New Testaments
69.00 kr. Søren Giversen giver i "Det ny Testamentes teksthistorie" et indblik i overleveringen af de nytestamentlige tekster, sådan som Det Nye Testamentes tekst er nået frem til os. De originale håndskrifter til de enkelte tekster er tabt, men ingen anden skriftsamling fra oldtiden findes i så rig en håndskriftsmæssig overlevering som Det Nye Testamente.Hvad er det for håndskrifter Det Nye Testamente bygger på, og hvorledes arbejdes der med dem med henblik på fastlæggelse af teksten? Det søger Søren Giversen at gøre rede for ved at fortælle om det håndskriftmæssige grundlag, der er for Det Nye Testamente, og ved at skildre arbejdet med at nå frem til en tekst så nær den oprindelige som muligt.Søren Møller Giversen (1928-2009) var en dansk teolog og professor ved Aarhus Universitet i årene 1975-1998. Søren Giversen oversatte en række af de tidlige kristne tekster, der i 1945 blev fundet ved byen Nag Hammadi i Egypten, og hvoraf Thomas-evangeliet er det mest berømte. Udover oversættelserne af de koptiske tekster udgav han også flere bøger om Det Nye Testamentes tekster.
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- 69.00 kr.
69.00 kr. "Kristenånden. Tolv populære foredrag over åndshistorie" er en samlet udgave af foredrag afholdt af den danske forfatter og dramatiker P.A. Rosenberg. Den røde tråd gennem bogen er det kristne åndsliv, som P.A. Rosenberg mente burde have en central plads i dansk kultur. Som han i efterskriftet til bogen gør opmærksom på, har kristendommens kendsgerning en psykologisk og en historisk side. Rosenbergs foredrag er i denne bog alle en undersøgelse af den historiske side af kristendommen og det kristne åndsliv, som blandt andet fokuserer på hebræernes historie, Abraham, Moses, gnostikerne, trosbekendelsen og de første tre evangelier.P.A. Rosenberg (1858-1935) var en dansk forfatter, dramatiker, lærer og foredragsholder. Han var uddannet i religionsfilosofi og underviste ved flere københavnske privatskoler. I stor kontrast til samtidens kulturradikalisme med Georg Brandes i spidsen, var Rosenbergs liv præget af en kristen verdensanskuelse, og han var stor fortaler for nationale traditioner i åndslivet. Han debuterede som forfatter med fortællingen "Af et digterliv" i 1881 og udgav efterfølgende en lang række skuespil, digte og fagbøger om blandt andre Herman Bang og Søren Kierkegaard.
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- 69.00 kr.
71.99 kr. Jesus växte upp i ett fattigt hem utanför Jerusalem. Under hela sin barndom var han speciell, men efter att ha fyllt trettio börjar saker på allvar ta fart. Han påstår sig vara Guds son och ger sig ut på flera egendomliga resor för att frälsa och predika inför stora människosamlingar. Är han en förryckt galning? Eller är han i själva verket, som han påstår, Guds son?Matteusevangeliet är en av Kristendomens viktigaste kanoniserade texter. Men det är långt ifrån en dammig gammal lunta med texter, nej det är en vital och spännande samling med berättelser från Kristendomens vagga. En omistlig text för alla som vill bilda sig inom religionshistoria.Sankt Matteus är ett kristet helgon och är enligt forntida bibelforskning författare till Matteusevangeliet.
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- 71.99 kr.
48.99 kr. Morten Pontoppidan analyserer og diskuterer her Filippenserbrevet, så det er forståeligt for alle med interesse for kristendommen og Bibelen, uanset om de er lærde eller lægfolk. Bogen er en spændende og lettilgængelig introduktion til et ellers svært stykke bibeltekst.Morten Pontoppidan, (1851-1931,) var dansk forfatter, præst og højskolemand og desuden en ivrig formidler af kristendommen. En formidling, der altid stod i relation til den på daværende tid givne politiske og kirkepolitiske kontekst. Oprindelig var han grundtvigianer, men med sin kulturåbenhed og sit syn på personlig og kirkelig frihed gjorde han op med denne fløj og fattede i stedet stor sympati for den frembrydende liberalteologi. Morten Pontoppidan var bror til forfatteren og nobelpristageren i litteratur Henrik Pontoppidan.
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- 48.99 kr.
