Narrative theme: death, grief, loss

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  • by Nina Bolt
    79.00 kr.

    Anna er 38 år, men som solofløjtenist i symfoniorkestret er hun allerede forhenværende. Nu er hun rejst nogle dage til Wien. Med sig i bagagen har hun en stor sorg samt sin computer. På den ligger hendes første optegnelser til den romanbiografi om den døve komponist Ludwig van Beethoven, som hun har sat sig for at skrive. I Wien skal hun samle stof til romanen.Hjemme i København venter Niels, hendes mand, Dagbladets magtfulde og frygtede musikanmelder, spændt på, hvad hendes Beethoven-research i Wien har givet hende.Tilbage i Danmark genoptager Anna kampen mod den følelse af afmagt, der udgør hendes hverdag. En kunstnerisk drøm, der har slået fejl, et kærlighedsliv, hun længe har oplevet som en pligt, en uvished med hensyn til fremtiden. Først da hun kontakter sin barndoms og ungdoms spillelærerinde tager tingene en ny drejning."Nina Bolts fine roman er en indgående skildring af en kvinde, der får sin identitet og sit livsgrundlag sat på prøve, da hun ikke længere kan yde sit ypperste inden for kunsten ... Nina Bolt har mange strenge at spille på. I andre af sine romaner skriver hun en gotisk uhygge frem. I denne spiller hun med sordin. Meget smukt." – Politiken"En stille og eftertænksom fortælling, skrevet i et godt og flydende sprog." – Bibliotekernes lektørudtalelseNina Bolt (f. 1946) er dansk forfatter og oversætter. Hun er født og opvokset i København og uddannet i dansk og teatervidenskab. Op gennem 70’erne og 80’erne var hun del af kvindebevægelsen og udgav i den forbindelse en række tekster. Efter i en årrække at have arbejdet som redaktør på skiftende forlag, sagde hun i begyndelsen af 1990’erne det faste job op for at få bedre tid til at skrive. I 1992 udkom fortællingerne "Ukendt herre i landskab" og siden er det blevet til en række romaner og bøger af kulturhistorisk tilsnit.

  • by Gordon Macmillan
    102.99 kr.

    "Beautiful and heartbreaking. I know it will stay with me for a long time." Reader Review"I'm greeted by the strangest sight. A small dark-haired boy is standing there. It's like he's a human parcel, delivered to my front door."My name is Luke," he says."When Johnny meets Lauren in a bar in Santa Cruz, there's an instant connection. On an American road trip with best friend Will, Johnny promises to return to the girl who has stolen his heart.Until tragedy strikes, forcing Johnny to fly back home without ever seeing Lauren again.Six years later, Johnny is living his life in London, even if he's never forgotten the girl with the grey eyes and dark hair.Until one September morning, he opens his door to find a little boy standing there - a child, Johnny quickly comes to learn, who was created that one magical night. Lauren is dying, and her last wish is to reunite five-year-old Luke with the father he doesn't yet know.Thrown into unexpected parenthood, Johnny finds himself navigating school-gate politics, Disney movies and tantrums, guided by the notes Lauren has written for him.Life as an instant dad isn't always easy, but as Johnny and Luke open their hearts to each other, Johnny is about to discover that life's joy isn't always where you expected it.An emotional, feel-good read that will have you laughing while you wipe away a tear - readers of Dani Atkins, Mike Gayle and Jojo Moyes will be captivated.Readers are falling in love with this debut novel:"Delightful. Pulled at my heart strings. I would totally recommend this as a feelgood book." Reader Review"What a beautifully emotive read. The perfect feelgood read that will make you laugh and cry." _____ Reader Review"A heart-wrenching, heart-warming story of a young man forced by circumstance to become an instant dad - a lovely read about growing into responsibility and love." Reader Review"My heart is just so full from this book. Watching Johnny navigate his unexpected new fatherhood was so gentle and raw." Reader ReviewGordon is a former journalist writing about media and technology. He now works in marketing for Twitter UK. He has also blogged about dating and politics. His first novel Songs For Your Mother was published in May, 2021. His second novel, Ten Dates to Happiness, will be published in 2022.

  • by Åsa Jinder
    34.52 kr.

    "När en människa som inte får svika sviker; då kan vem som helst svika. Och då blir världen farlig. Rebecka lärde sig att aldrig någonsin behöva någon. Och världen blev farlig."Rebecka är ensam över jul och nyår. Hon tänker på sitt liv; på när hennes mamma lämnade familjen och sedan tog livet av sig; på när hon slutade älska Gabriel och valde att skilja sig. Hon tänker på sin son och hur mycket skuld hon känner inför honom. Det gör ont, men Rebecka försöker att hålla gråten under kontroll.Kärlek störst av allt, smärtsammast är en vacker berättelse om mödrar och döttrar, kärlek och hjärtesorg, skuld och besvikelse. Den skildrar på ett finstämt och fängslande vis en människas uppväxt och kamp mot ensamheten.Åsa Jinder, född 1963, är en svensk författare, föreläsare och prisad folkmusiker. Hennes verk innefattar krönikor, lyriksamlingar och romaner, varav Kärlek störst av allt, smärtsammast (1996) är hennes romandebut.

