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  • by Susan RoAne
    51.99 kr.

    Ganz gleich, in welchem Beruf wir tätig sind oder in welcher Lebenslage wir uns befinden. Die meisten Menschen kennen das unangenehme Gefühl, das auftreten kann, wenn wir uns plötzlich alleine unter zahlreichen Fremden befinden. Susan RoAne zeigt uns, wie wir peinlichen Momenten in solchen Situationen mit Witz und Fantasie aus dem Weg gehen können und nimmt uns die Sorge davor, aktiv auf Menschen zuzugehen.Susan RoAne ist eine amerikanische Autorin, die für ihre Selbsthilfebücher zu Thema Business Networking bekannt ist. 1963 absolvierte sie die High School und studierte anschließend. Zu ihren bekanntesten Werken gehört „Sag doch einfach Hallo!" („How to Work a Room").

  • by Pia Søltoft
    39.00 kr.

    Misundelse er en af de følelser, som man aldrig skilter med. Vi kender allesammen til misundelsen, men at være misundelig er det man nok ville kalde en negativ, lavstatus følelse. I det afsnit af 'Kend din Kierkegaard' fortæller vært Pia Søltoft om hvad misundelsen er, og om hvad Kierkegaard havde at sige om den, og om hvad man kan gøre når misundelsen rammer.Du kender måske Søren Kierkegaards navn, men ikke hans skrifter og tanker. Det han skrev og tænkte har at gøre med dig og mig, og vores liv i verden, med vores undren over tilværelsen, og med spørgsmålet om hvordan vi bedst lever vores liv. Kierkegaard skrev om kærligheden og angsten, fortvivlelsen og troen, sorgen og glæden, og frem for alt om hvad det vil sige at være menneske i en verden, der hele tiden forandrer sig. Det er noget af alt det som din vært Pia Søltoft vil fortælle dig om i denne podcastserie, hvor du forhåbentlig vil genkende og blive klogere på dig selv gennem Søren Kierkegaards beskrivelser.Pia Søltoft er ph.d. og lektor i etik og religionsfilosofi med særligt henblik på Søren Kierkegaard ved Københavns Universitet. Fra 2010 til 2013 var hun leder af Søren Kierkegaard Forskningscenteret og en af nøglepersonerne i markeringen af 200-året for Søren Kierkegaards fødsel. Sammen med den norske advokat og forfatter Tormod Tingstad har hun skrevet bogen "Kunsten at blive et godt menneske", som blandt andet baserer sig på Søren Kierkegaards filosofi.

  • by Josep Lopez
    58.99 kr.

    Un libro sobre crecimiento personal que habla de la búsqueda de un espacio vital propio. Muchas crisis de pareja tienen origen en la ausencia de este espacio. Todo el mundo necesita su jardín secreto emocional y creativo. Un lugar donde crecer como personas, donde refugiarse para crear, donde reinventarse. Este jardín secreto es ideal para los autocuidados y para poder, así, tener estabilidad y cualidad en las relaciones interpersonales.Josep López (Barcelona, 1967) es autor y coach literario. Estudió Periodismo y trabajó durante dos décadas en comunicación empresarial. Desde hace unos años dedica su vida a la literatura, tanto a enseñar el mundo editorial y sus secretos a autores noveles como a escribir libros de crecimiento personal. Ha escrito varios libros de autoayuda, como El valor del samurái, Buen karma o La ilusión.Georges Escribano es psicólogo y psicoterapeuta. Estudió Psicología y se especializó en Análisis Transaccional. Dedica su día a enseñar en la Universidad Sigmund Freud y en la escuela de Análisis Transaccional de l’Île de France, en París. Ha escrito varios libros de psicología y autoayuda, algunos de autoría compartida como El beneficio (con Alex Rovira) o Los jardines secretos (con Josep López).

  • by Alma Carmen Mínguez
    96.99 kr.

