Narrative theme: politics / economics

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  • by Leo Tolstoy
    38.99 kr.

    One night after a long day of ruler's duties, the young Tsar is visited in his sleep by a mysterious man whom he has never seen before. This man takes him on a dream journey to see all the evil reigning unabated throughout his empire.Although the young Tsar is skeptical at first, it begins to dawn on him that he could indeed use his power in a radically different way. But will he?A short story that strikes a similar chord to Charles Dickens’ 'A Christmas Carol'. 'The Young Tsar' ponders a great deal about the responsibility of leadership in just a few pages.Recommended for fans of the 2012 film 'Anna Karenina' depicting the eponymous aristocrat's romantic tragedy set against the backdrop of Tsarist Russia. Starring Kiera Knightley, Jude Law and Aaron Taylor-Johnson.Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) was a Russian author, a master of realistic fiction and one of the world’s greatest novelists. Tolstoy’s major works include 'War and Peace' (1865–69) and 'Anna Karenina' (1875–77), two of the greatest novels of all time and pinnacles of realist fiction. Beyond novels, he wrote many short stories and later in life also essays and plays.

  • by Harriet Beecher-Stowe
    67.99 kr.

    Why did Christians preach about loving their neighbours and yet keep their fellow humans as slaves? Ups and downs with Stowe's own family, and the inhumanity of slavery are the focus of this collection of essays.The obvious inequality spurred Stowe to get involved with the 'Fugitive Slave Act' which came to be important for the emancipation of slaves. Written with careful and detailed insight, this book is recommended for both history-lovers and curious souls because of its compelling portrayal of life and slavery in the South.A thorn in the angry eyes of American slave owners, Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896) was an American author and ardent abolitionist. Her novel, 'Uncle Tom’s Cabin' (1852), became one of the most famous literary attacks on slavery at the time. The novel was also turned into a play and made into movies more than once.The latest version from 1987 features Samuel L. Jackson, one of the most popular actors of his generation.Stowe also wrote numerous travel memoirs, letters, articles, and short stories – all crucial to the depiction of the injustice of African Americans we still hear about today.

  • by José Zorrilla
    36.99 kr.

    Concebido originalmente como mero divertimento literario, Apoteosis de don Pedro Calderón de la Barca es uno de los pocos ensayos de José Zorrilla, en el que reflexiona sobre el concepto de hispanidad y del imperio colonial español en sus últimos estertores, con un análisis político tan concienzudo como amargo.José Zorrilla es un autor nacido en Valladolid en 1817 y fallecido en Madrid en 1893. Su obra, repartida entre la poesía y el teatro, es sobre todo conocida por el drama romántico Don Juan Tenorio.

  • by Carlos Fernández Shaw
    36.99 kr.

    El defensor de Gerona es un poema largo, lírico y épico al mismo tiempo, donde Fernández Shaw pinta el paisaje de los Pirineos como marco en plena sintonía con un viajero solitario que divisa sus cumbres. Un hombre de rostro triste, cansado pero decidido a mantener el paso, vestido con ropas militares trajinadas de mil batallas por Europa. La acción luego se traslada a la ciudad misma como personaje, en los tiempos donde se encontraba sitiada por las tropas francesas. Se mueve por último al momento en que el protagonista se convierte en mártir de su causa.Como se habrá adivinado, el poema se aboca a celebrar la figura de Mariano Álvaro de Castro, líder durante la lucha de siete meses por mantener por fuera del control napoleónico a Gerona.Carlos Fernández Shaw (Cádiz, 1865 - El Pardo, 1911) fue un prolífico dramaturgo, periodista y poeta español.Identificado en retrospectiva como pre-modernista, ocupó un lugar prominente en el Ateneo de Madrid. Escribió en distintos medios de prensa gráfica, especialmente para el diario La época.Como dramaturgo, hizo el libreto de La vida breve en la puesta teatral musicalizada por Manuel de Falla y co-escribió La revoltosa junto a José López Silva, entre muchos otros logros. Sus obras en verso más conocidas seguramente sean Poesías de la sierra y Poesías del mar. Sus cuentos fueron recopilados de manera póstuma en La pícara Olalla.

