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  • by Ivy Dad (Beijing) Education Technology Co. & Ltd
    39.99 kr.

    Teach your little one basic greetings in English with ‘Hello and Goodbye’, an English language-learning book in the ‘Hello English’ collection.With colourful illustrations, a useful English keyword list and a simple yet fun story, ‘Hello and Goodbye’ teaches children words such as hello, goodbye, wave - and many more!‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

  • by Ivy Dad (Beijing) Education Technology Co. & Ltd
    39.99 kr.

    Part of the ‘Hello English’ collection of English language learning books for children, ‘The Weather’ is the perfect continuation for children who enjoyed ‘Four Seasons’.A more in-depth exploration of the weather in our world, this picture book is an exciting and colorful story – with a useful English keyword list – that helps children learn words such as sun, cloud, lightning, thunder, and much more!‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

  • by Ivy Dad (Beijing) Education Technology Co. & Ltd
    39.99 kr.

    Let your little one splash in the bubbly bath water and soak up new vocabulary with ‘Bathtime’, an English language-learning book in the ‘Hello English’ collection.With colourful illustrations, a useful English keyword list and a simple yet fun story, ‘Bathtime´ includes words such as water, shower, scrub - and more!‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

  • by Ivy Dad (Beijing) Education Technology Co. & Ltd
    39.99 kr.

    Teach your little one English while exploring the world of sports with ‘Playing Balls’, an English language-learning book in the ‘Hello English’ collection that expands on the vocabulary from ‘Bounce, Bounce’.With colourful illustrations, a useful English keyword list and a simple yet fun story, children will learn words including roll, catch, throw - and many more!‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

  • by Ivy Dad (Beijing) Education Technology Co. & Ltd
    39.99 kr.

    "Toy Vehicles" to książka "Hello English", która pomaga uczyć angielskiego jako drugiego języka. Książka obrazkowa do nauki języka angielskiego "Toy Vehicles" łączy zabawę zabawkami z prostym opowiadaniem historii, aby pomóc maluchom w nauce słów takich jak; samochód, samolot, pociąg, szybko i wolno.Dzięki kolorowym ilustracjom i poręcznej angielskiej liście słów kluczowych, uruchom swoje zabawkowe silniki i wyrusz w podróż do nauki angielskiego ze swoim młodym uczniem.‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

  • by Ivy Dad (Beijing) Education Technology Co. & Ltd
    39.99 kr.

    Children learn a lot about the world through what they touch, so why not encourage them to learn English through the sense of touch and feeling in ‘I Touch’, an English language-learning book!Part of the ‘Hello English’ collection, this colorful picture book can teach children new vocabulary through the different feelings and sensations they will encounter in the world, learning new words such as touch, cold, hot - and more!‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

  • by Ivy Dad (Beijing) Education Technology Co. & Ltd
    39.99 kr.

    ‘Nature’ is an English children’s learning book in the ‘Hello English’ collection, that is a perfect follow-up to ‘In My Little Garden’.With a fun and adventurous story, colourful illustrations, and a handy English keyword list, ‘Nature’ takes children on a hike where they can learn the English words for different aspects of nature - from walking across hills to swimming in lakes and rivers.‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

  • by TThunDer Animation
    39.99 kr.

    Join the Rainbow Chicks in 'Eating Giant Monsters Off’, a colourful story set on Cloud Island. These seven feathered friends - each a different hue of the rainbow - will encourage your little one to think differently about the food they eat.When the chicks encounter what they think is a monster, they learn about how different plants grow, what foods come from these plants, and how sugar is made.Rainbow ChicksThrough 24 heart-warming stories, you experience the growth process of the Rainbow Chicks, by focusing on six EQ themes: emotion management, sense of responsibility, self-confidence, problem-solving ability, social skills and concentration. It guides children to control their emotions, care for others, respect and tolerate others and take initiative to solve problems, so as to make them independent and strong.Seven chicks are living on Cloud Island and it is paradise! Each chick is a colour from the rainbow – say hello to Rainbow Chicks! The stories are based on colourful childlike innocence and teach young readers about friendship, sharing, and teamwork. They help children grow and see the beauty in the world.

