Children’s: picture books, activity books, early learning concepts
12.99 kr. Na zewnątrz szaleje wichura, a mały niebieski ślimak nie może znaleźć drogi do domu. Kiedy jego domek pęka, nie wie, co robić. Na szczęście Pimpa zawsze jest chętna do pomocy!Pimpa to wesoły biały piesek w czerwone kropki. Wraz ze swoim przyjacielem, a zarazem właścicielem, Armando – starszym, wąsatym panem w meloniku – przeżywa mnóstwo przygód. Od cudownej wyprawy do Chin po wyjątkową wizytę w muzeum, każda opowieść o Pimpie otwiera przed nami świat pełen nowych przyjaciół, rozbudzając wyobraźnię i ciekawość.Rysownik Francesco Tullio Altan stworzył Pimpę w prezencie dla swojej córki w 1975 roku. Od tego czasu opublikowano ponad 150 historii z udziałem Pimpy, które sprzedały się w ponad 6,5 miliona egzemplarzy. Pimpa była również gwiazdą kilku udanych adaptacji telewizyjnych, wyprodukowanych przez głównego włoskiego nadawcę, telewizję RAI. Teraz Pimpa jest gotowa, by stać się wiernym towarzyszem nowego pokolenia. Książki są idealne zarówno dla małych dzieci, jak i ich starszego rodzeństwa, a przygody Pimpy spodobają się całej rodzinie.
12.99 kr. Ted zgubił swój kapelusz! To dlatego jego mama nazywa swojego roztrzepanego syna „marzycielem". Ale z pomocą Pimpy, plasteliny i kredek problem zostaje rozwiązany.Pimpa to wesoły biały piesek w czerwone kropki. Wraz ze swoim przyjacielem, a zarazem właścicielem, Armando – starszym, wąsatym panem w meloniku – przeżywa mnóstwo przygód. Od cudownej wyprawy do Chin po wyjątkową wizytę w muzeum, każda opowieść o Pimpie otwiera przed nami świat pełen nowych przyjaciół, rozbudzając wyobraźnię i ciekawość.Rysownik Francesco Tullio Altan stworzył Pimpę w prezencie dla swojej córki w 1975 roku. Od tego czasu opublikowano ponad 150 historii z udziałem Pimpy, które sprzedały się w ponad 6,5 miliona egzemplarzy. Pimpa była również gwiazdą kilku udanych adaptacji telewizyjnych, wyprodukowanych przez głównego włoskiego nadawcę, telewizję RAI. Teraz Pimpa jest gotowa, by stać się wiernym towarzyszem nowego pokolenia. Książki są idealne zarówno dla małych dzieci, jak i ich starszego rodzeństwa, a przygody Pimpy spodobają się całej rodzinie.
149.00 kr. Rejs med på eventyr sammen med Lille Tut, Gato og Nisse! Lille Tut er en lille pige, der bor sammen med sin storebror, mor og far og katten Gato. På Lille Tuts værelse bor Nisse i et musehul i væggen. Nisse har en økolopeter, en flyvende valnøddeskal, og når han tryller Lille Tut og Gato små, kan de komme med på eventyr ud i verden.Lille Tut, Gato og Nisse flyver ud på eventyr i Nisses økolopeter. De lander i skoven, hvor de møder en lille fugleunge, der har svært ved at lære at flyve. Heldigvis har Nisse sin taske med, som er fuld af gode ting og sager ...Lille Tut-universet erdrevet af nysgerrighed ogeventyrlyst, masser af varme og forståelse for de allermindste. Lille Tut findes også som TV-serie skabt af Maria Mac Dalland ogproduceret af Morten Kaufmann for Toolbox Film og vises påDRMinisjang i 2024.I samme serie:Lille Tut og søhesteneFra ca. 2 år.
- Ebook
- 149.00 kr.