  • by Joan Ramon Armadàs & Liz Castro
    58.99 kr.

    Una antologia farcida de maldat i foscor. A la col·lecció, que reuneix diversos escriptors catalans de novel·la negra, habiten personatges complexos, assassinats sagnants i situacions límit. Les tradicions de la terra i les situacions quotidianes de Catalunya formen un escenari perillós, on corre la sang i s'organitzen complots delictius. Un llibre que mostra la cara més criminal de Catalunya.Els dotze autors d'aquesta antologia comparteixen dos elements essencials per la creació dels seus relats: tots són catalans i tots són apassionats de la novel·la negra. Així, s'uneixen noms essencials dins del gènere com són Sebastià Bennassar o Anna Maria Vilallonga, entre d'altres. Els responsables i coordinadors de tanta maldat són els escriptors i editors, Irene Solanich i JR Armadàs, que participen en el volum amb les seves pròpies creacions.

  • by Xènia Armadàs & Xavier Torres
    58.99 kr.

    Onze relats que uneixen els crims amb el món del futbol. Hooligans, presidents morts o àrbitres perillosos són alguns dels personatges que apareixen entre les pàgines d'aquesta antologia. Les trames, creatives, divertides i molt criminals, fan servir elements de l'esport i també li donen protagonisme als tres equips de primera divisió catalans, com el Barça, l'Espanyol o el Nàstic.Els autors catalans d'aquesta antologia de relats futbolers, cinc homes i sis dones, són de disciplines variades, però tots tenen en comú la passió pel futbol i per la novel·la negra. Alguns, com la Gemma Montero (RAC1) o el Frederic Porta (L'esportiu) són periodistes esportius importants en el seu camp. D'altres, com en Josep Gimeno o la Ramona Soler, són figures emergents i consolidades de la novel·la negra catalana. L'antologia està antologada per JR Armadàs i Irene Solanich, els quals també han participat com a autors.

  • by Heikki Luoma
    From 73.99 kr.

    Jo riittää! Kuusniemen pitäjän naiset kyllästyvät seuraamaan miesten hölmöilyjä ja ottavat vallan omiin käsiinsä. Ensin he varaavat itselleen kunnan tärkeimmät paikat: Virpi Hakkarainen johtaa kunnanhallitusta ja Suvi Pohto itse kuntaa. Paula Jortikka alkaa vetää kirkkovaltuustoa syntisten edustajana. Ei aikaakaan, kun toimelias naisjoukko pitelee hyppysissään koko kylää aivan yrityselämää myöten, vaikka kaikki miehet ja varsinkaan P.A. Turpeinen eivät sitä tunnustakaan.Kuusniemen naiset on Heikki Luoman ehta maalaiskomedia, joka näyttää, mitä tapahtuu, kun naiset saavat kerrankin päättää. Luoman hulvattomat komediat ovat keränneet televisiossa miljoonayleisön.Suuryleisön keränneiden Maalaiskomedia-televisiosarjojen hahmot ovat taas täällä! Kuusniemen asukkaiden värikästä elämää seurataan nyt sarjojen käsikirjoittajan Heikki Luoman kirjoittamassa neljän romaanin sarjassa.Heikki Luoma on suomalainen kirjailija, joka on kirjoittanut niin romaaneja kuin suosittuja televisiosarjojakin. Hänen tarinansa sijoittuvat usein humoristisesti kuvattuihin maalaiskyliin, joissa sattuu ja tapahtuu.

  • by Stanisław Goszczurny
    From 20.99 kr.

    Powieść inspirowana wydarzeniami z lat 20. XX wieku. Krótko po odzyskaniu niepodległości w Polsce ścierają się opozycyjne siły polityczne. Nadkomisarz Piątkiewicz zajmuje się tłumieniem rewolucyjnych nastrojów w Warszawie. W rozmowie ze swoim zwierzchnikiem przedstawia szczegóły kolejnego planu. Dwóch wojskowych, Walery Bagiński i Antoni Wieczorkiewicz, ma zostać pojmanych pod zarzutem organizacji zamachów bombowych oraz działalności komunistycznej.Seria tworzy opowieść kryminalną zorientowaną wokół wydarzeń, które miały miejsce między 1923 a 1925 rokiem. Niełatwa sytuacja polityczna skutkowała amoralnymi działaniami i bezwzględną walką między opozycyjnymi ugrupowaniami.Pisarz, dziennikarz, wieloletni pracownik Rozgłośni Gdańskiej Polskiego Radia. W latach 80. XX wieku był redaktorem „Rzeczpospolitej". Autor 27 książek, 2 z nich doczekały adaptacji filmowej. W swoim dorobku miał powieści kryminalne, historyczne, przygodowe, utwory dramatyczne i książki dla dzieci.

