Romantic suspense

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  • by Stefanie Ross
    103.99 kr.

    Annikas neuer Auftrag heißt Jakob Johanson und führt sie an die Nordseeküste. So weit ist alles kein Problem, sie mag die Landschaft und das Meer zieht sie schon am ersten Tag in ihren Bann. Aber dies gilt leider auch für Jakob, der sich jahrelang in Australien aufgehalten hat und nun Hals über Kopf nach Klein Wöhrde zurückgekehrt ist.Keiner weiß so genau, wieso er wieder zu Hause ist – außer Annika, die ihn zwar beschützen soll, aber nicht über die Gründe für seine Rückkehr reden darf.Für Gefühle ist jedoch in Annikas Leben kein Platz. Niemals. Auch nicht für Männer wie Jakob. Aber trotzdem kommen sie sich jeden Tag näher. Als sie sich eingesteht, mehr für ihn zu empfinden, als sie jemals gewollt hat, stößt sie auf das nächste Problem: Jakob hat vor nichts Angst – außer vor einer Beziehung.Werden die beiden Zugvögel dennoch in Klein Wöhrde ihr Glück finden?

  • by Lisa Hobman
    129.99 kr.

    Poignant, heart-warming and gorgeously romantic, this is a love-story with pure, unadulterated happiness at its heart. A Year of Finding Happiness shows you that the little things in life can make you smile, even when you think you might never laugh again...Happiness doesn't factor on the deliciously rugged but utterly heartbroken Greg's radar much these days. Only his beloved Labrador Angus seems to understand his search for a way to make sense of tragedy, until he meets new neighbour Mallory Westerman...Instantly they know that the other understands how they feel, and over time, as romance blossoms, they dare to wonder if they might, one day, be truly happy again...There are two sides to every story, and A Year of Finding Happiness is Greg's journey back from the darkest depths to happiness...A Year of Finding Happiness was previously published as Bridge of Hope.'Heartwarming and uplifting... I was singing along from the very first page' Heidi Swain.

  • by Lauren Westwood
    129.99 kr.

    Two strangers meet at Waterloo station at Christmas. It's a moment they'll never forget..Nicola is a star in her professional life, but her personal life is a disaster. Her office affair has run its course, and the last thing she wants to think about is Christmas. A night of cancelled trains and festive carols at Waterloo Station is the last straw...Dmitri loves conducting his pop-up choir during the festive season, meeting people, and spreading joy and cheer around London. But he carries deep secrets from his past that robbed him of his dream to become a concert pianist.Can two lonely hearts and souls be unlocked by music and moonlight in snowy London? And will they discover the healing power of love this Christmas?Perfect for the fans of Kiley Dunbar, Suzanne Snow and that warm fuzzy, Christmas-sy feeling you get when watching "Love Actually".Praise for 'Moonlight on the Thames':'I have literally fallen in love with this book' -Nessa.'With a big heart, this is one where you'll actually feel emotion on the page' -Kathleen Gray.'A lovely read for your Christmas list' -Lisa Houston.

  • by Olivia Lara
    163.99 kr.

    Soulmates do exist... But will they find their way to each other?The year is 1954. In a small French museum, two people's lives are about to change forever. On a wintery night in December, fifteen-year old Zara meets Leon for the first time. As the power cuts out in the museum, Leon and Zara spend an hour in complete darkness, discussing their love for art, Monet and Paris. They both feel an instant connection but they have never seen each other in the light. They might not know what the other looks like but they know, their lives will never be the same.Nine years later, it's 1963. A heartbroken Leon wanders around Paris. He has given up hope of finding the girl that he gave his heart to that dark night in the museum. Meanwhile, Zara is under the impression that she has already found him. Leon and Zara meet at a charity ball and even though they don't recognize each other, they share an intense and initially unexplainable connection.Over the course of twenty years, love draws Zara and Leon together. They are destined to fall in love, but will they find a way to be together?What people are saying about 'Someday in Paris': 'An epic, sweeping romance about soulmates and second chances' Holly Miller'I absolutely adored this book and stayed up late at night to finish it!! I couldn't put it down. This was a truly epic love story' Goodreads reviewer'Magical, all-encompassing and timeless; an unforgettable romance' NetGalley reviewer'There are not enough magical adjectives to describe the beauty of this story!! 'Someday in Paris' moved me beyond words and to quite a few tears'Goodreads reviewerA magical new love story about star-crossed lovers, perfect for hopeless romantics and fans of 'One Day' and 'The Notebook'.

  • by Jenna Warren
    129.99 kr.

