Narrative theme: death, grief, loss

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  • by Gustav Frenssen
    58.99 kr.

    Kun köyhän perheen isä lähtee merille ja kuolee laivalla nimeltään Anna Hollmann, perheen äiti ei anna tapahtumaa ikinä anteeksi. Hollmannin suku pitäisi kirota, veiväthän he myös perheen isoisän! Pieni poika kuuntelee äidin juttuja. Isona hän sanoisi Hollmanneille suorat sanat! Vaan voiko poika välttää perheen kirousta? Onko myös hänen kohtalonaan lähteä merille?Anna Hollmannin häviö on klassinen psykologinen romaani vuodelta 1911.Saksalainen Gustav Frenssen (1863–1945) opiskeli nuoruudessaan teologiaa. Häneltä on suomennettu kahdeksan teosta.

  • by Ambrose Bierce
    38.99 kr.

    Much of Bierce’s work revolves around the foolish idea of a glorious war, the idea that there is glory in death and violence. This theme can be seen in the title itself, it is a bloody violent battle but it is merely an ‘Affair’, as such occurrences are regular, everyday things. This is a story which focuses on the divide that the Civil War wreaked in America, tearing families and friendships apart.In this story we follow a Union brigade as they push the retreating Confederate army deeper in to their own territory. The retreating army guards a perilous pass for which Captain Coulter, a Union soldier from a Southern family is sent to take.It is a heart-breaking tale, fraught with brutal imagery much like Mel Gibson’s ‘Hacksaw Ridge’.Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914) was an American author, journalist, critic and soldier, best known for his works of horror and fiction. He was a truly talented writer whose ability was not bound to one genre. His works of horror draw honourable comparison to Edgar Allan Poe and H.P Lovecraft while his more humorous, satirical work draws the comparison to such literary greats as Jonathan Swift and Voltaire. Bierce’s ‘The Devils Dictionary’ has been named one of ‘The 100 Greatest Masterpieces of American Literature’. His war stories such as ‘An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge’ and ‘Tales of Soldiers and Civilians’ are amongst his best works and are said to have inspired Ernest Hemingway and Stephen Crane. Even Bierce’s end is as mysterious as one of his own tales, travelling to Mexico to cover the revolution first-hand but never being heard or seen from again.

  • by Conrad Ferdinand Meyer
    58.99 kr.

    Keskiaikainen hovi Veronassa on kokoontunut kuuntelemaan itse Dante Alighieria, joka kertoo traagisen munkki Astorren tarinan. Kun Jumalalle pyhittäytyneen Astorren veli kuolee, hänen isänsä pakottaa hänet naimaan veljen nuoren Diana-lesken ja rikkomaan pyhän lupauksensa. Astorre kihlaa Dianan vastentahtoisesti, mutta pian kohtalo puuttuu peliin. Ennen kuin pari ehtii avioitua, Astorre kohtaa ihanan Antiopen ja rakastuu niin palavasti, että vie tämän vihille häpäisten samalla Dianan. Julkisen skandaalin seurauksena molemmat osapuolet syyllistyvät peruuttamattomiin veritekoihin.Antiikin tragedioita muistuttava historiallinen kertomus kuvaa miestä, joka taistelee vääjäämätöntä kohtaloaan vastaan.Conrad Ferdinand Meyer (1825–1898) oli sveitsiläinen kirjailija. Hän edusti realismia ja kirjoitti useita historiallisia romaaneja.

  • by Tomás Juárez Beltrán
    From 37.99 kr.

    Mientras hace la fila para cobrar la jubilación, Tucho Bazán repasa su vida: este es el disparador para que se vayan entrelazando los caminos de varios personajes muy comunes y muy singulares a la vez. La fuerza del azar y el paso del tiempo son los grandes temas en esta novela corta. Tomás Juárez Beltrán esquiva toda solemnidad para tratarlos. Lo hace desde un humor con muchos matices. Es como si lo propulsara un asombro juguetón ante la tragicomedia de existir, y sobre todo de existir en el sur del mundo, y sobre todo de existir en Córdoba, Argentina, donde habitan el autor y sus ficciones. Tomás Juárez Beltrán (Bell Ville, Córdoba, 1948) es un escritor argentino. Lleva alrededor de cincuenta años de trayectoria y está al frente del blog literario Secretos Insolentes. Alguien definió su estilo como "costumbrismo crítico".Sus relatos han sido publicados en múltiples revistas latinoamericanas y españolas.Entre sus libros podemos señalar "El mal ejemplo y otros cuentos urbanos" (2000), "Infidencias" (2011), "Secretos insolentes" (2015) y "El refugio" (2017).

  • by Carlos Presman
    From 55.99 kr.

