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  • by Charles Perrault
    42.99 kr.

    Donkeyskin (French: Peau d'Âne) is a French literary fairytale written in verse by Charles Perrault.A king had a beautiful wife and a rich castle, including a marvelous donkey whose droppings were gold. One day his wife died, after making him promise not to marry except to a woman whose beauty and attributes equaled hers. The king grieved, but was, in time, persuaded to seek another wife. It became clear that the only woman who would fit the promise was his own daughter. She went to her fairy godmother who advised her to make impossible demands as a condition of her consent: a dress the color of the sky, a dress the color of the moon, a dress as bright as the sun, and finally, the hide of his marvelous donkey. Such was the king's desire to marry her that he granted all of them. The fairy godmother gave her a marvelous chest to contain all she owned and told her that the donkeyskin would make an excellent disguise. The princess fled and eventually found a royal farm where they let her work in the kitchen, despite her ugliness in the donkeyskin. On feast days, she would dress herself in the fine gowns her father had given her, and one such day, the prince came by her room and peeped through the keyhole. He fell in love at once, fell ill with his longing, and declared that nothing would cure him but a cake baked by Donkeyskin, and nothing they could say of what a dirty creature she was dissuaded him...

  • by Joseph Jacobs
    42.99 kr.

    The Celtic folk tales collected by the leading British folklorist Joseph Jacobs (1854–1916) introduced the children of the world to the special vision and color, the unique magic of the Celtic folk imagination. Here are three stories from this timeless masterpiece, presenting the most colorful characters of it all: King O'Toole and his goose, The Haughty Princess, Jack and his Master.

  • by Geoffrey Chaucer
    42.99 kr.

    Geoffrey Chaucer, born about 1340, was the first great English poet. The immense popularity of the Canterbury Tales is shown by the number of manuscript copies still in existence. It was one of the first books printed in England. The vividness with which the author describes scenes and events and people, as if he had them before his eyes, is one of his greatest charms as a writer. Those who know him best place him second only to Shakespeare as a writer of delightful English. The spelling of Chaucer's time differs so much from ours that the difficulty of reading it discourages a great many people. The few stories here given are retold in the language of to-day: The Old Woman and the Knight; Death and the Three Revellers; Patient Griselda.

  • by Hans Christian Andersen, Charles Perrault & Brothers Grimm
    59.99 kr.

    Classic fairy tales and stories are an essential part of children's development. This collection brings together rare fairy tales, stories, myths and legends, to feed the intelligence and imagination of children in their years of development. This compilation includes folk tales, classic tales by Charles Perrault and Hans Christian Andersen, and stories from the Arabian Nights, narrated in a warm and lively way: Donkey Skin; Riquet with the Tuft; the Ridiculous Wishes, by Charles Perrault; The Three Sillies; The Little Shepherd Boy; The Three Bears; The Elves and the Shoe Maker, by Andersen; The Red Shoes, by Andersen; Urashimataro and the Turtle, a classic Japanese legend; The Jellyfish and the Monkey, an ancient Japanese tale; The Maiden who loved a fish, an American Indian story; the Emperor's New Clothes, by Andersen; and the Surprizing Adventures of Baron Münchausen.

  • by James Gardner
    42.99 kr.

    Here is a collection of the most beloved English poems, from century-old anonymous nursery rhymes to delightful texts from Edward Lear to Lewis Carroll and Robert Stevenson. Rediscover the classics that have been passed from parents to children for generations: The Owl and the Pussy-Cat, Kindness to Animals, How doth the little busy bee, Twinkle twinkle little star, and 20 more timeless jewels, read by Katie Haigh.

  • by J. M. Gardner
    42.99 kr.

    Discover the endless fascination of Japanese culture with seven ancient tales, selected for you for their power of evocation, wisdom and humor. Not unlike the western folk tales compiled by the Brothers Grimm, these stories faithfully preserve the spirit of medieval Japan, while rendered in a translation accessible to all ages. Here is a wonderful collection of short stories: The Battle of the Monkey and the Crab; The Jellyfish and the Monkey; Momotaro, or Little Peachling; Urashimataro and the Turtle; The Tongue-cut Sparrow; The Vision of Tsunu; The Old man and the Devils. These fairy tales and legends of old are a window into the Japanese imagination; this unusual travel through space and time will delight children and adults alike.