  • by Stanisław Goszczurny
    From 20.99 kr.

    Lata 20. XX wieku, Polska tuż po odzyskaniu niepodległości. Sytuacja polityczna jest bardzo niespokojna, w kraju wybuchają protesty i strajki. Dwaj oficerowie, Walery Bagiński i Antoni Wieczorkiewicz, działacze Komunistycznej Partii Robotniczej Polski, zostają aresztowani pod zarzutem dokonywania zamachów bombowych, utworzenia organizacji terrorystycznej oraz innych działań antypaństwowych. Powieść ukazuje przebieg procesu i dalsze losy aresztowanych.Pisarz, dziennikarz, wieloletni pracownik Rozgłośni Gdańskiej Polskiego Radia. W latach 80. XX wieku był redaktorem „Rzeczpospolitej". Autor 27 książek, 2 z nich doczekały adaptacji filmowej. W swoim dorobku miał powieści kryminalne, historyczne, przygodowe, utwory dramatyczne i książki dla dzieci.

  • by Emile Zola
    82.99 kr.

    Efter att ha blivit av med jobbet ger sig den unge maskinarbetaren Étienne Lantier ut på en vandring i norra Frankrike. Han anländer så småningom till en gruvby där han hittar både arbete och inackordering hos familjen Maheu. Familjen har arbetat i gruvan i generationer, och det dröjer inte länge förrän Étienne förälskar sig i dottern Catherine, som dock redan är upptagen. Att gruvarbetarnas förhållanden dessutom är under all kritik gör att Étiennes frustrationer snart bubblar upp till ytan. Och när han börjar dela med sig av sina socialistiska värderingar, tänds det en låga i byn som ska komma att bli svårsläckt. Om missnöjet tillåts att stegra väntar katastrofen runt nästa hörn. Är Étienne beredd på konsekvenserna av sitt eget agerande?Dagbräckning är den trettonde delen i Émile Zolas episka generationssaga om släkten Rougon-Macquart.Émile Zola (1840-1902) var en fransk författare och dramatiker från Paris. Han är bland annat känd för att ha bidragit, med romaner och andra verk, till den litterära strömningen naturalismen. Émile Zola var nominerad till det första Nobelpriset i litteratur 1901 och hans verk brändes under bokbålen runt om i Nazityskland 1933.

  • by Jack London
    42.99 kr.

    Jack London grew up in abject poverty, scraping by through a combination of both legal and under-the-table ways of making money since he was a boy. He was a sailor and at one point became swept up in the Klondike gold rush.'The Call of the Wild', the timeless story of sled-dog Buck, brought him overnight fame throughout the literary world, and set him on the path to worldwide readership. London, entirely self-educated, cited Darwin, Marx, and Nietzsche among his main philosophical influences. This, he argues, caused him to lean towards socialism. His writings took place prior to the rise of Communism in the Soviet Union.Nonetheless, 'War of the Classes', first published in 1904, is not merely an account of London’s sociopolitical musings, but also an overview of his impoverished, yet excited and hopeful generation.If you enjoyed Roman Polanski's 2005 movie 'Oliver Twist', this book will prove an endless source of fascination for you.Jack London (1876–1916) was an American writer and social activist. He grew up in the working class, but became a worldwide celebrity and one of the highest paid authors of his time. He wrote several novels, which are considered classics today, among these 'Call of the Wild', 'Sea Wolf' and 'White Fang'.

  • by Honore de Balzac
    67.99 kr.