    "Vivir 100 años" es una novela escrita por un médico que mira con pasión la vejez, tomándola como un tiempo de la vida al que (con suerte y gracias a varios logros de nuestras sociedades) llegaremos. A través de un mosaico de testimonios que Presman encontró en muchos años de clínica, y por la atención que fue cultivando para los aspectos culturales que entran en juego con este tema, el libro encara antiguas cuestiones existenciales en su versión más actual: ¿Por qué –y cómo– queremos longevidad? ¿Con quiénes? ¿Por qué siempre vamos a necesitar sentir que nos necesitan? ¿Qué pasa con el trato de los demás hacia los viejos?Se trata de calidad de vida, no solo de cantidad de años. Y que en todo caso, como dice el autor, "no sean cien años de soledad sino de compañía". Carlos Presman (Córdoba, Argentina, 1961) es un médico y escritor argentino. Especializado en Medicina Interna y Terapia Intensiva, es titular de la cátedra de Semiología en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Participa en diferentes medios de comunicación con columnas referidas a temas de salud.Su libro "Letra de médico" (tomos I y II) se convirtió en un best seller y además es muy utilizado en varias carreras de Medicina.Publicó las novelas "Ni vivo ni muerto" (traducida al alemán) y "Vivir 100 años".

  • by Christina Englund
    79.00 kr.

  • by Nicola Lupi
    111.99 kr.

    Riccardo Hale frequenta l’ultimo anno di istituto tecnico. La scuola, pur non studiando molto, non è mai stata un problema per lui. Anche se all’apparenza può sembrare un ragazzo come tanti altri, Riccardo possiede delle abilità intellettive straordinarie. Senza che riesca a spiegarselo, Riccardo ha delle visioni, ricordi che non ha mai vissuto, una memoria talmente potente da essere se non inventata, quantomeno immaginata. Quanti altri ragazzi della sua età, ad esempio, riescono a ricordare la propria morte?Con il tempo, però, queste sue abilità lo porteranno a svelare un mondo oscuro, una sottotrama di organizzazioni segrete: scienziati, neurologi, criminali, e la vita di Riccardo prenderà delle pieghe inaspettate.Nicola Lupi (1982) è uno scrittore italiano. Laureato in ingegneria meccanica, comincia ad approcciarsi alla narrativa a fine giornata lavorativa, di sera, quando riesce a incanalare tutta la sua creatività. Nel 2020 esce il suo primo romanzo, ‘Ricordi di un omicidio’.

  • by Sheridan Le Fanu
    From 42.99 kr.

    Laura lives an isolated life with her father, alone in a castle in the Austrian wilderness. When the mysterious Carmilla, a strange and beautiful lady, arrives in the night, no one suspects the supernatural occurrences that follow. But still more unsuspected is the tempestuous romance that blooms between the two young women, and Carmilla’s nightmarish secret. Written 26 years before Stoker’s ‘Dracula’, ‘Carmilla’ is the original vampire novel. Sheridan Le Fanu combines a chilling Gothic atmosphere with horrifying episodes, boldly exploring the sexual desires of his heroines, and establishing the image of the female vampire. ‘Carmilla’ is an essential read for all fans of gothic novels and vampires, from Anne Rice’s ‘Interview with the Vampire’ to Netflix’s ‘The Vampire Diaries’.Joseph Thomas Sheridan Le Fanu (1814-1873) was an Irish Gothic writer of short stories and novels. One of the central names amidst the ghost-story writers of the 19th century, Le Fanu’s influence cannot be underestimated. Inspiring the likes of Bram Stoker, Le Fanu laid the basis for the Victorian Horror genre by combining realism with deeper psychological elements. His most important works include ‘Uncle Silas’, ‘Carmilla’, ‘The House by the Churchyard’, and his short story collection ‘In a Glass Darkly’.

  • by Virginie Landemaine
    133.99 kr.

    Et si la vie était bien plus que ce que l'on croit ?Et si l'existence possédait bien un côté magique ?Et si l'on pouvait affirmer, sans être jugé ou gentiment moqué, que la vie se poursuit bel et bien de l'autre côté ?À la suite du décès de sa mère, Virginie Landemaine décide d’exposer avec honnêteté et légèreté sa certitude que la vie se poursuit après la mort. Son histoire, ou plutôt ses histoires, l'ont conduite sur un chemin plein de rencontres, de libérations et de prises de conscience.« Et n'oublie pas de danser avec la vie ! » est un récit joyeux et positif sur un sujet souvent considéré comme triste et lourd. Ce livre parle certes de la mort et de l’après-vie, mais il parle avant tout de la vie et de la joie d'être en vie. L’existence humaine est pleine de choses qui ne se voient pas et ne s'expliquent pas. Une réalité invisible pourtant bien présente pour Virginie Landemaine, même si la science n’est pas aujourd’hui en mesure de la valider. Et c'est bien là que le bât blesse, car cette non-validation entraîne de des doutes, de jugements envers sa croyance si intime, qu’elle se promet de surmonter.Virginie Landemaine vit près de Nantes. « Et n'oublie pas de danser avec la vie ! » est son premier livre, un récit où elle se livre en partageant les expériences singulières vécues depuis le décès de sa maman. Avec ce livre, elle a l’ambition de faire du bien, d’aider chaque lecteur sur sur son chemin et ouvrir à une nouvelle façon d'appréhender la réalité, le visible et l’invisible.

