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  • by Rasmus Broe
    43.99 kr.

    Find inner peace with meditation music that allows you to reach zen. Singing bowls, soft tones, and relaxed music helps you to unwind completely. Take a deep breath and let go of all tension and stresses.Saga SoundsResearch has shown that sounds can have both a relaxing and stimulating effect on the brain. The ambience series from Saga Talks is a series of pleasant, varied soundscapes, which you can listen to when winding down, going to sleep, or focusing on work. A specially designed sound universe creates a calming atmosphere, also known as “ambience”, which you can enter when and where you want.Saga Talks has created a series of different soundscapes and ambient environments in collaboration with sound designer and composer Rasmus Broe (f. 1975).

  • by Rasmus Broe
    43.99 kr.

    The waves crash over your feet as you stroll along the water's edge on a seaside walk. The rush of the wind tickles your ears, while gulls and other wading birds chatter and sing and every now and then a fishing boat sails past further out at sea.Saga SoundsResearch has shown that sounds can have both a relaxing and stimulating effect on the brain. The ambience series from Saga Talks is a series of pleasant, varied soundscapes, which you can listen to when winding down, going to sleep, or focusing on work. A specially designed sound universe creates a calming atmosphere, also known as “ambience”, which you can enter when and where you want.Saga Talks has created a series of different soundscapes and ambient environments in collaboration with sound designer and composer Rasmus Broe (f. 1975).

  • by Rasmus Broe
    43.99 kr.

    Imagine a beautiful skiing trip in a winter wonderland. Snow crunches under your boots, your skis cut rhythmically through the snow and you can practically feel the fresh cold air on your cheeks. Alone among the snow heavy pine trees it feels like the rest of the world is asleep.Saga SoundsResearch has shown that sounds can have both a relaxing and stimulating effect on the brain. The ambience series from Saga Talks is a series of pleasant, varied soundscapes, which you can listen to when winding down, going to sleep, or focusing on work. A specially designed sound universe creates a calming atmosphere, also known as “ambience”, which you can enter when and where you want.Saga Talks has created a series of different soundscapes and ambient environments in collaboration with sound designer and composer Rasmus Broe (f. 1975).

  • by Rasmus Broe
    43.99 kr.

    What does space sound like? Experience a night shift in the space station – hear how the machines hum with their calculations, the radar pings and the atmosphere is completely undisturbed.Saga SoundsResearch has shown that sounds can have both a relaxing and stimulating effect on the brain. The ambience series from Saga Talks is a series of pleasant, varied soundscapes, which you can listen to when winding down, going to sleep, or focusing on work. A specially designed sound universe creates a calming atmosphere, also known as “ambience”, which you can enter when and where you want.Saga Talks has created a series of different soundscapes and ambient environments in collaboration with sound designer and composer Rasmus Broe (f. 1975).

  • by Rasmus Broe
    43.99 kr.

    Welcome to the library where there’s a nice and quiet atmosphere. Perfect for deeply focused work. Little sounds of pages being turned, far away whispers and soft footsteps make for a chilled pleasant and productive soundscape.Saga SoundsResearch has shown that sounds can have both a relaxing and stimulating effect on the brain. The ambience series from Saga Talks is a series of pleasant, varied soundscapes, which you can listen to when winding down, going to sleep, or focusing on work. A specially designed sound universe creates a calming atmosphere, also known as “ambience”, which you can enter when and where you want.Saga Talks has created a series of different soundscapes and ambient environments in collaboration with sound designer and composer Rasmus Broe (f. 1975).

  • by Rasmus Broe
    43.99 kr.

