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  • by Catrin Ankh
    24.99 kr.

    Hur skulle det kännas att bli gravid som tonåring? Att göra en abort? Det funderar nog de flesta ungdomar på. Den här boken beskriver ett exempel.Anna var på fest och hade sex med Leo. Nu är hon gravid. Anna vill göra abort, men hon vill inte berätta för pappan. Det tycker bästa vännen Sara är fel. Leo har rätt att få veta! Eller har han det?"Hemligheten" är en lättläst ungdomsroman om kompisarna Anna och Sara. Deras vänskap är stark men här sätts den på prov.En serie lättlästa ungdomsromaner om kompisarna Sara och Anna. De går på gymnasiet och lever så som alla tonåringar gör.Catrin Ankh är gymnasielärare i svenska och religion. Hon är författare till flera läromedel och ett antal barn- ungdomsböcker.

  • by Margret Rey & H.A. Rey
    19.00 kr.

    Peter har mareridt og kan ikke sove. Han er bange for, at himlen falder ned! Manden med den gule hat prøver alt muligt: varm mælk, en godnathistorie, en lille sang. Ingenting hjælper. Til sidst finder han sit teleskop frem, og så går Peter og hans ven ud i natten for at tjekke, om stjernerne stadig sidder sikkert og blinker langt oppe på himlen.H.A. Rey (1898-1977) var en tysk forfatter og illustrator bosat i USA. Sammen med sin hustru, Margret Rey, skabte han de klassiske historier om Peter Pedal.

  • by Peter Pohl
    50.99 kr.

    Malin och Gurra går i samma klass, men verkar inte leva i samma värld. När Gurra en dag råkar sparka in en fotboll genom Malins fönster, så ser han helt plötsligt henne.Om det inte vore för att hon såg sin egen spegelbild, så hade Malin varit säker på att hon var osynlig. Varken klasskamraterna, fröken Kerstin eller hennes pappa ser henne. Malin är ingen man minns eller pratar med, det är ingen som märker att hon finns. Annat är det med Gurra, han är klassens kung. Gurra märks mycket, kanske lite för mycket. Det är alltid han som får skulden när flera borde ha delat den. När alla andra smitit undan så står Gurra själv och får ta all skuld, så hade det alltid sett ut."Malins kung Gurra" skildrar hur de mest oväntade vänskaperna kan uppstå.Peter Pohl är främst uppmärksammad för sina barn- och ungdomsböcker, där han lyckas skildra barn och ungas verklighet på ett gripande och realistiskt sätt. Pohl har mottagit flera litteraturpriser, så som Augustpriset för barn- och ungdomsböcker, Astrid Lindgren-priset och Nils Holgersson-plaketten.

  • by Ricardo Alcántara
    34.99 kr.

    En una casita viven dos animales de compañía, un perro y un gato. De día, ambos se odian, como corresponde a sus razas, pero durante la noche, hay una cosa que los une: su miedo a la oscuridad. Tendrán que apoyarse el uno en el otro para superar su miedo en una maravillosa historia sobre empatía, conciliación y amistad.Ricardo Alcántara nació en Montevideo, Uruguay. Desde muy pequeño comprendió que la imaginación podía ser una buena compañera de viaje y, desde entonces, se volvieron inseparables.Durante un tiempo residió en Brasil, donde comenzó a escribir, y desde hace años está instalado en Barcelona, cerca del mar. Trabajó como actor, artesano, cocinero... Estudió psicología, y quizá eso lo ayudó a descubrirse a sí mismo y su verdadera vocación: inventar historias que luego escribe con su lápiz en una hoja de papel.Tiene 200 libros publicados, todos dirigidos a niños y jóvenes, y muchos de ellos han obtenido prestigiosos galardones como el Lazarillo, Serra d'Or, Apel·les Mestres, Espasa Calpe, White Ravens... Sus libros han sido traducidos con éxito al inglés, turco, alemán, francés, japonés, portugués, griego, coreano...También ha escrito obras de teatro y series de televisión.

  • by Ricardo Alcántara
    37.99 kr.

