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  • by Matt D. Ivansky
    From 55.99 kr.

    ¡Cuánto misterio nos reserva la vida! ¡Cuántos mundos y planos conviven en este planeta! "Crónicas paranormales" es una investigación atrapante sobre muchos casos que resultan inexplicables para la ciencia y la religión tradicionales. Se trata de premoniciones, historias de vampiros, comunicaciones con los muertos y otros fenómenos más allá de la percepción habitual. Matt D. Ivansky quiso documentarse para contar de forma amena estas experiencias, que han sido vividas por personas de todos los continentes y como mínimo nos dejarán boquiabiertos.Matt D. Ivansky es el seudónimo de un prolífico autor que vive en Argentina y ha publicado títulos renombrados como "Crónicas Paranormales", "Corporación Mundial" y "El guardián de los cerros".

  • by Louis Bobé
    49.00 kr.

    Louis Bobé fortæller om den dansk-norske præst og missionær Hans Egede, der blev kaldt Grønlands apostel på grund af sit utrættelige missionærarbejde i Grønland. Da han hørte om de islandske nybyggere, der i vikingetiden havde slået sig ned i Grønland, og som man ikke havde haft kontakt med siden 1400-tallet, bad han kong Frederik IX om lov til at rejse til Grønland og missionere for vikingernes efterkommere. Kongen gav lov, men Hans Egede fandt aldrig dem, han søgte. I stedet mødte han inuitterne, og han gjorde det til sit livsværk at omvende dem til den kristne tro.Den udkom første gang i 1941 og er skrevet med datidens sprogbrug.Louis Theodor Alfred Bobé (1867-1951) var en dansk historiker og forfatter. Han arbejdede i en lang årrække som arkivar og var desuden ordenshistoriograf. Louis Bobé udgav mange bøger om historie og historiske personer på både dansk og tysk. Han modtog en række ordner for sit virke som historiker heriblandt 1. grad af Dannebrogsordenen, Dansk Røde Kors Mindetegn for Krigsfangehjælp samt Officerkorset af Oranien-Nassau-ordenen.

  • by Virginie Landemaine
    133.99 kr.

    Et si la vie était bien plus que ce que l'on croit ?Et si l'existence possédait bien un côté magique ?Et si l'on pouvait affirmer, sans être jugé ou gentiment moqué, que la vie se poursuit bel et bien de l'autre côté ?À la suite du décès de sa mère, Virginie Landemaine décide d’exposer avec honnêteté et légèreté sa certitude que la vie se poursuit après la mort. Son histoire, ou plutôt ses histoires, l'ont conduite sur un chemin plein de rencontres, de libérations et de prises de conscience.« Et n'oublie pas de danser avec la vie ! » est un récit joyeux et positif sur un sujet souvent considéré comme triste et lourd. Ce livre parle certes de la mort et de l’après-vie, mais il parle avant tout de la vie et de la joie d'être en vie. L’existence humaine est pleine de choses qui ne se voient pas et ne s'expliquent pas. Une réalité invisible pourtant bien présente pour Virginie Landemaine, même si la science n’est pas aujourd’hui en mesure de la valider. Et c'est bien là que le bât blesse, car cette non-validation entraîne de des doutes, de jugements envers sa croyance si intime, qu’elle se promet de surmonter.Virginie Landemaine vit près de Nantes. « Et n'oublie pas de danser avec la vie ! » est son premier livre, un récit où elle se livre en partageant les expériences singulières vécues depuis le décès de sa maman. Avec ce livre, elle a l’ambition de faire du bien, d’aider chaque lecteur sur sur son chemin et ouvrir à une nouvelle façon d'appréhender la réalité, le visible et l’invisible.

  • by Bram Stoker
    59.99 kr.

