Religious and spiritual fiction
73.99 kr. Pubblicato dal prestigioso editore milanese Treves, nel 1901, "Il riscatto" è l’unico romanzo di Arturo Graf. Egli, avvicinatosi alla religione dopo il suicidio del fratello Ottone (1894), riversa nella presente opera tutto il dolore e la disperazione che lo attanagliano, producendo quella che è a tutti gli effetti considerata una delle più importanti manifestazioni dello spiritualismo italiano di inizio Novecento. Incentrato sulla tormentata figura del conte Aurelio Ranieri – personaggio dai tratti profondamente autobiografici – il romanzo si avviluppa attorno al binomio determinismo-libertà: se tutto è predefinito dalla legge dell’ereditarietà, secondo cui ogni evento è conseguenza di ciò che lo precede, quanto e qual è lo spazio concesso dalla realtà al libero arbitrio?Arturo Graf (1848-1913) nasce ad Atene da padre tedesco e madre italiana. Dopo un’infanzia e un’adolescenza di peregrinazioni (Trieste, Brăila, Napoli), nel 1870 si laurea in Legge. Per un certo periodo esercita il commercio nella stessa Brăila, città romena in cui vivono dei suoi zii, per poi ricevere l’abilitazione all’insegnamento della Letteratura Italiana. Negli anni successivi, quindi, ottiene varie cattedre, da Roma a Torino (città in cui risiede definitivamente dal 1882). Graf si distingue in questi anni come critico attento e uomo dal grande spirito d’iniziativa: fonda il Giornale storico della Letteratura Italiana e collabora con le riviste Critica Sociale e Nuova Antologia. Conosciuto soprattutto come autore di versi ("L’ultimo viaggio di Ulisse", "Dopo il tramonto"), nel 1901 pubblica "Il riscatto", suo unico romanzo, in cui emerge nitidamente quella dialettica fra spiritualismo e razionalismo che caratterizza l’intera sua poetica.
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- 73.99 kr.
40.99 kr. Eletään ajanlaskun alun aikoja Rooman valtakunnassa. Prinsessa Herodias Herodesten hallitsijasuvusta on vahva nainen, joka ei epäröi kostaa. Nyt hän on saanut tarpeekseen Johannes Kastajasta, joka on toistuvasti loukannut kuninkaallisia. Vaan onko Johannes Kastajalla minkäänlaisia mahdollisuuksia välttää Herodiaksen kosto?"Herodias" on Gustave Flaubertin historiallinen pienoisromaani.Gustave Flaubert (1821–1880) oli ranskalainen kirjailija. Hänen tunnetuimpia teoksiaan on vuonna 1857 julkaistu "Rouva Bovary", joka kuvaa maalaislääkärin vaimon miessuhteita ja holtitonta elämää. Muita Flaubertin tunnettuja teoksia ovat muun muassa romaanit "Sydämen oppivuodet" ja "Salammbo". Flaubertin tyyli luokitellaan yleensä realistiseksi.
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- 40.99 kr.
36.99 kr. In questo interessante esperimento letterario, a metà strada fra un romanzo e una commedia, l’io narrante si ritrova a sopravvivere all’Apocalisse e a parlare col Diavolo in persona. Lo "strano maestro", che tutto sommato è un "cortese compare" accompagnerà il protagonista in un viaggio visionario, che terrà incollati alla pagina gli occhi di chiunque si accinga a leggerne il resoconto. Pubblicato nel 1871, "Lucifero: fantasia romantica" è un’opera straordinariamente moderna, che si presta con cinica ironia anche a chi la legga nel XXI secolo. Con lo stile che gli è più consono, Ulisse Barbieri ci mostra quanto futile sia la civiltà umana, e al contempo quanto il Mondo sia prezioso, in tutta la sua infinita meraviglia...Ulisse Barbieri (1842-1899) nasce a Mantova da una famiglia borghese. Attivo fin da giovanissimo nelle lotte antiaustriache, a sedici anni viene arrestato e condannato a quattro anni di carcere. Successivamente si arruola volontario fra i Cacciatori delle Alpi, agli ordini di Garibaldi, e combatte varie battaglie (1866). Trasferitosi a San Benedetto Po, inizia a svolgere una frenetica attività letteraria, avvicinandosi intanto al socialismo e all’anarchismo. Proprio per sfuggire a un nuovo arresto, emigrerà per qualche anno in Brasile, facendo infine ritorno a San Benedetto Po tre anni prima della morte. È stato autore di poesie, romanzi, drammi, libretti d’opera e commedie, ma è noto soprattutto per le opere "Lucifero: fantasia romantica" (1871) e "In basso" (1885).
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- 36.99 kr.