69.95 kr. Mød Saga Louise Larsen i små og store øjeblikke. Saga er 5 år og bor sammen med sin mor og far i et lille rækkehus. Saga elsker dyr og vil så gerne have sit eget kæledyr – eller en lillesøster eller lillebror. Følg Saga på godt og ondt i fem herlige historier om den nye nabopige, farmors fotoalbum, dinosaurlegepladsen, en tur på kirkegården og en virkelig lang nytårsaften. "Saga på eventyr" er en varm og sjov højtlæsningsbog for de ældste børnehavebørn.Svenske Josefine Sundström (f. 1976) er uddannet klassisk balletdanser, men hun er mest kendt som sanger, tv-vært og forfatter. I 1999 deltog hun i det svenske Melodi Grand Prix som en del af pigegruppen Ai, og samme år blev hun vært på musikvideoprogrammet "Voxpop" på SVT. Derudover er hun forfatter til et par romaner og står sammen med illustrator Emma Göthner bag børnebøgerne om pigen Saga Louise Larsen.
12.99 kr. Pewnego dnia przyjaźń Tygryska i Misia została wystawiona na próbę, bo Tygrysek poznaje Świnkę, z którą chłepcze wspólnie surowe ciasto i robi wiele innych zabawnych rzeczy, a nawet przeprowadza się do niej. Prawie zapomina o Misiu, który całymi dniami siedzi sam w domu. Jednak nie ma to jak prawdziwa przyjaźń... Janosch z humorem opowiada o zazdrości i przyjaźni.Janosch urodził się w 1931 roku w Zabrzu. Jest autorem ponad 100 książek dla dzieci, książek ilustrowanych i powieści, twórcą fabuł i postaci, czyli dumnym ojcem Tygryska, Misia i spółki. Za książkę pod tytułem „Ach, jaka piękna jest Panama!" otrzymał Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis – niemiecką nagrodę państwową w dziedzinie literatury dla dzieci i młodzieży. Janosch mieszka na bezludnej wyspie między słońcem a morzem...
From 12.99 kr. – Najbardziej to mi się w tym rowerze podoba dzwonek – powiedział Miś. Każdemu Tygryskowi potrzebny jest rower! Ale żeby mu się nic nie stało, powinien też trochę się znać na rowerach. Nie tylko wiedzieć, gdzie są hamulce, ale też jakie są najważniejsze przepisy ruchu drogowego. Poza tym Tygrysek musi się nauczyć jeździć ostrożnie. I dokładnie tego można się nauczyć tutaj – teoretycznie i praktycznie prawie też.Janosch urodził się w 1931 roku w Zabrzu. Jest autorem ponad 100 książek dla dzieci, książek ilustrowanych i powieści, twórcą fabuł i postaci, czyli dumnym ojcem Tygrysa, Misia i Spółki. Za książkę pod tytułem „Ach, jaka piękna jest Panama!" otrzymał Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis – niemiecką nagrodę państwową w dziedzinie literatury dziecięcej i młodzieżowej. Janosch mieszka na bezludnej wyspie między słońcem a morzem...
From 12.99 kr. Tygrysek postanowił pokazać Misiowi, jak się przechodzi przez ulicę. Tylko że sam nie całkiem to wiedział, ale zaraz się dowiedział od Pana Bobronosa, który ich nauczył, że każdy, kto idzie pieszo, jest pieszym, i że chodnik kończy się na krawężniku, a przez jezdnię można przejść dopiero wtedy, jak WSZYSTKIE samochody już stoją.Ta ilustrowana książka w zabawny sposób wyjaśnia dzieciom, jak zachować się na ulicy.Janosch urodził się w 1931 roku w Zabrzu. Jest autorem ponad 100 książek dla dzieci, książek ilustrowanych i powieści, twórcą fabuł i postaci, czyli dumnym ojcem Tygrysa, Misia i Spółki. Za książkę pod tytułem „Ach, jaka piękna jest Panama!" otrzymał Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis – niemiecką nagrodę państwową w dziedzinie literatury dziecięcej i młodzieżowej. Janosch mieszka na bezludnej wyspie między słońcem a morzem...
12.99 kr. Kiedy Miś łowi ryby nad rzeką, Tygrysek siedzi w domu i strasznie za nim tęskni. Dlatego poprosił Misia: Napisz mi list! Tak się zaczyna ta historia o tym, jak przyjaciele założyli pocztę zwykłą, lotniczą, a nawet telefon z podziemną centralą.Janosch urodził się w 1931 roku w Zabrzu. Jest autorem ponad 100 książek dla dzieci, książek ilustrowanych i powieści, twórcą fabuł i postaci, czyli dumnym ojcem Tygrysa, Misia i Spółki. Za książkę pod tytułem „Ach, jaka piękna jest Panama!" otrzymał Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis – niemiecką nagrodę państwową w dziedzinie literatury dziecięcej i młodzieżowej. Janosch mieszka na bezludnej wyspie między słońcem a morzem...
