Narrative theme: death, grief, loss
From 58.99 kr. Una novela tan desgarradora como cercana, El umbral de una vida nos lleva a los dramáticos acontecimientos vividos durante un atentado a manos de terroristas del ISIS en el Museo del Bardo de Túnez. Basada en la experiencia directa de unos supervivientes al atentado, conocidos del autor, esta historia nos adentrará en el miedo, la fragilidad de la vida, el amor, el odio y la trascendencia a través de un testimonio escalofriante por su realidad.Enrique Garza Grau es un abogado y escritor español. Siempre apasionado de las letras, ha cultivado tanto la narrativa como el artículo de opinión, en medios como ABC o El Mundo. Actualmente es columnista del periódico Capital Noreste, actividad que compagina con la creación literaria.
From 20.99 kr. Publikacja złożona z trzech utworów autora: „Pułapki", „Sieciarza" i „Okna czasu". Każda z opowieści ma innego męskiego bohatera, dynamicznego oraz zdeterminowanego na osiągnięcie celu bez względu na wynikające z podjętych decyzji konsekwencje. Jednak to, co się zdarzyło przerosło ich wyobrażenia.Powieściopisarz, reportażysta. Debiutował w latach 90. Jest autorem kilkunastu słuchowisk i reportaży emitowanych na antenie Polskiego Radia. Wydał kilka cykli reportaży ( „Najwięksi polscy zbrodniarze", „Zabijałem dla mafii") oraz powieści kryminalnych. „Zwerbowana miłość" doczekała się filmowej ekranizacji, zaś na podstawie „Śladami złodziei aniołów" powstał serial telewizyjny. Szlachetko publikował także powieści sensacyjne pod pseudonimem Arthur Ray.
102.99 kr. Set in County Leitrim in Ireland, ‘The Macdermots of Ballycloran’ was the first novel Anthony Trollope wrote. When a traveller stumbles across the abandoned estate of Ballycloran, he learns from local residents of the unfortunate fate of the Macdermot family who once inhabited it. A gripping tale which explores themes of poverty, honour, crime and murder.Anthony Trollope (1815 – 1882) was a Victorian writer and author of 47 novels. He also wrote an autobiography, short stories and plays, travel articles, reviews and lectures. A prolific writer, he made no secret of the fact that money was his motivation for writing – an admission which raised eyebrows among his literary contemporaries at the time. The amount of works Trollope authored are testament to his belief in hard work. His first successful novel was The Warden followed by its sequel, Barchester Towers. The Chronicles of Barsetshire are perhaps his most well-known series of novels, though many of his works have been adapted for TV and radio, starring many familiar faces such as Alan Rickman, David Tennant, Bill Nighy and Tom Hollander. Alongside his literary career, Trollope also worked for some time for the Post Office and is credited with the introduction of the iconic post box to Britain. A memorial to Anthony Trollope was unveiled in Poets’ Corner in Westminster Abbey in 1993.
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- 102.99 kr.
67.99 kr. First published in 1863, this is an early short story from Anthony Trollope. After living in Costa Rica for ten years, Mr and Mrs Arkwright decide it is time to return to England with their young child. The young family take a shortcut across the country through thick forests and mountain passes, all the while battling the elements. While the trio ever make it safely home?-
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- 67.99 kr.
163.99 kr. ‘The Duke’s Children’ is the sixth and final novel in Anthony Trollope’s popular ‘Palliser’ series of novels. In it, we are reunited with Plantagenet Palliser, the Duke of Omnium in tragic circumstances. A formerly remote father figure to his children, the Duke now finds himself drawn into each of their romantic and professional troubles. What will the two generations be able to learn from each other in a changing Victorian society?Anthony Trollope (1815 – 1882) was a Victorian writer and author of 47 novels. He also wrote an autobiography, short stories and plays, travel articles, reviews and lectures. A prolific writer, he made no secret of the fact that money was his motivation for writing – an admission which raised eyebrows among his literary contemporaries at the time. The amount of works Trollope authored are testament to his belief in hard work. His first successful novel was The Warden followed by its sequel, Barchester Towers. The Chronicles of Barsetshire are perhaps his most well-known series of novels, though many of his works have been adapted for TV and radio, starring many familiar faces such as Alan Rickman, David Tennant, Bill Nighy and Tom Hollander. Alongside his literary career, Trollope also worked for some time for the Post Office and is credited with the introduction of the iconic post box to Britain. A memorial to Anthony Trollope was unveiled in Poets’ Corner in Westminster Abbey in 1993.