    Loosely inspired by The Phantom of the Opera and Cyrano de Bergerac, this warm and witty debut novel is the perfect read for fans of David Nicholls.Matthew Capes, struggling with chronic stage fright, has not sung in front of an audience for eight years. A classical tenor with a magnificent voice, he only dares sing late at night on the empty stage of the Moon and Stars theatre.When Matthew’s old singing partner Angela – who just so happens to be the woman of his dreams – gets back in touch and offers him the chance to perform in a nationwide tour, his low self-esteem and anxiety stand in the way. But Matthew has a plan: he will sing in the shadows while his handsome and charismatic friend Ralph takes to the stage with Angela. What could go wrong?‘Read in one sitting! A thoroughly uplifting story, full of light, shade, and lots of great music. As pleasurable as a good adagio or rock ballad.’ — Matson Taylor, author of "The Miseducation of Evie Epworth"‘The Moon and Stars is a brilliant, beautiful, and funny story about having a dream and the pitfalls of trying to live it. This book is a treasured reminder of the true happiness that comes from being gloriously imperfect.’ — Carmen Marcus, author of "How Saints Die"‘An absolute delight. The Moon and Stars is an antidote which transported me straight into the heart of the musical theatre world.’ — Louise Walters, author of "Mrs Sinclair’s Suitcase"

  • by Victoria Holt
    From 45.99 kr.

    Faldir fjársjóðir. Dularfullir atburðir. Myrkir leyndardómar. Anna Brett óttast að þurfa að vera kennslukona á heimili annarra það sem eftir er ævinnar. En þegar hinn glæsilegi skipstjóri Redvers Stretton kemur aftur inn í líf hennar, ferðast hún frá köldu landslagi Englands yfir í dulúð Kyrrahafsins þar sem ekkert er það sem það lítur út fyrir að vera og hún lendir í miðri ráðgátu sem aðeins hún getur leyst. Meðan myndarlegi, ljóshærði og bláeygði skipstjórinn gerir sitt besta til að fá Önnu til að gleyma fortíð sinni áttar hún sig á því að myrk lendarmál liggja undir heillandi yfirborði hans. Morð fær mjög á ungu konuna og í draumum hennar eltir hana leyndardómur um falinn fjársjóð. Það er ekki tilviljun að skip Strettons er kallað „Leynda konan" og á ferð þeirra að Kóraleyju í Kyrrahafinu neyðist Anna til að horfast í augu við manninn sem gæti átt eins mörg leyndarmál og hún. Á frumstæðri eyjunni, þar sem fólk trúir enn á galdra og myrk öfl, kemur sannleikurinn um Redvers Stretton í ljós. Og ráðgátan um leyndu konuna er loksins leyst.Victoria Holt er eitt höfundarnafna Eleanor Alice Burford Hibbert. Hún fæddist í Bretlandi árið 1906 og lést 1993 og ritaði um 200 sögulegar skáldsögur um ævina undir hinum og þessum höfundarnöfnum, allt eftir umfjöllunarefni sagnanna. Meðal annarra höfundarnafna hennar eru Jean Plaidy og Philippa Carr. Verk hennar hafa unnið til verðlauna, verið þýdd á fjölda tungumála og hafa selst í yfir 50 milljón eintökum um allan heim.

  • by Karen King
    102.99 kr.

    ‘I don’t exactly know how to tell you this, but you're not the only one who is single again.’Single together for the first time, 34-year-old Meg and her warm-hearted mother Sally decide to cancel Christmas, and run away to a tiny cottage on the Cornish coast. For Meg, it is the perfect place to heal, while for her mother it has a special, and secret, place in her heart.Meg and Sally find that they’re not only getting to know themselves, but also each other. However, unable to resist getting involved in the village Christmas celebrations, they encounter two handsome local strangers.What neither woman knows is that, by the time the new year rolls around, one woman will have fallen in love with their ex all over again, and one relationship will be over for good...‘A wonderfully written Christmas feel good story. Full of many ups and downs and misunderstandings... A definite curl up on the sofa over the Christmas period to enjoy its feel-good story line.’ Goodreads Reviewer, 5 starsAn escapist, romantic and heart-warming novel for fans of One Day in December and No One Cancels Christmas.

  • by Shanna Bell
    140.99 kr.

    Un mariage arrangé.Elle veut sa liberté.Il veut se venger.JazzyJe vais tout abandonner et recommencer à zéro. Je ne me soumettrai à personne. La dernière chose dont j’ai besoin, c’est lui. L’entrave à ma liberté.GioJe vengerai la mort de mes parents. Je ferai souffrir les responsables. Tout ce dont j’ai besoin, c’est elle. La clé de tous mes plans.Que les jeux commencent.Shanna Bell écrit principalement des romance New Adult. Ses héroïnes sont des femmes fortes et quelque peu impétueuses. Elle allie avec expertise romance, tension, et scènes érotiques.

