Пастернак. В созданном им стиле повествования соединяются драма, романтизм и сатира. Имя Пушкина принципиально важно для русской литературы. Среди самых значимых его работ «Евгений Онегин», «Капитанская дочка» и «Руслан и Людмила».
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- 9.95 kr.
9.95 kr. «Гробовщик» – мистическая повесть, в которой главный герой Адриан Прохоров переезжает на новую улицу и открывает там похоронную лавку. Он – человек прямолинейный и не терпит отклонений от нормы. Соседи из дома напротив приглашают его семью на свадьбу, где все много выпивают, в том числе Адриан. Неправильно сказанный тост и шутка одного из свадебных гостей ужасно злит нашего героя, и он отправляется домой, в сердцах обронив, что будет празновать своё новоселье с мертвецами. Живописное изображение полуночной вечеринки ходячих мертвецов изумительно, а финал, предложенный Пушкиным для этой леденящей кровь истории, довольно неожиданный.Александр Пушкин (1799-1837) – великий русский поэт, прозаик, драматург, родоначальник современной русской литературы. В числе его бессмертных произведений в стихах и прозе такие, как "Евгений Онегин", "Руслан и Людмила", "Борис Годунов", Капитанская дочка", а также множество сказок и повестей. Имя Пушкина незаменимо и принципиально важно для русской литературы, ведь его стиль повествования, в котором искусно соединяются драма, романтизм и сатира, оказал огромное влияние на русских писателей многих поколений.
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- 9.95 kr.
118.99 kr. Eine Mutter, ein Junge und ihr verzweifelter Kampf gegen das Böse. Woody Bookman ist elf Jahre alt. Er hat noch nie ein Wort gesprochen, obwohl seine Mutter Megan alles tut, damit ihr Junge glücklich ist. Aber Woody wird von dunklen Ängsten geplagt. Er glaubt, dass ein monströses Übel hinter dem tödlichen Unfall seines Vaters steckt und nun ihn und seine Mutter bedroht. Dieses Böse ist ein Mann, mit dem Willen, die Welt zu zerstören. Seine Kräfte werden immer stärker, und er ist nicht allein. Doch auch Woody ist nicht allein. Er hat einen ihm unbekannten Verbündeten ...„Dean Koontz ist nicht nur der Experte für unsere dunkelsten Träume, sondern auch ein literarischer Künstler" – The TimesDean Koontz verkaufte weit über 500 Millionen Bücher, die in 38 Sprachen übersetzt wurden. Er ist einer der erfolgreichsten Autoren der Welt.Dean Ray Koontz wurde im Juli 1945 in Pennsylvania geboren. Er verkaufte weit über 500 Millionen Bücher, die in 38 Sprachen übersetzt wurden. Dean Koontz ist einer der erfolgreichsten Autoren der Welt. Er lebt mit seiner Frau Gerda in Südkalifornien.
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- 118.99 kr.
111.99 kr. Una nueva y escalofriante genialidad del llamado «Stephen King español», Tony Jiménez. Una familia compuesta por padre e hijo se dirigen a una cabaña en lo más profundo de los bosques de Virginia para empezar una excursión a la naturaleza. Lo que les espera en mitad de la foresta es mucho peor que la naturaleza más furiosa.Tony Jiménez es un autor nacido en Málaga en 1984. Seguidor acérrimo de la literatura de terror en todas sus vertientes, no tardó mucho en lanzarse a una carrera literaria que le ha valido numerosas nominaciones y galardones tanto en relato corto como en novela. Su obra ha sido comparada con el mejor Stephen King.
- Audiobook
- 111.99 kr.