  • by Raija-Sinikka Rantala
    58.99 kr.

    Miltä mennyt elämä näyttää vanhuuteen ehtineen silmin? Entä miten lapsi katsoo samaa maailmaa? Ihmisten tiet ovat täynnä omituisia mutkia, sotia ja sattumuksia, ja viulut on maksettava ennemmin tai myöhemmin. Tuskin kukaan selviää elämästä hengissä.Hirtehinen huumori sävyttää menneiden muistelua Raija-Sinikka Rantalan novellikokoelmassa, jonka vaihtuvat näkökulmahenkilöt valottavat ihmiselämän vaiheita koko katkeransuloisessa kirjossaan.Raija-Sinikka Rantala on kirjailija ja teatteriohjaaja, joka on toiminut teatterialan johtajana ja kouluttajana niin Suomessa kuin maailmallakin. Rantalalta on julkaistu useita kirjoja sekä näytelmiä, ja hän on myös dramatisoinut lukuisia teoksia näyttämölle.

  • by Лев Толстой
    22.99 kr.

    Николенка и семейството му се завръщат в Москва и заживяват в дома на баба им. Малкото дете е преживяло загубата на майка си. Невинността и мъката са заменени от любознателност, състрадателност към околните и любопитство. Николенка открива в себе си нови чувства и странно привличане към прислужницата Маша. Николенка обаче осъзнава непривлекателния си външен вид и завижда на брат си Володя за неговата самоувереност. Двамата братя се отдалечават един от друг. Володя влиза в университет, става по-самостоятелен, а Николенка тепърва върви пътя на себепознанието. Докъде ще го отведе той? Да съпроводим Николенка през неговото „Юношество".Лев Толстой е руски писател, живял в периода 1828-1910 година. Твори в направлението реализъм и е един от най-великите майстори новелисти. Пише главно романи и разкази, но късното му творчество се характеризира с множество пиеси и религиозни трактати. Религиозно-моралистичните възгледи на Толстой го превръщат в социален реформатор и поставят основите на т.нар. Толстоизъм – реформирано християнство, целящо да покаже истинската вяра на Човека в Бога. Религиозните възгледи и вярванията на Толстой за обикновен живот, лишен от материалното, са широко застъпени в творчеството му представено от вечните „Война и мир", „Ана Каренина", „Възкресение" и безброй други разкази, пиеси и есета.

  • by Thomas Hardy
    77.99 kr.

    Jude Fawley is a simple working-class man who dreams of one day becoming something more. Yet after the failure of his first marriage, a loveless entrapment built upon lies, Jude starts to have feelings for his cousin, Sue Bridehead, and soon sacrifices all that he has to pursue a life together with her.A dark and pessimistic story of how man's unfettered desire may lead to the ruin of everyone around him, ‘Jude the Obscure’ led to a scandalous outcry amongst its Victorian readership. It is the final novel written by Thomas Hardy, and one of his most powerful in its unabashed exploration of class, religion, and sexuality.‘Jude the Obscure’ is a perfect tragedy for readers of Brontë’s ‘Wuthering Heights’ or du Maurier's ‘Rebecca’.Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) was an English writer of poetry, novels, and short stories. He belonged to the Victorian realist tradition in English literature and was influenced by the writings of Romanticism.His novels strongly criticise Victorian society for constraining individuals in regard to marriage, education, and religion: shunning happiness in the name of social propriety.Hardy’s works explore themes of love, class, and poverty with a painstaking devotion to realism. His best-known works include ‘Far From the Madding Crowd’, ‘The Mayor of Casterbridge’, ‘Tess of the d’Urbervilles’, and ‘Jude the Obscure’.

  • by Mary Shelley
    38.99 kr.

    While out walking with his fiancé Juliet in Virginia Waters, a young Neville stumbles across the unmarked grave of his childhood friend, Ellen. Juliet demands to know the truth and Neville is forced to reveal a long held secret and face up to his heart-breaking past. ‘The Mourner (1829) is a classic, short story by the English writer Mary Shelley, famous for her best-selling novel ‘Frankenstein’. This tale is a reflection of the grief and guilt experienced by Shelley after her husband, Percy Bysshe Shelley drowned at sea.Mary Shelley (1797–1851) was an English author and travel writer best known for her ground-breaking Gothic novel ‘Frankenstein’ (1818). Considered one of the first true works of science-fiction, the book became an instant bestseller.It has been adapted for TV, stage and film on many occasions, with Boris Karloff famously playing Frankenstein’s monster on screen in 1933. Other adaptations include ‘Mary Shelley's Frankenstein’ (1994) starring Kenneth Branagh and Robert De Niro and ‘Viktor Frankenstein’ (2015) starring Daniel Radcliffe and James McAvoy.Shelley’s other novels include Valperga (1823), The Last Man (1826), Perkin Warbeck (1830), Lodore (1835), Falkner (1837) and the posthumously published Mathilde (1959). However, she will always be remembered as the creator of Frankenstein.The book continues to influence filmmakers, writers and popular culture to this day, inspiring and terrifying new audiences the world over.

