Family life fiction / Stories about family

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  • by Maila Talvio
    58.99 kr.

    Viehättävä novellikokoelma menneen ajan Suomesta.Mitä ovat terveiset? Ovatko ne vain kiireesti huikattu sana ilman suurempaa sisältöä? Kun kirjailija Maila Talvio oli lapsi, hän kirjoitti kirjeitä kotialueensa kirjoitustaidottomien ihmisten puolesta. Eräs vanha vaimo pyysi Talviota kirjoittamaan tyttärelleen osoitettuun kirjeeseen vain "terveisiä". Mitä kaikkea sanat oikeasti tarkoittivatkaan? Mitä vanhan naisen elämässä oli tapahtunut?Terveisiä on Talvion kiinnostava novellikokoelma ihmiselämän pienistä ja suurista tapahtumista – niistä kaikista, jotka voivat piiloutua sanaan "terveisiä".Maila Talvio on kirjailija Maila Mikkolan (1871–1951) salanimi. Mikkola julkaisi esikoisteoksensa Haapaniemen keinu vuonna 1895. Mikkola piti 1900-luvun alussa suosittua kirjallista salonkia Linnunlaulun huvilassa, joka on nykyään kirjailijatalo Villa Kivi.

  • by Ford Madox Ford
    77.99 kr.

    The second book in the ‘Parade’s End’ series, ‘No More Parades’ follows the story of Christopher Tietjens. An Edwardian Englishman through and through, Tietjens is forced to leave his ordered life behind him and join the bedlam of the First World War.Drawing on his own experiences, it’s against this backdrop that Ford describes the domestic battles between Tietjens and his unfaithful wife.Tragic and sometimes harrowing, this book deftly contrasts the chaos of private and personal conflicts against a war that would change the world, forever.Born in Wimbledon, Joseph Leopold Ford Hermann Madox Hueffer (1873 – 1939) was a prolific poet, novelist, and literary critic, who would become better known by his pen-name, Ford Madox Ford. The grandson of the artist, Ford Madox Brown, he was educated firstly in Kent, before being accepted at the University College School in London.At the age of 21, Ford eloped with his childhood sweetheart, Elsie Martindale. After living at several houses, they finally settled in Winchelsea. There, Ford befriended a number of authors living locally, including HG Wells and Henry James.However, it was Joseph Conrad with whom he decided to collaborate, writing a pirate novel titled ‘Romance´. After a nervous breakdown, Ford went to recover in Germany, which laid the foundations for ‘The Good Soldier.’On returning to England, he founded ‘The English Review’ magazine, before being sent to fight in World War I. When the war finished, Ford spent the rest of his life travelling and writing. He leaves behind him more than 80 books and numerous poems.

  • by Ford Madox Ford
    102.99 kr.

    The third novel in the ‘Parade’s End’ series, ‘A Man Could Stand Up’ follows the further trials of Christopher Tietjens. Set on Armistice Day 1918, the story sees Tietjens back in London, mulling over the events of World War I.So too, is his beloved Valentine, although gossip has spread about their illicit, romantic entanglements. As each debates their place in a post-war world, the main burning question is whether or not they can find happiness together.A beautifully-written and touching story from one of the best war novelists of the 20th Century, 'A Man Could Stand Up' will delight any person who is interested in World War I literature.Born in Wimbledon, Joseph Leopold Ford Hermann Madox Hueffer (1873 – 1939) was a prolific poet, novelist, and literary critic, who would become better known by his pen-name, Ford Madox Ford. The grandson of the artist, Ford Madox Brown, he was educated firstly in Kent, before being accepted at the University College School in London.At the age of 21, Ford eloped with his childhood sweetheart, Elsie Martindale. After living at several houses, they finally settled in Winchelsea. There, Ford befriended a number of authors living locally, including HG Wells and Henry James.However, it was Joseph Conrad with whom he decided to collaborate, writing a pirate novel called ‘Romance’. After a nervous breakdown, Ford went to recover in Germany, which laid the foundations for ‘The Good Soldier’.On returning to England, he founded ‘The English Review’ magazine, before being sent to fight in World War I. When the war finished, Ford spent the rest of his life travelling and writing. He leaves behind him more than 80 books and numerous poems.

  • by Martha Finley
    59.99 kr.

    Everyone knows the story of Cinderella and her evil stepmother and sisters. Poor Elsie unfortunately finds herself in a similar situation. Only time will tell if she manages to survive?Elsie is an eight year old girl who lives with her father, and mourns the absence of her unknown mother. Elsie's stepmother and her own children look down on her and treat her badly. Poor Elsie is having a really hard time and her father does not seem to know how to help her. Something suddenly changes and he turns to God for guidance and spiritual escape.An amazing book that above all teaches morals and standards in children, showing them how to believe in themselves and be better human beings.Martha Finley (1828-1909) was an American teacher and author. Quite prolific, she wrote many books for children, teeming with sentimental and strictly religious beliefs. Her most noted created is the 28-volume 'Elsie Dinsmore' series (1867-1905). She also wrote under the pen name Martha Farquharson.Many of her early works were short stories contributed to the children's sections of Sunday-school papers.

