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  • by Olivier Nunge & Simonne Mortera
    40.99 kr.

    Vivre , c'est avoir des émotions, c'est sentir les "fluxs d'énergie" dans notre organisme pour qu'il puisse fonctionner naturellement. Les émotions sont comme des organes du corps psychique, avec leur fonctions spécifiques. Contrairement au fonctionnement de notre corps, nous n'avons pas reçu d'éducation à l'émotion. Alors nous confondons émotions saines et effets négatifs des émotions trafiquées. Les auteurs proposent d'aborder l'univers des émotions avec optimisme et confiance, car elles agissent toutes dans notre intérêt. Ce sont des réactions utiles, positives, sans danger et indispensables à notre développement.

  • by Frédéric Garnier
    60.99 kr.

    This series of exercices is specially designed to help you boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem. A positive self-image is an essential part of our survival. Without it, we are at risk of self-defeating behavior or unhealthily negative feelings; it is necessary to build a positive self-image prior to achieving success and to get rid of self-defeating thoughts. Through guided visualization and relaxation techniques, these exercices will help you improve your confidence by learning to cope with rejection, teach you to relax under pressure, and alleviate anxiety to help you defeat self-harm, heal or enjoy a stress-free life.

  • by Jacques Salomé
    40.99 kr.

    La tendresse c'est apprendre à conjuguer le verbe aimer seulement au présent. La tendresse est en nous, mais nous ne savons pas toujours la vivre et la partager. Avec sa sensibilité et sa poésie coutumière Jacques Salomé nous enseigne : - à repérer les habitudes qui font obstacle à la tendresse, - à affronter les principaux ennemis, à dépasser les rancœurs et les ressentiments. Il nous suggère de rencontrer les alliés à la tendresse, de développer toutes nos capacités dans ce domaine que ce soit à l'égard de nos origines, de nos parents, grands-parents, amis, enfants, tendresse amoureuse...

  • by Jacques Salomé
    40.99 kr.

    Au delà de la rencontre, et plus loin que l'amour, c'est cette qualité de la communication qu'ils seront capables ou pas de se proposer l'un à l'autre, qui permettra à deux êtres de former un couple durable. Si aujourd'hui à cette charnière de deux siècles, deux couples sur quatre se brisent dans la souffrance et la violence, se séparent dans le désarroi ou se désunissent parfois par lassitude, c'est souvent parce qu'ils n'ont pas su créer et vivre une relation de partage, d'échange, d'amplification mutuelle pour permettre à chacun d'exister à part entière. Le propos essentiel de Jacques Salomé dans cette conférence est de proposer des repères sur les principales difficultés à vivre en couple, tout en donnant des pistes concrètes sur les possibilités d'un partage et d'une croissance mutuelle dans une relation à deux : - Comment passer de la rencontre à la relation. - Quelles sont les forces de cohésion et les forces d'éclatement, de dispersion, de séparation qui sont à l'œuvre dans tout organisme vivant. Le couple est un organisme vivant constitué de quelque chose de plus que l'addition de désirs et l'intentionalité de former ou fonder une famille. - Comment vivre une relation d'intimité commune partagée, en la conciliant avec une intimité personnelle qui ne sera pas toujours partagée, car c'est la création possible de cette double intimité qui posera le fondement d'une vie de couple. Et comme d'habitude, Jacques Salomé alterne ses réflexions et commentaires techniques avec des illustrations concrètes et précises, et quelques textes poétiques.

  • by John Mac
    60.99 kr.

