Far-right political ideologies and movements

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  • by Giancarlo Villa
    From 36.99 kr.

    Da quasi un secolo la storia di Anna Frank continua a emozionare e sorprendere. Il suo volto è divenuto simbolo della shoah, dell’olocausto, una tragedia collettiva che ha sapientemente documentato con il celebre "Diario di Anne Frank", letto da milioni di persone in tutto il mondo. Durante la Seconda guerra mondiale, Anne ha dovuto affrontare la brutalità di Hitler, vivendo l'orrore di quello che è stato il campo di concentramento di Auschwitz. La sua breve vita, iniziata a Francoforte sul Meno, è stata infine stroncata dal nazismo nel campo di sterminio di Bergen-Belsen quando aveva solo 16 anni.Ciononostante, Anne Frank ci parla di ottimismo, resistenza e voglia di vivere, ed è per questo che la sua storia non ha mai smesso di appassionare i lettori di ogni generazione.Giancarlo Villa: originario di Roma, classe 1988, è uno scrittore, giornalista e alpinista. Si occupa di temi ambientali e di sostenibilità. È autore di due romanzi: "La Spada di Falkerith" (2016), e "L'Eroe del Ghiacciaio" (2019). Ha pubblicato anche il saggio storico "Dalla Scoperta del Nuovo Mondo alla Ricerca del Passaggio a Nord Ovest" (2017). Gestisce una campagna per la riforestazione di terreni incolti ed abbandonati.

  • by Henrik Pers
    49.00 kr.

    "Dagligdag under fascismen. Levevilkår i Mussolinis Italien og Hitlers Tyskland" handler om fascismebegrebet og perioden 1922-1945 i Tyskland og Italien, hvor fascismen var den politiske styreform. Fascismen greb ind i alle dele af det offentlige liv med meget aktive politikker for undervisning og dannelse, kunst og kultur, raceopfattelse og arbejdsmarkedet. Henrik Pers beskriver i denne bog, der udkom første gang i 1979, hvordan første verdenskrig skabte grobund for fascismens gennembrud i de to lande, samt hvordan hverdagen og livsvilkårene så ud for almindelige borgere.Henrik Pers (f. 1949) er dansk historiker, forfatter og oversætter. Han har været tilknyttet Københavns Universitet som ekstern lektor, Undervisningsministeriet som specialkonsulent og Censorsekretariatet for erhvervskommunikation, sprog og medier som sekretariatsleder. Pers har udgivet en række faglitterære bøger om blandt andet velfærdsstatens gennembrud i Danmark og om italiensk politik og historie. Som oversætter står han bag den tidligere FN-generalsekretær Kofi Annans erindringer "I krig og fred" fra 2013.

  • by Orage
    40.99 kr.

    Miksi Saksan hallintokoneisto jatkoi tehokasta toimintaansa vielä viimeisinä tunteina ennen toisen maailmansodan päättymistä? Lukuisat ihmiset menettivät henkensä natsihallinnon toimien takia, vaikka Saksa oli selvästi jo romahduksen partaalla."Miksi natsit taistelivat kuolemaan asti" esittelee kattavasti motiiveja, jotka saivat saksalaiset pysymään aatteelleen uskollisina – sodan loppumetreilläkin natsit syyllistyivät järjettömiltä tuntuviin tekoihin, jotka koituivat heidän itsensä tai muiden kohtaloksi. Mikä vaikutus saksalaisten ratkaisuille oli pelolla, tottumuksella ja Hitlerin persoonallisuudella?HISTORIA-sarja käsittelee kiinnostavia historiallisia tapahtumia ja ihmisiä. Lyhyet artikkelit ja reportaasit tarjoavat asiantuntevan katsauksen historian puhutuimpiin ilmiöihin.Artikkelin on alun perin julkaissut Orage-kustantamo yhteistyössä BBC:n kanssa.

  • by Orage
    40.99 kr.

    Mikä nosti Hitlerin valta-asemaan ja sai miljoonat ihmiset toimimaan hänen tahtonsa mukaan? "Hitlerin synkkä karisma" valottaa Hitlerin persoonan ainutlaatuista karismaa sekä hänen taitoaan aistia ihmisten toiveita ja pelkoja.Nykyään vallalla olevasta näkemyksestä poiketen Hitler ei ollut vain raivoava fanaatikko. Hän oli taitava poliitikko ja vetoava hahmo, jonka ympärille muodostui vahva henkilökultti. Myös useat aikalaiskuvaukset tukevat käsitystä Hitlerin ympärillä vallinneesta karisman aurasta.HISTORIA-sarja käsittelee kiinnostavia historiallisia tapahtumia ja ihmisiä. Lyhyet artikkelit ja reportaasit tarjoavat asiantuntevan katsauksen historian puhutuimpiin ilmiöihin.Artikkelin on alun perin julkaissut Orage-kustantamo yhteistyössä BBC:n kanssa.