    A beautiful ancient Egyptian queen revived from the dead, an adventurous archaeologist with a love for mummies, and a daughter possessed. This horror novel has it all!Believed by some to be the first modern mummy novel, 'The Jewel of Seven Stars' follows the adventures and hardships of an archaeologist who wants to revive an ancient Egyptian queen. However, little does he expect to find his daughter possessed by the spirit of the queen, binding the girl entirely to her will.A suspenseful and compelling read, Stoker’s novel constantly offers cliffhangers and various twists - some of which are magical. A must-read for fans of Stoker, mummies, Ancient Egypt and horror books.Bram Stoker (1847-1912) was an Irish writer, best known for his Gothic horror 'Dracula', whose eponymous character became one of the most well known vampires in popular culture. 'Dracula' has been adapted for the big screen many times with the most famous being from 1992 staring Anthony Hopkins, Keanu Reeves, Winona Ryder and Gary Oldman.Stoker's interest in the theatre bought him into the inner circle of London’s high society, where he met and became a close acquaintance of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu. Among his other novels are 'The Mystery of the Sea' and 'The Jewel of the Seven Stars', as well as three short story collections and various non-fiction pieces and articles.

  • by Katrine Stegmann & Marie Brinch
    49.00 kr.

    Endnu engang kigger vi bag facaden på Vatikanet. Denne gang handler det om paver, der havde svært ved at holde sig på måtten. Det var et liv med sex, drugs og lut-musik - og der var jo heller ikke noget galt med at placere sit afkom på centrale poster i kirken. Vel!?Velkommen til en historiepodcast om historie og arkæologi. Lyt med, når vi tager et nyt emne under kærlig behandling. Værterne er kultur- og socialhistorikeren Katrine og arkæologen Marie, der tilsammen danner en dynamisk fortællerduo, som elsker at have det sjovt med historien.Cover illustration: Arthur Balitskii/ShutterstockMarie Brinch er uddannet cand.mag. i forhistorisk arkæologi fra Københavns Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Nationalmuseet og Museum Lolland-Falster.Katrine Stegmann er uddannet cand.mag. i kultur- og socialhistorie samt skuespil- og manuskriptforfatter fra Syddansk Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Odense Bunkermuseum og Glud Museum i Østjylland.Sammen har de skabt Katrine og Maries Historiepodcast.

  • by Katrine Stegmann & Marie Brinch
    49.00 kr.

    Denne gang taler Katrine og Marie om dengang danerne blev kristne. Katrine graver i det udenrigspolitiske aspekt, og Marie tager fat på arkæologien. Tilsammen opdager de hvorfor Harald Blåtand var datidens Kanye West, og hvorfor missionærer havde deres egne spindoktorer med.Velkommen til en historiepodcast om historie og arkæologi. Lyt med, når vi tager et nyt emne under kærlig behandling. Værterne er kultur- og socialhistorikeren Katrine og arkæologen Marie, der tilsammen danner en dynamisk fortællerduo, som elsker at have det sjovt med historien.Cover illustration: Arthur Balitskii/ShutterstockMarie Brinch er uddannet cand.mag. i forhistorisk arkæologi fra Københavns Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Nationalmuseet og Museum Lolland-Falster.Katrine Stegmann er uddannet cand.mag. i kultur- og socialhistorie samt skuespil- og manuskriptforfatter fra Syddansk Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Odense Bunkermuseum og Glud Museum i Østjylland.Sammen har de skabt Katrine og Maries Historiepodcast.

  • by Katrine Stegmann & Marie Brinch
    49.00 kr.

    Denne gang taler Katrine og Marie om de uartige paver. Dagens tema er paver, der slås mod hinanden, for hvordan afgør man egentlig, hvem der er den rigtige pave? Vi kommer omkring paven, der aldrig gav op, paven med verdens bedste uopfordrede ansøgning, pavemord og pavernes udgave af Infinity War. Hvem hepper du på?Velkommen til en historiepodcast om historie og arkæologi. Lyt med, når vi tager et nyt emne under kærlig behandling. Værterne er kultur- og socialhistorikeren Katrine og arkæologen Marie, der tilsammen danner en dynamisk fortællerduo, som elsker at have det sjovt med historien.Cover illustration: Arthur Balitskii/ShutterstockMarie Brinch er uddannet cand.mag. i forhistorisk arkæologi fra Københavns Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Nationalmuseet og Museum Lolland-Falster.Katrine Stegmann er uddannet cand.mag. i kultur- og socialhistorie samt skuespil- og manuskriptforfatter fra Syddansk Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Odense Bunkermuseum og Glud Museum i Østjylland.Sammen har de skabt Katrine og Maries Historiepodcast.