  • by Bram Stoker
    67.99 kr.

    Bram Stoker is primarily known for his infamous horror novel 'Dracula', and its 1931 film adaptation starring Bela Lugosi. But Stoker has also penned shorter works intertwined with peculiar and morbid themes which echo the writings of the American master of the macabre, Edgar Allan Poe.This consists of sinister stories published by Stoker’s widow following his death. For instance 'The Secret of The Growing Gold', a ghost story about revenge that will send shivers down your spine. Accompanied by the humorous albeit chilling 'The Coming of Abel Behenna' among others. This collection encapsulates the full scope of Stoker’s horror fiction at its finest.A must-read of the horror genre, with a touch of nostalgia.Abraham "Bram" Stoker was born in Dublin in 1847. Turning to fiction in his later years, Stoker published his first short story 'The Crystal Cup' (1872) in London Society magazine. In the 1880s and 1890s, he published 'Under the Sunset' (1882) and an adventure novel titled 'The Snake’s Pass' (1890).It was the publication of 'Dracula' in 1897 which launched Stoker into literary stardom.

  • by Kurt Bartsch
    96.99 kr.

    Eine meisterhaft poetische Erzählung über Kriegskinder, die viel zu schnell erwachsen werden mussten.Berlin, 1945. Fanny Holzbein, die eigentlich Fanny Salbei heißt, und Charlotte sind unzertrennlich. Ihre Freundin ist alles, was Fanny noch geblieben ist. Und dann gibt es da noch die vier Nachbarsjungen, mit denen sie einst spielten, die nun Kindersoldaten sind und zwischen Verteidigungswahn und Vaterlandstreue alles hinter sich lassen mussten, was mit unbeschwertem Kindsein zu tun hat.Kurt Bartsch (1937-2010) war ein deutscher Prosaautor, Lyriker und Dramatiker. Nach seiner Schulzeit in Berlin probierte er sich in den unterschiedlichsten Berufen aus und war unter anderem als Leichenträger, Lagerarbeiter und Lektoratsassistent tätig. In Leipzig studierte Bartsch Literaturwissenschaft und wirkte anschließend an der Volksbühne in Berlin sowie am Mecklenburgischen Staatstheater. Wegen Kritik an Erich Honecker war er ab 1979 als Schriftsteller in der DDR unerwünscht und konnte nach West-Berlin ziehen. Bartsch wurde im Laufe seiner Schaffensperiode mit dem Deutschen Fernsehpreis und dem Bambi ausgezeichnet.

  • by James Patterson
    74.99 kr.

    Katie weet niet wat haar overkomt als haar nieuwe vriend Matt haar plotseling verlaat en een dagboek voor haar achterlaat. Al lezende over een jong, liefdevol gezin, komt ze erachter dat het door Matts vorige vrouw Suzanne is geschreven en dat Matt de vader is van hun zoontje. Vol onbegrip, maar diep ontroerd, ontdekt ze het verborgen verleden van haar vriend. Is er nog hoop voor hun relatie? Patterson heeft met ‘Het hart van glas’ naast het thriller genre ook de literaire romans overmeesterd met zijn ontroerende liefdesverhaal. Er zijn miljoenen exemplaren verkocht en werd in 2005 verfilmd met niemand minder dan Christina Applegate in de hoofdrol als Katie. James Patterson (1947) is een wereldberoemde Amerikaanse auteur en filantroop, die tot 1996 eveneens werkzaam was als reclamemaker. Sinds 1976 heeft hij meer dan tweehonderd boeken gepubliceerd, waarvan er in totaal meer dan 300 miljoen exemplaren zijn verkocht. 76 titels stonden op nummer één op de bestsellerlijst van de New York Times, waaronder President vermist, dat hij samen met Bill Clinton schreef. Deze cijfers maken hem een van de meest succesvolle en best verkopende auteurs ooit. Patterson is het meesterbrein achter de Alex Cross en Women’s Murder Club thrillerreeksen, die beide zijn verfilmd. Daarnaast heeft hij meerdere romans en kinderboeken op zijn naam staan.Zowel voor zijn schrijven als voor zijn liefdadigheidswerk heeft hij verscheidene prijzen gewonnen en onderscheidingen gekregen, waaronder de Edgar Award van de Mystery Writers of America en de Literarian Award van de National Book Foundation.