  • by Orage
    40.99 kr.

    Saksalainen kenraalimajuri Henning von Tresckow suunnitteli Adolf Hitlerin murhaa peräti viisi kertaa. Hän oli kauhistunut natsien hallinnosta ja Hitlerin suuruudenhulluudesta. Miksi von Tresckowin suunnitelmat epäonnistuivat?"Hitlerin salamurhaaja" on hyytävä kuvaus von Tresckowin yrityksistä tappaa yksi maailman vihatuimmista diktaattoreista – sekä siitä, mitä von Tresckowin oli tehtävä murhien epäonnistuttua.HISTORIA-sarja käsittelee kiinnostavia historiallisia tapahtumia ja ihmisiä. Lyhyet artikkelit ja reportaasit tarjoavat asiantuntevan katsauksen historian puhutuimpiin ilmiöihin.Artikkelin on alun perin julkaissut Orage-kustantamo yhteistyössä BBC:n kanssa.

  • by Orage
    40.99 kr.

    Kuinka on mahdollista, että natsit pääsivät valtaan ja tempaisivat mukaansa valtaosan Saksan väestöstä? "Hitlerin kansalaiset" pohtii, joutuivatko saksalaiset natsiaatteen pauloihin pelon ajamana vai oliko omille valinnoille sittenkin sijansa.Viime vuosikymmeninä on julkaistu tutkimuksia, joiden mukaan natsismi oli aidosti suosittu aate. Tämän tulkinnan mukaan vahvan ja keskitetyn valvonnan sijasta Saksassa vallitsi itsevalvonnan ilmapiiri. Toisaalta tutkijat ovat osoittaneet, että esimerkiksi vaaleihin on liittynyt vahvaa painostusta ja pelottelua. Myöskin Gestapon rooli kansalaisten vahtikoirana on ollut merkittävä.HISTORIA-sarja käsittelee kiinnostavia historiallisia tapahtumia ja ihmisiä. Lyhyet artikkelit ja reportaasit tarjoavat asiantuntevan katsauksen historian puhutuimpiin ilmiöihin.Artikkelin on alun perin julkaissut Orage-kustantamo yhteistyössä BBC:n kanssa.

  • by Mari Osmundsen
    79.00 kr.

    Karianne er ved at rydde ud i sin afdøde bedstemors lejlighed. Den lugter af gammel dame og flyder med gamle, ubrugelige sager. Men der er også noget andet i lejligheden. Noget Karianne ikke har set i mange år. Den grimme, lille nisse, som kun hun kan se. Den nisse, der minder hende om alt det onde, hun har gjort, og alt det gode, hun ikke kan få. Karianne håber, hun en dag kan få et barn. Ikke nødvendigvis med sin pæne, fornuftige forlovede, men bare med en eller anden. Problemet, som nissen spydigt udpeger, er bare, at Karianne allerede har fået et barn, som hun valgte at bortadoptere, og efter en komplikation med hendes spiral er hun ikke længere i stand til at blive gravid.Kariannes veninde Rut har sine egne problemer. Hun har også gjort noget, hun fortryder inderligt. Hun har gået i seng med sin veninde Anettes kæreste og aner ikke, hvordan hun skal gøre det godt igen. De problemer træder imidlertid i baggrunden, da Karianne dukker op og fortæller, at hun vil forsøge at få sit barn tilbage fra dets adoptivforældre. Rut synes, det ville være for grusomt at gøre mod dem. Men har hun egentlig ret til at dømme Karianne efter det, hun har gjort mod Anette?Mari Osmundsen er pseudonym for den norske forfatter Anne Kristine Halling (f. 1951). Hun debuterede som forfatter i 1978 med romanen "Vi klarer det!" og har siden udgivet en lang række bøger til både børn og voksne. Mari Osmundsen har blandt andet modtaget Gyldendals legat som anerkendelse for sit arbejde som forfatter.

  • by Karl Christian Lammers
    69.00 kr.