38.99 kr. Sometimes friendships can be formed during the most unlikely circumstances! It’s blowing a gale outside, and a little blue snail can’t find her way in the storm. When her house breaks, she doesn’t know what to do, but luckily Pimpa is always happy to help! So grab your nearest magnifying glass, put on your detective hat, and join Pimpa, Pedro the spider, and Sophie the snail in helping Sally collect the missing pieces. A tale of friendship and mystery, ´Pimpa and the Blue Snail´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who would like to join the famous, red-spotted dog on a thrilling adventure! Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity. Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies. Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI. Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.
38.99 kr. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No... it's a horse! Lying on the grass in the mountains, Pimpa and Armando look at the shapes of the clouds in the blue sky. The sun is shining high in the sky, and a white horse appears in the clouds. Together, the friends fly far away to a deserted island. But did it really happen, or did Armando dream it all?´Pimpa and the Flying Horse´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who would like to join the friendly, red-spotted dog on a thrilling adventure!Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity. Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies. Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI. Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.
From 38.99 kr. Christmastime is always full of joyful surprises... especially for Pimpa! On Christmas Day, Pimpa meets Dina the little duckling when she arrives in a Christmas present! The two become firm friends, and Pimpa looks after Dina like a big sister. Join Pimpa in teaching Dina how to wash and get dressed, telling her about good and bad, helping her to name the things and animals she meets, and showing her the beauty of winter as it turns into spring.A tale of friendship and family, ´Pimpa and the Christmas Surprise´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who is simply longing for a short and sweet adventure! Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity. Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies. Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI. Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.
38.99 kr. Grab your nearest life jacket and prepare yourself for another fun adventure filled with friends, canoes, and silly animals! When Pimpa is suddenly awoken by a toucan called Zizi, who has accidentally travelled all the way from the Amazon rainforest, she decides to help him return home.With some help from Wanda the wave, Pimpa manages to take Zizi back to the rainforest. Here, she meets a bunch of unusual animals with even more unusual names.´Pimpa Goes to the Rainforest´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who would like to join the friendly, red-spotted dog on a thrilling adventure!Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity. Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies. Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI. Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.
From 38.99 kr. In this exciting story, listeners young and old can finally find out the answer to their question – where did Pimpa come from, and how did she meet Armando?It’s a beautiful, sunny day. Armando goes to the woods to pick some strawberries, where he spots something unusual in the bushes – a red-spotted dog called Pimpa! Armando takes her to his house, where she discovers lots of new things and makes friends with the alarm clock, the kitchen chair, and the fridge... And Pimpa’s adventures begin!A tale of friendship and new beginnings, ´Here Comes Pimpa´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who would like to join the famous, red-spotted dog on a thrilling adventure!Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity. Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies. Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI. Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.
38.99 kr. When did elephants become so hairy? Prepare your time machine and travel back in time with Pimpa in this fun adventure where she makes friends with a mammoth in a painting at the local museum. When the mammoth invites her into his frame, Pimpa takes an exciting journey into prehistory, where she meets Pippa, a little red-spotted dinosaur...A tale filled with friendship and lots of honey, ´Pimpa and Pippa´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who is simply longing for a short but thrilling adventure that predates history!Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity. Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies. Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI. Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.
38.99 kr. Donnie has lost his hat! That’s why his mum calls her scatter-brained son a "daydreamer". But with Pimpa’s help and some plasticine and crayons, the problem will surely be solved! ´Pimpa and the Daydreaming Mushroom´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who would like to join the famous, red-spotted dog on a thrilling adventure!Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity. Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies. Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI. Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.
38.99 kr. Put on some sunscreen and join Pimpa on an entertaining adventure filled with colourful fishes and sandy beaches! After waking from a nap in a boat, Pimpa realises that she has drifted far away from the shore. Luckily, Pimpa meets Timmy the flying fish who is eager to help. By virtue of his ability to fly, Timmy helps Pimpa try to attract Armando’s attention and get safely back to dry land.An exciting tale of friendship, ´Pimpa and Timmy the Fish´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who is simply longing for a fun and sunny adventure!Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity. Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies. Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI. Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.