    Oímos hablar de abundancia todos los días, pero, ¿qué significa realmente? ¿Solo los grandes deportistas y magnates pueden llegar a ser ricos? ¿Es necesario para tener una vida plena? A menudo asociamos la abundancia a tener una gran cantidad de dinero o de bienes materiales y nos frustramos porque creemos que no somos capaces de llegar a conseguir todas esas cosas que creemos que nos harían más felices. Pero no nos damos cuenta de que para alcanzar la abundancia en cualquier de sus aspectos hemos primero de romper con todas aquellas creencias aprendidas que nos bloquean y nos impiden progresar. En esta obra Alma Carmen Mínguez nos invita a analizar todas nuestras limitaciones para que podamos alcanzar una vida plena, ya sea en términos de fortuna, prosperidad o sentido existencial. Porque la abundancia es mucho más de lo que imaginamos.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Alma Carmen Mínguez Herrera es una autora natural de Zaragoza. Abogada de profesión, descubrió su amor por la literatura a una edad muy temprana y desde entonces no ha parado de escribir. Es una apasionada de los viajes y la espiritualidad, lo cual le ha llevado a recorrer el mundo con el objetivo de conocer la sabiduría y la visión del mundo que tienen en otros lugares. Gracias a estos viajes y a su interés natural por el desarrollo espiritual ha creado varias obras de crecimiento personal con la finalidad de promover estados positivos en las personas. En el campo de la ficción se especializa en novelas de aventura y fantasía.

  • by David Escamilla Imparato
    51.99 kr.

    Durante mucho tiempo la felicidad ha sido un concepto teórico e incluso filosófico y literario. Hay quienes consideran que es una aspiración factible y otros que directamente tachan de utopía. En los últimos años la felicidad se ha colado en programas políticos e institucionales, pero si queremos indagar en el comienzo de todo nos hemos de trasladar hasta el reino de Bután, donde los gobernantes se atrevieron a preguntar por primera vez a sus ciudadanos si eran felices.David Escamilla es comunicador, editor, escritor y músico. Ha trabajado como director y presentador tanto en radio como en televisión para cadenas como RNE, Catalunya Ràdio, TVE o Cuatro. Ha publicado más de cincuenta libros desde 1992 entre los que se incluyen ensayos, biografías, novelas, relatos breves, guías culturales y poesía.

  • by Pia Søltoft
    49.00 kr.

    Første afsnit af 'Kend din Kierkegaard' fortæller om hvad og hvordan Kierkegaard skrev sine tekster. Kierkegaard skrev nemlig en del af sine værker under pseudonym, hvor det alt andet lige var den pseudonyme forfatter, der var afsender af den livsanskuelse der blev fremlagt. Men hvad betyder det for hvordan du skal forstå Kierkegaards tekster. Læn dig tilbage og lad din vært Pia Søltoft fortælle dig om hvordan du selv bruger og går til Kierkegaards mange tekster.Du kender måske Søren Kierkegaards navn, men ikke hans skrifter og tanker. Det han skrev og tænkte har at gøre med dig og mig, og vores liv i verden, med vores undren over tilværelsen, og med spørgsmålet om hvordan vi bedst lever vores liv. Kierkegaard skrev om kærligheden og angsten, fortvivlelsen og troen, sorgen og glæden, og frem for alt om hvad det vil sige at være menneske i en verden, der hele tiden forandrer sig. Det er noget af alt det som din vært Pia Søltoft vil fortælle dig om i denne podcastserie, hvor du forhåbentlig vil genkende og blive klogere på dig selv gennem Søren Kierkegaards beskrivelser.Pia Søltoft er ph.d. og lektor i etik og religionsfilosofi med særligt henblik på Søren Kierkegaard ved Københavns Universitet. Fra 2010 til 2013 var hun leder af Søren Kierkegaard Forskningscenteret og en af nøglepersonerne i markeringen af 200-året for Søren Kierkegaards fødsel. Sammen med den norske advokat og forfatter Tormod Tingstad har hun skrevet bogen "Kunsten at blive et godt menneske", som blandt andet baserer sig på Søren Kierkegaards filosofi.