    I "Hitlers modstandere. Det andet Tyskland 1933-1945" belyser Karl Christian Lammers den mindre kendte del af tysk historie under Hitlers regime, nemlig historien om nazismens modstandere. De kom fra mange sider, både fra socialistiske partier og senere også fra borgerlige og militære kredse. Parterne blev aldrig en egentlig samlet opposition, og mange måtte gå under jorden eller lade livet i koncentrationslejre for deres oprør mod regimet. Efter et bombeattentat mod Hitler i 1944 blev modstandskampen en endnu farligere affære.Karl Christian Lammers (f. 1943) er historiker, kommentator og lektor i tysk og vesteuropæisk samtidshistorie med ekspertise i Tysklands historie i det 20. århundrede, især nazismens historie og tysk historie og politik efter 1945. Han er forfatter til en række historiske værker, herunder "Føreren. Hitlers politiske karriere" (1991), "Hitlers modstandere. Det andet Tyskland 1933-1945" (1996) og "Goebbels. Hitlers spindoktor" (2008). Lammers bliver ofte benyttet i medierne til at kommentere tyske forhold og var desuden en del af redaktionen af tidsskriftet European Contemporary History i London i perioden 1992-2007.

  • by Knut Hamsun
    From 58.99 kr.

    En 1949, el mismo día en el que recibió la sentencia del tribunal noruego que le juzgaba por un supuesto delito de traición a la patria, Hamsun, un anciano de ochenta y nueve años que había pasado de ser el escritor más amado de su país al más odiado, escribió la frase final del manuscrito que se convertiría en su último libro, Por senderos que la maleza oculta: «San Juan 1948. Hoy el Tribunal Supremo ha dictado sentencia, y yo acabo mi escrito». Había comenzado a escribir en mayo de 1945, el mismo día en el que él y su esposa fueron arrestados.En este libro, mezcla de ficción y autobiografía, Hamsun, internado en un primer momento en una residencia de ancianos, y más adelante en la clínica psiquiátrica a la que fue trasladado en un intento de justificar sus hechos pasados mediante la locura, describe sus paseos, sus encuentros con la gente, sus recuerdos de infancia, así como reflexiones sobre su situación.Además de una muestra incuestionable de la gran potencia narrativa de Hamsun, la obra es un documento único para conocer los argumentos del escritor en aquel proceso al que se vio sometido por su apoyo al régimen de Quisling en la Noruega ocupada por los nazis desde 1942 hasta el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Una parte fundamental de la obra es su alegato de defensa ante el Tribunal.Knut Hamsun (seudónimo de Knut Pedersen; Lomnel Gudbrandsdal, 1859 - Grimstad, 1952). Seudónimo de Knut Pedersen. Novelista noruego. Ejerció las profesiones más diversas: aprendiz de zapatero en Bodø, y luego, siempre en la Noruega septentrional, carbonero, maestro de escuela, picapedrero, empleado comercial, vendedor ambulante y escribiente de un puesto de policía. En 1882 emigró a Estados Unidos y, a su vuelta, en 1888, publicó su primera novela, Hambre, que le proporcionó una celebridad inmediata. Su admiración por la vida bucólica y su rechazo a la gran ciudad lo llevarían a pasar grandes etapas de su vida en una cómoda cabaña del bosque. Fruto de esta época son sus obras Pan y La bendición de la tierra, por la que recibió en 1920 el Premio Nobel de Literatura. En esta misma colección han aparecido Victoria y su magnífica biografía Hamsun, Soñador y Conquistador.

  • by Dr. Karina. Urbach
    185.99 kr.

    Einst erfolgreiche Kochbuch-Autorin, verliert die Wiener Jüdin Alice Urbach unter den Nationalsozialisten Heimat, Familie und Karriere. Sie flieht nach England, wo sie sich als Dienstbotin durchschlägt und später ein Flüchtlingsheim für jüdische Mädchen leitet. Mit Kochunterricht versucht sie ihre Schützlinge von den Kriegswirren abzulenken. Nach dem Krieg geht Alice nach New York, gibt Kochkurse in San Francisco und stellt im amerikanischen Fernsehen ihre besten Rezepte für Mehlspeisen und Tafelspitz vor. In einer Wiener Buchhandlung findet sie sogar ihr Buch wieder. Doch wer ist der Mann, dessen Name auf dem Umschlag prangt? Hat es den „Küchenmeister" Rudolf Rösch je gegeben? Recherchen führen Alice’ Enkelin Karina Urbach in Wiener, Londoner und Washingtoner Archive, in denen sie längst verloren geglaubte Briefe, Tonband- und Filmdokumente findet. Sie eröffnen ein bislang unbekanntes Kapitel in der Geschichte deutscher NS-Verbrechen.„Spannend, berührend und erkenntnisreich: Karina Urbach hat ein großartiges Buch über eine starke Frau geschrieben, die durch nichts zu erschüttern war und ihr bisschen Glück zum Glück für andere machte." ― Süddeutsche Newsletter„Was die Historikerin zutage gefördert hat, ist praller Filmstoff – Verfolgung, Mord, Betrug, Inhaftierung, Flucht, Rettung, Freundschaft, Geheimdiensttätigkeiten, Aufstieg, Fall und Neuanfang ... Urbach erzählt spannend, ja, filmisch." ― Der TagesspiegelKarina Urbach wurde an der Universität Cambridge promoviert und habilitierte sich 2009. Sie arbeitete am Deutschen Historischen Institut London und der Universität London. Seit 2015 forscht sie am Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. Sie war an mehreren historischen Dokumentationen des ZDF, der BBC und des amerikanischen Senders PBS beteiligt. Neben Sachbüchern wie „Das Buch Alice" „Hitlers heimliche Helfer" und „Queen Victoria" veröffentlichte sie unter dem Pseudonym Hannah Coler auch den historischen Roman „Cambridge 5", der für mehrere Preise nominiert wurde.