    El humo de las chimeneas ha invadido el pueblo. ¡No se ve nada! Por suerte, Florencio y su gallina Petronila están decididos a limpiar todas las chimeneas para ayudar. Sin embargo, al ver lo sucios que quedan, nadie quiere jugar con ellos. Tendrán que marcharse con un circo ambulante para que todos sepan apreciar lo mucho que quieren a Florencio y Petronila.Ricardo Alcántara nació en Montevideo, Uruguay. Desde muy pequeño comprendió que la imaginación podía ser una buena compañera de viaje y, desde entonces, se volvieron inseparables.Durante un tiempo residió en Brasil, donde comenzó a escribir, y desde hace años está instalado en Barcelona, cerca del mar. Trabajó como actor, artesano, cocinero... Estudió psicología, y quizá eso lo ayudó a descubrirse a sí mismo y su verdadera vocación: inventar historias que luego escribe con su lápiz en una hoja de papel.Tiene 200 libros publicados, todos dirigidos a niños y jóvenes, y muchos de ellos han obtenido prestigiosos galardones como el Lazarillo, Serra d'Or, Apel·les Mestres, Espasa Calpe, White Ravens... Sus libros han sido traducidos con éxito al inglés, turco, alemán, francés, japonés, portugués, griego, coreano...También ha escrito obras de teatro y series de televisión.

  • by Peter Gotthardt
    49.00 kr.

    Kællingen Rikke og katten Mis bor i en købmandsbutik i Jelling. De to hygger sig gevaldigt lige indtil den dag det begynder at banke på døren. Først vil det ene dyr ind og så det næste og til sidst er hele købmandsbutikken fyldt med dyr, der roder og larmer. Mis og Rikke søger råd hos den kloge ugle, der bor i haven. Og som altid har uglen en rigtig god idé.Peter Gotthardt (f. 1946) er en dansk børnebogsforfatter og oprindeligt uddannet bibliotekar. I 2006 stoppede Gotthardt som bibliotekar på et børnebibliotek for udelukkende at koncentrere sig om sin forfattergerning. En del af arbejdet som bibliotekar bestod i at holde arrangementer for børn, og her fandt Gotthardt ud af, at den gode historie er noget, som kan få børn til at engagere sig. Inspireret af de historier, han fortalte børnene, udgav han i 1984 sin litterære debut i form af et udvalg af eventyr kaldet "Finn og hans mænd og den røde heks". Efterfølgende har Peter Gotthardt udgivet et utal af børnebøger, heriblandt "Jagten på Mesterbogen" (2000) og "De døde kommer om natten" (2003).

  • by Ricardo Alcántara
    34.99 kr.

    Juanito está de colonias con muchos amigos y, aunque se lo está pasando muy bien, ocurre una desgracia: Sombra, su osito de peluche, ha desaparecido. Al parecer lo han secuestrado. Juanito tendrá que aliarse con sus amigos para descubrir quién ha sido.Ricardo Alcántara nació en Montevideo, Uruguay. Desde muy pequeño comprendió que la imaginación podía ser una buena compañera de viaje y, desde entonces, se volvieron inseparables.Durante un tiempo residió en Brasil, donde comenzó a escribir, y desde hace años está instalado en Barcelona, cerca del mar. Trabajó como actor, artesano, cocinero... Estudió psicología, y quizá eso lo ayudó a descubrirse a sí mismo y su verdadera vocación: inventar historias que luego escribe con su lápiz en una hoja de papel.Tiene 200 libros publicados, todos dirigidos a niños y jóvenes, y muchos de ellos han obtenido prestigiosos galardones como el Lazarillo, Serra d'Or, Apel·les Mestres, Espasa Calpe, White Ravens... Sus libros han sido traducidos con éxito al inglés, turco, alemán, francés, japonés, portugués, griego, coreano...También ha escrito obras de teatro y series de televisión.

  • by Line Leonhardt
    37.99 kr.

    Vanesa, Inés y Emma son mejores amigas para siempre, BFF. Hacen los deberes juntas, se sientan en clase juntas, y cantan y bailan juntas. Sin embargo, un día Vanesa se asusta y empieza a darle vueltas a la relación con sus amigas. Resulta muy duro contárselo a Inés y Emma. Así que Vanesa se enfada y se marcha de la reunión que habían planeado.¿Seguirán estas tres chicas siendo BFF?Line Leonhardt se graduó en Educación Primaria en 2009 y realizó su especialización en la Escuela de Literatura Infantil entre 2012 y 2014. Ha publicado numerosos libros para niños. También participó en varios programas infantiles de TV para el canal DR Ultra. En la actualidad, además da clases de escritura creativa a niños y jóvenes.