  • by Ford Madox Ford
    102.99 kr.

    The first novel in the ‘Parade’s End’ series, ‘Some Do Not’ is widely considered to be a landmark novel surrounding the events that led to World War I.We are introduced to mathematician Christopher Tietjens, who is locked in an unhappy marriage with his wife, Sylvia. However, his relationship with a young Suffragette, Valentine, is starting to become romantic, when he is called away to fight in World War I. Both his private and professional lives will conspire to change him, forever.'Some Do Not' is a stunning novel for all fans of romance and war fiction.Born in Wimbledon, Joseph Leopold Ford Hermann Madox Hueffer (1873 – 1939) was a prolific poet, novelist, and literary critic, who would become better known by his pen-name, Ford Madox Ford. The grandson of the artist, Ford Madox Brown, he was educated firstly in Kent, before being accepted at the University College School in London.At the age of 21, Ford eloped with his childhood sweetheart, Elsie Martindale. After living at several houses, they finally settled in Winchelsea. There, Ford befriended a number of authors living locally, including HG Wells and Henry James.However, it was Joseph Conrad with whom he decided to collaborate, writing a pirate novel titled ‘Romance’. After a nervous breakdown, Ford went to recover in Germany, which laid the foundations for ‘The Good Soldier´.On returning to England, he founded ‘The English Review’ magazine, before being sent to fight in World War I. When the war finished, Ford spent the rest of his life travelling and writing. He leaves behind him more than 80 books and numerous poems.

  • by Jane Austen
    42.99 kr.

    ‘Sanditon’ (1817) is written by the renowned English novelist Jane Austen. The story takes place in the fictional town of Sanditon on the Sussex coast, where Mr Parker, a local businessman, is determined to turn Sanditon into a fashionable tourist town.However, the arrival of his sisters and brother, a school party from the West Indies, and Sir Edward Denham soon have Sanditon buzzing with gossip, romance, and deceit.Full of all the memorable characters, humour, and tangled relationships we have come to expect from the author, this unfinished novel is a must for all Austen fans.‘Sanditon’ was made into a popular ITV series in 2019, starring Crystal Clarke, Rose Williams, and Kris Marshall.There are few authors as iconic as Jane Austen (1775-1817). Her body of work contains some of the most beloved books and characters of all time which have been in print for over two hundred years and sold millions of copies worldwide.Austen was a trailblazer, famed for her satire, her astute social commentary and her strong-willed, passionate heroines. Her ability to wield humour with realism has found her favour with critics and readers for generations.Her most famous works include Pride and Prejudice (1813), Emma (1816), Sense and Sensibility (1811) and Persuasion (1818), all of which have received success in adaptations for the screen, stage, and radio.

  • by Ben Kalland
    43.99 kr.

    I Vildfalken får läsaren följa trettonåriga pojken Max och hans oväntade vänskap med en mäktig pilgrimsfalk. Det är snart slut på sommarlovet och Max befinner sig på en seglingstur tillsammans med sin pappa. Väl i land får han plötsligt syn på en ståtlig pilgrimsfalk på jakt efter mat, men i nästa stund har den flugit in i en stålvajer och hamnat på marken med en bruten vinge.Max tar genast på sig ansvaret att läka den stackars fågeln, som han döper till Spitfire. Folket i stan är däremot inte lika glada över att ett farligt rovdjur nu flyttat in i deras område, men Max vägrar separeras från sin nyfunne vän. Med en plan att tämja fågeln bryr han sig inte om vad någon annan har att säga. Detta förändras dock när planen faller isär och Max tvingas tänka om. Vad är egentligen det bästa för Spitfire? Följ med i denna historia om tålamod, ansvar och respekt.Ben Kalland (1959) arbetar som författare från sitt hem i Helsingfors, Finland. Han skriver böcker på både finska, svenska och engelska. Utöver skrivandet spelar han även piano och komponerar filmmusik. År 2018 nominerades hans bok Ellen's Song till Tiiliskivi-priset.

  • by Luciano Zuccoli
    96.99 kr.

    Giorgio è il secondogenito di una famiglia benestante di inizio Novecento. Di carattere è introverso, tranquillo, con la testa impegnata a fantasticare, a inseguire le sue ambizioni. I genitori però tendono più verso Andrea, il fratello maggiore, di indole più spensierata.La vita di Giorgio, incastrata nelle dinamiche familiari e sociali tipiche della sua bolla, cambia con l’incontro di una ragazza, Ada. Con lei il mondo muta colore, gli angoli della città si fanno meno misteriosi, le strade più ampie, e il suo posto nel mondo comincia ad allontanarsi inesorabilmente dalla casa dei suoi genitori.Luciano Zuccoli von Ingenheim (1868-1929) è stato uno scrittore e giornalista nato in Svizzera ma naturalizzato italiano. Libertino ed eccentrico, Zuccoli ha collaborato con diverse testate giornalistiche tra cui il "Corriere della sera". Tra le sue opere letterarie principali ricordiamo invece 'La freccia nel fianco' e 'Le cose più grandi di lui'.

  • by Neera
    73.99 kr.

