Traditional or cultural fiction and true stories, tales and retellings
40.99 kr. Pubblicata per la prima volta in "I racconti di Mamma Oca" (1697), "Pollicino" è una delle fiabe più conosciute e apprezzate di Charles Perrault. In un villaggio afflitto dalla povertà, Pollicino e i suoi fratelli vengono abbandonati nel bosco dai genitori. Sarà compito del protagonista salvare la vita di se stesso e degli altri, anche a costo di affrontare un Orco cattivo col solo uso dell’astuzia. Grazie alla propria intelligenza e ad un paio di stivali molto particolari, Pollicino vedrà le proprie speranze premiate.Resa in modo perfetto dalla lettura di Francesca Sarah Toich, questa storia immortale non mancherà di conquistare ancora oggi uno stuolo di ammiratori, sia fra i bambini che – perché no –fra gli adulti.Charles Perrault (1628-1703) nasce a Parigi da un’altolocata famiglia borghese. Avviato ai migliori studi, segue le orme paterne e si laurea in Legge, trovando ben presto lavoro in ambito statale. Intellettuale fra i più attivi nella vivace epoca di Luigi XIV, nel 1663 contribuisce alla fondazione dell’Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, distinguendosi inoltre come vivo fautore della letteratura moderna contro lo strapotere – ancora vigente – degli autori classici. Nel 1678, rimasto vedovo e dovendosi occupare di ben cinque bambini, decide di scrivere delle fiabe a sfondo morale, così da dare ai giovanissimi figli dei facili, ma al contempo stimolanti, insegnamenti. È così che nasce "I racconti di Mamma Oca", apprezzatissimo fin dalla sua prima pubblicazione. Il capolavoro di Perrault, pur basandosi in larga parte su materiale folkloristico e quindi non originale, elabora alcune idee che hanno assunto nel tempo il valore di autentici archetipi (come, per citare solo un esempio, la scarpetta di cristallo in "Cenerentola").
- Audiobook
- 40.99 kr.
42.99 kr. Step into the shoes of the iconic figure from Swiss folklore William Tell. Known for his exceptional archery skills and unwavering spirit, we follow his extraordinary journey as he defies tyranny and fights for freedom.From the fabled apple-shooting incident to his daring acts of defiance, this captivating narrative will transport you to a time of courage and resilience. Brace yourself for an epic adventure that will leave you inspired and in awe of this legendary Swiss hero.
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- 42.99 kr.
67.99 kr. Ten mythological heroes and stories from Greek mythology, for a delightful overview of the fundamentals of our culture. This is a selection of the most touching and inspiring stories from Ancient Greece; they have all inspired countless works of art through the centuries, often come from even more ancient myths, and are here retold in a detailed and lively manner. This selection contains: The myth of Apollo and Daphne, about the revenge of the cruel god Eros on Apollo; Atalanta, the story of the swiftest runner who ever was; Echo and Narcissus, about a nymph who angered a god; Endymion, a shepherd whose beauty made the goddess Diana fall in love; Icarus, this ageless story of failure at the hands of pride; King Midas, the famous cautionary tale; Orpheus and Eurydice, the ultimate tragic love story and one of the most famous Greek myths; Phaeton, a similar story to that of Icarus about the pride of wanting to be like a god; Pygmalion, a sculptor so skilled he fell in love with one of his creations; and the death of Adonis, one of Greece's most touching stories, in which a goddess hopelessly falls in love with a man whose sole passion is hunting.
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- 67.99 kr.
38.99 kr. The Twelve Labours of Hercules are a series of feats ordered by the gods carried out by Heracles, the greatest of the Greek heroes, whose name was later Romanised as Hercules. The legend was first written whole, as a fixed cycle of twelve labours, in an epic Greek poem now lost, in about 600BC; as they survive in the original source, the labours are not all recounted in a single place, but must be reassembled from many sources. This short story is a retelling of Hercules' legend with an elegant style that will edify children and adults alike: why Hercules came to be ordered these twelve tasks by the gods and the treachery surrounding them, what seemingly impossible trials he had to go through and the clever solutions he found each time.