  • by Josep Lopez
    58.99 kr.

    El karma nos enseña que uno recoge lo que siembra y que las buenas acciones atraen bondad a su vez. Esta energía metafísica se deriva de los actos de las personas y de las consecuencias de estos. Josep López muestra, en este libro, como trabajar esta poderosa energía cada día para mejorar las relaciones personales, los negocios y los proyectos futuros. A través de 77 buenas acciones, López enseña como atraer la buena fortuna para trabajar mejor el futuro.Josep López (Barcelona, 1967) es autor y coach literario. Estudió Periodismo y trabajó durante dos décadas en comunicación empresarial. Desde hace unos años dedica su vida a la literatura, tanto a enseñar el mundo editorial y sus secretos a autores noveles como a escribir libros de crecimiento personal. Ha escrito varios libros de autoayuda, como El valor del samurái, Buen karma o La ilusión.

  • by John Mac
    40.99 kr.

    L'autohypnose est une pratique qui conduit à un état mental d'hypervigilance et de relaxation dans lequel le sujet cesse de diriger volontairement le cours de ses pensées : il se met involontairement en rapport avec son inconscient et ses émotions profondes. Vous désirez vous initiez à la pratique de l'autohypnose ? Nous vous proposons des exercices simples et accessibles pour atteindre votre état d'hyper vigilance, et donc mieux vous connaître. La notion de développement personnel a des significations différentes selon qu'elle est utilisée par des psychanalystes, des promoteurs de techniques New Age, certains courants du coaching, les éducateurs et spécialistes du travail... Les objectifs du développement personnel renvoient à la connaissance de soi, à la valorisation des talents et potentiels, à l'amélioration de la qualité de vie, à la réalisation de ses aspirations et de ses rêves, etc. Notre collection Développement Personnel se propose de vous guider dans cet apprentissage et accomplissement de soi.

  • by J. M. Gardner
    42.99 kr.

    Dive into the profound world of truth with this captivating collection of 100 quotes that illuminate the depths of human understanding and unravel the mysteries of existence.Whether you seek clarity in a complex world, yearn for authenticity in your relationships, or simply appreciate the pursuit of knowledge, "100 Quotes About Truth" is a thought-provoking journey into the nature of truth.

  • by J. M. Gardner
    42.99 kr.

    Delve into the essence of love, commitment, and companionship with "100 Quotes About Marriage." This captivating collection brings together profound insights, offering a treasury of wisdom and inspiration for people embarking on the journey of marriage.Whether you are embarking on a new chapter of your life together, celebrating a milestone anniversary, or navigating the complexities of married life, these quotes will resonate with your heart and nourish your relationship.

  • by J. M. Gardner
    42.99 kr.

    Great philosophy doesn't have to be boring. The deepest minds can also be the wittiest, and these100 quotes shine a revealing light on the humor of the best philosophers known to man.We have selected for you the most interesting quotes about philosophy, having its own greatest figures reveal its humorous side - from Nietzsche and Socrates to Beethoven and Albert Camus.

  • by J. M. Gardner
    42.99 kr.

    Dive into the depths of the human heart with "100 Quotes About Love" and discover a tapestry of emotions that will captivate your soul. From the tender whispers of romance to the profound bonds of friendship, this collection of quotes celebrates the universal language of love in all its forms.Whether you're seeking inspiration, guidance, or simply a reminder of the beauty that love brings, this collection is sure to infuse your world with warmth and affection.

  • by J. M. Gardner
    42.99 kr.

    Delve into the realm of human desire with this collection of 100 quotes that explore the intricate tapestry of sexuality and celebrate the multifaceted nature of pleasure.Whether you seek a deeper understanding of your own desires or simply want to appreciate the complexities of human connection, "100 Quotes About Sex" is a tantalizing journey into the depths of sensuality.