    How to meditate for beginners contains some practical exercises to achieve perfects moments of meditation : 20 practical tips for quieting the mind, meditation practices with walking meditation, chakra meditation, preparation for great guided meditation, mantra meditation, an exercise to concentrate on a simple visual object, practice visualization exercise, practice mindfulness, some exercises to practice a body scan, 5 more things to know for meditation, 10 tips for meditation, a Step-by-Step Guidelines for Successful Meditation, Exercises for breathing and relaxing, and a practical exercise for visualization of the pyramid of colors. Meditation is a method that enables you to reconnect with your inner resources and capacities to improve your health and achieve a greater sense of balance and wellbeing. To create long lasting positive changes in your life, you have to look within yourself. You have the keys to feel better in your body, calmer, more confident, more positive and more grounded. Modern life, family problems or stressful jobs may have some consequences on your health and your wellbeing : all those problems can induce sleep problems, stress and anxiety related disorders, phobias, depression symptoms, burnout, difficulties to lose or gain weight, migraines and recurring headaches, addictions, digestives problems, chronic fatigue, stress related skin problems, and physical pain. Its necessary to find solutions and prevent those problems, and to learn how to meditate when necessary. Our audio method helps you to meditate with advices, relaxation exercises and meditation exercises. Find your inner peace, improve your concentration, dissolve stress instantly, learn to concentrate deeply.

  • by Christel Clément & André Clément
    40.99 kr.

    Dis grand-père, comment c'était quand tu étais petit ? Tu avais la télé ? Ton papa avait quelle voiture ? Tu as appris quel métier ? Pas de voiture, pas de télé, pas de papa non plus.

  • by Jacques Salomé
    40.99 kr.

    Dans cet enregistrement, Jacques SALOME propose de repérer les principaux auto-saboteurs avec lesquels nous violentons notre vie tout en altérant notre relation aux autres. Au fil de l'écoute, vous pourrez découvrir vos propres auto saboteurs préférés ainsi qu'une démarche et des moyens pour vous en débarrasser, c'est à dire y renoncer. Avec son talent et son sens pédagogique habituel l'auteur nous permet de prendre conscience de ces " intrus " qui nous habitent et qui risquent soit de contrecarrer les choix de vie que nous faisons, soit de nous entraîner dans une direction qui n'est pas bonne pour nous. Grâce à des leçons de vie, Jacques SALOME nous indique comment entrer dans le lâcher prise pour améliorer considérablement notre relation au monde et surtout à nous même.

  • by John Mac
    58.99 kr.

    Le manque de sommeil est l'une des principales cause de fatigue physique et mentale. Dans un monde où les occasions d'être stressé, fatigué et inquiet sont multiples, cela devient une nécessité d'apprendre à méditer pour se ressourcer, et de savoir se relaxer, notamment le soir pour s'endormir. Nous vous proposons des exercices simples et des techniques accessibles à toutes et à tous, pour mieux dormir, à écouter chez soi ou en mobilité (train, métro, avion, etc) : exercice pour s'endormir, exercice pour retrouver le sommeil, exercice de respiration consciente apaisante, promenade mentale apaisante pour trouver le sommeil, relaxation mentale en flottant sur un nuage, en étant dans un lieu de paix, visualisation relaxante dans la forêt, sur la plage, avec une bougie, avec les couleurs, s'imaginer dans la campagne pour dormir.

  • by Olivier Nunge & Simonne Mortera
    40.99 kr.

    L'horloge tourne à la même vitesse pour tous : les journées font bien 24 heures et les années 365 jours. Et nous n'avons pas le pouvoir de changer cette réalité. Comment faire alors pour ne plus courir après le temps qui nous manque? L'objectif de cet enregistrement est de vous donner les outils pour :- Repérer votre rapport au temps pour le rentabiliser par des actions efficaces. - Construire votre propre cohérence. - Savoir communiquer avec les autres pour économiser votre temps. - Maîtriser votre environnement grâce aux facteurs d'efficacité de la gestion du temps. - Prendre du recul par rapport à vos activités pour donner sens et plaisir à votre vie. En un mot, cet enregistrement vous propose de donner forme à votre temps pour y trouver réalisation, tranquillité et aussi plaisir.

  • by Jacques Salomé
    40.99 kr.