  • by Mary Shelley
    38.99 kr.

    When his wife is murdered and his daughter abducted, Dmitri is drawn into a life of violence and crime. Alone in the Albanian mountains, Dmitri becomes a skilled criminal but his actions uncover a secret that force him to kidnap another man’s child.Set in Albania and Greece, this Gothic tale of love and revenge is perfect for readers of crime stories like the ‘The Godfather’. ‘The Evil Eye’ (1829) is a classic short story by the English writer Mary Shelley, famous for her best-selling novel ‘Frankenstein’.Mary Shelley (1797–1851) was an English author and travel writer best known for her ground-breaking Gothic novel ‘Frankenstein’ (1818). Considered one of the first true works of science-fiction, the book became an instant bestseller.It has been adapted for TV, stage, and film on many occasions, with Boris Karloff famously playing Frankenstein’s monster on screen in 1933. Other adaptations include ‘Mary Shelley's Frankenstein’ (1994) starring Kenneth Branagh and Robert De Niro and ‘Viktor Frankenstein’ (2015) starring Daniel Radcliffe and James McAvoy.Shelley’s other novels include Valperga (1823), The Last Man (1826), Perkin Warbeck (1830), Lodore (1835), Falkner (1837) and the posthumously published Mathilde (1959). However, she will always be remembered as the creator of Frankenstein.The book continues to influence filmmakers, writers and popular culture to this day, inspiring and terrifying new audiences the world over.

  • by Mary Shelley
    38.99 kr.

    A snowstorm delays four friends on their journey from Brighton to Lewes. While they wait for the storm to clear, Harry Valency tells his friends about his adventures as a soldier during the Greek revolution.Desperate to prove himself as a worthy fighter, Harry is wounded during a Turkish ambush. But having proved his bravery, he is saved by Constantine who recounts the tragic story of his sister Euphrasia while they wait for help.‘Euphrasia’ (1838) is one of many classic short stories by the English writer Mary Shelley and will delight fans of her best-selling novel ‘Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus’ (1818).Mary Shelley (1797–1851) was an English author and travel writer best known for her ground-breaking Gothic novel ‘Frankenstein’ (1818). Considered one of the first true works of science-fiction, the book became an instant bestseller and continues to influence filmmakers, writers, and popular culture to this day, inspiring and terrifying new audiences across the globe.It has been adapted for TV, stage, and film on many occasions, with Boris Karloff famously playing Frankenstein’s monster on screen in 1933. Other adaptations include ‘Mary Shelley's Frankenstein’ (1994) starring Kenneth Branagh and Robert De Niro and ‘Viktor Frankenstein’ (2015) starring Daniel Radcliffe and James McAvoy.Shelley’s other novels include ´Valperga´ (1823), ´The Last Man´ (1826), ´Perkin Warbeck´ (1830), ´Lodore´ (1835), ´Falkner´ (1837), and the posthumously published ´Mathilde´ (1959). However, she will always be remembered as the creator of ´Frankenstein´.

  • by Pablo Sanz Martínez
    51.99 kr.

    Una delicia costumbrista en forma de colección de cuentos que abordan la vida rural, la adolescencia, el paso del tiempo y el fracaso en retrospectiva con una prosa inigualable. Hombres anodinos atrapados en una cárcel de rutina en forma de trayecto de metro, viajeros sumidos en su propia amargura, amas de casa que intentan encontrar un oásis de paz en medio de su asfixiante vida... cuentos sencillos, directos y reales como todas nuestras vidas.Pablo Sanz es un autor español nacido en Madrid. Residente desde hace años en Asturias, ejerce la docencia como profesor de instituto, labor que compagina con su pasión por la literatura, ya sea en novela o relato, y que le ha valido un nombre destacado en el panorama literario local.

  • by Luz González
    58.99 kr.

    Un particular y sorprendente recorrido por las hazañas y desventuras de la Guerra Civil en el pueblo conqués de Villaescusa. En ella conoceremos a lugareños repartidos arbitrariamente entre los dos frentes, personajes oficiales de la historia, el horror de las cárceles rurales y el secreto de los desaparecidos y los muertos. Un pedazo vivo de historia convertido en relato.Luz González es una autora española nacida en Villaescusa de Haro (Cuenca). Apasionada de la literatura por y para mujeres, compagina su actividad diaria con la redacción de novelas comprometidas, sensibles y trascendentes que le han valido un nombre entre los valores destacados de su generación.

  • by Elena Portocarrero
    73.99 kr.