  • by Hans Christian Andersen
    36.99 kr.

    Pubblicata per la prima volta nel 1848 (poco dopo l’incontro dell’autore con Charles Dickens, che sembra qui riecheggiare), "La piccola fiammiferaia" è senza dubbio una delle più celebri fiabe scritte da Hans Christian Andersen. La vicenda è cupa e triste, anche se animata dal solenne sentimento che la vita umana abbia sempre un valore inestimabile. Una bambina si trova per strada, la notte dell’ultimo dell’anno, cercando di vendere dei fiammiferi. Nonostante stia soffrendo un freddo terribile, la piccola fiammiferaia si ostina a provare, temendo di incorrere nelle ire paterne. Disperata, inizia a riscaldarsi coi fiammiferi, iniziando ad avere visioni di pace e spensieratezza che, purtroppo, nascondono un’amara verità. Impreziosito dalla voce di Francesca Sarah Toich, questo classico immortale non potrà lasciarvi indifferenti, trascinandovi nell’immaginario dolceamaro del più grande scrittore danese di sempre.Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) nasce a Odense da una famiglia poverissima, ma esprime fin dalla prima infanzia un profondo interesse per il teatro e per le leggende tradizionali. A quattordici anni si reca a Copenaghen, dove fa i lavori più disparati coltivando il sogno di diventare attore. Sarà l’incontro fortuito col re di Danimarca, Federico VI, a cambiare per sempre il corso della sua esistenza: il sovrano, infatti, gli sovvenziona prima gli studi alla scuola di Slagelse, così come due viaggi a giro per l’Europa. Andersen esordisce nel 1827 come poeta, ma nel corso della sua lunga vita approccerà i più svariati generi: dal romanzo al vaudeville, passando per il melodramma e la satira. È però con le fiabe, scritte a fasi alterne fra il 1835 e il 1872, che ottiene una fama davvero solida e internazionale. Fra le molte altre opere da lui scritte, si possono citare "L’improvvisatore" (1835) e "Viaggio a piedi dal canale di Holmen alla punta orientale di Amager" (1828).

  • by Уилям Шекспир
    33.99 kr.

    Кралят на Дания е убит, а синът му Хамлет трябва да изобличи убиеца. Клавдий, родният му чичо и брат на баща му, стои зад заговора. Тронът е останал в негови ръце и задачата да го спечели обратно се пада на Хамлет. Датският принц се зарича да отмъсти за баща си и с хитрост подмамва чичо си. В момента, в който мисли, че отмъщението е приключило, а убиецът ще заплати за измяната си, Хамлет допуска грешка и убива не краля, а съветника му Полоний. Трагедията достига своя апогей и смъртта се разстила над Елсинор. Уилям Шекспир е един от най-видните английски поети и драматурзи, живял в периода 1564 – 1616 год. Времето между 1585 и 1592 е т.нар. „изгубен период", в който няма никаква информация за живота и делото на Шекспир. Не е ясно кога започва да пише, но през 1592 год. негови пиеси вече се поставят на сцена в Лондон. Шекспир пише комедии, исторически драми и трагедии, като най-известните от тях - „Хамлет", „Ромео и Жулиета", „Макбет", „Отело" и др. са преведени на много езици. Голяма част от пиесите му остават популярни и продължават да се играят на сцена и до днес. Създадени са също различни екранизации и интерпретации по целия свят. С основание Уилям Шекспир бива наричан „национален поет на Англия".

  • by Jules Verne
    From 14.99 kr.

    Le milliardaire Kin-Fo s'est trouvé soudainement ruiné suite à la faillite de sa banque. Afin de mettre à l'abris de la pauvreté sa future fiancée Lé-ou et son ami Wang, il souscrit une assurance-vie en leur faveur. Déshonoré et prêt à mourir, Kin-Fo demande à Wang d'être tué de ses mains dans deux mois. Wang accepte et reçoit une lettre qui l'innocentera du meurtre.Cependant, alors que Wang disparait pour préparer son forfait, Kin-Fo se découvre riche à nouveau. Il n'est plus question pour le milliardaire de renoncer à la vie.Mais Wang n'est pas un homme à rompre ses promesses. Kin-Fo devra fuir à travers toute la Chine pour échapper à un serment inviolable...Jules Verne exprime tout ses talents de conteurs dans ce joyau des « Voyages extraordinaires ». Plus qu'un périple littéraire dans la Chine du XIXe, ce roman d'aventures traite du bonheur avec une philosophie des plus sages.Jules Verne (1828-1905) est l’auteur de près de quatre-vingts romans, et un incroyable précurseur de la science-fiction. Dès son plus jeune âge, il rêve d’aventures, et tente de partir en bateau pour les Indes. Son père l’ayant retenu, il se rend à Paris et fait des études de droit. Là bas, il fréquente à la fois les milieux littéraires (il rencontre Dumas) et scientifiques (il rencontre les trois frères Aragos). Sa première pièce « Les Pailles Rompues », en 1850, le pousse à se consacrer à la littérature. Il voyage en Ecosse puis en Scandinavie, et il publie « Cinq Semaines en Ballon », en 1863, chez son ami éditeur Hetzel. C’est un succès considérable qu’il cristallise avec « Le Tour du Monde en 80 jours », et des romans oscillant entre aventure et anticipation : « Vingt Mille Lieues Sous les Mers », 1869, « De la Terre à la Lune », 1865.