  • by Line Kyed Knudsen
    From 9.95 kr.

    Emma feiert mit ihren Klassenkameraden Geburtstag. Eine spektakuläre Party in einem vornehmen Ballsaal, mit Diskobeleuchtung und leckerem Essen. Jetzt ist Liv an der Reihe, eine Geburtstagsparty zu veranstalten. Aber wird sie genauso toll?Die Serie „Liv und Emma" berichet aus der Perspektive der beiden achtjährigen Freundinnen von den kleinen und großen Abenteuern des Alltags. Spannende, einfühlsame und leicht zu lesende Geschichten für Erstleser.Die dänische Schriftstellerin Line Kyed Knudsen (geb. 1971) feierte 2003 ihr Debüt mit dem Roman „Das Mädchen von der Nordebene". 2007 erhielt sie das Pippi-Stipendium des dänischen Verlags Gyldendal. Sie schreibt Kinder- und Jugendbücher und unterrichtet Schreibtechnik.

  • by Ricardo Alcántara
    34.99 kr.

    Juanito Jones, nuestro intrépido aventurero, ha viajado a la época de Cromañón para unirse a unos cazadores cavernícolas. Sin embargo, se ríen de él por ser muy pequeño y enclenque. Pronto los cazadores se verán en apuros, y solo habrá una persona capaz de salvarlos: Juanito Jones.Ricardo Alcántara nació en Montevideo, Uruguay. Desde muy pequeño comprendió que la imaginación podía ser una buena compañera de viaje y, desde entonces, se volvieron inseparables.Durante un tiempo residió en Brasil, donde comenzó a escribir, y desde hace años está instalado en Barcelona, cerca del mar. Trabajó como actor, artesano, cocinero... Estudió psicología, y quizá eso lo ayudó a descubrirse a sí mismo y su verdadera vocación: inventar historias que luego escribe con su lápiz en una hoja de papel.Tiene 200 libros publicados, todos dirigidos a niños y jóvenes, y muchos de ellos han obtenido prestigiosos galardones como el Lazarillo, Serra d'Or, Apel·les Mestres, Espasa Calpe, White Ravens... Sus libros han sido traducidos con éxito al inglés, turco, alemán, francés, japonés, portugués, griego, coreano...También ha escrito obras de teatro y series de televisión.

  • by Ricardo Alcántara
    34.99 kr.

    Juanito Jones, nuestro intrépido aventurero, ha recibido una llamada de auxilio. En la isla de los Barriga Pintada ha aparecido un gigante que ha secuestrado a todos sus amigos y los mantiene retenidos. ¿Será capaz Juanito de liberarlos?Ricardo Alcántara nació en Montevideo, Uruguay. Desde muy pequeño comprendió que la imaginación podía ser una buena compañera de viaje y, desde entonces, se volvieron inseparables.Durante un tiempo residió en Brasil, donde comenzó a escribir, y desde hace años está instalado en Barcelona, cerca del mar. Trabajó como actor, artesano, cocinero... Estudió psicología, y quizá eso lo ayudó a descubrirse a sí mismo y su verdadera vocación: inventar historias que luego escribe con su lápiz en una hoja de papel.Tiene 200 libros publicados, todos dirigidos a niños y jóvenes, y muchos de ellos han obtenido prestigiosos galardones como el Lazarillo, Serra d'Or, Apel·les Mestres, Espasa Calpe, White Ravens... Sus libros han sido traducidos con éxito al inglés, turco, alemán, francés, japonés, portugués, griego, coreano...También ha escrito obras de teatro y series de televisión.

  • by Line Leonhardt
    From 37.99 kr.

    Vilma, Ida ja Emma ovat bestiksiä, ikuisesti! He tekevät läksyt yhdessä, istuvat yhdessä luokassa sekä tanssivat ja laulavat yhdessä. Mutta eräänä päivänä Vilmaa pelottaa, ja sitä on vaikea kertoa Idalle ja Emmalle. Niinpä Vilma hermostuu ja lähtee pois tapaamisesta, jonka he olivat sopineet. Voivatko tytöt pysyä bestiksinä?Line Leonhardt on tanskalainen opettaja ja kirjailija. Hän on julkaissut useita lastenkirjoja, tehnyt lastenohjelmia DR Ultraan -kanavalle ja opettaa myös kirjoittamista lapsille ja nuorille.