  • by James Gardner
    42.99 kr.

    Fanciful stories is a collection of folk-tales, fairy tales and delightful poetry to encourage children to dream and connect their imagination with the tales of old. Learn about the mystery of the house-elves, dance with the fairies and breathe the air of the legendary forests with these fantastic short stories for children. The collection: White Magic; The Brownies, by Juliana Horatia Ewing; The Story of Peter Pan; Sir Lark and King Sun, by George MacDonald; The Imps in the heavenly meadow, by Kate E. Bunce; The birthday honors of the Fairy Queen, by Hapgood Moore.

  • by James Gardner
    42.99 kr.

    King Kojata is a Slavonic fairy tale. A king and a queen had no children. One day, the king was travelling and grew thirsty. He found a spring with a cup floating in it. Trying to grab the cup did not succeed; it always evaded his hands. When he dropped to drink directly, a creature in the well grabbed his beard and would not free him until he promised to give it something he knew nothing about, and which he would find on his return home. As for the Story of King Frost: A daughter-in-law is left to die by her father, because of the wickedness of his new wife. She meets the King of Frost, who makes her colder, and colder, to see whether she can sustain it...

  • by Charles Perrault
    38.99 kr.

    Blue beard (French: La Barbe bleue) is a very famous classic fairy tale written by Charles Perrault. Bluebeard is a wealthy aristocrat, feared and shunned because of his ugly, blue beard. He has been married several times, but no one knows what became of his wives. He is therefore avoided by the local girls. When Bluebeard visits one of his neighbours and asks to marry one of his two daughters, the girls are terrified, and each tries to pass him on to the other. Eventually he talks the younger daughter into visiting him, and after hosting a wonderful banquet, he persuades her to marry him. After the ceremony, she goes to live with him in his castle. Very shortly after, Bluebeard announces that he must leave the country for a while; he gives all the keys of the château to his new wife, telling her they open the doors to rooms which contain his treasures. He tells her to use the keys freely and enjoy herself whilst he is away. However, he also gives her the key to one small room beneath the castle, stressing to her that she must not enter this room under any circumstances. She vows she will never enter the room. He then goes away and leaves the house in her hands. Immediately, she is overcome with the desire to see what the forbidden room holds; and, despite warnings from her visiting sister, Anne, the girl abandons her guests during a house party and takes the key to the room...

  • by James Gardner
    42.99 kr.

    Here is a collection of ancient Chinese folk stories. These tales for children are as wise as they are humorous, and will be a delightful introduction to Chinese culture for children and adults alike. "The Most Frugal of Men" is a funny story about masters of frugality outperforming each other; "The Moon-Cake" about the dangers of asking for a cake that would resemble the moon; "The Ladle that fell from the Moon" tells about the witty attempt to confound an elderly scammer; "The Young Head of the Family" tells about a father being outwitted by his daughter-in-law, and "A dreadful boar" tells how a poor old woman could defend herself of an elf that met her in the form of a wild Boar, threatening to devour her granddaughter.

  • by Brothers Grimm
    38.99 kr.

    Rapunzel is a well-known fairy tale of German origin, recorded by the Brothers Grimm. A lonely couple, who want a child, lived next to a walled garden belonging to an evil witch named Dame Gothel. The wife, experiencing the cravings associated with the arrival of her long-awaited pregnancy, notices a rapunzel plant (or, in most translated-to-English versions[9] of the story, rampion), growing in the garden and longs for it, desperate to the point of death. One night, her husband breaks into the garden to get some for her. She makes a salad out of it and greedily eats it. It tastes so good that she longs for more. So her husband goes to get some for her a second time. As he scales the wall to return home, Dame Gothel catches him and accuses him of theft. He begs for mercy, and she agrees to be lenient, and allows him to take all he wants, on condition that the baby be given to her at birth.

