Educational: Language, literature and literacy
36.99 kr. Si quieres mejorar tu vocabulario o tu pronunciación, ¡este clásico es para ti!En esta edición bilingüe del célebre cuento de Hans Christian Andersen se indaga en los sacrificios que el amor nos lleva a hacer, ¡tanto en inglés como en español!Descubre las aventuras a las que se enfrenta la sirenita al enamorarse del mundo de los humanos mientras mejoras tu segundo idioma o practicas tu lengua materna.Brujas marinas, pociones mágicas, príncipes apuestos: «La sirenita es una lectura ideal para estudiantes de idiomas de todas las edades y para madresy padres con hijos bilingües. ¡También es la lectura perfecta para los fans de «Luca», de Disney!Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) fue un autor danés, poeta y artista. Célebre por sus cuentos para niños, entre sus obras más destacadas se encuentran «El traje nuevo del emperador», «La sirenita», «La reina de las nieves» y «El patito feo».Sus libros han sido traducidos a todos los idiomas y no hay niño o adulto que no haya conocido a sus extravagantes personajes. Los cuentos de Andersen han sido llevados al teatro y a la gran pantalla en numerosas ocasiones; destacan especialmente las películas animadas de Disney «La sirenita», de 1989, y «Frozen», una versión inspirada en «La reina de las nieves», que llegó al gran público en 2013.Gracias a las contribuciones de Andersen a la literatura infantil, su fecha de nacimiento, el dos de abril, se conoce como el Día del Libro Infantil.
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- 36.99 kr.
40.99 kr. Si quieres aumentar tu vocabulario o mejorar tu pronunciación, ¡este clásico es para ti!En esta revisión bilingüe del célebre cuento de Hans Christian Andersen se explora la relación entre el bien y el mal, ¡tanto en inglés como en español!Acompaña a la pequeña Gerda en sus aventuras para rescatar a su mejor amigo Kai de la poderosa reina de las nieves mientras mejoras tu segundo idioma —o mientras practicas tu lengua materna.Espejos mágicos, enemigos malvados y mucha, mucha nieve: «La reina de las nieves» es la lectura ideal para estudiantes de idiomas de todas las edades así como para padres y madres con hijos bilingües. ¡Y también es la lectura perfecta para los fans de «Frozen», el éxito de Disney!Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) fue un autor danés, poeta y artista. Célebre por sus cuentos para niños, entre sus obras más destacadas se encuentran «El traje nuevo del emperador», «La sirenita», «La reina de las nieves» y «El patito feo».Sus libros han sido traducidos a todos los idiomas y no hay niño o adulto que no haya conocido a sus extravagantes personajes. Los cuentos de Andersen han sido llevados al teatro y a la gran pantalla en numerosas ocasiones; destacan especialmente las películas animadas de Disney «La sirenita», de 1989, y «Frozen», una versión inspirada en «La reina de las nieves», que llegó al gran público en 2013.Gracias a las contribuciones de Andersen a la literatura infantil, su fecha de nacimiento, el dos de abril, se conoce como el Día del Libro Infantil.
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42.99 kr. 'The New-England Primer Improved' is an educational work by the Westminster Assembly that showcases how children were taught reading, religion and morals in the 17th Century.'The New England Primer' was the very first reading primer for the American Colonies, and it remained extremely popular until the end of the 18th century. A humble little book that provides a strong example of the way the Founding Fathers taught lessons of morality, upbringings, and religion, and how they also passed their values to the next generations.It's very interesting to see that the methods from centuries ago are not all that different from the ones we still use today.The Westminster Assembly was an English council of theologians and other educational ministers that gathered in order to restructure the Church of England. Among their many contributions were the publication of instructional and educational materials that dealt with religion, children's upbringing, and the English language.