    Milano, anni Dieci del ‘900. Un gruppo di giovani idealisti dà vita al Circolo degli Eroi, un luogo in cui incontrarsi, disquisire di massimi sistemi e alimentare costantemente la fiamma di una vita attiva. Ciascuno di loro è pieno di speranze, ricco di ingegno e di ambizione. Disgustati dalla monotonia delle proprie vite troppo borghesi, cercano un punto a cui tendere, uno scopo che li renda nobili, eroici e virtuosi, proprio come i loro beniamini letterari. Il protagonista, Stello, è un ragazzo appena ventenne, schivo e timido per temperamento, che ha un’autentica venerazione per Filippo Consolo, il leader morale della compagnia. In una parabola che lo farà cambiare, crescere ma anche maturare, il giovane scoprirà quanto la felicità sia la cosa più preziosa – e al contempo inafferrabile – da raggiungere. Neanche le qualità del suo idolo Filippo, forse, potrebbero tutelarlo dal fallimento, dalla miseria, dalla morte.Anna Maria Zuccari (1846-1918) nasce a Milano in una famiglia benestante. Rimasta orfana di madre e poi di padre dovrà trasferirsi da due zie, sopportando notevoli ristrettezze economiche. Nel 1871 sposa il banchiere Emilio Radius, col quale mette al mondo due figli. Negli stessi anni esordisce come scrittrice, pubblicando novelle sulle più importanti riviste letterarie e stringendo legami con i maggiori autori veristi (Verga, Capuana). È autrice di ben ventidue romanzi, fra cui "Il marito dell’amica" e "Crevalcuore", oltre che di un libro di memorie, dal titolo "Una giovinezza del secolo XIX".

  • by Claude McKay
    73.99 kr.

    "Ritorno ad Harlem" non è solo un romanzo: è una vera e propria celebrazione, un ballo cadenzato dalle note di quello sfrenato jazz che ha cristallizzato per sempre, nell’immaginario di tutti, i "ruggenti anni Venti". Ma qui non parliamo di Gershwin, né, tantomeno, del Grande Gatsby. Il mondo da cui muove Claude McKay è infatti quello della New York afroamericana, di una Harlem che, successivamente ai disagi della Grande Guerra, ha attirato migliaia di neri dal sud degli Stati Uniti e da altre zone dell’America, tutti con l’obiettivo di dare vita a una scenografia per le proprie speranze di emancipazione. Il cosiddetto Rinascimento di Harlem è un’epopea vitale, sanguigna, perennemente sospesa fra la disperazione della miseria e il vitalismo di una comunità che cerca di costruirsi un proprio spazio di libertà. Una lettura imprescindibile, per tutti e a ogni latitudine.Claude McKay (1889-1948) nasce a James Hill, nel sudest della Jamaica, da una famiglia di contadini proprietari di terra. Avviato agli studi da un fratello, manifesta sin da giovanissimo una forte vena letteraria, pubblicando il suo primo libro di poesie, "Songs of Jamaica", nel 1912 (un originale esperimento in lingua patois). Nonostante i moltissimi viaggi e una vita fatta di avventure e lavori di ogni tipo (visiterà l’Unione Sovietica, si sposerà in Giappone e abiterà a Londra), il suo nome è per lo più associato al cosiddetto Rinascimento di Harlem. Trasferitosi in America nel 1912, infatti, entrerà ben presto in contatto con la frenetica scena creativa del più grande quartiere nero di New York. "Ritorno ad Harlem" (1928), sicuramente la sua opera più famosa, è una celebrazione della vita di strada e, al contempo, una denuncia della profonda iniquità della società americana. Fra i suoi altri libri, si possono anche citare "Banjo" (1929) e "Banana Bottom" (1933).

  • by EMMA
    58.99 kr.

    Pubblicato per la prima volta su Nuova Antologia nel 1874, "A quarantacinque anni" è un racconto con cui Emilia Ferretti Viola – nota anche come Emma – affronta il delicato argomento dell’adulterio. Siamo in Lombardia, fra Milano e il Lago Maggiore, dove un’avvenente e giovane contessa, per sfuggire a un marito soffocante, intavola una pericolosa relazione col proprio avvocato, un uomo di mezza età, già sposato e padre di famiglia. L’amore, purtroppo, sembra non essere mai stato considerato importante, nei rispettivi matrimoni: eppure esso esiste, così come il puro desiderio, e non si vi si può resistere nemmeno quando si tratta di fare qualcosa di socialmente sbagliato. Basterà l’incontro della contessa con la moglie legittima dell’amante, per rinunciare a un sentimento così profondo ed evidentemente necessario?Emilia Ferretti Viola (1844-1929) nasce a Milano. Meglio nota con lo pseudonimo Emma, è considerata una pioniera del femminismo italiano, grazie, se non altro, al famigerato romanzo "Una fra tante" (1878), con cui ha messo in luce l’ipocrisia della società italiana rispetto al tema della prostituzione. Altre sue opere sono "La leggenda di Valfreda" (1877) e "A quarantacinque anni" (1874).

  • by Neera
    58.99 kr.

    Pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1905, "Conchiglie" è una raccolta di racconti che sembra essere sbucata dall’immensità ineffabile del mare. Disposti come tante conchiglie, come a voler formare una giustapposizione giocosa fra linee curve e rette, i presenti testi spaziano dal tedio dell’alta società alle preoccupazioni di una giovane donna in cerca di lavoro. Difficile dimenticare novelle come "Socialismo Sport" o "L’educazione di Rosina", intrise di uno humour delicato, espresso sottovoce, ma sepolto al di sotto di un solido strato di malinconia. Una celebrazione della vitalità, della bellezza di essere parte del mondo, assolta tuttavia con quel senso di meraviglia tipico di una grande scrittrice come Neera, la quale, con la propria sensibilità, sembra volerci ricordare di non dare mai nulla per scontato, ma di continuare sempre a sorprenderci.Anna Maria Zuccari (1846-1918) nasce a Milano in una famiglia benestante. Rimasta orfana di madre e poi di padre dovrà trasferirsi da due zie, sopportando notevoli ristrettezze economiche. Nel 1871 sposa il banchiere Emilio Radius, col quale mette al mondo due figli. Negli stessi anni esordisce come scrittrice, pubblicando novelle sulle più importanti riviste letterarie e stringendo legami con i maggiori autori veristi (Verga, Capuana). È autrice di ben ventidue romanzi, fra cui "Il marito dell’amica" e "Crevalcuore", oltre che di un libro di memorie, dal titolo "Una giovinezza del secolo XIX".

  • by Maria Freschi Borgese
    58.99 kr.

    La storia di una famiglia borghese e di un secolo, l’Ottocento, raccontata attraverso le vite, gli amori, e i drammi di diversi personaggi. Mettendo l’individualità dei singoli membri della famiglia al primo posto, "Quelli che vennero prima" si sofferma sulle persone, più che sulla storia. E così, lungo una serie di ritratti psicologici e biografici, partendo da quelli dei capostipiti, Tista e Bettina, liberale anticlericale il primo, religiosissima matriarca la seconda, questo romanzo familiare offrirà al lettore uno scorcio su una Toscana passata, colorata da tutti questi individui unici nella loro imperfezione.Maria Freschi Borghese (1881-1947) è stata una scrittrice e poetessa italiana. I suoi romanzi, dalle atmosfere intimamente dannunziane e borghesi, hanno catturato un momento storico crepuscolare, fatto di privilegi decaduti e passioni appassite.

  • by Maria Volpi Nannipieri
    73.99 kr.

    Pubblicato a Milano nel 1932, per i tipi dell’editore Corbaccio, "Peccati" vi metterà di fronte a una Mura alquanto insolita: quello di cui si parla, infatti, non è un comune romanzo, bensì una metodica trattazione di quali e quanti siano i possibili peccati della società moderna. Anticipando certe pagine straordinarie del miglior Calvino (si pensi a Palomar), Maria Volpi Nannipieri ci guida alla scoperta delle più varie declinazioni di questo concetto, condendo il tutto con un perfetto humour inglese e un gusto tipicamente romanzesco per le storie aneddotiche. Che ci si riferisca ai peccati "mondani", o a quelli "sportivi", o "di stagione" – e perfino a quelli "degli amanti che non si amano più" o "dell’intelligenza" – ciascuno di essi viene trattato in modo caustico e brillante da una delle scrittrici più dotate dell’intera storia letteraria italiana!Maria Assunta Giulia Volpi Nannipieri (1892-1940) nasce a Bologna, ma già nel 1897 si trasferisce con la famiglia a Livorno. Impegnata fin da giovanissima nel giornalismo, nel 1920 prende casa a Gavirate e inizia a farsi notare come autrice di romanzi d’appendice, ma anche come sceneggiatrice, elzevirista e cronista. Nota al grande pubblico con lo pseudonimo "Mura", negli anni ’30 si attira addosso la censura fascista, a causa di due romanzi incentrati sull’amore multietnico. Fra i suoi molti lavori – tutti pubblicati dall’editore Sonzogno – si possono citare "Agazur innamorata", "Le infedeli" e "Quattro ragazze sull’erba". Muore, a soli quarantotto anni, a causa di un incidente aereo nei cieli di Stromboli.

  • by Luciano Zuccoli
    58.99 kr.

    Milano d’inizio Novecento è lo specchio di una società sull’orlo del futuro. Vapori e fumi dei tram, le luci riflesse nei cafè, le vetrine appannate e rigate dalla pioggia. La società va cambiando, e con essa la soggettività dei cittadini, colti forse a sorpresa da questo Novecento dagli ingranaggi così nebulosi e industriali.Soffermandosi su una delle tante famiglie dell’epoca, Zuccoli compone un libro chiave, un affaccio soffuso sulla Milano di quel tempo—sarà attraverso gli occhi meno probabili, quelli di una madre e di suo figlio, che il Novecento verrà infine introdotto ai lettori, dispiegato pagina dopo pagina, incastrato nella vita di tutti i giorni.Luciano Zuccoli (1868-1929) è stato uno scrittore italiano. Nato in Svizzera, Zuccoli lavorò per tutta la vita in Italia come giornalista. Sbarcato nella narrativa, scrisse principalmente romanzi destinati al grande pubblico.