  • by Merja Svensk
    From 73.99 kr.

    Koska Aino-täti on ollut Paulalle rakkaampi kuin oma äiti, Ainon sairastuminen Alzheimeriin järkyttää Paulaa syvästi. Paula alkaa hoitaa tätiään, mutta samalla hänen on vaikea jaksaa huolehtia itsestään. Suru nostaa pintaan vaikeita asioita, ja Paula alkaa nähdä unia, joissa haisee omituisesti savulta. Kun suvun salaisuudet alkavat paljastua kuin jännitysromaanissa ikään, moni mysteeri menneisyydessä saa selityksensä. Merja Svenskin omakohtainen esikoisromaani kuvaa yhden suvun naisia ja kipuilua Alzheimerin taudin kanssa. Teos tarjoaa vertaistukea ja on samalla koskettava tarina yksinäisyydestä.Merja Svensk on helsinkiläinen kirjailija, jolta on ilmestynyt kaksi romaania. Svensk työskentelee muun muassa työnohjaajana, ja hänellä on laaja kokemus työyhteisön hyvinvoinnin kehittämisestä sekä rikos- ja riitatilanteiden sovittelusta.

  • by Jack London
    38.99 kr.

    Set during the height of the Klondike gold rush this powerful short story follows two gold prospectors traversing the treacherous Canadian tundra. Supplies are low and their fates hang in the balance but they have no choice but to continue, it is too late to turn back. They must rely on each other to survive, they have no one else, but in this frozen waste can they trust each other with their lives? It is a powerful short story emblematic of London’s incredible ability to bring the beautiful brutality of the frozen Yukon to life. If you loved Leonardo DiCaprio in ‘The Revenant’ you’ll love this inspired piece on the untamed Yukon.Jack London (1876–1916) was a pioneer, novelist, journalist and social activist. London was one of the first American authors to become an international celebrity thanks to his pioneering work in commercial fiction and magazines. Additionally he is accredited as a major innovator in the genre we now know as science fiction. Growing up in a working class background and spending several years homeless, he was a passionate fighter for workers’ rights, socialism, unionisation and animal rights. He would go on to be one of the highest paid authors in America thanks to his classics such as ‘Call of the Wild’, ‘White fang’ and ‘Sea Wolf’.

  • by Edgar Rice Burroughs
    58.99 kr.

    Evil gold-diggers, sacrifices, blood-thirsty priests and slave owners make for some life and death adventures for our hero Tarzan.Being the fifth novel in the series, 'Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar' traces Tarzan’s adventures on his return to the fictional lost city of Opar, whose people are engaged in mining gold. However, he is being followed by two greedy men. What is more, the priests of the flaming god are trying to lure him into their trap so they can sacrifice him.'Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar' is a nice adventure reading, perfect for your summer holiday or the long and gloomy winter months.Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950) was an American author, best known for his novel ‘Tarzan of the Apes’ (1914) and its sequels as well as the Barsoom series. During World War II, he was one of the oldest U.S war correspondents.Tarzan and his adventures are loved by both young and old, and are evergreen classics. Many have watched at least one Tarzan tv series or movie with one of the most popular being the Disney animation film from 1999 and 'The Legend of Tarzan' from 2016 starring Alexander Skarsgård and Samuel L. Jackson.

  • by Nikolai Gogol
    38.99 kr.