    Fasten your flippers and oxygen mask, dive into the sea, and enjoy drifting at a sedate pace under the water. Playful dolphins make clicking noises as they swim past, and your mask makes tiny metallic sounding bubbles that rise towards the surface. You might even hear some whale song from the gentle giants of the ocean.Saga SoundsResearch has shown that sounds can have both a relaxing and stimulating effect on the brain. The ambience series from Saga Talks is a series of pleasant, varied soundscapes, which you can listen to when winding down, going to sleep, or focusing on work. A specially designed sound universe creates a calming atmosphere, also known as “ambience”, which you can enter when and where you want.Saga Talks has created a series of different soundscapes and ambient environments in collaboration with sound designer and composer Rasmus Broe (f. 1975).

  • by Rasmus Broe
    43.99 kr.

    Destress with nature sounds!Come on a canoeing trip. You paddle smoothly down the stream surrounded by the loveliest green scenery. Birds chirp in the trees, insects buzz, and the water splashes gently as you row along.Saga SoundsResearch has shown that sounds can have both a relaxing and stimulating effect on the brain. The ambience series from Saga Talks is a series of pleasant, varied soundscapes, which you can listen to when winding down, going to sleep, or focusing on work. A specially designed sound universe creates a calming atmosphere, also known as “ambience”, which you can enter when and where you want.Saga Talks has created a series of different soundscapes and ambient environments in collaboration with sound designer and composer Rasmus Broe (f. 1975).

  • by Rasmus Broe
    43.99 kr.

    Insects buzz, birds sing, and monkeys shout to each other. The rainforest is dense with animal and plant life. Even though the animals are talking to each other, the atmosphere is totally calm. You are surrounded by a thick and warm fog, tall trees with lianas, and a springy forest floor. Here you can relax completely.Saga SoundsResearch has shown that sounds can have both a relaxing and stimulating effect on the brain. The ambience series from Saga Talks is a series of pleasant, varied soundscapes, which you can listen to when winding down, going to sleep, or focusing on work. A specially designed sound universe creates a calming atmosphere, also known as “ambience”, which you can enter when and where you want.Saga Talks has created a series of different soundscapes and ambient environments in collaboration with sound designer and composer Rasmus Broe (f. 1975).

  • by Rasmus Broe
    43.99 kr.

    Take a trip with a horse-drawn carriage and let the idyllic landscape drift past as you close your eyes and enjoy the sounds of the birds and the open road.Saga SoundsResearch has shown that sounds can have both a relaxing and stimulating effect on the brain. The ambience series from Saga Talks is a series of pleasant, varied soundscapes, which you can listen to when winding down, going to sleep, or focusing on work. A specially designed sound universe creates a calming atmosphere, also known as “ambience”, which you can enter when and where you want.Saga Talks has created a series of different soundscapes and ambient environments in collaboration with sound designer and composer Rasmus Broe (f. 1975).

  • by Rasmus Broe
    43.99 kr.

    Imagine you are lying on a beach in the tropics. Waves are lapping gently over the fine white sand. Exotic birds chirp in the background, and you can feel the warmth of the sun’s rays on your skin. You open a book to read and are served a chilled drink with ice cubes clinking satisfyingly against the glass. Every so often, music from the beach bar drifts over and the cicadas hum in the palm trees.Saga SoundsResearch has shown that sounds can have both a relaxing and stimulating effect on the brain. The ambience series from Saga Talks is a series of pleasant, varied soundscapes, which you can listen to when winding down, going to sleep, or focusing on work. A specially designed sound universe creates a calming atmosphere, also known as “ambience”, which you can enter when and where you want.Saga Talks has created a series of different soundscapes and ambient environments in collaboration with sound designer and composer Rasmus Broe (f. 1975).

  • by Rasmus Broe
    43.99 kr.

    Welcome aboard! This soundscape follows a train journey from platform to destination. Come aboard and get comfortable in the compartment. The rhythmic hum of the train is perfect for closing your eyes and relaxing.Saga SoundsResearch has shown that sounds can have both a relaxing and stimulating effect on the brain. The ambience series from Saga Talks is a series of pleasant, varied soundscapes, which you can listen to when winding down, going to sleep, or focusing on work. A specially designed sound universe creates a calming atmosphere, also known as “ambience”, which you can enter when and where you want.Saga Talks has created a series of different soundscapes and ambient environments in collaboration with sound designer and composer Rasmus Broe (f. 1975).