    Tout commence par un désir : "faire ensemble un enfant" mais justement lequel ? Que de méconnaissances réciproques autour d'un désir d'enfant ! Puis, vient la naissance avec le dur apprentissage de devenir parents : du nourrissage de départ au sevrage relationnel quand le bébé passe de la maman à ... à la mère. - L'intervention du papa pour limiter une trop grande symbiose avec la maman. - Le passage du papa au père pour affirmer les valeurs et les règles. Si l'amour de l'un ou de l'autre parent est fondamental, il n'est pas suffisant pour élever un enfant. Il faut y ajouter la qualité d'une relation toujours en évolution, pour accompagner un enfant en trouvant chaque fois la bonne distance pour ne pas trop faire pour lui mais faire avec lui. Durant l'adolescence, nous pouvons confirmer une relation d'échange et mutualité plutôt qu'une relation à sens unique. Les propos toniques et vivifiants de l'auteur nous incitent à rester des parents vivants, en devenir, en mutation et en expansion.

  • by Jacques Salomé
    40.99 kr.

    Dans toute rencontre, dans tout partage, nous offrons à l'autre ce que nous sommes. Or beaucoup d'entre nous ont des exigences redoutables à l'égard d'eux-même, des conduites de mépris, des attitudes de rejet, des doutes, des dévalorisations, des conduites d'autoprivation. - La pire des solitudes est de s'ennuyer en sa propre compagnie. La pire des pauvretés n'est pas dans ce qui manque mais dans l'ignorance de tout ce que nous avons. Dans cette conférence Jacques Salomé montre quelques chemins possibles pour accepter de mieux s'écouter, de reconnaître plus vite les sentiments réels qui nous habitent au lieu de produire ce qu'il nomme des "sentiments écrans" qui nous coupent de nous même et de l'autre. Il nous invite à mieux entendre les multiples langages qui circulent en nous, à mieux relationner avec soi-même, à mieux s'aimer et être un meilleur compagnon pour soi.

  • by Frédéric Garnier
    60.99 kr.

    Are you fed up with being tired all day long and then wondering why it's still so hard to fall asleep? These relaxation exercices are specially designed to help you overcome insomnia by teaching you how to unwind your mind and guiding you into a state of deep relaxation. Listen to them whenever you feel you will need help to fall asleep easily for a short nap, or as part as a nightly practice to overcome sleep pattern problems. You will awaken fully refreshed and free of any tension, while having improved your concentration and visualization skills.

  • by Frédéric Garnier
    60.99 kr.

    Bodyscan relaxation is an essential technique to master for anyone wishing to learn relaxation, meditation, or simply to take a mental vacation from everyday worries. This audiobook is designed for efficiency, making use of proven techniques to help you achieve relaxation in a quick and easy way. Use the body scan relaxation whenever you need to get a mental break from everyday worries, or if you wish to achieve relaxation faster.

  • by John Mac
    60.99 kr.

    American worker productivity is high and continues to rise. According to a cross-national study released earlier this year by the International Labor Organization, American workers are the most productive in the world. This could have some consequences like sleep problems, stress and anxiety related disorders, phobias, depression symptoms, burnout, difficulties to lose or gain weight, migraines and recurring headaches, addictions, digestives problems, chronic fatigue, stress related skin problems, and physical pain. It is necessary to find solutions and prevent or solve those problems, and to learn how to relax at work. Our audio method helps you to relax at work with advices, relaxation exercises, and meditation exercises. In addition, you can practice and listen to our audio guide after work, during a relaxing evening at home, to maximize the effects of this guided relaxation method.

  • by John Mac
    36.99 kr.

    Dans un monde où les sujets de stress et d'anxiété ne manquent pas, notre collection " Relaxation guidée et musique " va vous aider à retrouver une certaine sérénité, un véritable bien être intérieur à l'écoute de nos exercices de relaxation et de nos musiques. Une voix paisible, une musique apaisante, et c'est tout un univers de quiétude intérieure qui s'ouvre en vous. L'objectif de nos différents titres est tout simplement de vous aider à vous détendre, à vous relaxer et à vous endormir.

  • by John Mac
    36.99 kr.

