Narrative theme: sense of place
73.99 kr. Con prosa exquisita y un sentido del humor tan fino como afilado, Ramón Ayerra nos lleva en esta novela a una vorágine costumbrista de enredos rurales cada vez más enmarañados hasta su apoteósico final. En un pueblito del sur de España, la irrupción de unos desalmados del norte empieza a fraguar lo que podría ser una nueva guerra carlista, más de cien años después de la última. A raíz de la alarma entre las fuerzas del orden, la situación se va complicando y enredando más, entre supuestos, malentendidos y absurdas cadenas de mando, en una serie de escenas a cual más desternillantes que nada tienen que enviar al mejor Amanece que no es poco.Ramón Ayerra fue un escritor español nacido en Segocia en 1937 y fallecido en Madrid en 2010. Jurista de profesión y periodista ocasional, publicó parte de su obra en El adelantado de Segovia. Cultivó tanto la literatura de viajes como la poesía, así como la novela humorística, con fuertes raíces en el esperpento y al carpetovetonismo de Camilo José Cela, con quien llegó a ser comparado. Fue finalista del Premio Planeta en dos ocasiones. Hoy en día se le recuerda como un gran satirista español.
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- 73.99 kr.
73.99 kr. 'Stefano eroe' è un romanzo di formazione di stampo autobiografico scritto da James Joyce. Pubblicato postumo, la vicenda editoriale dell'opera è tanto curiosa quanto travagliata. La vulgata vuole che, esasperato per i continui rifiuti degli editori, lo stesso Joyce abbia gettato nel fuoco il manoscritto originale, parzialmente messo in salvo dalla compagna Nora Barnacle. Il romanzo, giunto anni dopo ai lettori, riporta quindi soltanto una parte della storia originale di cui non ci resta che immaginare il continuo...James Joyce (1882 – 1941) è stato uno scrittore, poeta e drammaturgo irlandese fra i più importanti della sua epoca, nonché pioniere del genere modernista nella letteratura europea. Soprattutto in relazione alla sperimentazione linguistica presente nelle sue opere, è ritenuto uno dei migliori scrittori del ventesimo secolo e della letteratura di ogni tempo. Durante la sua vita intraprese molti viaggi attraverso l'Europa, ma l'ambientazione delle sue opere, così saldamente legata a Dublino, lo fece diventare uno dei più cosmopoliti e allo stesso tempo più locali scrittori irlandesi. "Il ritratto dell'artista da giovane", "Ulisse" e "Gente di Dublino" sono soltanto alcune delle opere in cui si possono ritrovare le caratteristiche principali della sua produzione, tra cui l'ampia caratterizzazione psicologica dei personaggi e l'avanguardismo linguistico.
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- 73.99 kr.
73.99 kr. En el Madrid de los primeros años tras la Transición Democrática, Elisa y Conrado mantienen una relación extramatrimonial. Ambos tienen encuentros clandestinos llenos de pasión e intentan ocultar su amor al marido de Elisa. Sin embargo, su romance llega a oídos del marido, quien urdirá un plan para apartar al pretendiente de su esposa. Un plan que contará con una ayuda inesperada: la madre de Conrado. Sin embargo, el tiempo demostrará que hay pasiones difíciles de apagar y tragedias que acechan a la vuelta de la esquina...Con una trama deliciosa y un estilo ágil, José Rodríguez Chaves nos entrega una historia costumbrista de buenos sentimientos que retrata la España de finales del siglo XX con impecable factura.José Rodríguez Chaves fue un autor español nacido en Villagarcía de la Torre (Badajoz) en 1946 y fallecido en Madrid en 2016. Cultivó tanto la poesía como el ensayo y la novela. Asimismo, colaboró con más de una quincena de periódicos nacionales y regionales, entre los que se contaban el ABC, el Imparcial o Sur.
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- 73.99 kr.
73.99 kr. Dit is deel 1 van 'De familie zonder naam', een avonturenroman die zich afspeelt tijdens de opstanden van 1837-1838 in Canada.De twee broers Jan en Joann ontdekken dat hun vader een verrader was. Ze willen niets liever dan hun familienaam zuiveren en besluiten te vechten voor de onafhankelijkheid van Quebec. Maar hoe hard ze ook hun best doen, ze zullen altijd bang zijn om ontmaskerd te worden als de zonen van een verrader. Zullen ze het respect verliezen van de mensen om hun heen als ze erachter komen wie hun vader is? Of slagen ze erin om hun naam te zuiveren?Jules Verne (1828-1905) werd geboren in de Franse havenstad Nantes en had advocaat moeten worden zoals zijn vader, maar hij rende vroeg van huis weg om toneelstukken en artikelen voor tijdschriften te schrijven. Zijn samenwerking met de uitgever Pierre-Jules Hetzel leidde tot de magisch populaire boekenreeks 'Voyages extraordinaires', of 'Buitengewone reizen'. Beroemde titels in deze serie zijn onder andere 'Naar het middelpunt der aarde' (1864), 'Twintigduizend mijlen onder zee' (1870) en 'De reis om de wereld in 80 dagen' (1873). Verne deed altijd uitgebreid wetenschappelijk onderzoek voor hij met schrijven begon.Jules Verne is ten onrechte geclassificeerd als kinderschrijver vanwege de verkorte en vervormde versies van zijn boeken, terwijl hij als auteur in Frankrijk de artistieke avant-garde heeft beïnvloed.Jules Verne is de op één na meest vertaalde auteur ter wereld - tussen Agatha Christie en William Shakespeare in - en wordt vaak de vader van het genre sciencefiction genoemd.
