1837–1901 (Victorian period)

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  • by Laura Usai
    96.99 kr.

    Gwen convive da sempre con il peso del suo potere, che la porta a viaggiare e a cambiare nome in continuazione, senza possibilità di legarsi a luoghi o persone. Tutto cambia quando attira l’attenzione del dottor Peter Collins: affascinato dal suo dono, l’uomo le propone di fargli da assistente nella città in cui è stato chiamato a operare; e Gwen, messa alle strette da una serie di eventi, non può fare altro che accettare. Una decisione obbligata, che la vedrà costretta a fidarsi di un uomo che ancora non conosce, andando incontro, per la prima volta, a un futuro che non ha progettato lei...NON È UN DONO.È UNA MALEDIZIONE.Questo è il primo volume della collana "La Curatrice"; il secondo volume è "La donna senza nome".Cosa dicono i lettori:Questa giovane autrice ha il dono del bel racconto, quella capacità innata di intessere trame e dar forma a personaggi senza apparente sforzo, quella tendenza a rendere vivide realtà alternative alla nostraInkBooks - Rivista onlineÈ un fantasy scritto benissimo, da leggere tutto d'un fiato! Numerosi sono i colpi di scena, l'intreccio è perfetto, è impossibile non rimanere coinvolti in questa storia e imprigionati nella ragnatela di segreti che solo alla fine verranno svelati 1001_notti_dinchiostro - BlogL'autrice, dotata di una fervida fantasia, è riuscita a scrivere un bellissimo fantasy, in cui non ci ha fatto mancare nulla: azione, mistero, magia, romance, avventura, arte, usi e costumiOgnilibroeunviaggio - BlogA soli ventisette anni, Laura Usai realizza un libro avventuroso da manuale, dove elementi paranormal e scene d’azione si fondono in un intreccio dal ritmo serratoLife Factory MagazineLaura Usai è una scrittrice milanese. Grande appassionata di lettura – attività che sponsorizza appassionatamente anche attraverso i social – lavora come copywriter e, dopo aver esordito col racconto "Gli occhi del disinganno" (2017), ha scalato le classifiche di vendita Amazon col romanzo fantasy "Il segreto della curatrice", cui ha fatto seguito l’altrettanto fortunato "La donna senza nome" (2021). Apprezzata per la sensibilità descrittiva e per l’acume narrativo, ha inoltre pubblicato il racconto "Maite" (2020) e il romanzo storico "L’eredità di Christine" (2021).

  • by Victoria Holt
    From 44.99 kr.

    Þegar Marty Leigh ferðast til Cornwall til að kenna ungri stúlku á herragarðinum Mount Mellyn hefur hún ekki hugmynd um hvað hún er búin að koma sér út í. Hin átta ára Alvean er erfiður nemandi og gerir Marty lífið leitt, en hún er staðráðin í að vinna hana á sitt band. Það er engin hjálp í föðurnum, Connan TreMellyn. Undir vinalegu yfirborðinu virðist hann fráhrindandi og grimmilegur. En Marty gefst ekki auðveldlega upp og kemst smám saman að því að þungt andrúmsloftið á herragarðinum orsakast af því að eiginkona húsbóndans og móðir Alvean lést við dularfullar aðstæður. Marty er staðráðin í að komast að leyndarmálinu, en verður hún svikin af eigin tilfinningum? Bókin er fyrsta skáldsagan sem Eleanor Hibbert ritaði undir höfundarnafninu Victoria Holt.idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlVictoria Holt er eitt höfundarnafna Eleanor Alice Burford Hibbert. Hún fæddist í Bretlandi árið 1906 og lést 1993 og ritaði um 200 sögulegar skáldsögur um ævina undir hinum og þessum höfundarnöfnum, allt eftir umfjöllunarefni sagnanna. Meðal annarra höfundarnafna hennar eru Jean Plaidy og Philippa Carr. Verk hennar hafa unnið til verðlauna, verið þýdd á fjölda tungumála og hafa selst í yfir 50 milljón eintökum um allan heim.