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From 29.99 kr. Il y a une sécheresse dans le village de Ranj. L'eau s'épuise et les villageois prient pour que la pluie tombe. Le réservoir d'eau, qui déborde habituellement, est maintenant vide et Ranj se demande où toute l'eau est passée. Elle est bien décidée à aller au fond du mystère ! Munie de son carnet de notes, sa fidèle grenouille sur la tête, elle se lance dans une enquête palpitante. Si seulement il pleuvait ne serait-ce qu'un jour, tous les problèmes seraient résolus !« Le Mystère du réservoir asséché » est un livre éducatif sur l'industrie de l'eau.
39.00 kr. Søren og Mette har en hule. De vil sove i hulen. Hulen er i et træ. Men så hører de en lyd. En letlæsningsbog for de 5-7-årige. De to søskende fra det klassiske læsesystem Søren og Mette er nytegnet af Birgitte Ahlmann.Fra ca. 5 år.I samme serie:Søren og Mette tegner vilde dyr Søren og Mette klæder sig udSøren og Mette leder efter Mis
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39.00 kr. Søren og Mette er på deres værelser. Mor har bedt dem rydde op. Men de rydder ikke op. De klæder sig ud som monstre. En letlæsningsbog for de 5-7-årige. De to søskende fra det klassiske læsesystem Søren og Mette er nytegnet af Birgitte Ahlmann.Fra ca. 5 år.I samme serie:Søren og Mette tegner vilde dyr Søren og Mettes hule Søren og Mette leder efter Mis
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39.00 kr. Søren og Mette er i skole. De skal tegne vilde dyr. Søren tegner en elefant. En elefant er et vildt dyr. Men hvad tegner Mette? En letlæsningsbog for de 5-7-årige. De to søskende fra det klassiske læsesystem Søren og Mette er nytegnet af Birgitte Ahlmann.Fra ca. 5 år.I samme serie:Søren og Mettes hule Søren og Mette klæder sig udSøren og Mette leder efter Mis
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39.00 kr. Søren og Mette vil lege med Mis. Men Mis er blevet væk. Mis er ikke i stuen. Er Mis ude i haven? En letlæsningsbog for de 5-7-årige. De to søskende fra det klassiske læsesystem Søren og Mette er nytegnet af Birgitte Ahlmann.Fra ca. 5 år.I samme serie:Søren og Mette tegner vilde dyr Søren og Mettes hule Søren og Mette klæder sig ud
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- 1.-2. klasse
39.00 kr. En læsebog med Søren og Mette, der er beregnet til begynderlæsning 1.-2. klasse. Søren og Mette har gennem tiden været et af de allermest anvendte læsesystemer. Læsebogen er perfekt som supplerende materiale efter skoletid og kan med fordel bruges sammen med Min læsebog med Søren og Mette og Min opgavebog med Søren og Mette 1.-2. klasse.Læsebogen består af følgende historier:Søren og Mette - Jakobs fødselsdagSøren og Mette - En fisketurSøren og Mette - Alene hjemmeSøren og Mette - Lasses kaninerFra ca. 7 år I samme serie:Min første læsebog med Søren og Mette (0.-1. klasse)Min første opgavebog med Søren og Mette (0.-1. klasse)Klar til skole med Søren og Mette (0.-1. klasse)Min læsebog med Søren og Mette (1.-2. klasse)Min opgavebog med Søren og Mette (1.-2. klasse)
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From 55.99 kr. Dona Benta tenta explicar gramática para o Pedrinho, mas tudo parece tão difícil! Logo a esperta Emília encontra a solução perfeita: e se a turma do sítio visitasse o País da Gramática? Eles logo descobrem que a língua é um país povoado por sílabas, pronomes, numerais e muita imaginação!Aprenda os segredos da língua portuguesa com Emília, Narizinho e Pedrinho enquanto eles voam nas asas da imaginação! Clássicos da literatura infantil brasileira, as histórias do Sítio do Picapau Amarelo foram adaptadas múltiplas vezes, incluindo as séries de televisão produzidas pela Rede Globo em 2001 e 2010.Quem nunca ouviu falar de Emília, a boneca que nunca parava de falar, ou de Narizinho e seu