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  • by Alfredo Panzini
    58.99 kr.

    Ricorrendo allo sferzante piglio umoristico che lo contraddistingue, con "Io cerco moglie" (1918) Panzini firma un divertentissimo romanzo sulla ricerca della donna ideale con cui dividere il talamo. Protagonista del romanzo è il Cavalier Ginetto Sconer, sospeso fra le mille tipologie diverse di anima gemella con cui sperare di coronare finalmente il sogno nuziale. Irriverente, pungente, a tratti estremo, è un libro che è stato spesso accostato al Decamerone boccaccesco, capace di risvegliare chi legge dal torpore della vita contemporanea, per potersi immergere nella prosa di uno fra gli scrittori più interessanti del primo Novecento italiano...Alfredo Panzini (1863-1939) nasce a Senigallia, figlio di un medico riminese. Trascorsa l’infanzia a Rimini, frequenta il Convitto Nazionale Foscarini a Venezia e poi l’Università di Bologna, laureandosi in Lettere (fra i suoi docenti, anche Giosuè Carducci). Insegnerà per tutta la vita al Liceo Ginnasio Statale Terenzio Mamiani di Roma, affiancando alla professione di insegnante una vivace produzione letteraria e lessicografica. Nel 1905, infatti, è fra i compilatori del Dizionario Moderno Hoepli. Scrittore estremamente prolifico, firma una trentina di romanzi (fra cui "Rose d’ogni mese", "Il padrone sono me!" e "La sventurata Irminda"), ma è anche autore di vari saggi storici ("Sigismondo Malatesta") e letterari ("L’evoluzione di Giosuè Carducci").

  • by Julie Houston
    124.99 kr.

    Harriet Westmoreland did not expect to go into labour in the Harvey Nichol's men's underwear department!Nor did she expect that at exactly the moment she does she would set eyes on Alex Hamilton, and mark the start of a year of madness... For her, her family and, at times, it seems most of the West Yorkshire village of Midhope.Giving birth only two months after Harriet, her lifelong best friend Grace has her own craziness to contend with. As both women hurtle down unexpected and very different paths, they flounder in a maelstrom of passion and confusion, perilously clinging on as the chain of events threatens not only their comfortable, ordinary lives but also their very existence...Praise for Julie Houston:'Julie deserves to be up there with all the queens of chick lit' - Alison Cremona.'Reading this long awaited book was like meeting up with old friends' J.M. Jones.'I could not put this book down, it had me laughing out loud, shouting at the characters and crying' Amazon reviewer.Warm, witty and wonderful, the unputdownable bestseller from Julie Houston is perfect for fans of Sophie Kinsella, Milly Johnson, Katie Fforde and Jill Mansell.Julie Houston lives in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire where her novels are set, and her only claims to fame are that she teaches part-time at 'Bridget Jones' author Helen Fielding's old junior school and her neighbour is 'Chocolat' author, Joanne Harris. Julie is married, with two adult children and a ridiculous Cockerpoo called Lincoln. She runs and swims because she's been told it's good for her, but would really prefer a glass of wine, a sun lounger and a jolly good book – preferably with Dev Patel in attendance.

  • by Fiona Perrin
    129.99 kr.

    She got her happily ever after. What came next?If she tries very hard, Ami can remember when she used to have a dynamic and exciting career and a husband who she loved more than life itself, and who was equally smitten with her...Now she has two children, a terrifyingly large mortgage, and no idea who she has become – or why she and her husband can't even be in the same room anymore.With life as she knew it in tatters around her, Ami is heartbroken, and in no way pulling off 'consciously uncoupling' like a celeb. But as she begins the exhausting task of balancing work, motherhood and singledom, she starts to wonder. Might she just come out the other side and be... happier?Previously published as 'The Story After Us'. Praise for How Not to Get Divorced: 'A truthful, poignant and ultimately uplifting tale of modern marriage and modern divorce' Fiona Collins, author 'The Year of Being Single'. 'Funny, engaging and poignant, I thoroughly enjoyed this book, found it easy to read and definitely recommend it' Claire Saul 'This is an absolutely fantastic and beautiful read about a woman trying to find her place in society again. I truly loved it' Kim SAs funny as Sophie Kinsella, as poignantly touching as Marian Keyes, Fiona Perrin's hilarious debut is an unmissable story for modern women everywhere.

  • by Weronika Karczewska-Kosmatka
    56.99 kr.