  • by Ivy Dad (Beijing) Education Technology Co. & Ltd
    39.99 kr.

    Play with a baby bird and teach your little one English with ‘Bounce, Bounce’, an English language-learning book in the ‘Hello English’ collection.With colourful illustrations, a useful English keyword list and a simple yet fun story, ‘Bounce, Bounce’ will teach your child words such as bounce, up, down, fast, slow - and more!‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

  • by Ivy Dad (Beijing) Education Technology Co. & Ltd
    39.99 kr.

    ‘What’s Your Name?’ is an English language-learning book in the ‘Hello English’ collection that teaches children simple conversational English about nicknames and family relationships.With colourful illustrations, a useful English keyword list and a simple yet fun story, ‘What’s Your Name?’ teaches children new words including mommy, daddy, grandma - and more!‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

  • by Ivy Dad (Beijing) Education Technology Co. & Ltd
    39.99 kr.

    ‘Animals on the Farm’ is an English language learning book in the ‘Hello English’ collection, that will be enjoyed by readers of ‘Animals in the Zoo’.With colourful illustrations, a useful English keyword list and a simple yet fun story, children will learn the English words for typical farm animals as well as words that describe them and the noises that they make; from woolly sheep to cows that moo.‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

  • by Ivy Dad (Beijing) Education Technology Co. & Ltd
    39.99 kr.

    ‘Fruits and Vegetables’ is an English language learning book for children. A gem from the ‘Hello English’ series, this picture book brings colourful fruits and veggies to life and teaches tiny learners how to talk about nutritious foods in English.Featuring colourful illustrations and an easy-to-use English keywords list that helps your tiny learner discover words such as carrot, broccoli, and strawberry, ‘Fruit and Vegetables’ makes learning English easy and fun.‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

  • by Ivy Dad (Beijing) Education Technology Co. & Ltd
    39.99 kr.

    ‘Aroma of Fruits’ is an English language learning book for children. Part of the ‘Hello English’ collection of bilingual books, ‘Aroma of Fruits’ follows on from ‘Fruit and Vegetables’ and explores fruits in more detail.With simple storytelling, colourful illustrations, and a handy use English keywords list, this picture book teaches children how to express their feelings about the smell, taste, and texture of different fruits.‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

  • by Ivy Dad (Beijing) Education Technology Co. & Ltd
    39.99 kr.

    Start a joyful new day and learn new English words related to clothes with ‘Dressing and Changing’, an English language-learning book in the ‘Hello English’ collection.With colourful illustrations, a useful English keyword list and a simple yet fun story, children can learn English words such as dress, shirt, pants, socks - and more!‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

  • by Ivy Dad (Beijing) Education Technology Co. & Ltd
    39.99 kr.

    Tidy up toys and dolls while learning English with ‘Tidy Up’, an English language-learning book in the ‘Hello English’ collection for children.With colourful illustrations, a useful English keyword list and a simple yet fun story, teach your children English words that are related to the everyday activity of tidying up.‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

  • by Ivy Dad (Beijing) Education Technology Co. & Ltd
    39.99 kr.

    Part of the ‘Hello English’ language learning books for children, ‘In My Little Garden’ is an English book that helps children learn new words in English through the concept of a garden.With a simple yet fun story, colourful illustrations and a handy keyword list – that includes words such as garden, plant, seed, and bee – children can learn about all the joys of gardening and nature while expanding their vocabulary.‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

  • by Ivy Dad (Beijing) Education Technology Co. & Ltd
    39.99 kr.

    Play a fun game of ‘Hide-and-Seek’ and learn English words with your little one in this English language-learning children’s book from the ‘Hello English’ collection.With colourful illustrations, a useful English keyword list and a simple yet fun story, ´Hide and Seek´ features words such as play, remember, cheat - and many more!‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

  • by Kasper Hoff
    198.99 kr.

    Det er lørdag morgen. Mor og far drikker kaffe og læser avis. De gider overhovedet ikke lege, og Freja keder sig. Så hører hun en mærkelig lyd udenfor. Flap, flap, flap. Freja åbner hoveddøren, og pludselig er det slet ikke så kedeligt længere … En sjov historie om kedsomhed og leg og lækre pandekager.

