Romantic suspense

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  • by Barbara Cartland
    58.99 kr.

    A differenza della madre e della sorella maggiore, la dolce Susanna non e nata con il dono della bellezza, anzi: da sempre mangia troppi dolci ed e considerata grassa. Tuttavia appartiene a una famiglia molto ricca, e sua madre e ben decisa a darla in moglie al duca di Southampton, vecchio nobile impoverito. Pur di evitare quell'orribile destino, riservato a suo tempo anche alla sorella May, Susanna scappa di casa e trova lavoro come lettrice presso Fyfe Falcon, un gentiluomo americano rimasto ferito in un incidente e tormentato dall'incubo di rimanere cieco per sempre. Mentre il cuore ruvido dell'uomo si lascia ammorbidire dalla voce soave e dal carattere dolce di Susanna, il sole di Firenze e le giornate spese in piscina permetteranno alla giovane di compiere la sua trasformazione da anatroccolo a cigno e diventare la splendida donna che ha sempre sognato di essere. -

  • by Barbara Cartland
    40.99 kr.

    Tara e una ragazza minuta e molto gentile, cresciuta in un misero orfanotrofio di Londra dove adesso si occupa in prima persona dei bambini piu piccoli. Abituata a svolgere senza sosta i lavori piu umili e a patire spesso la fame, Tara rimane non poco sorpresa quando il segretario personale del duca di Arkcraig, patrocinatore dell'orfanotrofio, decide senza preavviso di condurla in Scozia dal suo padrone. Li Tara conoscera proprio il duca, un uomo tormentato dal proprio passato che da subito provochera in lei emozioni contrastanti, spingendola a chiedersi se sia possibile, in fondo, guarire dalla sofferenza attraverso l'amore. -

  • by Barbara Cartland
    58.99 kr.

    Anno 1903. La giovane Selena Cardenham, appena terminati gli studi, si reca a Montecarlo per incontrare il padre, che la accoglie subito a braccia aperte ma con un'amara confessione: ormai e in rovina, non ha piu un soldo e vive grazie alla generosita di un "e;amico"e;, il ricchissimo principe Petrovsky. Non passa molto tempo prima che Selena inizi ad attrarre l'attenzione delle persone del posto, primo tra tutti il principe. Ma cosa si nasconde dietro lo sfarzo dei suoi costumi e la gentilezza delle sue azioni? Montecarlo potrebbe rivelarsi per Selena molto piu pericolosa di quanto mai immaginato: le occorrera tutto il coraggio e la forza di cui e capace per riuscire a conquistare il suo lieto fine. -

  • by Barbara Cartland
    58.99 kr.

    Il marchese di Ruckford e incantato dalla giovane Vanessa, cosi bella e delicata, proprio come le miniature di cui si prende cura e che restaura con tanta pazienza. Piu passa il tempo in sua compagnia, piu si rende conto che la vita senza di lei sarebbe impensabile. Sposarla e pero fuori questione: il marchese ha pianificato con attenzione maniacale il proprio futuro, che certamente non prevede un matrimonio con la figlia di un artista sconosciuto, non importa quanto adorabile. C'e solo un accordo che il marchese puo offrirle. Mentre lo ascolta formulare la sua proposta, Vanessa si sente combattuta tra il desiderio per l'uomo che ha imparato ad amare e l'orrore per cio che le sta proponendo...-

  • by Barbara Cartland
    40.99 kr.

    Ilona sa bene cosa significhi essere soli, come ci si sente ad essere affamati, maltrattati, indifesi. Ma ora che finalmente sta tornando a casa, tutte le difficolta dell'esilio sono alle sue spalle: torna a Dabrozka, il piccolo regno di cui ha ereditato il trono, ed e intenzionata a tornare trionfante, l'amata principessa di un popolo orgoglioso e indipendente che ha disperatamente bisogno di lei. Ilona infatti e l'ultima speranza di salvezza di Dabrozka: solo lei puo salvare i suoi sudditi dal dominio esterno, attraverso un matrimonio combinato con un uomo che sembra disprezzarla, ma di cui Ilona si sta gia innamorando perdutamente.-

  • by Barbara Cartland
    58.99 kr.