    Due to Balzac’s death in 1850, 'The Deputy of Arcis' was left incomplete at its most compelling moment. A political satire criticizing the electoral system, taking place in the provinces of southern France and revolving around a fierce electoral dispute. But the arrival of a mysterious man changes everything - is it for better or worse?Balzac’s creative genius, combined with a humourous and ironic narrative makes this read thoroughly entertaining and enjoyable. Guy de Maupassant, Flaubert and Emile Zola were naturalist authors who were directly influenced by Balzac.Strongly recommended for fans of modern-day humorous political sitcoms such as 'Parks and Recreation,' starring Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman as the unforgettable duo Leslie Knope and Ron Swanson.Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) was a French novelist and playwright, most famous for his collection of novels and plays, collectively called 'The Human Comedy'. His detailed observation of humanity and realistic depiction of society makes him one of the earliest representatives of realism in Europe. He was a master-creator of complex characters that often found themselves in ambiguous moral dilemmas.

  • by Fyodor Dostoevsky
    38.99 kr.

    ‘The Grand Inquisitor’ is a short story that appears in one of Dostoevsky’s most famous works, ‘The Brothers Karamazov’, but it is often read independently due to its standalone story and literary significance. In the tale, Jesus comes to Seville during the Spanish Inquisition and performs miracles but is soon arrested and sentenced to be burned. The Grand Inquisitor informs Jesus that the church no longer needs him as they are stronger under the direction of Satan. ‘The Grand Inquisitor’ is incredibly interesting and compelling for its philosophical discussion about religion and the human condition. The main debate put forth in the poem is whether freedom or security is more important to mankind, as an all-powerful church can provide safety but requires its followers to abandon their free will. This tale remains remarkably influential among philosophers, political thinkers, and novelists from Friedrich Nietzsche and Noam Chomsky to David Foster Wallace and beyond. Dostoevsky’s writing is both inventive and provocative in this timeless story as the reader is free to come to their own conclusions. ‘The Grand Inquisitor’ should be read by anyone interested in philosophy or politics.Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881) was a famous Russian writer of novels, short stories, and essays. A connoisseur of the troubled human psyche and the relationships between the individuals, Dostoevsky’s oeuvre covers a large area of subjects: politics, religion, social issues, philosophy, and the uncharted realms of the psychological. He is most famous for the novels ‘Crime and Punishment’, ‘The Idiot’, and ‘The Brothers Karamazov’. James Joyce described Dostoevsky as the creator of ‘modern prose’ and his literary legacy is influential to this day as Dostoevsky’s work has been adapted for many movies including ‘The Double’ starring Jesse Eisenberg.

  • by Emile Zola
    92.99 kr.

    'Germinal', often considered Zola's masterpiece, tells the story of Etienne Lantier, a bright however uneducated young man with a volatile temperament who has just lost his job as a railway worker. He sets out for a small mining town where he finds a new job as a cart pusher. But the incessant clashes between the capitalists and the working class, alongside the appalling working conditions and dire poverty the workers are forced to endure, slowly but surely bring the narrative to its only possible denouement: revolution. Abounding with vivid descriptions of the miner's inner and outer worlds, as well as the violent and often unjustified impulses of man, 'Germinal' is a superbly written, unforgettable novel. 'Germinal' voices outrage at the downtrodding of the many by the few, but also displays humanity's limitless capacity for compassion and hope.Widely regarded as the founding father of scientific naturalism in literature, which aimed to describe the human condition as it really is, Zola was considered an influence by many prominent artists and writers of his time and the coming era, such as Vincent van Gogh, Tom Wolfe and John Steinbeck.-

  • by O. Henry
    92.99 kr.

    "e;Rolling Stones"e; is a collection of 23 short stories, 12 poems, and letters by O. Henry providing a general overview of his literary career. The collection is important for it provides some deep insight into the author's later life. Filled with humorous, ironic remarks, and biting, though predominantly funny takes on life, society and its people, many of the collection's short stories were unfortunately left incomplete or without a proper ending. Some of the stories included are "e;The Dream"e;, "e;A Fog in Santone"e;, "e;The Prisoner of Zembla"e;, and the laughable spoof "e;A Snapshot at the President"e;, where a reporter from Texas gets an interview with president Grover Cleveland. "e;Rolling Stones"e; provides a wondrous collection of thought provoking and vivid stories for reading or relaxation, perfect for a commute home or a cozy night by the fire.-

  • by Vicente Blasco Ibañez
    36.99 kr.