  • by Andreas Garfield
    49.00 kr.

    Tre mennesker skal til samme fodboldkamp, men de har hver sin dagsorden og hver sin tilgang til, hvordan man er fodboldfan. Vi følger en repræsentant fra den yderste højrefløj, der mener at fodbold og politik hører uløseligt sammen, samt en ung kvinde, der er velformuleret og velovervejet og en del af den yderste venstrefløj. Midt imellem dem finder vi en lige så dedikeret fodboldfan, der forsøger at overbevise de to andre om, at der skal være plads til alle, og at man må mene hvad man vil.Andreas Garfield (f. 1976) er en dansk dramatiker, der står bag en lang række anmelderroste skuespil. Han er uddannet dramatiker fra dramatikeruddannelsen ved Århus Teater i 2007. Samme år modtog han Reumert Talentpris for sit stykke "Hjem kære hjem". Andreas Garfields skuespil er blevet opført i blandt andet Norge, Sverige og Canada og udmærker sig ved deres hypernaturalistiske dialog og psykologiske indsigt.

  • by Hartvig Frisch
    99.00 kr.

    Da nazisterne kom til magten i Tyskland i 1933, begyndte et nyt og dystert kapitel af Tysklands historie, som inden længe skulle kaste mørke skygger ud over hele Europa. Da Hitler den 14. oktober samme år trak Tyskland ud af Folkeforbundet, begyndte en kæde af internationale kriser og diplomatiske rænkespil, der til sammen førte til katastrofen anden verdenskrig."Tragediens anden del" er en selvstændig fortsættelse af Hartvig Frischs berømte historiske værk "Pest over Europa" fra 1933, som analyserede den europæiske politiske situation. "Tragediens anden del" handler om årene mellem 1933 og 1945 og er en lige så skarp og relevant analyse af den europæiske politiske situation under kontinentets mørkeste tid.Hartvig Marcus Frisch var en dansk forfatter, klassisk filolog og politiker, der fra 1947 til 1950 var undervisningsminister for Socialdemokratiet. I forbindelse med besættelsen spillede Hartvig Frisch en omstridt rolle, da han udtalte sig kritisk om både nazismen og visse af modstandsbevægelsens handlinger.Som undervisningsminister indførte Hartvig Frisch i 1948 retskrivningsreformen, som blandt andet ændrede "aa" til "å" og "vilde" til "ville". Mange af Hartvig Frisch’ bøger handler om Danmark under anden verdenskrig, mens en del af hans andre bøger beskæftiger sig med antikkens verden.

  • by Oskar Reponen
    From 73.99 kr.

    Stutthofin keskitysleirillä natsi-Saksassa oli erityisen huono maine – vain harva selvisi paikasta elossa pois. Puolan alueella sijainneelle leirille päätyi myös suomalaisia. Veijo Johansson oli suomalainen merimies, joka joutui leirille suomalaisten ja saksalaisten yhteistyön loputtua jatkosodan aikana. Juutalainen Lily Millner puolestaan oli alun perin liettualainen, mutta päätyi sukulaissuhteiden takia asumaan Suomeen sodan jälkeen."Kaasukammion varjossa: suomalaiskohtaloita Stutthofin kuolemanleirillä" perustuu sekä Johanssonin ja Millnerin kauhistuttaviin kokemuksiin natsi-Saksan julmuuksista – ja kertoo myös Millnerin kokemuksen siitä, kuinka naispuolinen vartija pelasti hänet kaasukammiolta. Oskar Reponen (1928–1997) oli suomalainen kirjailija, joka julkaisi erityisesti parapsykologisia kauhuromaaneja. Reposen tunnetuimpiin teoksiin kuuluu vuonna 1988 julkaistu "Hypnoosimurhaaja". Reponen oli koulutukseltaan voimistelunopettaja, mutta teki työuransa toimittajana. Hän kirjoitti muun muassa Helsingin Sanomiin ja Seuraan.