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- 73.99 kr.
58.99 kr. 'Wonderlijke avonturen van een Chinees' is een avonturenroman van Jules Verne over het ware geluk, waardering en de echte waarde van het leven. Kin-Fo is een jonge en extreem rijke man die opeens zijn fortuin verliest. Hij besluit dat het geen zin heeft om verder te leven, maar omdat hij niet in staat is om zijn eigen leven te beëindigen, vraagt hij zijn mentor - de filosoof Wang - om het te doen. Het gaat echter flink mis als Wang besluit de taak aan een bandiet over te dragen. Wat Kin-Fo echter niet weet, is dat er achter zijn rug om een plan wordt gesmeed. Het zal hem een lesje leren, die hij zich de rest van zijn leven zal herinneren - hoelang dat ook duren mag... Jules Verne slaagt erin om humor, avontuur en belangrijke levenslessen te combineren en laat je beseffen dat je eigenlijk niets hoeft te verliezen om het leven te waarderen.Jules Verne (1828-1905) werd geboren in de Franse havenstad Nantes en had advocaat moeten worden zoals zijn vader, maar hij rende vroeg van huis weg om toneelstukken en artikelen voor tijdschriften te schrijven. Zijn samenwerking met de uitgever Pierre-Jules Hetzel leidde tot de magisch populaire boekenreeks 'Voyages extraordinaires', of 'Buitengewone reizen'. Beroemde titels in deze serie zijn onder andere 'Naar het middelpunt der aarde' (1864), 'Twintigduizend mijlen onder zee' (1870) en 'De reis om de wereld in 80 dagen' (1873). Verne deed altijd uitgebreid wetenschappelijk onderzoek voor hij met schrijven begon.Jules Verne is ten onrechte geclassificeerd als kinderschrijver vanwege de verkorte en vervormde versies van zijn boeken, terwijl hij als auteur in Frankrijk de artistieke avant-garde heeft beïnvloed.Jules Verne is de op één na meest vertaalde auteur ter wereld - tussen Agatha Christie en William Shakespeare in - en wordt vaak de vader van het genre sciencefiction genoemd.
- Ebook
- 58.99 kr.
73.99 kr. Dit is deel 2 van 'De familie zonder naam', een avonturenroman die zich afspeelt tijdens de opstanden van 1837-1838 in Canada.De twee broers Jan en Joann ontdekken dat hun vader een verrader was. Ze willen niets liever dan hun familienaam zuiveren en besluiten te vechten voor de onafhankelijkheid van Quebec. Maar hoe hard ze ook hun best doen, ze zullen altijd bang zijn om ontmaskerd te worden als de zonen van een verrader. Zullen ze het respect verliezen van de mensen om hun heen als ze erachter komen wie hun vader is? Of slagen ze erin om hun naam te zuiveren?Jules Verne (1828-1905) werd geboren in de Franse havenstad Nantes en had advocaat moeten worden zoals zijn vader, maar hij rende vroeg van huis weg om toneelstukken en artikelen voor tijdschriften te schrijven. Zijn samenwerking met de uitgever Pierre-Jules Hetzel leidde tot de magisch populaire boekenreeks 'Voyages extraordinaires', of 'Buitengewone reizen'. Beroemde titels in deze serie zijn onder andere 'Naar het middelpunt der aarde' (1864), 'Twintigduizend mijlen onder zee' (1870) en 'De reis om de wereld in 80 dagen' (1873). Verne deed altijd uitgebreid wetenschappelijk onderzoek voor hij met schrijven begon.Jules Verne is ten onrechte geclassificeerd als kinderschrijver vanwege de verkorte en vervormde versies van zijn boeken, terwijl hij als auteur in Frankrijk de artistieke avant-garde heeft beïnvloed.Jules Verne is de op één na meest vertaalde auteur ter wereld - tussen Agatha Christie en William Shakespeare in - en wordt vaak de vader van het genre sciencefiction genoemd.
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- 73.99 kr.
55.99 kr. "¿Cuba, qué linda es Cuba?", bajo la forma de un libro de cuentos, nos presenta una cruda e incisiva denuncia de las circunstancias que se viven hoy en la isla. Algunas de esas circunstancias son bastante conocidas –la represión policial, los maltratos asociados asociadas–, otras están más silenciadas –la persistente discriminación basada en el color de la piel–.Pero, en palabras de su autor, "mi libro, más que una denuncia, es una estrategia cultural para defender mi triple identidad: como artista, como negro y como cubano".