- Ebook
- 163.99 kr.
9.95 kr. «Морской хирург» - рассказ Габриеле д’Аннунцио о происшествии, случившемся на борту парусной лодки. Один из членов команды Джиалукка заметил на шее красноту, похожую на укус насекомого. С каждым днём краснота и опухоль увеличивались. Резкое движение головы причиняло нестерпимую боль. На судне не было ни врача, ни аптечки. С каждым днём Джиалукка чувствовал себя всё хуже и хуже. Тогда члены экипажа решили, что нужно действовать немедленно и решительно. Что они предприняли и чем закончилась эта история – узнаете из рассказа.Габриеле д’Аннунцио (1863 – 1938) – итальянский писатель, поэт, драматург, военный и политический деятель. Ему свойственно необычайное чувство природы. Образы природы переполняют все его произведения, как драматические, так и поэтические. Лучшее создание драматурга – пьеса «Дочь Йорио», рассказывающая о любви пастуха к дочери колдуна. Считал себя «жрецом эротики», поэтому его жизнь и творчество неотделимы от образа женщины. Единственная женщина, сумевшая устоять перед его чарами, была американская танцовщица Айседора Дункан.
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- 9.95 kr.
42.99 kr. First published in 1855 ‘Half a Lifetime Ago’ by much-loved author Elizabeth Gaskell recounts the events which have befallen the now pessimistic and solitary Susan Dixon, shaping her personality and outlook on life. Set against a bleak, rural backdrop, it is a tale of love and loss and of hope and disappointment as she looks back on the moments which have moulded her. A morose yet moving reflection on life.Elizabeth Gaskell (1810-1865) is an enduringly popular and highly regarded English novelist. Born in Chelsea, London, Elizabeth was sent to live with her aunt in Knutsford, Cheshire after her mother died, a place which would provide inspiration for some of her most popular works, including ‘Cranford’. A sociable and lively young woman, Elizabeth married Minister William Gaskell in 1832 and settled in Manchester. An industrial hub and the scene of much political and social change, her time in Manchester influenced much of her writing. Her first novel, ‘Mary Barton’ focussed on the appalling and impoverished living conditions of those living in Northern industrial cities and was a huge success, sparking the interest of notable figures such as Charles Dickens, who invited Elizabeth to contribute to the periodicals he edited. An active humanitarian, her works dealt sympathetically with the plight of the poorest in society, and she did not shy away from controversial topics such as prostitution and illegitimacy. A close friend of Charlotte Brontë, Elizabeth also wrote a highly acclaimed biography of the author in 1857. Some of her best known and most loved novels include ‘Cranford’, ‘North and South’ and the posthumously published ‘Wives and Daughters’, all of which have been adapted for TV by the BBC, most recently ‘Cranford’ starring Judi Dench, Michael Gambon, and Greg Wise. Elizabeth Gaskell is regarded as one of the most important novelists of the Victorian era.
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- 42.99 kr.
92.99 kr. Author Elizabeth Gaskell's first ever novel 'Mary Barton' was written as a means of distracting herself from her grief over the loss of her young son. Taking inspiration from Manchester, the industrial hub where Elizabeth Gaskell was living at the time, 'Mary Barton' paints a fascinating yet horrifying picture of working-class life in a Victorian city. Young Mary Barton and her trade unionist father are barely getting by, and all around them people are being exploited and abused by the wealthy. While her father pursues a political path to equality, Mary is torn between marrying for love, and marrying above her social situation in order to improve her family's fortunes. A ground-breaking novel for its' time, 'Mary Barton' put the plight of the working classes front and centre - revealing the shocking cycle of poverty, starvation and death which affected so much of the population. -
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- 92.99 kr.