148.99 kr. De God-Keizer Leto II van huis Atreides is dood. Tijdens zijn leven heeft hij een ware exodus veroorzaakt. De mensheid is uitgezwermd over het hele universum. Maar nu de God-Keizer vermoord is, lijkt het wel alsof het centrum van de wereld leeg is. Het machtsvacuüm moet gevuld worden. De priesteressen van de Bene Gesserit beseffen het en vragen zich af of ze geen grotere moeten opnemen. Maar wat niemand verwacht had, is dat de gevluchte mensen zouden terugkeren met nieuwe, bovennatuurlijke krachten. Het komt al snel tot een conflict met een sekte, exclusief voor vrouwen, die zich heeft getraind op strijd en de onderwerping van mannen. "Ketters van Dune" is het 5de deel in de Dune-saga en het voorlaatste deel dat nog door Frank Herbert zelf geschreven werd.
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- 148.99 kr.
73.99 kr. Een Einzelgänger vecht tegen mens en waterEen klassieke roman met een duidelijk streekkarakter. In het gebied tussen Lek en Hollandse IJssel, in een calvinistische boerengemeenschap, woont Gieljan Beijen, een Einzelgänger wiens opvattingen over allerlei maatschappelijke en persoonlijke zaken niet beantwoorden aan de gewoonten van de streek. Gieljan, die van ingeland opklimt tot waarnemend dijkgraaf, heeft het niet gemakkelijk. Hij moet het opnemen tegen zijn moeder die hem een huwelijk opdringt, tegen het water, tegen de door het water bedreigde boeren. Ten slotte woedt in hem een vierde strijd: zijn twijfels aan en verlangen naar God.Voor de lezers van Maarten ’t Hart en Franca Treur.Herman de Man (pseudoniem van Salomon Herman Hamburger, 1989-1946) was een Nederlandse schrijver van literaire streekromans. Hij werkte als journalist, was tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog verbonden aan ‘Radio Oranje’ (een programma van het verzet tegen de Nazi’s), verloor zijn familie tijdens de oorlog en kwam zelf om bij een vliegtuigcrash. Hij ontving de Tollensprijs 1938 voor zijn hele oeuvre, waarvan vooral ‘Het wassende water’ de tand des tijds doorstaan heeft; in 1986 werd het bewerkt tot tv-serie. Ook ‘Zonen van de Paardekop’ en ‘De koets’ zijn bekende titels gebleven.
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- 73.99 kr.
96.99 kr. "Il papa del mare" prende le mosse dal rapporto fra Claudio Borja, un giovane poeta valenciano, e l’argentina Rosaura Salcedo, trasformandosi ben presto in un evocativo romanzo storico. Lo scrittore, come un moderno aedo, racconta all’amata la storia di un personaggio remoto, vissuto nel XV secolo. Catapultati nel Medioevo insieme ai protagonisti, siamo così sospinti all’epoca del Concilio di Costanza, quando l’oscuro cardinale aragonese Pedro de Luna viene eletto antipapa col nome di Benedetto XIII. Difficile restare indifferenti alle atmosfere petrarchesche della corte di Avignone, alle vicende contorte di un’epoca così vitale e colorita...Vicente Blasco Ibáñez (1867-1928) nasce a Valencia da una famiglia di commercianti aragonesi. Seppur laureato in legge, non eserciterà mai la professione forense, preferendo di gran lunga dedicarsi alla letteratura, alle avventure sentimentali e, soprattutto, alla politica. Egli è infatti attivo, fin da giovane, nel fronte repubblicano, finendo più volte vittima della censura monarchica e cadendo anche in un’imboscata quasi fatale. Grande estimatore di Miguel Cervantes, Ibáñez si contraddistingue per una prosa energica, che dà ai suoi molti lavori, fra romanzi, racconti e reportage di viaggio, una solida fama anche a livello internazionale. Alcune sue opere, come "Sangue e arena" e "I quattro cavalieri dell’Apocalisse", vedranno anche delle trasposizioni cinematografiche. È noto, inoltre, per aver corretto il testo di "Noli me tangere", capolavoro del coevo autore filippino José Rizal.
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- 96.99 kr.
96.99 kr. Raccontare la vita di una delle figure più controverse dell’immaginario occidentale e farlo rovesciando le aspettative sono due ingredienti per scrivere un libro di cui si parlerà per molto. È il caso di "Memorie di Giuda", dove Giuda Iscariota non è solo il protagonista e la voce narrante, ma anche un eroe, un semi-rivoluzionario che combatte per eradicare l’occupazione Romana in Palestina. Proiettando ideali "proto-carbonari" nel suo protagonista, Petruccelli della Gattina compone un’opera critica nei confronti dell’operato papale destinata, sin dalla sua ideazione, a creare sgomento.Ferdinando Petruccelli della Gattina (1815-1890) è stato uno scrittore italiano. Figura strettamente legata al Risorgimento Italiano, è stato anche pensatore, giornalista e politico. D’estrazione nobile, il suo nome è spesso associato alla Sinistra Storica.