  • by Robert Louis Stevenson
    68.99 kr.

    When a brilliant doctor's experiment goes wrong, a dangerous pursuit of separating good and evil follows...Tucked away in the dark and murky streets of London, a lawyer finds himself investigating strange incidents between his old friend Dr Henry Jekyll and the reclusive Edward Hyde.Although seemingly nothing alike, the two are more similar than what meets the eye...This classic tale is perfect for fans of Heather Parry and Silvia Moreno-Garcia.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) was a Scottish novelist, essayist, and travel writer. He is best known for ‘Treasure Island’, ‘Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’, and ‘Kidnapped´. He remains today an influential sci-fi and gothic-horror writer.

  • by Barbara Cartland
    From 58.99 kr.

    A seguito dell'omicidio accidentale di un noto membro della società inglese, Sir Denzil Caversham viene costretto all'esilio per tre anni in America. In sua assenza, la bellissima figlia Thalia inizia lavorare sotto falso nome in una sartoria molto alla moda che serve i gusti delle ricche signore di Londra, dove cattura l'attenzione dell'affascinante conte di Hellingham. Dapprima contraria alle avances del conte, Thalia è presto irresistibilmente attratta dal suo strano magnetismo e dalla sua tenerezza di fondo. Ma mentre l'amore sboccia nel suo cuore, cresce anche l'amara certezza che la loro storia non potrà mai avverarsi, perché il conte non dovrà mai scoprire la vera identità della ragazza che gli ha rubato il cuore.Barbara Cartland (1901 – 2000) è stata una scrittrice britannica molto prolifica, specializzata in particolare in romanzi rosa e novelle romantiche. In oltre settant'anni di attività scrisse oltre 730 romanzi e fu, con oltre un miliardo di copie vendute, una delle autrici di maggior successo di tutti i tempi. Tra gli anni Settanta e Novanta divenne una personalità mediatica soprattutto grazie a numerose apparizioni televisive e partecipazioni a eventi mondani, nonché in quanto imparentata con la giovane Lady Diana, principessa del Galles. Tra i titoli più conosciuti a livello internazionale spiccano "Amore innocente", "La ballerina e il principe" e "Passione sotto la cenere".

  • by Lise Lotte Frederiksen
    49.00 kr.

    Charles Dickens skrev 15 romaner og hundredevis af noveller og artikler. Hvordan holdt han styr på sine tekster og karakterer?Litteraturformidler Lise Lotte Frederiksen tager os med gennem Charles Dickens' storhedstid - med eget dobbeltliv, klare narrative temaer og et helt særligt forhold til sine læsere, som ikke var set før.Har du endnu aldrig fået læst Oliver Twist eller Store Forventninger, og vil du gerne have et overblik over Charles Dickens’ forfatterskab?I 'Alt om Dickens' tager litteraturformidler Lise Lotte Frederiksen os back to basics og fortæller om Charles Dickens, hans liv og hans betydning for den engelske litteraturhistorie.Her får du et overblik over nogle af hans mest betydningsfulde værker, samt hvad de fortæller om samfundet og livsvilkårene i Victoriatiden. Lise Lotte er god til at fremhæve temaer og symboler, der er typiske for Dickens’ skriverier og hun sætter scenen for, hvordan han blev kritiseret for sin folkelige appel i sin samtid - samt hvordan han udnyttede selvsamme folkelighed til at opbygge et stærkt personligt brand.'Alt om Charles Dickens' er en informativ og inspirerende introduktion til denne betydningsfulde forfatter og værker.Lise Lotte Frederiksen ser først og fremmest sig selv som formidler og har en stor kærlighed til litteraturen, ikke mindst klassikerne.Hun er cand.mag. i dansk, engelsk og teatervidenskab og har undervist det meste af sit liv. De seneste år har hun primært holdt foredrag om litteratur og gået litterære byvandringer i europæiske byer.

  • by Lise Lotte Frederiksen
    49.00 kr.