    ‘Memoirs of a Madman’ is a fascinating short following Poprishchin, a minor civil servant, as he descends into insanity. Unique in Golgol’s collection, it is the only story he wrote completely from the first person in the form of a number of diary entries. Constantly ridiculed by friends and repressed by the government of Tsarist Russia, he confides all in his journal documenting his slow decline in to insanity. As the only account we have is Poprishchin’s, we have no idea if the continually fantastical events happening before us are real or simply figments of his imagination. It is a fascinating novel, equally humourous as it is farcical, from talking dogs to tea-thirsty cows if you liked Leonardo Dicaprio’s ‘Shutter island’ you’ll love this short.Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol was one of the first writers to adopt surrealism and the grotesque in his work. As well as being one of Russia’s most acclaimed authors, he is acknowledged as one of the founders of the short story genre alongside Nathaniel Hawthorne and E.T.A Hoffman. His early writing was largely inspired by his time spent growing up in Ukraine, it’s culture and it’s folklore, while his later writing targeted and satirised the political corruption of the Russian Empire. His unique and strange form of writing similar to the ‘ostranenie’ technique, allowed his audience to see familiar topics and stories from a completely new perspective. Acknowledged for his brilliance by many acclaimed authors such as Fedor Dostoevsky his best works include ‘Dead Souls’, ‘Taras Bulba’ and ‘Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka’.

  • by Fyodor Dostoevsky
    42.99 kr.

    "She should have appreciated my deed"!Control and narcissism, greed and jealousy. The evil of a man driving his young wife to suicide and yet, he still believes he has done no wrong.'A Gentle Creature' is a short story about a heartbroken pawnbroker, who takes an interest in a young girl that frequents his shop. Dostoevsky’s attempt here is to portray the evil, prideful, cowardly man who wants above everything else to possess, control, and ultimately destroy everything that he touches.Based loosely on an event that the author read about in a newspaper, the story criticizes the destructive impulses and greed for domination over that kind of life these spiteful men can never have. A gentle, yet emotionally cruel tale of wickedness, abuse and tragedy that is tinged by Dostoevsky’s most somber tones.'A Gentle Creature' was made into a film adaptation in 2017 and this was in the main competition section at the 2017 Cannes Film Festival.Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881) was a famous Russian writer of novels, short stories, and essays. A connoisseur of the troubled human psyche and the relationships between the individuals, Dostoevsky’s oeuvre covers a large area of subjects: politics, religion, social issues, philosophy, and the uncharted realms of the psychological.There have been at least 30 film and TV adaptations of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s 1866 novel 'Crime and Punishment' with probably the most popular being the British BBC TV series starring John Simm as Raskolnikov and Ian McDiarmid as Porfiry Petrovich.'The Idiot' has also been adapted for films and TV, as has 'Demons' and 'The Brothers Karamazov'.

  • by Fyodor Dostoevsky
    38.99 kr.

    Who doesn't love the magic of Christmas? Waiting for presents and enjoying the taste of the delicious food? Though the poor can't afford all this they still have the closeness of their families to treasure, unless that family is now dead!'The Heavenly Christmas Tree' is a short story by Dostoevsky that very much resembles Hans Christian Andersen’s 'The Little Match Girl'.In St. Petersburg, on Christmas Eve, a poor boy wakes up in a damp and gloomy cellar, oblivious to the tragedy that has befallen his poverty-stricken family. The boy’s meandering through the cold, empty streets while looking thorugh windows into the warm interiors of houses depicts a rather horrific and shiveringly depressive picture of sadness and inevitability. The story offers sharp social criticism and speaks for the voiceless. Above all, it remains a compelling and unforgettable short read.Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881) was a famous Russian writer of novels, short stories, and essays. A connoisseur of the troubled human psyche and the relationships between the individuals, Dostoevsky’s oeuvre covers a large area of subjects: politics, religion, social issues, philosophy, and the uncharted realms of the psychological.There have been at least 30 film and TV adaptations of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s 1866 novel 'Crime and Punishment' with probably the most popular being the British BBC TV series starring John Simm as Raskolnikov and Ian McDiarmid as Porfiry Petrovich.'The Idiot' has also been adapted for films and TV, as has 'Demons' and 'The Brothers Karamazov'.

  • by Edgar Rice Burroughs
    67.99 kr.

    In Edgar Rice Burroughs’ seventh book about ape-man Tarzan, World War I rages through East Africa. While away in Europe fighting for England, Tarzan is unaware of the evil descending upon his plantation in British East Africa. When he returns, it is too late. German colonial forces have ransacked and destroyed his entire home, leaving nothing but disaster behind. In the wreckage, Tarzan finds the charred, blackened corpse of his beloved wife Jane. Consumed with grief and thoughts of vengeance, he sets out to wage a bloody guerilla war against all Germans troops that stand in his way on his path to ultimate revenge on German officer Captain Fritz Schneider. Will Tarzan succeed through harsh desert and wasteland with the help of his untraditional army of gorillas and lions?Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950) was an American author, best known for his book series about Tarzan, an English infant abandoned in the African jungle and brought up by apes. The first novel, "Tarzan of the Apes", was published in 1914 and was succeeded by a total of 24 books about the ape-man. The Tarzan stories have been translated into more than 56 languages and gained popularity in both film, television and radio. During World War II, after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Burroughs, aged 66, became one of the oldest U.S war correspondents to cover the South Pacific theatre.