  • by Ricardo Alcántara
    34.99 kr.

    El Bosque de los Misterios es un lugar enorme en el que viven muchas criaturas. Entre ellas está el mago Gruñón, un brujo malvado que odia la risa por encima de todas las cosas. Sin embargo, un día llega al bosque Natalia, una niña traviesa con una risa encantadora. Pronto ambos se enfrentarán...Ricardo Alcántara nació en Montevideo, Uruguay. Desde muy pequeño comprendió que la imaginación podía ser una buena compañera de viaje y, desde entonces, se volvieron inseparables.Durante un tiempo residió en Brasil, donde comenzó a escribir, y desde hace años está instalado en Barcelona, cerca del mar. Trabajó como actor, artesano, cocinero... Estudió psicología, y quizá eso lo ayudó a descubrirse a sí mismo y su verdadera vocación: inventar historias que luego escribe con su lápiz en una hoja de papel.Tiene 200 libros publicados, todos dirigidos a niños y jóvenes, y muchos de ellos han obtenido prestigiosos galardones como el Lazarillo, Serra d'Or, Apel·les Mestres, Espasa Calpe, White Ravens... Sus libros han sido traducidos con éxito al inglés, turco, alemán, francés, japonés, portugués, griego, coreano...También ha escrito obras de teatro y series de televisión.

  • by Marja-Leena Lempinen
    44.99 kr.

    Pelastuspartio Repulla on uusi tehtävä!Reppuvaaran koulun kevätretki on vaakalaudalla, koska lama on tuonut työttömyysaallon. Emppu haluaa kuitenkin päästä Linnanmäelle ja Fazerin karkkitehtaalle niin kuin on sovittu. Niinpä reppulaiset ryhtyvät keräämään rahaa luomalla lunta ja kävelyttämällä koiria. Mutta kun soppaan sekoittuvat inhottava Jere ja villit juorut, syntyy varsinainen kaaos.Empulle ja kavereille sattuu ja tapahtuu Pelastuspartio Repun vauhdikkaassa, toisessa osassa.Emppu ja koulukaverit pelastavat tilanteen kuin tilanteen, eikä kommelluksilta vältytä.Marja-Leena Lempinen (s. 1950) on suomalainen lasten- ja nuortenkirjailija. Hänen esikoisteoksensa Tsuppari ilmestyi vuonna 1974.

  • by Mats Wahl
    99.00 kr.

    En sommer i slutningen af 1950’erne forelsker de to kammerater Harry og Hasse sig i den samme pige – Maj, der netop er flyttet til Gotland med sin familie. Det bliver en på mange måder skæbnesvanger sommer, hvor forelskelse og jalousi går hånd i hånd, mens Elvis Presley synger ’Heartbreak Hotel’."Maj Darlin" udkom første gang på dansk i 1989.Mats Wahl (f. 1945) er en svensk forfatter. Han har primært skrevet bøger for børn og unge, men han har også skrevet manuskripter til teater, film og tv. Mats Wahl har modtaget adskillige priser for sit arbejde.

  • by Kirsten Mejlhede Krog
    49.00 kr.

    Der bor to gråænder i den gamle mose. Der har de boet i fred og ro i mange år. De føler sig truet, da nogle sorte fugle slår sig ned tæt på dem. Hvem er de fremmede, og er de til at stole på? De to gråænder må lære de nye fugle at kende for at finde ud af, at ikke alle fremmede er farlige.Den danske forfatter Kirsten Mejlhede Krog (f. 1925) er uddannet sygeplejerske med speciale i børnepsykiatri. Kirsten Mejlhede Krog har skrevet en lang række børne- og ungdomsbøger, hvoraf mange sætter fokus på børn, der på den ene eller den anden måde har det svært. På den måde hjælper Kirsten Melhede Krogs bøger med at bryde tabuer om for eksempel spiseforstyrrelser, udviklingshæmmede børn, mobning og psykiske lidelser hos børn.