  • by Jessie Cave
    178.99 kr.

    „Ein phänomenales Debüt." Dolly AldertonHannah und Ruth sind Schwestern – unzertrennlich, aber grundverschieden: Hannah ist zielstrebig und organisiert, Ruth chaotisch und planlos. Als Hannah während eines gemeinsamen Urlaubs bei einem tragischen Unfall ums Leben kommt, wird Ruth der Boden unter den Füßen weggerissen. Mit ihrer tiefen Trauer, ihren Erinnerungen und allem, was Hannah zurücklässt, ist sie plötzlich allein. Weil sie nicht loslassen kann, mietet sie einen Lagerraum für Hannahs Sachen. Als sie gemeinsam mit Hannahs Freund Rowan beginnt, aufzuräumen und zu sortieren, kommen die beiden sich näher und erfahren, dass aus tiefster Trauer auch Freude am eigenen Leben entstehen kann.Jessie Cave, geboren 1987 in London, wurde u. a. bekannt durch ihre Rolle der Lavender Brown in den Harry Potter-Verfilmungen. Sie ist Komikerin, Drehbuchautorin und Schriftstellerin. „Sunset" ist ihr erster Roman.

  • by William Makepeace Thackeray
    65.99 kr.

    Epopeja z życia dziewiętnastowiecznej angielskiej burżuazji. Na przestrzeni kilku pokoleń rodzina Newcome staje się cenioną familią bankierów, zdobywa fortunę i pomnaża majątek poprzez aranżowane małżeństwa z przedstawicielami arystokracji. Prywatne uczucia i dążenia jej członków nie mają przy tym większego znaczenia. Ale nawet w najbardziej wyrachowanym rodzie zdarzają się jednostki wrażliwe i stawiające na autentyczne relacje - takie jak szlachetny pułkownik Thomas Newcome oraz jego syn Clive. Ciekawostką jest, że właśnie w tej powieści po raz pierwszy użyto wymyślonego słowa "kapitalizm" w odniesieniu do systemu ekonomicznego. Idealna lektura dla miłośników "Lalki" Bolesława Prusa.William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863) - dziewiętnastowieczny brytyjski dziennikarz, pisarz, satyryk. Urodził się w Kalkucie jako syn pracownika Brytyjskiej Kompanii Wschodnioindyjskiej. Po kilku latach jego rodzina wróciła do Anglii, więc edukację pobierał w brytyjskich szkołach. Stosunkowo wcześnie nawiązał współpracę z prasą i jako dziennikarz odbywał wiele podróży po Europie, podczas których poznawał największe osobowości swoich czasów (np. Goethe). Szerszą popularność przyniosła mu powieść "Targowisko próżności".

  • by Leo Tolstoy
    38.99 kr.

    Alcohol abuse is one of societies great levellers.It does not matter whether you are a prince or a peasant, when the demon drink controls you, you are the same.That is the message at the heart of Leo Tolstoy's 'The Cause of it All' - a warning against over-imbibing.It features Mihayla, the apparently respectable head of a rural Russian family.Then there is the vagrant who has been given shelter in their home for a night.Both get drunk, with Mihayla trying to bite his wife before the vagrant stops him.In the morning, the vagrant has gone - along with some of their belongings.Mihayla pursues him. But will this violent alcoholic choose revenge - or realise that they are both controlled by the same demon?It is a theme that has never - and probably will never - be outdated.The scourge of alcohol abuse features in Anne Bronte's 'The Tenant of Wildfell Hall', Patricia Highsmith's 'Strangers on a Train' and 'Angela's Ashes' by Frank McCourt.Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) was a Russian author, a master of realistic fiction and one of the world’s greatest novelists. Tolstoy’s major works include 'War and Peace' (1865–69) and 'Anna Karenina' (1875–77), two of the greatest novels of all time and pinnacles of realist fiction. Beyond novels, he wrote many short stories and later in life also essays and plays.In the years following the publication of 'War and Peace' Tolstoy - who was born to a Russian aristocratic family - had a spiritual awakening that made him a committed Christian anarchist and pacifist. His philosophy inspired Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.

  • by Edgar Wallace
    42.99 kr.

    While Wallace could never be accused of being a run-of-the-mill author, ‘The Price a Woman Pays’ is one of his more unusual tales.A gripping and fun short story, it follows the concerns of Dr Beechington who, down on his luck, wants to ensure that his daughter marries into money. Will she follow his request, or go her own way?An unexpected religious twist sets this story apart from the majority of Wallace’s works.Fast-paced and with a liberal sprinkling of wry humour, this is an ideal read for Wallace fans or those who want an introduction to his writing.Born in London, Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was an English writer so prolific that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England.Leaving school at the age of 12, Wallace made his first steps into the literary world by selling newspapers on the corner of Fleet Street.He worked as a war correspondent after joining the army at age 21, which honed his writing abilities. This led to the creation of his first book ‘The Four Just Men.’Wallace is best remembered as the co-creator of ‘King Kong,’ which has been adapted for film 12 times (most notably directed by ‘Lord of the Rings’ director, Peter Jackson, and starring Jack Black and Naomi Watts).However, he leaves behind an extensive body of work, including stories such as ‘The Crimson Circle’ and ‘The Flying Squad’.

