Fairy and Folk tales / Fairy tale retellings
96.99 kr. "Racconti" è una raccolta di favole friulane scritte da Caterina Percoto, che si fece raccoglitrice della narrativa popolare e della tradizione del Friuli. Tra le righe emerge l’intima malinconia del popolo friulano e il senso della vita, che al tempo era piuttosto dura. Sono racconti emersi dalle lunghe chiacchierate che la Percoto intratteneva con i contadini, durante le veglie invernali nelle stalle, e che con la sua intelligenza, fermezza e passione è riuscita a mettere per iscritto la testimonianza di una generazione ormai quasi dimenticata.Caterina Marianna Percoto (1812 – 1887) è stata una poetessa e scrittrice italiana. La carriera letteraria iniziò nel 1839 e nelle sue opere spesso si ritrova la povertà del Friuli. Nel 1848, con la Prima guerra di indipendenza, i suoi scritti assunsero una connotazione più politica. Nello stesso periodo scrisse anche dei racconti ("La donna di Osoppo" e "La coltrice nuziale") che ebbero particolare successo. Negli anni cinquanta cominciò a scrivere in friulano; diventò raccoglitrice della narrativa popolare e della tradizione e nel 1863 pubblicò "Racconti", una raccolta di favole friulane.
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- 96.99 kr.
58.99 kr. Un excelente repaso a los mitos y leyendas de una de las regiones más fascinantes del territorio español: el Valle de Baztán. Cuentos transmitidos de primera mano al autor de la mano de su familia, en los que disfrutaremos del lado más mágico y espectral de la vida en los bosques del norte tal y como Fernando Telletxea los oyó de su propia abuela. Una colección imprescindible para adentrarse en el universo mitológico de este fascinante autor y su tierra de origen.Fernando Tellextea (1948) es un músico, cineasta, actor y escritor español. Este artista integral desdobla su personalidad según las actividades que realice: en su faceta de cantante e intérprete teatral se presenta como Fernando Tellextea Fama, mientras que al escribir se convierte en Fernando Tellextea Oskoz.Algunos de sus libros: "Erotysimo" (2007), "A contradanza" (2008), "Pensión Conchita" (2015) y "Undécimo mandamiento María" (2016).
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- 58.99 kr.
148.99 kr. Het woud van Valta is prachtig, vol bijzondere bomen (zoals de imposante Levianthers), planten, dieren en fenomenen. Maar de Valta is ook een strijdtoneel. De veldheer Isinger heeft het gemunt op de elfendorpen. De blauwe waternimf Nîve is voortdurend op de vlucht, in het gezelschap van de al even ongelukkige Nakisa. Dan speelt het toeval hen het magische zwaard van een Donkere Nimf in handen. Zullen zij het zwaard kunnen gebruiken om de elfen te verdedigen, of brengt het hen alleen maar in nog groter gevaar? En wat is eigenlijk het doel van de wrede Isinger? Mysteries en betovering te over in "Schaduwkoningin", het eerste boek dat zich afspeelt in Valtada, een ongelooflijk gedetailleerd uitgewerkte fantasy-wereld. Er zijn intussen twee sequels: "Schimmenstorm" en "Schervengodin".
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- 148.99 kr.
40.99 kr. Niby prosta historia, ale w jak oryginalnym wydaniu! Twórca międzywojennej fantastyki grozy kieruje się w stronę realizmu, by wiernie, choć nie bez poetyckiego zacięcia, opisać rzeczywistość polskich Kaszub. Historia sióstr Anuncjatek, zwanych "Morskimi Pannami" skrywa fascynującą tajemnicę. Pustelnicze życie zakonnic, codzienność spędzana pośród wydm i rybackich łódek, katolicka wiara zaplątana w miejscowy folklor, wierzenia i legendy - a wszystko to opowiedziane kaszubskim językiem! Gratka dla miłośników niesamowitości spod znaku Edgara Allana Poe oraz miłośników polskiej tradycji regionalnej.Stefan Grabiński (1887-1936) - urodzony na terenach dzisiejszej Ukrainy pisarz, uważany za jednego z pierwszych twórców polskiej fantastyki. Tworzył powieści, dramaty i opowiadania. Publikował w czasopismach literackich i popularnych, świat jego utworów zaludniały tajemnicze uwodzicielki, sobowtóry, demony, duchy, wiedźmy. Zarazem pisarz zafascynowany był nowoczesną techniką, akcję swoich książek umieszczał w remizach strażackich czy na dworcach kolejowych. Autor interesował się parapsychologią i magią. Był porównywany do światowych przedstawicieli tzw. fantastyki grozy - Lovecrafta oraz Poe. W 1975 r. ukazał się wybór jego nowel pt. "Niesamowite opowieści", dokonany przez samego Stanisława Lema. Nowele takie jak "Kochanka Szamoty", "Ślepy tor", "Pożarowisko", "Dom Sary" były wielokrotnie ekranizowane.