73.99 kr. Cuando Raquel hereda dos pisos en la ciudad, un dolor antiguo que parecía enterrado resurge. Cuando en el patio de luces aparece un gato, Raquel se obsesiona con la idea de abrir una gatera que conecte los dos pisos para que el gato pueda moverse con libertad. Esa pequeña puerta pensada para gatos se convierte en una puerta de entrada al interior de Raquel. La relación con una vecina anciana, un joven universitario y un misterioso artista propiciarán una serie de sucesos inesperados. El diario de Raquel nos mostrará un trauma familiar pasado cuya onda expansiva llega hasta el presente.Muriel Villanueva es licenciada en Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada, además de diplomada en Educación Musical, profesora de escritura creativa y maestra de música. Ha publicado varias novelas tanto en español como en catalán y es coautora junto a Roger Coch de la aclamada serie de libros juveniles sobre La Esfera.
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- 73.99 kr.
From 33.99 kr. Кой е Тарзан и как се превръща в храненик на маймуните? Всички сме чували за него, но знаем ли историята му? Знаем ли защо е отгледан от маймуна, но въпреки това умее да чете на английски и да борави с нож? Познава ли Тарзан човешките емоции и каква роля изиграва младата Джейн Портър в живота му? Ще се завърне ли Тарзан към света на човеците или неговият пръв дом – джунглата, ще остане негов завинаги? „Тарзан, храненикът на маймуните" е първата от общо 24 истории за Тарзан. Публикувана е през 1914 год., а бързо последвалата няма екранизация от 1918 год. доказва широкият интерес, който животът и приключенията на Тарзан предизвикват сред читателите. Едгар Райс Бъроуз е американски писател, широко познат и до ден днешен с емблематичния си герой Тарзан. Роден е през 1875 год., но започва своята писателска кариера едва през 1911 год., когато написва научно-фантастичния роман „Под луните на Марс", по-късно преработен със заглавието „Принцесата на Марс". През 1912 год. създава първата история за Тарзан, а големият читателски интерес вдъхновява Бъроуз, който продължава цикъла с още 24 книги и постига дългогодишен триумф като писател на научна фантастика и фентъзи. Историите за Тарзан са преведени на повече от 56 езика и са основа за редица екранизации, първата, от които през 1918 год. Имението, което Бъроуз закупува през 1919 год., с цел да бъде по-близо до снимачната площадка на филмите за Тарзан, остава и до ден днешен познато с името „Тарзана."
148.99 kr. A este lado del paraíso es la ópera prima del autor F. Scott Fitzgerald. Se centra en la psicología de Armory Blane, estudiante adinerado de la universidad de Princeton, durante la Gran Guerra. Sus preocupaciones, obsesiones y desengaños amorosos le servirán al autor para hacer una profunda reflexión sobre su generación.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Francis Scott Fitzgerald fue un autor nacido en Saint Paul (Minesota, Estados Unidos) en 1896 y fallecido en Hollywood (California, Estados Unidos) en 1940. Es autor de obras capitales de la literatura americana contemporánea, como El gran Gatsby o Suave es la noche, que lo han colocado en una posición privilegiada entre los mejores narradores americanos de la historia.
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- 148.99 kr.
59.99 kr. What happens if two boys are given the exact same name? If you guessed 'disaster in adulthood', you would be right. When one of the men dies, there is an exciting adventure to find his heir. Leading from London to the sunny Mediterranean and across to the Alps, you will meet a diverse cast of characters; some good, some bad, and some that are eerie and exotic. 'No Thoroughfare’ is a play in five acts written as a collaboration between two great writers; Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins. Full of mystery and romance with a touch of excitement, this dramatic play is well worth reading for any Dickens or Collins fan.Regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens is best known for creating some of the world’s best known fictional characters who feature in his most popular novels, including The Artful Dodger in 'Oliver Twist’, Ebenezer Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’, and Miss Havisham in ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens’ timeless novels and short stories are still widely read today and many have been adapted into countless TV programmes and films including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’, and 'A Christmas Carol' which is well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time.London-born Wilkie Collins (1824-1889) became known in Victorian England for his novels and plays, sometimes writing with Charles Dickens. His most famous works, "The Woman in White" (1859) and "The Moonstone" (1868), are examples of the first modern detective novels.
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- 59.99 kr.