48.99 kr. Morten Pontoppidan har lavet en ny oversættelse og analyse af Efeserbrevet, så det er tilgængeligt for alle med interesse for den kristne livsforståelse, lærde såvel som lægfolk. I oversættelsen er der lagt vægt på, at sproget skal lyde rigtig dansk, hvor grundtekstens mening til gengæld er grundigt beskrevet og diskuteret i det efterfølgende essay.Morten Pontoppidan, (1851-1931,) var dansk forfatter, præst og højskolemand og desuden en ivrig formidler af kristendommen. En formidling, der altid stod i relation til den på daværende tid givne politiske og kirkepolitiske kontekst. Oprindelig var han grundtvigianer, men med sin kulturåbenhed og sit syn på personlig og kirkelig frihed gjorde han op med denne fløj og fattede i stedet stor sympati for den frembrydende liberalteologi. Morten Pontoppidan var bror til forfatteren og nobelpristageren i litteratur Henrik Pontoppidan.
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- 48.99 kr.
49.99 kr. The book of 1stJohn is a General Epistle (Apostolic Letter). It is written by the Disciple/Apostle John around 85-95 A.D. probably from Ephesus. The key personalities are the Apostles Peter and Paul. Its purpose was to warn about the increasing threat of false teachings and to reassure Christians of their faith and love in Jesus Christ.It was written to combat false teachings that had to do with the denial that Jesus had a genuine human body (1:1). This Gnostic view of matter as being evil led to two responses, asceticism or licentiousness. He very clearly writes to give the true tests of a true Christian. These tests also contradicted the Gnostic licentious approach to Christianity. He gives several means to measure the reality of one’s conversion experience.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."
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- 49.99 kr.
49.99 kr. The book of Ephesians is a Prison Epistle (letter written while in prison). Paul wrote it about 60-62 A.D. The key personalities of Ephesians are the Apostle Paul and Tychicus. It was written to encourage believers to walk as fruitful followers of Christ and to serve in unity and love in the midst of persecution.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."
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- 49.99 kr.
49.99 kr. The book of Galatians is a Pauline Epistle (letter from Paul). It was written by the Apostle Paul about 49 A.D. prior to the Jerusalem Council which had taken place in 50 A.D. This quite possibly could have been Paul’s first letter. The key personalities of this book are the Apostle Paul, Peter, Barnabas, Abraham, Titus, and false teachers. Paul writes this book to deal with the problem of circumcision and Jewish legalism toward Gentile believers.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."
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- 49.99 kr.
59.99 kr. The literary genres of the book of Revelation are an Apocalypse, a Prophecy, and an Epistle (or Letter). The Disciple/Apostle John, who followed Jesus Christ and witnessed His crucifixion, authored it.John wrote Revelation while a prisoner on the Island of Patmos, approximately 85-95 A.D. Its purpose is to give encouragement and hope for all Christians to continue watching for the return and triumph of the Lord Jesus Christ. It also is to warn of the Final Judgment that nonbelievers will endure on that Last Day.John wrote that Revelation is special because, "Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in it; for the time is near" (1:3)."Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done. "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end." (22:12-13).Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."
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- 59.99 kr.
59.99 kr. The book of John is a Gospel that contains Narrative History, Sermons, Parables, and a few Prophetic Oracles. It was written by the Disciple/Apostle John around 85-95 A.D. The key personalities of this book are Jesus Christ, His Twelve Disciples, Mary Magdalene, John the Baptist, Lazarus, his sisters Mary and Martha, Jewish religious leaders, and Pilate.It was written so that all may believe in Jesus Christ the Son of God who gives eternal life. John’s gospel uses the word "Believe" 98 times and the word "Life" 36 times, in an effort to embed the importance that one must believe in order to live eternally. John is not one of the three synoptic (common view) gospels, but instead was written with a more theological substance, yet equally as inspired and important as the first three gospels."And there are many other things which Jesus did, which if they were written in detail, I suppose that even the world itself would not contain the books that would be written" (21:25).Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."
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- 59.99 kr.
49.99 kr. The book of Philemon is a Prison Epistle (letter written while in prison), which Paul wrote circa 61 A.D. The key personalities of Philemon are Paul, Philemon, and Onesimus. It was written to Philemon as a plea to request forgiveness for his runaway servant Onesimus, who was a new believer in Jesus Christ. The book of Philemon consists of only one chapter.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."
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- 49.99 kr.
49.99 kr. The book of Philippians is a Prison Epistle (letter written while in prison). Paul wrote it about 62 A.D. as he anticipated his release from prison. They key personalities are the Apostle Paul, Timothy, Epaphroditus, Euodia, and Syntyche. It was written to show his appreciation and love to the Philippians in a thank-you letter for their continued help and support, and also to encourage their growth.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."