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- 40.99 kr.
12.99 kr. Gdy Donatien Peret próbuje ustalić okoliczności brutalnego morderstwa pewnej dwudziestosiedmioletniej markizy, grono podejrzanych jest całkiem pokaźne. Wywyższająca się kobieta nie budziła powszechnej sympatii, ale szczególnie zaszła za skórę pokojówce Nanette i służącemu na dworze masztalerzowi. To oni zostają poprowadzeni na szafot. Tymczasem wiele wieków wcześniej, w starożytnym Rzymie, doszło do podobnego w przebiegu i skutkach morderstwa. Czy starszy księgowy Marabut, zaczytany w zapiskach swojego pradziadka, domorosłego detektywa, wpadł na trop łączący wszystkie te okropieństwa? Krótki kryminał retro z odrobiną fantastyki. W sam raz dla miłośników książek Marka Krajewskiego.Zbigniew Wojnarowski (ur. 1956) - polonista i pisarz pochodzący z Konina, gdzie chętnie osadza akcję swoich książek. Uznany autor słuchowisk radiowych oraz powieści „Miraż" i „Pióra". Napisał także wiele opowiadań. Pod pseudonimem Dominika Stec publikuje lekkie utwory obyczajowe dla kobiet. Książki podpisane tym nazwiskiem pojawiają się na półkach wydawniczych obok utworów Katarzyny Grocholi, Izabeli Sowy czy Moniki Szwai. Największą popularność przyniosła mu seria o przygodach miłosnych Dominiki ("Mężczyzna do towarzystwa", "Kobieca intuicja", "Bingo!").
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- 12.99 kr.
96.99 kr. Nel 1875 Carlo Collodi viene incaricato dall’editore Felice Paggi di tradurre in italiano le più celebri fiabe francesi. Egli, però, farà di più: prendendo le mosse dall’edizione Hachette del 1853, Collodi non solo traduce, ma bensì ricrea e arricchisce – inserendovi anche una propria morale – alcuni fra i racconti più noti di Charles Perrault, Marie-Catherine d’Aulnoy e Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont. Fra le fiabe qui incluse, si contano moltissimi grandi classici, come "La Bella e la Bestia", "Barba-Blu" e "La bella addormentata nel bosco". Cosa si potrebbe desiderare di più, che rileggere un’altra volta le fiabe della nostra infanzia, rielaborate però dall’ingegnosa penna di colui che ci ha regalato "Pinocchio"?Carlo Lorenzini (1826-1890) nasce a Firenze in una famiglia di basso ceto. Studia grazie all’aiuto economico dei marchesi Ginori (per cui entrambi i genitori lavorano) e, dopo qualche anno in seminario, nel 1844 inizia a lavorare come commesso nella libreria Piatti. Inizia intanto, giovanissimo, a pubblicare i primi articoli per L’Italia musicale. Prende parte da volontario sia alla Prima che alla Seconda Guerra d’Indipendenza, affermandosi come critico, giornalista e scrittore. Nel 1883, dopo averlo pubblicato a puntate sul Giornale per i bambini, dà alle stampe il suo capolavoro, "Le avventure di Pinocchio". Tradotto in più di trecento lingue, "Pinocchio" è anche l’opera italiana più letta al mondo, nonché il libro più tradotto di sempre dopo "Il piccolo principe" di Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Collodi – pseudonimo tratto dal paese d’origine della madre – ha goduto in vita di enorme fama, pubblicando anche altre opere come "Il regalo di Capo d’Anno" (1884) e "L’onore del marito" (1870).
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- 96.99 kr.