  • by Shanna Bell
    140.99 kr.

    Une fille geek victime de chantage.Un détenu assoiffé de vengeance.TessJe suis une militante, pirate informatique. Internet n’a pas de secrets pour moi. Mais ce n’est pas ce qui sauvera ma famille. J’ai besoin de lui. Un monstre marin pour vaincre un requin.LucaJe m’évaderai de cette prison. Je me vengerai de ceux qui m’y ont envoyé. Tout ce dont j’ai besoin, c’est elle. La clé de ma cellule.Que les jeux commencent.Shanna Bell écrit principalement des romance New Adult. Ses héroïnes sont des femmes fortes et quelque peu impétueuses. Elle allie avec expertise romance, tension, et scènes érotiques.

  • by Shanna Bell
    140.99 kr.

    HectorDans la vraie vie, la Bête ne finit pas avec Belle. Alors, je dois garder mes distances. Même si ça me tue de la voir avec un autre homme.MaryIl croit que je ne suis pas de taille. Mais je sais ce que je veux. Je l’aurai à l’usure, même si je dois y laisser ma peau.Que les jeux commencent.Shanna Bell écrit principalement des romance New Adult. Ses héroïnes sont des femmes fortes et quelque peu impétueuses. Elle allie avec expertise romance, tension, et scènes érotiques.

  • by Sara Storm
    From 58.99 kr.

    Kun kulttuurisihteeri Ruska osallistuu Helmijoen matkailua edistävään kokoukseen, tapahtuu jotain yllättävää. Paikalle saapuu myös Helmirannan kartanon poika, joka näyttää kaikelta muulta kuin kartanonherralta. Miehellä on boheemit vaatteet ja hymy, joka on varmaankin Amerikan opiskeluvuosilta peräisin. Robert "Roope" Stoltenheim ärsyttää Ruskaa heti! Kun Roope alkaa mittailla Ruskaa katseellaan, Ruskan kiukku nousee. Tuon rääpäleen on turha kuvitella, että hän lämpenisi pelkällä jenkkihymyllä! Pikkuhiljaa Ruska kuitenkin huomaa, että Roope vetää häntä puoleensa yllättävällä tavalla... Samalla Ruska heittäytyy jännittävään seikkailuun, johon liittyy romantiikan lisäksi historiallinen, huomattavan arvokas sormus. Nimimerkki Sara Storm kirjoittaa viihteellisiä rakkaustarinoita, jotka ovat saaneet vankan lukijakunnan. Ammatiltaan hän on freelance-toimittaja.

  • by Sandra Paretti
    58.99 kr.

    Das vornehme Paris ist im Bann der schönen Caroline. Mit ihrer verführerischen Art verzaubert sie die Männer in ihrer Nähe und könnte jeden haben. Doch sie entscheidet sich, den Herzog von Belômer zu heiraten. Am Abend vor der geplanten Hochzeit wird dieser jedoch plötzlich verhaftet. Was hat es damit auf sich? In „Lerche und Löwe", dem zweiten Teile der Caroline-Trilogie, setzt Sandra Paretti die Geschichte um eine junge Frau und ihr aufregendes Leben in Frankreichs Hauptstadt fort.Sandra Paretti (1935–1994) wurde als Irmgard Schneeberger in Regensburg geboren und verfasste in erster Linie Gesellschaftsromane. Parettis Werke wurden in 28 Sprachen übersetzt, wodurch sie bis heute zu einer der meistgelesenen deutschsprachigen Autorinnen zählt. Ihr Werk „Der Wunschbaum" wurde zudem als TV-Serie adaptiert.

  • by Ella Marcs
    111.99 kr.