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- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. The death of Adonis is a fundamental part of Greek mythology and one of its most touching stories. Accidentally wounded by one of Eros' arrows, the goddess Aphrodite desperately falls in love with the handsome Adonis, son of a King and a beauty among mortals. Yet his only passion is hunting, and he refuses to take her warnings seriously when he hears about a great boar he would love to slay. There is something of the idea of coming of age in this tale, when the moment of realisation brings forth the understanding of what could have been and where the real beauty lays. This short story is a retelling of the ancient myth, in great detail and with an elegant style that will edify children and adults alike.
- Audiobook
- 38.99 kr.
36.99 kr. C'era una volta una bella ragazza di nome Raperonzolo, che aveva avuto un'infanzia magnifica. Quando compì 12 anni, un'incantatrice chiuse Raperonzolo in un'alta torre senza porte né scale. La povera ragazza non poteva uscire, e solo l'incantatrice le poteva far visita. Come? Arrampicandosi sulla torre grazie ai lunghi capelli di Raperonzolo. Un giorno un principe azzurro passò vicino alla torre e intravide Raperonzolo. Riuscirà il principe a salvare la ragazza o verrà fermato dall'incantatrice? Bambini e adulti, immergetevi nel mondo dei fratelli Grimm, tra racconti popolari e leggende! Venite a scoprire i racconti meno conosciuti e a rileggere i classici più preziosi, tutti raccolti in questa collezione di 53 fiabe.I fratelli Grimm sono probabilmente i cantastorie più conosciuti al mondo. Tra le loro fiabe più famose possiamo trovare "Cenerentola", "La Bella e la Bestia" e "Cappuccetto Rosso" e non c'è quasi nessuno che non sia cresciuto con le avventure di Hansel e Gretel, Raperonzolo e Biancaneve.L'eccezionale eredità letteraria di Jacob e Wilhelm Grimm è costituita da racconti popolari e dal leggende tedesche ed europee. Le loro collezioni sono state tradotte in tutte le lingue europee nel corso della loro vita e in ogni lingua vivente oggi.
- Audiobook
- 36.99 kr.
40.99 kr. Phèdre aime le fils de son époux - Hippolyte. Une rumeur circule: Thésée, le roi d'Athènes est mort. Mais il est déjà trop tard. Avant d'avoir eu vent de la vérité, Phèdre s'est livrée tout entière à l'ivresse d'une passion aveugle. Thésée sait tout, et Hippolyte en aime une autre.Un modèle classique de la tragédie, «Phèdre» illustre la violence de l'abandon passionné - l'absence de raison en l'amour interdit.Jean Racine (1639-1699) est un dramaturge et poète français. Orphelin et destiné à la religion, il préfère la littérature. En 1665, «Alexandre le Grand» est un incroyable succès. Il est rapidement remarqué par Louis XIV. Racine entretient une relation tendue avec Molière, lui aussi à la cour. Suite à «Phèdre» en 1677, et des disputes, il abandonne peu à peu le théâtre, à regret, pour se livrer à l'historiographie. Ses dernière pièces ( «Esther», 1688, et «Athalie», 1691) sont quant à elles commandées par la femme du Roi.
38.99 kr. Palace intrigues abound in the story of the first calender, a wandering Sufi of royal birth: on a visit to his uncle’s kingdom, the young prince is sworn to secrecy by his cousin, who then disappears; on his return home, he finds that his father has been overthrown by the grand-vizir, who harbours a special grudge against the prince. The mystery of his cousin’s disappearance and his escape from the treacherous vizir are revealed in this, the eleventh of 34 tales in the classic "Arabian Nights" collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
59.99 kr. The Arabian Nights is an exotic collection of stories that will grab your attention from the very first page. At the heart of the collection is Scheherazade, the bride of Schahriar, Sultan of Persia. The jealous sultan marries a new girl every evening, and has her executed the following morning – until Scheherazade decides to put a stop to his cruelty, and volunteers to marry him. As clever as she is courageous, night after night Scheherazade distracts the Sultan with tales that keep him listening, and her alive, until he falls in love with her.This classic selection presents the best-loved stories from the Arabian Nights, translated into English and introduced by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.
- Ebook
- 59.99 kr.