  • by Katrine Stegmann & Marie Brinch
    49.00 kr.

    Når en viking døde ærefuldt i kamp kom han til Valhal. Men hvad med kvinderne og børnene? Hvad med dem, som døde af sygdom og alderdom? Og hvad hvis man døde på havet?I denne uge dykker Historiepodcasten ned i den nordiske mytologi og taler om døden i vikingetiden.Velkommen til en historiepodcast om historie og arkæologi. Lyt med, når vi tager et nyt emne under kærlig behandling. Værterne er kultur- og socialhistorikeren Katrine og arkæologen Marie, der tilsammen danner en dynamisk fortællerduo, som elsker at have det sjovt med historien.Cover illustration: Arthur Balitskii/ShutterstockMarie Brinch er uddannet cand.mag. i forhistorisk arkæologi fra Københavns Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Nationalmuseet og Museum Lolland-Falster.Katrine Stegmann er uddannet cand.mag. i kultur- og socialhistorie samt skuespil- og manuskriptforfatter fra Syddansk Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Odense Bunkermuseum og Glud Museum i Østjylland.Sammen har de skabt Katrine og Maries Historiepodcast.

  • by Katrine Stegmann & Marie Brinch
    49.00 kr.

    Trænger du til en hobby? Overvejer du at oversætte Biblen? Tænk lige en ekstra gang. Og lyt til dette afsnit. I denne uge snakker vi nemlig om, hvordan bibeloversættelser var en livsfarlig hobby i middelalderen!Velkommen til en historiepodcast om historie og arkæologi. Lyt med, når vi tager et nyt emne under kærlig behandling. Værterne er kultur- og socialhistorikeren Katrine og arkæologen Marie, der tilsammen danner en dynamisk fortællerduo, som elsker at have det sjovt med historien.Cover illustration: Arthur Balitskii/ShutterstockMarie Brinch er uddannet cand.mag. i forhistorisk arkæologi fra Københavns Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Nationalmuseet og Museum Lolland-Falster.Katrine Stegmann er uddannet cand.mag. i kultur- og socialhistorie samt skuespil- og manuskriptforfatter fra Syddansk Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Odense Bunkermuseum og Glud Museum i Østjylland.Sammen har de skabt Katrine og Maries Historiepodcast.

  • by Katrine Stegmann & Marie Brinch
    49.00 kr.

    Hvorfor hedder det 'gråbrødre'? Hvorfor kaldes nogle munke og nonner for 'brødre' og 'søster'? Hvad foregik der egentlig bag klostrets mure, hvilke klosterordener fandtes i Danmarks middelalder - og hvad skete der egentlig med dem efter reformationen? I denne uge dykker vi ned i historien om middelalderens klostre og deres beboere.Velkommen til en historiepodcast om historie og arkæologi. Lyt med, når vi tager et nyt emne under kærlig behandling. Værterne er kultur- og socialhistorikeren Katrine og arkæologen Marie, der tilsammen danner en dynamisk fortællerduo, som elsker at have det sjovt med historien.Cover illustration: Arthur Balitskii/ShutterstockMarie Brinch er uddannet cand.mag. i forhistorisk arkæologi fra Københavns Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Nationalmuseet og Museum Lolland-Falster.Katrine Stegmann er uddannet cand.mag. i kultur- og socialhistorie samt skuespil- og manuskriptforfatter fra Syddansk Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Odense Bunkermuseum og Glud Museum i Østjylland.Sammen har de skabt Katrine og Maries Historiepodcast.