59.99 kr. "If you were to go up in a balloon, you would make for heaven; and if you were to dive into the depths of the earth, nothing short of the other place would content you."These are the words of characters Thomas Idle to Francis Goodchild; but they are really the words of authors Wilkie Collins to describe his friend, Charles Dickens.‘The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices’ is a collaborative novel produced by Dickens and Collins, in which they poke fun at themselves and at one another. It also boasts two ghost stories which are a marvel to read from these two great masters.Set in Autumn 1857. Two men set off for an idle adventure through the countryside of the English Lake District and the Fells. "They had no intention of going anywhere in particular; they wanted to see nothing, they wanted to know nothing, they wanted to learn nothing, they wanted to do nothing. They wanted only to be idle." A novel to be enjoyed by fans of Bill Bryson’s writing or the film adaptation of his book ‘A Walk in the Woods’, starring Robert Redford and Emma Thompson.Regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens is renowned for creating some of the world’s best known fictional characters who feature in his most popular novels, including The Artful Dodger in 'Oliver Twist’, Ebenezer Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’, and Miss Havisham in ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens’ timeless novels and short stories are still widely read today and many have been adapted into countless TV programmes and films including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’, and 'A Christmas Carol' which well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time.London-born Wilke Collins (1824-1889) became known in Victorian England for his novels and plays, sometimes writing together with Charles Dickens. His most famous works, "The Woman in White" (1859) and "The Moonstone" (1868), are examples of the first modern detective novels.
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- 59.99 kr.
77.99 kr. ‘Vanity takes no more obnoxious form than the everlasting desire for approval.’This collection of 12 short mystery stories includes titles such as 'Chick', 'For One Night Only', 'A Writ of Summons', 'Spotting the Lady', and 'A Lesson in Diplomacy among others'.The title story 'Chick' tells of an office boy who unexpectedly inherits the title of Marquis. As well as dealing with this unexpected elevation in his status, and learning how to behave as a member of the aristocracy he also has to protect his newly inherited estate from clever con men who try to convince him that there is oil on his land.Each of the other short stories stand out as intriguing and mysterious pieces of short-form literature as only Wallace could write it.If you love Wallace's amazing universe, this is a great collection of stories to help you dive deeper into the mind of the genius behind 'King Kong'.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English writer so prolific, that one of his publishers claimed that he was behind a quarter of all books sold in England. An author, journalist, and poet, he wrote countless novels, short stories, screenplays, stage plays, historical non-fiction, etc.Today, more than 160 films have been made from his works. He died suddenly in Hollywood in 1932, during the initial drafting of his most famous work, ‘King Kong’.The most popular movie of recent times based on Wallace's work is the blockbuster 'King Kong' (2005) starring Naomi Watts, Jack Black and Adrien Brody.
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- 77.99 kr.
96.99 kr. ¿Hasta dónde llegarías para lograr sobrevivir? La joven Jean Muir llega a la mansión de los Coventry para trabajar como institutriz. Por su astucia y habilidad logra ganarse rápidamente el afecto de la mayor parte de la familia, excepto e Gerald y Lucia, quienes desconfían enormemente de la joven y comienzan a espiarla. Sin embargo, Jean tiene claro que hará todo lo necesario para sobrevivir y en la Inglaterra de 1866 eso pasa por lograr una buena posición social económica. Así, no dudará en usar todas sus armas femeninas y las miles de máscaras que hagan falta con tal de prosperar.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Louisa May Alcott nació en 1832 en Estados Unidos. Criada en un hogar trascendentalismo, era habitual que los Walcott recibieran a personalidades ilustres como Henry David Thoreau o Nathaniel Hawthorne. Aunque deseaba ser actriz, se vio obligada a trabajar como costurera y asistenta cuando su familia comenzó a pasar dificultades económicas. En 1868 publicó «Mujercitas», obra que la convirtió en todo un referente de la literatura universal.
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- 96.99 kr.
73.99 kr. Nostalgie racconta la storia della protagonista, Regina Tagliamari: una giovane donna tormentata che conosce il male di vivere divisa tra la nostalgia per il suo paese d'origine in Veneto e l’insensatezza per la sua nuova condizione di sposa, a Roma, città che sente aliena e nemica. L'adattamento di Regina sarà difficile e doloroso, contrassegnato da una fuga e il sospetto di un tradimento.'Nostalgie' è un romanzo moderno, femminile, dove viene indagata la psicologia di una donna trasferitasi nella metropoli sognando un futuro borghese e che invece rimane delusa, in un’inesorabile crollo di sogni e ambizioni.Grazia Deledda (1871-1936) è stata una scrittrice italiana. Considerata una delle figure più importanti della letteratura italiana, vinse il Nobel per la letteratura nel 1927, seconda donna e prima italiana a vincere il prestigioso premio. Tra le sue opere più importanti, spesso ambientate in Sardegna, ricordiamo 'Canne al vento', 'La madre', 'La via del male', 'Cenere' e 'Elias Portolu'.
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- 73.99 kr.
73.99 kr. Siberia electrocuta la mente del lector, la inunda y la arrastra a profundidades insospechadas del dolor humano. Es la historia de una madre que pierde a su hijo, y que en su duelo abandona la ciudad que ha sido su hogar durante los últimos quince años. Una novela de crisis, de tránsito y de heridas que nadie sabe si podrán cerrarse.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Daniela Alvícar Bellolio es una escritora nacida en Guayaquil en 1982. Se dedica a la literatura, la crítica literaria, la investigación académica y la edición en la editorial ecuatoriana Turbina. Directora del Centro Cultural Benjamín Carrión en Quito, compagina su labor profesional con la poesía y la narrativa, faceta que le ha valido varios premios y nominaciones. Destaca por su estilo experimental que no renuncia al intimismo.