96.99 kr. Rotunda obra maestra de la literatura de terror contemporánea, La chica de al lado nos cuenta sin ambages el proceso de tortura de una chica americana en los años sesenta quien, tras la muerte de sus padres, se ve obligada a vivir con una pariente que poco a poco la irá introduciendo en una espiral de degradación. Un libro demoledor no apto para todos los estómagos y una de las obras cumbres del género.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Jack Ketchum, pseudónimo del autor Dallas William Mayr, fue un autor nacido en Nueva Jersey en 1946 y fallecido en Nueva York en 2018. Especializado en la narrativa de terror, fue uno de los autores más señeros del panorama estadounidense a finales del siglo XX y principios del XXI. Obras como La chica de al lado lo han catapultado al olimpo de los creadores de pesadillas de la literatura mundial.
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- 96.99 kr.
58.99 kr. Martial Canterel, scientifique, fait visiter son domaine - Locus Solus. Les invites decouvrent avec stupefaction des creations toutes plus etranges les unes que les autres. Mais ce sont la des merveilles aux yeux de Martial. On ne peut qu'admirer l'enorme diamant dans lequel nage une danseuse. Et cette vitrine exposant d'intacts cadavres, conserves dans un etrange liquide...-
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- 58.99 kr.
73.99 kr. Dans un petit village en Transylvanie se dresse un redoutable chateau completement abandonne. Un jour, une fumee semble sortir de ce chateau en ruine... Est-il habite a nouveau ou serait-il occupe par des fantomes et d'autres creatures terrifiantes ? C'est bien les questions que se posent les villageois effrayes. Malgre sa grande peur, le berger Frick part a la resolution de ce mystere. Avec ce roman irresistible, Jules Verne depeint un recit fantastique aux nuances gothiques. Il a ete adapte pour la television francaise en 1976 par Jean-Christophe Averty.-
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- 73.99 kr.
96.99 kr. Un lugar mejor es una apabullante muestra del mejor horror contemporáneo, una colección de relatos que demuestra que todavía no está todo dicho en el género de terror, no en vano ha sido nominada y galardonada con los mayores premios tanto nacionales como internacionales. En estas historias se mezcla el horror cotidiano con el cósmico, la verdadera naturaleza de la madre tierra con las profundidades del alma humana. Un viaje a la oscuridad que cambia por completo a quien lo emprende.Michael Wehunt es un autor estadounidense afincado en Atlanta. Lector incansable, ha dedicado la mayor parte de su carrera literaria a cultivar en cuento de horror en la mejor tradición de Robert Aickman. Su obra le ha valido nominaciones a los premios más importantes de terror en Estados Unidos.
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- 96.99 kr.
24.99 kr. Förmågan har alltid skrämt livet ur hans omgivning, men oavsett vad så vet han alltid när någon ska knacka på dörren. Och vem det är. Och varför. Det är en förmåga han burit med sig från när han var barn och som han nu, i vuxen ålder, inte kan göra något annat än att använda sig av. Folk kommer till honom med problem och saker som behöver lösas. Men var kommer hans förmåga egentligen ifrån? Och varför har just han fått den ...?"Malmbergakalle" är en novell skriven av Niki Loong ur antologin "Tjusas... Eller spring för livet", författad av Novellmästarna (2014).Niki Loong är en svensk författare och konstnär. Hon har skrivit böcker inom en rad olika genrer, bland annat mysdeckare och barn- och ungdomsböcker.
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- 24.99 kr.
73.99 kr. Perturbadora novela, ganadora del Premio Bram Stoker a mejor novela de terror en 1995, en la que nos adentramos en la psique de un asesino en serie obsesionado con crear su propio zombi. Un viaje tan lisérgico como aterrador al corazón de alguien capaz de matar para satisfacer sus fantasías.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Joyce Carol Oates es una autora estadounidense nacida en Lockporck (Nueva York) em 1938. Se la considera una de las narradoras más destacadas y versátiles de su generación. Ha cultivado tanto el drama social como el género gótico, el thriller y el terror. Sus obras muestran siempre una fascinación por el lado oscuro del alma humana. En ella abundan las bajas pasiones y sus consecuencias, con una maestría y un conocimiento de la psicología de los personajes que le han valido un lugar destacado en el panorama literario a nivel mundial.
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- 73.99 kr.