38.99 kr. A beautiful lady asked the porter in our story to carry her things home. The porter agreed and he was invited to stay for the night but on one condition – he was not supposed to speak of that which did not concern him. It was then things took a strange turn. Three Persian Calenders came as well. Later on, the vizir joined the group. One of the ladies began singing, the other one fainted. Some slaves were brought inside, and they had to kill the guests. Do you think the porter managed to keep his promise? Find out what actually happened in "The Story of the Three Calenders, Sons of Kings, and of Five Ladies of Bagdad".This is the tenth of the 34 tales in the classical "Arabian Nights" collection, translated into English by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. The story of the third calender is as packed with mysteries and adventures as the tales of Sinbad the Sailor: after surviving shipwreck, the young prince finds that friendship leads him to a series of ordeals that not only wound him physically, but also force him to recognise his helplessness in the face of fate and human weakness. This tragic story brings Scheherazade’s third narrative cycle to a conclusion, in the fourteenth of 34 tales in the classic "Arabian Nights" collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. A jealous husband gives his wife a talking parrot as a gift—but if you remember Gilbert Gottfried as Iago in Disney's animated Aladdin, you'll have an idea what to expect! Now the wife must somehow bamboozle the bird and outwit her husband. A story within "The Story of the Greek King and the Physician Douban", this is the seventh of 34 tales in the classic "Arabian Nights" collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.
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- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. An old man explains that his two black dogs are really his two brothers, whom he repeatedly saved from poverty. When he married a beautiful woman, however, all his kindnesses were forgotten, and his brothers tried to kill them. Yet the merchant’s wife was not what she seemed, as the murderous brothers would soon find out. A story of brotherly love betrayed and revenged, "The Story of the Second Old Man, and of the Two Black Dogs" is the fourth of 34 tales in the classic "Arabian Nights" collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. Readers familiar with the friendly blue genie in Disney’s Aladdin films may be shocked to discover a crueller kind in Scheherazade’s first tale. When a merchant accidentally kills the son of a genie, the spirit swears to kill him in revenge, but grants him a year’s reprieve to say his goodbyes. Yet when the merchant returns on the appointed day, he meets three old men, who have a plan to avert his death. Listen as tale leads into tale in "The Story of the Merchant and the Genius", the second of 34 tales in the classic Arabian Nights collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. When the second princely calender’s story of an envious man fails to appease an evil genie, his punishment is to be turned into a monkey. No longer able to speak, he nonetheless retains his greatest talent: his perfect handwriting. His gift will take him to the court of a sultan, where his true nature will finally be revealed—yet the genie who cursed him is not finished with him... Hear the resolution to the story of the second calender in this, the thirteenth of 34 tales in the classic "Arabian Nights" collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.
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- 38.99 kr.
58.99 kr. Antologia pòstuma que reuneix setanta-cinc poesies, escollides per Antoni Busquets i Punset i Lluis Carles Viada i Lluc. Les poesies, algunes inèdites, d'altres més conegudes, es reuneixen en una col·lecció que pretén representar en mort la vida poètica de Verdaguer, des de les seves primeres obres, poemes i corrandes, plenes de fe, llum i epicitat fins a la foscor i trontollar de la fe de les últimes composicions de Verdaguer. Com Busquets diu al pròleg, l'antologia pretén ser una corona, no de flors sinó d'admiració cap a l'obra de l'autor.Jacint Verdaguer (1845-1902) era un capellà i va ser un dels principals impulsors de la poesía catalana del segle XIX. Amb deu anys va ingresar en un seminari, on va cursar els seus estudis eclesiàstics. Al 1965 va participar en els seus primers Jocs Florals i va guanyar dos premis. Verdaguer és un dels màxims exponents de la Renaixença catalana i del romanticisme que dominava l’època. Igual que autors contemporànis, Verdaguer va perseguir la modernització i recuperació de la llengua catalana. Va morir al 1902 malalt de tuberculosis.
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- 58.99 kr.