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- 73.99 kr.
36.99 kr. Sainete ambientado en Madrid que, siguiendo el estilo del autor, que muestra a personajes extraños, alegres y estrepitosos. Es noche de fanfarria y los personajes principales quieren bailar. Unos, dicharacheros, alegres y cómicos. Los otros, bien educados y señoriales. En ese choque entre ambos Ramón de la Cruz dibuja las costumbres y el humor, creando así un sainete popular ambientado en la calle Lavapiés.Ramón de la Cruz (Madrid, 1731-1794) fue escritor y dramaturgo español, uno de los más prolíficos de su época. Estudió bajo la protección del duque de Alba y ya en su juventud escribió obras de teatro, sobre todo tragedias y comedias. También trabajó de traductor de algunos de sus autores franceses preferidos, como Voltaire. Sus conexiones y su capacidad para crear sainetes populares lo llevó a trabajar para la Corte y a producir, entre dramas, sainetes y zarzuelas, más de 500 obras. Fue uno de los mejores amigos de Goya.
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- 36.99 kr.
69.00 kr. Det er en nat som alle andre i indre København, da fængselsfangen, der kaldes Recardu, forlader sygehuset med forbinding om hovedet og forsvinder ud i natten. Der går ikke mange timer, før nyheden slipper ud, og politiet og Recardus gamle bekendte er alle på udkig efter ham, for ingen er sikre på, hvad der har fået ham til at stikke af på så hovedkulds en måde."En systemkritikers død" er en københavnerroman om transvestitter, journalister, forbrydere, politibetjente, afdankede gamle damer og puddelhunde. Den tegner et levende, humoristisk og dog realistisk billede af indre København i slutningen af 1970’erne.Robert Cecil Martin Elmer Berg (1930-2008) var en dansk forfatter, som skrev sine bøger under navnene Martin Elmer og Robert C. Berg. Hans bibliografi tæller bøger inden for en række genrer, herunder både skøn- og faglitteratur. Elmer var politisk engageret og homoseksuel, hvorom han forfattede tekster i flere tidsskrifter og bøger, som Danmarks første. Elmer har vundet flere danske litteraturkonkurrencer for sine kronikker, noveller og romaner, herunder Gyldendals Internationale Børne- og Ungdomsroman-konkurrence i 1987.
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- 69.00 kr.
102.99 kr. Comforted by the gentle hum of the beehives at the bottom of the garden, Grace drains the last of her tea and walks slowly back towards the little hillside house she adores. Her marriage is over, but is it too late to start her life again?Beekeeper Grace thought throwing out her cheating husband would be the hardest thing she ever did. But when she opens the door to a property developer one morning, it’s clear that keeping her beautiful home and garden – her only sanctuary throughout her miserable marriage – will be the greatest challenge of all...Fleeing to her best friend at the farm next door, Grace blurts out all her problems, only to be overheard by Amos, a handsome, free-spirited visitor with a twinkle in his eye. Fascinated by Grace and her bees, Amos offers to stay in the village of Hope Corner, to help turn her home into a guest house in return for lessons on beekeeping.As Grace shows Amos how to nurture a hive and harvest honeycomb without getting stung, he is charming but secretive. He never stays long in the same place after an incident in his past involving a mysterious woman named Maria. But as their eyes lock over a jar of homemade honey, Grace can’t help feeling that she’d really like him to stay...Determined to dispel her growing suspicion that Amos is running from something serious, Grace goes in search of the truth about Maria. But when she finds it, will she still want Amos to put down roots in Hope Corner, and will they still have a house to return to?No matter how far they travel, bees will always find their way home...An absolutely perfect feel good romance for readers who adore Jenny Colgan, Lucy Diamond and Debbie Johnson.Readers adore The Beekeeper’s Cottage:‘Captures you from the start... full of romance... you are so invested in these characters it is almost heart-breaking to stop reading about them and their lives. An excellent summer read, full of warmth and the sweet taste of honey. Highly recommended.’ The Book Jotter, 5 stars‘What an emotional and heart-wrenching read. I've read a few by Emma Davies before but this was certainly my fave. I felt like I was right there with the characters... A lovely read.’ The Cosiest Corner, 5 stars‘I could literally imagine walking through the gardens and near the bees and smelling all the flowers. I could taste the food and imagine sitting and having tea with the characters. Thank you for such a lovely book!’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars.130k copies of Emma Davies’ books sold to date. Previous title The Little Cottage on the Hill reached Amazon UK and Amazon CA top 70.Emma once worked for a design studio where she was asked to provide a fun, humorous, and not necessarily true anecdote about herself for their website. She wrote the following: ‘I am a bestselling novelist currently masquerading as a thirty-something mother of three.’ Well the job didn’t work out but she’s now a forty-something mother of three and happy to report the rest of her dream came true. She now lives in rural Shropshire with her husband, three children, and two guinea pigs where she writes full time from a shed in the garden.