nariz arrebitado? Misturando lendas e costumes tipicamente brasileiros, Monteiro Lobato criou um universo único repleto de aventura, fantasia e muita diversão! A coleção Sítio do Picapau Amarelo é uma das mais importantes obras de literatura infantil do Brasil e continua a cativar o coração de milhares de brasileiros através de gerações. As aventuras do Sítio foram adaptadas inúmeras vezes para os mais diversos meios de comunicação, incluindo televisão, cinema e histórias em quadrinhos.Monteiro Lobato (1882-1948) foi um escritor, ativista, diretor e produtor brasileiro. Autor de importantes traduções inéditas e editor revolucionário na sua época, Lobato é mais conhecido por ser o precursor da literatura infantil brasileira. A coletânea "Urupês" é considerada sua obra-prima visto a perspectiva crítica e realista presente na obra, mas é a coleção de histórias infantis "Sítio do Picapau Amarelo" que conquistou a imaginação dos brasileiros através de gerações. Em suas histórias para crianças, Lobato mistura habilmente aspectos do folclore brasileiro com histórias da literatura universal.As fantásticas aventuras de Narizinho, Pedrinho e Emília continuam inspirando as mais diversas produções culturais e artísticas, incluindo a afamada série de televisão "Sítio do Picapau Amarelo" produzida pela rede Globo em 2001, estrelando Isabelle Drummond e Lara Rodrigues.
40.99 kr. Algunas de las poesías que Fernández Shaw compendió en su Cancionero infantil ya figuraban en libros anteriores, pero otras fueron escritas especialmente para este volumen dedicado a las niñas y niños españoles en formación.La propuesta abarcaba cantos a la patria castellana y al viaje de Colón, loas a paisajes y sitios históricos, piezas didácticas para inculcar principios católicos y una serie de poemas pensados alrededor de escenarios marinos.Esta obra se alzó con el Premio Fastenrath en su primera entrega.Carlos Fernández Shaw (Cádiz, 1865 - El Pardo, 1911) fue un prolífico dramaturgo, periodista y poeta español.Identificado en retrospectiva como pre-modernista, ocupó un lugar prominente en el Ateneo de Madrid. Escribió en distintos medios de prensa gráfica, especialmente para el diario La época.Como dramaturgo, hizo el libreto de La vida breve en la puesta teatral musicalizada por Manuel de Falla y co-escribió La revoltosa junto a José López Silva, entre muchos otros logros. Sus obras en verso más conocidas seguramente sean Poesías de la sierra y Poesías del mar. Sus cuentos fueron recopilados de manera póstuma en La pícara Olalla.
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38.99 kr. Sarla wished she could fly high like an eagle or like an aeroplane. Of course you can fly, said her new teacher. Here, Sarla shares all that she has learnt about flight and aeroplanes.'How Do Aeroplanes Fly?' (English), written by Aditi Sarawagi, illustrated by Lavanya Karthik, supported by Oracle, published by Pratham Books (© Pratham Books, 2016) under a CC BY 4.0 license on StoryWeaver. Read, create and translate stories for free on
38.99 kr. It's time to bring out Meenu's smart winter uniform and the air is filled with the aroma of roasted nuts. It must be winter in Bengaluru! Follow Meenu, Amma and Rajni as they show us some of the winter traditions they have in Karnataka and tell us of other winter traditions in Himachal and Gujarat.'Hot Tea and Warm Rugs' (English), written by Mala Kumar, Manisha Chaudhry, illustrated by Priya Kuriyan, published by Pratham Books (© Pratham Books, 2012) under a CC BY 4.0 license on StoryWeaver. Read, create and translate stories for free on