  • by Ina Victoria Haller
    178.99 kr.

    I Den store bog om små forskelle følger vi søskendeparret Holger og Alice. De skal med legegruppen hjem og besøge deres kammerater, og de glæder sig! Her opdager de, at selvom vi bor på forskellige måder, ser forskellige ud og kan lide forskellige ting, har vi masser af ting tilfælles ...Bogen indeholder ideer til samtale mellem barn og voksen samt illustrationsforløb, der gør bogen oplagt til dialogisk læsning og arbejde med børns sprogudvilking. På den måde stimulerer man barnets nysgerrighed, så det forholder sig aktivt til bogens indhold sammen med en voksen. For når vi taler om vores forskelligheder med åbenhed og tolerance, hjælper vi også børn med stå ved sig selv og danne et solidt selvværd.Bogen er en opfølger til bestselleren Den lille bog om store følelser.Fra ca. 4 år.I samme serie:Den lille bog om store følelserDen lille bog om store ordDen lille bog om store dage

  • by Altan
    From 59.99 kr.

    Entdecken Sie eine Reihe von Pimpa-Hörbüchern in dieser besonderen Sammlung!Pimpa, Armando und alle ihre tierischen Freunde sind bereit, in eine Welt voller unvergesslicher Abenteuer einzutauchen. Von Reisen nach China und Afrika, Fahrten auf weichen Wolken, Rätseln, die es zu lösen gilt, bis hin zu Museumsbesuchen – die Pimpa-Geschichten werden dich amüsieren, verzaubern und auf eine Reise durch deine Fantasie mitnehmen!© Franco Cosimo Panini Editore Spa © 2021 Francesco Tullio Altan / Quipos Srl (P)2022 Saga EgmontPimpaPimpa ist ein fröhlicher, gepunkteter, rot-weißer Hund. Zusammen mit ihrem Freund Armando, einem Herrn mit Zylinder und Schnauzbart, erlebt sie eine Reihe bunter Abenteuer. Von einer wundersamen Reise nach China bis hin zu einem ganz besonderen Museumsbesuch – jede Geschichte von Pimpa eröffnet Welten voller Freunde, Fantasie und Neugierde.Der italienische Cartoonist Altan dachte sich Pimpa 1975 als Geschenk für seine Tochter aus. Seitdem wurden mehr als 150 Pimpa-Titel mit insgesamt über 6,5 Millionen verkauften Exemplaren veröffentlicht. In Italien ist Pimpa ein Star und alle Kinder kennen sie. Sogar in mehreren erfolgreichen Zeichentrickserien war Pimpa die Hauptfigur.Jetzt ist sie bereit, neuen Generationen von Kindern eine treue Begleiterin in E-Books und Hörbüchern zu sein!

  • by Jakob Agermose
    198.99 kr.

    Williams mor graver et hul i køkkenhaven, der er så dybt, at hun forsvinder. Så må far ud og hive hende op igen. Næste morgen vågner Williams far med et hoppende ben. ”Det skal bare løbes væk”, siger han og forsvinder ud ad hoveddøren. Tilbage sidder William med hunden Pølse og en mor, der er gået i stå. Men så får William en idé.En historie om at have en mor, som ikke kan være der, og en far, som ikke tør være der.Fra 6 år

  • by Marianne Iben Hansen
    98.99 kr.

    Læs rimet - se tegningen - gæt følelsenJeg smiler hele tiden,ved ikke over hvad.Der’ bare solskin indeni,fordi jeg er så … Hvilken følelse rimer? Og hvad siger ansigtsudtrykket? Op ned glad ked er16 små rim om følelser i et børneliv. Hvordan er det at mærke på en pakke? At vågne af en farlig drøm? At få en ny baby i huset eller at putte sig hos mormor?En billedbog, som med rim, illustrationer og gætteleg lader børn og voksne udforske et bredt spektrum af følelser og lægger op til en snak ud fra barnets egne erfaringer. Marianne Iben Hansen kan noget helt særligt, når det kommer til rim og remser. Igennem sin leg med sproget formår hun at udfolde det alvorlige med lethed, så barnet får lyst til at lege med. Illustrator Charlotte Pardi er fantastisk til at udtrykke stemning og følelser i sine tegninger.Sammen har de to skabt en interaktiv og legende billedbog, som giver børnene mulighed for at blive lidt klogere på sig selv og hinanden.