    Im tiefsten Sauerland einen Bauernhof voll verrückter Tiere hüten? Davon ist Stadtpflanze Sabin nicht sonderlich begeistert, denn im wahren Leben sucht sie Schwerverbrecher und keine verschollenen Esel. Aber was tut man nicht alles, damit die beste Freundin beruhigt in die Flitterwochen fliegen kann. Dass Sabin gleichzeitig vor Ort ihrem neuen – und sehr heißen! - Kollegen dabei hilft, in einer Diebstahlserie zu ermitteln, braucht ja niemand zu erfahren. Doch Sabin hat die Rechnung ohne die aufmüpfigen Tiere gemacht und ohne den Schwager ihrer Freundin, der nicht nur unverschämt gut aussieht, sondern auch Katz und Maus mit ihr spielt. Und wer hätte geahnt, dass sich zwischen gestohlenen Autos und Misthaufen sogar die große Liebe versteckt ...Ein Hörbuch über Schein und Sein, wahre Schönheit und natürlich über die Liebe. Ella Marcs schreibt Liebesromane mit viel Humor und starken Frauenfiguren. Wenn sie gerade mal nicht schreibt, ist sie mit ihrer Familie auf Reisen, veranstaltet gemeinsame Spieleabende (bei denen sie am liebsten gewinnt) oder probiert zum Leidwesen ihrer Lieben gerne ungewöhnliche Kochrezepte aus.

  • by Teresa Grabarska
    32.99 kr.

    Inne czasy, te same namiętności.Majka to dobrze ułożona, choć chwilami porywcza dziewczyna. Właśnie kończy pisać pracę magisterską i zakochuje się od pierwszego wejrzenia w koledze swojego kolegi. Uczucie tych dwojga rozwija się w precyzyjnie oddanych realiach PRL-u oraz urokliwych lokacjach krakowskiego Starego Miasta. Studenci najlepszych polskich uczelni wystają godzinami w kolejkach po szynkę, polują na papierosy w kiosku i wymieniają się przydzielonymi im towarami.Pełna emocji historia, która sprawia, że wspomnienia dawnych czasów stają przed oczami czytelnika.Doskonała propozycja dla miłośników "Madame" Antoniego Libery.Teresa Grabarska - autorka zbioru opowiadań „A bliźniego swego" i powieści "Powrót". Absolwentka polonistyki na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim, przez pewien czas pracowała w szkole jako nauczycielka języka polskiego. W ramach pracy zawodowej pisała również reportaże do lokalnej gazety, jednak przez większość życia zajmowała się domem, dziećmi i mężem. Obecnie wraca na rynek z nowymi propozycjami wydawniczymi.

  • by Lysander Mazee
    96.99 kr.

    WINNAAR VAN DE JONGE JURY DEBUUTPRIJS 2023!IJshockeyer Auke weet niet wat hem overkomt als hij na afloop van een wedstrijd in Trondheim samen met zijn Noorse rivaal Sindre door mysterieuze krijgers duizend jaar terug in de tijd wordt gebracht.Auke en Sindre blijken te zijn ontvoerd om het leger van Vikinghoofdman Heimar Helgason te versterken. Die leidt veelbelovende rekruten op tot úlfheðnar, legendarische wolvenkrijgers, om de heidense manier van leven te bewaren in een veranderende wereld.Maar Heimars zus Heidrún, meesteres van de taboemagie seiðr, heeft een andere bestemming voor Auke: één die zijn ondergang betekent, als hij niet oppast.Wolventijd is een kruising tussen ‘Vikings’ en ‘Kruistocht in spijkerbroek’ met een trans hoofdpersonage. Een meeslepend avontuur vol legendarische wolvenkrijgers, actie en ontluikende liefde.Transformatie vormt in veel verhalen van Lysander Mazee (1987) een rode draad. In Lysanders boek ‘Wolventijd’ is zijn persoonlijke verhaal verweven. De hoofdpersoon is namelijk transgender, iets wat Lysander met hem deelt. En niet alleen dat, maar ook vanwege zijn liefde voor Scandinavische sprookjes en Noorse mythologie die duidelijk naar voren komt. In 2023 won dat boek ook de Jonge Jury Debuutprijs.

  • by Izabela A.
    48.99 kr.

    A Ty? Boisz się pokochać?Trzydziestoletnia Mia Ross, psychiatra i biegła sądowa ze słonecznej Florydy, lada moment wpadnie w tarapaty, jakich nigdy się nie spodziewała. Główną przyczyną niebezpiecznych zawirowań w jej życiu stanie się oskarżony o zabójstwo partnera swojej matki Blake Maxton, od pierwszego spotkania wywołujący w Mii negatywne odczucia. Wkrótce jednak oboje połączy coś więcej, niż walka ze wspólnym wrogiem... Tylko czy namiętność, jaką do siebie poczują, nie okaże się przyczyną kolejnych problemów?„Setki milionów dolarów" to wciągająca, pełna zaskakujących zwrotów akcji opowieść o wielkich pieniądzach i... jeszcze większych uczuciach!Blake był poważny. Poczułam dreszcz błądzący po moim ciele. Było to dość intymne wyznanie, nie brzmiało jak tani podryw. Przyglądałam się mojemu pacjentowi z zaciekawieniem. Próbowałam wywnioskować, czy aby na pewno był ze mną szczery. Łatwo łapałam się na takie słowa i obdarzałam ludzi ślepym zaufaniem.Izabela A. - absolwentka wydziału lekarskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi. Pisze z zamiłowania i spełnia swoje marzenia na kartkach papieru. Na co dzień pracuje w swoim zawodzie.W życiu poszukuje prawdziwej miłości, nieustannie dąży do ideałów, jest upartą perfekcjonistką. Kocha zwierzęta, piękne miejsca i dobrych ludzi.