From 65.99 kr. Świat dziewięciu miast staje się celem ataku kolejnych stworzeń. Czarnoksiężnicy próbują opracować strategię walki z nyrionami, buduje się szpital dla smoków i pegazów, szkoli medyków. Przygotowania do odparcia najazdu idą pełną parą. A mimo to pomysł, by Ariel została poddana próbie na dziewiątego maga budzi ogromne opory. Nikt poza Teobaldem nie wyobraża sobie kobiety w tak odpowiedzialnej roli. To nie jest łatwy czas dla Ariel - nie dość, że próbuje przekonać społeczność do swojej kandydatury, to jeszcze opiekuje się ciężarną smoczycą i próbuje pomóc Marcusowi. W świecie dziewięciu miast od dawna nie ma spokoju. Tereny coraz częściej stają się celem najazdów trolli, ataków chimer, grabieży cyklopów. Stosowane dotąd środki ochronne tracą znaczenie - magiczne kopuły stają się coraz słabsze, a smoki zostały zdziesiątkowane przez tajemniczą epidemię. Wszechwiedząca Oriana sugeruje, by oficerowie wyruszyli w poszukiwaniu wsparcia do równoległego świata.Alice Rosalie Reystone - pseudonim polskiej pisarki fantasy. Z zawodu i wykształcenia jest lekarzem, prowadzi prywatną przychodnię dla zwierząt. Miłośniczka ciężkich, gotyckich brzmień, książek i kina. Domatorka, która marzy i dąży do spokojnego życia w toskańskim stylu. W ramach hobby zajmuje się - jak sama to nazywa - "bajkopisarstwem dla dorosłych". Autorka powieści z serii "Dziewiąty Mag" i "Wietrzne Katedry".
96.99 kr. Een eenzame toren, een versteend leger en een prinses die haar broer zoekt, maar de liefde vindt.Merryns broer Arthen hoeft maar één ding te doen om koning te worden: zichzelf bewijzen door naar het verloren domein te gaan en daar een bruid of een wonder te vinden. Merryn wacht gespannen op zijn terugkeer, totdat ze ontdekt dat enkele hovelingen Arthens ondergang beramen. Merryn reist zelf naar het verloren domein om Arthen te waarschuwen.Eenmaal daar stuit ze echter op een toren, waarin het wereldvreemde meisje Ellowyn woont. Wie is Ellowyn en kan Merryn haar misschien ook redden..?Een verhaal over dapperheid, je angsten overwinnen en queer liefde.Cathinca van Sprundel is een Nederlandse auteur die voornamelijk mythische fantasyverhalen voor young adults schrijft. Voor haar debuut 'De vrouwe van Myrdin' haalde Cathinca haar inspiratie uit de 'Mabinogion', een verzameling van Welshe mythen en sagen.Cathinca is een populaire schrijfster binnen het genre en signeert vaak op fantasyfestivals.
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- 96.99 kr.
36.99 kr. Curioso drama teatral de raíces mitológicas del autor Manuel Bretón de los Herreros, famoso sobre todo por sus comedias, escrito para conmemorar las nupcias del rey Fernando VII con María Cristina de Borbón. En él, los dioses del Olimpo se conjuran para colmar de buenos augurios y parabienes el enlace del rey de España.Manuel Bretón de los Herreros fue un dramaturgo y poeta español nacido en Quel (Logroño) en 1796 y fallecido en Madrid en 1873. Periodista errante hasta afincarse por fin en Madrid, se especializó en el teatro y llegó a formar parte de la Real Academia. Sus obras teatrales le granjearon no poca fama en el Madrid de la época, llegando a escribir más de 360 títulos. Se le recuerda como uno de los dramaturgos más prolíficos y relevantes de su tiempo.
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- 36.99 kr.
From 10.99 kr. Sagt er frá fátækum hjónum sem eignast lítinn son. Spáð er fyrir því að sonurinn muni giftast konungsdóttur. Þegar kóngurinn fréttir af spádómnum reiðist hann og skipar að láta stytta drengnum aldur. Böðullinn sem fær það verkefni aumkar sér svo yfir drengnum að hann getur ekki með nokkru móti drepið hann. Drengurinn lifir og þegar kemur að því að eignast kóngsdótturina þarf hann að ganga í gegnum erfiðar þrautir. Bókasafn barnanna er samansafn stuttra ævintýra sem þýddar voru af Seyðisfirðingnum Theodóri Árnasyni. Bækurnar voru fyrst prentaðar í prentsmiðju Austurlands og gefnar út árið 1947. Um er að ræða þýddar þjóðsögur og ævintýri frá ýmsum heimshornum. Theodór Árnason fæddist á Seyðisfirði 10. desember 1889. Hann er Íslendingum þekktastur sem rithöfundur og þýðandi. Á ferli sínum þýddi hann ævintýri handa börnum en hann skrifaði einnig bók um ævi helsti tónskálda áranna 1525-1907. Hann var tónlistarmaður og starfaði sem hljómsveitarstjóri í kvikmyndahúsi í Winnipeg og lærði hljómlist í Kaupmannahöfn.