  • by Aristotle
    42.99 kr.

    Dive into the timeless wisdom and insight with 100 captivating quotes by the legendary philosopher Aristotle.From ethics and politics to science and metaphysics, Aristotle's profound teachings span the breadth of human knowledge and offer timeless guidance for a meaningful life.These carefully selected quotes are a testament to the enduring relevance of Aristotle's philosophy, reminding us to always question and contemplate.Aristotle (384 – 322 B.C.E) is one of the most well-known Ancient Greek philosophers, impacting the development of Western philosophical thought.

  • by J. M. Gardner
    42.99 kr.

    Embark on a profound journey of spiritual enlightenment with "100 Quotes About Faith." This uplifting collection brings together a tapestry of quotes that will guide you through the depths of the human spirit.Whether you seek guidance on your own spiritual journey, yearn for words of comfort during challenging moments, or simply wish to expand your understanding of faith, this treasury of quotes will inspire and uplift your soul.

  • by J. M. Gardner
    42.99 kr.

    In a world longing for tranquility and harmony, "100 Quotes About Peace" invites you to embark on a transformative journey towards inner serenity and a more peaceful existence.Whether you are seeking personal tranquility, striving to build bridges across divides, or yearning to make a difference in the world, this captivating collection of quotes offers profound insights and timeless wisdom that will inspire and uplift everyone's spirit.

  • by Emile Coué
    58.99 kr.

    "Je n'y arriverai jamais", "Je suis trop fatigué", "Ce n'est pas pour moi"... Personne ne peut contester que ces exemples sont des prophéties autoréalisatrices, et qu'elles entraînent échecs et ennuis, parce qu'on ne cesse de se les répéter. Ne tient-il donc pas qu'à vous de faire tout le contraire, et de vous débarrasser une fois pour toutes de l'auto-sabotage ? Le psychologue Emile Coué fut le tout premier à constater les vertus de l'autosuggestion consciente et à développer une méthode pour influencer favorablement notre inconscient par la suggestion. Sa méthode est aujourd'hui à la racine de la sophrologie et des courants de pensée positive. Voici comment se construire autrement pour retrouver confiance en soi et développer la meilleure des vertus, la maîtrise de soi-même.

  • by J. M. Gardner
    42.99 kr.

    Step into the sacred words of the Holy Bible and embark on a transformative journey with "200 Quotes from the Holy Bible, Old & New Testament."From words of wisdom to law and poetry, this captivating collection brings together the most profound and impactful verses from both the Old and New Testaments, offering timeless wisdom and inspiration for every aspect of life.

  • by Deepak Chopra
    90.99 kr.

    El doctor Deepak Chopra nos revela las claves personales para despertar al Ser Superior que habita en nosotros, un ser de unidad y plenitud. Mediante el descubrimiento de las conexiones naturales mente-espíritu, llegamos a comprender que "tu mundo es tal como tú eres", recuperamos el valor de la inocencia, vencemos los obstáculos que nos impiden el crecimiento espiritual y liberamos el cuerpo emocional, logrando así armonía, desarrollo personal a través de la intimidad, libertad total y la dicha de establecer vínculos espirituales. Al conocer a tu ser superior se te revela la llave de la inmortalidad. Chopra propone un camino que restablece el equilibrio necesario para entender que la vida es la única posibilidad de hacer realidad nuestros sueños.Este audiolibro está narrado en español latinoDeepak Chopra (Nueva Delhi, 1946) es un escritor y médico indio. Uno de los grandes referentes mundiales en temas de espiritualidad, Chopra se ha inspirado en las milenarias tradiciones de su India natal para fusionarlas con corrientes actuales, en una forma particular de autoayuda que se ha dado en llamar misticismo cuántico.

  • by J. M. Gardner
    42.99 kr.

    Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness known to enhance capacity for response to suggestion. It is used for a wide range of therapeutic purposes, including the reduction of pain, healing, treatment of addictions, weight loss, and a way to facilitate relaxation. Here is an exposition of five different methods to induce hypnosis, be it for entertainment or therapeutic purposes: a description of Dr Cocke's method, another of Dr Flint's method; the French method at Paris and Nancy, and the Hindoo Silent method; lastly, a much-needed method to wake a subject from hypnotic sleep. This audiobook is intended for practitioners, listeners who want to deepen their understanding of the methods of hypnosis, and individuals interested in autohypnosis.

  • by Groucho Marx, George Bernard Shaw & Bruce Lee
    42.99 kr.

    ‘300 Quotations from the Great Artists of the 20th Century’ is a collection of wit and wisdom from some of the 20th century’s greatest minds.The cherry-picked selection of quotes includes musings from martial arts expert and actor Bruce Lee, actor and comedian Groucho Marx, and Irish Playwright, George Bernard Shaw.This highly recommended collection is an inspiring, educational, and humorous listen, and will delight those who need some extra motivation or just a quick laugh.George Bernard Shaw (1856 – 1950) was an Irish playwright, critic, and political activist, best known for his works ‘Man and Superman’, ‘Pygmalion’ and ‘Saint Joan’. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1925.Julius Henry ‘Groucho’ Marx (1890 – 1977) was an American comedian, actor, and writer, regarded as one of America's greatest comedians and a master of the one-liner. He is most famous for his Marx Brothers films, including ‘A Night at the Opera’ and ‘Duck Soup’.Bruce Lee (1940 –1973) was a Hong Kong born American martial arts expert, actor and director, best remembered for his martial arts films, including ‘Fist of Fury’.

  • by Napoleon Bonaparte, Nicolas Machiavel & Sun Tzu
    60.99 kr.

    ‘300 Quotes to Learn Strategy with Sun Tzu, Machiavelli, Napoleon’ is a collection of insightful quotes from three of the world’s greatest-ever leaders, generals and thinkers.From Niccolò Machiavelli, the father of modern political philosophy, and Sun Tzu, an ancient Chinese general and military strategist, to Napoleon Bonaparte, the famous French Emperor of France, this brilliant collection will teach you everything there is to know about strategy.Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 - 1821) was a French military and political leader who was also Emperor of France. He remains one of the most celebrated and controversial leaders in world history and his legacy still resonates today.Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli (1469 –1527) was an Italian historian, author, and diplomat often referred to as the Father of modern political philosophy and political science.Sun Tzu was an ancient Chinese general, military strategist, writer, and philosopher, best known for his book ‘The Art of War’, which continues to inspire military thinking to this day.

  • by Mother Teresa, Anne Frank & Jane Austen
    42.99 kr.

    ‘300 Quotes from Inspiring Women’ is a collection of inspirational, humorous, and insightful quotes from women who have left an indelible mark on history with their bravery, wisdom, and selflessness.This uplifting compilation includes memorable thoughts and words from Anne Frank, Jane Eyre, and Mother Teresa.‘300 Quotes from Inspiring Women’ is ideal for those needing some extra motivation from three inspirational female figures.Jane Austen (1775 –1817) was an English novelist, best-known for her novels ´Sense and Sensibility’ (1811), ‘Pride and Prejudice’ (1813), ‘Mansfield Park’ (1814), and ‘Emma’ (1816). Her work has been adapted for TV and film on many occasions, including the TV series ‘Sanditon’.Anne Frank (1929 – 1945) was a German-Dutch jew who famously wrote a diary that detailed life in Holland under Nazi occupation, called ‘The Diary of a Young Girl’.Mother Teresa (1910 –1997) was born in North Macedonia and became a Roman Catholic nun and missionary. She spent most of her life in India helping the poor and the sick and won the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize.

  • by Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, William Shakespeare & Jane Austen
    59.99 kr.