  • by Ineke van Stempvoort
    73.99 kr.

    Mei 1987. De onhandige maar opmerkzame politieschoolverlater Regina Klumson heeft het zich anders voorgesteld, dit snoepreisje met het softwarebedrijf van haar dominante echtgenoot Bart. Wanneer het gezelschap vóór de presentatie van een nieuw alarmsysteem uit het museum in kwestie verdwijnt, komt Regina’s onalledaagse speurderstalent boven. Is een kunstroversbende getipt over de code waarmee het systeem wordt uitgeschakeld?Een maffioso, een sinistere suppoost, een minibus en een cryptisch kladje leiden haar langzaam maar zeker in de goede richting. En passant brengt een begeerlijke gentleman-schurk haar liefde voor Bart stevig aan het wankelen.In deze feelgoodthriller geen bloederige taferelen, maar voeren humor en romantiek de boventoon. Een novelle waarin onzekerheid ombuigt naar zelfontplooiing, misdaad niet schijnt te lonen en moed en loyaliteit tot antwoorden leiden. En een kat genaamd Bella die op het juiste moment voor een belangrijke wending zorgt.Ineke van Stempvoort is schrijfster. Ze debuteerde met de historische roman "Odi et Amo" (in samenwerking met Hay van den Munckhof), schreef een verhaal voor de bundel "18 verloren zielen" en verkent het detectivegenre in "Madame Clumsy, een kat in ‘t nauw".

  • by Victoria Holt
    From 45.99 kr.

    Jessica Clavering elst upp í skugganum af falli fjölskyldunnar; ættaróðalinu og lífsstílnum sem forfaðir hennar tapaði í hendur ókunnugra. En hún sér leið til að gifta sig til fjár með hinum auðuga Joss Madden. Joss er heltekinn af ópalnum Green Flash, sem er að finna í ástralskri námu og því þurfa hjónin að ferðast alla leið að eyðimörkum Ástralíu. Yfir ópalnum hvílir hins vegar bölvun og það er í Ástralíu sem Jessica þarf að horfast í augu við fortíð fjölskyldu sinnar. Og hvað með Joss? Var þetta skynsemisbrúðkaup? Eða var það kannski ást?idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlVictoria Holt er eitt höfundarnafna Eleanor Alice Burford Hibbert. Hún fæddist í Bretlandi árið 1906 og lést 1993 og ritaði um 200 sögulegar skáldsögur um ævina undir hinum og þessum höfundarnöfnum, allt eftir umfjöllunarefni sagnanna. Meðal annarra höfundarnafna hennar eru Jean Plaidy og Philippa Carr. Verk hennar hafa unnið til verðlauna, verið þýdd á fjölda tungumála og hafa selst í yfir 50 milljón eintökum um allan heim.

  • by Barbara Cartland
    77.99 kr.

    Daydreamer and book-lover, Zosina, the eldest daughter of the Archduke Ferdinand of Blitzstein, is reluctantly obedient when her father announces that she must marry King Gorgy of neighbouring Dorsa to create an alliance between the two nations.On her first visit to Dorsa, Zosina is greeted by the beguiling and handsome Prince Regent. By contrast, her betrothed, the King, is wild and disagreeable. For the sake of her people, Zosina must go ahead with the marriage with a hope that someone warmer hides beneath the King's hard exterior. Yet, the longer she spends in Dorsa, the greater her fear that the Prince Regent has her heart.A tense and romantic love triangle with a dramatic twist. "Bride to the King" is an action-packed regency romance, perfect for fans of Georgette Heyer, Julia Quinn, and Jenny Hambly.

  • by A. M. Honkisz
    48.99 kr.