  • by Luis Machado
    55.99 kr.

    La obra y la vida de Sigmund Freud siguen dando tela para cortar. Fue tanto su impacto en la cultura occidental (y más allá) como variadas son las controversias alrededor de su legado.El fundador del psicoanálisis colocó al inconsciente en el centro de la escena. Con ese punto de partida armó teorías que modificaban las maneras de entender la psiquis, la familia, la sociedad y el arte. Miles de terapeutas se siguen formando en base a sus enseñanzas, mientras que otras corrientes lo critican fuertemente.La biografía de Freud ayuda a comprender cómo fue su trayectoria y qué objetivos perseguía con el psicoanálisis. Explica en buena medida las complejas relaciones que mantuvo con pacientes, colegas y otras personas cercanas. Nos muestra cómo interactuaba su pensamiento con la época de guerras y transformaciones en la que le tocó vivir.Este audiolibro está narrado en español neutro

  • by August Wimmer
    68.99 kr.

    ”Forrykthedslæren er af forholdsvis ny dato. Man kan vel hos tidligere århundreders forfattere finde udtalelser, der tyder på, at forrykthedens enkelte symptomer ikke har været dem ukendte; men det er dog først med det nittende århundredes begyndelse, at man møder forsøg på over disse symptomer at forme et klinisk sygdomsbillede, sideordnet med de gammelkendte sindssygdomsformer, melankolien og manien.”Psykiater August Wimmer var en af de førende danske autoriteter inden for psykiatrien i Danmark omkring århundredskiftet. I denne bog beskriver han de kroniske tilstande af paranoia, som nogle mennesker oplevede, og hvor han mente paranoiaen stammede fra.”Evolutiv paranoia” udkom første gang i 1902 og er et interessant glimt af opfattelsen af psykisk sygdom i starten af det tyvende århundrede.August Wimmer (1872-1937) var en dansk læge og professor, der skrev en lang række bøger og artikler om folkesundhed og psykiatri. Han var både uddannet inden for psykiatri og neurologi og var i mange år direktør for Sankt Hans Hospital. August Wimmer var professor i psykiatri ved Københavns Universitet.

  • by Rasmus Broe
    40.99 kr.

    Immaginate di essere sdraiati su una spiaggia ai tropici. Le onde lambiscono dolcemente la sabbia bianca e fine. Gli uccelli esotici cinguettano in sottofondo, mentre sentite il calore dei raggi del sole sulla pelle. Aprite un libro da leggere e vi viene servita una bevanda fresca, con cubetti di ghiaccio che tintinnano, in modo seducente, contro il bicchiere. Di tanto in tanto, la spiaggia viene pervasa dalla musica del bar, e le cicale friniscono tra le palme.

  • by Rasmus Broe
    40.99 kr.

    Che suono ha lo spazio? Sperimentate un turno di notte nella stazione spaziale: sentite il leggero ronzio delle macchine, mentre fanno i loro complessi calcoli, e quanto l'atmosfera sia incantevolmente imperturbabile.

  • by Rasmus Broe
    40.99 kr.

    Rilassati ascoltando il suono di una gita in una carrozza trainata dai cavalli. Sogna ad occhi aperti il paesaggio idilliaco che ti scorre davanti, mentre chiudete gli occhi e vi godete il suono degli uccellini lungo la via.

  • by Rasmus Broe
    40.99 kr.

    Benvenuti a bordo! Questo paesaggio sonoro ti farà immergere in un viaggio in treno dal binario di partenza fino alla destinazione. Salite a bordo e mettetevi comodi nello scompartimento. Il ronzio ritmico del treno è perfetto per chiudere gli occhi e rilassarsi.

  • by Rasmus Broe
    40.99 kr.