111.99 kr. En "El manuscrito de Dios" se verán en vueltos unos personajes perdidos en una vida oscura, carente de pasado y de futuro, en una trama vertiginosa cuyo final dejará al lector temblando. Es la primera novela de Juan Ramón Biedma, que le valió el premio Silverio Cañada a mejor ópera prima en la Semana Negra de Gijón, presenta una caza a un libro maldito a manos de los herederos de la Inquisición en una Sevilla preapocalíptica y desquiciada.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Juan Ramón Biedma es un escritor español nacido en 1962. Especializado en novela negra y criminal, sus historias destacan por un cuidado empleo de la prosa y por una truculencia sorprendente, que coquetea con el terror gótico y el hardboiled clásico. Su obra le ha valido premios como el Silverio Cañada a mejor ópera prima en la Semana Negra de Gijón o el Premio Especial de la Semana Gótica de Madrid.
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- 111.99 kr.
111.99 kr. Una huida a través de tierras gallegas le sirve al interesante autor Javier Quevedo Puchal para enhebrar una fábula fantástica sobre las dos Españas durante el franquismo, una historia de una sensibilidad inusual aderezada de mitología patria, realismo mágico, secretos, amores y unas gotas del terror mejor condensado. Una obra imprescindible de una de las voces más particulares de la literatura de género española en la actualidad.Javier Quevedo Puchal sorprendió a propios y extraños con el zapatazo en la mesa del terror contemporáneo que supuso su obra Cuerpos Descosidos. Desde entonces ha ganado numerosos premios, ha publicado otros tantos relatos en todo tipo de antologías y ha seguido cultivando su irrepetible voz en el panorama fantástico de la actualidad, labor que compagina con su profesión de traductor y profesor de literatura.
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- 111.99 kr.
92.99 kr. The La Motta family are on the run. Forced to flee Paris after a scandal, they need a place to hide. They settle for an abandoned abbey, where they’re joined by another person with dark secrets—the mysterious Adeline. But the abbey is far from a safe haven. Its halls seem to echo with ghostly voices, and a lecherous villain has set his sights on Adeline."The Romance of the Forest" was Ann Radcliffe’s third published novel, and her first literary success. Mixing threats real and supernatural, it builds a thrilling mystery while also exploring the power imbalances of 17th century society. A must for fans of Gothic literature.Ann Radcliffe (1764–1823) was a British writer who helped popularise Gothic fiction. Born in London, her writing career took off after her marriage to the journalist William Radcliffe. His work meant he wasn’t often at home, so Ann began writing in his absence.Unlike other Gothic writers, she favoured psychological horror over the supernatural, and female protagonists over male ones. Her best known novels include "The Mysteries of Udolpho", "The Italian" and "A Sicilian Romance".Radcliffe’s fans include Dostoyevksy and Edgar Allan Poe, and her style was even parodied by Jane Austen in her classic book "Northanger Abbey".
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- 92.99 kr.
42.99 kr. 'The Hill of Dreams' follows the story of the introverted rector's son Lucian Taylor. He stumbles upon an odd Roman hill fort in his Welsh hometown which possesses his mind with supernatural visions and pagan erotic imagery. Compelled by the strange desires stirring in his soul, he moves to London to become a writer. But his hopes that the change of scenery would restore his sanity prove futile as his darkest hallucinations begin to assume a very tangible form.'The Hill of Dreams' is a moving story, one which pioneered discussions on the concept of the doomed artist in literature. Jorge Luis Borges cited Machen as a great writer and an inspiration for the magical realism movement in literature. Notorious occultist Aleister Crowley also greatly admired Machen for effortlessly crossing over the threshold that separates reality and the magical realm.Strongly recommended for fans of the 'Good Omens' series inspired by Terry Pratchett's fiction and starring Michael Sheen and David Tennant.Arthur Machen (1863-1947) was a Welsh writer of supernatural, fantasy, and horror novels. Before his literary career skyrocketed he also worked as a journalist and an actor. His major belief was that the ordinary and external world surreptitiously conceals something far more mysterious and bizarre. In turn, we are deeply interested in trying to lift the veil enshrouding the threshold separating the two. His most acclaimed works include the classic horror novella 'The Great God Pan' and the semi-autobiographical 'The Hill of Dreams'.