  • by World History
    From 66.99 kr.

    On 27th January 1944, Stalin declares that Leningrad has been liberated. After a siege lasting two and a half years, German forces retreat with the Red Army in hot pursuit. Encouraged by the victory, Soviet general Govorov decides to liberate Estonia, but in the battle of Narva, the Germans upset his plans, and the front comes to a temporary halt. Hitler's forces are feeling the pressure on all sides, however. On D-day, the allies succeed in landing over 150,000 soldiers in Normandy's beaches, and in Southern Europe, British and US forces fight their way north through Italy. At the same time, Stalin embarks on a major summer offensive - operation Bagration. As his forces drive the Germans out of the Soviet Union and back towards Germany, the net around Hitler's Third Reich starts to tighten.World History invites you on a fascinating journey to bygone eras, allowing you to explore the greatest events in history. Take a trip back in time - to the frontlines of World War 2, to the Viking raids, and the religious rituals of ancient Egypt. World History is for everyone who would like to know more about the exciting and dramatic events of the past.

  • by World History
    From 41.99 kr.

    It is 03:14 on 22nd June 1941. Along a 1,800-kilometre front line that stretches from the Baltic Sea in the north, to Romania in the South, German soldiers are ready for battle. A minute later, all hell breaks loose. The Luftwaffe begins attacking targets behind the Red Army’s front line, and the artillery opens fire. Germany’s dreaded Panzer tanks follow – the spearhead of Operation "Barbarossa", Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union. With 3.7 million soldiers, it’s the largest invasion to date. The first few weeks seem to confirm the supremacy of Germany’s Blitzkrieg tactics as city after city falls.This issue follows the advancement of the Axis forces in the conflict that, during 1941, turns into an all-out world war.World History invites you on a fascinating journey to bygone eras, allowing you to explore the greatest events in history. Take a trip back in time - to the frontlines of World War II, to the Viking raids, and the religious rituals of Ancient Egypt. World History is for everyone who would like to know more about the exciting and dramatic events of the past.

  • by World History
    From 41.99 kr.

    On September 1, 1939, Hitler invaded Poland. The country needed to be subjugated quickly before Britain and France could intervene. Germany’s Panzer divisions proved unstoppable. Backed by the Luftwaffe, they smashed through Poland’s defences, destroying roads, bridges, and radio stations.The Polish defended valiantly, but were eventually forced to surrender. By 6th of October, Poland was in German hands. In the spring of 1940, the Blitzkrieg rolled through Europe again – within a few months, all of France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, and Norway fell. But when Hitler attacked Britain, he discovered the British were tougher than expected.This issue of bringing history to life tracks the Germans’ early advances to discover how a relatively small nation could take a continent by storm.World History invites you on a fascinating journey to bygone eras, allowing you to explore the greatest events in history. Take a trip back in time - to the frontlines of World War II, to the Viking raids, and the religious rituals of Ancient Egypt. World History is for everyone who would like to know more about the exciting and dramatic events of the past.

  • by World History
    66.99 kr.

    The Germans and their Japanese allies have gone from victory to victory since the start of the war, but in the autumn of 1942, that begins to change.On the small Pacific island of Guadalcanal, US forces drive back the Japanese to capture a key airfield. Meanwhile, on the Eastern Front, Hitler’s blitzkrieg slams to a halt at Stalingrad, stopped by the Russian winter and a Red Army determined to defend every street. As the war enters its fourth year, the conflict becomes ever more brutal. Both sides try to break their enemies’ spirits by carpet-bombing civilian-filled cities. The Nazis also break the Geneva Convention. As a result, more than half of all Soviet prisoners of war die in German captivity.This issue covers the dramatic moments that turned the war in favour of the Allies – both on the Eastern Front and in the Pacific.World History invites you on a fascinating journey to bygone eras, allowing you to explore the greatest events in history. Take a trip back in time - to the frontlines of World War 2, to the Viking raids, and the religious rituals of ancient Egypt. World History is for everyone who would like to know more about the exciting and dramatic events of the past.

  • by Anders Larsson, Matti Palm & Johan Ulvenlöv
    From 50.99 kr.