From 73.99 kr. El pueblo de Brañaganda está asolado por la peor de las plagas: el asesinato. Varias mujeres han aparecido asesinadas de manera violenta. Mientras el marido de la maestra local intenta desesperadamente encontrar una explicación racional, todas las señales apuntan a que se trata de un lobishome, una mezcla de lobo y hombre. Lo que nadie puede sospechar es quién mueve los hilos del brazo ejecutor que campa a sus anchas por Brañaganda, ni qué motivos tiene para matar. Una vuelta de tuerca a las leyendas rurales más arraigadas en el imaginario español, una historia de imaginación desbordante y final con colmillos.David Monteagudo es un autor nacido en Lugo en 1962. Siempre aficionado a la literatura aunque con otra profesión del todo distinta, en 2009 se animó a escribir su primera novela, Fin, que resultó un éxito absoluto de ventas y crítica. Desde entonces se ha convertido en uno de los autores indispensables de las letras españolas contemporáneas. Sus obras han sido traducidas al francés, alemán, holandés, italiano, catalán y ruso.
36.99 kr. Monos e Una, due singole entità per definizione, unite da un legame che va oltre quello amoroso. Nella forma dei più classici dialoghi filosofici, una coppia si ritrova nell’aldilà per parlare della vita, della morte, della decadenza dei tempi moderni. Infondendo il racconto con la propria estetica, Poe dà vita a una rivisitazione in chiave dark della tradizione platonica. Niente Olimpo, ma tombe e funerali e certezze di nuove vite.Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) è stato uno scrittore e poeta americano, considerato il padre della letteratura horror, del poliziesco e uno dei pionieri della fantascienza. Autore principalmente di racconti brevi, le sue storie non sono mai catalogabili in un unico genere.Dopo la scoperta del grande pubblico, Poe è divenuto con il passare degli anni uno degli scrittori dall’estetica più nota e influente di tutta la letteratura. Tra i suoi racconti più noti ricordiamo: ‘Lo scarabeo d’oro’, ‘La caduta della casa degli Usher’, e ‘Il pozzo e il pendolo’.
- Ebook
- 36.99 kr.
36.99 kr. Con una lettera, Roderick Usher invita un suo vecchio amico a fargli visita nella sua dimora. La sua salute è cagionevole, dice nella lettera, e quella della sorella è addirittura più malandata. Giunto alla dimora Usher, il protagonista si troverà davanti un edificio sinistro, antico, terrificante: alberi spogli, pozzi oscuri, mura nere. Caratteristiche che si rispecchiano nel volto del padrone di casa, emaciato e trasandato. Roderick invita l’amico a sistemarsi e gli parla della sorella morente. Così l’ospite comincia man mano a intravedere, dietro a queste mura tetre, un mistero torbido e forse mai del tutto svelato. La successiva morte della donna, pochi giorni dopo il suo arrivo, getterà ancora più ombre sul passato di una casata dai segreti profondi e corvini.Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) è stato uno scrittore e poeta americano, considerato il padre della letteratura horror, del poliziesco e uno dei pionieri della fantascienza. Autore principalmente di racconti brevi, le sue storie non sono mai catalogabili in un unico genere.Dopo la scoperta del grande pubblico, Poe è divenuto con il passare degli anni uno degli scrittori dall’estetica più nota e influente di tutta la letteratura. Tra i suoi racconti più noti ricordiamo: ‘Lo scarabeo d’oro’, ‘La caduta della casa degli Usher’, e ‘Il pozzo e il pendolo’.
- Ebook
- 36.99 kr.
111.99 kr. Continúa la obra maestra por excelencia del autor Antonio Altadill, una historia de venganzas y crímenes del pasado con ecos del mejor Dumas. Nuestro héroe, Diego Rocafort, ha sido encarcelado por un delito del que ha sido falsamente acusado. Sin embargo, un giro del destino le brindará la oportunidad de conseguir lo que más ansía: la venganza.Antonio Altadill fue un escritor, periodista y politólogo español nacido en Tortosa (Tarragona) en 1828 y fallecido en Barcelona en 1880. Periodista comprometido, llegó a fundar el periódico El Pueblo y a escribir para La Soberanía Nacional, La Discusión o El Estado Catalán. Cultivó asimismo la novela bajo el pseudónimo Antonio de Padua, llegando a escribir más de treinta títulos.
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- 111.99 kr.