- Ebook
- 42.99 kr.
42.99 kr. 'A Fragment of Life' is a short story by Arthur Machen taking a close look at the life of a young couple who turn to spirituality for fulfillment and away from the unsatisfying banality of their everyday lives. They make an inward journey towards mysticism and an outward journey to the land of their birth, Wales. But perhaps they should've been a little more careful with what they wished for.'A Fragment of Life' is an eerie and macabre adventure into the mystical land of Wales that fans of supernatural horror fiction will definitely love.Jorge Luis Borges cited Machen as a great writer and an inspiration for the magical realism movement in literature. Notorious occultist Aleister Crowley also greatly admired Machen for effortlessly crossing over the threshold that separates reality and the magical realm.Strongly recommended for fans of the 'Good Omens' series inspired by Terry Pratchett's fiction and starring Michael Sheen and David Tennant. Fans of the HBO show 'Lovecraft Country' may also find a true Lovecraft-ian treasure trove hidden between the pages.Arthur Machen (1863-1947) was a Welsh writer of supernatural, fantasy, and horror novels. Before his literary career skyrocketed he also worked as a journalist and an actor. His major belief was that the ordinary and external world surreptitiously conceals something far more mysterious and bizarre. In turn, we are deeply interested in trying to lift the veil enshrouding the threshold separating the two. His most acclaimed works include the classic horror novella 'The Great God Pan' and the semi-autobiographical 'The Hill of Dreams'.
- Ebook
- 42.99 kr.
38.99 kr. 'The Angels of Mons' is a short story by Arthur Machen based on a popular British legend - at the beginning of the First World War some soldiers claimed to have been aided by a supernatural force at the decisive moment in the Battle of Mons (1915).Machen creates a storyline that blends supernatural elements with patriotism, folk tales and urban legends. A must-read for fans of supernatural yet 'based on a true story' narratives.Jorge Luis Borges cited Machen as a great writer and an inspiration for the magical realism movement in literature. Notorious occultist Aleister Crowley also greatly admired Machen for effortlessly crossing over the threshold that separates reality and the magical realm. 'The Angels of Mons' is highly recommended for fans of the 'Good Omens' series inspired by Terry Pratchett's fiction and starring Michael Sheen and David Tennant.es,schema,operations,editmeta,changelog,versionedRepresentations","id":"122243","self":"https://jira.sagaegmont.com/rest/api/latest/issue/122243","key":"SI-82285","fields":{"customfield_10040":"Arthur Machen (1863-1947) was a Welsh writer of supernatural, fantasy, and horror novels. Before his literary career skyrocketed he also worked as a journalist and an actor. His major belief was that the ordinary and external world surreptitiously conceals something far more mysterious and bizarre. In turn, we are deeply interested in trying to lift the veil enshrouding the threshold separating the two. His most acclaimed works include the classic horror novella 'The Great God Pan' and the semi-autobiographical 'The Hill of Dreams'.Arthur Machen (1863-1947) was a Welsh writer of supernatural, fantasy, and horror novels. Before his literary career skyrocketed he also worked as a journalist and an actor. His major belief was that the ordinary and external world surreptitiously conceals something far more mysterious and bizarre. In turn, we are deeply interested in trying to lift the veil enshrouding the threshold separating the two. His most acclaimed works include the classic horror novella 'The Great God Pan' and the semi-autobiographical 'The Hill of Dreams'.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. 'The White People' is a horror short story by Arthur Machen in which two men discuss the eternal battle between good and evil. Eventually one of them pulls out and opens a mysterious diary filled with archaic folklore and studies of the occult. A hallucinogenic labyrinth of madness, witchcraft and the vileness of mankind - 'The White People' is a must-read for devotees of Machen, H.P. Lovecraft and Edgar Allen Poe.Jorge Luis Borges cited Machen as a great writer and an inspiration for the magical realism movement in literature. Notorious occultist Aleister Crowley also greatly admired Machen for effortlessly crossing over the threshold that separates reality and the magical realm.Strongly recommended for fans of the 'Good Omens' series inspired by Terry Pratchett's fiction and starring Michael Sheen and David Tennant. Fans of the HBO show 'Lovecraft Country' may also find a true Lovecraft-ian treasure trove hidden between the pages of 'The White People'.Arthur Machen (1863-1947) was a Welsh writer of supernatural, fantasy, and horror novels. Before his literary career skyrocketed he also worked as a journalist and an actor. His major belief was that the ordinary and external world surreptitiously conceals something far more mysterious and bizarre. In turn, we are deeply interested in trying to lift the veil enshrouding the threshold separating the two. His most acclaimed works include the classic horror novella 'The Great God Pan' and the semi-autobiographical 'The Hill of Dreams'.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