    Per anni l'affascinante conte di Droxford ha goduto di tutti i privilegi che derivano dall'essere un ricco scapolo; adesso, per decreto di re Guglielmo, deve sposarsi entro un mese. D'accordo con la propria amante, decide di trovarsi una moglie docile, "e;compiacente e conforme"e; che non interferisca con i suoi affari, e punta gli occhi sulla giovane Karina: ragazza povera ma bellissima, dagli splendidi occhi verdi. Karina vede il matrimonio con il conte come un'occasione unica per sfuggire alla poverta e alle difficolta della vita, per cui decide di offrirsi come moglie. Tuttavia, una volta arrivati nei quartieri frenetici di una Londra sfarzosa e alla moda, Karina rompera la sua promessa di essere mite e compiacente quando si trovera coinvolta in un amore profondo e impossibile, che fara vibrare la sua esistenza e la portera a mettere in discussione tutto cio che pensava di volere. -

  • by Mary Whistler
    From 67.99 kr.

    Janie Dallas looked exactly like the singer Vanessa Brandt. When Vanessa asked her to impersonate her for a week, there is one thing that tempts her: the company of Vanessa’s close friend Max Veldon, the famous conductor who would be by her side all this time. How could she refuse this exciting opportunity? The compelling story dates back to the 20th century and is written by Mary Whistler, a pseudonym of English romance writer Ida Pollock.A must-read for fans of literary romance and surprising twists of fate. Mary Whistler is a pseudonym of Ida Pollock (1908 – 2013), a highly successful British writer of over 125 romance novels translated into numerous languages and published across the world. Ida Pollock has sold millions of copies over her 90-year career. Pollock began writing when she was 10 years old. Ida has travelled widely, living in several different countries. She continues to be popular amongst both her devoted fan base and new readers alike. Pollock has been referred to as the "world's oldest novelist" who was still active at 105 and continued writing until her death. On the occasion of her 105th birthday, Pollock was appointed honorary vice-president of the Romantic Novelists' Association, having been one of its founding members.Ida Pollock wrote in a wide variety of pseudonyms: Joan M. Allen, Susan Barrie, Pamela Kent, Averil Ives, Anita Charles, Barbara Rowan, Jane Beaufort, Rose Burghley, Mary Whistler and Marguerite Bell.

  • by Barbara Cartland
    58.99 kr.

    Il giocatore di professione Quintus Tiverton salva la bellissima ed innocente Selina Wade dalle grinfie di una "e;tenutaria"e; d'alto bordo. Cedendo alle suppliche della ragazza, orfana e senza un soldo, Tiverton decide infatti di occuparsi di lei e le propone un patto: lui la portera con se a Baden Baden, presentandola come sua sorella, solo se lei promettera di accettare la prima proposta di matrimonio che le verra fatta. La bellezza inconsueta di Selina e soprattutto il suo buon carattere attirano da subito l'ammirazione di diversi gentiluomini, in particolare di un giovane e ricco inglese, Lord Howdrith. Tutto sembra in effetti andare per il meglio, ma nessun esito e scontato: tra spasimanti, intrighi e cospirazioni nobiliari, riuscira Selina a coronare il suo sogno d'amore? -

  • by Faith Baldwin
    50.99 kr.

    Tjugotreåriga Kathleen Roberts har aldrig varit ifrån sin familj. Inte heller har hon haft någon friare. Allt det här ska komma att ändras när hennes föräldrar ger sig iväg på en långresa och det plötsligt dyker upp inte bara en, utan två män, som fångar hennes intresse. Den ene är pjäsförfattaren Paul McClure, en beryktad hjärtekrossare, som säger sig älska henne. Själv är hon inte så säker. Paul har ju trots allt ett förflutet med bästa vännen Hannah. Vad Kathleen däremot vet är att hon är upp över öronen förälskad i sin chef, den givmilde och rättframme Patrick Bell. Men är det möjligt att han känner samma sak för henne?Till en början går livet som självständig kvinna som på räls för Kathleen. Det nya jobbet passar henne som handen i handsken och när hon väl gjort sitt val gör kärleken henne lyckligare än någonsin. Men snart inser hon att det är något som inte stämmer. En person hon trott sig kunnat lita på, visar sig dölja hemligheter hon inte kan förlåta. Inte ens för den stora kärlekens skull...Faith Baldwin (1893-1978) var en amerikansk författare från delstaten New York. Hon skrev 85 böcker under sin livstids och arbetade även som skribent för flera tidningar.