    Colección de relatos del autor Vicente Blasco Ibáñez. En ellos, el escritor realiza un certero análisis de la situación social y política de la España de su época, siempre vista desde el prisma del naturalismo y el realismo. Incluye los cuentos: Compasión, El amor y la muerte, La vejez, La madre tierra y Rosas y ruiseñores.Vicente Blasco Ibañez fue un autor español nacido en Valencia en 1867 y fallecido en Menton (Francia) en 1928. Periodista, político y escritor, se le considera uno de los pilares de las letras españolas de todos los tiempos. De ideas republicanas y progresistas, es uno de los mayores exponentes del movimiento realista y naturalista en España.

  • by José María Vargas Vilas
    90.99 kr.

    «Alba roja» (1902) es una novela inspirada en las rebeliones de Colombia de finales del siglo XIX. Luis Saavedra, escritor panfletario, y Luciano Miral, poeta, son amigos de infancia. Cada uno enfrenta su propia tragedia, Luis combate el régimen opresor y Luciano lucha por el amor de la hija de sus patrones.José María Vargas Vila (1860-1933) fue un escritor y periodista colombiano. Tuvo una formación autodidacta, llegó a ejercer como profesor, ministro plenipotenciario en Roma y diplomático. Fundó varias revistas como «Eco Andino», «Los Refractarios» o «Némesis». Liberal radical, participó en la guerra civil colombiana de 1884 como soldado y dedicó su vida a denunciar los abusos del clero y el imperialismo.

  • by Jukka M. Heikkilä
    96.99 kr.

    Antiikin Kreikassa tapahtuu jotain ennenkuulumatonta runsas kaksisataa vuotta ennen ajanlaskun alkua. Ensimmäistä kertaa nainen kohoaa asemaan, jossa häntä palvotaan elävänä jumalana. Naisen nimi on Lanassa, ja hän on Sisilian prinsessa. Mutta kuinka Lanassa oikein päätyi tähän asemaan? Kuinka monta järjestettyä avioliittoa, menetettyä lasta ja valtataistelua hänen täytyi kokea ennen kuin hänet lukittiin saarelle jumalalliseen yksinäisyyteen? Kun Lanassa saa uuden palvelijattaren, hän kertoo vihdoin koskettavan tarinansa miesten hallitsemasta maailmasta.Kirjailija Jukka M. Heikkilä (s.1966) tunnetaan erityisesti historiallisista romaaneistaan. Teos "Antigonos, jumalten poika" toi hänelle Nuori Aleksis -palkinnon vuonna 2001.

  • by Walter Scott
    42.99 kr.

    The first volume in Scott’s "Tales of my Landlord", "The Black Dwarf" is set right after the Union between England and Scotland in 1707. "The Black Dwarf" focuses on the character of Sir Edward Mauley, who plots his revenge from his prison cell. It is a tale of romance, intrigue and violence set against the backdrop of a divided nation, which deftly weaves mythical occurrences and supernatural elements throughout. The story is a portrait of the anti-social and at times hopelessly romantic behaviour of its characters. With political intrigue, conspiracies, ever changing loyalties, and marriage misadventures, "The Black Dwarf" is a sympathetic, though at times violent book that definitely deserves a place in your collection of classics. For the forlorn 'Game of Thrones' fans out there, this wonderful blend of mystery, intrigue, magic and the supernatural will certainly help tide you over till the next epic on-screen craze.Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) was a Scottish writer, poet, and historian. A jurist by formation, he was also a judge and a soldier, serving with the Edinburgh Dragoons in anticipation of a French invasion. He played a major role in bringing the Sturm und Drang literary movement to the United Kingdom, through translations, but also through his own artistic creations. Thanks to his command of history and his literary skill, he is a seminal figure in the establishment of the historical novel genre and a pillar of European literary Romanticism. He wrote numerous well-known historical novels, including "Waverley," "Rob Roy", and "Ivanhoe", which have inspired countless authors and adaptations ever since.