  • by Various
    40.99 kr.

    Un petit garçon, Pierre, discute avec le commandant d'un avion. Ensemble, ils retracent l'histoire depuis le premier vol d'un aéroplane pendant douze secondes lors desquelles il a parcouru vingt-cinq mètres, pour finalement arriver à dépasser le mur du son ! Une petite leçon d'histoire passionnante, dans laquelle on peut écouter des scènes historiques rejouées, pour vivre plus intensément ces avancées historiques.

  • by Hans Christian Andersen, Charles Perrault & Brothers Grimm
    59.99 kr.

    We have collected for you the best fables and fairy tales ever written. This collection begins with tales from Hans Christian Andersen and Charles Perrault, two absolute masters of the genre, whose stories have been universally read ever since: Beauty and the Beast, Cinderilla, The Fairies, and Hansel and Gretel. As for the fables, Jean de la Fontaine is the most famous French fabulist ever; he was recognized as one of the foremost men of letters of France, and his Fables are still learned by every child as an essential part of moral culture. Rendered in elegant translation, enjoy the most famous fables of La Fontaine, along with lesser-known but most interesting ones. Here is a list of our compilation: The City rat and the Country rat; the Frog that wished to be as big as the ox; the Council held by the Rats; the Raven and the Fox; the Dog and the Cat; the Two mules; the Wolf and the Dog, the Swallow and the little birds; the Cat and the Thrush; the Wolf and the Lamb; the Dragon with many heads; The eagle and the beetle; the Lion and the Rat; the Lion grown old; The little Fish and the Fisher; The Lion going to War; the Sick Lion and the Fox.

  • by Jonathan Swift
    42.99 kr.

    Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift is a wild series of adventures widely acclaimed as "universally read" and highly influential. After a shipwreck, an Englishman discovers new, strange lands, and learns of the customs and governments of their inhabitants. This is an opportunity both for absurd humor and political satire, and the story of Lilliput may be the best example of Swift's imagination and wit. Gulliver finds himself a prisoner of a race of tiny people, the Lilliputians; they are no more than 6 inches tall, and he appears a giant to them. Soon afterwards, the spectacular giant becomes a favorite of the court, and is given a good view of the politics of the kingdom. Discover the most famous of Gulliver's travels, train your critical mind and choose your side between Big Endians and Little Endians, for a journey of adventures and laughter, narrated by one of the best storytellers.

  • by Alexandre Dumas
    58.99 kr.

    Au début du règne de Louis XVIII, en 1814, Edmond Dantès, marin, employé sur le bateau "Le Pharaon" est accusé à tort de bonapartisme et enfermé dans le Château d'If, au large de Marseille, alors qu'il allait épouser sa fiancée Mercédès. Après quatorze années d'emprisonnement injuste, il réussit à s'échapper et s'empare du trésor de l'île de Monte-Cristo, dont l'emplacement lui a été révélé par un compagnon de captivité, l'abbé Faria. Devenu riche et puissant, il entreprend, sous le nom de comte de Monte-Cristo, de se venger, implacable et méthodique, de ceux qui l'ont accusé ou ont bénéficié directement de son incarcération pour s'élever dans la société. Ce roman historique sur l'obsession de se venger captive petits et grands depuis plus de 160 ans. Ce livre est l'œuvre la plus connue et la plus fascinante d'Alexandre Dumas.

  • by Robert Southey
    38.99 kr.

    "Goldilocks and the three bears" is a family-friendly variation of an old tale in which a woman enter the house of three bears, eats their food, sits on their chair, and sleeps in their bed. This very old nursery tale is one of the most popular stories in the English language. It suggests the importance of respecting property and the consequences of just 'trying out' things that do not belong to you. As such, it will spark important interrogations from children: was Goldilocks right to come into the house? Were the bears really scary, or just helpless victims? What would have been the best thing to do? The story of Goldilocks will inspire children, teach them valuable lessons, ignite their imagination and help them develop in an insightful and healthy way. Enjoy the warm and lively narration on this audiobook, while you share with your children this essential part of our culture.