38.99 kr. Visiting Ajja and Ajji in the village is always exciting for Raju, but this time, his grandparents have a special surprise for him. One evening, when they are taking their usual walk along the river, Ajja suggests a boat ride. Why don't you join them?'Row, Row, Row your Boat' (English), translated by Divaspathy Hegde, based on original story ದೋಣಿ ವಿಹಾರ (Kannada), written by Jayashree Deshpande, illustrated by Srikrishna Kedilaya, published by Pratham Books (© Pratham Books, 2004) under a CC BY 4.0 license on StoryWeaver. Read, create and translate stories for free on
From 38.99 kr. Sringeri Srinivas grows sweet bananas on his farm, and yet, no one wants to buy them. Find out what he did with them in this cute story from India.'Too Many Bananas' (English), written by Rohini Nilekani, illustrated by Angie & Upesh, published by Pratham Books (© Pratham Books, 2010) under a CC BY 4.0 license on StoryWeaver. Read, create and translate stories for free on
38.99 kr. Mahatma Gandhi and his followers have decided to march to Dandi to protest against the unfair salt tax imposed by the British. 9-year-old Dhani who lives at the Sabarmati Ashram wants to go too. This tale captures the spirit behind the momentous event that inspired millions of Indians to join the struggle for Independence.'Marching to Freedom' (English), written by Subhadra Sen Gupta, illustrated by Tapas Guha, published by Pratham Books (© Pratham Books, 2005) under a CC BY 4.0 license on StoryWeaver. Read, create and translate stories for free on
38.99 kr. Mr. Centipede wears 21 pairs of boots on his morning walk. But with so many legs to choose from, how does he know which foot to use first? Join Mr. Centipede and his garden friends in this story about counting and indecision!'Best Foot Forward' (English), written by Rustom Dadachanji, illustrated by Tanvi Bhat, published by Pratham Books (© Pratham Books, 2018) under a CC BY 4.0 license on StoryWeaver. Read, create and translate stories for free on
38.99 kr. Rhino, Crocodile, Giraffe and Zebra all live together in Africa. They also share a common best friend? Can you guess who it is? Learn about the natural world and the most unlikeliest of friendships in this charming story from Jade Mathieson.'Who Is Our Friend?' (English), written by Jade Mathieson, illustrated by Gerhard Van Wyk, published by Book Dash (© Book Dash, 2016) under a CC BY 4.0 license on StoryWeaver. Read, create and translate stories for free on
38.99 kr. Have you ever said, "See you tomorrow!" and actually meant it? The boy in this story has many friends, who all take him at his word! A funny story about a small boy who has many animal friends.'See You Tomorrow' (English), written by Tanya Luther Agarwal, illustrated by Partho Sengupta, published by Pratham Books (© Pratham Books, 2006) under a CC BY 4.0 license on StoryWeaver. Read, create and translate stories for free on
38.99 kr. Somewhere in a village in India, a kite fight is about to end. the purple kite is defeated and the red kite is the victor, but what's this? The chord has snapped and the kite is now on the run. Can the children catch it or will the kite catcher be able to outrun them?'The Kite' (English), written by Jeyanthi Manokaran, illustrated by Jeyanthi Manokaran, published by Pratham Books (© Pratham Books, 2016) under a CC BY 4.0 license on StoryWeaver. Read, create and translate stories for free on
38.99 kr. Long long ago, there lived in Norway a grumpy, grouchy farmer called Gloomy Gus. Gloomy Gus was not just a grouch---he was arrogant too, and believed he was smarter than everybody else, especially his wife. Read this captivating and humourous folktale from Norway to find out just how smart he really was!'The Man Who Thought He Was Smarter Than His Wife: A Folktale From Norway' is written by Veena Seshadri . © Pratham Books , 2006. Some rights reserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license.'The Man Who Thought He Was Smarter Than His Wife' has been published on StoryWeaver by Pratham Books.