42.99 kr. 'The Secret Glory' follows the story of young Ambrose Meyrick, who is enchanted by the legend of the San Graal and the forces that kept it secret in his Welsh homeland. Ambrose’s Christian public school is a living hell, its violence and superficiality is a stark contrast to the true spirituality that he seeks. Thus, his only choice is to go on a quest for the Graal and become one with the past.'The Secret Glory' closely parallels Machen's best-known work 'The Hill of Dreams' in its fascination with the hidden mysteries of art and nature waiting to be explored.Jorge Luis Borges cited Machen as a great writer and an inspiration for the magical realism movement in literature. Notorious occultist Aleister Crowley also greatly admired Machen for effortlessly crossing over the threshold that separates reality and the magical realm.Strongly recommended for fans of the 'Good Omens' series inspired by Terry Pratchett's fiction and starring Michael Sheen and David Tennant. Fans of the HBO show 'Lovecraft Country' may also find a true Lovecraft-ian treasure trove hidden between the pages of 'The White People'.Arthur Machen (1863-1947) was a Welsh writer of supernatural, fantasy, and horror novels. Before his literary career skyrocketed he also worked as a journalist and an actor. His major belief was that the ordinary and external world surreptitiously conceals something far more mysterious and bizarre. In turn, we are deeply interested in trying to lift the veil enshrouding the threshold separating the two. His most acclaimed works include the classic horror novella 'The Great God Pan' and the semi-autobiographical 'The Hill of Dreams'.
- Ebook
- 42.99 kr.
38.99 kr. A little girl takes a shortcut on her way home and is never to be seen again. Luckily Machen’s favourite supernatural investigator Dyson is tasked with unravelling the mystery. While examining the girl's route Dyson encounters peculiar stone arrangements which resemble little pyramids. He is left baffled and perplexed - who could have planted these stones in such an exquisite manner and whatever for?'The Shining Pyramid' is a fine detective story infused with eerie supernatural aspects. A must-read for fans of David Lynch's world-famous 'Twin Peaks' TV series.Jorge Luis Borges cited Machen as a great writer and an inspiration for the magical realism movement in literature. Notorious occultist Aleister Crowley also greatly admired Machen for effortlessly crossing over the threshold that separates reality and the magical realm.Arthur Machen (1863-1947) was a Welsh writer of supernatural, fantasy, and horror novels. Before his literary career skyrocketed he also worked as a journalist and an actor. His major belief was that the ordinary and external world surreptitiously conceals something far more mysterious and bizarre. In turn, we are deeply interested in trying to lift the veil enshrouding the threshold separating the two. His most acclaimed works include the classic horror novella 'The Great God Pan' and the semi-autobiographical 'The Hill of Dreams'.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
42.99 kr. Set in the middle of the First World War, 'The Terror' unfurls the atrocities of the German invasion alongside the terrifying fear of the unknown - unexplained murders, surreptitious occurrences and collective paranoia. All of these spine-chilling factors culminate in a magical yet macabre denouement that will leave you at the edge of your seat.A gripping and haunting novella, 'The Terror' is a must-read for Machen enthusiasts and all horror fiction aficionados - in particular fans of H.P. Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe.Jorge Luis Borges cited Machen as a great writer and an inspiration for the magical realism movement in literature. Notorious occultist Aleister Crowley also greatly admired Machen for effortlessly crossing over the threshold that separates reality and the magical realm.Strongly recommended for fans of the 'Good Omens' series inspired by Terry Pratchett's fiction and starring Michael Sheen and David Tennant. Fans of the HBO show 'Lovecraft Country' may also find a true Lovecraft-ian treasure trove hidden between these pages.Arthur Machen (1863-1947) was a Welsh writer of supernatural, fantasy, and horror novels. Before his literary career skyrocketed he also worked as a journalist and an actor. His major belief was that the ordinary and external world surreptitiously conceals something far more mysterious and bizarre. In turn, we are deeply interested in trying to lift the veil enshrouding the threshold separating the two. His most acclaimed works include the classic horror novella 'The Great God Pan' and the semi-autobiographical 'The Hill of Dreams'.