    ‘300 Quotes from English Writers’ is a carefully crafted collection of quotes from some of England’s greatest-ever writers, including Jane Austen and William Shakespeare.Between them, they are responsible for many of the world's most famous literary works, such as ‘Hamlet’, ‘Macbeth’, ‘Sense and Sensibility’, and ‘Pride and Prejudice’. This compilation contains many famous quotes and is guaranteed to inspire, educate, and amuse.‘300 Quotes from English Writers’ will delight fans of some of the greatest English authors.Jane Austen (1775 –1817) was an English novelist, best known for her novels ‘Sense and Sensibility’ (1811), ‘Pride and Prejudice’ (1813), and ‘Emma’ (1816). Her work has been adapted for TV and film on many occasions, including the TV series ‘Sanditon’.William Shakespeare (1564 – 1616) was an English playwright and poet, considered the greatest writer in the English language and the world's greatest-ever dramatist. His works have been adapted for film, radio, theatre, and TV all around the world, and his writing continues to inspire and delight audiences to this day.Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 – 1799) was a German-born English physicist and satirist.

  • by Anton Chekhov, Leo Tolstoy & Fyodor Dostoevsky
    42.99 kr.

    ‘300 Quotes from Russian Writers’ is a carefully crafted collection of inspiration, wit, and wisdom from some of the greatest ever Russian writers, including Fyodor Dostoievsky, Léo Tolstoy and Anton Chekov.These giants of literature are considered among the greatest writers to have ever lived and are responsible for some of the world’s most influential and highly acclaimed works.A carefully crafted collection, ‘300 Quotes from Russian Writers’ is ideal for anyone with an inquiring mind about the musings of some of Russia's greatest authors.Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (1860 –1904) was a Russian playwright and short-story writer who is considered to be one of the greatest writers in the world. He is best known for his works ‘The Seagull’ and ‘Uncle Vanya’.Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (1821 – 1881) was a Russian novelist and short story writer. His most celebrated novels include ‘Crime and Punishment’ (1866), ‘The Idiot’ (1869), and ‘The Brothers Karamazov’ (1880).Leo Tolstoy (1828 –1910) was a Russian writer who is regarded as one of the greatest writers of all time. Best known for his great novels ‘War and Peace’ (1869) and ‘Anna Karenina’ (1878).

  • by Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau & Mark Twain
    60.99 kr.

    ‘300 Quotes from American Writers’ is a carefully crafted collection of quotes from three of America’s greatest-ever writers, Mark Twain, Henry David Thoreau, and Ralph Waldo Emerson.Between them, they are responsible for some of the world’s most famous literary works, ranging from Emerson’s essay ‘The Poet’ and Mark Twain’s ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’ to Henry Thoreau’s ‘Walden’.This carefully crafted collection is guaranteed to inspire, amuse, and entertain, and it is ideal for those needing some extra encouragement throughout their day.Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 –1882) was an American philosopher, abolitionist, essayist and poet who was a leading figure in the mid-19th century transcendentalist movement. his most famous works include the essays ‘Self-Reliance’, ‘The Poet’, ‘Nature’ and ‘Experience’.Mark Twain (1835 – 1910) was an American writer, humourist and publisher. He’s best remembered for his famous novels, ‘The Adventures of Tom Sawyer’ (1876) and its sequel, ‘Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’ (1884), often called the ‘Greatest American Novel’.Henry David Thoreau (1817–1862) was an American naturalist, poet, and philosopher. He is best known for his masterpiece ‘Walden’, and the influential essay ‘Civil Disobedience’.

  • by Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus & Seneca the Younger
    60.99 kr.