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- 102.99 kr.
102.99 kr. The view across the valley takes her breath away; everywhere she looks tiny patches of colour – ochre, chestnut, lime and purple. The farmhouse behind her glows pink in the morning sun. Finally, Flora has the home of her dreams... but is she about to lose it?Free-spirited Flora Dunbar is heartbroken at the news that she must close down her beloved little flower shop on the high street. As she packs away her pretty pots and vases and locks the door for the very last time, the only spark of hope is an offer from Ned, a gorgeous farmer with an irresistible twinkle in his eye, to come and start a new life on his family farm.Arriving at Hope Corner, Flora’s heart sings as she takes in the stunning landscape that surrounds her new home. But it’s not long before she realises that her creative, romantic thinking has no place in a household built on tradition and strict routine.Pulling up her signature striped socks and throwing herself into her chores, little by little Flora blossoms as she learns to love the order and patterns of life on the land, feeding the chickens every morning and checking on the cows at night. But the more she understands about her new home, the more she suspects it’s under threat, and worse, that Ned is hiding something from her...But this time, Flora’s not going to run from her problems, especially not when she was just beginning to let herself believe that Ned could really be The One. Can she find a way to save her relationship AND the first house she’s ever truly called home?An absolutely gorgeous and utterly uplifting romance to sweep you off your feet! Perfect reading for fans of Jenny Colgan, Lucy Diamond and Debbie Johnson.Readers adore The House at Hope Corner:‘Wow!!! Five stars is not enough for this book! Absolutely nothing more than delightful and purely heart-warming! I did not put this book down!!... I highly recommended this book and can't wait to get my hands on all of her books!!!!!!!’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars‘Joyful and uplifting and really warms the cockles of your heart... Entirely uplifting and satisfying, with an ending that really does bring a tear to the eye along with the widest of smiles. The writing is excellent – an ease of readability, a vividly described setting, excellent character development... this book has all the warmth of the fluffiest blanket, and I enjoyed it very much.’ Being Anne, 5 stars‘Surpassed all my expectations!... the warmth just pours out of it and it is a tremendously enjoyable read! I cannot recommend this one highly enough... A full five dancing, glowing stars!’ Grace J Reviewerlady, 5 starsEmma once worked for a design studio where she was asked to provide a fun, humorous, and not necessarily true anecdote about herself for their website. She wrote the following: ‘I am a bestselling novelist currently masquerading as a thirty-something mother of three.’ Well the job didn’t work out but she’s now a forty-something mother of three and happy to report the rest of her dream came true. She now lives in rural Shropshire with her husband, three children, and two guinea pigs where she writes full time from a shed in the garden.
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- 102.99 kr.
77.99 kr. If you had the courage and money to lead a fast life, wouldn't you do so?'Confessions of a Young Man' is a memoir by Irish novelist George Moore who spent about 15 years in his teens and his 20s in Paris, and later in London as a struggling artist.Moore's 'confessions' are aesthetic. If there's more, you'll find a soul struggling to rid itself of Victorian morality. Of landed gentry, Moore moved from Ireland to Paris hoping to be a painter. He immersed himself in Degas and Manet and discussed Gautier and Baudelaire at his Montmartre haunt until dawn.This memoir was finished in his early 30s after he had decided to become a writer. He first tried his hand at journalism, but he found it stifling: ‘I longed to give a personal shape to something and this could not be achieved in an article.’ His memoir is youthfully all over the place, at times, but its alluring ideas are found on every page.This is a wonderful look into the mind of the younger George Moore.George Augustus Moore was an Irish novelist, short-story writer, poet, art critic and playwright. As a writer he is best known for his contribution to the natural realist genre of literature. He was amongst the first English-language writers to follow in the footsteps of the French realists, especially the writings of Émile Zola were influential in his work. Moore himself went on to influence fellow Irishman, James Joyce.Although Moore's work is often not considered to belong to the mainstream Irish and British literature of his time, he is widely accepted as being one of the first great modern Irish novelists.His works have also been adapted for film and TV such as 'Albert Nobbs' (2011) starring Glenn Close, Mia Wasikowska and Aaron Taylor-Johnson; and the 'Esther Waters' TV series from 1977 starring Gabrielle Lloyd, James Laurenson and Alison Steadman.
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- 77.99 kr.
73.99 kr. Porras-herra on eteläisestä Suomesta kotoista oleva lääkäri, joka on päättänyt lähteä asumaan Lappiin. Monet eivät miehen valintaa ymmärrä, mutta mies ei siitä välitä. Hän haluaa olla yksin ja hautautua äärettömään, koskemattomaan erämaahan. Missä muualla sellaisia tunteita voisi kokea kuin Lapissa? Porras-herra on menettänyt motivaationsa myös työhönsä. Kun hän pelastaa yllättäen nuoren Liinu-tytön hengen, motivaatio myös ammatinharjoittamiseen palaa.Porras-herra on Lappiin sijoittuva romaani, jonka tapahtumat sijoittuvat 1900-luvun alkuvuosikymmenille.Kirjailija Erkki Ilmari (1902–1945) työskenteli myös toimittajana ja kuvittajana. Hän kirjoitti kaunokirjallisuutta sekä lapsille että aikuisille.