- Ebook
- 42.99 kr.
38.99 kr. "Of living creators of cosmic fear raised to its most artistic pitch, few if any can hope to equal the versatile Arthur Machen." -H.P. LovecraftDr. Thomas Vivian has been brutally murdered and supernatural detectives Dyson and Phillips are rushed to the grisly crime scene due to its extraordinary nature. To their horror, the only clue remaining is a blood-spattered axe dating back to primordial times. Yet this is only the start of the strangeness and mayhem the two detectives are to uncover over the course of their investigation.Strongly recommended for fans of the 'Good Omens' series based on Terry Pratchett's fiction and starring a modern day rendition of Aleister Crowley. The late Crowley was also a lifelong follower of Machen's writing. Fans of H.P. Lovecraft and the TV series 'Lovecraft Country' will also love Machen's supernatural horror stories.Arthur Machen (1863-1947) was a Welsh writer of supernatural, fantasy, and horror novels. Before his literary career skyrocketed he also worked as a journalist and an actor. His major belief was that the ordinary and external world surreptitiously conceals something far more mysterious and bizarre. In turn, we are deeply interested in trying to lift the veil enshrouding the threshold separating the two. His most acclaimed works include the classic horror novella 'The Great God Pan' and the semi-autobiographical 'The Hill of Dreams'.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
42.99 kr. The pagan rituals and ancient ruins in Machen’s portrayal of Wales played a pivotal role in guiding the creative force responsible for the horror novella 'The Great God Pan'. Upon publication in 1894 it was widely scorned due to its overtly decadent and sexual motifs.The narrative unfolds around a mad scientist who is convinced he can make the mind experience the spiritual world and envision the beyond. Predictably proves his hypothesis to be mistaken. But is it really a mistake?Horror legend Stephen King, whose bestselling books have been adapted into blockbuster films such as 'The Stand', 'It', 'Misery' and 'The Shining', considers this terrifying story to be one of his favourites.Arthur Machen (1863-1947) was a Welsh writer of supernatural, fantasy, and horror novels. Before his literary career skyrocketed he also worked as a journalist and an actor. His major belief was that the ordinary and external world surreptitiously conceals something far more mysterious and bizarre. In turn, we are deeply interested in trying to lift the veil enshrouding the threshold separating the two. His most acclaimed works include the classic horror novella 'The Great God Pan' and the semi-autobiographical 'The Hill of Dreams'.
- Ebook
- 42.99 kr.