  • by Angeles Mastretta
    79.00 kr.

    Allerede som seksårig bliver den smukke apotekerdatter Emilia betaget af den fem år ældre lægesøn Daniel. Både Daniel og Emilias forældre er dybt optaget af den politiske situation som deres hjemland Mexico befinder sig i ved begyndelsen af 1900-tallet og de tager alle del i den revolutionære kamp for demokrati. Som Daniel og Emilia bliver ældre, blomstrer der langsomt et lidenskabeligt, men stormfuldt, kærlighedsforhold op mellem dem. Emilia drages mod lægegerningen og begynder selv at studere medicin. Her møder hun den unge og pålidelige læge Zavalza, men det stiller Emilia i et svært dilemma. Skal hun vælge den lidenskablige, men usikre kærlighed til Daniel eller skal hun vende sig mod Zavalzas trygge favn?Ángeles Mastretta (f. 1949) er en mexikansk forfatter, journalist, skuepiller og filmproducent. Hun er særlig kendt for sine nuancerede kvindelige hovedpersoner og for at skildre sit hjemlands sociale og politiske omstændigheder i sine bøger. Mastretta cementerede sine evner som forfatter med bogen "Tag mit liv" (da. 1988), der omgående blev en bestseller og vandt adskillige priser. Ved siden af sin forfattergerning og sit arbejde som filmproducent, bidrager hun også jævnligt med journalistiske artikler for Spaniens største avis, El País.

  • by Edward Phillips Oppenheimer
    102.99 kr.

    When beautiful actress Louise Maurel’s car breaks down in the middle of the countryside she is fortunate to find herself in the vicinity of the home of the Strangeways brothers. Though prejudiced and misogynistic, the brothers soon find themselves softening thanks to Louise’s influence. Romance and love-triangles ensue in this charming novel from prolific author E. Phillips Oppenheim.E. Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946) was a hugely prolific and highly popular British author of novels and short stories. Born in Tottenham, London, Oppenheim left school as a teenager and worked for his leather-merchant father for 20 years prior to launching his literary career. Oppenheim published five novels under the pseudonym ‘Anthony Partridge’ before establishing his reputation as a writer under his own name. An internationally successful author, Oppenheim’s stories revolved mainly around glamourous characters, luxurious settings, and themes of espionage, suspense, and crime. He is widely regarded as one of the earliest pioneers of the thriller and spy-fiction genre as it is recognised today. Oppenheim’s incredible literary success meant that his own life soon began to mirror that of his opulent characters. He held lavish, Gatsby-style parties at his French Villa and was rumoured to have had frequent love affairs aboard his luxury yacht. Oppenheim’s success earned him the cover of Time magazine in 1927. Some of his most well-known novels include ‘The Great Impersonation’, ‘The Long Arm of Mannister’ and ‘The Moving Finger’.

  • by Edith Nesbit
    102.99 kr.

    If you are looking for a great combination of romance and thriller, look no further.This exhilarating crime and romance novel takes place in a Victorian society and uncovers a tale in the most unexpected way. Although it is one of her lesser-known works, it was written by both Nesbit and her husband Hubert Bland. This novel is the only book the unusual couple wrote together, and throughout the story, it is noticeable that both of them had socialist beliefs.Culminating in a surprising plot twist, this book is recommended for thrill-seekers, romantics, fans of Sherlock Holmes, and anyone who is looking for mystery and drama.Born in Kennington in 1858, Edith Nesbit wrote and co-authored over 60 beloved adventures at the beginning of the 20th century. Among her most popular books are "The Story of the Treasure-Seekers" (1899), "The Phoenix and the Carpet" (1904), and "The Railway Children" (1906). Many of her works became adapted to musicals, movies, and TV shows. Along with her husband Hubert Bland, she was among the first members of the Fabian society - a socialist debating club. A path in London close to her home was named "Railway Children Walk" in her honor, manifesting her legacy as one of the pioneers within the children’s fantasy genre.