  • by Nikolai Gogol
    42.99 kr.

    ‘Taras Bulbas’ is a literary epic following an older Cossack named Taras Bulba who takes his sons to war with him against the Poles who rule all of Ukraine. It is a piece of romantic nationalism, inspired by the historical cultural identity of Ukraine and some of it’s most famous heroes. Taras himself is inspired by multiple famous Ukrainians in history, seen as a paragon of civic virtue, he will do anything for the Ukrainian cause. He is unflinching in his loyalty and kill anyone in his path towards national liberation, friend or foe, and even family. It is an action packed novel, fast paced and powered by the strength of it’s main characters, if you loved the action of ‘Dracula Untold’ you will love this epic.Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol was one of the first writers to adopt surrealism and the grotesque in his work as well as being one of Russia’s most acclaimed authors. He is acknowledged as one of the founders of the short story genre alongside Nathaniel Hawthorne and E.T.A Hoffman. His early writing was largely inspired by his time spent growing up in Ukraine, it’s culture and it’s folklore, while his later writing targeted and satirised the political corruption of the Russian Empire. His unique and strange form of writing similar to the ‘ostranenie’ technique, allowed his audience to see familiar topics and stories from a completely new perspective. Acknowledged for his brilliance by many acclaimed authors such as Fedor Dostoevsky his best works include ‘Dead Souls’, ‘Taras Bulba’ and ‘Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka’.

  • by Teodoro Baró i Sureda
    58.99 kr.

    Lo poema del cor és una col·lecció de poesia que beu de la tradició catalana i dels costums cristians. Una poesia costumista, propera, que parla del drama humà. Algunes de les peces, com "Las tempestats del cor" o "Aigua benehida", parlen del dia a dia en un ambient rural. D'altres són diàlegs poètics entre personatges, una mescla de poema i peça teatral. Una obra de poesia quotidiana i senzilla molt en la tònica de l'autor.Teodoro Baró i Sureda (Figueres, 1842- 1916) va ser escriptor, polític, advocat i periodista català. Tot i que la seva carrera va estar centrada principalment en el periodisme i la política, va publicar diverses obres de poesía, teatre, novel•la i no ficció, amb més de trenta llibres. Com a periodista, va ser el director de medis com el Diari de Barcelona, a més d’ocupar diversos càrrecs polítics, vinculat al Partit Liberal.

  • by Emilio Salgari
    36.99 kr.

    Due minatori siciliani, momentaneamente in Uruguay per lavoro, s’imbattono in qualcosa che non avrebbero mai pensato possibile. Nelle foreste del Sud America, misteriose ed inesplorate, dimorano non solo animali pericolosi, ma anche altri esseri—forse animali sconosciuti, forse qualcos’altro—che nessuno ha mai visto e successivamente raccontato.Emilio Salgari (1862-1911) è stato uno scrittore italiano. Prolificissimo scrittore di romanzi d'avventura, è noto soprattutto come il creatore del pirata Sandokan. Tra le sue opere più famose, ricordiamo i libri raccolti nel 'Ciclo dei pirati della Malesia' e nel 'Ciclo dei corsari delle Antille'.

  • by Ernst Weiss
    96.99 kr.

    Giorgio Letham è un medico, ma anche un'uxoricida. In seguito all’omicidio di sua moglie, viene condannato ai lavori forzati in una colonia penale in Sud America. Qui lavora a contatto con i malati di febbre gialla in un ospedale epidemiologico e conosce l’omosessuale March, al quale si lega in maniera morbosa e, a suo avviso, incomprensibile. Mentre questo rapporto risveglia in lui un senso di inaspettata umanità, il patologo si cimenta in un esperimento medico avventato che scatena una pericolosa reazione a catena...Ernst Weiss (1882 - 1940) è stato uno scrittore ebraico proveniente dall'allora Impero austro-ungarico. Lavora come medico chirurgo a Vienna, Berlino e Berna, esperienza che lo porta casualmente a curare un giovane Adolf Hitler affetto da cecità isterica. Tale evento diviene oggetto del suo racconto più celebre, "Il testimone oculare". Dopo avere avviato la sua carriera da scrittore, esercitata principalmente a Berlino, Weiss stringe un intimo rapporto di amicizia con Franz Kafka. Allo scoppio della guerra si trasferisce a Parigi, dove si toglie la vita nel 1940 in seguito all’invasione della città da parte dei nazisti. Tra le sue opere più note ricordiamo "Animali in catene", "La prova del fuoco", "Giorgio Letham medico e assassino", "Il testimone oculare" e "Jamila".

  • by David Morrell
    From 73.99 kr.