    Hvordan var livet i Victoriatidens England, og hvad lagde kimen til Charles Dickens' fokus på social retfærdighed?Litteraturformidler Lise Lotte Frederiksen opruller begyndelsen af Charles Dickens' liv og karriere. Fra hans barndom og tidlige karriere som journalist og stenograf til hans kæmpesucces som forfatter med værker som Oliver Twist.Har du endnu aldrig fået læst Oliver Twist eller Store Forventninger, og vil du gerne have et overblik over Charles Dickens’ forfatterskab?I 'Alt om Dickens' tager litteraturformidler Lise Lotte Frederiksen os back to basics og fortæller om Charles Dickens, hans liv og hans betydning for den engelske litteraturhistorie.Her får du et overblik over nogle af hans mest betydningsfulde værker, samt hvad de fortæller om samfundet og livsvilkårene i Victoriatiden. Lise Lotte er god til at fremhæve temaer og symboler, der er typiske for Dickens’ skriverier og hun sætter scenen for, hvordan han blev kritiseret for sin folkelige appel i sin samtid - samt hvordan han udnyttede selvsamme folkelighed til at opbygge et stærkt personligt brand.'Alt om Charles Dickens' er en informativ og inspirerende introduktion til denne betydningsfulde forfatter og værker.Lise Lotte Frederiksen ser først og fremmest sig selv som formidler og har en stor kærlighed til litteraturen, ikke mindst klassikerne.Hun er cand.mag. i dansk, engelsk og teatervidenskab og har undervist det meste af sit liv. De seneste år har hun primært holdt foredrag om litteratur og gået litterære byvandringer i europæiske byer.

  • by Jane Austen
    36.99 kr.

    Cette compilation est composée des histoires suivantes :EmmaOrgueil et PréjugésPersuasionRaison et SensibilitéL'Abbaye de NorthangerCatherine MorlandLes romans de Jane Austen ont été adaptés de nombreuses fois au cinéma notamment Emma (2020) d'Autumn de Wilde avec Anya Taylor‑Joy, Callum Turner, Connor Swindells (Sex Education), et Tanya Reynolds (Sex Education) et plus récemment Persuasion (2022) de Carrie Cracknell avec Dakota Johnson.Jane Austen (1775-1817) est une écrivaine anglaise, issue d’une famille modeste. Avec le soutien de son père, elle a joui d'une bonne éducation qu'elle étoffa grâce à la bibliothèque familiale. Malgré une relation amoureuse compliquée et sa maladie, Austen travailla sans relâche jusqu'à la fin de sa vie. Elle est l'un des écrivains anglais les plus largement lus en raison de sa critique sociale mordante mélangée à son humour décalé et à son ironie. Les histoires de ses héroïnes qui confrontent leurs rôles dans la société ont été adaptées de multiples fois au cinéma et à la télévision, notamment dans le film « Orgueil et Préjugés » (2005) de Joe Wright avec Keira Knightley et le film « Emma, l’entremetteuse » (2009) de Douglas McGrath avec Gwyneth Paltrow.

  • by Catherine Cookson
    148.99 kr.

    Behendig, pienter en ondernemend, dat is de jonge Freddy Musgrove in een notendop. In de roerige tijden van de negentiende eeuw, blijven zijn talenten dan ook niet onopgemerkt. Binnen een mum van tijd wordt hij gevraagd om geheimzinnige boodschappen en pakketjes door de douane te krijgen. Als koerier varend door de Theems, levert hij een pakketje af bij het Grote Huis. Maar wat voor verschrikkelijks hij daar te zien krijgt, blijft hem zijn leven lang achtervolgen. Of is het zijn ticket naar een gelukkig, liefdevol leven?Catherine Cookson (1906 - 1998) groeide op in een arm gezin in Engeland en is uitgegroeid tot een van de populairste romanschrijfsters in Groot-Brittannië. Hoewel ze pas op haar 44e haar eerste boek uitbracht, heeft ze in haar leven meer dan honderd boeken geschreven waarvan er wereldwijd meer dan honderd miljoen verkocht zijn. Haar bekendste werken zijn ‘Fiona’, ‘Het geslacht Mallen’, ‘Maisie’, ‘Mary Ann’ en ‘Tilly Trotter’. Op 91-jarige leeftijd overleed Cookson en liet ze de wereld achter met een indrukwekkend oeuvre aan romantische weglezers en vele verfilmingen.