  • by La Bible
    40.99 kr.

    Redécouvrez l'Ancien Testament en cent citations choisies pour leur force d'enseignement dans l'ensemble de ses livres. Chacune est une occasion de découverte transformatrice, rapproche de la sagesse et permet de rentrer en profondeur dans la pensée chrétienne ; rassemblées dans un format accessible et pratique, elles nourriront votre réflexion et son illustration, par des passages moins connus mais tout aussi percutants.

  • by La Bible
    40.99 kr.

    Redécouvrez le Nouveau Testament en cent citations choisies pour leur force d'enseignement, des Evangiles à Saint Paul et incluant l'Apocalypse. Chacune est une occasion de découverte transformatrice, rapproche de la sagesse et permet de rentrer en profondeur dans la pensée chrétienne ; rassemblées dans un format accessible et pratique, elles nourriront votre réflexion et son illustration, par des passages moins connus mais tout aussi percutants.

  • by J. M. Gardner
    42.99 kr.

    Embark on a profound journey of spiritual enlightenment with "100 Quotes About Faith." This uplifting collection brings together a tapestry of quotes that will guide you through the depths of the human spirit.Whether you seek guidance on your own spiritual journey, yearn for words of comfort during challenging moments, or simply wish to expand your understanding of faith, this treasury of quotes will inspire and uplift your soul.

  • by Stephane Mallarme
    40.99 kr.

    « Les dieux antiques » écrit en 1880 est consacré aux dieux et aux héros grecs. Mallarmé décrit les origines et l'histoire de ces personnages. Découvrez ou redécouvrez ces personnages mythiques sous la plume brillante de Mallarmé : Persée, Europe, Thésée, Oedipe, Scylla, Narcisse... Replongez-vous dans la mythologie grecque et romaine !

  • by Stephane Mallarme
    58.99 kr.

    « Les dieux antiques » écrit en 1880 est consacré aux dieux et aux héros grecs. Mallarmé décrit les origines et l'histoire de ces personnages. Découvrez ou redécouvrez ces personnages mythiques sous la plume brillante de Mallarmé : Persée, Europe, Thésée, Oedipe, Scylla, Narcisse... Replongez-vous dans la mythologie grecque et romaine !

  • by J. M. Gardner
    42.99 kr.

    Step into the sacred words of the Holy Bible and embark on a transformative journey with "200 Quotes from the Holy Bible, Old & New Testament."From words of wisdom to law and poetry, this captivating collection brings together the most profound and impactful verses from both the Old and New Testaments, offering timeless wisdom and inspiration for every aspect of life.

  • by J. M. Gardner
    42.99 kr.

    Creativity is one seemingly mysterious force, which we long to understand and develop. We have selected for you 100 quotes from the greatest thinkers, artists and creators, for you to get strength and inspiration in your own life. Nourish yourself with the experience and reflection of the greatest authors: Nietzsche, Flaubert, Hemingway, Henry David Thoreau, Picasso, Banksy and so many others. Each one of them will give you food for thought, boosting your creative powers and providing you with a new understanding of the act of creation from an artistic and philosophical point of view. Develop your understanding and boost your creativity with the help of the best minds ever!

  • by Blaise Pascal, Gaston Bachelard, Voltaire, et al.
    68.99 kr.

    ‘600 Quotations from French Philosophy’ is a collection of thoughts and reflections from six of the greatest French thinkers of all time.France’s influence on Western philosophy cannot be understated, from the Age of Enlightenment through to the founding of modern philosophy.Many of these quotes have as much resonance today as they did when they were first coined.Superb for dipping in and out of, there are more than a few thoughts in this book worth memorising, and even more that are sure to inspire.Montesquieu (1689 – 1755) was born in Aquitaine, and his writing had a huge influence on political systems. Voltaire (1694 – 1778), a Parisian, was one of the founders of the French Enlightenment movement. Born in Langres, Denis Diderot (1713 – 1784) was a writer and another important figure in the Age of Enlightenment.Gaston Bachelard (1884 – 1962) was born in Bar-sur-Aube and went on to become an important scientific philosopher. Born in Geneva, Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712 – 1778) was a spearhead in the European Enlightenment movement. Blaise Pascal (1623 – 1662) was born in Clermont-Ferrand and is best remembered as a fideistic philosopher.