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- 49.99 kr.
49.99 kr. The book of 1st Thessalonians is a Pauline Epistle (letter from Paul). The Apostle Paul wrote it about 52-54 A.D. and it was one of his earliest written letters. The key personalities in this book are the Apostle Paul, Timothy, and Silas. Paul wrote this letter to strengthen and encourage the church in Thessalonica. To encourage and hearten the believers, Paul chose to emphasize the second coming of Jesus Christ. Throughout this letter, Paul focused on the principles of Faith, Hope, and Love.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."
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- 49.99 kr.
49.99 kr. The book of Romans is a Pauline Epistle (letter from Paul). The Apostle Paul wrote it roughly about 56-57 A.D. The key personalities in the book of Romans are the Apostle Paul, and Phoebe who delivered this letter. Paul wrote the letter to the believers in Rome, hence the name "Romans". He wrote it to give them a concrete theological foundation on which to construct their faith and to live for and serve God effectively.The book of Romans reveals the answers to important questions and supplies information on many topics, such as salvation, the sovereignty of God, judgment, spiritual growth, and the righteousness of God. Many scholars also describe it as The Gospel and the Righteousness of God, which can be received only by faith in the atoning death of Jesus Christ.The focus of the "righteousness of God" is foundational throughout the book of Romans. In fact, it is threaded through every section of the basic outline of this epistle. Paul reiterates this so that the reader may realize that salvation cannot be attained through man’s good deeds but only through faith in God’s righteousness: "I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes... For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith" (1:16-17). You cannot repair your relationship with God through your good deeds; this is only accomplished through faith in the perfect and finished work of Jesus Christ.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."
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- 49.99 kr.
49.99 kr. The book of 1st Timothy is a Pastoral Epistle (letter from Paul to a church leader). The author is Paul who wrote it approximately 62 A.D. The key personalities are the Apostle Paul and Timothy. It was written to give encouragement and leadership guidelines to a young pastor named Timothy at the church in Ephesus.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."
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- 49.99 kr.
49.99 kr. The book of 1st Peter is a General Epistle (Apostolic Letter). It was written to all believers in general. The author is Peter who wrote it about 60 A.D. The key personalities are the Apostle Peter, Silas, and Mark. Its purpose was to encourage suffering Christians and to call them to personal holiness; Peter’s central focus is persecution."For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust" (1:4).Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."
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- 49.99 kr.
59.99 kr. The book of Mark is a Gospel that contains Narrative History, Sermons, Parables, and some Prophetic Oracles. This Gospel has somewhat of an emphasis in miracles (27 total) which is significantly more than any of the other Gospels. The key word in Mark is "Immediately" which is used 34 times causing the reader to move from one account to the next rapidly. Mark is the shortest of the synoptic gospels and was written about 64 A.D. The key personalities of this book are Jesus Christ, His Twelve Disciples, Jewish religious leaders, Pilate, and John the Baptist.It was written by John Mark who was one of the missionaries who accompanied Paul and Barnabas on their mission trips. It is possible that Mark wrote this Gospel at the urging of Peter (his companion in Rome) since he had firsthand knowledge of the things that Mark wrote about.The purpose of the Gospel of Mark is to show that the Lord Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God who was sent to suffer and to serve in order to rescue and restore mankind.The 16 chapters of the Gospel of Mark can be divided into two parts, 8 chapters each. In the first 8 chapters Jesus is essentially traveling north and preaching until chapter 8. In Chapter 8, Jesus is in the city of Caesarea Philippi where He asks His disciples, "Who do people say that I am?" (vs. 27). Peter replies, "You are the Christ". Throughout the last 8 chapters, Jesus is traveling south, back to Jerusalem; all the way to Calvary’s Cross.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."
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- 59.99 kr.
49.99 kr. The book of James is a General Epistle (Apostolic Letter). James the half-brother of Jesus wrote it approximately 48-49 A.D. It was likely the first New Testament book (letter) to be written. The key personalities of this book are James and Persecuted Christians. James wrote this book to Jewish believers to encourage them to endure and live bold Christian lives. James is a book about practical Christian living that reflects a genuine faith that transforms lives. In many ways, it is similar to the OT book of Proverbs."My brethren, if any among you strays from the truth and one turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins." (5:19-20).Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."
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- 49.99 kr.