    Czy dasz się przekonać, że twoje szczęście czeka tuż za rogiem?Pracująca w restauracji swojej mamy Basia może powiedzieć o sobie wszystko, tylko nie to, że ma w życiu szczęście. Wręcz przeciwnie: od lat towarzyszy jej myśl, że jest pechową dziewczyną.W dniu, w którym otrzymuje od ciężko chorej ciotki ofertę pracy w hotelu na stanowisku menedżera, jej życie diametralnie się zmienia. Rzucona w wir nowych obowiązków, czuje się zagubiona, ale też zdaje sobie sprawę, że właśnie dostała od losu niepowtarzalną okazję, by wyrwać się z domu, spod skrzydeł nadopiekuńczej matki. Bez zastanowienia wyrusza wraz z najlepszą przyjaciółką do Krakowa. Czy jej dotychczasowy pech również podąży za nią? A może w końcu uda się jej przerwać złą passę, odnaleźć receptę na szczęście i znaleźć miłość?W tym momencie odwróciłam się, ukazując do połowy rozpiętą sukienkę. Stałam chwilę w drzwiach, czując się jak kretynka, a on nawet się nie ruszył. Dopiero kiedy poczułam jego oddech na swojej szyi, ręce powoli dociągnęły zamek do końca. Nie wiedziałam, czy się obrócić, zadać pytanie, czy po prostu zamknąć drzwi i wyjść.– Muszę coś jeszcze zrobić – usłyszałam jego głos tuż przy swoim uchu.Chwycił moje włosy, chciałam zacząć krzyczeć albo dać mu w twarz, ale on złapał gumkę trzymającą włosy i delikatnie ją z nich zsunął.– Teraz jest idealnie. – Poprawił moje włosy, by efektywnie opadły na plecy. – Możemy jechać?– Tak – odrzekłam, zamykając drzwi.Weronika Karczewska-Kosmatka – mieszka w niewielkiej mieścinie w Wielkopolsce, w której królują lasy i jeziora. W jej życiu pojawiały się różne pasje: dziennikarstwo, fotografia, a nawet kick-boxing, ale to miłość do książek wygrała. Uwielbia romanse, thrillery, a także powieści obyczajowe (koniecznie z wątkiem miłosnym). Jest skryta i małomówna, a zarazem żywiołowa i pracowita.

  • by Kate Canterbary
    88.99 kr.

    Mr. Santillian,Trotz der Tatsache, dass ich zurzeit in deinem Gästezimmer wohne und die meisten Nächte mit dir schlafe, kündige ich hiermit schriftlich mit einer Frist von zwei Wochen.In anderen Worten, ich finde jemand, der obszön überqualifiziert und willens ist, seine Zeit den wenigen Aufgaben zu widmen, die du dir aus deinem perfektionistischen, detailbesessenen Kontrollbereich entreißen lässt. Es wird vielleicht schwer, so kurzfristig einen Nobelpreisgewinner zu finden, der einfache Sekretariatsarbeiten verrichtet, aber ich werde mein Bestes versuchen.Mache dir keine Gedanken wegen der Hochzeit deiner Schwester dieses Wochenende. Ich habe immer noch vor, als deine Begleitung daran teilzunehmen, falls du bis dahin aufgehört hast, mich zu hassen.Vielen Dank im Voraus für dein Verständnis.ZeldaMiss Besh,Kündigung nicht angenommen.Wir sehen uns zu Hause.Ash.USA Today Bestseller Kate Canterbary writes smart, steamy contemporary romances loaded with heat, heart, and happy ever afters. Kate lives on the New England coast with her husband and daughter.

  • by Alfredo Panzini
    58.99 kr.

    "Scrivendo queste cose, non intendiamo giudicare: non è attributo dell’uomo giudicare l’uomo: ma bene si può riconoscere nella «signorina» una magnifica Nemesi". Scritto e pubblicato al concludersi della Prima Guerra Mondiale, "Signorine" (1921) raccoglie quattordici brevi ma folgoranti racconti. Con la prosa compiaciuta e vagamente sorniona di chi ama scrivere, Panzini riesce a confezionare tanti piccoli gioielli di sarcasmo sferzante, nonché di forte introspezione psicologica, dipingendo sapientemente i tratti di una società in rovina, certo, ma non per questo meno dedita all’amore. Estremamente interessante per chiunque voglia conoscere meglio la concezione della donna in un’epoca distante ormai un secolo, "Signorine" è anche una lettura estremamente piacevole, che non manca mai di stupire!Alfredo Panzini (1863-1939) nasce a Senigallia, figlio di un medico riminese. Trascorsa l’infanzia a Rimini, frequenta il Convitto Nazionale Foscarini a Venezia e poi l’Università di Bologna, laureandosi in Lettere (fra i suoi docenti, anche Giosuè Carducci). Insegnerà per tutta la vita al Liceo Ginnasio Statale Terenzio Mamiani di Roma, affiancando alla professione di insegnante una vivace produzione letteraria e lessicografica. Nel 1905, infatti, è fra i compilatori del Dizionario Moderno Hoepli. Scrittore estremamente prolifico, firma una trentina di romanzi (fra cui "Rose d’ogni mese", "Il padrone sono me!" e "La sventurata Irminda"), ma è anche autore di vari saggi storici ("Sigismondo Malatesta") e letterari ("L’evoluzione di Giosuè Carducci").

  • by Francisco Serrano García
    73.99 kr.

    Una nueva muestra del humor ácido y la lucidez amarga con la que el autor Francisco Serrano contempla la absurdez de la vida. Una empresa con pocos escrúpulos terceriza la ingrata tarea de despedir empleados. La inminente llegada de los inspectores que habrán de decidir quién va a la calle y quién permanece en la empresa desata el caos entre los trabajadores. Sin embargo, el plan de la empresa no va a surtir el efecto deseado. Puede que la vara de fresno que está a punto de golpear a los trabajadores acabe cayendo sobre alguien inesperado.Francisco Serrano García es un autor español nacido en Madrid. Muy activo en el campo del periodismo desde los años 70, ha colaborado con revistas como Forex Club en calidad de articulista económico. Compagina su labor periodística con la redacción de novelas tan personales como únicas.