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- 73.99 kr.
40.99 kr. La giovane Nina è cresciuta in una famiglia umile. Ben presto si innamora di Gabriele, ma quando un altro ospite della famiglia chiede la sua mano, Nina non ha altra scelta che accettare per scappare così dalla sua condizione e allontanarsi dal villaggio. Si ritrova a condurre un'esistenza agiata e borghese tra i notabili della città, ma torna regolarmente in campagna per godersi il vento e il sole che hanno caratterizzato la sua infanzia. Sono proprio queste fughe che favoriscono la rinascita di ricordi e incontri... 'Il paese del vento' è un romanzo che prende vita dalla calma del mare ma anche dalla violenza frenetica del vento, dove sentimenti e natura vibrano con la stessa intensità...Grazia Deledda (1871-1936) è stata una scrittrice italiana. Considerata una delle figure più importanti della letteratura italiana, vinse il Nobel per la letteratura nel 1927, seconda donna e prima italiana a vincere il prestigioso premio. Tra le sue opere più importanti, spesso ambientate in Sardegna, ricordiamo 'Canne al vento', 'La madre', 'La via del male', 'Cenere' e 'Elias Portolu'.
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- 40.99 kr.
62.99 kr. På sju veckor har Sonja gått från att vara i ett lyckligt förhållande med sitt livs kärlek, till att officiellt ha blivit Sveriges sorgligaste tjugoåttaåring. Att Anton plötsligt skulle göra slut hade hon absolut inte väntat sig. Hur kunde det bli så?Sonja inser så småningom att hon måste bort från Göteborg för att försöka hitta tillbaka till sig själv. Det slutar med att hon bestämmer sig för att spendera sommaren i Edinburgh, i natursköna Skottland. Och det dröjer inte länge förrän en oväntad vänskap börjar blomstra mellan Sonja och Mary, den äldre damen som hon är inneboende hos. Mary är nybliven änka och de två kvinnorna finner varandra över hjärtesorg och nybakade scones. Snart har de även bjudit in en brokig skara gäster till Afternoon tea. Är en sommar fylld av ljuvliga bakverk precis vad Sonjas hjärta behöver? I vilket fall som helst, kommer det bli en upplevelse hon sent ska glömma...Elin Ström är 30 år och bosatt i Göteborg där hon bor tillsammans med sin man och hund. Hon är utbildad civilekonom och 2021 debuterade hon med "Afternoon tea på Grassmarket 1".
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- 62.99 kr.
38.99 kr. It’s 1870 and the Siege of Paris is in full swing, where the French-Prussian war has brought daily life to a halt. Wearied, starving, and strung out on absinthe, two men meet by chance at their favourite fishing spot. "Two Friends" follows Morissot and Sauvage as they make their way into no man’s land and drink away the miseries of the war.A powerful short story that extolls the virtues of French patriotism and dramatises the cruelties of war. Maupassant’s portrayal yearns for a return to ordinary life and real human connections, through plain philosophy and simple language suited to the styles of Flaubert and Hemingway.Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was a famous French writer, often referred to as the father of the short story. A prolific writer, his best known works include "Bel-Ami", "Une Vie" and "The Necklace", alongside some 300 short stories, travel books, and poetry. A master of style and dramatic narrative, Maupassant’s stories are drawn to themes of war, the working class, and the human condition. One of his greatest influences was Gustave Flaubert, who introduced him to some of the central names of the time such as Emile Zola, Ivan Turgenev, and Henry James.
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- 38.99 kr.
42.99 kr. Divorce, adultery, murder, female alcoholism, racism, civil war, arson, drowning, marriage dominated by hate and marriage filled with love. Is there anything left that this book doesn’t deal with?Therese finds herself a widow at a young age and is in charge of a plantation in Louisiana. She meets Hossmer, a handsome businessman, who runs the mill. A decision is made that will have a lasting and detrimental effect.Racial tensions, Catholic beliefs as the basis of a moral dilemma, the boredom of a young woman with little to do with her time and the devastating effects of drink as well as the tragedy caused by mother nature. 'At Fault' will be a big hit with fans of Kate Chopin’s work and for anyone with a love for the classics.Kate Chopin (1850-1904), born Katherine O’Flaherty, was an American writer of novels and short stories mostly set in the 19th-century American South. Her works deal with themes of the female psyche and women's limited life opportunities in the Victorian era, often in a naturalist style. She was considered controversial in her time, but is now praised as a pioneer of 20th-century feminist American literature.Her most famous works include the novel ‘The Awakening’ (1899), which explores themes of rebellion against femininity and motherhood at the turn of the 20th century. Adaptations of this title include 'Grand Isle' (1991) starring Kelly McGillis and Adrian Pasdar, and 'The End of August' (1981).