38.99 kr. Machen’s occult investigator Dyson is back to the job with another murder mystery. 'The Inmost Light' presents Dyson’s first-hand account of a story he witnessed - the wife of a famous London doctor is found dead. However, the factors that came into play to cause her death can only be described as supernatural. A horrific transformation and a tinkering with the soul that resulted in her inevitable demise.'The Inmost Light' presents implicit horrors rather than the overt horrors commonplace in for example H. P. Lovecraft’s fiction. Fans of the supernatural horror genre will love this story.Jorge Luis Borges cited Machen as a great writer and an inspiration for the magical realism movement in literature. Notorious occultist Aleister Crowley also greatly admired Machen for effortlessly crossing over the threshold that separates reality and the magical realm.Strongly recommended for fans of the 'Good Omens' series inspired by Terry Pratchett's fiction and starring Michael Sheen and David Tennant. Fans of the HBO show 'Lovecraft Country' may also find a true Lovecraft-ian treasure trove hidden between these pagesArthur Machen (1863-1947) was a Welsh writer of supernatural, fantasy, and horror novels. Before his literary career skyrocketed he also worked as a journalist and an actor. His major belief was that the ordinary and external world surreptitiously conceals something far more mysterious and bizarre. In turn, we are deeply interested in trying to lift the veil enshrouding the threshold separating the two. His most acclaimed works include the classic horror novella 'The Great God Pan' and the semi-autobiographical 'The Hill of Dreams'.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
42.99 kr. A forlorn London suburb. Four people are gathered around a table in a derelict abandoned house. One is a beautiful woman with hazel eyes, Helen. Two are men who are maniacally laughing along with Helen. The fourth is a "young man with spectacles" named Joseph Walters who is not to remain among the living for much longer. The trio then bid a "farewell to occult adventures" and leave the house.Supernatural detectives Dyson and Phillips stroll by and notice the magnificent old house. When they walk in, it immediately strikes them that they are once again dealing with the "three impostors" when an Ancient Roman coin just happens to roll by.'The Three Impostors' is a labyrinth of sinister and horrific situations from which there may seem to be no escape at times. A must-read for devotees of Machen, H.P. Lovecraft and Edgar Allen Poe.Strongly recommended for fans of the 'Good Omens' series inspired by Terry Pratchett's fiction and starring Michael Sheen and David Tennant. Fans of the HBO show 'Lovecraft Country' may also find a true Lovecraft-ian treasure trove hidden between the pages of 'The White People'.Arthur Machen (1863-1947) was a Welsh writer of supernatural, fantasy, and horror novels. Before his literary career skyrocketed he also worked as a journalist and an actor. His major belief was that the ordinary and external world surreptitiously conceals something far more mysterious and bizarre. In turn, we are deeply interested in trying to lift the veil enshrouding the threshold separating the two. His most acclaimed works include the classic horror novella 'The Great God Pan' and the semi-autobiographical 'The Hill of Dreams'.
- Ebook
- 42.99 kr.
From 58.99 kr. Kun toimittaja Johanna Saure vie vanhan piirongin vaasalaiselle huonekalujen entisöijälle, hän ei aavista, mitä tuleman pitää. Entisöijä ei nimittäin pysty korjaamaan piironkia – hänelle tulee paha olo ja päänsärky aina, kun hän koskeekin huonekaluun. Sattumoisin Vaasan seudulle on hiljattain muuttanut meedio, joka voi tavaroita koskettamalla nähdä, mitä esine on kokenut. Saure päättää viedä piirongin meedion luokse – odottamattomin seurauksin.Apulaispoliisitarkastaja Jukka Petäjä on mies, joka ei pienestä hätkähdä – onhan hän tottunut tutkimaan mitä ihmeellisimpiä rikoksia. Apuna hänellä on usein viehkeä toimittaja Johanna Saure.Heleena Lönnroth (s. 1947) on suomalainen kirjailija, joka kirjoittaa erityisesti rikosromaaneja. Lönnroth työskenteli pitkään kirjastonhoitajana sekä kirjastotoimenjohtajana Kotkassa. Hänen esikoisromaaninsa "Noitapussista kurkistaa kuolema" julkaistiin vuonna 1992.