  • by Walter Scott
    92.99 kr.

    Even in peace the scars of war remain."The Tale of Old Mortality", from Scott’s collection "Tales of my Landlord", provides a window in to a time many of us could hardly imagine. A nation torn and divided, this volume tracks the lives and times of some of Scotland’s most iconic names.At first it follows Robert Paterson (not Robert Pattinson of Twilight fame) who travels the nation repairing and maintaining the graves of all those lives lost in rebellion. They fought and died for their beliefs, their conquerors labelling them traitors, condemned them to unmarked earth.We are also introduced to Henry Morton, a young and sharp warrior, idealistic in his spirit and strong in his resolve. His belief in justice might be the end of him, as he is forced down a path where he must forsake his one true love and all those he holds dear.This tale of a nation religiously divided is richly populated with stunning and emotive characters, nail-biting narration and insatiable intrigue.Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) was a Scottish writer, poet, and historian. A jurist by formation, he was also a judge and a soldier, serving with the Edinburgh Dragoons in anticipation of a French invasion. He played a major role in bringing the Sturm und Drang literary movement to the United Kingdom, through translations, but also through his own artistic creations. Thanks to his command of history and his literary skill, he is a seminal figure in the establishment of the historical novel genre and a pillar of European literary Romanticism. He wrote numerous well-known historical novels, including "Waverley," "Rob Roy", and "Ivanhoe", which have inspired countless authors and adaptations ever since.

  • by Jordi Sierra i Fabra
    111.99 kr.

    Los años rojos es la tercera entrega de la ambiciosa saga El Tiempo del Exilio de Jordi Sierra i Fabra. En esta obra, la muerte de Franco permite regresar a los primeros exiliados, pero se encontrarán con un país desconocido. Es el momento de la venganza para unos, del reencuentro para otros y del regreso para muchos. Y es el tiempo histórico de la Transición. Los años rojos son los de las sangres y las banderas, del fin de los idealismos, pero también del inicio de otros, porque, mientras existan seres humanos, existirán también las ilusiones.Jordi Sierra i Fabra es un escritor español conocido mundialmente por sus obras de literatura infantil y juvenil. En 2004 inauguró la Fundación Jordi Sierra i Fabra, que otorga anualmente el Premio Jordi Sierra i Fabra para jóvenes escritores.

  • by Fyodor Dostoevsky
    102.99 kr.

    ‘The Possessed’ is considered to be one of the four masterpieces written by Dostoevsky after he returned from his Siberian exile. The story takes place in a small Russian town that is thrown into chaos by the arrival of a mystery man, Pyotr Stepanovich. Paranoia grips the town as family and friends betray one another while Pyotr plans a violent political uprising. The novel builds to a brutal and bloody climax, as the town is engulfed by flames and the death toll rises. ‘The Possessed’ displays Dostoevsky’s mastery of tragedy and social satire as the established political and familial norms of the town are uprooted and destroyed by the young revolutionaries. Dostoevsky explores the loss of morality in 19th Century Russia, as a society without a moral grounding tragically turns to nihilism and violence, but its ideas are just as resonant in today’s secular world. Celebrated author Joyce Carol Oates described ‘The Possessed’ as a work of ‘unparalleled genius’ and its epic scope and blend of political intrigue and familial tragedy make it the perfect read for fans of classic Russian or Greek literature.Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881) was a famous Russian writer of novels, short stories, and essays. A connoisseur of the troubled human psyche and the relationships between the individuals, Dostoevsky’s oeuvre covers a large area of subjects: politics, religion, social issues, philosophy, and the uncharted realms of the psychological. He is most famous for the novels ‘Crime and Punishment’, ‘The Idiot’, and ‘The Brothers Karamazov’. James Joyce described Dostoevsky as the creator of ‘modern prose’ and his literary legacy is influential to this day as Dostoevsky’s work has been adapted for many movies including ‘The Double’ starring Jesse Eisenberg.

  • by Guy de Maupassant
    38.99 kr.