    Dans un monde où les sujets de stress et d'anxiété ne manquent pas, notre collection " Relaxation guidée et musique " va vous aider à retrouver une certaine sérénité, un véritable bien être intérieur à l'écoute de nos exercices de relaxation et de nos musiques. Une voix paisible, une musique apaisante, et c'est tout un univers de quiétude intérieure qui s'ouvre en vous. L'objectif de nos différents titres est tout simplement de vous aider à vous détendre, à vous relaxer et à vous endormir.

  • by Jules Renard
    42.99 kr.

    ‘100 Quotes by Jules Renard’ uncovers the famous French author and member of the literary organisation, Académie Goncourt.Famous for his poems, plays and short stories, his work spans the famous ‘Poil de carotte’. The English novelist Julian Barnes’ 2008 memoir ‘Nothing to be Frightened Of’ remains a proud homage to Renard, indicative of his continuous influence.His thoughts and musings transcend the page and can be found around the world, on road signs, as well as in books. A must-read collection for those looking for wit and wisdom today, ‘100 Quotes by Jules Renard’ is the perfect coffee table book.Pierre-Jules Renard (1864 – 1910) was a French author and member of the Académie Goncourt, most famous for the works 'Poil de carotte' (Carrot Top) and 'Les Histoires Naturelles' (Nature Stories).An impressive and adaptable author, Renard wrote poems, short stories and plays alongside his novels. He remains today a hugely influential French figure during the turn of the 19th century

  • by Friedrich Nietzsche
    42.99 kr.

    ‘150 Quotes by Friedrich Nietzsche: Great Philosophers & Their Inspiring Thoughts’ is a collection of reflections and ideas by one of the greatest minds the world has ever seen.Sometimes poetic, often ironic, and always incisive, these quotes are taken from various periods in Nietzsche’s life and give an insight into the way his ideas formed and solidified.A superb book for dipping in and out of, and ideal for anyone with an interest in the human condition.Born in Röcken, Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 – 1900) would grow to become one of the leading figures in the worlds of philosophy and modern thought. An outstanding pupil throughout his childhood, he later went on to the University of Leipzig.Despite not having finished his dissertation or his degree, Nietzsche’s progress was such that his classics professor recommended him for a professorship at the University of Basel. However, the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War cut his teaching career short.Between 1879 and 1889, Nietzsche lived as a virtual recluse, devoting himself to writing. His most famous work, ‘Thus Spake Zarathustra’ established him as one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th Century.

  • by Confucius, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, et al.
    68.99 kr.

    While ‘600 Mystical and Spiritual Quotations’ is a superb book for dipping in and out of, it also offers practical spiritual advice from six of the most forward-thinking minds of all time.Ideal for self-reflection and personal improvement, these are more than just quotes; they can be tools through which to better yourself.A welcome addition to any library or coffee table.Mahatma Gandhi (1931 – 1948) was an Indian lawyer, who became a pioneer of non-violent resistance to civil oppression. Gautama Buddha (480 BCE – 400 BCE) was an aristocrat who eschewed materialism, in favour of spiritual reflection. He is the founder of Buddhism. Born in Tibet, the first Dalai Lama (1391 – 1474) started life as a shepherd, before studying as a monk and receiving a vision during meditation.Confucius (551 BCE – 479 BCE) was born in China. His profound teachings established Confucianism, which promotes personal and societal morality. Martin Luther King (1929 – 1969) was a Baptist minister, who became the most important figure in the American Civil Rights movement. Mother Teresa (1910 – 1997) was an Albanian-Indian Catholic nun, who was canonised for her missionary work.

  • by Aeschylus
    42.99 kr.