  • by Jules de Goncourt & Edmond de Goncourt
    42.99 kr.

    ‘100 Quotes by Edmond and Jules de Goncourt’ is a collection of reflections and thoughts by the literary world’s most unexpected collaborators.Touching on everything from religion and the nature of the self to history and poetry, the brothers’ ideas are strikingly similar and timelessly resonant.An ideal book for dipping in and out of, these quotes will provide any reader with food for thought and the tools with which to spark an interesting conversation.Known as the ‘Goncourt Brothers,’ Jules (1830 – 1870) and Edmond de Goncourt (1822 – 1896) were siblings, collaborative, and virtually inseparable authors. Born in France, they went on to become significant figures in the Naturalist movement and in the world of art criticism.Their works focussed on the use of the senses, creating novels that eschewed literary logic in favour of a sensory experience. Their most famous work, ‘Germinie,’ threw the spotlight on the double life of their servant, Rosie.

  • by – Heraclitus Of Ephesus
    42.99 kr.

    ‘100 Quotes by Heraclitus of Ephesus’ is a superb read for those with an interest in philosophy or the human condition.Insightful, esoteric, and incisive, 21st-century readers will be taken with the relevance of observations made more than 2,500 years ago.Whether you’re looking for philosophical inspiration or to further your self-development, this is a superb book for dipping in and out of.While Heraclitus of Ephesus (535BC – 475BC) might be one of the more enigmatic figures in Greek philosophy, his impact is no less profound. From what we know, he was one of the pioneers of the idea of an ‘ordered universe,’ but was equally preoccupied with the concept of equality between all people.However, it was his focus on the balance between the elements that was to be his critical undoing. Heraclitus’ belief that each element has its place in the order of things may have made him unpopular with the cognoscenti, but it also paved the way for those following in his philosophical footsteps, such as Socrates and Plato.

  • by Aeschylus
    42.99 kr.

    ´100 Quotes by Aeschylus´ unveils the musings of the originator of tragedy.With topics such as religion, life, love, and death taken to task, Aeschylus offers the 21st-century reader an insight into the thoughts and feelings of the Ancient Greeks. However, what is surprising is just how resonant many of those ideas are today.An outstanding book for those seeking bite-sized nuggets of timeless wisdom.Thought to have been born in Eleusis, Aeschylus (524BC – 456BC) is the subject of both myth and legend. According to the story, at the age of 26, he was working in a vineyard. During that time, he was visited by the Greek god Dionysus, who pointed him towards the theatrical art of tragedy.In addition to working as a playwright, he served in the Greek army, particularly in the wars against Persia, which heavily influenced his earliest works. When inducted into a secret cult surrounding the goddess, Demeter, Aeschylus revealed many of the sect’s mysteries in his scripts. As a result, he was accused of religious mockery, although acquitted at his trial.While he has set the template for tragedians to follow, many of his works have been adapted for film and TV. Perhaps the most notable is ‘Oresteia,’ starring Diana Rigg and Anton Lesser.

  • by Epictetus, – Heraclitus Of Ephesus, Socrates, et al.
    60.99 kr.