    Vietnamin sodan veteraani John Rambo istuu vankilassa sovittaakseen tekonsa, kun tuttu komentaja tulee tarjoamaan vapautta. Tarjoukseen sisältyy kuitenkin ehto: Rambon on palattava vankileirille ja valokuvattava sinne jääneet jenkkisotilaat. Hänen ei tule pelastaa miehiä vaan ainoastaan selvittää, mitä heille on tapahtunut. Kostaminen on kiellettyä. Rambo tarttuu oljenkorteen ja laskeutuu samaan, tappavan vaaralliseen helvettiin, josta on jo kertaalleen pelastunut. Mikään ei kuitenkaan pidättele häntä rikkomasta ehtoja ja antautumasta taisteluun. Ikoninen toimintasankari Rambo palaa kuvioihin aiempaakin hengästyttävämmässä jatko-osassa! Samasta tarinasta on filmatisoitu myös suursuosioon noussut elokuva.Rambo-sarja kuvaa Vietnamin sodassa sissiksi oppineen John Rambon vaiheita – räjähtävää toimintaa ja nokkelia juonenkäänteitä säästelemättä.David Morrell (s. 1943) on kanadalaissyntyinen kirjailija, jonka kirjoja on käännetty 30 kielelle. Hänet tunnetaan laajasta tuotannosta, johon kuuluu niin vakoojatrillereitä kuin tarina sotaveteraani John Rambostakin.

  • by Maila Talvio
    40.99 kr.

    Sophie Palmblad on hovineuvoksetar, jonka elämä on ollut onnellista ja yltäkylläistä. Iästään huolimatta Sophie on säilynyt nuorekkaana. Koti on kaunis, ja asiat ovat prikulleen paikoillaan. Ja Sophien lapset – he ovat olleet aina esimerkillisiä! Tyttäret Märta ja Alfhild ovat päässeet hyviin naimisiin. Poika Allan puolestaan on niin ihastuttava tapaus, ettei Allanilla voi olla edessään kuin loistava tulevaisuus. Kaikki ei kuitenkaan ole aina sitä miltä päällepäin näyttää. Sophien kiillotettu elämä saa syvän naarmun, kun rakkaasta pojasta paljastuu yllättävä asia.Maila Talvio on kirjailija Maila Mikkolan (1871–1951) salanimi. Mikkola julkaisi esikoisteoksensa Haapaniemen keinu vuonna 1895. Mikkola piti 1900-luvun alussa suosittua kirjallista salonkia Linnunlaulun huvilassa, joka on nykyään kirjailijatalo Villa Kivi.

  • by Guido Fabiani
    73.99 kr.

    Dopo avere appreso il mestiere di spazzacamino, Tonio si prende cura del piccolo protagonista con l’intento di tramandargli le sue conoscenze. L’allontanamento dalla mamma è un evento doloroso, ma le loro condizioni di indigenza non lasciano altra scelta. Nonostante le promesse fatte, Tonio in realtà si comporta in maniera poco corretta, non portando a termine incarichi che gli vengono affidati e costringendo l’apprendista spazzacamino a lavorare a digiuno, finendo per trascinarlo in un turbine di rocambolesche avventure...Guido Fabiani (1869-1947) è stato un giornalista e scrittore italiano. Esordisce precoce a 15 anni con la sua prima novella. In seguito, pubblica un’opera per ragazzi intitolata 'Le vicende di una rana'. Nel 1897, fonda la rivista 'Il Corriere del Mestre', che guiderà fino al 1939, quando viene sostituito da una persona più vicina al fascismo. Oltre alla sua opera più celebre 'Mani nere e cuor d’oro', ricordiamo 'Da cuore a cuore', 'Fatti e uomini della storia d’Italia' e 'La gran fiamma'.

  • by Arthur Schnitzler
    58.99 kr.

    Tornato a Vienna dopo un periodo di malattia, le condizioni psichiche di Robert non sembrano essere migliorate per niente. È un periodo di tensione e paranoia, un lento declino verso la follia. Per di più, nonostante paia esserne cosciente, Robert non trova riparo o aiuto in nessuna delle sue vecchie compagnie: si allontana dalla compagna, dalle amicizie, e neanche suo fratello Otto, medico famoso, riesce a calmarlo. Anzi, è proprio verso di lui che Robert sviluppa una certa diffidenza, soprattutto per via di un foglio che lui stesso aveva firmato in passato dove dichiarava che, in presenza di evidenti segni di follia, avrebbe preferito la morte.Arthur Schnitzler (1862-1931) è stato un medico, scrittore e drammaturgo viennese. Le sue opere sono contraddistinte da un’attentissima analisi psicologica dei personaggi. Lo stile della sua prosa, soprattutto per aver introdotto la tecnica del monologo interiore, è riconosciuto come uno dei più influenti della letteratura mondiale.