  • by Jeffrey Archer
    73.99 kr.

    Jak zmieni się życie Harry’ego i jego żony Emmy, gdy otrzymają wieści o tragicznym wypadku samochodowym ich syna Sebastiana? Harry Clifton z niepokojem obserwuje intrygi Don Pedra Martineza, który chce zniszczyć firmę Barringtonów, zaś Emma próbuje objąć funkcję prezesa rodzinnej Spółki Żeglugowej. W tym samym czasie adoptowana córka Cliftonów zdobywa stypendium w Slade Academy of Art i przyjmuje oświadczynyClive’a Binghama. Niestety szczęście młodych niszczy przyszła teściowa Jessiki, która wrzuca truciznę do ślubnego kieliszka...Oto czwarta z 7 części cyklu o rodzinie Cliftonów, można ją uznać za oddzielną historię lub czytać bez zachowania kolejności sagi. Czwarty tom kronik rodziny Cliftonów to opowieść o miłości, zemście, chorej ambicji i niepohamowanej żądzy zemsty. Lektura przypadnie do gustu miłośnikom barwnej fabuły osadzonej w latach sześćdziesiątych.Kroniki rodziny Cliftonów - siedmiotomowa epicka saga, której bohaterem jest pełen ambicji Harry Clifton, syn dokera i kelnerki. Kolejne tomy cyklu pokazują losy głównego bohatera od narodzin w 1920 aż do śmierci w 1992 r. z perspektywy coraz to innej postaci. Dzięki temu cykl o burzliwym życiu Harry’ego Cliftona wciąga czytelnika bez reszty i intryguje podczas lektury każdej części tej rodzinnej sagi.Jeffrey Howard Archer, baron Archer Weston-super-Mare (ur. 15 kwietnia 1940 w Londynie) - brytyjski polityk, dramaturg, autor bestsellerowych serii sensacyjnych, kryminalnych, jak również tzw. political fiction. Swoją debiutancką powieść z 1976 r. ,,Co do grosza", (którą podobnie jak kolejną pt. ,,Kain i Abel" sfilmowano), napisał aby uniknąć bankructwa. Uważny czytelnik odnajdzie w jego twórczości wiele wątków związanych z polskimi emigrantami.

  • by Sesse Koivisto
    73.99 kr.

    Koskettava romaani tytöstä, joka ei sovi annettuun muottiin.Eletään 1930-luvun loppua Pohjanmaalla. Kun yhdeksänvuotias Alma-Reetta eli Retu hyppää isovanhempiensa pappilan ikkunasta ulos, hänen hameensa hajoaa. Retu on varma, että tästä tulee sanomista – niin kuin melkein kaikesta, mitä Retu tekee. Retu tuntee olevansa vääränlainen. Tyttöjen kuuluisi käyttäytyä siivommin! Helsinkiläinen Retu vierastaa maaseudun väkeä, joka tappaa marjoja syöviä räkättirastaita ilman tunnontuskia. Retu ei kuitenkaan ole ainoa suvun musta lammas. Eno Mikael on valinnut taidemaalarin uran, ja elää erilaista elämää kuin muu suku.Kätkössä rastaanmuna aloittaa kiehtovan tarinan Alma-Reetan elämästä menneen ajan Suomessa.Alma-Reetta \"Retu\" on nuori nainen, joka kasvaa vahvan ja dominoivan äidin varjossa. Pääseekö Retu ikinä vapaaksi sukunsa kahleista?Sesse Koivisto (1932–2021) oli kirjailija ja biologi. Monet Koiviston kirjat käsittelevät eläimiä ja ihmisten suhdetta niihin. Aihe oli Koivistolle omakohtainen – olihan Koiviston pitkäaikainen puoliso Ilkka Koivisto Korkeasaaren eläintarhan johtaja.

  • by Johanne Schjørring
    79.00 kr.

    Otto har boet så længe i København, at han næsten har glemt sine jyske rødder. Da hans far dør pludseligt, står Otto over for et valg. Skal han blive i hovedstaden og gøre studiet færdigt, eller skal han vende tilbage til sin hjemstavn og følge i sin fars fodspor?Da Otto er til sin fars begravelse, ser han, hvordan alle egnens beboere, høj som lav, hædrer den afdøde og viser ham en respekt, Otto slet ikke viste, de havde. Det overbeviser bydrengen om, at det er på tide at vende hjem og forsøge at dyrke jorden, som hans far og generationer før ham har gjort det. Vi følger Ottos forsøg på at finde sig til rette på sin hjemegn igen, mens tanker om københavnerlivet bliver ved med at trække ham i en anden retning."Et hjem på heden" udkom første gang i 1896.Johanne Schjørring (1836-1910) var en dansk forfatter og digter, der udgav en lang række digte i bogform såvel som i tidsskrifter samt et væld af romaner. Hendes bøger opnåede stor popularitet, og mange af dem er oversat til flere sprog. Hendes første roman "Havets Datter" fra 1875 er karakteristisk for forfatterskabet.Schjørring blev medlem af Dansk Kvindesamfund, og hun redigerede sammen med forfatterkollegaerne Jenny Blicher-Clausen og Laura Kieler et festskrift, der udkom i 1895 i anledning af Kvindernes Udstilling samme år. Johanne Schjørring var blandt de ti kvindelige forfattere, der som de første kom på finansloven i 1883.