  • by Pablo Sanz Martínez
    51.99 kr.

    Con una mirada heredera directa del mejor Eduardo Mendoza, Pablo Sanz nos cuenta la triste e hilarante historia de un oficinista que vive en el espacio que queda debajo del hueco del ascensor. Una sátira hilarante de los tiempos que vivimos, a la vez que una mordaz crítica al salvaje neoliberalismo que asola nuestras ciudades.Pablo Sanz es un autor español nacido en Madrid. Residente desde hace años en Asturias, ejerce la docencia como profesor de instituto, labor que compagina con su pasión por la literatura, ya sea en novela o relato, y que le ha valido un nombre destacado en el panorama literario local.

  • by Alison Sherlock
    102.99 kr.

    A feelgood Christmas love story set in a gorgeous country village, perfect for fans of Milly Johnson and Heidi Swain.Previously published as "A Way Back Home"After recent heartbreak, Skye Jackson is homeless and on the road with only a classic Airstream trailer to her name.A surprise inheritance of a rundown little lodge in the grounds of beautiful Willow Tree Hall forces her to change her plans.The only problem is that the lodge is co-owned by care-free playboy Will Harris, currently in hiding after a recent tabloid scandal.Skye desperately wants a home to call her own. Will needs a place to escape the ghosts of his past. So they decide to put aside their differences and renovate the cottage together.But when a storm hits, Skye and Will are forced to stay on to ensure that a Christmas wedding goes ahead. Can Skye finally find a home of her own? Can Will ever stop running from his past?The magic of winter at Willow Tree Hall is about to change everything...What readers are saying about Willow Tree Hall:'A sympathetically heart-warming story about family, loyalty, love and friendship... I look forward to reading more in the series' Donna Orrock, NetGalley.'I absolutely adored this book. Felt like a proper fairytale'Natasha Potter, NetGalley.'A wonderful, enchanting story... I am very much looking forward to reading further stories in this series' Lis Beasley, NetGalley.Alison Sherlock enjoyed reading and writing stories from an early age and gave up office life to follow her dream. Alison lives in Surrey with her husband and a daft golden retriever.

  • by Alison Sherlock
    102.99 kr.

    Romance blossoms under the stars in this feelgood love story!Lily Harper is an events organiser, but her neat, ordered world has just exploded. First she lost her job, then she lost her fiancé. Her five-year plan is looking increasingly shaky.Lost and lonely, Lily heads home to her childhood village, and accepts the position of live-in housekeeper at the grand but welcoming Willow Tree Hall. It's not exactly her dream job – Lily is more used to arranging parties than pantries – but at least she's working. Her first task is to arrange the Willow Tree Hall summer fete. Lily is in her element, writing to-do lists and organising bunting and baking – until her old flame Jack Carter turns up in the village. Lily hasn't seen Jack in over ten years, when he sped off on his motorbike, taking with him the pieces of her broken heart. Lily vowed she would never forgive him. But as Willow Tree Hall weaves its magic, Lily finds she might just give Jack a second chance after all...What readers are saying about 'Willow Tree Hall':'A sympathetically heart-warming story about family, loyalty, love and friendship... I look forward to reading more in the series' -Donna Orrock, NetGalley.'A beautiful and exquisite read. I couldn't put it down. Loved it' -Karen Whittard'A brilliant, uplifting mix of romance, drama and fun. Recommended!' -Agi KlarPerfect for fans of Milly Johnson and Heidi Swain.

  • by Jens Hellström
    50.99 kr.

    Ingela har inte gett upp nätdejtingen. Tvärtom – hon har utökat sökområdet. Nästa blinddejt blir med en man som är bosatt i Paris, och de ska träffas utanför självaste Notre-Dame. Det får bli en weekendresa till den franska huvudstaden. Bodil ska med såklart, som resesällskap och stöd, och inte minst som kritisk övervakare.Samtidigt på hemmaplan råder det en djup konflikt mellan de två falangerna i bostadsrättsföreningen, något som Peder varit lyckligt ovetande om ända fram till nu. Som nyligen invald i styrelsen kastas han rakt in i konfliktens epicentrum: Ska han bli tvungen att välja sida? Båda falangerna försöker värva Peder, och innan han vet ordet av har han allierat sig med båda två.I Grannar och fiender plockar Jens Hellström upp tråden där den uppskattade första delen av följetongen om Brf Kramsnö slutade.

  • by Jane Lacey-Crane
    129.99 kr.