From 10.99 kr. Fátækur viðarhöggsmaður og kona hans til margra ára eiga sér draum um að eignast barn. Þegar þau eiga loksins von á barni stelur viðarhöggsmaðurinn Eyrarrósum af galdrakerlingu til þess að gefa konu sinni seiði, þegar kerlingin gómar hann krefst hún þess að hún fái barnið afhent þegar það fæðist. Svo fer að viðarhöggsmaðurinn og konan hans eignast stúlku. Kerlingin læsir hana í turni en ungur konungssonur kemur auga á hana og reynir allt sem hann getur til að bjarga henni. Bókasafn barnanna er samansafn stuttra ævintýra sem þýddar voru af Seyðisfirðingnum Theodóri Árnasyni. Bækurnar voru fyrst prentaðar í prentsmiðju Austurlands og gefnar út árið 1947. Um er að ræða þýddar þjóðsögur og ævintýri frá ýmsum heimshornum. Theodór Árnason fæddist á Seyðisfirði 10. desember 1889. Hann er Íslendingum þekktastur sem rithöfundur og þýðandi. Á ferli sínum þýddi hann ævintýri handa börnum en hann skrifaði einnig bók um ævi helsti tónskálda áranna 1525-1907. Hann var tónlistarmaður og starfaði sem hljómsveitarstjóri í kvikmyndahúsi í Winnipeg og lærði hljómlist í Kaupmannahöfn.
51.99 kr. Disperses és una col·lecció de diversos textos, inclosa dins les Obres completes de Jacint Verdaguer. Dins del llibre es pot trobar vàries de les seves primeres poesies èpiques, que van marcar el punt de partida per creacions posteriors com l'Atlàntida o Canigó. Alguns dels poemes que s'inclouen són: Dos màrtirs de ma pàtria, Colom, La formiga, entre d'altres.Jacint Verdaguer (1845-1902) era un capellà i va ser un dels principals impulsors de la poesía catalana del segle XIX. Amb deu anys va ingresar en un seminari, on va cursar els seus estudis eclesiàstics. Al 1965 va participar en els seus primers Jocs Florals i va guanyar dos premis. Verdaguer és un dels màxims exponents de la Renaixença catalana i del romanticisme que dominava l’època. Igual que autors contemporànis, Verdaguer va perseguir la modernització i recuperació de la llengua catalana. Va morir al 1902 malalt de tuberculosis.
- Ebook
- 51.99 kr.
58.99 kr. Aquesta obra pòstuma recopila les rondalles que va investigar i escriure Jacint Verdaguer en les seves travessies per Catalunya i que va anar publicant, des de l'any 1891 fins a la seva mort en 1902. Durant aquest temps va viatjar per poblets, recollint les seves històries i recopilant el material folklòric català que va traslladar, després, a tradicions i contalles. Rondalles és la col·lecció de totes aquestes històries.Jacint Verdaguer (1845-1902) era un capellà i va ser un dels principals impulsors de la poesía catalana del segle XIX. Amb deu anys va ingresar en un seminari, on va cursar els seus estudis eclesiàstics. Al 1965 va participar en els seus primers Jocs Florals i va guanyar dos premis. Verdaguer és un dels màxims exponents de la Renaixença catalana i del romanticisme que dominava l’època. Igual que autors contemporànis, Verdaguer va perseguir la modernització i recuperació de la llengua catalana. Va morir al 1902 malalt de tuberculosis.
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- 58.99 kr.