    Una historia preñada de una sensibilidad particular, donde se mezclan las sensaciones y los recuerdos en una impresionante obra literaria. Un personaje ambiguo y soñador regresa a su casa, en el interior de Perú, para visitar a su familia. El viaje resultante sirve como terreno para una evocadora maraña de recuerdos, impresiones y reflexiones sobre la vida, la identidad, el amor y la angustia del futuro. Un libro irrepetible.Elena Portocarrero fue una escritora peruana nacida en Lambayeque en 1931 y fallecida en Madrid en 2011. Agregada cultural de la Embajada del Perú en Buenos Aires, dirigió el Teatro Nacional y dio clases en las universidades de Lima y Huancayo. En 1963 llegó a recibir el Premio Nacional de Teatro.

  • by Carmen Bandrés Sáchez-Cruzat
    58.99 kr.

    Elena recibe una carta en la que le ofrecen su primer puesto de trabajo. Lo que no sabe es que se trata de un regalo envenenado, pues con la oferta se lanzará a una dolorosa espiral de acoso laboral. Atrapada por las convenciones sociales del momento y el machismo imperante, Elena necesitará de toda su fuerza de voluntad para salir de la prisión en la que se ha convertido su vida. Una novela contundente, oportuna y más relevante que nunca.Carmen Bandrés es una autora española nacida en Jaca (Huesca. Formada en turismo e idiomas, compagina su labor profesional con la redacción de novelas y relatos que le han valido un puesto destacado entre las creadoras de su generación.

  • by Grazia Deledda
    58.99 kr.

    "La chiesa della solitudine", pubblicato poco prima della scomparsa di Grazia Deledda (1936), rappresenta sotto molti aspetti il suo testamento spirituale: a tratti autobiografico, a tratti volto a dipingere il tragico affresco di una società cinica, in cui la vergogna fa da padrona. La protagonista, Maria Concezione, è una donna di ventotto anni ancora nubile. Nonostante le insistenze di amici e famigliari, infatti, questa sembra opporre resistenza alla prospettiva di un matrimonio, esprimendo un certo amore soltanto per Aroldo, un operaio piemontese del quale comprende la condizione di orfano e di figlio illegittimo. Nessuno sa, tuttavia, che Maria Concezione cova un doloroso segreto: un cancro al seno per cui ha dovuto subire l’asportazione di una mammella. In un mondo da cui si sente esclusa, Maria Concezione trova conforta soltanto nella piccola chiesetta sotto casa...Grazia Deledda (1871-1936) nasce a Nuoro, quarta di sette figli, in un’agiata famiglia di proprietari terrieri. La sua scrittura è impregnata dei sentori della sua terra d’origine, dipinta efficacemente nel suo convulso ingresso nella modernità. Piccole e grandi tragedie si stagliano su un vivido tessuto sociale, descritto ora con piglio veristico, ora secondo stilemi decadentisti. Grazie a grandi capolavori come "Canne al vento", "Elias Portolu" e "Cenere", Deledda è stata la prima donna italiana a vincere il Premio Nobel (1926).

  • by J. van Oudshoorn
    58.99 kr.

    'Willem Mertens' levensspiegel' is het debuut van J. van Oudshoorn en verscheen halverwege 1914. Het trok toendertijd sterk de aandacht en werd met gemengde gevoelens ontvangen vanwege het sombere karakter. Het deels autobiografische verhaal gaat over de laatste fase in het leven van Willem Mertens die aan een erfelijke ziekte lijdt. Hij is een kantoorbediende bij een bank en gebruikt het geld uit de kas van de bank ook voor zijn eigen geldproblemen. Hoewel hij de opstapeling van zijn eigen problemen inziet, is eigenlijk alles wat hij nog doet tevergeefs.Jan Koos Feylbrief (1876-1951) was begin 20e eeuw voor lange tijd de kanselier van de Nederlandse ambassade in Berlijn. Onder het pseudoniem J. van Oudshoorn heeft hij verhalen en romans geschreven die zijn doortrokken van een abnormale omgevingsangst, waarin de dood groots figureerde en de zin van het leven slechts een kleine rol werd toebedeeld. Van Oudhoorn's seksuele frustraties en zijn sombere kijk op het leven komen naar voren in verschillende romans, zoals zijn bekende werken 'Willem Mertens' levensspiegel' en 'Tobias en de dood'. Hoewel J. van Oudshoorn slechts een bescheiden oeuvre heeft geschreven, heeft hij voor zijn werk veel waardering gekregen van verschillende schrijvers als F. Bordewijk, Frans Coenen en M. Nijhoff.

  • by J. van Oudshoorn
    73.99 kr.