    Jean Marin has always been diligent. Not just in his studies but in his job as a handyman too. He is by no means used to luxury. When he lands a government job, it's like a dream come true. Problems arise, however, and his resilience is truly tested. 'The Patron' is a short piece of satire exploring the aspirations of a small but energetic man striving to find peace both within his life and within himself.Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was a French writer. Famed for being a master of the French short story, he also wrote travel books and occasionally dabbled in poetry. His stories mainly focus on the relationships between men and women sitting at crossroads in their lives - whether personal or professional. His dramatic flair is largely influenced by French novelist Gustave Flaubert and is perfect for fans of Anton Chekhov's short stories. The most notable of the 300 short stories that he wrote include 'Bel Ami', 'Une Vie', and 'The Dumpling'.

  • by Per Gahrton
    From 50.99 kr.

    När allt står på spel är det högt spel som gäller för Björn Trollman och hans partikamrater. De är desperata. I den regeringskoalition som komma skall behöver de vara det största partiet, men än är de inte där. Vilka knep krävs för att de ska kunna göra Trollman till statsminister? Snart börjar partiets egen underrättelsetjänst att verka i det fördolda. Motståndarna svartmålas och falska pressmeddelanden kablas ut till världen. Att förvirra väljarna kan man vinna på, så varför inte göra det ordentligt? Samtidigt får polisen motta flera anonyma brev som pekar på olagligheter i politikens innersta rum. Vem tjänar mest på att avslöja sina kollegor? Valkampanjen är en fristående fortsättningen på Per Gahrtons politiska satirroman Partikongressen. Per Gahrton, född 1943, är en svensk skribent, författare och politiker från Malmö. Han har varit ledamot i såväl riksdagen som EU-parlamentet och är för närvarande aktiv inom Miljöpartiet de Gröna. Gahrton har författat flera böcker och även skrivit för bl.a. Aftonbladet, Sydsvenska Dagbladet och FiB/Kulturfront.

  • by Aarne Mustasalo
    From 73.99 kr.

    On kevät 1918, kun itämyrsky vinkuu ja valkoiset ryhtyvät piirittämään Viipuria. Tykit laulavat molemmin puolin, ja valkoiset joutuvat jatkuvasti perääntymään. Eräänä yönä heitä onnistaa vihdoin ja he pääsevät läpi. Tässä hullunmyllyssä vanhat opiskelutoverit kohtaavat toisensa: Erkki Kairila, Aarne Aulamo ja Juhani Kyttä. Vaan selviääkö yksikään heistä hyökkäyksestä hengissä?Aarne Mustasalo on kirjailija Heikki Nurmion (1887–1947) salanimi. Nurmio valmistui Helsingin yliopistosta filosofian kandidaatiksi vuonna 1911 ja maisteriksi vuonna 1926. Nurmio työskenteli opettajana sekä armeijassa upseerina. Hän kirjoitti sotimiseen liittyvää tietokirjallisuutta sekä nuorten romaaneja.

  • by Victoria Holt
    From 96.99 kr.

    Marie Antoinetten tarina, itse kuningattaren kertomana!Kun itävaltalainen Marie Antoinette muuttaa Ranskaan Ranskan kruununperillisen vaimoksi, hän on vasta nuori tyttö. Häät keräävät huomiota ympäri Euroopan, mutta Marie Antoinetten ei ole helppoa sopeutua uuteen kulttuuriin. Pian Marie Antoinette alkaa saada hovissa vihamiehiä. Kun hän nousee kuningattareksi, tilanne pahenee entisestään. Ranskalaiset eivät katso hyvällä kuningattaren rahankäyttöä ja pientä sisäpiiriä. Tilanne kärjistyy traagisesti Ranskan vallankumouksen myötä.Kuningattaren tunnustus on koskettava historiallinen romaani, jossa Marie Antoinette herää eloon mestarillisen Victoria Holtin kirjoittamana.Victoria Holt on englantilaisen kirjailija Eleanor Alice Hibbertin (1906–1993) salanimi. Hibbert tunnetaan erityisesti historiallisista rakkausromaaneistaan. Hän kirjoitti mittavan uransa aikana yli kaksisataa teosta.

  • by Fernando Aramburu
    73.99 kr.