36.99 kr. Malgré tous ses efforts, Timopheïtch est pauvre, et même s' il est satisfait de son train de vie, il ne peut s’empêcher d’être jaloux de ceux qui ont de meilleurs moyens que lui. Timopheïtch se plaint et considère que Dieu est bien loin d’être équitable dans ses dons. Pourtant un jour, il devient riche d’une façon mystérieuse. Il croit à son heure de gloire. Une fois l’argent hérité, il se retrouve dans une situation délicate. Il doit gérer des magasins pour gagner son argent. Mais il n’a aucune expérience...Léon Tolstoï (1828-1910) est un écrivain russe dont le talent a été rapidement reconnu. Il s'est fait connaître par ses romans et nouvelles qui dépeignent la vie du peuple russe à l'époque des tsars. Avec ses écrits, il parvient à mettre en lumière les grands enjeux de la civilisation. Ses œuvres incontournables ont été adaptées d’innombrables fois, notamment dans le film « Anna Karenine » (2012) avec Keira Knightley et Jude Law, et la série « Guerre et Paix » (2016) avec Lily James.
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- 36.99 kr.
From 48.99 kr. Tom finalizujący trylogię „Mroki", opowieść, w której pojawiają się zaprezentowani wcześniej bohaterowie. Ostatnie spotkanie z magiczną przestrzenią wprowadza w niezwykły, a zarazem brutalny świat elfów, krasnoludów i ludzi. Nora, dźwigając swój oręż, niestrudzenie wędruje w stronę Raghion, by tam wstąpić do Straży. W jej pamięci wciąż żywe są chwile spędzone z Leto, który także przemierza przestrzeń, chcąc zrealizować swój cel. Seneh dąży ku Baronowej, nie zdając sobie sprawy z tego, jaki los mu przeznaczyła.Namiętność, walka oraz śmierć współtworzą dynamiczną fabułę, dedykowaną miłośnikom fantastyki. Licznych w tej grupie fanów prozy J.R.R. Tolkiena czeka możliwość skonfrontowania znanych wyobrażeń o elfach z wizerunkami Seneha i Leto.Trylogia fantasy, powieści, które przenoszą czytelnika do odległych krain, gdzie żyją elfy, magowie, krasnoludy oraz ludzie. Główni bohaterowie to wędrowcy, w których niespokojne losy wkraczają walka, namiętność i śmierć.Katarzyna Szewioła-Nagel – twórczyni opowiadań i powieści fantasy, publikuje w fanzinach, gazetach internetowych i antologiach, współpracuje z portalem Historykon. Poza pisaniem projektuje tatuaże.
40.99 kr. Szczytowe dzieło polskiego romantyzmu, wykładnia XIX-wiecznego patriotyzmu i mesjanizmu. Utwór dramatyczny złożony z luźno powiązanych ze sobą tematycznie części (II, IV, III) oraz cz. I - niedokończonej, wydanej pośmiertnie. Wątki autobiograficzne przeplatają się tu z tematyką narodowowyzwoleńczą i motywem walki z rosyjskim zaborcą. Klamrą całości jest pogański rytuał dziadów obchodzony w okresie chrześcijańskich listopadowych świąt zmarłych.Adam Mickiewicz (1798-1855) - wybitny polski pisarz-wizjoner, obok Juliusza Słowackiego i Zygmunta Krasińskiego określany jako wieszcz narodowy. Był twórcą poetyckim, dramatycznym i prozatorskim. Aktywnie działał na arenie politycznej. Mickiewicz był członkiem i założycielem Towarzystwa Filomatycznego oraz oddanym mesjanistą związany z Kołem Sprawy Bożej Andrzeja Towiańskiego. Do jego najważniejszych dzieł należą zbiory poezji: "Ballady i romanse", "Sonety Krymskie", poemat "Konrad Wallenrod", dramat "Dziady" i epopeja narodowa "Pan Tadeusz". Dramaty Mickiewicza w całej Europie porównywano do dzieł Byrona i Goethego.
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- 40.99 kr.