38.99 kr. The roads are their playground and they have made the city and the people their own. Follow the lives of some of Mumbai's street dogs in this short book where street dogs like Captain, Kalu and Champi takes us on a tour into some well known areas in their city.'My City, My Dogs' is written by Abodh Aras . © Pratham Books , 2018. Some rights reserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license.'My City, My Dogs' has been published on StoryWeaver by Pratham Books.; Guest Editor: Shinibali Mitra Saigal
38.99 kr. Mrs. Chang gets a letter from her son one day. She asks Warrior Wen to read it out to her. One look at the letter and Warrior Wen bursts into tears. Very soon, Mrs.Chang starts bawling. Next, Peddlar Peng, who is passing by, joins the sobbing duo. What has happened to Mrs. Chang's son? Find out for yourself in this delightful folktale from China.'Wailers Three' - A Folktale From China is written by Greystroke . © Pratham Books , 2020. Some rights reserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license. This book has been published on StoryWeaver by Pratham Books.
38.99 kr. Story time! Paati is here for the summer and Suvi wants to make the most of it. As her grandma starts describing the Pushpaka Vimana, Suvi wonders if it’s like a driverless car, which drives you safely to any destination you name. Buckle up, enjoy the ride!Who Drives the Driverless Car? is written by Vidya Pradhan. © Pratham Books , 2018. Some rights reserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license.'Who Drives the Driverless Car?' has been published on StoryWeaver by Pratham Books.
38.99 kr. Why can't bees work quietly? Is there a reason for the bees to buzz so noisily? Learn about the work of the humble bee in this book.'Why Do Bees Buzz?' is written by Nabanita Deshmukh . © Pratham Books, 2015. Some rights reserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license. This book has been published on StoryWeaver by Pratham Books.The development of this book has been supported by Oracle Giving Initiative.
38.99 kr. Sooraj and his grandma LOVE inventing! Join them on their latest adventure: using simple machines to make coconut barfi!'Ammachi's Amazing Machines' is written by Rajiv Eipe . © Pratham Books , 2017. Some rights reserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license.This book was first published on StoryWeaver, Pratham Books. The development of this book has been supported by Oracle. Guest Editor & Art Director: Vinayak Varma
38.99 kr. Ever wondered what the planet was like millions of years ago? What kind of creatures roamed the Earth? What trees grew in the prehistoric forests? Well, there is a way to find out—through palaeontology, a special science that is all about digging up and unscrambling clues to the past.'Creatures of Old' is written by Veena Prasad. © Pratham Books , 2018. Some rights reserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license.This book was first published on StoryWeaver by Pratham Books. Guest Editor: Nimmy Chacko, Art Director: Nafisa N Crishna
38.99 kr. In a canopy forest in India, the Up World and Down World have always been suspicious of each other. But it all changes when Gopa the dormouse drops her book by accident on Fatima’s head. A story about the biodiversity of the canopy forests and friendship.'Up World, Down World' is written by Padmaparna Ghosh. © Pratham Books, 2016. Some rights reserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license.This book was first published on StoryWeaver, Pratham Books. The development of this book has been supported by Oracle Giving Initiative. This book was created for StoryWeaver, Pratham Books, with the support of Bijal Vachharajani (Guest Editor) and Kaveri Gopalakrishnan (Art Director).
38.99 kr. Sukhiya Kaka from Bituana was a famous singer. This is the story about the day he met Dinoo the dinosaur, who turned out to be his biggest fan. Find out what escapades these two get up to when they finally meet!'Singing in the Rain' is translated by Manisha Chaudhry, Mala Kumar. Released under CC BY 4.0 license. Based on Original story: 'बारिश में क्या गाएँ ?', by Manisha Chaudhry, Mala Kumar. © Pratham Books , 2015. Some rights reserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license.This story has been inspired by an entry to the #6FrameStoryChallenge, an illustration campaign conducted by Pratham Books. The illustrations in this book were created by one of the judges of the #6FrameStoryChallenge contest.
38.99 kr. Look high and low and you will find animals and birds making their homes around you, but do these high and low worlds ever meet? Find out in this story about the habitats they live in.