  • by Susanne Scheibler
    73.99 kr.

    Russland wahrend der Jahrhundertwende zur Wintersaison: Die wunderschone Svetlana Lasarow scheint ihren Lebensweg durch die Hochzeit mit Rittmeister Barschewskiy vorgezeichnet zu haben. Doch als sie dem Grofursten Georg begegnet, andert sich ihr Leben von einer Sekunde auf die andere: Eine schicksalreiche Liebesgeschichte im Schatten des Thrones und der heranziehenden Revolution beginnt...Die Lasarows - eine russische Familiensaga.

  • by Avery Flynn
    73.99 kr.

    Es sollte nur eine Nacht sein ...Nach einem Skandal flieht Eishockeystar Ian Petrov in eine einsame Hütte, um der Presse zu entkommen. Er will alleine sein und seine Wunden lecken. Umso entsetzter ist er, als er feststellen muss, dass er nicht der einzige Bewohner ist. Ausgerechnet hier trifft er auf Shelby Blanton. Shelby, die ihn in der Öffentlichkeit bloßgestellt hat, Shelby, die sich von seiner grummeligen Art nicht einschüchtern lässt - Shelby, die sein Herz schneller schlagen lässt. Für eine Nacht geben sie der Anziehungskraft nach und sind nicht darauf gefasst, was sie am nächsten Tag erwartet ...x

  • by Agnieszka Opolska
    57.99 kr.

    Nawet z pozoru prosta droga może doprowadzić do miejsc, które na zawsze zmienią nasze życie, a cena za odkrycie prawdy okaże się wyższa, niż przypuszczaliśmy.Podróż do Paryża w poszukiwaniu śladów historii rodzinnych kończy się tragicznym wypadkiem. Pod wpływem tragedii Ari maluje cykl przejmujących obrazów, którym zainteresowany jest francuski agent sztuki. Mężczyzny skrywa jednak intencje, które nie są wyłącznie związane ze sztuką.Ari powoli odkrywa sekrety przeszłości, które przynoszą jej jeszcze więcej bólu. Dzięki nim jednak zrozumie, że nie da się uciec od własnej przeszłości i musi poznać do końca historię swojej matki. Inaczej nigdy nie będzie w stanie żyć własnym życiem, a brzemię tajemnic będzie z roku na rok cięższe.Skomplikowane historie rodzinne, nienawiść i miłość – poznajcie do końca historię młodej malarki, Marion Girous.Agnieszka Opolska – absolwentka socjologii na UJ. Podczas studiów pracowała jako animatorka kultury. Po studiach przeprowadziła się do Lille we Francji, gdzie uczęszczała do Centre D’art Plastiques et Visuales. Studiowała grafikę na ASP w Krakowie. Obecnie wraz z rodziną mieszka w Wielkiej Brytanii. Prowadzi własne przedszkole. W wolnych chwilach oddaje się swoim pasjom, czyli pisaniu i malowaniu.

  • by Jeanna Louise Skinner
    102.99 kr.

    "Let us find solace in the quiet..."Emmeline (Emmy) always dreamed of being an author, finding comfort in words and between the pages of her beloved romance novels, but a mental health diagnosis leaves her blocked and unable to write.She inherits a crumbling, second-hand bookshop from a mysterious old friend and soon discovers that magic is real and maybe her fantasies about the heroes in her favourite historical romances aren't so far-fetched after all..A handsome stranger–wielding a sword as dangerous as his Tudor past–appears in Emmy's bookshop asking for help. Together they must race against time itself to lift the curse imprisoning him in an ancient book. But when growing threats to her safety are proved real and not another symptom of her illness, Emmy must learn to trust her own voice again. Can she find the words to save both him and her shop before tragedy strikes on the fateful final page?Jeanna Louise Skinner writes romance with a sprinkling of magic. "The Book Boyfriend" is her debut novel and she is currently working on a prequel. She has CRPS and ADHD and is one of the co-founders of the RNA DISCO Chapter, for members with disabilities and chronic health conditions. She’s also the co-creator of @UKRomChat, a Romance-centric live Twitter chat, which was nominated for the RNA Media Star Award in 2019 and 2020.