40.99 kr. Zbiór wszystkich opowiadań grozy autorstwa jednej z najbardziej znanych twórczyń gatunku w swojej epoce. Zgodnie z tytułem, są to typowe ghost stories, a akcja większości opowiadań rozgrywa się w prowincjonalnym, niepokojącym krajobrazie Nowej Anglii. Freeman portretuje głównie ówczesne kobiety, których ustatkowana, do bólu przewidywalna, podporządkowana normom i zasadom egzystencja kontrastuje z niesamowitością zjawisk nadprzyrodzonych. Pozycja obowiązkowa dla miłośników oldskulowych opowiadań grozy w stylu utworów Edith Wharton.Mary E. Wilkins Freeman (1852-1930) - pochodziła z ortodoksyjnej protestanckiej rodziny, jej rodzice stosowali surowe metody wychowawcze, co znajduje odzwierciedlenie w wielu jej utworach. Wcześnie osierocona, imię Eleanor przybrała na cześć zmarłej matki. Gdy została bez zaplecza finansowego, zamieszkała z przyjaciółką i zaczęła zawodowo zajmować się pisaniem. Związała się z niepraktykującym lekarzem Charlesem Manningiem Freemanem, po 10 latach burzliwej relacji para wzięła ślub. Jej mąż cierpiał na alkoholizm i miał opinię kobieciarza, ostatecznie małżonkowie rozwiedli się. Freeman była pierwszą laureatką nagrody Williama Deana Howellsa przyznawanej przez American Academy of Arts and Letters. Najbardziej znana jako autorka powieści i opowiadań grozy. Wiele jej dzieł ma jawnie feministyczny przekaz. Utwory takie jak "Zakonnica z Nowej Anglii" czy "Bunt Matki" rozpoczęły dyskusję na temat roli i powinności kobiety w ówczesnym społeczeństwie.
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- 40.99 kr.
58.99 kr. Het caleidoscopische talent van Louis Couperus is zichtbaar in al zijn facetten in deze verhalenbundel uit 1918. "Legende, mythe en fantazie" bevat autobiografisch getinte verhalen ("Over de eentonigheid", "De verleider"), mythische verhalen van een aantrekkelijke lichtvoetigheid ("Van het altijd verliefde godinnetje"), maar ook zwaardere kost. Twee Spaanse verhalen ("Azzahra" en "De dood van de dappere") zijn eigenlijk sequels van Couperus’ roman "De ongelukkige" uit 1915, over de val van Al-Andalus. Couperus goochelt met heksensabbatten en spookhuizen, maar net zo goed schrijft hij over de oorlog die op dat moment Europa op zijn grondvesten deed daveren. Alle verhalen zijn "bite-size" en de ideale manier om deze grote schrijver te leren kennen.Louis Couperus (1863-1923) was een Nederlands romanschrijver, columnist en dichter. Hij is de auteur van verschillende onverwoestbare klassiekers: "Eline Vere" (een bestseller bij verschijnen), "Van oude menschen, de dingen, die voorbij gaan..." (verfilmd), "De stille kracht"... Hij woonde o.m. in Frankrijk en Italië en reisde de wereld rond. Of zijn romans zich nu afspelen in Den Haag of Djakarta, het heden of het oude Rome, het noodlot speelt altijd een grote rol. Couperus schreef in een meeslepende, emotionele stijl. Zijn verzameld werk bestrijkt vijftig boekdelen.
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- 58.99 kr.
9.95 kr. « Les contes de tante Nicole » est un recueil de contes fabuleux. Il contient dix-huit histoires inspirées de la religion chrétienne auquelle l’autrice s’est vouée toute sa vie. Cet ouvrage est composé de : « Les souhaits de Tommy », « La pièce d’eau dans le parc », « La leçon de florette », « Le lapin sur le mur », « Trois amis », « La crème au chocolat », « Le berceau », « Une cavalcade », ou encore de « La leçon de diamant » parmis tant d'autres.Laissez-vous embarquer dans un voyage plein d’émotions, de joie, de morales bienveillantes et de tendresse au travers de ces contes magnifiques.Eudoxie Dupuis (1835-1906) est une écrivaine française. Elle a écrit quelques livres pour enfants et des contes merveilleux. Cette femme a été largement influcencé par sa religion dans l’élaboration de ses livres et la transmission de ses valeurs. En effet, Eudoxie Depuis était chrétienne et souhaitait partager cette partie essentielle de sa personne à travers ses histoires. Elle s’est aussi plus largement intéressée à l’éducation des enfants à l’extérieur du système scolaire en formant sa propre théorie d’apprentissage.
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- 9.95 kr.