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- 42.99 kr.
59.99 kr. Originally serialised in 'The Strand' magazine, ‘The Tragedy of Korosko’ is an exciting adventure story set in Egypt by famous author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. In it, a motley group of European tourists are enjoying a trip along the River Nile in the steamship Korosko while visiting Egypt, when they are suddenly attacked and kidnapped. Will they ever escape and make it home again? A thrilling tale, full of vivid descriptions, ‘The Tragedy of Korosko’ was later adapted into a play by Doyle, titled ‘Fires of Fate’.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British author, best known as the creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Born in Edinburgh, he was educated in England and Austria before studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh. It was during his time at university that Doyle began writing short stories, submitting them to magazines and journals. His first Sherlock Holmes novel, ‘A Study in Scarlet’ was written in just three weeks and published in 1887 to favourable reviews, and more Sherlock adventures followed. By 1893, Doyle was growing tired of Sherlock and attempted to kill him off in the story ‘The Final Problem’, but public outcry caused him to resurrect the famous detective. He featured in a total of 56 short stories and four novels along with his trusty sidekick Dr Watson and made Doyle one of the best-paid authors of the time. The stories have been adapted multiple times; most recently in the successful BBC series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Later literary works included the Professor Challenger series which began with ‘The Lost World’, in which Challenger sets out to find evidence of prehistoric life. The book inspired numerous adaptations, including the films ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Lost World’. In later life Doyle became captivated by the world of spiritualism and the occult and published non-fiction works about his beliefs including ‘The Coming of the Fairies’. Arthur Conan Doyle died at home in 1930.
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42.99 kr. ‘Bardell v. Pickwick’ is an episode from Charles Dickens’ classic novel, ‘The Pickwick Papers’. Reminiscent of a John Grisham novel, this work by Charles Dickens is packed full of broken marriage promises, legal documents, clever police sergeants, and a trial by jury. Our hero is accused of breaching the promise of marriage and is taken to trial where the honourable Mr. Justice Stareleigh presides at the City of London courtroom. Is he innocent or will he be proven guilty? Let the trial begin in one of ‘The Pickwick Papers’ most popular episodes. So popular, in fact, it was often dramatized or read aloud as living room entertainment.Regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens is best known for creating some of the world’s best known fictional characters who feature in his most popular novels, including The Artful Dodger in 'Oliver Twist’, Ebenezer Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’, and Miss Havisham in ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens’ timeless novels and short stories are still widely read today and many have been adapted into countless TV programmes and films including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’, and 'A Christmas Carol' which well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time.
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- 42.99 kr.
38.99 kr. Could you live a minimalist lifestyle? Just living with only the things that you absolutely need? Mr. Prohartchin manages to do this but takes it to the extreme!"Mr. Prohartchin" is a short story by Dostoevsky, published in 1846, telling the story of an ascetic man who keeps his life to the bare minimum in terms of food and accommodation.Sleeping on a worn mattress, eating scanty meals, and keeping to himself, Mr. Prohartchin is the epitome of a social outsider that other people feel sorry for. But when he dies, his landlady and neighbours discover something quite extraordinary...An early Dostoevskian critique on human selfishness and social isolation, the story is a charming read that fans of short stories with a moral at the end will love.Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881) was a famous Russian writer of novels, short stories, and essays. A connoisseur of the troubled human psyche and the relationships between the individuals, Dostoevsky’s oeuvre covers a large area of subjects: politics, religion, social issues, philosophy, and the uncharted realms of the psychological.There have been at least 30 film and TV adaptations of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s 1866 novel 'Crime and Punishment' with probably the most popular being the British BBC TV series starring John Simm as Raskolnikov and Ian McDiarmid as Porfiry Petrovich.'The Idiot' has also been adapted for films and TV, as has 'Demons' and 'The Brothers Karamazov'.
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- 38.99 kr.
42.99 kr. Written by Chopin the author of the much celebrated novel "The Awakening" comes another classic rich piece of late 19th century feminist american literature.Set in the heart of America’s deep south, "Athénaïse" is a short story exploring the timeless theme of women conforming to society’s expectations, rebellion, relationships and coming of age. From the cotton plantations to New Orleans we follow the title character, Athénaïse, a strong, independent and daring young woman on her journey of self-discovery.Feeling trapped in her marriage Athénaïse with the help of her brother flees to New Orleans. She soon discovers she is pregnant; will this change her perspective on her marriage? Will her husband accept her back?An American novelist and short story writer of French and Irish descent, Kate Chopin (1850 -1904) is one of the most celebrated feminist authors of the twentieth century.Most of her fiction is set in Louisiana where she lived depicting the lives of intelligent young women, Creole culture and society in the American south. She wrote over 100 short stories including children’s tales that were all published in some of the most prestigious magazines but her most notable work is her novel ‘The Awakening’ which firmly has a place in American literature.
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