  • by Charlotte Roucel
    140.99 kr.

    Un instant et tout bascule...Un tout petit instant et la vie de Maya sombre dans l’horreur et le chaos. Tony commet l’irréparable, dévoilant une nouvelle facette de sa personnalité. Déterminée coûte que coûte à atteindre son but ultime, la jeune espionne ne reculera devant aucun sacrifice.Sa confiance a volé en éclats, en même temps que toutes ses certitudes. Mais dans un jeu de dupes dont elle n’est qu’une pièce parmi d’autres, elle ne sait plus à qui se fier. Quelle est cette vérité qui risque de l’entraîner au fin fond de l’abjection ? Tony sera-t-il son bourreau ou son sauveur ? Est-il seulement capable de recoller les morceaux de l’âme ravagée de Maya ?Quand la passion détruit tout sur son passage, il est parfois impossible de revenir en arrière.Charlotte Roucel est la maman de personnages au caractère bien trempé. Elle adore leur donner vie, les mettre en danger, et leur offrir par la suite le bonheur qu'ils méritent. Mêlant romance et thriller dans le milieu des gangs, son roman Fight (2017) s'est vendu à plus de 10 000 exemplaires en moins d'un an et a créé un véritable engouement sur les réseaux sociaux. Charlotte s'est ainsi fait une petite place dans la cour des grands, et elle compte bien la garder.

  • by Fjodor M Dostojewski
    73.99 kr.

    Kann Narzissmus machtiger sein als Liebe? Der verwitwete Oberst Jegor Rostanew lebt gemeinsam mit seiner Mutter und dem ehemaligen Sekretar der Familie, Foma Opiskin, auf dem Gut Stepantschikowo. Mutter Rostanew schwarmt fur den vollig untalentierten und narzisstischen Mochtegern-Schriftsteller Opiskin und lasst sich von seinen altmodischen moralischen Vorstellungen leiten. Als herauskommt, dass ihr Sohn Jegor die junge mittellose Gouvernante Nastenka heiraten mochte, versucht seine Mutter alles, um dies zu verhindern. Und als die beiden Liebenden dann noch von Opiskin bei einem Stelldichein im Garten erwischt werden, eskaliert die Situation ...-

  • by Nicholas Sparks
    125.99 kr.

    Julie Barenson es, a sus veintinueve años, demasiado joven para olvidarse del amor. Su amado esposo murió en un trágico accidente cuatro años antes, haciéndole dos regalos antes de su muerte: un cachorro llamado Singer y la promesa de cuidarla para siempre.Ella sigue recordándole, pero siente que por fin ha llegado el momento de rehacer su vida. La pregunta es, ¿con quién? Quizá con Richard Franklin, un hombre guapo y sofisticado que la trata como a una reina; o Mike Harris, el mejor amigo de su difunto marido y un hombre sensato y cabal.La toma de una decisión deparará a Julie momentos de felicidad que no había sentido en años. Pero una pesadilla asomará en su vida justo entonces: los celos la sumirán en una espiral de obsesión y muerte.Nicholas Sparks nació en Estados Unidos en la Nochevieja de 1965.Su primer éxito fue El cuaderno de Noah al que siguió Mensaje en una botella, que han sido llevadas al cine y al igual que otros de sus éxitos como Noches de tormenta, Querido John y El viaje más largo. Cada suspiro es la vigésima novela del autor con la que se ha confirma como el gran referfente mundial de las novelas de amor y sentiemientos.

  • by Edward Phillips Oppenheimer
    67.99 kr.