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- 96.99 kr.
58.99 kr. Cesarea (Turchia), 419 d.C. Nell'Impero Romano al suo declino, le sorti di una nobile famiglia di provincia si accavallano alle suggestioni di un cristianesimo ormai in definitiva ascesa. Tecla è un’austera matrona, rimasta vedova da molti anni. I suoi tre figli – Simone, Paolo e Palladia – le danno continui grattacapi, a causa del loro stile di vita disinibito. Esasperata dalla loro ingratitudine, quindi, la vecchia madre ricorre alla soluzione più orribile fra tutte: maledire i propri stessi figli! La giovane servetta Giuliana, che è cresciuta in casa di Tecla, sarà a suo malgrado la prima vittima di tale stato di cose. Quella qui proposta è una storia ambientata in un mondo remoto, certo, ma animato da valori profondamente umani. "La maledizione" si scolpisce nel cuore di chi legge come una storia dal sapore eterno: la tragedia di una madre, il timore giovanile di trovare un proprio posto nel mondo, l’amore e i problemi quotidiani. Un racconto mai così attuale...Antonietta Klitsche de la Grange (1832-1912) nasce a Roma, figlia di una nobildonna italiana e di un barone prussiano. Dopo la morte del fidanzato Emanuel de Fournel – uno zuavo pontificio, caduto in battaglia contro le truppe garibaldine (1867) – si trasferisce ad Allumiere, dove vivrà per sempre. Nel corso della sua lunga vita firma un centinaio di opere a sfondo storico-religioso, fra romanzi e racconti, di cui si possono citare "Ottavia", "La torre del corvo" e "Gli ultimi giorni di Gerusalemme". Klitsche de la Grange è stata anche la prima donna a collaborare all’Osservatore Romano in qualità di giornalista, curando inoltre la traduzione di varie opere straniere (fra cui, in particolare, "La proprietà", opera del filosofo anarchico Pierre-Joseph Proudhon).
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73.99 kr. Nella Spagna dei primi del Novecento, Madlen ricorda a tutti gli effetti la figura storica e letteraria di Maria Maddalena. Il suo nome, la sua sessualità, il desiderio di leggerezza e libertà in tutti i campi della vita porteranno Madlen oltre i confini della Spagna, a Lourdes, dove ad aspettarla ci sarà una rivelazione spirituale che la libererà ulteriormente dalle catene sociali.Queste sfumature di un libertinaggio decadente che contraddistinguono la protagonista conferirono al libro, al tempo della pubblicazione, la scandalosa nomea di romanzo pornografico.Guido da Verona, pseudonimo di Guido Verona (1881 – 1939), è stato un poeta e scrittore italiano. Fervente ammiratore di Gabriele D'Annunzio, fu capostipite del romanzo d'appendice e della letteratura erotica, genere grazie a cui diventò lo scrittore di maggior successo commerciale negli anni Venti del Novecento. Firmatario del 'Manifesto degli intellettuali fascisti' nel 1925, nel 1929 pubblicò una parodia dei 'Promessi Sposi' in cui criticava Alessandro Manzoni per essere troppo paternalista, ragione per la quale tolse dal romanzo tutti gli elementi da lui considerati manieristici e futili per sostituirli con passaggi erotici e satirici.
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- 73.99 kr.
37.99 kr. Данте е изгубен насред гората, а правилният път е все по-малко видим. Опитва да избяга от дивите зверове, които го нападат, но без успех. Търси прекия път към спасението, но напразно. Въпреки съпротивата Данте пропада и неговото пътуване през деветте кръга на Ада започва. Душата му го съпровожда и извървява тежкия път от греха към изкуплението. Свободата е далечен мираж и въпросът е дали Данте ще удържи на изкушенията и изпитанията и ще постигне своя мир.„Божествена комедия" е шедьовър в италианската и световна литература, а основната тема за двойнствеността на човешката душа, превръща произведението в представително не само за средновековния, но и за съвременния свят.Данте Алигиери е италиански поет, философ и политически теоретик, роден във Флоренция през 1265 год. Той е един от най-известните поети на Средновековието и неговият шедьовър „Божествена комедия" се счита за връхна точка в средновековната литература, представящ светогледа и вярванията на хората по това време. „Божествена комедия" и „Нов живот" са написани на народен език, наречен от Алигиери италиански. Езикът на Алигиери е смесица от местни диалекти и латински и се противопоставя на дотогавашната практика за писане на чист латински. Народният език на Данте Алигиери прави литературата достъпна за повечето хора и поставя основи за развитието на съвременния италиански език, заради което заслужено Данте Алигиери е наричан „баща на италианския език".