  • by Various
    40.99 kr.

    Les Mille et Une Nuits est un recueil anonyme de contes populaires en arabe, d'origine persane et indienne. Il est constitué de nombreux contes enchâssés et de personnages mis en miroir les uns par rapport aux autres. Ce livre audio contient les contes suivants : Le Tapis volant ; Le prince Ahmed et la fée Pari Banou. Le tapis volant est le véhicule le plus célèbre des Mille et Une Nuits, mais ce n'est pourtant pas le plus courant. On le rencontre dans certaines versions d'Aladdin ou du Prince Ahmed.

  • by Paul Tripp
    40.99 kr.

    Un orchestre s'amuse à imiter les animaux : l'éléphant et sa peur des souris, le lion et le tigre affamé, en passant par l'hippopotame que rien ne peut réveiller... Et puis l'histoire commence avec Joe le singe, alors que le zoo arrive dans la ville...Un bien joli conte pour enfant, parfait pour rêver et s'amuser !

  • by Various
    40.99 kr.

    De charmantes chansons traditionnelles pour la joie de toute la famille : Zim zim carillon, Un berger dans un pré, C'est demain dimanche, Petrouchka, Un deux trois j'irai dans les bois, Entre les deux, Un petit cochon, Dodo, Poule, Le petit roi d'Angleterre.

  • by Hans Christian Andersen, Frères Grimm & Charles Perrault
    58.99 kr.

    Retrouvez les plus beaux contes et les plus belles histoires pour enfants ! Ces merveilleux contes qui font rire, qui font peur et qui font rêver les enfants, filles ou garçons depuis des générations entières, sont réunis içi dans une très belle collection thématique. Les contes permettent un apprentissage moral et ludique pour les enfants, au travers de personnages auxquels ils peuvent s'identifier. Dans ce titre, vous retrouverez les histoires suivantes : Cendrillon, Blanche neige, la malle volante, la belle et la bête, La belle au bois dormant, La petite fille aux allumettes, la bergère et le ramoneur, La fée du sureau, la cigale et la fourmi, les 3 petits cochons, le chêne et le roseau, la petite sirène, et plusieurs chansons : le petit roi d'Angleterre, j'ai des pommes à vendre, La boulangère a des écus, la légende de Saint Nicolas, Le roi Dagobert, Zim zim carillon, c'est demain dimanche, un berger dans le pré, Petrouchka, Allons Bergère, Dodo, Un petit cochon, etc

  • by Hans Christian Andersen, Charles Perrault & Brothers Grimm
    59.99 kr.

    If children's tales are sometimes a little scary, it is because children need imagery to conjure and get rid of their fears in a symbolic, healthy way. Stories are all the more pleasurable if they add an element of horror; children are fascinated, as horror stories provide a healthy way of taking into account intense emotions and making sense of them. This compilation includes folk tales, classic tales by Charles Perrault and Hans Christian Andersen, and stories from the Arabian Nights. These stories all have in common the fact that they impress children in a healthy way, igniting the imagination and bringing healing emotions into light; but still, they are suitable for the youngest children, as their teachings are always brought up in a symbolic way. This audiobook presents you with the most famous and inspiring stories, narrated in a warm and lively way: Bluebeard, Jack the Giant Killer, The Three Little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, Snowdrop and the Seven Dwarves, Donkeyskin, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Match Seller, The Wolf and the Fox, The Frog Prince, and Hansel and Gretel.

  • by Jules Michelet
    58.99 kr.