    'Anna the Adventuress' by popular author E. Phillips Oppenheim follows the story of two sisters, Anna and Annabel. Alike in looks but vastly different in character, the sisters decide to switch places - leading to a series of humorous hijinks and complications. Set in Paris and London, this is an amusing short story full of intrigue and deception, with plenty of twists and turns.-

  • by Pamela Kent
    67.99 kr.

    Karin was aboard the Ariadne ship to Australia, having the time of her life. Not only was her employer a darling, but she had a flock of admirers to keep at bay. If she could have changed one thing, it would have been to get as far away as possible for the arrogant Kent Willoughby, who made little effort to be friendly. Little did she know that the vessel was about to be shipwrecked in the Indian Ocean. Furthermore, the island she would make it to would also be inhabited by Kent and his servant! Getting along with this man on a stranded island now seemed like the only solution imaginable. Was it possible? The memorable love tale dating back to the 20th century was written by Pamela Kent, a pseudonym of the prolific romance author Ida Pollock.A must-read for fans of literary romance and surprising twists of fate.-

  • by Barbara Cartland
    From 58.99 kr.

    Spinto dalla madre ammalata, il duca di Savigne decide di prendere moglie e dare un erede al casato. Purtroppo però il duca è tristemente famoso per la sua condotta scandalosa, ragion per cui nessun padre si sognerebbe di concedergli la figlia in sposa. Solo la giovanissima Syrilla si mostra entusiasta all’idea di sposarlo: avendo sempre vissuto in campagna, Syrilla è ignara della sua brutta fama e anzi è innamorata di lui da quando era bambina. Syrilla vede il giovane duca come la reincarnazione di un antico paladino senza macchia, e crede davvero che egli sia il più nobile ed il migliore uomo di Francia; perciò non le par vero di essere così fortunata da sposarlo, e neanche per un secondo mette in dubbio il sentimento che la lega a lui. Barbara Cartland (1901 – 2000) è stata una scrittrice britannica molto prolifica, specializzata in particolare in romanzi rosa e novelle romantiche. In oltre settant'anni di attività scrisse oltre 730 romanzi e fu, con oltre un miliardo di copie vendute, una delle autrici di maggior successo di tutti i tempi. Tra gli anni Settanta e Novanta divenne una personalità mediatica soprattutto grazie a numerose apparizioni televisive e partecipazioni a eventi mondani, nonché in quanto imparentata con la giovane Lady Diana, principessa del Galles. Tra i titoli più conosciuti a livello internazionale spiccano "Amore innocente", "La ballerina e il principe" e "Passione sotto la cenere".

  • by Pamela Kent
    67.99 kr.

    When Elizabeth travels to Cape Town, she meets Nigel Van Kane aboard the ship, and they are not off to a good start. Despite a mutual dislike, Elizabeth finds out to her surprise that their fates are tied to together: he is connected to her father, whom she has come all this way to see. Will she avoid being further in contact with this man, or despite the odds, even begin to warm up to him? The love tale dating back to the 20th century was written by Pamela Kent, a pseudonym of the beloved romance writer Ida Pollock.A must-read for fans of literary romance and surprising twists of fate.-

  • by Pamela Kent
    67.99 kr.

    When Helen's father dies, she more than welcomes the care of her father's old friend Roger Trelawnce. She even gets to stay at his lovely manor in Cornwall. Yet her feelings for him soon evolve and become something else entirely. When she discovers, to her shock, that there also happens to be a Mrs. Valerie Trelawnce, matters become terribly complicated. What on earth should she do? The 20th-century love story was written by Pamela Kent, a pseudonym of the beloved romance writer Ida Pollock.A must-read for fans of literary romance and surprising twists of fate.-

  • by Bavo Dhooge
    From 58.99 kr.