    While wisdom is something to be accrued through experience and knowledge, ‘500 Quotes to Learn Wisdom from Classical Greek Philosophers’ offers a shortcut.Dipping into the minds of some of the most revered thinkers of Ancient Greece, this book is packed with insights, reflections, and observations sure to inspire and stimulate thought.A superb gift for anyone with an inquiring mind.Considered one of the founders of Western and Greek philosophy, Plato (243 BC – 347 BC) was born in Athens. Many of his works are still studied to this day. Born in Stagira, Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC) had a different take on philosophy. The founder of the peripatetic school, his doctrines are based on asking ‘why?’, before drawing conclusions.A former slave, Epictetus (50 AD – C 135) went on to promote philosophy as a way of life, rather than a set of beliefs. Credited as one of the fathers of Western philosophy, Socrates (470 BC – 399 BC) brought morality and ethics into the philosophical spotlight. Heraclitus (535 BC – 475 BC) was one of the pioneers of logic and drew from a variety of philosophical ideas.

  • by Confucius, Buddha & Lao Zi
    42.99 kr.

    ‘The Three Asian Wise Men: Confucius, Lao Tzu, Buddha’ is a collection of quotes and sayings by the three great ancient sages, whose words of wisdom continue to influence Chinese society to this day.Architects of the three teachings: Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, they created the idea of Ying and Yang, going with the flow, reincarnation, benevolent leadership and many others.With well-known sayings such as "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." and "It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.", this collection is perfect if you want to understand modern-day China or just learn some wisdom that will help you in life.Confucius (551BC – 479BC) was a Chinese philosopher and politician. Lao Tzu was an ancient Chinese philosopher and writer. Buddha was a spiritual teacher who lived during the 5th century B.C.Confucius, Lao Tzu, and Buddha are three ancient sages whose insight and beliefs have influenced Asian and Chinese society for hundreds of years. Creators of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, their words of wisdom are famous all over the world and continue to influence and help people to this day.

  • by Dalai Lama
    42.99 kr.

    The current spiritual leader of the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism, the 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso, is a passionate supporter of Buddhism and the rights of the Tibetan people, becoming a symbol of Tibetan nationhood for Tibetans everywhere.He is also famous for his words of wisdom which include "Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.", "Silence is sometimes the best answer." and "Choose to be optimistic, it feels better."This collection contains 100 of the Dalai Lama’s most celebrated quotes and is perfect for those interested in Buddhism.Dalai Lama is a title given by the people of Tibet to the spiritual leader of the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism, which is the most dominant of the four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism. The current Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso (born 1935), is the 14th and most celebrated.His wisdom is sought by many famous celebrities and world leaders, but he describes himself as "a simple Buddhist monk". The Dalai Lama has worked to overcome religious divisions in the exiled Tibetan community.

  • by Various
    40.99 kr.

    Les chrétiens se réfèrent souvent à la Bible comme à la parole de Dieu : elle est infaillible, devenant la seule norme de vie et de foi. La Bible est constituée de 66 livres, répartis entre l'Ancien et le Nouveau Testament. Elle a été rédigée par plusieurs auteurs ayant vécu entre 1900 av. JC jusqu'au premier siècle de l'ère chrétienne. Les cinq premiers livres contiennent la loi de Dieu, et racontent les débuts de l'humanité, depuis la création du monde jusqu'à l'établissement du peuple d'Israël en Terre Promise. Ensuite viennent des livres historiques, des livres poétiques (les Psaumes,.. .), des livres prophétiques. Ensuite viennent les livres du Nouveau Testament : ils racontent la première venue de Jésus sur terre et le développement de l'Eglise pendant le premier siècle.

  • by John Mac
    58.99 kr.

    Découvrez grâce à ce livre audio les clés du bien-être physique et psychologique avec 3 méthodes de développement personnel : Exercices de méditation, Débuter en sophrologie, Pensée positive. La notion de développement personnel a des significations différentes selon qu'elle est utilisée par des psychanalystes, des promoteurs de techniques New Age, certains courants du coaching, les éducateurs et spécialistes du travail... Les objectifs du développement personnel renvoient à la connaissance de soi, à la valorisation des talents et potentiels, à l'amélioration de la qualité de vie, à la réalisation de ses aspirations et de ses rêves, etc. Ce livre audio se propose de vous guider dans cet apprentissage et accomplissement de soi. La sérénité est à portée de main !

  • by Various
    42.99 kr.