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- 37.99 kr.
50.99 kr. Karin förbereder huset på Finnvalla prästgård med minutiös noggrannhet. Trots den ankommande gästens brist på tro är det viktigt att hemmet är presentabelt när han dyker upp. Men Karins make ser igenom henne. Hennes känslor för besöket är inte bara positiva. Det är förståeligt, tänker han, hon känner knappt Gunnar. Men det verkliga problemet är inte att Gunnar är en främling, utan att han är ateist. Hur ska de kunna umgås med en gudlös?Maken tänker annorlunda: Gunnar kanske inte är troende, men han kan bli.Elisabeth Beskow (1870-1928) var en svensk författare med mångårig produktion under pseudonymen Runa. Hon skrev romaner både för barn och för vuxna. Under tidigt nittonhundratal var hon landets näst mest lästa kvinnliga författare.
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38.99 kr. ‘Silence’ is a haunting short story from the ‘Russian Edgar Allan Poe’ that deals with profoundly emotional and sad themes in an unexpected and shocking way.Vera, the daughter of Father Ignatius, lays languishing in her room, too weak to move, barely able to speak. The cause of her condition cannot be found and she suffers more and more with each passing day. This powerful short deals with the emotional impact of losing a family member and the crushing silence that can envelop one’s life on those days.It is a brilliant psychological study, as our characters ride the waves of regret, disbelief and blind hope.If you love the work of Edgar Allan Poe, you will love this classic short.Leonid Andreyev was a Russian novelist, playwright and short story writer who holds a special place in the canon of literature as the father of Russian Expressionism. He was known for his rich and diverse blend of Symbolism, Naturalism and Realism. Often referred to as the ‘Russian Edgar Allan Poe’ his haunting novels were eagerly devoured in the English speaking world.His fantastic, dark and controversial novels have been adapted in to Broadway productions and films. His most well-known works include ‘He Who Gets Slapped’ , ‘The Seven Who Were Hanged’, the play ‘Tsar Hunger’, and his novel ‘Sashka Zhegulev’.
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- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. ‘The Miracle of the Great St Nicolas’ (1909) is Anatole France’s satirical reimagining of the classic legend. In this short story, St Nicolas attempts to perform a miracle, resurrecting three children massacred by a crazed butcher and preserved in pickle. However, this good deed will come back to haunt the Saint, threatening to destroy everything he holds dear in his life.‘The Miracle of the Great St Nicolas’ represents Anatole France at his best, picking apart the superficial virtue of religion and bringing it into the harsh reality of the real world.Fans of France’s previous works, or those who wish to see the origins of Santa turn grisly, should venture into this dark but rewarding tale. For any still thirsting for dark Christmases after the 2015 horror movie ‘Krampus’, they will certainly find something to enjoy here.François-Anatole Thibault (1844 – 1924), better known as Anatole France, was a French journalist, poet, novelist, and Nobel laureate for literature. Spending much of his early life in his father’s bookshop, France quickly rose to prominence as a respected author of over 25 works.A French Classicist writer with a style reminiscent of Voltaire and Fénélon, France’s work has a strong preoccupation with scepticism and hedonism. He is best remembered for his classic French novels ‘La Rôtisserie de la Reine Pédauque’ (1893) and ‘Le Crime de Sylvestre Bonnard’ (1881). France’s works have had a historic legacy, and he is recognised today as one of France’s most prominent authors.
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42.99 kr. Lost to the desiccated desert of 4th century Egypt, reclusive hermit Paphunce reflects on his sinful life. Determined to become closer to God, Paphunce resolves to bring God his childhood infatuation, the beautiful actress Thaïs.On his godly mission, Paphunce ventures out across the desperate landscape and dons a disguise to reach Thaïs. However, in his attempts to help her reach salvation, Paphunce may find himself eternally lost to damnation.As beautifully written as it is profoundly philosophical, ‘Thaïs’, a fictionalised retelling of the life of fabled Christian convert Saint Thaïs of Egypt, seeks to question the superficial virtuousness of religion.For any fans of Martin Scorcese’s ‘Silence’, ‘Thaïs’ is an enthralling story that asks similarly important questions about the nature of faith and is a riveting read that belongs on everyone’s bookshelf.François-Anatole Thibault (1844 – 1924), better known as Anatole France, was a French journalist, poet, novelist, and Nobel laureate for literature. Spending much of his early life in his father's bookshop, France quickly rose to prominence as a respected author of over 25 works.A French classicist writer with a style reminiscent of Voltaire and Fénélon, France's work has a strong preoccupation with scepticism and hedonism. He is best remembered for his classic French novels ‘La Rôtisserie de la Reine Pédauque’ (1893) and ‘Le Crime de Sylvestre Bonnard’ (1881).France's works have had a historic legacy, and he is recognised today as one of France’s most prominent authors.