36.99 kr. La Morte Rossa, un’epidemia letale, dilaga per le terre del Principe Prospero, decimando i suoi abitanti e lasciando il regno spopolato. Preoccupato, Prospero si isola con mille altri nel suo palazzo. A intrattenerli, per i successivi cinque mesi, ci penseranno danze e spettacoli, e nell’edificio, man mano che passano i giorni, la speranza di aver superato l’epidemia si fa sempre più forte. Tanto forte che, preso dall’entusiasmo, Prospero organizza una festa in maschera. Tra tutte le maschere che si presenteranno, però, nessuno avrebbe mai voluto vedere quella che farà la sua comparsa verso la fine.Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) è stato uno scrittore e poeta americano, considerato il padre della letteratura horror, del poliziesco e uno dei pionieri della fantascienza. Autore principalmente di racconti brevi, le sue storie non sono mai catalogabili in un unico genere.Dopo la scoperta del grande pubblico, Poe è divenuto con il passare degli anni uno degli scrittori dall’estetica più nota e influente di tutta la letteratura. Tra i suoi racconti più noti ricordiamo: ‘Lo scarabeo d’oro’, ‘La caduta della casa degli Usher’, e ‘Il pozzo e il pendolo’.
- Ebook
- 36.99 kr.
51.99 kr. Ein neuer kniffliger Fall für Detective Inspector Bill Slider: Ein Toter wird – offensichtlich inszeniert – auf einer Schaukel auf einem Spielplatz in einem Londoner Park, der sich zwischen der Sozialwohnungssiedlung Woodlands und dem Stadtteil Shepherd’s Bush befindet, gefunden. Der Mord gibt Rätsel auf, um wen es sich handelt und wie die Leiche dorthin kam. Der Inspector muss sich beeilen, den Fall aufzuklären. Seine Ermittlungen führen ihn durch die halbseidene Welt der trostlosen Pubs und Bordelle Londons bis hin zu einem Tattoostudio in Hong Kong...Cynthia Harrod-Eagles , geboren 1948 in London, ist eine britische Schriftstellerin, die für ihre Kriminalromane und historischen Romane bekannt ist und die auch unter den Künstlernamen Elizabeth Bennett und Emma Woodhouse publiziert. Sie studierte Englische Literatur, Geschichte und Philosophie in Edinburgh und London. Bevor sie ab 1979 hauptberuflich mit dem Schreiben begann, arbeitete sie für Coca Cola und die BBC. Ihre historischen Romane umfassen die gesamte englische Neuzeit und ihre Krimis um Detective Inspector Bill Slider ist äußerst populär.
- Audiobook
- 51.99 kr.
73.99 kr. Mies istuu Genovan rautatieaseman vieressa olevassa baarissa ja kirjoittaa kirjetta pojalleen. Mies on valokuvaaja, ja han on ollut samassa paikassa poikansa kanssa viisi vuotta sitten. Viisi vuotta sitten, kun he yhdessa matkustivat upeassa Italiassa ja kun hyvin alkanut matka sai lopulta ikavan kaanteen... Poika ei nimittain palannut matkalta takaisin Suomeen. Mita oikein meni pieleen? "e;Juna San Pellegrinoon"e; on Jukka Pakkasen koskettava romaani isan ja pojan suhteesta. -
- Ebook
- 73.99 kr.
96.99 kr. Kanadalainen Ray Millington on vetanyt malminetsintasafareja kartoittamattomassa Keski-Afrikassa jo vuosia. Nyt mies kaipaa vaihtelua, mutta ensin hanen on kuitenkin loydettava vaimonsa murhaaja. Tama tehtava vie hanet Kongon kautta Rhodesiaan ja lopulta Etela-Afrikkaan luomaan uraa kaivosteollisuuden parissa. Englantilainen Inga Shepstone puolestaan menettaa tyonsa ja paatyy myos Etela-Afrikkaan uusiin seikkailuihin. Molempien suunnitelmat muuttuvat, kun Rayn ja Ingan tiet viimein kohtaavat.Kapkaupungin valot on Reino Marjasen jannitys- ja rakkausromaani. 1990-luvun Afrikkaan sijoittuva teos on itsenainen jatko-osa romaanille Luangwa.-
- Ebook
- 96.99 kr.