    Dominick Aven jest policjantem, a Sara Higgins dziennikarka śledczą. Dzieli ich niemal wszystko, łączy wręcz obsesyjne zaangażowanie w wykonywaną pracę i wzajemnie okazywana niechęć. Pomimo tego, oboje czują, że jakaś potężna, pierwotna siła nieustannie ich do siebie przyciąga i budzi pożądanie.W mieście dochodzi do brutalnego morderstwa studentki. Prowadzący śledztwo Aven dostrzega jego rytualny charakter i zapowiedź kolejnych zbrodni. Tymczasem zabójca nawiązuje kontakt z Higgins. Pragnie by dziennikarka była jego „głosem" w mediach. Dominick nie ufa Sarze, ale z wielu powodów, w tym osobistych, chcąc mieć ją ,,na oku" proponuje udział w dochodzeniu. Z każdym dniem śledztwa napięcie między policjantem i dziennikarką rośnie.Czy możliwe jest budowanie zwyczajnego związku w niezwykłych okolicznościach? Jak dużo muszą poświęcić Sara i Dominick, aby im się udało?

  • by Agata Majchrzak
    40.99 kr.

    ROMANTYCZNOŚĆ NA MIARĘ XXI WIEKU!Urszula to trzydziestoletnia singielka z zasadami. W swoim życiu boryka się z problemami – trudną sytuacją rodzinną i niezadowalającą pracą, lecz jej największą bolączką jest brak odpowiedniego mężczyzny u jej boku. Kobieta, jak na prawdziwą romantyczkę przystało, czeka na księcia na białym koniu – czarującego, szarmanckiego i nieziemsko przystojnego. Co zrobić, kiedy nagle w jej życiu pojawia się aż trzech kandydatów na raz? I co wspólnego z tym wszystkim ma narrator?Dziękuję i zapraszam ponownie to powieść o współczesnej kobiecie, która pragnie kochać i być kochaną.Książka ta w początkowym zamyśle miała być romansem w stylu Danielle Steel, napisanym w prezencie dla mamy. Szybko jednak okazało się, że jestem za mało romantyczna, aby napisać takie dzieło. Opowiastka ta prezentuje więc życie współczesnej kobiety, której marzeniem jest bycie szczęśliwą.

  • by Aleksandra Rak
    48.99 kr.

    Po zaręczynach Dominika i Agnieszki staje się jasne, że Irena nie pozwoli, by jej córka zmarnowała sobie życie u jego boku i zrobi wszystko by zniszczyć ich związek.Kiedy Małgorzata, młodsza siostra Leny, ucieka z rodzinnego domu. Dziewczyna musi stanąć oko w oko z mężczyzną, który ją skrzywdził i spróbować pomóc Gosi uwolnić się spod jego wpływu. Wszystko to w czasie, kiedy jej udział w zawodach sportowych staje pod ogromnym znakiem zapytania.Lena stara się znaleźć choć promyk nadziei na to, że w jej życiu zapanuje jeszcze spokój, a ona znów będzie wstanie kochać tak mocno jak kiedyś. Zwłaszcza teraz, gdy znalazła kogoś, kto chciał ją przez wszystko poprowadzić.

  • by Mariangela Camocardi
    From 29.99 kr.

    Quando la giovane Virginia si presenta al cospetto del barone Vito Giordani, annunciandogli di essere incinta di suo figlio, il barone la crede una cacciatrice di dote e la respinge duramente. Ma ben presto, pentitosi del proprio comportamento, Vito decide di andare alla sua ricerca...“Ombre Rosa” è una collana e insieme un viaggio alla riscoperta di un’intera generazione di scrittrici italiane che, tra gli anni Settanta e gli anni Duemila, hanno posto le basi del romanzo rosa italiano contemporaneo. In un’era in cui finalmente si colgono i primi segnali di un processo di legittimazione di un genere letterario svalutato in passato da forti pregiudizi di genere, lo scopo della collana è quello di volgere indietro lo sguardo all’opera di quelle protagoniste nell’ombra che, sole, hanno reso possibile arrivare fino a questo punto, ridando vita alle loro più belle storie d’amore. Mariangela Camocardi nasce a Verbania nel 1946. Rimasta disoccupata, nel 1983 corona il sogno di pubblicare un romanzo, esordendo con “Nina del tricolore”. Da questo momento, il successo accompagnerà tutta la sua carriera, rendendola una delle maggiori esponenti del genere romance italiano, con all'attivo di più di trenta romanzi d'amore. La sua produzione si inserisce all'interno dell'opera della generazione di autrici romance italiane formatasi intorno alla collana Mondadori "I Romanzi", composta da Maria Masella, Roberta Ciuffi, Paola Picasso, Maria Teresa Casella, Miriam Formenti e Ornella Albanese, che ha contribuito a fare da ponte tra il romanzo rosa italiano tradizionale e quello contemporaneo.