9.95 kr. Une reine n'a plus qu'un enfant car tous les autres sont mort. La reine gâte son unique princesse et lui dit tellement qu'elle est belle, et gentille, et parfaite, que la princesse devient pourri gaté et capricieuse. Se pensant au-dessus de tous, elle ne donne envie à personne de la marier. Pourtant, elle croise un jour la route d'un nain jaune qui la prend pour femme...Marie-Catherine d'Aulnoy (1651-1705), plus connue sous le nom de Madame d'Aulnoy, est une femme de lettre originaire de France. Elle utilise le conte pour critiquer la société de son époque, dans la même veine que Charles Perrault. Ses contes les plus célèbres sont notamment : « La bonne petite souris » ; « Finette Cendron » ; ou « La princesse Rosette ». C'est à Madame d'Aulnoy que l'on doit l'origine du terme « conte de fae », aujourd'hui « conte de fée », célèbre et utilisé dans le monde entier.
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- 9.95 kr.
24.99 kr. Zbiór sześciu opowiadań polskiego mistrza niesamowitości. Utwory o różnorodnej tematyce mają jedną wspólną cechę - prezentowana w nich zwyczajna codzienność podszyta jest grozą o niejasnym pochodzeniu. Wraz z rozwojem fabuły atmosfera gęstnieje i mnożą się tajemnice, by ostatecznie doprowadzić do zaskakującego, niejednokrotnie mrożącego krew w żyłach rozwiązania. Polski Lovecraft w najlepszym wydaniu! Książka, której nie powinien zbagatelizować żaden miłośnik rasowej literatury grozy.Stefan Grabiński (1887-1936) - urodzony na terenach dzisiejszej Ukrainy pisarz, uważany za jednego z pierwszych twórców polskiej fantastyki. Tworzył powieści, dramaty i opowiadania. Publikował w czasopismach literackich i popularnych, świat jego utworów zaludniały tajemnicze uwodzicielki, sobowtóry, demony, duchy, wiedźmy. Zarazem pisarz zafascynowany był nowoczesną techniką, akcję swoich książek umieszczał w remizach strażackich czy na dworcach kolejowych. Autor interesował się parapsychologią i magią. Był porównywany do światowych przedstawicieli tzw. fantastyki grozy - Lovecrafta oraz Poe. W 1975 r. ukazał się wybór jego nowel pt. "Niesamowite opowieści", dokonany przez samego Stanisława Lema. Nowele takie jak "Kochanka Szamoty", "Ślepy tor", "Pożarowisko", "Dom Sary" były wielokrotnie ekranizowane.
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- 24.99 kr.
42.99 kr. A good story takes us to a new, fantastic world; the pleasure is all the greater if it keeps us there for long enough.In this carefully curated collection, we have handpicked a range of wondrous tales that have stood the test of time.From the adventures of "Peter Pan" to the classic charm of "Goldilocks and the Three Bears", each story is sure to enchant you.Through the writings of beloved authors such as J.M. Barrie, Robert Southey and Brothers Grimm, this collection will bring joy and wonder to your evenings.
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- 42.99 kr.
74.99 kr. Franziska Pigulla und Friedrich Schoenfelder entführen uns in die Welt der schönsten deutschen Märchen und verzaubern mit ihrer angenehmen Stimme. Erzählt werden Der Froschkönig, Rotkäppchen, Der standhafte Zinnsoldat, Die Prinzessin auf der Erbse und viele weitere. Ideal zum Einkuscheln und Zuhören während der kalten Jahreszeit.Friedrich Schoenfelder (1916-2011) war ein deutscher Schauspieler und Synchronsprecher. Nach der Kriegsgefangenschaft startete er seine Karriere als freischaffender Schauspieler und wurde in vielen Städten engagiert. Neben Theaterstücken spielte er zudem in zahlreichen deutschen Filmen mit.Franziska Pigulla (1964-2019) war eine deutsche Schauspielerin, Synchronsprecherin und Nachrichtensprecherin. Berühmtheit erlangte sie insbesondere durch die deutsche Synchronisation der Stimme von Demi Moore. Des Weiteren lieh sie Videospiel-Charakteren ihre Stimme und sprach Hörbücher ein.
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- 74.99 kr.