    "Jag ångrar ingenting". Uttalandet är Gustaf Ekströms och görs i en intervju med SVT år 1993. Han förnekar även förintelsen. Fem år tidigare har han varit med och grundat partiet Sverigedemokraterna. Men vad gjorde Ekström innan dess? Med hjälp av tjugo olika arkiv runt om i världen har författarna till "Utan ånger" kartlagt Gustaf Ekströms liv - ett liv som i stort ägnades åt nazismen. Efter flera års medlemskap i Sveriges fascistiska kamporganisation tog Ekström år 1941 steget till att bli frivillig i Waffen-SS. Han stred för Hitlers sak - och han var inte den enda svensken som gjorde det. Ju närmre Ekström författarna kommer, desto mörkare blir bilden av den svenske nazisten. En man som efter krigets slut i allra högsta grad fortsatte att engagera sig i högerextremismen. En man som aldrig slutade identifiera sig som nationalsocialist. Författartrion Johan Ulvenlöv, Matti Palm och Anders Larsson har tillsammans skrivit boken "Utan ånger" om SS-veteranen och Sverigedemokraten Gustaf Ekström. De har alla en gedigen erfarenhet av arbete som innefattar research. Både Ulvenlöv och Larsson har arbetat inom arbetarrörelsen medan Palm bl.a. arbetat som journalist på Svenska Dagbladet.

  • by Alles Over Historia
    58.99 kr.

    Na de Japanse aanval op Pearl Harbor in December 1941 belanden 120.000 Amerikaanse burgers van Japanse komaf achter prikkeldraad. Officieel zijn ze geïnterneerd uit vrees dat ze weleens konden gaan spioneren voor de Japanse regering om een eventuele invasie van de VS mogelijk te maken. Maar eigenlijk is het puur racisme. Vooroordelen en rassentheorieën liggen ook ten grondslag aan andere, gruwelijke misdaden. De nazi’s roeien groepen uit die ze als untermenschen zien. Artsen in de concentratiekampen voeren macabere experimenten uit op gevangenen, zelfs op kinderen, en gehandicapten worden stelselmatig gedood. Miljoenen oost-Europeanen worden naar het Westen gedeporteerd om als slaven te werken in de Duitse industrie. In dit nummer van oorlogen & veldslagen belichten we de donkerste kanten van de oorlog, die nooit mogen worden vergeten.

  • by World History
    From 41.99 kr.

    On 9th August, 1945, American pilot Charles W Sweeney threw a nuclear bomb over the Japanese city of Nagasaki. 43 seconds later, his deadly cargo exploded in the air over the port city and turned the thriving city centre into a molten ruin. Up to 70,000 people lost their lives. The atomic bombs which were dropped on the two Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the culmination of six years of horror. Since Nazi Germany’s troops had invaded Poland in 1939 and thus threw the world into another great war, the fighting had evolved into the most ruthless that the world has ever seen. But the brutality did not stop on the battlefield. Hundreds of thousands of civilians lost their lives in random carpet bombings or were victims of bitter soldiers’ revenge, while an entire people were attempted to be wiped out in the Nazi death camps.A World at War is not at all easy reading. It is, like the war, at the same time, in equal measures both awful and fascinating.World History invites you on a fascinating journey to bygone eras, allowing you to explore the greatest events in history. Take a trip back in time - to the frontlines of World War 2, to the Viking raids, and the religious rituals of ancient Egypt. World History is for everyone who would like to know more about the exciting and dramatic events of the past.

  • by World History
    From 41.99 kr.

    The name Adolf Hitler – even half a century after the fall of the Third Reich – continues to evoke disgust, contempt and astonishment. How was it possible for an amateur painter to seduce an entire people? How could he – from an insignificant party with 55 members – create a mass movement of millions? You will find the answers to these questions in this book. You will get the story about the customs officer’s son from Branau who built the Nazi movement and brainwashed the German people into acting out his grotesque fantasies. With violence and with fear. With ice-cold cynicism. And not least with extraordinary oratorical skills. The truth about Nazi Germany is, however, much more than the story about the twisted mind of a single man. It is the story of an entire population who let themselves be seduced and chose to ignore murder and persecution and, ultimately, willingly followed their Führer into the most brutal and devastating war in history.World History invites you on a fascinating journey to bygone eras, allowing you to explore the greatest events in history. Take a trip back in time - to the frontlines of World War 2, to the Viking raids, and the religious rituals of ancient Egypt. World History is for everyone who would like to know more about the exciting and dramatic events of the past.

  • by World History
    From 66.99 kr.