    Has she already met The One? What if Mr Right had come along at the wrong time...?Evie Grant is forty-five years old, a widow, and single mum of two children about to leave the nest. Suddenly alone in the family home, Evie realizes she hates her job, hardly goes out and hasn't had a date since who knows when...So it feels like fate when the opportunity arises for a girls trip to New York City. Staying with her sister on the Upper East Side, Evie is enchanted by a snow-covered city consumed by preparing for Christmas.Bobble hat firmly on, Evie is walking through the city one day when she bumps into Daniel Roberts, Hollywood heartthrob and one-time boyfriend of hers.It's now or never for Evie – but she open her heart to the possibility of a new beginnings and true happiness once again...?Funny, real and wonderfully romantic, this is the perfect feel-good read to keep you warm this winter!Praise for Jane Lacey-Crane:'A beautifully written, emotional tale that will have you captivated from the off!' Rach. 'A story which made me feel all fuzzy inside and smiley on the outside from the first page right up until the end' SC.'Fantastic read, good storyline, great twists and flowed well... My only complaint is that i got no housework done today as i couldn't put my kindle down!'

  • by Larissa Schwarz
    73.99 kr.

    Wer kennt das nicht? Nur zu gern würden wir unsere geliebten Vierbeiner verstehen. Für Julietta erfüllt sich dieser Wunsch nach einer likörseligen Nacht und plötzlich plappert Katze Tiffany ihr die Ohren voll. Ihre Feline Hoheit entpuppt sich als fellgewordener Alptraum – wie bringt man sowas möglichst schonend dem neuen Freund bei? Zwischen himmelhoch maunzend und zu Tode geliebt nimmt der Wahnsinn seinen Lauf.Larissa Schwarz' erste Schreibmaschine war eine Olympia SM3, die sie im Alter von vier Jahren geschenkt bekam und die in ihr den Wunsch weckte, Schriftstellerin zu werden. Nach Umwegen über ein Studium der Water Sciences, einer Abbiegung bei Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaften sowie Soziologie ging es weiter als Bankerin und Unterbrandmeisterin bei der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr. Sie liebt alte amerikanische Autos, das Ruhrgebiet und High Heels. In 2016 veröffentlichte die sportbegeisterte Autorin den ersten ihrer Romane, denen weitergedachte Begebenheiten, erlebte Momente und herzergreifende Inventionen zu Grunde liegen. Seit 2018 ist sie ausschließlich als Bloggerin und Autorin tätig.

  • by Jane Austen
    42.99 kr.

    ‘The Beautiful Cassandra and Other Stories’ (1793) was written by the renowned English novelist Jane Austen, best-known for her novels ‘Sense and Sensibility’ (1811) and ‘Pride and Prejudice’ (1813).This collection of short stories, written when the author was very young, deals with an abundance of topics, such as murder, theft, deceit, imprisonment, romance, and intrigue.A fascinating and entertaining insight into the young Jane Austen’s mind, this collection is a sensational read for those contemplating reading some of Austen's famous novels later down the line, or for those already familiar with her brilliant body of work!There are few authors as iconic as Jane Austen (1775-1817). Her body of work contains some of the most beloved books and characters of all time which have been in print for over two hundred years and sold millions of copies worldwide.Austen was a trailblazer, famed for her satire, her astute social commentary and her strong-willed, passionate heroines. Her ability to wield humour with realism has found her favour with critics and readers for generations.Her most famous works include Pride and Prejudice (1813), Emma (1816), Sense and Sensibility (1811) and Persuasion (1818), all of which have received success in adaptations for the screen, stage and radio.

  • by Guy de Maupassant
    38.99 kr.

    Retired merchant Monsieur Bondel has settled in the quiet town of Saint-Germain together with his wife, where he looks forward to a peaceful retirement together.The move is not quite the success he hopes for, as, without occupation, the couple argues constantly. When Bondel makes the acquaintance of a neighbour, Madame Bondel is enraged, and the couple has their most intense argument yet.A gripping short story from the famous French author Guy de Maupassant, about family, love, trust, and adultery.Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was a French author, best known for his mastery of short stories. Born in Dieppe, Maupassant went on to study Law in Paris. His education was interrupted by the outbreak of the Franco-German War, for which he volunteered - the experience of which would go on to influence much of his writing.Best known for his naturalist style, Maupassant was a protégé of fellow French author Gustave Flaubert, who introduced him to some of the most influential writers of the time, including Henry James and Ivan Turgenev.Some of Maupassant’s best-known works include the short story ‘Boule de Suif’, and the novels ‘Bel-Ami’ and ‘Une Vie’. He died in Paris in 1893 at the age of 42.

  • by Herman Heijermans
    58.99 kr.

    De verhalenbundel 'Droompaardjes en andere Falklandjes' (1934) bevat een dertigtal kleine verhalen over het dagelijks volksleven, geschreven door Herman Heijermans. Op ironische toon weet Heijermans zowel lichtvoetig de maatschappelijke misstanden van zijn tijd te signaleren als de alledaagsheid uit het leven te typeren, immer met gebruik van milde humor.De Nederlander Herman Heijermans (1864 – 1924) heeft een aantal romans op zijn naam staan maar schreef vooral korte verhalen en toneel. Hij schreef onder een aantal pseudoniemen, waaronder Samuel Falkland en Koos Habbema. Heijermans begon als toneelrecensent bij De Telegraaf. De kritieken die hij daarvoor schreef waren erg fel zodat hij al snel veel vijanden maakte. Daarna begon hij zelf ook zelf toneelstukken te schrijven, die zeer sociaal betrokken waren. Bekende voorbeelden hiervan zijn Ghetto (1898) en Op hoop van zegen (1900). Heijermans was ook in de socialistische beweging zeer actief en lid van de SDAP.