    In 'Tobias en de dood' maken we de ontwikkelingen mee van de amorele en ongehoorzame Tobias Termaete, een middelbare Nederlandse man. Hij is vervreemd van zijn omgeving en de rest van de wereld en het laat hem koud wat andere mensen denken.Na de ontvangst van een briefje over de zelfdoding van een bekende begint Tobias' bezinning op zijn eigen leven. In zijn onderhandelingen met de dood raakt hij verder vervreemd van zichzelf en zoekt hij heil bij voornamelijk vrouwelijk gezelschap. Opmerkelijk genoeg slaagt hij erin om de dood te ontwijken en kan hij uiteindelijk afstand doen van zijn verleden. 'Tobias en de dood' wordt over het algemeen beschouwd als één van de hoogtepunten uit het werk van J. van Oudshoorn.Jan Koos Feylbrief (1876-1951) was begin 20e eeuw voor lange tijd de kanselier van de Nederlandse ambassade in Berlijn. Onder het pseudoniem J. van Oudshoorn heeft hij verhalen en romans geschreven die zijn doortrokken van een abnormale omgevingsangst, waarin de dood groots figureerde en de zin van het leven slechts een kleine rol werd toebedeeld. Van Oudhoorn's seksuele frustraties en zijn sombere kijk op het leven komen naar voren in verschillende romans, zoals zijn bekende werken 'Willem Mertens' levensspiegel' en 'Tobias en de dood'. Hoewel J. van Oudshoorn slechts een bescheiden oeuvre heeft geschreven, heeft hij voor zijn werk veel waardering gekregen van verschillende schrijvers als F. Bordewijk, Frans Coenen en M. Nijhoff.

  • by Mary Shelley
    42.99 kr.

    This is a story for fans of the books ´How to Stop Time’ by Matt Haig and ‘The Suicide Club’ by Rachel Heng. It is a love story that is a cross between ´Frankenstein´ and John Green's ´The Fault in Our Stars´.Winzy reluctantly starts working for the alchemist Cornelius Agrippa in order to provide for his childhood sweetheart Bertha, but when Winzy drinks an unlabelled potion to rid himself of his love for Bertha, he becomes immortal. Suddenly blessed with a youthful appearance, Winzy slowly but surely discovers the disadvantages of the potion.‘The Mortal Immortal’ (1833) is a Gothic short story by the English writer Mary Shelley, famous for her best-selling novel ‘Frankenstein’ (1818).Mary Shelley (1797–1851) was an English author and travel writer best known for her ground-breaking Gothic novel ‘Frankenstein’ (1818). Considered one of the first true works of science-fiction, the book became an instant bestseller.It has been adapted for TV, stage and film on many occasions, with Boris Karloff famously playing Frankenstein’s monster on screen in 1933. Other adaptations include ‘Mary Shelley's Frankenstein’ (1994) starring Kenneth Branagh and Robert De Niro and ‘Viktor Frankenstein’ (2015) starring Daniel Radcliffe and James McAvoy.Shelley’s other novels include ´Valperga´ (1823), ´The Last Man´ (1826), ´Perkin Warbeck´ (1830), ´Lodore´ (1835), ´Falkner´ (1837) and the posthumously published ´Mathilde´ (1959). However, she will always be remembered as the creator of ´Frankenstein´.The book continues to influence filmmakers, writers and popular culture to this day, inspiring and terrifying new audiences the world over.

  • by Katherine Mansfield
    43.99 kr.

    Experience the masterful prose of Katherine Mansfield in "The Garden Party and Other Stories." Published in 1922, this collection of 15 short stories is a perfect distillation of Mansfield's keen observations, emotional depth, and deft storytelling.The title story, "The Garden Party," thrusts readers into an enthralling exploration of class division as it juxtaposes the lavish Sheridan garden party with the stark reality of a neighbour's death. Each additional tale offers its intimate examination of human nature and relationships, painting vivid portraits that leave lasting impressions.Dive into this timeless collection to witness one of modernism's finest short story writers weaving her magic. If you like the work of Virginia Woolf and Sylvia Plath, you will love this.A pivotal modernist short story writer and poet, New Zealand-born Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923) transformed the short story genre with her lyrical style. She was admired by literary peers like Virginia Woolf and D.H. Lawrence and had her stories memorialized in TV series and films.

  • by Mary Shelley
    38.99 kr.

    Rosina is secretly engaged to Henry, the son of her guardian Sir Peter Vernon. On discovering their relationship, an angry Sir Peter casts her out into the Welsh countryside and to her death.When Henry returns home, he is heartbroken and searches for Rosina’s body, only to learn of a villager’s tale about ‘The Invisible Girl’, a ghostly figure that wanders the woods at night.‘The Invisible Girl’ (1832) is a short, Gothic, ghost story by the English writer Mary Shelley, famous for her best-selling novel ‘Frankenstein’.Mary Shelley (1797–1851) was an English author and travel writer best known for her ground-breaking Gothic novel ‘Frankenstein’ (1818). Considered one of the first true works of science-fiction, the book became an instant bestseller.It has been adapted for TV, stage and film on many occasions, with Boris Karloff famously playing Frankenstein’s monster on screen in 1933. Other adaptations include ‘Mary Shelley's Frankenstein’ (1994) starring Kenneth Branagh and Robert De Niro and ‘Viktor Frankenstein’ (2015) starring Daniel Radcliffe and James McAvoy.Shelley’s other novels include Valperga (1823), The Last Man (1826), Perkin Warbeck (1830), Lodore (1835), Falkner (1837) and the posthumously published Mathilde (1959). However, she will always be remembered as the creator of Frankenstein.The book continues to influence filmmakers, writers and popular culture to this day, inspiring and terrifying new audiences the world over.