    Nazi propaganda presented Adolf Hitler as ascetic, solitary and a brilliant Führer. Only a few knew the real man behind World War II. His mystery has fuelled numerous conspiracy theories – like why Hitler’s own decisions were sometimes was so strange that neither his contemporaries nor posterity can explain the Führer’s bizarre choices. Why did he turn the Luftwaffe’s terror bombing of Britain from military targets to civilian ones? Why did Hitler issue the Wehrmacht with a stop order just before Dunkirk? And why did he hate Jews so much that millions of people died?This issue gets close to World War II’s unsolved mysteries and gives historians its best guess at some of the answers.World History invites you on a fascinating journey to bygone eras, allowing you to explore the greatest events in history. Take a trip back in time - to the frontlines of World War 2, to the Viking raids, and the religious rituals of ancient Egypt. World History is for everyone who would like to know more about the exciting and dramatic events of the past.

  • by World History
    From 66.99 kr.

    Luftwaffe pilots fear one weapon more than any other: British Spitfires. Powerful Rolls Royce engines and an ingenious design make the plane fast and manoeuvrable. In 1940, Spitfires and their fearless pilots resist Hitler’s attempts to bomb Britain to submission. The fighter’s success forces Germany’s leaders to develop even more powerful weapons. London is targeted by V-1 and V-2 bombs, forerunners of the Saturn V moon rocket. Meanwhile, on the Eastern Front the supergun Schwerer Gustav fires shells at targets 47 kilometres away. It’s the heaviest gun in history at over 1,300 tonnes.Nevertheless, the juggernauts cannot prevent the Nazis’ defeat. With new weapons like the Mosquito bomber, designed to be built from a kit, the Allies slowly crush the Third Reich. In 1945, the atomic bomb also forces Japan to raise the white flag. Incredible Weapons explores the war’s wildest weapons –including crazy projects like an aircraft carrier built from ice that came close to becoming a reality.World History invites you on a fascinating journey to bygone eras, allowing you to explore the greatest events in history. Take a trip back in time - to the frontlines of World War 2, to the Viking raids, and the religious rituals of ancient Egypt. World History is for everyone who would like to know more about the exciting and dramatic events of the past.

  • by World History
    From 66.99 kr.

    The battle is won, the enemy driven out, and everyone can breathe again. Many field generals thought this – but generals often make mistakes. Throughout World War II, specially trained soldiers made sure that the enemy never rested in peace. Command units struck anywhere and at any time: a German general was kidnapped in the middle of Crete, while commandos liberated Benito Mussolini from his prison on a mountain top. And British units blew up factories in a Norwegian town to deprive Germany of important raw materials. The warring parties also employed trickery, like when the Nazis tried to undermine Britain’s economy with fake bank notes, or when the British planted false documents on the corpse of an "officer" detailing plans for an imminent invasion of Greece.This issue takes you undercover on some of the war’s most daring missions.World History invites you on a fascinating journey to bygone eras, allowing you to explore the greatest events in history. Take a trip back in time - to the frontlines of World War 2, to the Viking raids, and the religious rituals of ancient Egypt. World History is for everyone who would like to know more about the exciting and dramatic events of the past.

  • by World History
    66.99 kr.

    In August 1940, Berlin was hit by British bombers. Hitler immediately ordered a series of gigantic air defences be built – each one more expensive than the city’s entire Olympic facilities – but they’re ineffective and resources are wasted. The Führer also has an opportunity to force the British out of North Africa and gain control of the Middle East’s valuable oil. But he rejects his generals’ advice, just as he unnecessarily draws the United States into the war in Europe. Had Hitler kept a cool head, the war could have gone in a different direction. But the Führer was not alone in making mistakes. British and French politicians gave Hitler concessions in the 1930s and failed to send troops to Germany immediately after war was declared. The Western powers have themselves to thank for the dictator setting Europe on fire before finally going on the offensive in spring 1940. This issue reveals the worst errors of the war.World History invites you on a fascinating journey to bygone eras, allowing you to explore the greatest events in history. Take a trip back in time - to the frontlines of World War 2, to the Viking raids, and the religious rituals of ancient Egypt. World History is for everyone who would like to know more about the exciting and dramatic events of the past.

  • by World History
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    With Europe overrun by Hitler’s thundering war machine, Churchill is the only head of state with the courage to stand up to the Führer. The British Prime Minister’s iron will makes him a role model in Great Britain and across the continent. Churchill and his V-sign become a symbol of resistance against Nazi Germany. In Germany in February 1942, armaments minister Albert Speer has the job of making sure that there’s a steady supply of prisoners of war to man the plants and factories –at the same time as the SS are on a killing spree. But Speer isn’t saving prisoners’ lives: men, women and children are worked to death producing weapons for the German army. Churchill was a true hero, and Speer, a nasty villain – or were they? Churchill had racist views, while Speer defied Hitler at risk to his own life and saved Germany’s infrastructure. This issue gets up close to World War II’s greatest personalities.World History invites you on a fascinating journey to bygone eras, allowing you to explore the greatest events in history. Take a trip back in time - to the frontlines of World War 2, to the Viking raids, and the religious rituals of ancient Egypt. World History is for everyone who would like to know more about the exciting and dramatic events of the past.