  • by Emma Davies
    102.99 kr.

    He helped you move on... Until you discovered what he did.Louisa Adams has done her best to hold herself together in the years since she lost her husband in a car accident. But each morning she wakes up alone is more painful than the last. She hopes moving into the crumbling seaside guest house her daughter just bought in Devon will help put what’s left of her broken family back together...There, Louisa is offered a final chance to save her career by writing an article on a local sand artist, Isaac. Except, when he turns to greet her – tall, handsome and weather-worn – something about him feels disturbingly familiar. Why, when he looks into her eyes, does she feel like he knows exactly who she is and everything she’s been through?As they explore the rugged coastline’s hidden coves together – living and laughing like she never thought she would again – Louisa is fascinated by this man who creates beautiful sculptures on the shoreline, but deep down she knows he’s keeping a secret from her. The discovery of a charcoal scribble in one of his sketchbooks linking him to the death of her husband, confirms her deepest fear. Is she ready for what he will tell her, and will letting him in rip her family and her heart apart all over again?A heartbreaking, page-turning and completely unforgettable family drama you will read in one sitting. Perfect for anyone who loves Amanda Prowse, Kerry Fisher and Jodi Picoult.Everyone is talking about "After the Crash":‘Absolutely fantastic... a beautiful, addictive and heartwarming book that will stay with you for a long time.’ Book Worm 86‘So emotionally intense that at times you are gripping the sides of your comfy chair... will also pull at your heartstrings... one powerful book that needs to be put on your must-read list... filled with emotional rollercoasters... My heart was pounding fast!’ Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews, 5 stars

  • by Sasha Morgan
    102.99 kr.

    Life in the beautiful Cotswolds village of Treweham could never be described as boring, but the arrival of a documentary film crew means that things are even busier than normal.For the ever-so dashing Lord of the Manor Tobias Cavendish-Blake and his new wife Megan, it's a great advertising opportunity as they've recently opened up their home, Treweham Hall, to the public. And for the chef at the local pub The Templar, Finula, the arrival of the brooding director Marcus Devlin, means her love life is looking up. Whilst at the racing stables, jockey and trainer Dylan Delaney is hoping the exposure will help him find new owners and horses for him and his partner Flora to train.But there is more to Marcus Devlin than meets the eye, and he has very personal reasons for heading to the Cotswolds. And once his plans become clear, life in Treweham may never be the same again.'I couldn't put this book down and was gripped from the very first page! I was so engulfed in the characters and life in Treweham, that I actually felt a little lost when I had finished it'

  • by Honore de Balzac
    59.99 kr.

    Felix was rejected as a child by his mother and those scars never fully heal.In a book with great emotional depth, Honore de Balzac explores Felix' two major adult relationships with women through the form of a single letter.With the beautiful, but married, Madame Mortsauf, maternal love grows into a passion - but never crosses into physical infidelity. As the years pass by, Felix falls for sensuous Englishwoman Lady Arabelle.Torn between "the wife of the spirit" and "the mistress of the flesh", he becomes the laughing stock of the French Court. How will he untie his emotional knot without causing emotional damage to the two women?The insights and descriptions are exquisite - and there is an unexpected twist at the end.'The Lily of the Valley' is perfect reading for fans of other books featuring a love triangle, including Margaret Mitchell's 'Gone With the Wind' and Emily Brontë's 'Wuthering Heights'.Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) was a French novelist and playwright, most famous for a sequence of novels, collectively called 'The Human Comedy'. His signature style was a warts-and-all representation of post-Napoleonic French life, rich in detail and featuring complex, unfiltered characters.The style means Balzac is regarded as one of the pioneers of European literary realism. He is named as an influence on writers including Emile Zola, Henry James, Charles Dickens, and Gustave Flaubert.The first novel he published under his own name was 'Les Chouans' in 1829. In 1834 he hit upon the idea of grouping his novels together to record all of society. The result, over a period of years, was 'The Human Comedy', which comprised three categories: 'Analytic Studies'; 'Philosophical Studies'; and 'Studies of Manners'.

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    38.99 kr.