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- 42.99 kr.
73.99 kr. Una serie de horribles asesinatos recorren Europa. El inspector de policía Chad Chamberlain va en busca del asesino, hasta que sus pesquisas lo llevan a Roma, al mismísimo corazón del Vaticano. Allí, una conspiración para tapar los crímenes más horribles que nadie podría imaginar dificultará su misión. Sin embargo, hay algo con lo que Chad no contaba: alguien más ha entrado en el juego. Alguien que busca justicia y cuya mano no tiembla para conseguirla del modo más sangriento.Mil veces más escandalosa y brutal que El código Da Vinci, Confidencias de un Dios está llamada a ser un nuevo clásico contemporáneo en la literatura de thriller mundial.Claudio Hernández es un autor español especializado en terror, thriller y fantasía. Muy influenciado por Stephen King desde pequeño, ha llegado a escribir una biografía sobre sus primeros años como escritor. En la actualidad se dedica por entero a la ficción de género, en especial de terror. Ha publicado numerosos libros que le han valido un gran éxito tanto de crítica como de público.
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58.99 kr. Louis Couperus hield van het zuiden. Hij woonde of verbleef lange tijd in Nice, Venetië, Rome... Hij voelde daar, naar eigen zeggen, de erfzonde van de calvinistische god minder zwaar wegen. In "Dionyzos" kruipt hij zelfs in de huid van zo’n zuidelijk godheid: Dionyzos, de (half)god van wijn, vreugde en roes. Samen met de faun Ampledos schrikt hij voor niets terug om de mensen te onderwerpen aan de roes. Als hij verliefd wordt op Ariadne, komt het tot een breuk met Ampledos. Intussen leidt de cultus van Dyonyzos onder zijn aanhangers tot gruwelijke uitspattingen. Couperus gunt zichzelf eveneens een uitspatting en schreef deze roman in een extatische, hyper-esthetische stijl.Louis Couperus (1863-1923) was een Nederlands romanschrijver, columnist en dichter. Hij is de auteur van verschillende onverwoestbare klassiekers: "Eline Vere" (een bestseller bij verschijnen), "Van oude menschen, de dingen, die voorbij gaan..." (verfilmd), "De stille kracht"... Hij woonde o.m. in Frankrijk en Italië en reisde de wereld rond. Of zijn romans zich nu afspelen in Den Haag of Djakarta, het heden of het oude Rome, het noodlot speelt altijd een grote rol. Couperus schreef in een meeslepende, emotionele stijl. Zijn verzameld werk bestrijkt vijftig boekdelen.
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77.99 kr. 'Iola Leroy', one of the first novels published by an African-American woman, follows a group of slaves who are seeking refuge with the approaching Union army during the Civil War. The Union commander is made aware that a beautiful young woman is being held as a slave in the neighbourhood and sets her free.The narrative then switches to Iola Leroy's point of view and follows her turmoil with being tricked, misled, and eventually sold off and taken away from her mother.In a story exploring the serious social issues of education for women, religion and social responsibility, we follow Iola as she attempts to track down her family once again.People who are familiar with Harriet Jacobs' 'Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl' will like this novel!Frances Ellen Watkins Harper was an American abolitionist, suffragist, poet, teacher and writer. She was one of the first African-American women to be published in the United States. Harper was born free in Baltimore, Maryland, and had a long career, publishing her first book of poetry at 20-years-old. She published her novel 'Iola Leroy' aged 67 in 1892, making her one of the first Black women to publish a novel.In 1851, while she was living with the family of William Still, a clerk who helped refugee slaves make their way along the Underground Railroad, Harper turned to writing anti-slavery literature. A couple of years later she joined the American Anti-Slavery Society and began her career as a public speaker and political activist.Harper founded, supported, and held positions in several progressive organizations, becoming the superintendent of the Colored Section of the Philadelphia and Pennsylvania Women's Christian Temperance Union. She also helped found the National Association of Colored Women and served as its vice president.Harper died at age 85 in February, 1911, nine years before women gained the right to vote.