  • by World History
    From 66.99 kr.

    German tanks rolled unimpeded across the Russian steppes at the start of Hitler’s campaign against the Soviet Union. But in 1943, the so-called Slavic "untermensch" (subhumans) gain the initiative and transform the country into a hell for Hitler’s invasion forces. Nearly 100,000 Germans are captured after the Battle of Stalingrad at the beginning of the year. Ahead lies cold, hunger and ill-treatment, and only five percent of prisoners will return to Germany after the war. In mid-July the Red Army decisively defeats the Wehrmacht in history’s greatest tank battle. Hitler’s Tiger and Panther tanks are too heavy and slow against the Soviets’ more nimble T-34. Stalin’s counteroffensive costs millions of soldiers their lives, but men are an infinite resource for the Red Army. Fired up by thoughts of revenge, the Russians soon mass on the borders of the Third Reich.World History invites you on a fascinating journey to bygone eras, allowing you to explore the greatest events in history. Take a trip back in time - to the frontlines of World War 2, to the Viking raids, and the religious rituals of ancient Egypt. World History is for everyone who would like to know more about the exciting and dramatic events of the past.

  • by World History
    From 66.99 kr.

    Adolf Hitler ruled Germany for 12 years. As the Third Reich began to collapse in on itself in the spring of 1945, the Führer took up residence in Berlin. By the middle of April he’d entrenched himself in a bunker deep beneath the capital, as the Soviets bombed the capital around the clock. Eventually, even Hitler would have to fact the fact the war was lost. The Führer turned down all opportunities to flee, preferring instead to make use of both a gun and a cyanide pill at his doctor’s suggestion – the surest way to kill himself. Hitler was only one among countless casualties in the war’s final months. One of the war’s worst air attacks cost thousands of civilian lives in Dresden, while in the Baltic Sea a German refugee ship was destined to become history’s biggest maritime disaster.World History invites you on a fascinating journey to bygone eras, allowing you to explore the greatest events in history. Take a trip back in time - to the frontlines of World War 2, to the Viking raids, and the religious rituals of ancient Egypt. World History is for everyone who would like to know more about the exciting and dramatic events of the past.

  • by World History
    66.99 kr.

    Germany in the early 1930s is falling apart. The population is disillusioned, poverty is spreading, and unemployment is everywhere. Many Germans see Adolf Hitler as the only man who can pull the country out of crisis. The Nazi leader’s promise of bread and work for the people makes him popular, and his demands for revenge for the humiliating peace terms after World War I find a sympathetic audience. Soon after the Nazis first seize power, Hitler begins an unprecedented transformation of society: the unemployed are sent to build roads, young folk are forced into the Hitler Youth and women are rewarded for giving birth to many purebred children. The young German democracy that brought the Nazi party to the fore will be swept aside. Hitler establishes himself as dictator and commander of the German army, which quickly steps up to become a modern war machine.World History invites you on a fascinating journey to bygone eras, allowing you to explore the greatest events in history. Take a trip back in time - to the frontlines of World War 2, to the Viking raids, and the religious rituals of ancient Egypt. World History is for everyone who would like to know more about the exciting and dramatic events of the past.

  • by World History
    From 41.99 kr.

    World War II is the best described, most catalogued event in history. Thousands of books, hundreds of thousands of articles, and an abundance of documentaries and lectures describe the horrors of war, the battle strategies and, not least, the heroes who emerged from one of history’s most horrific wars. But despite this vast archive of information, puzzles still remain. As the years go by, myths bloom up alongside facts. Did Hitler really die in the his bunker? Or did he escape to South America in a state-of-the-art submarine? Where is the gold stolen from the victims of the Holocaust? Is it still hidden in secret mines in Eastern Europe? And what drove the German people to embrace the extremes of Nazism, anti-Semitism and dreams of world domination? Join with us as we try to find the answers to the great Nazi mysteries.World History invites you on a fascinating journey to bygone eras, allowing you to explore the greatest events in history. Take a trip back in time - to the frontlines of World War 2, to the Viking raids, and the religious rituals of ancient Egypt. World History is for everyone who would like to know more about the exciting and dramatic events of the past.