    Ein achtjähriger Junge wird mit einem kleinen Koffer in der einen und zwei lebenden Hühnern in der anderen Hand zu Verwandten geschickt. In seinem baskischen Heimatdorf herrscht große Armut, die Eltern können den Jüngsten nicht mehr ernähren. In San Sebastián erwartet ihn eine typisch baskische Familie der sechziger Jahre: Die Tante hat das Sagen, ihr Mann kriegt den Mund nicht auf. Die Cousine und der Cousin suchen auf verschiedene Weisen neue Freiheiten, von denen die Eltern nichts wissen. Nach dem großen Erfolg des Baskenromans Patria wird hier erzählt, wie alles begonnen hat: eine berührende Familiengeschichte aus der Perspektive eines Kindes.Fernando Aramburu, geboren 1959 in San Sebastián, ist ein spanischer Schriftsteller, Dichter und Übersetzer. Große Aufmerksamkeit erregte er mit seinem Roman 'Patria' (2016), der in etwa 20 Sprachen übersetzt wurde.

  • by Franz Werfel
    148.99 kr.

    Als im Sommer 1915 die grausame Verfolgung der Armenier durch die Jungtürken auch die Dorfgemeinden an der syrischen Küste erreicht, wird der Moses-Berg, der Musa Dagh, für eine Gruppe von etwa 5000 zum Widerstand entschlossenen Männern und Frauen zur natürlichen Abwehrfestung. Ein großes Stück Literaturgeschichte - meisterhaft gelesen von Christian Brückner.Franz Werfel (1890-1945) wurde als Sohn eines jüdischen Kaufmanns in Prag geboren. Während seines Studiums befreundete er sich Franz Kafka und Max Brod. 1917 lernte er Alma Mahler-Gropius kennen, die er später in Wien heiratete. Die Werfels emigrierten 1938 nach Frankreich, von wo sie 1940 zusammen mit Golo Mann zu Fuß über die Pyrenäen nach Spanien flohen. Über Lissabon gelangten sie schließlich in die USA. Franz Werfel starb 1945 an einem Herzleiden in Los Angeles.

  • by Maria Konopnicka
    12.99 kr.

    Sędziwy ojciec, właściciel starego dworku, nie potrafi wybaczyć córce, że poślubiła Niemca. Mijają lata, a gniew mężczyzny nie słabnie, ojciec odrzuca nie tylko córkę, ale i jej synów. Gdy chłopcy przybywają z wizytą do dworu, dziadek dystansuje się od nich i nazywa ich pogardliwie „Niemczakami".Urodzona w 1842, zmarła w 1910 roku, polska nowelistka, autorka utworów dla dzieci, tłumaczka, krytyczka i publicystka. Była wielką społeczniczką. W latach 80. XIX wieku należała do grupy kobiet opiekujących się więźniami, była także członkinią Kobiecego Koła Oświaty Ludowej i Czytelni Naukowej dla Kobiet.Jest uznawana za jedną z najwybitniejszych polskich twórców literatury dla dzieci. W utworach dla najmłodszych budowała fikcyjne światy bliskie dziecięcej wyobraźni. Codzienną rzeczywistość często mieszała z fantastyką i motywami baśniowymi (np. „Na jagody", „O krasnoludkach i sierotce Marysi", „Szkolne przygody Pimpusia Sadełko").

  • by Anton Giulio Barrili
    96.99 kr.

    La vita del giovane conte Gino Malatesti viene sconvolta dalla condanna all'esilio in uno sperduto paesino di montagna. Dopo un periodo di iniziale sconforto, però, il conte conoscerà la montanara Fiordispina Guerri e niente sarà più come prima.Romanzo storico, storia d'amore risorgimentale, 'La montanara' immerge i lettori in un'atmosfera d'altri tempi, tra forti emozioni e moti rivoluzionari.Anton Giulio Barrili (1836-1908) è stato uno scrittore italiano. Molto prolifico, scrisse più di cinquanta romanzi. Barrili ebbe un grande successo di pubblico e critica e contò tra i suoi ammiratori anche Benedetto Croce che lo apprezzava per il suo stile scorrevole e le trame articolate e coinvolgenti.