77.99 kr. Set in the pseudo-historical Hyborian Age, this story introduces us to the legendary Conan the Barbarian. After the death of Vendhya’s emperor, Bunda Chad, Conan kidnaps his sister – Devi Yasmina. But why did Conan the Barbarian kidnap princess Yasmina? Does he want to be the new ruler of Vendhya or does he simply wants to become rich by exchanging the girl for money? Or is he working for someone with impure intentions?If you want to find out the answers, do not hesitate to embark on this journey full of all sorts of weird events, wizards, amazing deeds of super strength and plenty of blood and guts.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American author who wrote in a wide range of genres. Born and raised in Texas, Howard was a bookish and intellectual child with a great interest in boxing. He is the creator of the pulp fiction hero Conan the Barbarian and is considered as the father of the sword and sorcery subgenre.
- Audiobook
- 77.99 kr.
42.99 kr. What would you do if you were given a chance to correct the incorrigible?Everything is going well for the White family, but they are human beings after all, and like everybody else, they want money. When a friend of theirs comes to visit, he tells the most extraordinary tale, and leaves them in possession of a mummified monkey’s paw. What follows is a nightmarish ride through hell, starting with a simple, albeit greedy, wish. "The Monkey’s Paw" is a typical "be careful what you wish for" story that has been used a lot in popular media after its publication – the X-Files, The Twilight Zone, Tales from the Crypt and many others. An immortal classic that not only fans of the supernatural will like.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.William Wymark Jacobs (1863-1943) was an English writer of supernatural short stories and novels. He also wrote a lot about the humorous life around the London docks. Nowadays, he is best known for his supernatural horror short story "The Monkey’s Paw", which quickly became a classic in the genre. Some of his other works are "Sea Urchins", "Dialstone Lane", and "Captains All".
- Audiobook
- 42.99 kr.
42.99 kr. In "Lost in a Pyramid; or The Mummy's Curse" by Louisa May Alcott, Paul Forsyth and his fiancée Evelyn discover that taking souvenirs back from ancient places may not be the best idea. Paul returns from an expedition to Egypt with his risk-taking colleague Professor Niles with a box of seeds, which Evelyn takes a liking to. The problem is, the seeds were collected from the grave of a sorceress, who has vowed to take revenge on anyone disturbing her resting place. This classic ghost story from the late 19th century is one of the first mummy's curse narratives, providing plenty of otherworldly twists for the adventure-seeking reader.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was an American writer of numerous beloved novels, short stories and poems. She was a feminist, and many of her stories are loosely based on her own life experiences. She is primarily known for her young adult fiction but also wrote gothic thrillers, albeit anonymously, and sensational stories under the pen name A.M. Barnard. One of her best-known works is "Little Women", a novel that has been turned into numerous film and television adaptations, such as the 1994 film Little Women with Winona Ryder as the protagonist Jo March.
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58.99 kr. 1917. Veronique d'Hergemont doit se rendre sur Sarek, une ile du Finistere: elle cherche a retrouver son pere et son fils disparus quinze ans plus tot. Une malediction connue de tous les habitants pese sur les lieux: trente individus devront un jour mourir de facon violente, et quatre femmes seront mises en croix. Veronique se sait l'une d'entre elles... Elle a vu un cadavre, ses initiales sur la porte d'une chapelle, et surtout son visage dans un dessin de femmes crucifiees... Heureusement, Don Luis Perenna, alias Arsene Lupin, sait comment dejouer la malediction.Paru apres la Premiere Guerre Mondiale, L'Ile aux Trente Cercueils est un roman policier qui oscille entre fantastique et horreur.-
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- 58.99 kr.
73.99 kr. Heinrich von Kleists bekannteste Erzahlungen auf einen Schlag: Sie handeln von einer adligen Witwe, die per Zeitungsannonce den ihr unbekannten Vater ihres ungeborenen Kindes sucht; einem Pferdehandler, der auf Rache sinnt und Selbstjustiz ubt; einer Bettlerin, deren Geist in einem Schloss herumspukt; einem Zweikampf nach einem Mord in Adelskreisen; einem Wunder im Aachener Dom sowie der tragisch endenden Geschichte um ein Adoptivkind.-
- Ebook
- 73.99 kr.