    ‘300 Quotations from the Stoic Philosophers’ is a collection of insightful, educational, and inspiring quotes from some of the greatest ever Stoic philosophers, such as Epictetus, Seneca the Younger, and Marcus Aurelius.Founded in Athens in the 3rd century BC, Stoicism is a school of philosophy which centres around the belief that the practice of virtue is both necessary and sufficient to achieve happiness.Stoicism remains an important and influential school of thought, thus making this collection highly relevant for people who need some extra philosophical guidance.Marcus Aurelius (121–180) was a Roman philosopher and the last emperor of the Pax Romana, the golden age of Roman peace and imperialism.Epictetus (50-135 AD), was an Ancient Greek philosopher born into slavery.Seneca the Younger (4 BC – 65 AD) was a Roman philosopher, statesman, and dramatist. As a writer, he is best known for plays such as ‘Medea’, ‘Thyestes’, and ‘Phaedra’.

  • by Nicolas Machiavel, Francis Bacon & Michel de Montaigne
    60.99 kr.

    ‘300 Quotations from Renaissance Philosophy’ is a collection of insightful, educational, and inspiring quotes from some of the greatest ever renaissance philosophers, including French philosopher Michel de Montaigne and Italian philosopher Niccolò Machiavelli.It also includes the words of English philosopher Francis Bacon whose famous quotes include, ‘It is impossible to love and to be wise’ and ‘Knowledge is power’.‘300 Quotations from Renaissance Philosophy’ is the perfect collection for those needing an extra dose of philosophical insight.Michel de Montaigne (1533 – 1592) was one of the most important philosophers of the French Renaissance and is best known for popularising the essay as a literary genre.Niccolò Machiavelli (1469 –1527) was an Italian diplomat, author, and philosopher best known for his political treatise, ‘The Prince’ (Il Principe). Machiavelli has often been called the father of modern political philosophy and political science.Francis Bacon (1561 – 1626) was an English philosopher and statesman, often called the father of empiricism. His works are considered to have contributed to the scientific method.

  • by Nicolas de Chamfort, Albert Einstein, Gaston Bachelard & et al.
    60.99 kr.

    ‘400 Quotations from Contemporary Philosophy’ features the unparalleled wit and wisdom of some of contemporary philosophy’s greatest practitioners.These great minds include Albert Einstein, Gaston Bachelard, Emil Cioran and Nicolas de Chamfort. A carefully crafted collection, ‘400 Quotations from Contemporary Philosophy’ is guaranteed to educate and entertain.Ideal for those needing a dose of philosophical insights.Albert Einstein (1879-1955), is one of the greatest and most influential physicists ever. he is best remembered for his work in developing the Theory of Relativity.French philosopher Gaston Bachelard (1884-1962) was famous for his work in poetics and the philosophy of science.Emil Cioran (1911-1995) was a Romanian philosopher, known for his philosophical pessimism. His notable works include ‘A Short History of Decay’ (1949), and ‘The Temptation to Exist’ (1956).Nicolas de Chamfort (1741-1794) was a French writer of epigrams and aphorisms.

  • by Fyodor Dostoevsky, Søren Kierkegaard & Friedrich Nietzsche
    60.99 kr.

    ‘300 Quotations for Being Master of One's Destiny with the Existentialist Philosophers’ is a fantastic collection of quotes from some of the world’s greatest thinkers, including Søren Kierkegaard, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Fyodor Dostoevsky.These existential philosophers and writers explore the problem of human existence and the subjective experience of thinking, feeling, and acting. Learn how to master your own destiny with the help of the world’s greatest minds.Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855) was a Danish theologian, philosopher and poet, widely considered to be the first existentialist philosopher. Much of his work deals with the issues of how one lives as an individual and the importance of personal choice and commitment.Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821–1881) was a Russian novelist, short story writer and essayist, widely regarded as one of the greatest novelists in the world. His works include ‘Crime and Punishment’ (1866), ‘The Idiot’ (1869), ‘Demons’ (1872), ‘The Brothers Karamazov’ (1880) and the novella ‘Notes from Underground’ (1864).Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) was a German philosopher whose work exerted a profound influence on modern intellectual history.