  • by Honoré de Balzac
    42.99 kr.

    History lovers will revel in Balzac’s social and political commentary of 19th century France in ‘The Old Maid’.With skilful insight into the human experience, the life of a rich lady and her respective suitors reveal themselves page after page.A short and snappy read, Balzac crafts his characters with expert skill, peppered with satirical misfortunes.Part of his ‘The Human Comedy’ collection, ‘The Old Maid’ is ideal for fans of Xavier Giannolli’s 2021 ‘Lost Illusions’ film.Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) was a French novelist and playwright, most famous for his collection of novels and plays named ‘The Human Comedy’.Celebrated today as one of the greatest French writers and founders of realism, his works capture detailed observations of humanity and post-Napoleonic French society.A master creator of realistic characters who navigate complex webs of moral and social dilemmas, Balzac’s work has inspired BBC series starring Helen Mirren and Margaret Tyzack.

  • by Marietta Holley
    42.99 kr.

    ‘Josiah Allen on the Woman Question’ (1914) was written by best-selling American writer and humourist Marietta Holley and is a short story featuring her well-known characters, Samantha and Josiah Allen.Concerned about the rise of women's suffrage, Josiah Allen plans to write a book, detailing all the reasons women are no match for men but his hilarious arguments only have the opposite effect.Holley’s hugely successful series of Samantha books focus on the character of the sage, small-town woman, Samantha Allen, and her satirical escapades across America with her half-witted husband, Josiah Allen.Fans of Holley's work and those interested in reading a story with a Twainesque style will surely love this short story.Marietta Holley (1836–1926) was an American best-selling author and humourist who used satire to comment on U.S. society and politics. She began her literary career writing for newspapers and women’s magazines before publishing her first novel, ‘My Opinions and Betsy Bobbet's’ in 1873.Holley went on to write over 20 novels, including ‘Round the World with Samantha at the Centennial’ (1876), ‘My Wayward Pardner’ (1880), ‘Miss Richard's Boy’ (1882), and ‘Josiah Allen's Wife’ (1899).Her works popularised women’s rights and criticised sexual double standards and the exploitation of labour. Often compared to Mark Twain, Seba Smith, Benjamin Shillaber, and Frances M. Whitcher, she is one of America's great female humourists.

  • by Oliver Goldsmith
    42.99 kr.

    If enduring popularity is a mark of quality, then 'She Stoops to Conquer' is among the greatest plays ever written; for the 1773 comedy has been performed almost without a break for 250 years.It centres on the efforts of Mr Hardcastle to marry his daughter Kate to his friend's son, Marlow. When Marlow arrives at their house, he is brusque with Mr Hardcastle because he has been tricked into believing it is a hotel.Mayhem and misunderstanding ensue as Marlow's companion Hastings plots with Hardcastle's niece to steal the family jewels. Then Marlow mistakes Kate for a serving maid and flirts with her. Is he a rude, licentious man? Or will Kate discover hidden depths to redeem him?A groundbreaking and sharp satire about the clash between town and country, ´She Stoops to Conquer´ gently mocks the sentimental plays of its era and is ideal reading for fans of Oscar Wilde and George Bernard Shaw.Oliver Goldsmith (1730-1774) was an Irish essayist, novelist, poet, and playwright.His work includes the essay collection 'The Citizen of the World' (1762), the novel 'The Vicar of Wakefield' (1766), the plays 'The Good Natur'd Man' (1768) and 'She Stoops to Conquer' (1773), and the poetry collections 'Traveller, or, a Prospect of Society' (1764), 'An Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog' (1766), and 'The Deserted Village: A Poem' (1770).

  • by Olivia Lara
    129.99 kr.

    What if the Lift driver who finds your cheating boyfriend's phone holds the directions to true love?'Who are you and why do you have my boyfriend's phone?''He left it in my car. You must be the blonde in the red dress? I'm the Lift driver who dropped you two off earlier.'And with these words, the life of the brunette and t-shirt wearing Maya Maas is turned upside down. Having planned to surprise her boyfriend, she finds herself single and stranded in an unknown city on her birthday.So when the mystery driver rescues Maya with the suggestion that she cheers herself up at a nearby beach town, she jumps at the chance to get things back on track. She wasn't expecting a personalised itinerary or the easy companionship that comes from opening up to a stranger via text, let alone the possibility it might grow into something more...Readers love The Meeting Point!'Fun, feel-good read. I breezed through this in one sitting... The romance had me swooning and I couldn't stop smiling. Need to find my own rideshare now' Netgalley Review'My god, how I love this book!... A must read... Obviously, a big, fat, shiny stars from me!' The Artsy Reader'YA'LL!!!!! This was one of the most unique written plots I have ever experienced in my life! The Meeting Pointhad me in all my feels and even made my eyes leak! Ah-Mazing!... This is a book you do NOT want to miss!'Perfect for fans of Mhairi McFarlane, Josie Silver and Sally Thorne.

  • by Antonio Ungar
    111.99 kr.