73.99 kr. La raccolta comprende una serie di oltre cinquanta racconti legati alla tradizione orale, trascritti in questa sede dall'autore. Tra animali parlanti, nobili colpiti da potenti incantesimi, principi dalle sembianze suine, giovani orfane, magiche fate e persino una primordiale Cenerentola, Comparetti prende per mano i suoi lettori, accompagnandoli in un viaggio alla scoperta del folclore radicato in ogni angolo dello stivale.Domenico Comparetti (1835 – 1927) è stato un accademico, saggista, filologo e traduttore italiano, nominato inoltre Senatore del Regno d’Italia nel 1891. In seguito a una laurea in Scienze naturali, Comparetti si dedica agli studi umanistici e alla traduzione di opere latine e greche. Durante la sua carriera, si apre inoltre all’analisi dei papiri di Ercolano e a numerose ricerche sulla vita di noti personaggi italiani, da Augusto a Virgilio, fino al sommo poeta Dante Alighieri. Tra i suoi scritti ricordiamo "Novelline popolari italiane" e "Virgilio nella tradizione letteraria fino a Dante".
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- 73.99 kr.
102.99 kr. Born from the mists of Irish legend, Bram Stoker’s ‘The Snake’s Pass’ traces a romance fraught with mystery and peril.Arthur Severn is holidaying in the town of Carnacliff, Ireland, when he meets a peasant girl in the fog and falls in love. But their social standing is not the only thing keeping them apart. The town’s money lender, Black Murdock wants to take control of the land where Arthur has been staying and seems obsessed with finding a hidden treasure lost beneath the bog. As legends resurface of the Snake King’s lost crown, the shifting swamp threatens to swallow the house itself and destroy Arthur’s hopes of finding the girl again.Drawing on the legend of St Patrick, Stoker’s thrilling romance creates a brooding world of danger and mystery. His only work set entirely in Ireland, ‘The Snake’s Pass’ is an unmissable classic and rightful precursor to the Gothic horror that is Bram Stoker’s ‘Dracula’.Bram Stoker (1847 - 1912) was an Irish author celebrated for his contributions to the Victorian Gothic period. Among his works, 'The Primrose Path', 'The Snake's Pass', and 'The Lair of the White Worm', 'Dracula' is best-known as the masterpiece of Gothic Horror that introduced vampires to English shores. Born in Dublin, Ireland, Stoker later moved to London to work alongside Henry Irving at the Lyceum Theatre, where he followed his interests in the arts, science, and the occult.
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- 102.99 kr.
36.99 kr. "Barbablù" è senz’altro una delle fiabe più celebri, fra quelle trascritte da Charles Perrault, ma anche una fra le più cupe. Pubblicata per la prima volta in "I racconti di Mamma Oca" (1697), questa narra la vicenda del ricchissimo Barbablù, uomo sposatosi già sei volte che ottiene in sposa la giovane protagonista. Circondata dallo sfarzo e dal lusso, la nuova moglie è obbligata da Barbablù a promettergli che, in sua assenza, non metterà assolutamente piede nell’unica stanza proibita del castello. Quello che, infine, un giorno scoprirà la giovane, contravvenendo al minaccioso ordine del marito, sarà terribile...Charles Perrault (1628-1703) nasce a Parigi da un’altolocata famiglia borghese. Avviato ai migliori studi, segue le orme paterne e si laurea in Legge, trovando ben presto lavoro in ambito statale. Intellettuale fra i più attivi, nella vitale epoca di Luigi XIV, nel 1663 contribuisce alla fondazione dell’Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, distinguendosi inoltre come vivo fautore della letteratura moderna contro lo strapotere – ancora vigente – degli autori classici. Nel 1678, rimasto vedovo e dovendosi occupare di ben cinque bambini, decide di scrivere delle fiabe a sfondo morale, così da dare ai giovanissimi figli dei facili ma al contempo stimolanti insegnamenti. È così che nasce "I racconti di Mamma Oca", apprezzatissimo fin dalla sua prima pubblicazione. Il capolavoro di Perrault, pur basandosi in larga parte su materiale folklorico e, quindi, non originale, elabora alcune idee che hanno assunto nel tempo il valore di autentici archetipi (come, per citare solo un esempio, la scarpetta di cristallo in "Cenerentola").
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- 36.99 kr.