73.99 kr. Kristo on keski-ikainen mies, joka tyoskentelee valokuvaajana. Hanella on kannettavanaan raskas painolasti - lapi sukupolvien kulkevia traumoja. Kun Kristo alkaa selvittaa isansa Victorin elamaa ja pappisuraa, han tulee samalla tehneeksi matkan myos isoisansa elamaan. Miksi isoisa teki itsemurhan? Miksi isa puolestaan halusi papiksi? Kristo matkustaa aina Italiaan asti tutkimaan isansa ja sukunsa tarinaa."e;Tinasotamiehen poika"e; on Jukka Pakkasen koskettava ihmissuhderomaani.-
- Ebook
- 73.99 kr.
36.99 kr. À la mort de son père, un jeune homme devient l'assistant d'un savant fou. Le savant est maladroit et traversé d'épisodes colériques. Parfois il crie, casse, et se débat seul dans son laboratoire. Pour autant, il n'a jamais renié la véritable nature du jeune homme et a toujours fait preuve de bienveillance. Poète sensible et dévoué, le jeune homme voit sa vie changer du tout au tout avec l'arrivée de Mary...Cette nouvelle marque le départ des histoires d'amour à la française où confessions, sentiments loyaux et galanterie se mêlent aux désirs les plus purs.J.-H. Rosny aîné (1856-1940) est un des grands fondateurs de la science-fiction moderne. Né en Belgique, il poursuit des études en sciences. Il s’installe à Paris en en 1883 et publie ses premiers livres 1887 aux côtés de son frère. Tandis qu’il participe au Manifeste des Cinq qui critique Zola, il est à ses débuts influencé par le naturalisme. Rosny est l’un des premiers à écrire des romans préhistoriques (« Les Xipéhuz », « Vamireh », « La Guerre du feu »). Parmi ses ouvrages de science-fiction les plus connus comptent : « Un autre monde » (1895), « La Mort de la Terre » (1910), « La Force mystérieuse » (1913), « Les Navigateurs de l'infini » (1925).
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- 36.99 kr.
36.99 kr. Corde au cou, pieds et poings liés, et surveillé par une poignée de soldat, un homme contemple la rivière qui coule sous le pont où il va être pendu. Les secondes s'égrènent jusqu'à sa mort inévitable ; le tic-tac d'une montre l'effraie. Si seulement il pouvait se débarrasser des nœuds, sauter dans l'eau pour éviter les balles, s'enfuir par les bois et retrouver sa femme et ses enfants...Cette nouvelle est la plus célèbre d'Ambrose Bierce et constitue un incontournable de la littérature américaine. Elle dénonce les horreurs et injustices de la guerre, et plonge aux cœurs des pensées d'un condamné à mort.Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914) est considéré comme le maître de la nouvelle américaine. Mobilisé pour la guerre de sécession, puis blessé à la tête, il se consacre au journalisme et à une littérature marquée par ses expériences de combats et les carnages de la guerre. Il est connu pour son Dictionnaire du Diable et ses nouvelles d'humour noir et fantastique, telles que « Un incident au pont d’Owl-Creek » ou « l’Homme et le Serpent ».
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- 36.99 kr.
111.99 kr. Dur et sans pitie, Kernok le pirate fend les vagues a bord de l'Epervier. Il laboure les mers et navires a la recherche de tresors, et massacre leurs occupants, aussi innocents soient-ils. Quiconque lui desobeit finira ficele et brule comme une torche.Mais on dit qu'une malediction pese sur son ame. Il n'a plus que treize jours a vivre ; treize jours pour faire des pirates les conquerants inexpugnables de la mer ; treize jours pour retrouver la seule personne au monde a faire fondre son cA ur...Premier roman d'Eugene Sue, il s'agit d'une histoire ou l'amour et la mort s'embrassent de la plus sombre des manieres. Sorcieres, pirates, abordages et cruautes, voici la un chef-d'A uvre du roman d'aventures.-
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- 111.99 kr.
38.99 kr. The haunting story of an old captain awaiting the return of his only son, ‘To-morrow’ is a melancholic tale of human psychology, blind hope, and doomed longing. Conrad’s delusional portrayal of Captain Hagbeard, the omnipresence of the sea, and his nod to absurdism render this short story an immensely entertaining read.Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) was a Polish-born author who left Poland in his teens to avoid enlistment in the Russian Army. He settled in England after learning English aboard British ships. Many of his works were inspired by his own experiences as a merchant seaman, including his most notable novel ‘Heart of Darkness’ (1899). His characteristic vivid descriptions appeal to fans of James Joyce, Jack London, and Charles Bukowski.