    Un tipo solitario y antisocial se ve obligado a suplantar la identidad del líder del partido político de la oposición. Desde entonces vivirá toda una serie de aventuras para acabar con el régimen totalitario del país latinoamericano de Miranda. Desaforado, desquiciado, hilarante, el narrador usa sus palabras para cuestionar, ridiculizar y destruir la realidad (y para reconstruirla de nuevo, desde cero, como nueva).«Tres ataúdes blancos» se presta a múltiples interpretaciones. Es al mismo tiempo una crítica feroz de la política en América Latina, una reposada reflexión sobre la identidad individual, una novela que explora los límites de la amistad, un ensayo sobre la fragilidad de lo real y, también, una historia de amor imposible.Este audiolibro está narrado en español neutro.Antonio Ungar (Bogotá, 1974) es un escritor colombiano. Escribe cuentos, crónicas y novelas. Sus relatos han sido publicados en más de veinticinco antologías en diez lenguas y están reunidos en el volumen «Trece circos y otros cuentos comunes». Sus crónicas aparecen regularmente en revistas en Alemania, Holanda y Estados Unidos, y en Colombia fueron premiadas en 2005 con el Premio Nacional de Periodismo Simón Bolívar. En 2010 publicó la novela «Tres ataúdes blancos», por la que recibió el Premio Herralde de Novela ese mismo año y fue finalista del Premio Rómulo Gallegos en 2011.

  • by Marcin Sobieralski
    48.99 kr.

    Opowieść o takim jednym, co bardzo lubił kłopoty. Z wzajemnością.Boruta, syn Nikogo, jest jednym z niewielu, którzy ocaleli z klęski w bitwie na Ostrowie Lednickim. Zamierzając wrócić do rodzinnego Grodziszczka, by odnaleźć tam upragniony spokój, przemierza samotnie zrujnowane tereny Wielkopolski. W czasie jednego z postojów zostaje napadnięty przez bandę oprychów, którzy pozbawiają go wszystkiego, co miał przy sobie. Jednak wkrótce do Boruty uśmiecha się szczęście i udaje mu się zdobyć ubrania, jedzenie oraz broń. Kiedy w końcu dociera do domu, szybko okazuje się, że to wcale nie koniec jego wędrówki. Wraz ze swoim największym wrogiem, Małym, trafia do niewoli, a następnie zostaje sprzedany handlarzowi niewolników. Przewrotny los jeszcze wielokrotnie z niego zadrwi, a jego życie znajdzie się w bardzo niepewnych rękach...Marcin Sobieralski - polski autor debiutujący powieścią historyczną "Bastard". Dzięki swojej wiedzy z zakresu historii Polski XI wieku stworzył wiarygodne tło do opisywanej przez siebie fabuły.

  • by Kate Long
    79.00 kr.

    Året er 1997. Tony Blair kommer til magten i England. Prinsesse Diana dør. Og Charlotte bliver gravid.Det sidste påvirker både Charlotte, hendes mor og mormor. De tre kvinder lever tæt sammen i en lille, engelsk soveby, og bølgerne kan godt gå højt, når de diskuterer manglen på mand og uddannelse. Charlottes mor har svært ved at acceptere, at hun skal være bedstemor som treogtrediveårig, Charlottes mormor får sværere og sværere ved at huske, hvor hun er, og Charlotte selv har nok at gøre med at formilde sin mor og holde styr på sin mormor, mens graviditeten bliver mere og mere tydelig.Kate Long (f. 1964) er en engelsk forfatter. Hun debuterede i 2004 med bestselleren "Håndbog for ravnemødre", der blev nomineret til en British Book Award. Siden har hun udgivet en lang række romaner, der alle har det til fælles, at de kredser om forholdet mellem mor og datter.

  • by Carl Bernhard
    69.00 kr.

    En ung, festglad mand bliver af sin far sendt på landet til sine slægtninge for, at han skal falde lidt til ro, inden han skal i lære på et kontor. På vejen derud bliver han af en fremmed mand bedt om at overbringe et brev til en familie på nabogården til den, han selv er på vej til. Han læser brevet og kan se, at det er skrevet af en vis fætter Carl, der skal besøge sin onkel og hans døtre for første gang, men som har lagt sig syg og må udsætte sit besøg.Da den unge mand ankommer til gården, når han ikke at overbringe beskeden, før hele familien har budt ham velkommen med kys og kram i den tro, at han er deres fætter Carl. Lige da han skal til at rette dem, får han øje på Carls vidunderligt smukke kusine, og nu glemmer han al fornuft. Han aner imidlertid ikke, hvad han går ind til, da han giver sig til at spille med, for før eller siden dukker den rigtige Carl vel op...Carl Bernard er pseudonym for den danske forfatter Andreas Nicolai de Saint-Aubain (1798-1865), der stod bag en række romaner og noveller. Carl Bernard er særligt kendt for sine historiske romaner, der bar præg af stort kendskab til de få kilder, der dengang fandtes om de historiske perioder, han skrev om. Bøgerne bragte ham stor succes på hans egen tid, og han huskes endnu for dem i dag.

  • by Tilly Tennant
    129.99 kr.