  • by Lone Halkjær
    38.99 kr.

    Lix: 6Let: 12Det store monster brøler højt.Wrraa!Ilden æder løs.Den vokser sig større.Ninja-Mik må gøre noget.Når Mik keder sig, bliver han til Ninja-Mik. Og Ninja-Mik klarer alt. Med en tang som våben kæmper han mod en ny fjende.

  • by Lone Halkjær
    38.99 kr.

    Lix: 6Let: 15Ninja-Mik gør klar til angreb.Han vil befri Emil.Klonk!Et hårdt spark rammer plet.Mumien bliver ramt på benet.Når Mik keder sig, bliver han til Ninja-Mik. Og Ninja-Mik klarer alt. Ninja-Mik kæmper mod en farlig mumie. Han vil gøre alt for at befri sin bedste ven.

  • by Jørgen Stamp
    198.99 kr.

    Hunden Louis har en rigtig øv-dag! Loui har sovet dårligt og træder på en klods på vej ud af sengen. Alt er dumt, og Loui gider ingenting! Men Louis gode ven, katten Mo, vil virkelig gerne lege og er fuld af krudt. Mo har alle mulige gode ideer til leg, men pludselig sidder Mo fast i et træ ...Loui har en øv-dag er en historie om at have en dårlig dag og alle de følelser, der følger med. Bogen hjælper børn med at sætte ord på deres følelser, også de svære, som kan være konfliktfyldte at være i og tale om.Fra ca. 2 år.I samme serie:Loui er mørkeræd

  • by Jørgen Stamp
    198.99 kr.

    Det er sovetid, og hunden Loui skal i seng. Loui opdager, at sovedyret Eddie er blevet glemt ude i haven, og nu er det buldermørkt udenfor! Heldigvis vil Louis gode ven, katten Mo, gerne hjælpe. Og sammen tør de godt gå ud i mørket – i hvert fald så længe lommelygten virker ...Loui er mørkeræd er en historie om at være bange. Bogen hjælper børn med at sætte ord på deres følelser, også de svære, som kan være konfliktfyldte at være i og tale om.Fra ca. 2 år.I samme serie:Loui har en øv-dag

  • by Sukanya Sinha & Hari Kumar Nair
    37.99 kr.

    Een steen en een veer. Welke is zwaar? Het is de steen, natuurlijk. Maar wat als je de steen vergelijkt met een olifant? Dan is de olifant zwaar en de steen licht! Maar de steen was daarnet zwaar? Misschien moeten we het zo zien: de steen is zwaar, maar de olifant is zwaarder. Veel, veel zwaarder in feite!"Hoe zwaar is zwaar?" legt kinderen op een leuke en leerzame manier uit hoe je gewicht kunt meten."Hoe zwaar is zwaar" is oorspronkelijk gepubliceerd door Pratham Books op het online platform StoryWeaver. Verschillende van de verhalen zijn geschreven door Indiase auteurs en spelen zich af aan de andere kant van de wereld. De verhalen verkennen met name spannende onderwerpen zoals wetenschappelijke ontdekkingen en hoe we voor elkaar en onze planeet kunnen zorgen.

  • by Alisha Sadikot & Shreyas R Krishnan
    37.99 kr.