    ´100 Quotes by Aeschylus´ unveils the musings of the originator of tragedy.With topics such as religion, life, love, and death taken to task, Aeschylus offers the 21st-century reader an insight into the thoughts and feelings of the Ancient Greeks. However, what is surprising is just how resonant many of those ideas are today.An outstanding book for those seeking bite-sized nuggets of timeless wisdom.Thought to have been born in Eleusis, Aeschylus (524BC – 456BC) is the subject of both myth and legend. According to the story, at the age of 26, he was working in a vineyard. During that time, he was visited by the Greek god Dionysus, who pointed him towards the theatrical art of tragedy.In addition to working as a playwright, he served in the Greek army, particularly in the wars against Persia, which heavily influenced his earliest works. When inducted into a secret cult surrounding the goddess, Demeter, Aeschylus revealed many of the sect’s mysteries in his scripts. As a result, he was accused of religious mockery, although acquitted at his trial.While he has set the template for tragedians to follow, many of his works have been adapted for film and TV. Perhaps the most notable is ‘Oresteia,’ starring Diana Rigg and Anton Lesser.

  • by Lao Zi
    42.99 kr.

    ‘100 Quotes by Lao Tseu’ is a collection of thoughts and reflections by one of the most influential figures in Chinese philosophy.Thoughtful, reflective, and with a focus on personal development, his ideas are food for any hungry soul.An ideal read for those with an interest in philosophy, this book is superb for dipping in and out of, particularly if you’re in search of a drop of practical wisdom.Commonly referred to as the ‘Old Master,’ Lao Tseu (4th century) is thought to have been born in the Hu district, part of the Henan province. What little is known about him suggests that he was a court astrologer and historian under the Zhou dynasty.According to legend, Tseu met Confucius and accused him of being too arrogant and ambitious. Subsequently, Confucius hailed him as something close to a dragon, seeing the world from above the clouds.Tseu’s travels are equally shrouded in mythology, with many stating that he travelled to the pass separating the Wei valleys and the Yellow River. There, he was challenged to write a book, by the guardian, Yinxi. The result was the ‘Daodejing,’ Tseu’s thoughts on the purpose and fulfilment of life.

  • by Woody Allen
    42.99 kr.

    ‘100 Quotes by Woody Allen’ is a compendium of thoughts, sayings, and one-liners from the mind of a man who has worked as a scriptwriter, stand-up comic, actor, and author.Often pithy and shot through with his trademark neurosis, this is a fantastic read for anyone with an interest in comedy and film.An ideal book for dipping in and out of, and one that would be a welcome addition to any library.Heywood ‘Woody’ Allen (1935 – present day) was born Allan Stewart Konigsberg in New York. Allen’s career as a comedy writer began when he was 15 years old. He began by sending jokes and one-liners to Broadway producers. One, Abe Burrows, sent his material to the likes of Phil Silvers and Sid Caesar, who paid him for his work.Later, Allen was to write for the NBC Comedy Hour, progressing to write for comedy greats, including Bob Hope. After going on to become an acclaimed stand-up, he began to write, direct, and act in his own films. Among his most famous are ‘Sleeper,’ with Diane Keaton, ‘Annie Hall,’ featuring Christopher Walken, and ‘Small Time Crooks,’ starring Hugh Grant.His autobiography, ´Apropos of Nothing,’ was released in 2022.

  • by Marcus Aurelius
    42.99 kr.

    While serving as Emperor, Aurelius wrote a series of notes and observations, following his quest for self-improvement.‘100 Quotes by Marcus Aurelius: Great Philosophers & Their Inspiring Thoughts’ cherry-picks the most insightful musings from this inspiring leader.While many of his thoughts are rooted in Stoicism, readers may find themselves surprised at how many of his ideas are as relevant today as they were at the height of the Roman Empire.A thought-provoking book, ‘100 Quotes by Marcus Aurelius: Great Philosophers & Their Inspiring Thoughts’ is perfect for dipping in and out of.Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus (121 – 180) was born in Rome, and eventually went on to become its emperor. Raised by his paternal grandfather and his mother, Aurelius succeeded his uncle, Antoninus Pius, to rule over the Roman Empire.While at school, he was introduced to the philosophical practice of Stoicism, which promotes logic, perception, true knowledge, and self-control as the key factors to a fulfilled life. Aurelius embraced Stoicism to the full, even going as far as refusing to sleep in a bed.Whilst ruling as Emperor, Aurelius penned his thoughts and observations on the use and abuse of power. The resulting ‘Meditations’ is considered to be one of the most important books of all time, giving an insight into the challenges faced by even the mightiest of rulers.