38.99 kr. It’s the Christmas holidays at last, and Pimpa and Armando are ready for another adventure!The sun is shining and Pimpa decides to go for a walk in the snowy woods, where she meets Max the snowman. Max has a cold head, so Pimpa lends him Armando’s hat. But a sudden gust of wind blows it away... Join Pimpa and Max as they try to get the hat back. But don't worry - Max might have a few tricks up his sleeves to make things a lot easier. A wintery tale with a hint of magic, ´Pimpa and Max the Snowman´ is perfect for early readers, and anyone who would like to join the friendly, red-spotted dog on a thrilling adventure!Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity. Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies. Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI. Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.
From 38.99 kr. An exciting adventure awaits Pimpa, or rather, lots of small adventures in one big story!When Pimpa convinces Armando to take her on a trip, she finds out that there’s a whole world waiting to be explored! With a bit of help from Nino the penguin, Rosa the cat, and Fritz the eagle, their adventure is destined for greatness. So grab your backpack and your favourite snack, and join Pimpa and Armando as they go on a trip that is full of fun, quirky surprises, and new discoveries. A tale of friendship and exploration, ´Pimpa and Armando go on an adventure´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who would like to join the famous, red-spotted dog on a thrilling adventure!Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity. Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies. Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI. Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.
From 38.99 kr. Put on your nicest party clothes and prepare yourself for yet another Pimpa-adventure! This time, the friendly, red-spotted dog takes listeners both young and old on a journey across seas, deserts, and forests, in search of Africa. When Pimpa gets a letter inviting her to the birthday party of her three friends – Leo, Horace, and Carla the crocodile - she quickly runs out the door. With help from a train, the sun, and the wind, Pimpa is guided to Africa in time for celebrating her friends' birthday party. An exciting story filled with friendly encounters and exploration, ´Pimpa Goes to Africa´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who would like to join the famous, red-spotted dog on a thrilling adventure!Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity. Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies. Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI. Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.
38.99 kr. Grab your warmest blanket, fetch yourself a nice cup of hot chocolate, and join Pimpa on this cold adventure! It’s winter, and Pimpa walks with Armando to work. But when it starts snowing heavily, she can’t seem to find her way home. Luckily, she meets Molly the mole.While she can’t see very well, Molly has an excellent sense of smell and a knack for making tomatoes. Through underground tunnels, stairs, and plant pots, Pimpa slowly inches her way back home.A cosy and wintery tale, ´Pimpa and Molly the Mole´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who would like to join the friendly, red-spotted dog on a thrilling adventure!Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity. Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies. Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI. Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.
38.99 kr. When a mother hen’s eggs hatch, something is not what it seems like... there’s a duckling among the chicks!Grab your nearest buddy and join Pimpa on yet another adventure, when she tries to help Andy the duckling find his mum. But it will not be easy, as the ducks have already left for Africa. Luckily, the red-spotted dog finds a kind cloud, who gives Pimpa and her new friend a ride. Thanks to the cloud, Andy the duckling is one step closer to being reunited with his family!A tale with a premise similar to that of Hans Christian Andersen's ´The Ugly Duckling´, ´Pimpa and Andy the Duckling´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who is simply longing for an exciting adventure!Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity. Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies. Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI. Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.
38.99 kr. Prepare yourself for yet another Pimpa-adventure! This time, the friendly, red-spotted dog travels abroad and meets a bunch of new friends along the way. Pimpa stumbles upon Jian-Jin, a Pekinese dog, who invites her to visit China on board a flying junk. When she arrives, she is met by Baobao, a friendly panda who takes her on an adventure in the land of dragons. Alongside her other new friends, like Tu the rabbit and Ma the horse, Pimpa is introduced to amazing traditions and places. Together, they cross the Yellow River and the Great Wall to get to a special tree, where Mao the cat is waiting for them...A tale filled with exploration, ´Pimpa Goes to China´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who would like to join the famous, red-spotted dog on a thrilling adventure!Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity. Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies. Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI. Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.