  • by Max Brand
    59.99 kr.

    George is a young man exploring the West when he comes upon a small town called The Corners. What he didn’t expect from this little town was to fall in love, or how desperately this love would ravage him.Blinded by love he will be dragged into Machiavellian plots, hired to do a rich man’s killing. It is a complicated and tragic affair, where the power of love and lust can at once flip the plot on its head. ‘Gunman’s Reckoning’ is a nigh Shakespearean tale of innocence, manipulation and tragedy.If you loved Liam Neeson’s ‘Seraphim Falls’ you will love this dramatic epic.Max Brand, the pseudonym of Frederick Schiller Faust (1892-1944) was an American author of Western’s and pulp fiction stories. He was a prolific author of nigh on a hundred books, in several series spanning many genres. His character, Dr. Kildare, has been adapted several times over the decades in film, radio, T.V and comics. As well as that, he is credited with keeping the passion for the Wild West alive in his dozens of spell-binding novels. Brand’s untimely passing was another hallmark of his dedication to writing, keen to write a war novel he got himself assigned as a war correspondent with an American battalion in Italy, where he was sadly killed by shrapnel. His best known works include the series "Dan Barry", "Ronicky Doone", "Silvertip", "Dr. Kildare", and "Tizzo the Firebrand".

  • by Willa Cather
    59.99 kr.

    Brilliantly intelligent, rich and stylish Myra is a living legend in her hometown.But she sends shockwaves through the community when she rejects her riches and elopes with hard-up Oswald Henshawe.When Nellie, a long-time acquaintance of Myra's, next sees the couple, they are living a glamorously poor Bohemian life in post-Revolution Paris, with singers, actors, poets and artists in and out of their apartment.But, when elegant poverty becomes real poverty in a tumbledown hotel, Myra realises the identity of her 'Mortal Enemy'.This heart-rending study of the blessings and curses of love is perfect for fans of Thomas Hardy's 'Tess of the d'Urbervilles' and 'Middlemarch' by George Eliot.Willa Cather (1873-1947) was an American writer best known for her novels of life on the Great Plains of the United States.After a time as a magazine writer and editor, then as an English teacher, Cather began to publish collections of her poetry and short stories.Her first novel, 'Alexander's Bridge', was published in 1912, followed by her 'Prairie Trilogy' - 'O Pioneers!', 'The Song of the Lark' and 'My Antonia'.Numerous other novels followed as Cather became one of the US's most celebrated authors.In 1923 she won the Pulitzer Prize for her First World War-based novel, 'One of Ours'.

  • by Mich Vraa & Jesper Bugge Kold
    From 43.99 kr.

    Den 23 januari 1951 stävar sjukhusskeppet Jutlandia ut från kajen i Köpenhamn. Ombord finns den unga sjuksköterskan Molly Dahl. Med sig i bagaget har Molly erfarenhet från Odense sjukhus där hon på dagen för Danmarks befrielse tog emot döende och svårt skottskadade offer. Men befrielsen från tyskarna har satt sina spår hos Molly.I Korea har elvaåriga Yun förlorat allt. Napalmen har slukat hennes hem, familj och den by i Nordkorea där hon vuxit upp och Yun bestämmer sig att fly söderut tillsammans med två andra barn, rakt igenom ett brinnande krig. Både Molly och Yun lägger sina gamla liv bakom sig i hopp om att hitta en bättre tillvaro i Sydkorea. Men det blir en lång och oförutsägbar resa för dem båda. I den sydkoreanska hamnstaden Pusan flätas deras öden samman. Men kan Molly rädda Yun? Och vem ska rädda Molly? "Flickan från det stora vita skeppet" är en spännande och rörande roman om starka kvinnoöden, krig och kärlek. "Novel about "Jutlandia" and women's fates in the turbulent war history of the 1950s is top-class craftsmanship. 'Pigen fra det store hvide skib' is a successful example of literary entertainment with solid suspense, plenty of information and cues for historical reflection." Berlingske"In every way, it is top professional work, the team Kold and Vraa deliver with the novel. The well-constructed plot, the meticulous research and the effective and purposeful language make the joint product solid entertainment with both idea and meaning." Berlingske"Nurses, sailors and ideals: this is effective high-level entertainment starring strong women" PolitikenJesper Bugge Kold (f. 1972) är en dansk författare som debuterade 2014. Han har skrivit en rad kritikerrosade, historiska romaner och fick sitt stora genombrott med "Flickan från det stora vita skeppet." Mich Vraa (f. 1954) är en dansk författare, journalist och skönlitterär översättare av bl.a. Ernest Hemingway, Jonathan Franzen och John Williams. Han har utgivit flera prisnominerade romaner och fått en rad litterära priser.

  • by J. Blicher-Clausen
    96.99 kr.