    Stai per ascoltare un paesaggio sonoro davvero accogliente: immagina di essere a casa. La finestra è appena socchiusa e fuori cade una pioggia leggera. Il tuo vicino si sta esercitando al pianoforte e le note entrano nella tua stanza. Ti prepari una bevanda calda, prendi un libro e ti accoccoli sul divano, sotto una coperta calda.Nulla può più raggiungerti e rovinare la pace che hai intorno...

  • by Rasmus Broe
    40.99 kr.

    Chiudete gli occhi e immaginate di passeggiare in un pittoresco borgo italiano, ricco di storia, profumi e suoni senza tempo. Lasciate che la vostra voglia di esplorare il mondo si liberi, facendovi sentire il vero spirito delle vacanze.

  • by Rasmus Broe
    40.99 kr.

    La pioggia batte ritmicamente sul tetto. I tuoni non si fanno attendere e i fulmini lampeggiano a intervalli. In casa siete al sicuro e al caldo, davanti a un caminetto scoppiettante.

  • by Rasmus Broe
    40.99 kr.

    Sogna ad occhi aperti una piacevole sciata in un meraviglioso paesaggio invernale. La neve scricchiola sotto gli scarponi, gli sci tagliano ritmicamente la neve, mentre senti l'aria fredda sferzare le tue guance. In solitudine, tra i pini innevati, sembra che il resto del mondo stia ancora dormendo.

  • by Rasmus Broe
    40.99 kr.

    Le onde si infrangono ai vostri piedi mentre passeggiate in riva al mare. L'impeto del vento solletica le orecchie, mentre i gabbiani e gli uccelli trampolieri cantano e conversano fra loro. Di tanto in tanto un peschereccio naviga al largo.

  • by Rasmus Broe
    40.99 kr.

    Trova la pace interiore con questa musica da meditazione che ti aiuterà a rilassarti completamente. Fai un respiro profondo e lascia andare tutte le tensioni e lo stress.

  • by Rasmus Broe
    40.99 kr.

    Benvenuti in biblioteca, dove c'è un'atmosfera piacevole e tranquilla. Perfetta per un lavoro di profonda concentrazione. Piccoli suoni di pagine sfogliate, sussurri lontani e morbidi passi creano un paesaggio sonoro fresco, piacevole e produttivo.

  • by Rasmus Broe
    40.99 kr.

    Immergiti nella brulicante vita di un porticciolo di mare, dove i pescherecci tornano al molo per portare a casa il frutto del loro lavoro. Sedetevi e godetevi il suono dei pescatori che armeggiano con le reti, il richiamo dei gabbiani, gli schizzi d'acqua sulla banchina e lo sciabordio ritmico dell'acqua azzurra contro gli scogli.

  • by Rasmus Broe
    40.99 kr.

    La foresta pluviale è densa di vita animale e vegetale. Uccelli colorati cantano tutto attorno, qualche scimmia ha una vivace conversazione tra le fronde verdeggianti in lontananza e, nonostante ciò, l'atmosfera intorno è assolutamente tranquilla. In questo paradiso naturale, immemore dei rumori della città, la tua mente può finalmente distendersi e rilassarsi.

  • by Patricia Cornwell
    111.99 kr.

    Wenn Neugier tödlich endet.Ausgerechnet an Silvester wird Kay Scarpetta zu einem besonders traurigen Fall gerufen. Sie kannte den Toten, Ted Eddings, einen Reporter. Jetzt treibt seine Leiche im trüben Wasser eines Schiffsfriedhofs. Was brachte den jungen Mann dazu, zwischen ausrangierten U-Booten und Frachtern zu tauchen? Vorerst findet Scarpetta keine Antwort auf diese Frage – doch als sich kurz darauf seltsame Vorfälle in ihrem Umfeld ereignen, ahnt sie zumindest, dass Teds Tod nur der Anfang des Unheils war.Patricia Cornwell, 1956 in Miami, Florida, geboren, arbeitete als Polizeireporterin und in der Rechtsmedizin, bevor sie vor mehr als zwanzig Jahren mit ihren bahnbrechenden Thrillern um die Gerichtsmedizinerin Dr. Kay Scarpetta begann. Ihre Bücher wurden mit allen renommierten Preisen ausgezeichnet und sind weltweit Bestseller.