  • by Jane Davis
    120.99 kr.

    "Smash all the Windows" won the inaugural Selfies Book Award in 2019.It has taken conviction to right the wrongs. It will take courage to learn how to live again.London, 22 August 2003. A day that began like any other would end in tragedy. Fifty-eight people set off for work, only to never return.For more than thirteen years, the search for truth has eaten up everything: marriages, families, health, careers and finances. A flawed justice system failed the victims' kin, but hope arises when a rookie law student scrutinizes the disaster and uncovers potential answers.With lies being unraveled and hypocrisies exposed, the families can all get back to their lives. Well, if only it were that simple...A gripping, highly charged, topical piece of fiction, "Smash All the Windows" is a testament to the human condition and the healing power of art.Hailed by The Bookseller as 'One to Watch', Jane Davis writes thought-provoking literary page turners with a strong commercial edge. Her first novel "Half-Truths and White Lies", won a national award established with the aim of finding 'the next Joanne Harris'.

  • by Johanne Schjørring
    79.00 kr.

    Livet på Jyllands vestkyst er hårdt, og lykken kan vende når som helst.Da Maren gifter sig med den populære spillemand Ole Lüders, tror hun, at hendes fremtid på sin families store rige gård vil være fyldt med kærlighed, velstand og musik. Det viser sig imidlertid, at Ole ikke kun spiller musik. Han spiller også hasard, og inden længe er alle pengene spillet væk. Ægteparret er tvunget til at sælge Marens families fine stamhus og flytte til en tarvelig lille gård. Det viser sig imidlertid, at de naboer, de får på den nye gård, kommer til at slå Marens liv ind på en helt uventet kurs."Fra Jyllands vestkyst" tager os tilbage til 1800-tallet, hvor Vestjylland var et barskt og uvenligt sted, som de færreste fra resten af Danmark nogensinde havde besøgt. Fortællingerne i bogen er fyldt med smukke og rammende beskrivelser af både naturen, menneskene og folkesjælen ved Jyllands vestkyst. Bogen udkom første gang i 1889.Johanne Schjørring (1836-1910) var en dansk forfatter og digter, der udgav en lang række digte i bogform såvel som i tidsskrifter samt et væld af romaner. Hendes bøger opnåede stor popularitet, og mange af dem er oversat til flere sprog. Hendes første roman "Havets Datter" fra 1875 er karakteristisk for forfatterskabet.Schjørring blev medlem af Dansk Kvindesamfund, og hun redigerede sammen med forfatterkollegaerne Jenny Blicher-Clausen og Laura Kieler et festskrift, der udkom i 1895 i anledning af Kvindernes Udstilling samme år. Johanne Schjørring var blandt de ti kvindelige forfattere, der som de første kom på finansloven i 1883.

  • by Maila Talvio
    58.99 kr.

    Rakkautta, kuolemaa ja sukujen kiemuroita.Kun köyhä Anna-tyttö matkustaa junalla äitinsä kanssa, tilanne on vaikea. Anna on sairas, ja hänen ihonsa on hyvin valkea. Äiti pelkää, että menettää tyttönsä, samalla tavalla kuin menetti puolisonsa... Samassa junassa on iloinen porvarisseurue, joka on juhlatuulella. Joukon juhlahumu tarttuu myös Annan äitiin, kun Anna on nukahtanut. Mutta mitä Annan äiti mahtaa tehdä, kun eräs iäkäs porvarimies tarjoaa tytölle kasvattikotia?Silmä yössä on Maila Talvion dramaattinen romaani.Maila Talvio on kirjailija Maila Mikkolan (1871–1951) salanimi. Mikkola julkaisi esikoisteoksensa Haapaniemen keinu vuonna 1895. Mikkola piti 1900-luvun alussa suosittua kirjallista salonkia Linnunlaulun huvilassa, joka on nykyään kirjailijatalo Villa Kivi.

  • by Jane Davis
    120.99 kr.

    Secrets shared can bind hearts, but secrets concealed? That's a tale of its own.The year is 1884. Robert Cooke and his pregnant wife Freya tragically lose their two sons to scarlet fever, sending Freya into self-imposed isolation for the safety of their unborn child. Cut off from each other, their shared grief becomes a silent, destructive foe.A decade later and now a successful businessman, Robert conceives a poignant tribute to his lost sons - a pleasure garden. But in withholding his vision from Freya, he widens the gulf between them.Unexpectedly, it is another woman who understands his heart: The eccentric and exceedingly talented artist Florence Hoddy.Hailed by The Bookseller as 'One to Watch', Jane Davis writes thought-provoking literary page turners with a strong commercial edge. Her first novel "Half-Truths and White Lies", won a national award established with the aim of finding 'the next Joanne Harris'.