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- 38.99 kr.
42.99 kr. A young governess. A remote house. Two silent children. When less than benevolent ghosts are added into this already precarious mixture - chaos ensues. A gothic novella that explores fear, innocence, and vulnerability, ‘The Turn of the Screw’ is a masterful tragedy bound to entice all fans of the supernatural.Considered Henry James’ paranormal legacy, it was made into the classic chiller "The Innocents" (1961), and the modern adaptation "The Others" (2001) starring Nicole Kidman.Regarded as one of the greatest novelists in the English language, Henry James (1843-1916) was thrice nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature. He was born in the United States, but lived and worked in Europe. Mainly occupied with portraying the cultural clash between the Old World and the New World, he explored these themes in his most notable novels, ‘The Portrait of a Lady’ and ‘The Wings of the Dove’. His gripping explorations are unmissable for fans of Edith Wharton, George Eliot, and Joseph Conrad.
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- 42.99 kr.
38.99 kr. Dennis Corrigan is a slavedriver. He exploits his workers, pays them inhumanly low wages, and essentially makes their lives hell. Like many of his workers, Martin suffers from an addiction to smoking. Fueled by his miserable circumstances, his addiction becomes murderous. This transformative short story explores the limits of humanity and addiction. Not without surprises, this captivating tale is unmissable for fans of Oscar Wilde.William Sidney Porter (1862-1919), known simply as O. Henry, was a prolific American author of humorous literary pieces. His fame came exceptionally quickly and he became a bestselling author of short story collections. The most notable of which being "Cabbages and Kings", "The Voice of the City", and "Strictly Business." In fact, his legacy was so great that the ‘O. Henry Award’ was established to celebrate the best short stories. His vivid storytelling is perfect for fans of Roald Dhal.
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- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. What happens when you glimpse into the fourth dimension? You return forever changed as a mirror image.Glimpsing into a parallel world through a science experiment gone wrong, the schoolteacher Gottfried Plattner returns after nine days in inverted form to tell the story of exactly what he saw in what can best be described as the ‘Other-World’.The cult status Netflix show, Stranger Things, clearly found inspiration in the way Wells touch upon subjects like parallel worlds, encounters with anomalous semi-human creatures, life and afterlife, Wells’ story masterfully, but feebly lifts the veil between worlds to give the reader a sneak peak of what lies beyond.H. G. Wells was an English writer, remembered mostly for his science fiction works. Often described as a futurist, H. G. Wells’s influence cannot be neglected for his works foresaw many technological innovations such as space travel, the atomic bomb, and the Internet. Four times Nobel Prize in Literature nominee, Wells explored a wide array of themes in his works, occupying one of the central seats in the canon of British literature. Some of his best works include the time-travel novel "The Time Machine", the sci-fi adventure novel "The Island of Dr. Moreau", the mankind-versus-aliens novel "The War of the Worlds" and more than seventy short stories.
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- 38.99 kr.
40.99 kr. Czarny Płaszcz jest półelfem, wojownikiem, który od dzieciństwa uczył się żyć niełatwym losem mieszańca. Po przerwanej nauce i opuszczeniu Akademii wraca do rodzinnego domu. Mężczyzna dowiaduje się, że jego matka popadła w szaleństwo, a opiekę nad nią sprawuje służba i synowie. Niebawem dochodzi do kolejnego nieszczęścia – Jeleń, jeden z braci Czarnego Płaszcza, ginie w trakcie napaści na dwór, drugi, mały Niedźwiadek, zaginął, ścigany przez oprawców. Czarny Płaszcz wyrusza na poszukiwanie chłopca, wierząc, że uda mu się go ocalić.Autorka tekstów fantasy i science fiction. Jej prozę można znaleźć w pracy zbiorowej „Granice Nieskończoności" – antologii krótkich opowiadań fantastycznych (wyd. 2021) oraz w „Krawędziach Otchłani" (wyd. 2021). Opublikowane w tym zbiorze opowiadanie Dreckiej-Szymańskiej nosi tytuł „Ostatni spektakl Abaddona".
- Ebook
- 40.99 kr.