36.99 kr. "Il baule volante", pubblicata per la prima volta nel 1839, è una delle fiabe più particolari di tutta la produzione di Hans Christian Andersen. Ispirata alle atmosfere orientaleggianti de "Le mille e una notte", la storia narra la vicenda di un giovane che, dopo aver sperperato tutto il proprio denaro in cose futili, si ritrova praticamente a vivere dentro un baule regalatogli da un amico. Questo, però, non è ciò che sembra: si tratta infatti di un oggetto magico, capace di trasportare il giovane in volo fin nella lontana terra dove vivono i Turchi, dando inizio a una serie infinita di avventure!Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) è stato uno scrittore, poeta e artista danese. È celebre la sua letteratura per bambini; tra le sue fiabe più amate si citano "I vestiti nuovi dell’imperatore", "La sirenetta", "L'usignuolo", "Il soldatino di stagno", "La regina delle nevi", "Il brutto anitroccolo" e "La piccola fiammiferaia". I suoi libri sono stati tradotti in tutte le lingue viventi del mondo e al giorno d’oggi non c’è bambino o adulto che non abbia avuto modo di conoscere gli estrosi personaggi di Andersen. Le sue fiabe sono state il soggetto di infiniti adattamenti per il teatro e per il cinema, soprattutto da parte della Disney con i film d’animazione "La sirenetta" del 1989 e "Frozen", liberamente tratto da "La regina delle nevi", del 2013.Grazie all’enorme contributo dato da Andersen alla letteratura per l’infanzia, nel 2 aprile, giorno del suo compleanno, si celebra la Giornata internazionale del libro per bambini.
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- 36.99 kr.
40.99 kr. "Il brutto anatroccolo", pubblicata originariamente nel 1843, è certamente fra le fiabe più note al mondo e non solo fra quelle scritte dal grande Hans Christian Andersen! Con una morale semplice ma sempre attuale, questa fiaba invita tutti a non temere di essere giudicati diversi, ma, anzi, ad andare fieri delle proprie peculiarità. Letta da Francesca Sarah Toich, "Il brutto anatroccolo" è un classico che merita sempre di essere riascoltato.Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) nasce a Odense da una famiglia poverissima, ma esprime fin dalla prima infanzia un profondo interesse per il teatro e per le leggende tradizionali. A quattordici anni si reca a Copenaghen, dove fa i lavori più disparati coltivando il sogno di diventare attore. Sarà l’incontro fortuito con il re di Danimarca, Federico VI, a cambiare per sempre il corso della sua esistenza: il sovrano, infatti, gli sovvenziona prima gli studi alla scuola di Slagelse, così come due viaggi a giro per l’Europa. Andersen esordisce nel 1827 come poeta, ma nel corso della sua lunga vita approccerà i più svariati generi: dal romanzo al vaudeville, passando per il melodramma e la satira. È però con le fiabe, scritte a fasi alterne fra il 1835 e il 1872, che ottiene una fama davvero solida e internazionale. Fra le molte altre opere da lui scritte, si possono citare "L’improvvisatore" (1835) e "Viaggio a piedi dal canale di Holmen alla punta orientale di Amager" (1828).
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- 40.99 kr.
40.99 kr. "L’acciarino magico", pubblicata originariamente nel 1835, è una delle prime fiabe scritte da Hans Christian Andersen. La storia narra dell’avventurosa vicenda di un soldato estremamente povero che, in seguito all'incontro con una strega, ottiene un numero impressionante di monete, insieme a un misterioso acciarino. Come presto sarà chiaro, questo piccolo oggetto nasconde, in realtà, poteri magici che aiuteranno il soldato ad avverare ogni suo desiderio...Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) nasce a Odense da una famiglia poverissima, ma esprime fin dalla prima infanzia un profondo interesse per il teatro e per le leggende tradizionali. A quattordici anni si reca a Copenaghen, dove fa i lavori più disparati coltivando il sogno di diventare attore. Sarà l’incontro fortuito col re di Danimarca, Federico VI, a cambiare per sempre il corso della sua esistenza: il sovrano, infatti, gli sovvenziona prima gli studi alla scuola di Slagelse, così come due viaggi a giro per l’Europa. Andersen esordisce nel 1827 come poeta, ma nel corso della sua lunga vita approccerà i più svariati generi: dal romanzo al vaudeville, passando per il melodramma e la satira. È però con le fiabe, scritte a fasi alterne fra il 1835 e il 1872, che ottiene una fama davvero solida e internazionale. Fra le molte altre opere da lui scritte, si possono citare "L’improvvisatore" (1835) e "Viaggio a piedi dal canale di Holmen alla punta orientale di Amager" (1828).