  • by Daniel Zimakoff
    49.00 kr.

    I denne bog kan man læse historien om Storm, der brænder et straffe til idræt i skolen. Heldigvis møder han fodboldspilleren Nicolai Jørgensen fra F.C. København, der giver ham et godt trick. Og man kan træne straffe bagefter, for der er en øvelse med i bogen, der viser, hvordan man skal gøre - og hvad, man skal huske. Og så kan man se en video med Nicolai Jørgensen, få et godt trick og læse, hvad han elsker at spise. En serie for de 4-7-årige fodboldfans - om FCK og fodbold.Daniel Zimakoff (f. 1965) er en dansk forfatter og bibliotekar. Han har blandt andet skrevet spændende science fiction-romaner til unge og står bag fodboldserien "FC Mezzi" og "FCK Mini" .

  • by Altan
    38.99 kr.

    Sometimes friendships can be formed during the most unlikely circumstances! It’s blowing a gale outside, and a little blue snail can’t find her way in the storm. When her house breaks, she doesn’t know what to do, but luckily Pimpa is always happy to help! So grab your nearest magnifying glass, put on your detective hat, and join Pimpa, Pedro the spider, and Sophie the snail in helping Sally collect the missing pieces. A tale of friendship and mystery, ´Pimpa and the Blue Snail´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who would like to join the famous, red-spotted dog on a thrilling adventure! Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity. Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies. Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI. Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.

  • by Altan
    38.99 kr.

    Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No... it's a horse! Lying on the grass in the mountains, Pimpa and Armando look at the shapes of the clouds in the blue sky. The sun is shining high in the sky, and a white horse appears in the clouds. Together, the friends fly far away to a deserted island. But did it really happen, or did Armando dream it all?´Pimpa and the Flying Horse´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who would like to join the friendly, red-spotted dog on a thrilling adventure!Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity. Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies. Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI. Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.

  • by Altan
    From 38.99 kr.

    Christmastime is always full of joyful surprises... especially for Pimpa! On Christmas Day, Pimpa meets Dina the little duckling when she arrives in a Christmas present! The two become firm friends, and Pimpa looks after Dina like a big sister. Join Pimpa in teaching Dina how to wash and get dressed, telling her about good and bad, helping her to name the things and animals she meets, and showing her the beauty of winter as it turns into spring.A tale of friendship and family, ´Pimpa and the Christmas Surprise´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who is simply longing for a short and sweet adventure! Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity. Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies. Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI. Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.

  • by Altan
    38.99 kr.

    Grab your nearest life jacket and prepare yourself for another fun adventure filled with friends, canoes, and silly animals! When Pimpa is suddenly awoken by a toucan called Zizi, who has accidentally travelled all the way from the Amazon rainforest, she decides to help him return home.With some help from Wanda the wave, Pimpa manages to take Zizi back to the rainforest. Here, she meets a bunch of unusual animals with even more unusual names.´Pimpa Goes to the Rainforest´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who would like to join the friendly, red-spotted dog on a thrilling adventure!Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity. Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies. Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI. Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.

  • by Altan
    From 38.99 kr.

    In this exciting story, listeners young and old can finally find out the answer to their question – where did Pimpa come from, and how did she meet Armando?It’s a beautiful, sunny day. Armando goes to the woods to pick some strawberries, where he spots something unusual in the bushes – a red-spotted dog called Pimpa! Armando takes her to his house, where she discovers lots of new things and makes friends with the alarm clock, the kitchen chair, and the fridge... And Pimpa’s adventures begin!A tale of friendship and new beginnings, ´Here Comes Pimpa´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who would like to join the famous, red-spotted dog on a thrilling adventure!Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity. Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies. Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI. Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.

  • by Altan
    38.99 kr.

    When did elephants become so hairy? Prepare your time machine and travel back in time with Pimpa in this fun adventure where she makes friends with a mammoth in a painting at the local museum. When the mammoth invites her into his frame, Pimpa takes an exciting journey into prehistory, where she meets Pippa, a little red-spotted dinosaur...A tale filled with friendship and lots of honey, ´Pimpa and Pippa´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who is simply longing for a short but thrilling adventure that predates history!Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity. Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies. Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI. Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.

  • by Altan
    38.99 kr.