  • by Jean de la Fontaine, Jean de La Bruyère, Pierre Corneille, et al.
    60.99 kr.

    It’s no secret that writers often used their books, poems, and plays to impart observations, thoughts, and reflections.This was also the case for the literature of the 17th century which followed France’s pioneering status in politics and culture.‘500 Quotations from the Great French Writers of the 17th Century’ offers a fascinating snapshot of that changing society, seen through the eyes of some of the best writers of the era.A superb book for dipping in and out of, this makes a great gift for anyone with an interest in French literature.One of the most popular French poets of the 17th century, Jean de la Fontaine (1621 – 1695) was a pioneer of the fabulist form of literature. Imbuing animals with human characteristics, he paved the way for other fabulists to follow. Recognised as one of the three most important playwrights of the era, Pierre Corneille (1606 – 1684) is best remembered for his tragedies. He wrote 37 plays, including ‘El Cid.’The next of the three French greats, Jean Racine (1639 – 1699) was also a tragedian known for his use of brutal yet eloquent speech. Completing the trio is Moliere (1622 – 1673). While his peers wrote tragedies, Moliere focused on comedies and his plays have been translated into almost every language on the planet. Jean de La Bruyère (1645 – 1696) was a philosopher and satirist whose works satirised many of his contemporaries.

  • by Carl Jung
    42.99 kr.

    Serving as the perfect introduction to one of the greatest minds of the 20th Century, ‘100 Quotes by Carl Jung’ is a collection of thoughts from the father of psychoanalysis.Covering everything from dreams and the unconscious to God and religion, it’s packed with incisive ideas and thought-provoking theories.Essential reading for those with an interest in human nature and those who want a peek into Jung’s world, this book is perfect for dipping in and out of.Born in Switzerland, Carl Jung (1875 – 1961) went on to establish himself as the founder of analytical psychology. His father was a rural minister, with whom he was very close to. By contrast, Jung’s mother suffered from mental illness, causing him to believe that, like her, he had two personalities.Initially interested in following in his father’s pastoral footsteps, Jung was first educated at the Humanistisches Gymnasium in Basel, before enrolling at the city’s university. There, he studied biology, which earned him a job at a psychiatric hospital in Zürich, which was to heighten his interest in human psychology.After setting up a private practice, Jung befriended Sigmund Freud, which led to numerous literary collaborations. However, the publication of Jung’s ‘Psychology of the Unconscious’ caused a rift in their friendship, which was never fully healed. Jung continued writing until his death, in 1961.

  • by Guy de Maupassant
    42.99 kr.

    Uncover the wisdom from the master of short-form himself, Guy de Maupassant, in this collection of carefully selected quotes. French author and representative of the literary movement ‘Naturalism’, Maupassant’s short stories weave expert observation and reflection with deep social insight.Typically set during the Franco-Prussian war of 1870, he focused on human lives and their fateful destinies. His first published story, ‘Boule de Suif’, remains his most celebrated work today.With this impressive collection of Maupassant quotes, readers are invited to peak behind the scenes at his musings and thoughts. This weaves a must-read collection for those looking to discover one of France’s most influential writers to date.Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was a French author and representative of the literary movement ‘Naturalism’. His impressive short story collection spans 'Boule de Suife', Une Vie', 'Bel-Ami', 'La Moustache' and 'A Woman's Life'.Maupassant remains today a wide influence on culture, with numerous plays and adaptations continuously in the work - especially for the much loved moral tale 'Boule de Suife'.

  • by Confucius, Buddha & Lao Zi
    42.99 kr.