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40.99 kr. Pubblicata per la prima volta in "I racconti di Mamma Oca" (1697), "Pollicino" è una delle fiabe più conosciute e apprezzate di Charles Perrault. In un villaggio afflitto dalla povertà, Pollicino e i suoi fratelli vengono abbandonati nel bosco dai genitori. Sarà compito del protagonista salvare la vita di se stesso e degli altri, anche a costo di affrontare un Orco cattivo col solo uso dell’astuzia. Grazie alla propria intelligenza e ad un paio di stivali molto particolari, Pollicino vedrà le proprie speranze premiate.Resa in modo perfetto dalla lettura di Francesca Sarah Toich, questa storia immortale non mancherà di conquistare ancora oggi uno stuolo di ammiratori, sia fra i bambini che – perché no –fra gli adulti.Charles Perrault (1628-1703) nasce a Parigi da un’altolocata famiglia borghese. Avviato ai migliori studi, segue le orme paterne e si laurea in Legge, trovando ben presto lavoro in ambito statale. Intellettuale fra i più attivi nella vivace epoca di Luigi XIV, nel 1663 contribuisce alla fondazione dell’Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, distinguendosi inoltre come vivo fautore della letteratura moderna contro lo strapotere – ancora vigente – degli autori classici. Nel 1678, rimasto vedovo e dovendosi occupare di ben cinque bambini, decide di scrivere delle fiabe a sfondo morale, così da dare ai giovanissimi figli dei facili, ma al contempo stimolanti, insegnamenti. È così che nasce "I racconti di Mamma Oca", apprezzatissimo fin dalla sua prima pubblicazione. Il capolavoro di Perrault, pur basandosi in larga parte su materiale folkloristico e quindi non originale, elabora alcune idee che hanno assunto nel tempo il valore di autentici archetipi (come, per citare solo un esempio, la scarpetta di cristallo in "Cenerentola").
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38.99 kr. Palace intrigues abound in the story of the first calender, a wandering Sufi of royal birth: on a visit to his uncle’s kingdom, the young prince is sworn to secrecy by his cousin, who then disappears; on his return home, he finds that his father has been overthrown by the grand-vizir, who harbours a special grudge against the prince. The mystery of his cousin’s disappearance and his escape from the treacherous vizir are revealed in this, the eleventh of 34 tales in the classic "Arabian Nights" collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
59.99 kr. The Arabian Nights is an exotic collection of stories that will grab your attention from the very first page. At the heart of the collection is Scheherazade, the bride of Schahriar, Sultan of Persia. The jealous sultan marries a new girl every evening, and has her executed the following morning – until Scheherazade decides to put a stop to his cruelty, and volunteers to marry him. As clever as she is courageous, night after night Scheherazade distracts the Sultan with tales that keep him listening, and her alive, until he falls in love with her.This classic selection presents the best-loved stories from the Arabian Nights, translated into English and introduced by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.
- Ebook
- 59.99 kr.
38.99 kr. A beautiful lady asked the porter in our story to carry her things home. The porter agreed and he was invited to stay for the night but on one condition – he was not supposed to speak of that which did not concern him. It was then things took a strange turn. Three Persian Calenders came as well. Later on, the vizir joined the group. One of the ladies began singing, the other one fainted. Some slaves were brought inside, and they had to kill the guests. Do you think the porter managed to keep his promise? Find out what actually happened in "The Story of the Three Calenders, Sons of Kings, and of Five Ladies of Bagdad".This is the tenth of the 34 tales in the classical "Arabian Nights" collection, translated into English by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. The story of the third calender is as packed with mysteries and adventures as the tales of Sinbad the Sailor: after surviving shipwreck, the young prince finds that friendship leads him to a series of ordeals that not only wound him physically, but also force him to recognise his helplessness in the face of fate and human weakness. This tragic story brings Scheherazade’s third narrative cycle to a conclusion, in the fourteenth of 34 tales in the classic "Arabian Nights" collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. An old man explains that his two black dogs are really his two brothers, whom he repeatedly saved from poverty. When he married a beautiful woman, however, all his kindnesses were forgotten, and his brothers tried to kill them. Yet the merchant’s wife was not what she seemed, as the murderous brothers would soon find out. A story of brotherly love betrayed and revenged, "The Story of the Second Old Man, and of the Two Black Dogs" is the fourth of 34 tales in the classic "Arabian Nights" collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. Readers familiar with the friendly blue genie in Disney’s Aladdin films may be shocked to discover a crueller kind in Scheherazade’s first tale. When a merchant accidentally kills the son of a genie, the spirit swears to kill him in revenge, but grants him a year’s reprieve to say his goodbyes. Yet when the merchant returns on the appointed day, he meets three old men, who have a plan to avert his death. Listen as tale leads into tale in "The Story of the Merchant and the Genius", the second of 34 tales in the classic Arabian Nights collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. When the second princely calender’s story of an envious man fails to appease an evil genie, his punishment is to be turned into a monkey. No longer able to speak, he nonetheless retains his greatest talent: his perfect handwriting. His gift will take him to the court of a sultan, where his true nature will finally be revealed—yet the genie who cursed him is not finished with him... Hear the resolution to the story of the second calender in this, the thirteenth of 34 tales in the classic "Arabian Nights" collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.