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44.99 kr. Ein packender Thriller von Bestsellerautor Ralf Isau!Gründonnerstag in dem kleinen irischen Dorf Graiguenamanagh: Vor dem Kreuz der Dorfkirche wird ein junger Mann gefunden, der blutende Wunden an Händen und Füßen aufweist. Neben ihm: eine Dornenkrone. Und als der Mann benommen erwacht, spricht er Hebräisch. Kann er wirklich der wiedergeborene Messias sein? Ein wahrer Mediensturm bricht über das verschlafene Nest und den vermeintlichen Heiland herein. Hester McAteer, Sonderermittler des Vatikans, soll der Sache auf den Grund gehen. Doch dabei wird er nicht nur mit seiner eigenen Vergangenheit konfrontiert, sondern auch mit mysteriösen Todesfällen, die ihn an seinem Glauben zweifeln lassen.Ralf Isau wurde 1956 in Berlin-Tempelhof geboren. Nach einer kaufmännischen Ausbildung war er zunächst als Programmierer tätig, bevor er 1988 zur Schriftstellerei fand. Nach einem erfolgreichen Start im Bereich Kinder- und Jugendbuch wechselte Isau in das Erwachsenengenre. Er hat zahlreiche Fantasyromane veröffentlicht, die häufig mit historischen Fakten gespickt sind. Isau lebt mit seiner Frau in der Nähe von Ludwigsburg.
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- 44.99 kr.
58.99 kr. Ambientato a Samarah nel IX secolo, "Vathek" ha per protagonista l’omonimo personaggio, califfo abbaside che si interessa dell’occulto. Dopo aver conosciuto uno straniero dall’aria misteriosa, Vathek accetta di prestarsi a rituali cruenti e terribili, solo per poter conoscere le verità che egli sostiene di potergli rivelare. Giaour – questo il suo nome – è in realtà un demone, che minaccia di allontanare Vathek dalla religione coi suoi perfidi tranelli. Solo la bella Nouronihar, insieme all’intervento provvidenziale di un Genio, riuscirà a riportare Vathek sulla retta via...William Thomas Beckford (1760-1844) nasce a Fonthill in una famiglia estremamente agiata. Suo padre, ex sindaco di Londra, gli garantirà una rendita annua di ben 100.000 sterline, che lui dissiperà per un’esistenza al servizio dell’arte e della bellezza. Dopo aver compiuto il Grand Tour in Italia – anche per evitare un’incriminazione per omosessualità – sposa Margaret Gordon nel 1783. Nel 1786 scrive 'Vathek', il suo capolavoro, e negli anni successivi si fa apprezzare come critico e collezionista d’arte. Nel 1807 fa costruire Fonthill Abbey, stravagante residenza eretta per ospitare la sua biblioteca e le sue collezioni. Muore nel palazzo di Lansdown Crescent, a Bath, nel 1844.
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- 58.99 kr.
73.99 kr. Fernande is een aantal jaar geleden als non het klooster in gegaan, dicht bij haar woonplaats Vroden. Nadat haar zus Esther in het kraambed sterft, komt haar ongelovige schoonbroer Mathijs met een ongedoopt kind in Vroden wonen. Fernande snapt niet hoe de alleenstaande vader en kind niet religieus zijn, maar ze is ook erg nieuwsgierig naar hen en verlangt naar een band met haar neefje. In deze psychologische roman weet Loveling feilloos te beschrijven hoe tegenstellingen zoals geloof en vrijzinnigheid binnen één familie kunnen bestaan.Virginie Loveling (1836-1923) was een Vlaamse schrijfster uit een literaire familie. Zij groeit op in Franstalig België en begint haar carrière door samen met haar oudere zus Rosalie gedichten te schrijven. Loveling is de tante van Cyriel Buysse, waarmee ze het humoristische boek 'Levensleer' (1912) schrijft. Na het overlijden van haar zus gaat Loveling alleen verder. Dit leverde haar in 1892 de Vijfjaarlijkse prijs voor de Nederlandse letteren op voor haar roman 'Een dure eed.' Die roman wordt samen met 'De twistappel' en 'Het revolverschot' gezien als haar beste werk.
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- 73.99 kr.
77.99 kr. Think of the beliefs which you hold most dear. How much suffering could you take before you gave them up?It’s a question at heart of the Old Testament’s Book of Job. And in "The Undying Fire", H.G. Wells writes his own version. The action takes place in a private school in England. The headmaster, Job Huss, is a principled man with an unshakable faith in the human spirit. But his principles are tested by a series of horrible events, including the death of his son in WW1.A novel of ideas, "The Undying Fire" is Wells at his most thought-provoking. It reveals yet another side to the author. If you only know him for his science fiction, it’s well worth exploring.H.G. Wells (1866–1946) was an English author often called the "father of science fiction". His work popularised some of the genre’s most abiding concepts, such as time travel and parallel universes, while also exploring social issues of the day. Among his most famous books are "The Time Machine", "The Island of Doctor Moreau", "The Invisible Man" and "The First Men in the Moon".Wells was also one of the first writers to imagine an alien invasion. In "The War of the Worlds" he depicts a devastating attack by Martians, who stalk the earth in huge metal tripods. Orson Welles famously created an American radio version in the 1930s, panicking some listeners who thought it was a real news bulletin. The book has been adapted for the screen many times, including a movie starring Tom Cruise and a BBC television series.