    L'ordre du Temple était un ordre religieux et militaire issu de la chevalerie chrétienne du Moyen Âge, ses membres étaient appelés les Templiers. Cet ordre fut créé en 1129, et œuvra à l'accompagnement et à la protection des pèlerins pour Jérusalem dans le contexte de la guerre sainte et des croisades. Il participa activement aux batailles. Il constitua à travers l'Europe un réseau de monastères appelés commanderies. L'ordre fut un interlocuteur financier privilégié des puissances de l'époque, prêtant de l'argent à certains rois ou ayant la garde de trésors royaux. Après la perte définitive de la Terre sainte en 1291, l'ordre fut victime de la lutte entre la papauté et le roi de France, Philippe le Bel. Il fut dissout par le roi de France et le pape Clément V en 1312 à la suite d'un procès en hérésie. La fin tragique de l'ordre mena à nombre de spéculations et de légendes sur son compte. Le dernier grand maître de l'ordre, Jacques de Molay, fut brûlé vif en 1314. Avant de mourir, il prononça une malédiction à l'intention de ceux qui causèrent sa perte : "Dieu sait qui a tort et a péché, et le malheur s'abattra bientôt sur ceux qui nous condamnent à tort. Dieu vengera notre mort. Seigneur sachez que, en vérité, tous ceux qui nous sont contraires par nous auront à souffrir ". Dans les 8 mois qui suivirent, le pape et le roi de France moururent tous les deux brutalement...

  • by Hans Christian Andersen, Charles Perrault & Brothers Grimm
    59.99 kr.

    We have collected for you the best folktales ever written, from medieval English stories to the French fairy tales of Charles Perrault and the elegant Danish stories by Hans Christian Andersen. Enjoy these timeless gems, which had been handed down for centuries before being collected in writing, and shared for their wit, inventiveness and educational value. The Three Sillies, Thom Thumb, The Three Little Pigs, The Snow Man, The Fox and the Cat, Teeny Tiny, The Story of Pretty Goldilocks, The Little Shepherd Boy, The Mouse and the Sausage, The Sweet Soup, The Three Brothers, Bluebeard, The Ugly Duckling, The Wolf and the Fox, and the Story of Caliph Stork.

  • by Anonyme
    40.99 kr.

    "Alì Babà e i quaranta ladroni" è una storia di origine persiana, parte della raccolta di favole in lingua araba conosciuta con il nome "Le mille e una notte".Alì Babà è un taglialegna estremamente povero. Un giorno, però, mentre Alì è a lavoro nel bosco, sente delle voci. Si nasconde sopra un albero, da dove ascolta il capo di una banda di 40 ladroni pronunciare la formula magica che permette l'apertura di una roccia che nasconde l'ingresso di una caverna: "Apriti sesamo!", così come la formula magica per richiuderla: "Chiuditi, Sesamo!". Così, dopo che i ladroni si allontanano dalla grotta, Alì Babà pronuncia a sua volta la formula e penetra nella caverna, scoprendo gli immensi tesori ammassati al suo interno. Entrare in possesso di quella fortuna non sarà però semplice e ladroni scopriranno ben presto che qualcuno ha scoperto il loro segreto...

  • by Hans Christian Andersen
    42.99 kr.

    The Tinderbox is a literary fairy tale by The Tinderbox is a literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen. A poor soldier returning home from war meets a witch who asks him to climb into a hollow tree to retrieve a magic tinderbox. In the tree, he finds three chambers filled with precious coins guarded by three monstrous dogs, "one with eyes the size of teacups", who guards a vault filled with pennies, one with "eyes the size of water wheels", who guards a vault filled with silver, and one with eyes "the size of Round Tower", who guards a vault filled with gold; when the witch asks for the tinderbox, he kills her and keeps it for himself, thus acquiring the power of summoning the dogs. Their power and his cunning will end up saving his life. This story is one of Andersen's first tales; it has the wit and energy of a traditional folk tale like "Aladdin" or "Jack and the Beanstalk", in which the young hero overcomes adversity to end up as a successful adult. This tale is read by Katie Haigh, for the delight of children and parents alike.. A poor soldier returning home from war meets a witch who asks him to climb into a hollow tree to retrieve a magic tinderbox. In the tree, he finds three chambers filled with precious coins guarded by three monstrous dogs, "one with eyes the size of teacups", who guards a vault filled with pennies, one with "eyes the size of water wheels", who guards a vault filled with silver, and one with eyes "the size of Round Tower", who guards a vault filled with gold; when the witch asks for the tinderbox, he kills her and keeps it for himself, thus acquiring the power of summoning the dogs. Their power and his cunning will end up saving his life. This story is one of Andersen's first tales; it has the wit and energy of a traditional folk tale like "Aladdin" or "Jack and the Beanstalk", in which the young hero overcomes adversity to end up as a successful adult. This tale is read by Katie Haigh, for the delight of children and parents alike.