    Donnie has lost his hat! That’s why his mum calls her scatter-brained son a "daydreamer". But with Pimpa’s help and some plasticine and crayons, the problem will surely be solved! ´Pimpa and the Daydreaming Mushroom´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who would like to join the famous, red-spotted dog on a thrilling adventure!Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity. Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies. Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI. Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.

  • by Altan
    38.99 kr.

    Put on some sunscreen and join Pimpa on an entertaining adventure filled with colourful fishes and sandy beaches! After waking from a nap in a boat, Pimpa realises that she has drifted far away from the shore. Luckily, Pimpa meets Timmy the flying fish who is eager to help. By virtue of his ability to fly, Timmy helps Pimpa try to attract Armando’s attention and get safely back to dry land.An exciting tale of friendship, ´Pimpa and Timmy the Fish´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who is simply longing for a fun and sunny adventure!Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity. Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies. Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI. Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.

  • by Altan
    38.99 kr.

    It’s the Christmas holidays at last, and Pimpa and Armando are ready for another adventure!The sun is shining and Pimpa decides to go for a walk in the snowy woods, where she meets Max the snowman. Max has a cold head, so Pimpa lends him Armando’s hat. But a sudden gust of wind blows it away... Join Pimpa and Max as they try to get the hat back. But don't worry - Max might have a few tricks up his sleeves to make things a lot easier. A wintery tale with a hint of magic, ´Pimpa and Max the Snowman´ is perfect for early readers, and anyone who would like to join the friendly, red-spotted dog on a thrilling adventure!Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity. Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies. Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI. Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.

  • by Altan
    From 38.99 kr.

    An exciting adventure awaits Pimpa, or rather, lots of small adventures in one big story!When Pimpa convinces Armando to take her on a trip, she finds out that there’s a whole world waiting to be explored! With a bit of help from Nino the penguin, Rosa the cat, and Fritz the eagle, their adventure is destined for greatness. So grab your backpack and your favourite snack, and join Pimpa and Armando as they go on a trip that is full of fun, quirky surprises, and new discoveries. A tale of friendship and exploration, ´Pimpa and Armando go on an adventure´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who would like to join the famous, red-spotted dog on a thrilling adventure!Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity. Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies. Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI. Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.

  • by Altan
    From 38.99 kr.

    Put on your nicest party clothes and prepare yourself for yet another Pimpa-adventure! This time, the friendly, red-spotted dog takes listeners both young and old on a journey across seas, deserts, and forests, in search of Africa. When Pimpa gets a letter inviting her to the birthday party of her three friends – Leo, Horace, and Carla the crocodile - she quickly runs out the door. With help from a train, the sun, and the wind, Pimpa is guided to Africa in time for celebrating her friends' birthday party. An exciting story filled with friendly encounters and exploration, ´Pimpa Goes to Africa´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who would like to join the famous, red-spotted dog on a thrilling adventure!Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity. Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies. Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI. Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.

  • by Altan
    38.99 kr.

    Grab your warmest blanket, fetch yourself a nice cup of hot chocolate, and join Pimpa on this cold adventure! It’s winter, and Pimpa walks with Armando to work. But when it starts snowing heavily, she can’t seem to find her way home. Luckily, she meets Molly the mole.While she can’t see very well, Molly has an excellent sense of smell and a knack for making tomatoes. Through underground tunnels, stairs, and plant pots, Pimpa slowly inches her way back home.A cosy and wintery tale, ´Pimpa and Molly the Mole´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who would like to join the friendly, red-spotted dog on a thrilling adventure!Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity. Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies. Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI. Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.

  • by Altan
    38.99 kr.

    When a mother hen’s eggs hatch, something is not what it seems like... there’s a duckling among the chicks!Grab your nearest buddy and join Pimpa on yet another adventure, when she tries to help Andy the duckling find his mum. But it will not be easy, as the ducks have already left for Africa. Luckily, the red-spotted dog finds a kind cloud, who gives Pimpa and her new friend a ride. Thanks to the cloud, Andy the duckling is one step closer to being reunited with his family!A tale with a premise similar to that of Hans Christian Andersen's ´The Ugly Duckling´, ´Pimpa and Andy the Duckling´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who is simply longing for an exciting adventure!Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity. Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies. Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI. Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.