  • by August Wimmer
    38.99 kr.

    ”I en del tilfælde synes vi med næsten absolut sikkerhed at kunne fastslå traumet som eneårsag til de senere optrædende hjernetilfælde. Men hos andre tilskadekomne er det derimod lige så klart, at traumet har ramt en forud mere eller mindre invalid hjerne, der var mærket af neuropatisk disposition, af syfilis, arteriosklerose eller årelangt alkoholmisbrug.”Forskere har længe været enige om, at et voldsomt traume kan føre til psykisk sygdom eller psykiske problemer. I ”Trauma og hjernelidelse” får vi et indblik i opfattelsen af denne sammenhæng, som psykiatere og neurologer så på det omkring århundredeskiftet. Artiklen er skrevet af neurolog og psykiater August Wimmer, der var en af de førende autoriteter på områder i 1909, hvor artiklen blev offentliggjort i Ugeskrift for Læger.August Wimmer (1872-1937) var en dansk læge og professor, der skrev en lang række bøger og artikler om folkesundhed og psykiatri. Han var både uddannet inden for psykiatri og neurologi og var i mange år direktør for Sankt Hans Hospital. August Wimmer var professor i psykiatri ved Københavns Universitet.

  • by Henning Kirk & Christine E. Swane
    From 48.99 kr.

    Der er mange ting, man må tage stilling til, hvis ens familie bliver ramt af demens.I "Demens i familien", som udkom første gang i 1994, giver Henning Kirk og Christine E. Swane et indblik i sygdommen – fra de første symptomer og undersøgelser til tips til, hvordan man kan hjælpe både den syge og de nærmeste pårørende.De kommer også omkring de samfundsmæssige udfordringer ved en sygdom som demens og berører nogle af de mange etiske spørgsmål, der knytter sig til den.Henning Kirk (f. 1947) er aldringsforsker, læge, forfatter og foredragsholder. Han har skrevet en lang række bøger om det at blive ældre, og om hvordan man holder kroppen og hjernen i gang, så begge dele holder længst muligt.Christine E. Swane (f. 1960) er i kultursociologi og fik i 1996 ph.d.-graden med afhandlingen ”Hverdagen med demens – billeddannelser og hverdagserfaringer i kulturgerontologisk perspektiv”. Hun har i knap 40 år beskæftiget sig med forskning og formidling inden for gerontologien – læren om aldring, alderdom og ældre mennesker. I perioden 1998-2004 var hun leder af Gerontologisk Institut, og siden 2006 har hun været direktør og forskningsleder i Fonden Ensomme Gamles Værn.

  • by August Wimmer
    38.99 kr.

    ”Pt. er en 38-årig g. skomager, der den 20. maj 1905 henvistes til afdelingen fra dr. med. J.C. Krarup. Ingen psyko- eller neuropatisk disposition. Rask som barn og til nuværende sygdom begyndte. Benægter genitalaffektioner.”Psykiater og neurolog August Wimmer oplevede i sit arbejde på Frederiksberg Poliklinik et så interessant tilfælde af unilateral syringomyeli, at han besluttede sig for at skrive en artikel om det til offentliggørelse for andre læger. Artiklen giver et interessant indblik i lægernes måde at beskrive både patient, sygdom og behandling på. Den udkom første gang i 1906.August Wimmer (1872-1937) var en dansk læge og professor, der skrev en lang række bøger og artikler om folkesundhed og psykiatri. Han var både uddannet inden for psykiatri og neurologi og var i mange år direktør for Sankt Hans Hospital. August Wimmer var professor i psykiatri ved Københavns Universitet.