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- 77.99 kr.
79.00 kr. I oldtidens Israel sidder en gammel rabbiner og reflekterer over sit liv og sine tabte drømme om at opnå en mening med det. Han kommer til at tænke på en mand, som kort forinden er kommet til byen. En mand, som af sine disciple bliver kaldt en profet, og som af nogle endda påstås at være den messias, der står skrevet om i de gamle skrifter. Kan denne mand give den gamle, desillusionerede rabbiner den følelse af meningsfuldhed, som han har mistet, tilbage?Edvard Søderberg (1869-1906) skrev en lang række socialrealistiske romaner, skuespil og digte og skildrede med uhyggelig selvoplevet detaljerigdom forholdene for de fattige, fordrukne og arbejdsløse i Københavns slumkvarterer.
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- 79.00 kr.
36.99 kr. E se il paradiso non fosse la risposta? Se la salvezza ultraterrena non fosse la risoluzione di tutto? Se ci fosse qualcosa di tangibile da inseguire in Terra, qualcosa di reale a cui ambire? Il solo dirlo, nel 1873, avrebbe attirato gli sguardi torvi della stragrande maggioranza dei presenti. Addirittura scriverlo poi—quello era fuori ogni concezione. Eppure Carlo Dossi sembra non darci troppo peso, e così, in una narrazione paradossalmente sull’orlo del fantastico, confeziona su carta e inchiostro la sua alternativa terrena alle promesse di redenzioni e conforti celesti.Carlo Dossi (1849-1910) è stato uno scrittore e politico italiano. Dichiaratamente ateo, membro della Scapigliatura Milanese, discendente di Cesare Beccaria e lontano parente di Alessandro Manzoni, Dossi si distinse per la sua aperta opposizione alle imposizioni religiose dell’epoca.
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- 36.99 kr.
50.99 kr. En ung man vid namn Lemek är med på Noaks ark under Syndafloden och begår därefter Nådatidens första stora synd. Hans straff blir att han inte får träda in i evigheten efter enbart ett kort jordeliv – i stället han ska vandra över jorden i tusentals år som en främling bland människor. Lemek återföds om och om igen, alltid under en ny era, med ett nytt namn och på en ny plats. Följ hans många livsresor över hela världen – från slavhandeln i Egypten till Romarrikets storhetstid, från barocken i Skottland och maskinåldern i Amerika, till världskrigens tid i Tyskland och vidare. Följ Lemeks långa jordevandring och se hur mänsklighetens historia upprepar sig.Yngve Kernell (1903-1994) var en svensk arkitekt, konstnär och författare från Göteborg. Han studerade vid Chalmers och gick även utbildningar på målarskolor i Stockholm och Paris.
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- 50.99 kr.
From 44.99 kr. «El evangelio según Judas, por Benjamín Iscariote» arroja nueva luz sobre el misterio de Judas, incluyendo sus motivos para traicionar a Jesús y lo que le sucedió después de la crucifixión. Partiendo de los textos canónicos como referencia, presenta una nueva versión de la historia de Jesús desde los ojos de Judas. Aparentemente escrita por el hijo de Judas, Benjamín, en el estilo narrativo de los Evangelios, este libro supone una recreación provocativa, estimulante y polémica, resultado de una intensa colaboración entre uno de los mayores expertos mundiales en el arte de contar historias, Jeffrey Archer, y uno de los estudiosos de la Biblia más conocidos del mundo, Francis J. Moloney. El proyecto es tan sencillo como osado: Jeffrey ha escrito una historia para los lectores del siglo XXI, mientras que Moloney se ha asegurado de que el resultado sea creíble para un cristiano o judío del siglo I.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Jeffrey Archer es un autor y ex-político británico. La carrera política de Archer ha sido turbulenta y le llevó a un veredicto judicial que lo sentenció a prisión en 2001. Archer debutó como escritor en 1974 y desde entonces ha escrito numerosos libros, principalmente thrillers políticos. Actualmente es uno de los autores más exitosos del Reino Unido con más de 320 millones de libros vendidos en todo el mundo.