  • by Jane Davis
    124.99 kr.

    What if the villain of your childhood turned out to be someone really rather extraordinary?A disgraced politician, Sir James Hastings is living out his retirement in a secluded Surrey village. He is unmoved by his centenarian mother's death - a woman he emotionally buried upon her abandonment.Raised by his father, a charismatic war-hero turned racing driver, the young James, torn between self-blame and longing, eventually dismissed her.But when he inherits her life's work - an incredible photography collection spanning six decades - he is forced to confront the realization that his version of the past isn't even half the story...Presenting a family that is beautifully flawed, brimming with affection, and inimitably human, "I Stopped Time" is perfect for fans of Tracy Chevalier, Audrey Niffenegger and Ali Smith.Hailed by The Bookseller as 'One to Watch', Jane Davis writes thought-provoking literary page turners with a strong commercial edge. Her first novel "Half-Truths and White Lies", won a national award established with the aim of finding 'the next Joanne Harris'.'A perfectly written book in which the author never puts a foot wrong.' Author, John Lynch

  • by Edward Bellamy
    38.99 kr.

    ‘The Cold Snap’ (1898) is a short story by the American author, Edward Bellamy, most famous for his socialist and utopian novel ‘Looking Backward: 2000-1887’ (1888)This tale eloquently describes a bitterly cold night that befalls a family living in New England, as they huddle together for survival and await the safety of sunrise. It is a tender, romantic depiction of family life and the power of the weather.This heartwarming short story is perfect for fans of Bellamy's other short stories, such as ‘Hooking Watermelons’, ‘Lost’ and ‘A Love Story Reversed’.Edward Bellamy (1850 - 1898) was an American author, journalist and political activist. His novel ‘Looking Backward: 2000-1887’ (1888) was one of the most successful books published in the United States in the 19th century and influenced a generation of intellectuals. Referenced in many Marxist publications of the time, the book inspired the formation of Nationalist Clubs dedicated to spreading his political ideas.Bellamy’s other works include the novels ‘Six to One’ (1878), ‘Dr. Heidenhoff's Process’ (1880), ‘Miss Ludington's Sister’ (1885), ‘Equality’ (1897) and ‘The Duke of Stockbridge; a Romance of Shays' Rebellion (1900)’, as well as several short stories, such as ‘The Blindman's World’, ‘To Whom This May Come’, and ‘With the Eyes Shut’.

  • by Christer Kihlman
    54.99 kr.

    När äldsta sonen i den välbärgade, finlandssvenska familjen Lindermann stupar i andra världskriget går framtidsvisionerna i kras och tillvaron för resterande familjemedlemmar vänds uppochner. Nu blir det istället de yngre bröderna Rafael, eller Raf, och Benno som måste säkra familjens framtid – ett uppdrag ingen av dem tycks lämpade för.Raf är en författare, plågad av ett förödande alkoholmissbruk och sin skamliga erotiska sida. Benno, som är formad av trauman från barndomen där nazismen ständigt låg i luften, kämpar likväl med sina inre konflikter som med att förhålla sig till den oroliga brodern Raf. Trots att de kvarlevande bröderna tampas med olika demoner så strävar de efter den blå modern för att finna en moderlig trygghet och undkomma fullkomlig förtvivlan."Den blå modern" är en slags familjekrönika om konflikter som uppstår i klyftorna mellan generationer och om inre strider som plågar unga män i jakten på att finna sin plats i världen. Trots svåra ämnen och dystra scener lämnar Kihlman läsaren med ett ljus av hopp.Christer Kihlman (1930–2021), var en finlandssvensk författare och litteraturkritiker. På grund av hans banbrytande verk blev han blev en av de mest framgångsrika och omtalade författarna i 60- och 70-talets kulturvärld. Hans provokativa författarskap är mångfaldigt prisad med utmärkelser som Svenska Akademiens Finlandspris åren 1976 och 2008, och finländska statens litteraturpris år 1976.

  • by Christer Kihlman
    43.99 kr.

    Bilden av en idyllisk sommar krackelerar. Raf och hustrun Madeleine befinner sig i en kris, skapad av Rafs obotliga svartsjuka och alkoholism som förvränger hans sinnen. Madeleine söker tröst hos grannen Christian medan Raf försöker skriva på sin roman, men hans uppmärksamhet riktas istället mot affären mellan hans Madeleine och Christian. Raf förlorar sig själv i analysen av Madeleine och hennes hemliga konversationer med grannen. Men är det Christian som är det verkliga hotet, eller är det snarare det äkta paret och alkoholen som är de egentliga medparterna i triangeldramat?Christer Kihlman (1930–2021), var en finlandssvensk författare och litteraturkritiker. På grund av hans banbrytande verk blev han blev en av de mest framgångsrika och omtalade författarna i 60- och 70-talets kulturvärld. Hans provokativa författarskap är mångfaldigt prisad med utmärkelser som Svenska Akademiens Finlandspris åren 1976 och 2008, och finländska statens litteraturpris år 1976.