38.99 kr. When Poe takes us to sea, we get sucked in.In "A Descent into the Maelstrom" (1841) Poe’s narrator recounts his horrific experience when he and his brother’s boat get sucked down in the world’s fastest moving current of water, the tumultuous maelstrom known as Moskenesstraumen.Constructed as a story within a story, "A Descent into the Maelström" is a beautiful and gripping tale about the rough life on the seven seas told in the manner of Coleridge’s "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner."In 1980, the legendary American composer Philip Glass composed a much-praised 66-minute piece based on the short story.Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) was an American poet, author, and literary critic. Most famous for his poetry, short stories, and tales of the supernatural, mysterious, and macabre, he is also regarded as the inventor of the detective genre and a contributor to the emergence of science fiction, dark romanticism, and weird fiction. His most famous works include "The Raven" (1945), "The Black Cat" (1943), and "The Gold-Bug" (1843).
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- 38.99 kr.
16.99 kr. Antologia opowiadań fantasy autorki. Zbiór zawiera utwory „Przebudzenie", „Bastion", „Dusza", „Orian", „Obnażone twarze zabójców", „Przemilczenia". W każdym z różnorodnych tematycznie tekstów zostaje zaprezentowana mroczna siła, która może skazać człowieka na cierpienie.Twórczyni opowiadań i powieści fantasy, publikuje w fanzinach, gazetach internetowych i antologiach, współpracuje z portalem Historykon. Poza pisaniem projektuje tatuaże.
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- 16.99 kr.
69.00 kr. Helen er kun otte år, da hendes far fortæller hende, at deres elskede hus ved Sortedamssøen skal rives ned. Først forstår Helen det ikke. Så kan hendes mor jo ikke finde dem, når hun en dag vender tilbage. Helens far kan ikke få sig til igen at forklare, at hendes mor ikke kommer tilbage. Hun døde, da Helen var to år gammel, og selvom hun ikke længere kan huske hende, så elsker hun hende stadig. Nu flytter Helens moster Jacobe ind for at tage sig af hende, og alligevel klynger Helen sig til sin elskede far, der ikke har nær så meget tid til hende, som han ville ønske. I skyggen af sin længsel efter sit barndomshjem, sin mor og sin far vokser Helen op og forsøger at opfylde de krav og drømme, hun som ung pige forventes at have. Men med al sin uforløste længsel er det ikke nemt.Louise Birke (1874-1946) var en dansk forfatter, der skrev en lang række romaner i starten af det tyvende århundrede. Hun debuterede som forfatter i 1913 med romanen "Fru Vibe". Herefter udgav hun flere romaner i bogform samt noveller i Randers Dagblad.
- Ebook
- 69.00 kr.
67.99 kr. After the death of King Henry V, his young son ascends to the throne. As he's too young to rule, the English nobles rise to the challenge and take charge. Meanwhile, in France, Joan la Pucelle (Joan of Arc) persuades the newly crowned French king, Charles VII, to reclaim French lands held by the English. Lord Talbot, the national hero, leads the English to battle France. As the war rages on the continent, the feuding dukes of York and Somerset quarrel over who is responsible for sending reinforcements. The power struggles at court create unrest and set up future conflicts. "e;Henry VI, Part 1"e; looks at the early English history and the country's tumultuous relationship with the French. The play is the first of four history plays (the others being "e;Henry VI, Part 2,"e; "e;Henry VI, Part 3"e; and "e;Richard III"e;) known collectively as the "e;first tetralogy."e;-
- Ebook
- 67.99 kr.
42.99 kr. "Schalken the Painter" is a ghost short story by Sheridan Le Fanu, taking place in the 17th-century Netherlands. An aspiring painter falls in love with his master’s niece but one day, a mysterious man comes to ask for the niece’s hand, and the master agrees. Yet the heartbroken painter can’t help but feel that is something totally wrong with this new suitor. This is a short story of about greedy family relations, and is a psychologically unnerving and ghastly tale that fans of horror fiction will definitely love.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu (1814-1873) was an Irish author of short stories and novels. He was one of the most important writers of Gothic, mystery and horror stories of the Victorian era. Le Fanu’s influence cannot be neglected, for he helped develop the writing styles for atmosphere, setting, and narration. His most important works are "Uncle Silas", "The House by the Churchyard", and his short story collection "In a Glass Darkly".
- Audiobook
- 42.99 kr.