38.99 kr. 'A Double Rescue' is a short story that reads in stark contrast to the adventure writing, which Ballantyne is most notorious for. It is an evangelistic tale of a blithe young boy named Jack Matterby who is born into an English farming family of modest means but engaged in unwavering Christian faith.Jack loves his family and community for the richness of their faith in spite of their material poverty. But suddenly his father dies of shock when he receives a letter that he is financially ruined in the aftermath of his bank's collapse. Shortly thereafter, his grief-stricken mother dies in hospital. She had fallen into inextricable levels of debt when moving to London with Jack after the liquidation of the family farm.With nowhere left to go but the unforgiving London streets, Jack has never felt more lost and alone in his life. But little does he know that he is soon to be taken under the wing of a guardian angel who will take him to the shores of young Canada.A truly heartwarming short story showcasing human clemency shining through even the harshest circumstances. A must-read for fans of Daniel Defoe's 'Robinson Crusoe' and Walt Disney's 1960 movie 'Swiss Family Robinson' starring John Mills, Dorothy McGuire, James MacArthur and Janet Munro.R. M. Ballantyne was a Scottish writer specialising in the juvenile fiction genre. He was born as Robert Michael Ballantyne into a family of well-known printers and publishers in Edinburgh. At age 16 he travelled to Canada where he served with the Hudson's Bay Company for six years. He returned to Scotland in 1847 and published his first book the next year, 'Hudson's Bay: or Life in the Wilds of North America'. For several years he was employed by the publishing house Messrs Constable. But in 1856 he decided to leave the literature business. Instead he began writing a series of adventure stories for young readers.
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- 38.99 kr.
77.99 kr. The young nobleman, Dmitri Ivanovich Nekhlyudov, had no care in the world when he seduced a young maid, Katerina (Katusha) Maslova, only to cruelly abandon her. Unaffected by the situation he carries on with his life. Her on the other hand loses her job as a result of the affair and is forced into a life of prostitution.Now, 10 years later, Katerina stands accused of murdering an abusive client and faces deportation to Siberia.Dmitri sits on the jury and is horrified when he realizes that one of the prisoners on trial is the young maid he seduced years before.This catapults him into a personal crusade of redemption, trying to make up for the fact that he used his high position in society to take advantage of others."The Awakening" (often translated as "Resurrection") is the last of Tolstoy's major novels. It is an intimate, psychological tale of guilt, anger and forgiveness.Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) was a Russian author, a master of realistic fiction and one of the world’s greatest novelists. Tolstoy’s major works include "War and Peace" (1865–69) and "Anna Karenina" (1875–77), two of the greatest novels of all time and pinnacles of realist fiction. Beyond novels, he wrote many short stories and later in life also essays and plays.
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- 77.99 kr.
102.99 kr. You won't fail to be captured by one of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s greatest books 'Religious Studies, Sketches and Poems'.Religious and spiritual, the studies and poems reflect on how to live a godly life, discuss the afterlife, and the consequences of loss and tragedy. Stowe, herself, was very religious from early childhood and throughout her life, so it’s not surprising that an entire book was written by her about religious thought and feelings. This is a great collection of some of her best literature classic works.A thorn in the angry eyes of American slave owners, Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896) was an American author and ardent abolitionist. Her novel 'Uncle Tom’s Cabin' (1852) became one of the most famous literary attacks on slavery at the time. The novel was also turned into a play and made into movies more than once.The latest version from 1987 features Samuel L. Jackson. Stowe also wrote numerous travel memoirs, letters, articles, and short stories – all crucial to the depiction of the injustice of African Americans we still hear about today.
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- 102.99 kr.
58.99 kr. El obispo leproso es una novela de corte social del escritor Gabriel Miró. Continuación de los hechos narrados en «Nuestro padre San Daniel», sigue la historia de un sacerdote aquejado de lepra y enamorado de una de sus feligresas, con la cuidad de Orihuela (bajo el pseudónimo de Oleza) como trasfondo.Gabriel Miró es un autor español nacido en Alicante en 1879 y fallecido en Madrid en 1930. Uno de los exponentes más destacados de la Generación del 14 o novecentista, su obra destaca tanto por la prosa cuidada hasta el extremo como por la denuncia descarnada de la intolerancia y el oscurantismo religioso de su época.
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- 58.99 kr.
From 149.00 kr. Ox vokser op i en religiøs familie på en tobaksfarm i South Carolina i 1980erne. Da hendes mor dør i barselssengen, forværres hendes fars mentale helbred, og teenageren Ox tvinges til at blive voksen og passe på sine seks søskende. Hun må kæmpe alt hun har lært for at holde hovedet oppe, benene nede og familiens hemmeligheder skjulte. Men i takt med at Ox finder enkelte glimt af ungdom og lykke i selskab med borgmesterens søn, tager hendes fars maniske episoder også til, og hun må sande, at ikke alle hemmeligheder kan holdes skjult for evigt.En hjerteskærende men også opløftende coming-of-age-roman af sydstatsforfatteren T.I. Lowe. Fuld af lysende håb, hårde livsvilkår og triumferende kærlighed.