    Eletään 1800-luvun loppua Tanskassa, Kööpenhaminassa. Kaija on 19-vuotias nuori neito, jonka sydän halajaa uusia kokemuksia. Kaijalla on lämmin ystävyyssuhde itseään vanhemman miehen, setä Fransin kanssa. Setä Frans yrittää parhaansa mukaan pitää Kaijan poissa ongelmista. Kun Kaija ihastuu näyttelijä Pietari Damiin, setä Frans on neuvoton. Pietari Dam on sen tyypin miehiä, joista olisi parempi pysyä erossa – mutta Kaija on nuoruudessaan ehdoton. Onneksi setä pysyy Kaijan vierellä, kävi miten kävi. Mutta kuka rakastaakaan lopulta ja ketä?Setä Frans on Jenny Blicher-Klausenin vahva ihmissuhderomaani.Tanskalainen Jenny Blicher-Clausen (1865–1907) oli 1800-luvun lopulla suosittu kirjailija ympäri Pohjoismaita. Romaanien lisäksi hän julkaisi runoutta.

  • by Jules Verne
    22.99 kr.

    Voilà trois ans que Dolly a aucune nouvelles de son mari, le Capitaine Branican parti en mer à bord du Franklin. Leur fils de neuf mois est mort noyé dans de tragiques circonstances, et Dolly a hérité d'une fortune qu'elle n'attendait pas. Seule et désespérée, elle met à profit son héritage et s'embarque sur les mers à la recherche de son mari, en direction de la grande et dangereuse Australie…Jules Verne met en scène pour la première une héroïne. Personnage féminin fort et poignant, elle affrontera mille dangers et se fera elle même capitaine pour découvrir la vérité sur la disparition de son époux. Jules Verne écrit en hommage à la femme de John Franklin, un grand explorateur disparu en 1845.Jules Verne (1828-1905) est l’auteur de près de quatre-vingts romans, et un incroyable précurseur de la science-fiction. Dès son plus jeune âge, il rêve d’aventures, et tente de partir en bateau pour les Indes. Son père l’ayant retenu, il se rend à Paris et fait des études de droit. Là bas, il fréquente à la fois les milieux littéraires (il rencontre Dumas) et scientifiques (il rencontre les trois frères Aragos). Sa première pièce « Les Pailles Rompues », en 1850, le pousse à se consacrer à la littérature. Il voyage en Ecosse puis en Scandinavie, et il publie « Cinq Semaines en Ballon », en 1863, chez son ami éditeur Hetzel. C’est un succès considérable qu’il cristallise avec « Le Tour du Monde en 80 jours », et des romans oscillant entre aventure et anticipation : « Vingt Mille Lieues Sous les Mers », 1869, « De la Terre à la Lune », 1865.

  • by Javier Memba
    58.99 kr.

    Con la garra de La conjura de los necios y la desternillante filosofía amodorrada del Gran Lebowski, Javier Memba nos presenta en esta obra a un personaje tan inolvidable como odiable: Blas Martín, director de cine misántropo que se verá obligado a ocultar su odio cerval hacia todo y hacia todos cuando un amigo periodista lo invita a una entrevista en televisión. Una reflexión sobre el arte y la creación tan ácida como inolvidable.Javier Memba es un autor y periodista español. Fuertemente vinculado con el mundo del cine, ha dirigido cortometrajes y ha trabajado de técnico de sonido y montador. Asimismo, ha publicado varios ensayos sobre el cine de terror europeo y americano del siglo XX. Desde 1990 trabaja como periodista en El Mundo.

  • by Carlos Garrido Torres
    58.99 kr.

    La vida son múltiples caminos que no siempre transitamos como en un principio esperábamos. Alba tiene veintiún años y sin esperarlo recibe la repentina noticia de que padece una enfermedad mortal. Inicia entonces una lucha contada por su padre en la que lo que más quiere es no dejar de ser ella misma. La tristeza de las circunstancias se ve envuelta de valentía y amor y dan lugar a la esperanza; la historia de Alba no es una historia de pérdida, ni siquiera de muerte: es la historia de una joven y su padre que se aferran a lo que nos da sentido aunque a veces no lo sepamos: los sueños, el amor y las emociones.Carlos Garrido Torres es periodista, divulgador y escritor. Especialista en arqueología y el mundo antiguo, tiene más de cincuenta libros publicados a sus espaldas. Entre sus títulos más destacados se encuentra la serie «Las islas mágicas». En el campo de la novela ha publicado otros títulos destacados como «Voy al Tibidabo». También ha participado en diversos proyectos musicales y desde 2011 dirige espectáculos divulgativos sobre historia y patrimonio.

  • by Anna Mansell
    102.99 kr.