  • by Brothers Grimm
    42.99 kr.

    Hansel and Gretel is a well-known fairy tale of German origin, recorded by the Brothers Grimm and published in 1812. Hansel and Gretel are young children whose father is a woodcutter. When a great famine settles over the land, the woodcutter's abusive second wife decides to take the children into the woods and abandon them there so that she and her husband will not starve to death, because the children eat too much. The woodcutter opposes the plan but finally and reluctantly submits to his wife's scheme. They are unaware that in the children's bedroom, Hansel and Gretel have overheard them. After the parents have gone to bed, Hansel sneaks out of the house and gathers as many white pebbles as he can, then returns to his room, reassuring Gretel that God will not forsake them. The next three days, the family walks deep into the woods and Hansel lays a trail of white pebbles. After their parents leave them, the children wait for the moon to rise before following the pebbles back home. They return home safely, much to their stepmother's horror. Once again provisions become scarce and the stepmother angrily orders her husband to take the children farther into the woods and leave them there to die. Hansel and Gretel attempt to leave the house to gather more pebbles, but find the doors locked and escape impossible...

  • by Hans Christian Andersen, Frères Grimm & Charles Perrault
    58.99 kr.

    Un florilège de contes pour enfants et de chansons traditionnelles pour leur faire découvrir l'amour de la littérature, à travers les contes d'Andersen, les histoires traditionnelles, les fables de la Fontaine, et les plus belles comptines de notre enfance. De quoi permettre l'évasion tout en retrouvant un lien essentiel entre les générations.

  • by John Ronald
    40.99 kr.

    Ce conte pour enfant retrace le départ d'une fusée " L'explorateur 8 " en direction sur la Lune. Un petit garçon, Pierre, écoute la radio qui diffuse cet événement, puis rêve d'aller sur la Lune... Au cours de ce rêve il rencontre un homme, Taylor, qui le prend pour le capitaine de la fusée, et Pierre peut poser toutes les questions qu'il souhaite... Une petite leçon d'histoire passionnante, dans laquelle on peut écouter des scènes historiques rejouées, pour revivre plus intensément ces avancées historiques.

  • by Paul Tripp
    40.99 kr.

    Une petite fille, Christina, est fascinée par un perroquet appelé Caoutchouc ! Elle se demande ce que signifie ce mot... Alors son oncle Robert va répondre à toutes ses questions ! Une petite leçon d'histoire passionnante, notamment grâce à un dialogue très vivant entre les deux personnages, pour revivre plus intensément ces avancées historiques.

  • by Hans Christian Andersen, Charles Perrault & Brothers Grimm
    77.99 kr.

    A good story takes us in a new, fantastic world; the pleasure is all the greater if it keeps us inside for long enough. We have carefully selected for you ten long stories, for you to enjoy the craft of the writer as much as the opportunity of evasion good stories bring to us; they will make perfect bedtime stories, to accompany young children as long as they need to get into a peaceful sleep. Enjoy these tales by Charles Perrault, Hans Christian Andersen, and from the Arabian Nights (or One Thousand and One Nights), narrated in a warm and lively way: Beauty and the Beast, Cinderilla, Donkeyskin, The Sleeping Beauty in the Woods, The Story of the Youth who went forth to learn what Fear was, The Nightingale, The Ugly Duckling, Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, Sinbad the Sailor, and an ancient Japanese tale, the Jellyfish and the Monkey.