    ‘The Three Asian Wise Men: Confucius, Lao Tzu, Buddha’ is a collection of quotes and sayings by the three great ancient sages, whose words of wisdom continue to influence Chinese society to this day.Architects of the three teachings: Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, they created the idea of Ying and Yang, going with the flow, reincarnation, benevolent leadership and many others.With well-known sayings such as "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." and "It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.", this collection is perfect if you want to understand modern-day China or just learn some wisdom that will help you in life.Confucius (551BC – 479BC) was a Chinese philosopher and politician. Lao Tzu was an ancient Chinese philosopher and writer. Buddha was a spiritual teacher who lived during the 5th century B.C.Confucius, Lao Tzu, and Buddha are three ancient sages whose insight and beliefs have influenced Asian and Chinese society for hundreds of years. Creators of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, their words of wisdom are famous all over the world and continue to influence and help people to this day.

  • by Groucho Marx, George Bernard Shaw & Bruce Lee
    42.99 kr.

    ‘300 Quotations from the Great Artists of the 20th Century’ is a collection of wit and wisdom from some of the 20th century’s greatest minds.The cherry-picked selection of quotes includes musings from martial arts expert and actor Bruce Lee, actor and comedian Groucho Marx, and Irish Playwright, George Bernard Shaw.This highly recommended collection is an inspiring, educational, and humorous listen, and will delight those who need some extra motivation or just a quick laugh.George Bernard Shaw (1856 – 1950) was an Irish playwright, critic, and political activist, best known for his works ‘Man and Superman’, ‘Pygmalion’ and ‘Saint Joan’. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1925.Julius Henry ‘Groucho’ Marx (1890 – 1977) was an American comedian, actor, and writer, regarded as one of America's greatest comedians and a master of the one-liner. He is most famous for his Marx Brothers films, including ‘A Night at the Opera’ and ‘Duck Soup’.Bruce Lee (1940 –1973) was a Hong Kong born American martial arts expert, actor and director, best remembered for his martial arts films, including ‘Fist of Fury’.

  • by Honore de Balzac
    42.99 kr.

    ´100 Quotes by Honoré de Balzac’ is a collection of writings and thoughts from the French novelist and playwright, Honoré de Balzac.Balzac was known to frequently flit between several ‘work in progress’ writings, and his finished articles were often revised between editions.The way that Balzac wrote is very much reflective of the difficulties in his own life, and perhaps the writer was attempting to stabilise his life through fiction.A superb and thought-provoking collection of inspiring quotes, ´100 Quotes by Honoré de Balzac’ is ideal for fans of Balzac and those who want something to dip in and out of.Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) was a French novelist and playwright, most famous for a sequence of novels, collectively called 'The Human Comedy'. His signature style was a warts-and-all representation of post-Napoleonic French life, rich in detail and featuring complex, unfiltered characters.The style means Balzac is regarded as one of the pioneers of European literary realism. He is named as an influence on writers including Emile Zola, Henry James, Charles Dickens and Gustave Flaubert.The first novel he published under his own name was 'Les Chouans' in 1829. In 1834 he hit upon the idea of grouping his novels together to record all of society. The result, over a period of years, was 'The Human Comedy', which comprised three categories: 'Analytic Studies'; 'Philosophical Studies'; and 'Studies of Manners'.

  • by Napoleon Bonaparte, Nicolas Machiavel & Sun Tzu
    60.99 kr.

    ‘300 Quotes to Learn Strategy with Sun Tzu, Machiavelli, Napoleon’ is a collection of insightful quotes from three of the world’s greatest-ever leaders, generals and thinkers.From Niccolò Machiavelli, the father of modern political philosophy, and Sun Tzu, an ancient Chinese general and military strategist, to Napoleon Bonaparte, the famous French Emperor of France, this brilliant collection will teach you everything there is to know about strategy.Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 - 1821) was a French military and political leader who was also Emperor of France. He remains one of the most celebrated and controversial leaders in world history and his legacy still resonates today.Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli (1469 –1527) was an Italian historian, author, and diplomat often referred to as the Father of modern political philosophy and political science.Sun Tzu was an ancient Chinese general, military strategist, writer, and philosopher, best known for his book ‘The Art of War’, which continues to inspire military thinking to this day.