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  • - The Discovery of the Immune System
    by Shantha Perera
    79.99 kr.

    THE JOURNEY OF THE PIONEERS OF IMMUNOLOGY FROM SMALLPOX TO COVID-19In December 2019 a new virus emerged, one that caused a global pandemic. Millions were infected. In the recesses of their fragile bodies a battle raged: between the immune system and the virus. But what is the immune system? What are its components? How do they work?One way to understand this system, arguably the most complicated in human physiology, is by walking in the footsteps of history, one observation and experiment at a time – beginning with the first written record of the concept of immunity in 430 BCE and travelling through the ensuing centuries, which gave the world vaccines, organ transplantation, novel therapies for cancer and now the understanding and tools to tackle the pandemic virus.An entertaining and accessible work of popular science, At the Edge of Mysteries introduces the reader to a compelling cast of characters, from Edward Jenner and Louis Pasteur to the Nobel laureates of the modern day. This book glimpses into their lives and times – seeking clues to their genius and celebrating their yearning for discovery – and asks the question of what can be learned from the past in the age of global pandemics.'A unique historical perspective on how the field of immunology developed, told in short stories that will both educate and entertain and which can be read and understood by all. A captivating read' Paul Murray, Professor of Molecular Pathology, Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy, University of Birmingham'This book should be in every university library' Neville Punchard, Professor Emeritus in Molecular Biosciences, University of East London'I found this book easy to read and it’s a great foundation for immunology/medical students' Professor Lucy Fairclough, PhD, AFHEA, Chair in Immunology, University of NottinghamShantha Perera is a Senior Lecturer in Immunology at the School of Medicine, University of Wolverhampton, U.K. He has taught immunology to undergraduate and postgraduate students for over 25 years and is the principal author of Integrated Medical Sciences: The Essentials. John Wiley 2007.

  • by Carl Julius Salomonsen
    69.00 kr.

    Forståelsen af, at de såkaldte patologiske mikrober spiller en afgørende rolle for menneskets sundhed, er relativt ny og har været i forandring helt fra teoriens fremsættelse. I sin bog fra 1910 fortæller den danske bakteriologis grundlægger, Carl Julius Salomonsen, om denne videnskabs udvikling i første halvdel af 1800-tallet. Selvom mange af Carl Julius Salomonsens egne forestillinger om denne komplicerede videnskab i dag er blevet modbevist, er det meget interessant at se ham forholde sig til den videnskabelige tradition, han skrev sig ind i og gjorde op med på én og samme tid.Carl Julius Salomonsen (1847-1924) var en dansk læge og bakteriolog. Han var professor i bakteriologi ved Københavns Universitet og i 1895 oprettede han Serotherapeutisk Laboratorium, hvor der blev forsket i fremstillingen af serummer. Laboratoriet blev i 1901 omdannet til Statens Seruminstitut og Salomonsen blev ansat som direktør i instituttets første leveår. Han var desuden medstifter af Medicinsk-Historisk Museum - det senere Medicinsk Museion - og var i årene 1909-1910 rektor ved Københavns Universitet.Salomonsen havde en stor interesse for kunst, og var stor fortaler for naturalismen. Hans afhandling "Smitsomme sindslidelser før og nu med særligt henblik på de nyeste kunstretninger" fra 1919 argumenterede for, at de moderne kunstretninger som ekspressionisme, futurisme og kubisme ikke alene var hæslige og frastødende, men ligefrem var et udtryk for smitsom sindslidelse. Afhandlingen medførte en heftig debat i det danske kunstmiljø.