    Embark on a spiritual odyssey with this mystical collection of quotes which unveils the profound teachings and mystical insights of Sufi masters throughout the ages.Whether you're seeking guidance or simply need some empowerment on your journey of spiritual awakening, this collection is your your trusted companion for daily inspiration and motivationFrom Rumi to Hafiz, these luminaries offer glimpses into the transformative power of love, the beauty of surrender, and the pursuit of divine truth

  • by Lloyd C. Douglas
    99.00 kr.

    Lloyd C. Douglas’ historiske roman "Mens jeg så ham dø" fortæller om Jesu korsfæstelse fra en usædvanlig synsvinkel. Den følger Marcellus, som er med til at arrangere selve korsfæstelsen, selvom han selv ser Jesus som uskyldig. Vi følger hans indre kamp, mens han modvilligt arbejder for at udføre den korsfæstelse, som han inderst inde ønsker at forhindre."Mens jeg så ham dø" er oprindeligt udgivet i 1942 og lå nummer ét på bestsellerlisten i USA i næsten et år. Oversættelse er fra 1944.Lloyd Cassel Douglas (1877-1951) var en amerikansk præst og forfatter, der opnåede stor popularitet i sin samtid. Han debuterede som forfatter i den modne alder af 50 år, men nåede at udgive et væld af romaner, som blev oversat til flere sprog, inden han døde som 73-årig.

  • by Lloyd C. Douglas
    From 99.00 kr.

    ”Den store fisker” fortæller den rørende historie om fiskeren Peter og hans plejebarn, Fara, hvis liv ændres uigenkaldeligt, da de møder Jesus og hører hans prædiken. Men i modsætning til Peter, som ender som en af Jesu disciple, har Fara svært ved at efterleve Jesu lære om tilgivelse og fred. Da hun finder ud af, at hun er barn af Herodes, som stødte hende og hendes mor fra sig for at gifte sig med Herodias, bliver hun besat af tanken om at slå ham ihjel, selvom det går imod alt det, Jesus har lært hende og hendes plejefar."Den store fisker" udkom første gang på engelsk i 1954. Oversættelse er fra 1959.Lloyd Cassel Douglas (1877-1951) var en amerikansk præst og forfatter, der opnåede stor popularitet i sin samtid. Han debuterede som forfatter i den modne alder af 50 år, men nåede at udgive et væld af romaner, som blev oversat til flere sprog, inden han døde som 73-årig.

  • by Arthur Conan Doyle
    58.99 kr.

    ‘The Vital Message’ is an essay on spiritualism by famous ‘Sherlock Holmes’ author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Doyle had publicly professed his belief in spiritualism many years earlier and was a keen proponent of the movement despite much public opposition and ridicule. In this essay, Doyle lays out his thoughts on religion and Christianity. He details his absolute belief in spiritualism through case studies and his own personal experiences. A fascinating insight into the world-renowned author.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British author, best known as the creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Born in Edinburgh, he was educated in England and Austria before studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh. It was during his time at university that Doyle began writing short stories, submitting them to magazines and journals. His first Sherlock Holmes novel, ‘A Study in Scarlet’ was written in just three weeks and published in 1887 to favourable reviews, and more Sherlock adventures followed. By 1893, Doyle was growing tired of Sherlock and attempted to kill him off in the story ‘The Final Problem’, but public outcry caused him to resurrect the famous detective. He featured in a total of 56 short stories and four novels along with his trusty sidekick Dr Watson and made Doyle one of the best-paid authors of the time. The stories have been adapted multiple times; most recently in the successful BBC series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Later literary works included the Professor Challenger series which began with ‘The Lost World’, in which Challenger sets out to find evidence of prehistoric life. The book inspired numerous adaptations, including the films ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Lost World’. In later life Doyle became captivated by the world of spiritualism and the occult and published non-fiction works about his beliefs including ‘The Coming of the Fairies’. Arthur Conan Doyle died at home in 1930.