- Ebook
- 38.99 kr.
From 10.99 kr. Sagt er frá fátækum hjónum sem eignast lítinn son. Spáð er fyrir því að sonurinn muni giftast konungsdóttur. Þegar kóngurinn fréttir af spádómnum reiðist hann og skipar að láta stytta drengnum aldur. Böðullinn sem fær það verkefni aumkar sér svo yfir drengnum að hann getur ekki með nokkru móti drepið hann. Drengurinn lifir og þegar kemur að því að eignast kóngsdótturina þarf hann að ganga í gegnum erfiðar þrautir. Bókasafn barnanna er samansafn stuttra ævintýra sem þýddar voru af Seyðisfirðingnum Theodóri Árnasyni. Bækurnar voru fyrst prentaðar í prentsmiðju Austurlands og gefnar út árið 1947. Um er að ræða þýddar þjóðsögur og ævintýri frá ýmsum heimshornum. Theodór Árnason fæddist á Seyðisfirði 10. desember 1889. Hann er Íslendingum þekktastur sem rithöfundur og þýðandi. Á ferli sínum þýddi hann ævintýri handa börnum en hann skrifaði einnig bók um ævi helsti tónskálda áranna 1525-1907. Hann var tónlistarmaður og starfaði sem hljómsveitarstjóri í kvikmyndahúsi í Winnipeg og lærði hljómlist í Kaupmannahöfn.
From 10.99 kr. Fátækur viðarhöggsmaður og kona hans til margra ára eiga sér draum um að eignast barn. Þegar þau eiga loksins von á barni stelur viðarhöggsmaðurinn Eyrarrósum af galdrakerlingu til þess að gefa konu sinni seiði, þegar kerlingin gómar hann krefst hún þess að hún fái barnið afhent þegar það fæðist. Svo fer að viðarhöggsmaðurinn og konan hans eignast stúlku. Kerlingin læsir hana í turni en ungur konungssonur kemur auga á hana og reynir allt sem hann getur til að bjarga henni. Bókasafn barnanna er samansafn stuttra ævintýra sem þýddar voru af Seyðisfirðingnum Theodóri Árnasyni. Bækurnar voru fyrst prentaðar í prentsmiðju Austurlands og gefnar út árið 1947. Um er að ræða þýddar þjóðsögur og ævintýri frá ýmsum heimshornum. Theodór Árnason fæddist á Seyðisfirði 10. desember 1889. Hann er Íslendingum þekktastur sem rithöfundur og þýðandi. Á ferli sínum þýddi hann ævintýri handa börnum en hann skrifaði einnig bók um ævi helsti tónskálda áranna 1525-1907. Hann var tónlistarmaður og starfaði sem hljómsveitarstjóri í kvikmyndahúsi í Winnipeg og lærði hljómlist í Kaupmannahöfn.
36.99 kr. Malgré tous ses efforts, Timopheïtch est pauvre, et même s' il est satisfait de son train de vie, il ne peut s’empêcher d’être jaloux de ceux qui ont de meilleurs moyens que lui. Timopheïtch se plaint et considère que Dieu est bien loin d’être équitable dans ses dons. Pourtant un jour, il devient riche d’une façon mystérieuse. Il croit à son heure de gloire. Une fois l’argent hérité, il se retrouve dans une situation délicate. Il doit gérer des magasins pour gagner son argent. Mais il n’a aucune expérience...Léon Tolstoï (1828-1910) est un écrivain russe dont le talent a été rapidement reconnu. Il s'est fait connaître par ses romans et nouvelles qui dépeignent la vie du peuple russe à l'époque des tsars. Avec ses écrits, il parvient à mettre en lumière les grands enjeux de la civilisation. Ses œuvres incontournables ont été adaptées d’innombrables fois, notamment dans le film « Anna Karenine » (2012) avec Keira Knightley et Jude Law, et la série « Guerre et Paix » (2016) avec Lily James.
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- 36.99 kr.