38.99 kr. Did someone say double trouble? Pimpa meets another Pimpa in the bathroom mirror. As the two get to know each other, they realise that they are quite different - they don’t like any of the same games, food or sports! The only thing that the two Pimpas have in common is their love of drawing on the walls of Armando’s house. But Armando isn’t so keen...´Pimpa and the Other Pimpa´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who would like to join the friendly, red-spotted dog on a thrilling adventure!Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity. Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies. Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI. Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.
59.99 kr. Discover a range of Pimpa audiobooks in this special collection!Pimpa, Armando, and all of their animal friends are ready to dive into a world of unforgettable adventures.From trips to China and Africa, rides on soft clouds, mysteries to be solved, and museum visits, the Pimpa stories will amuse you, enchant you, and take you on a journey through your imagination!´La Pimpa - Storytime Collection´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who would like to join the friendly, red-spotted dog on a bunch of thrilling adventures!Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity.Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies.Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI.Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.
- Audiobook
- 59.99 kr.
49.00 kr. En skøn billedbog om bjørnen Paddington baseret på et afsnit af den populære tv-serieJonathan har fået en ny, flot heliumballon, som har form som en dinosaur. Men da Paddington skal holde den, kommer han desværre til at give slip på den, og ballonen flyver væk.Nu må Paddington på jagt efter den. På sin vej kommer han forbi nogle af de største seværdigheder i London. Men vil det lykkes Paddington at finde ballonen?Fra ca. 3 årI samme serie:Paddingtons pligter
- Ebook
- 49.00 kr.
49.00 kr. En skøn billedbog om bjørnen Paddington baseret på et afsnit af den populære tv-seriePaddington opdager, at alle medlemmer af Brown-familien har en liste med pligter, som de er ansvarlige for rundt om i huset. Sådan en liste vil han også have, for han vil jo så gerne hjælpe.Men da han ved en fejl får fat i en forkert liste, bryder kaos løs!Fra ca. 3 årI samme serie:Den store ballonjagt
- Ebook
- 49.00 kr.
12.99 kr. Tygrysek robi wielką imprezę, bo ma urodziny! Zaprosił wszystkich. Ale niełatwo przygotować przyjęcie, żeby było niezapomniane. A ponieważ każdy ma kiedyś urodziny, jest to książka dla każdego, bo zawiera wiele ciekawych pomysłów na imprezowanie.Janosch urodził się w 1931 roku w Zabrzu. Jest autorem ponad 100 książek dla dzieci, książek ilustrowanych i powieści, twórcą fabuł i postaci, czyli dumnym ojcem Tygrysa, Misia i Spółki. Za książkę pod tytułem „Ach, jaka piękna jest Panama!" otrzymał Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis – niemiecką nagrodę państwową w dziedzinie literatury dziecięcej i młodzieżowej. Janosch mieszka na bezludnej wyspie między słońcem a morzem...
36.99 kr. Mach dich bereit für ein weiteres Abenteuer mit Pimpa! Diesmal reist die freundliche, rotgefleckte Hündin ins Ausland und lernt auf ihrem Weg eine Reihe neuer Freunde kennen.Pimpa trifft auf Jian-Jin, einen Pekinesen, der sie einlädt, China an Bord einer fliegenden Dschunke zu besuchen. Als sie dort ankommt, wird sie von Baobao, einem freundlichen Panda, empfangen, der sie auf ein Abenteuer im Land der Drachen mitnimmt.Zusammen mit ihren anderen neuen Freunden, wie Tu dem Hasen und Ma dem Pferd, lernt Pimpa erstaunliche Traditionen und Orte kennen. Gemeinsam überqueren sie den Gelben Fluss und die Große Mauer, um zu einem besonderen Baum zu gelangen, wo Mao, die Katze, auf sie wartet ..."Pimpa reist nach China" ist eine Geschichte voller Entdeckungen und eignet sich perfekt für Leseanfänger und alle, die den berühmten rotgefleckten Hund auf ein spannendes Abenteuer begleiten möchten!Pimpa ist ein fröhlicher, gepunkteter, rot-weißer Hund. Zusammen mit ihrem Freund Armando, einem Herrn mit Zylinder und Schnauzbart, erlebt sie eine Reihe bunter Abenteuer. Von einer wundersamen Reise nach China bis hin zu einem ganz besonderen Museumsbesuch – jede Geschichte von Pimpa eröffnet Welten voller Freunde, Fantasie und Neugierde.Der italienische Cartoonist Altan dachte sich Pimpa 1975 als Geschenk für seine Tochter aus. Seitdem wurden mehr als 150 Pimpa-Titel mit insgesamt über 6,5 Millionen verkauften Exemplaren veröffentlicht. In Italien ist Pimpa ein Star und alle Kinder kennen sie. Sogar in mehreren erfolgreichen Zeichentrickserien war Pimpa die Hauptfigur.Jetzt ist sie bereit, neuen Generationen von Kindern eine treue Begleiterin in E-Books und Hörbüchern zu sein!