    Hannah loves festive surprises. But the arrival of a handsome stranger on Christmas Day is much more than she bargained for...Snow is falling heavily on Holly Way. Inside her cottage, Hannah is trying to fake some holiday cheer. Freshly dumped, just in time for Christmas, her sister and niece have come to share the day with her and she owes it to them to put a brave face on things.But as they sit down to open their presents, they are interrupted by a knock at the door.On their doorstep is a handsome man with a nasty cut on his forehead, no coat, and no memory of who he is or how he came to be there.Once their unexpected guest is safe by the fire Hannah starts asking him questions to jog his memory. But although she learns nothing about his identity, Hannah can’t ignore the warm feeling she gets when he smiles at her. And it has nothing to do with the mulled wine.When the snow finally melts and spring flowers bloom, will the man who arrived at her door be just a funny story for Hannah to tell next Christmas? Or will he be the key to mending her broken heart?Filled with festive cheer, laughter and heart-warming scenes, immerse yourself in this enchanting story by Tilly Tennant. Perfect for fans of Jenny Colgan, Lucy Diamond and Josie Silver.Top 20 Amazon CA and top 30 Amazon UK author. Tilly has sold over 290,000 copiesFrom a young age, Tilly Tennant was convinced that she was destined for the stage. Once she realised she wasn’t actually very good at anything that would put her on the stage, she started to write stories instead. There were lots of terrible ones, like The Pet Rescue Gang (aged eight), which definitely should not see the light of day ever again. Thankfully, her debut novel, Hopelessly Devoted to Holden Finn was not one of those, and since it hit the Amazon best seller lists she hasn’t looked back. Born in Dorset, she currently lives in Staffordshire.

  • by Karen Clarke
    102.99 kr.

    Nina Bailey loves Christmas. Except this year she doesn’t. Because it turns out that her husband-to-be has been cheating on her – and her beautiful wedding ceremony in the snow is cancelled.She’s not really in the mood to be jolly, sing carols, or go anywhere near gingerbread men – in fact, what Nina wants is to avoid the whole thing. So she’s come to stay at her Aunt Dolly’s cosy café in the south of France to nurse her broken heart.Nina is determined to get through Christmas with no tinsel, no fuss – and definitely no flirting. So when she arrives and meets infuriatingly handsome Ryan Sadler, with his gorgeous forest-green eyes, she is not best pleased.And when Nina overhears him making fun of her, she is furious. (There might have been an incident with a koala onesie and a spilled bottle of milk, but that really wasn’t her fault!) So despite the spark between them, and the fact that he can whip up a fabulous dinner faster than she can say Michelin star, romance and Christmas are off the menu this year.This heart-warming romantic comedy will have you reaching for eggnog, roasted chestnuts and gingerbread cookies! The perfect festive book to read curled up in front of the fire, for fans of Sue Moorcroft, Holly Martin and Debbie Johnson.Readers are falling in love with "I’ll Be Home for Christmas!"‘From the heartbreak to the emotional moments, to the touching and hilarious ones. This book had everything for me and I would quite happily read it again in an instant.’ The Writing Garnet‘Melted my heart!... Had me cracking up laughing hysterically!... A brilliant storyline!!’ Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews‘The pages flew... Charming characters, beautiful landscape, snow and hot chocolate, pastry and love, humour and romance. What more could I ever want in a Christmas book?!!’ Goodreads ReviewerPrevious series has sold over 150,000 copies to date. Amazon UK top 100 author. Escape to the Little French Cafe and Summer at the Little French Cafe are also availableFor fans of Debbie Johnson, Zara Stoneley and Debbie MacomberAfter giving up her job as a library assistant, Karen now writes full-time. She’s had over 300 stories published in women’s magazines in the UK and abroad, and has written three paranormal romantic comedies, published by Little, Brown/Corsair. When she’s not writing she reads avidly, walks dogs at her local rescue centre, and is eagerly awaiting the next season of The Walking Dead. She lives in Buckinghamshire with her husband and three grown-up children.

  • by Zbigniew Wojnarowski
    12.99 kr.

    W trakcie płomiennego przemówienia miniaturowego Buddy Cherubin zrywa się z parapetu i zatacza koło nad rozległym tłumem słuchaczy. By być widocznym, Budda stoi na głowie Anny Boleyn, która bez urazy wita się z Henrykiem VIII. W tym purnonsensowym zbiorowisku Gagarin mija się z Joanną D’Arc, a Michał Anioł z Aleksandrami Macedońskimi... Surrealizm w czystej postaci! Dla miłośników nieskrępowanych ciągów skojarzeń w stylu Aleksandra Wata.Zbigniew Wojnarowski (ur. 1956) - polonista i pisarz pochodzący z Konina, gdzie chętnie osadza akcję swoich książek. Uznany autor słuchowisk radiowych oraz powieści „Miraż" i „Pióra". Napisał także wiele opowiadań. Pod pseudonimem Dominika Stec publikuje lekkie utwory obyczajowe dla kobiet. Książki podpisane tym nazwiskiem pojawiają się na półkach wydawniczych obok utworów Katarzyny Grocholi, Izabeli Sowy czy Moniki Szwai. Największą popularność przyniosła mu seria o przygodach miłosnych Dominiki ("Mężczyzna do towarzystwa", "Kobieca intuicja", "Bingo!").