    In ‘The Sire de Maletroit's Door’ we follow young Denis de Beaulieu, a veteran in the raging ‘Hundred Years War’ as he creeps through the streets of Burgundy trying to avoid patrolling enemy troops. As he attempts to make his way home he is almost discovered by the enemy and must take cover behind the nearest door. This sanctuary will bear a steep price however, as he comes to meet the contemptuous occupant of this house with their very unusual demands. With a fantastic twist, beautiful description emblematic of Stevenson’s style and powerful incorporations of the idea of fate and destiny, this short is a must for lovers of drama and tension or those of you who loved Netflix’s ‘The King’.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), was an author with a formidable legacy. You will be hard pressed to find anyone alive today who has not come across his work in one form or another. The brilliant mind behind ‘Treasure Island’ and the ‘Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’, has had a profound impact on every aspect of entertainment to this day with his brilliant creations. Despite dealing with ill health all his life he was a prolific traveller, spending his later years in Samoa where he fought vigorously for the rights of the natives, earning their love and respect. R.L Stevenson was a character in his own right, passionate and adventurous, his spirit shines through in his work, from his novels to his travel guides. You simply owe it to yourself to experience his creations, he was a true titan of literature on whose shoulders we all stand.

  • by Sara Storm
    From 58.99 kr.

    Antonia Peltola on työterveyspsykologi, joka on aloittanut hiljattain uudessa työssään sairaalassa. Kun Antonia alkaa pitää tunnetaitojen pienryhmää, tilanne muuttuu nopeasti hallitsemattomaksi. Ryhmään osallistuvien miesten välillä on selvästi jotain patoutunutta. Mikä ryhmän miehiä oikein vaivaa? Onneksi Antonian elämään ilmestyy pian uusi rakkaus. Antonia ei kuitenkaan pääse pakoon pienryhmänsä jännitteitä – ja pian Antonia on tilanteessa, jossa hän ei tiedä keneen voi luottaa ja ketä hänen kuuluisi pelätä... Kuka rakastaa Antoniaa ja kuka puolestaan vihaa?Pakkomielteen vanki on jännittävä rakkauskertomus sairaalamaailmasta.Nimimerkki Sara Storm kirjoittaa viihteellisiä rakkaustarinoita, jotka ovat saaneet vankan lukijakunnan. Ammatiltaan hän on freelance-toimittaja.

  • by Victoria Holt
    From 44.99 kr.

    Frá því Dallas Lawson hittir hinn heillandi og alræmda de la Talle greifa, veit hún að ekkert mun verða eins og áður. Kastalinn sjálfur hefur einnig dularfull áhrif á Dallas, en hann er djúpt inni í vínhéruðum Frakklands og segir sagan að þar sé reimt. Dallas er staðráðin í að ljúka ævistarfi föður síns; vinna við endurbætur á ómetanlegum málverkum í kastalanum. Hún sogast hins vegar inn í dularfulla leyndardóma – bæði sem varða kastalann og eiganda hans. Fljótt er ljóst að ekki aðeins málverkin í kastalanum þarfnast blíðu og umhyggju. Þegar Dallas hnýtur um gamalt leyndarmál þróast aðstæður yfir í að verða örlagaríkar, bæði fyrir de la Talle fjölskylduna og Dallas sjálfa. Getur hún treyst franska greifanum? Og voru það örlögin sem ráku hana í fangið á honum, eða var það eitthvað mun óhugnanlegra ... ? idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlVictoria Holt er eitt höfundarnafna Eleanor Alice Burford Hibbert. Hún fæddist í Bretlandi árið 1906 og lést 1993 og ritaði um 200 sögulegar skáldsögur um ævina undir hinum og þessum höfundarnöfnum, allt eftir umfjöllunarefni sagnanna. Meðal annarra höfundarnafna hennar eru Jean Plaidy og Philippa Carr. Verk hennar hafa unnið til verðlauna, verið þýdd á fjölda tungumála og hafa selst í yfir 50 milljón eintökum um allan heim.

  • by Sandra Paretti
    21.99 kr.

    Laura Lumati treibt ein gefährliches Spiel.Obwohl sie von Ceno, ihrem millionenschweren Ehemann über alles geliebt wird und ein sorgenfreies, glückliches Leben führen könnte, verspürt sie immer wieder einen boshaften, zerstörerischen Drang. Auf manipulative Art und Weise bringt sie die Menschen in ihrem Umfeld dazu, ihr jeden Wunsch von den Lippen abzulesen und nimmt dabei keine Rücksicht auf Verluste. Packend und mit viel Spannung beleuchtet Sandra Paretti in diesem Gesellschaftsroman die Abgründe im Charakter einer jungen Frau.Sandra Paretti (1935–1994) wurde als Irmgard Schneeberger in Regensburg geboren und verfasste in erster Linie Gesellschaftsromane. Parettis Werke wurden in 28 Sprachen übersetzt, wodurch sie bis heute zu einer der meistgelesenen deutschsprachigen Autorinnen zählt. Ihr Werk „Der Wunschbaum" wurde zudem als TV-Serie adaptiert.