From 9.95 kr. Stella dowiaduje się o chorobie babci. Z listu, który otrzymała mama, wynika, że jedynie Wróżka Astra mogłaby pomóc w tej trudnej sytuacji. Dziewczynka wyrusza na poszukiwanie tajemniczej postaci, odnajdując po drodze niezbędne składniki lekarstwa. Powoli jej flakon wypełniają Odwaga, Cierpliwość czy Spokój, ale także krew, pot i łzy. Czy Stella zdąży na czas, kim jest Wróżka Astra i czy lek zadziała, dowiedziecie się z bajki o Gwiezdnej Dziewczynce, a przy okazji odnajdziecie w niej także lekarstwo na wiele własnych bolączek.Agnieszka Rautman-Szczepańska - urodzona w w 1976 r. w Bydgoszczy, jest lekarką medycyny rodzinnej, od lat mieszka i pracuje w Szwecji. Autorka nagradzanych utworów poetyckich (tomik "Szelest astralnych jaskółek", książka poetycka "Święta Helisa od Neuronów"), publikowała w "Przeglądzie artystyczno-literackim", kwartalniku "Metafora" oraz czasopiśmie "Akant". Pisze także motywujące i rozwijające wiarę w siebie opowieści dla dzieci. Interesuje się tematyką parentingową i rozwojem osobistym.
From 40.99 kr. Smok wawelski to nie tylko potwór ze średniowiecznej legendy. Choć trudno w to uwierzyć, świat smoków wcale nie odszedł do przeszłości, ale ciągle istnieje w rzeczywistości równoległej. Przekonuje się o tym Michał Keler, który ambitnie ściga przestępców w grodzie Kraka. Ambitny policjant zaczyna odczuwać dolegliwości, które trudno usprawiedliwić zmęczeniem. Gdy zaczyna zionąć ogniem, a jego ciało pokrywa się zrogowaciałymi plamami, zjawia się u niego tajemniczy Albert Nester. Anna Havoc - absolwentka psychologii z zamiłowaniem do opowiadania historii. Ukończyła kurs w Bahama Films, zawodowo zajmowała się tworzeniem scenariuszy dla szkoleń e-learningowych. Pasjonatka kina, literatury fantasy, obyczajowej i kryminalnej, a także grania na pianinie i języka angielskiego. Uwielbia analizować i konstruować złożone osobowości postaci literackich.
12.99 kr. Zima, wczesny zmrok, z nieba spadają płatki śniegu. Wędrowiec zmierza w stronę malutkiej wioski, gdzie ma zamiar znaleźć nocleg. Towarzyszy mu wiatr ze swoimi przyśpiewkami, które wprawiają powietrze w ruch i uginają rośliny. Wiatr przypomina sobie, że widywał Wędrowca w różnych miejscach i dopytuje o przyczyny tułaczki. Mężczyzna znajduje jedną odpowiedź: ma chore serce, które każe mu nieustannie być w drodze.Jerzy Bandrowski (1883-1940) – polski pisarz, dziennikarz, tłumacz języka angielskiego. Absolwent filozofii na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim i slawistyki w Pradze. Zadebiutował nowelami w warszawskim „Kurierze Porannym". Współpracował z „Kurierem Świątecznym", lwowskim „Słowem Polskim" i „Kurierem Poznańskim". Był autorem powieści obyczajowych, sensacyjnych oraz książek dla dzieci. W 1951 roku jego utwory znalazły się na liście pozycji objętych cenzurą i wycofano je z polskich bibliotek. Prywatnie był bratem pisarza Juliusza Kadena Bandrowskiego.
- Ebook
- 12.99 kr.
12.99 kr. Zgorzkniały włóczęga korzysta z pomocy ludzi, ale w ogóle jej nie docenia. Zakłada, że za każdym uczynkiem miłosierdzia stoi chęć wykorzystania go. Lubi stawiać się w pozycji ofiary i nie dopuszcza myśli, że sam kieruje swoim marnym życiem w niewłaściwy sposób. Pewnego dnia wyławia z wody odpychające monstrum. Utopiec obiecuje spełnić jego trzy życzenia w zamian za uwolnienie. Czy włóczęga skorzysta z okazji, by odmienić swój los?Tadeusz Oszubski (ur. 1958) - pisarz, dziennikarz, autor reportaży, dyrektor kreatywny w Fundacji "Nasza Tradycja - Nasza Przyszłość". Zainteresowany zjawiskami niewyjaśnionymi, za zbiór reportaży na ten temat został nominowany do nagrody dziennikarskiej Grand Press 2003. Tworzy opowiadania i powieści w nurcie grozy i fantasy.
- Audiobook
- 12.99 kr.