    In de toekomst is de liefde strafbaar. Het is verboden om relaties te hebben, met als doel om het geboortecijfer te beperken en allerlei sociaal-economische problemen die met overbevolking gepaard gaan te reduceren. Als men toch een relatie aangaat riskeert men een gevangenisstraf.Brice slaapt elke avond met iemand anders, net als de meeste mensen, en is een zogenaamde eendagsvlieg, die geen vaste relaties aangaat. Totdat hij getuige is van het geheime huwelijk van zijn beste vriend Bud. Een anonieme tip leidt tot de arrestatie van Bud en zijn vrouw, en in al het tumult ontmoet Brice Lily, met wie hij een one-night stand heeft.Natuurlijk gebeurt het onvermijdelijke en Brice wordt verliefd op Lily. Hij ontdekt bij hun volgende - illegale - ontmoeting, dat ze een medium is, iemand die in de toekomst kan zien of er een garantie is op geluk. De vraag is nu wat de toekomst voor Brice en Lily brengen zal..-

  • by Beatrice Speraz
    36.99 kr.

    Bianca siede vicino a una finestra. In mano ha un lembo di tessuto, un ago, ed è intenta a ricamare con il favore della luce del giorno. Carlo attende nelle altre stanze. È la cameriera a dirglielo prima di congedarsi. Bianca non lo vede da mesi ma il suo cuore non aspetta altro. E così ecco che appare sulla soglia. Lei lo saluta. Lui le bacia la mano, poi rimane in silenzio. Infine dice che non sarebbe dovuto venire, che forse sarebbe meglio andarsene.Nonostante i mesi di separazione non sembra esser cambiato nulla.Una storia che parla di ricordi e di futuro, che li mescola con speranze e sogni regalando al lettore un amore mai del tutto realizzato.Beatrice Speraz (1839-1923) è stata una scrittrice italiana. Pubblicata con lo pseudonimo Bruno Sperani per aggirare le difficoltà di pubblicazione, Speraz è stata una scrittrice molto prolifica. Le sue opere, di stampo verista e naturalista, sono caratterizzate da una forte critica sociale.

  • by Pamela Kent
    67.99 kr.

    Jenny Armitage becomes the governess of Comte de Alais' children in beautiful Marrakesh, Morocco. She finds herself in the middle of a peculiar love triangle and resisting the attentions of the charming, yet at times questionable, Max Daintry. Her attractiveness also does not go unnoticed by the Comtesse, who clearly wants Jenny out of the picture. Can she live out her passions in such strange circumstances, amidst the obvious charms of the man pursuing her in romantic Morocco? The 20th-century love story was written by Pamela Kent, one of Ida Pollock's pseudonyms. A must-read for fans of literary romance and surprising twists of fate.-

  • by Pamela Kent
    67.99 kr.

    Melanie Blake is in a dreamy, yet unlikely situation: she is madly in love with Rick Vandraaton, who is the charming son of a millionaire. Would it be possible for Rick to want to be with an ordinary woman like Melanie, who is filling in as his secretary, when he has the elegant Diane Fairchild almost wrapped around his finger? Yet Melanie has an advantage, as she knows some of Diane's secrets that would certainly make her look bad in Rick's eyes. The question is, would revealing them also ruin Melanie's chances with the millionaire bachelor of her dreams? The intriguing story written in the 20th century under one of Ida Pollock's pseudonyms, Pamela Kent, offers a romance for the love-hungry reader.A must-read for fans of literary romance and surprising twists of fate.-

  • by Pamela Kent
    67.99 kr.

    Tina Andrews is a schoolteacher in remote England when she encounters an old man with a serious illness. She tends to him, unaware that the man called Sir Angus Giffard is in fact terribly wealthy, and is leaving his entire fortune to Tina. The old man's family is far from happy, especially his nephew the young Sir Angus, who inherits nothing but his title. Can Tina soften the feelings of this man she has angered and turn their difficult relationship around? The love story dating back to the 20th century was written by Pamela Kent, a pseudonym of romance writer Ida Pollock.A must-read for fans of literary romance and surprising twists of fate. -

  • by Pamela Kent
    67.99 kr.

    Carey, much like the heroine of a Cinderella story, was cheated by her unscrupulous step-mother of the comfortable income that should have been hers. But Doctor Kurt Anton, who offered her a job in his Vienna clinic to help her out, was utterly unlike the Prince Charming of fiction, so clearly did he despise her.-