  • by Heikki Jartti
    148.99 kr.

    Hermoromahduksesta kärsinyt maisteri Väinö Saha on palannut maaseudulta kasvattitätinsä luokse kaupunkiin. Vaan miksi vuorostaan täti on nyt niin huonona? Toki tädin rakas kissa kuoli, mutta voiko sellainen asia saada ihmisen niin sairaalloiseksi? Pian maisteri Sahalle selviää, että tädin kunnon aleneminen liittyy kuin liittyykin häneen. Nainen, joka on saanut maisteri Sahan elämän sekaisin, on käynyt tapaamassa tätiä. Mitä nainen on oikein kertonut tädille? Ja mitä tässä tilanteessa pitäisi oikein tehdä? Varsinkin, kun maisteri Saha on nyt ihastunut vallan toiseen naiseen...Joulusaunassa 3 jatkaa humoristista tarinaa maisteri Väinö Sahasta, joka on joulun aikoihin joutunut hermolomalle maaseudulle.Kun nuori maisterismies lähtee maaseudulle lepuuttamaan hermojaan, edessä on matka vailla vertaa. Selviääkö mies vielä kaupunkiin takaisin?Kirjailija Heikki Jartti (1887–1951) työskenteli myös kansakoulunopettajana. Hänen päätyönsä on hämäläistä elämää kuvaava neljästa kirjasta koostuvat kokonaisuus, johon sisältyy Joulusaunassa 1–3 sekä Juhannussaunassa.

  • by Kiley Dunbar
    129.99 kr.

    'Tis the season for finding love... and the perfect book!With just two weeks until Christmas, everything in Clove Lore should be perfect. But the latest holidaymaker to the Borrow a Bookshop is feeling far from festive...Icelandic ex-bookseller Magnús Sturluson might be surrounded by love stories in the Bookshop, but he’s nursing a sadness that not even fiction can fix.When Alexandra Robinson winds up stranded in Clove Lore, she finds a safe place to hide from heartbreak. After all, all that’s waiting for her at home is a cheater boyfriend and the memories of her parents.As Alex is slowly embraced by the quirky village community, she finds her tough exterior thawing – and as she grows closer to Magnús, she discovers an equally soft heart under his gruff shell.However, when a great flood on Christmas Eve brings devastation in its wake, it’s up to Magnús and Alex to batten down the hatches, help bring the village back together again, and introduce the locals to the Icelandic tradition of the jólabókaflóð – Yule book flood.Can Magnús and Alex rescue the ruins of the village and salvage their Christmas spirit? Or is there another problem lurking even closer than they thought?A totally uplifting read that will lighten the winter gloom, for fans of Jenny Colgan and Trisha Ashley. Booklovers will adore this seasonal treat!Kiley Dunbar is a writer of romantic fiction and teaches creative writing and English literature at a university in the North of England. She's a proud member of the Romantic Novelists' Association and a graduate of their New Writers' Scheme.She met her very own leading man, working as a Shakespeare tour guide in Stratford-Upon-Avon - much like her heroine in One Summer's Night. They got engaged four days after they met, telling you that one, she's not exactly risk-averse and two, she's a true romantic.

  • by Arkadiusz Niemirski
    From 32.99 kr.

    Gdy w Paryżu odnajdują się zaginione dokumenty Cypriana Kamila Norwida, do Francji zostaje wysłana delegacja polskich naukowców i oficjeli. Wśród uczestników jest Tomasz NN, zwany Panem Samochodzikiem. Tuż przed wyjazdem delegaci posilają się w tłocznej kawiarni. To tam skradziona zostaje teczka z kopiami dokumentów Norwida. W drodze powrotnej Pan Samochodzik dostaje niespodziewany telefon od hrabiego Saint-Germain. Arystokrata zleca ustalenie miejsca w Polsce, gdzie przechowywany jest cenny krzyż lotaryński. W przeciwnym razie - hrabia zniszczy oryginalne zapiski Norwida. Tomasz NN podejmuje wyzwanie. Tomasz NN (pełnego nazwiska nie poznajemy) nazywany jest przez znajomych Panem Samochodzikiem. Pracuje jako historyk sztuki w Departamencie Ochrony Zabytków Ministerstwa Kultury i Sztuki. Jest tam specjalistą do zadań specjalnych - rozwiązuje zagadki związane z kradzieżą, przemytem czy fałszerstwem dzieł sztuki. Wszechstronna wiedza pozwala mu prowadzić błyskotliwe i bezbłędne śledztwa. Towarzyszy mu dyrektor Marczak, referent Paweł Daniec oraz liczni współpracownicy i piękne kobiety. Co pewien czas naraża mu się Waldemar Batura - dawny przyjaciel ze studiów, dziś przemytnik i złodziej zabytków, a później także jego syn i kontynuator dzieła - Jerzy Batura. Arkadiusz Niemirski - satyryk, dziennikarz, pisarz powieści kryminalnych i sensacyjnych oraz kontynuacji przygód "Pana Samochodzika". Współpracował z Programem III Polskiego Radia, pisał artykuły muzyczne do czasopism „Tylko Rock" i „Teraz Rock".