36.99 kr. Als die Küken aus den Eiern einer Henne schlüpfen, ist etwas nicht so, wie es scheint ... unter den Hühnerküken ist ein Entlein!Begleite Pimpa bei einem neuen Abenteuer und sei dabei, wenn sie versucht, Andy, dem Entlein, zu helfen, seine Mutter zu finden. Aber das ist gar nicht so einfach, denn die Enten sind bereits nach Afrika abgereist.Zum Glück findet Pimpa eine freundliche Wolke, die sie und ihren neuen Freund mitnimmt. Die Geschichte "Pimpa und Andy, das Entlein" ist inspiriert von der Geschichte "Das hässliche Entlein" von Hans Christian Andersen. Sie eignet sich perfekt für Leseanfänger oder alle, die sich einfach nach einem spannenden Abenteuer sehnen!Pimpa ist ein fröhlicher, gepunkteter, rot-weißer Hund. Zusammen mit ihrem Freund Armando, einem Herrn mit Zylinder und Schnauzbart, erlebt sie eine Reihe bunter Abenteuer. Von einer wundersamen Reise nach China bis hin zu einem ganz besonderen Museumsbesuch – jede Geschichte von Pimpa eröffnet Welten voller Freunde, Fantasie und Neugierde.Der italienische Cartoonist Altan dachte sich Pimpa 1975 als Geschenk für seine Tochter aus. Seitdem wurden mehr als 150 Pimpa-Titel mit insgesamt über 6,5 Millionen verkauften Exemplaren veröffentlicht. In Italien ist Pimpa ein Star und alle Kinder kennen sie. Sogar in mehreren erfolgreichen Zeichentrickserien war Pimpa die Hauptfigur.Jetzt ist sie bereit, neuen Generationen von Kindern eine treue Begleiterin in E-Books und Hörbüchern zu sein!
36.99 kr. Ist es ein Vogel? Ist es ein Flugzeug? Nein ... Es ist ein Pferd!Pimpa und Armando liegen in den Bergen im Gras und betrachten die Wolken am blauen Himmel. Die Sonne scheint, und ein weißes Pferd erscheint in den Wolken. Gemeinsam fliegen sie weit weg auf eine einsame Insel. Aber ist das wirklich passiert? Oer hat Armando alles nur geträumt?"Pimpa und das fliegende Pferd" ist perfekt für Leseanfänger und alle, die den freundlichen, rotgefleckten Hund auf ein spannendes Abenteuer begleiten möchten!Pimpa ist ein fröhlicher, gepunkteter, rot-weißer Hund. Zusammen mit ihrem Freund Armando, einem Herrn mit Zylinder und Schnauzbart, erlebt sie eine Reihe bunter Abenteuer. Von einer wundersamen Reise nach China bis hin zu einem ganz besonderen Museumsbesuch – jede Geschichte von Pimpa eröffnet Welten voller Freunde, Fantasie und Neugierde.Der italienische Cartoonist Altan dachte sich Pimpa 1975 als Geschenk für seine Tochter aus. Seitdem wurden mehr als 150 Pimpa-Titel mit insgesamt über 6,5 Millionen verkauften Exemplaren veröffentlicht. In Italien ist Pimpa ein Star und alle Kinder kennen sie. Sogar in mehreren erfolgreichen Zeichentrickserien war Pimpa die Hauptfigur.Jetzt ist sie bereit, neuen Generationen von Kindern eine treue Begleiterin in E-Books und Hörbüchern zu sein!