    Wat hebben de 19e-eeuwse Engelse wiskundige Ada Lovelace, de new-age modeontwerpster Anouk Wipprecht en de huidige digitale minister van Taiwan Audrey Tang met elkaar gemeen? Ze hebben allemaal invloed gehad op de manier waarop we tegen computers en coderen aankijken. Dit boek introduceert een aantal inspirerende vrouwen uit de wereld van de technologie, over de tijdspanne van meer dan een eeuw!"Cracking the Code: Women Who Have Changed the Way We Look at Computers" is oorspronkelijk gepubliceerd door Pratham Books op het online platform StoryWeaver. Verschillende van de verhalen zijn geschreven door Indiase auteurs en spelen zich af aan de andere kant van de wereld. De verhalen gaan met name over spannende onderwerpen zoals wetenschappelijke ontdekkingen en hoe we voor elkaar en onze planeet kunnen zorgen.

  • by Mattel
    40.99 kr.

    Il y a toujours une aventure amusante qui attend Thomas et ses amis !Retrouvez trois histoires de votre petit train préféré dans cette collection de livres tirés de la nouvelle série Tous En Avant !Dans la première histoire, deux équipes de trains s’enfoncent au plus profond de la mine en quête d’un fabuleux trésor. Dans la deuxième histoire, Thomas et Percy rencontrent bien des difficultés pour livrer dix vaches facétieuses à la ferme de monsieur McColl, et dans la dernière histoire, les locomotives organisent leur propre concert à l’aide d’instruments improvisés.Et maintenant, place à la vapeur et à la vitesse – TCHOU-TCHOU, tous en avant !Thomas et ses amis et les marques associées sont la propriété de Mattel et sont utilisées sous licence par Mattel Europa. © 2023 Mattel© 2023 Gullane (Thomas) Limited. © 2023 HIT Entertainment Limited.Thomas et ses amisDepuis 1984, les histoires de la petite locomotive bleue et ses aventures sur l’île de Chicalor ravissent les enfants du monde entier et ont conquis le cœur de leurs parents. Thomas et ses amis ont trouvé leur place sur les chemins de fer, dans les bibliothèques et dans les chambres de nombreux enfants. Embarquez pour des aventures passionnantes aux côtés de Thomas, le petit train bleu, Gordon, James, Cranky, Diesel, Dexter, Henry et toutes les autres locomotives de l’île de Chicalor ! Tchou, Tchou ! Tous à bord !Thomas et ses amis™ est une série d’animation britannique créée par Britt Allcroft, inspirée de la collection The Railway Series écrite par Wilbert Vere Awdry. Retrouvez Thomas et ses amis sur Netflix et YouTube, et désormais, aussi en format e-book et livre audio.

  • by Mattel
    40.99 kr.

    Il y a toujours une aventure amusante qui attend Thomas et ses amis !Retrouvez trois histoires de votre petit train préféré dans cette collection de livres tirés de la nouvelle série Tous En Avant !Dans la première histoire, nos locomotives favorites sont entrainées dans une véritable course contre la montre pour livrer une fusée à temps pour le décollage. La deuxième histoire contraint Thomas à rester silencieux une journée complète afin d’éviter à Annie et Clarabel de se réveiller de mauvaise humeur. Dans la troisième histoire, Thomas envoie par inadvertance l’énorme dragon de la foire… dans les airs !Et maintenant, place à la vapeur et à la vitesse – TCHOU-TCHOU, tous en avant !Thomas et ses amis et les marques associées sont la propriété de Mattel et sont utilisées sous licence par Mattel Europa. © 2023 Mattel© 2023 Gullane (Thomas) Limited. © 2023 HIT Entertainment Limited.Thomas et ses amisDepuis 1984, les histoires de la petite locomotive bleue et ses aventures sur l’île de Chicalor ravissent les enfants du monde entier et ont conquis le cœur de leurs parents. Thomas et ses amis ont trouvé leur place sur les chemins de fer, dans les bibliothèques et dans les chambres de nombreux enfants.Embarquez pour des aventures passionnantes aux côtés de Thomas, le petit train bleu, Gordon, James, Cranky, Diesel, Dexter, Henry et toutes les autres locomotives de l’île de Chicalor ! Tchou, Tchou ! Tous à bord !Thomas et ses amis™ est une série d’animation britannique créée par Britt Allcroft, inspirée de la collection The Railway Series écrite par Wilbert Vere Awdry. Retrouvez Thomas et ses amis sur Netflix et YouTube, et désormais, aussi en format e-book et livre audio.