    Fans of Sheila O’Flanagan, Amanda Prowse and Jojo Moyes will love The Lost Wife, the compelling story of a woman’s deepest secrets, and the friends and family who must learn to live without her.‘An incredible, beautiful story of loss, love, forgiveness, moving on, overcoming grief, redemption and above all, hope.’ Renita D’SilvaWhen Ellie Moran passes away, she leaves her newborn son and husband Ed behind her. Their marriage was perfect, their lives everything they had hoped for. So why was Ellie keeping secrets from Ed?Knowing he can never ask his wife the truth, Ed is struggling to cope. When the secrets threaten to tear his whole family apart, Ed turns to Rachel, the one person who sees him as more than just Ellie’s widower.But then Rachel discovers something Ellie was hiding, something that would break Ed’s heart. Can Rachel help Ed to find peace without the wife he lost – and a second chance at happiness?Read what everyone is saying about 'The Lost Wife':‘Heartbreaking... I was absorbed... I put down the book thinking "This is it. This was perfect." Emotional doesn't even begin to describe this story... The Lost Wife is an exceptional and poignant tale of love.’ Chocolate ‘n’ Waffles, 5 stars‘This stunning book blew me away, I couldn’t put it down... I was hooked from the start... This book has everything! It’s very emotional, touching and moving!... A magnificent story.’ Simona’s Corner of Dreams, 5 stars‘Oh Anna Mansell, what have you done to me, woman!!... Unbelievably beautiful... You NEED to read The Lost Wife.’ The Writing Garnet, 5 stars.Anna spent almost twenty years trying to shoehorn writing in to her career as a marketing manager for dance and theatre companies. Eventually, she did what you are not remotely supposed to do and walked away from an excellent job in order to try and become a published author. Three years, lots of tears and some slightly hairy bank balances later, she met Kirsty Greenwood and the rest, as they say, is history. Anna lives in Cornwall with her husband and two kids. She feels very fortunate!

  • by Niels Krause-Kjær
    From 51.99 kr.

    Journalist Ulrik Torp is drawn into a case about the Danish intelligence services and major political secrets, as the former Minister of Justice and Foreign Secretary suddenly dies of a heart attack. A few days later, it is former Member of Parliament Erling Jensen’s turn to expire earlier than expected. The question is whether the threat to a country comes from outside or from within."Devil's Democracy" is the third independent volume in Niels Krause-Kjær’s political thriller series. Like "Solitaire" and "Darklands", the novel moves in the border zone between media and politics and describes the game of power behind the scenes.Niels Krause-Kjær (born 1963) is a Danish journalist. After a period as press chief for the Danish Conservative Party’s Parliamentary Group, he wrote the political thriller "Solitaire", which became an award-winning film by Nikolaj Arcel. In 2019, "Darklands", the second volume in the series about journalist Ulrik Torp was published. This thriller is also being filmed.

  • by Arthur Schnitzler
    40.99 kr.

    "La gente può dire ciò che vuole, io non ci credo che la signora Mathilde Samodeski sia morta di un colpo apoplettico. Io lo so più di chiunque altro."Con queste parole il protagonista inizia a rimuginare sull'amore mai corrisposto per la defunta Mathilde, che scelse invece di sposare lo scultore Gregor Samodeski, uomo giovane e di successo, nonché rinomato donnaiolo. Il narratore in prima persona mette in dubbio che Mathilde sia mai stata felice con il marito e ricorda ogni istanza in cui la donna cercò invano di convincerlo del contrario. In questa novella ritroviamo tutti i temi più cari all'autore, che porta in luce personaggi alle prese con situazioni tragicomiche dovute a disillusioni e sogni insoddisfatti. L'esito quindi non deve sorprendere, nonostante appaia un po' canzonatorio.Questo audiolibro è stato realizzato in collaborazione con Edizioni Clichy.Arthur Schnitzler (1862 – 1931) è stato uno scrittore, drammaturgo e medico austriaco. È conosciuto soprattutto per aver messo a punto una tecnica narrativa nota come monologo interiore, utilizzata spesso nelle sue opere per descrivere lo svolgersi dei pensieri dei suoi personaggi. Potrebbe essere conosciuto dai più per l’opera "Doppio sogno", da cui Stanley Kubrick trasse il film "Eyes Wide Shut".

  • by Arthur Schnitzler
    40.99 kr.

    "E i morti ritornano, finché non li dimentichiamo."Il conflitto tra amore e morte accompagna in modo ossessivo il protagonista di "Fiori", che durante una passeggiata mattutina per le strade di Vienna viene profondamente sconvolto dalla notizia del decesso dell'ex amante. Seppure già da tempo i suoi sentimenti si fossero inariditi per quella donna che lo aveva tradito con un altro, il protagonista non riesce a dimenticare le sue lettere imploranti perdono e i fiori che ella non aveva smesso di mandargli ogni mese, anche a diversi anni dalla fine della relazione.Quando però i fiori continuano ad arrivare anche dopo la morte della donna, l'animo del protagonista si fa sempre più tormentato... che sia un messaggio dall'oltretomba?Questo audiolibro è stato realizzato in collaborazione con Edizioni Clichy.Arthur Schnitzler (1862 – 1931) è stato uno scrittore, drammaturgo e medico austriaco. È conosciuto soprattutto per aver messo a punto una tecnica narrativa nota come monologo interiore, utilizzata spesso nelle sue opere per descrivere lo svolgersi dei pensieri dei suoi personaggi. Potrebbe essere conosciuto dai più per l’opera "Doppio sogno", da cui Stanley Kubrick trasse il film "Eyes Wide Shut".