  • by Victoria Holt
    From 44.99 kr.

    Í miðjum skógi í Cornwall á Englandi standa sex styttur úr steini. Sagan segir að sex jómfrúr úr klaustri í Cornwall rufu heit sín og var breytt í stein í refsiskyni. En sjöunda jómfrúin átti önnur örlög. Mörgum árum seinna er klaustrið orðið að höll St. Larston fjölskyldunnar og örlögin blikka aðra unga konu. Kerensa Carlee elst upp í fátækt rétt við St. Larnston höllina. Án annarra kvenkosta en mikils metnaðar og enn meiri fegurðar tekst henni að fá vinnu sem þerna í húsinu, en þar er reimt. Kerensa er hins vegar ástfangin af húsinu og er staðráðin í að verða húsfreyja þar. En örlögin eru með önnur áform. Þrátt fyrir metnaðinn flækist Kerensa inn í minningar og ráðgátur og tilvera hennar í Cornwall viktoríutímans vekur upp bæði brjálæði og gamla hefnigirni...Victoria Holt er eitt höfundarnafna Eleanor Alice Burford Hibbert. Hún fæddist í Bretlandi árið 1906 og lést 1993 og ritaði um 200 sögulegar skáldsögur um ævina undir hinum og þessum höfundarnöfnum, allt eftir umfjöllunarefni sagnanna. Meðal annarra höfundarnafna hennar eru Jean Plaidy og Philippa Carr. Verk hennar hafa unnið til verðlauna, verið þýdd á fjölda tungumála og hafa selst í yfir 50 milljón eintökum um allan heim.

  • by Mary Elizabeth Braddon
    102.99 kr.

    ‘Lady Audley's Secret’ by Mary Elizabeth Braddon is a Victorian sensation novel and her most famous and well-known work.In this story, which combines elements from detective novels, psychological thrillers, and romance, the heroine Lady Audley is living an upper-class life with seemingly no secrets.Soon, however, truths of bigamy, arson, and murder are uncovered, as the assumptions of femininity are challenged.This novel will surely delight fans of Thomas Hardy’s ‘Far From the Madding Crowd’.Mary Elizabeth Braddon was a popular English novelist writing in the Victorian era. She is best known for her sensation novel ‘Lady Audley's Secret’, published in 1862, which has been dramatised for TV and film several times.While this was the novel that found her fortune as a bestseller, Braddon continued to publish works until her death in 1915, penning several works of supernatural fiction, ghost stories, and historical fiction.

  • by Victoria Holt
    From 44.99 kr.

    Ævafornar rústir. Fjölskylduhneyksli. Forboðin ást. Caroline Verlaine veit að eitthvað er að. Systir hennar, Roma, er horfin og enginn getur sagt henni hvers vegna. Eina vonin er að fara þangað sem systir hennar sást síðast – Lovat Stacy, en það er hús með banvæna sögu. Hafið og kviksandurinn við strendur Dover hafa ógnað Stacy fjölskyldunni svo kynslóðum skiptir. En kviksandurinn er ekki það hættulegasta fyrir Caroline. Allir búa yfir leyndarmáli, ekki síst hinn dularfulli ungi erfingi Napier Stacy. Sama hvaða leið Caroline velur er jörðin undir fótum hennar óstöðug. Og því nær sem hún kemst sannleikanum, því nær kemst hún því að eiga sömu örlög og systir hennar...Victoria Holt er eitt höfundarnafna Eleanor Alice Burford Hibbert. Hún fæddist í Bretlandi árið 1906 og lést 1993 og ritaði um 200 sögulegar skáldsögur um ævina undir hinum og þessum höfundarnöfnum, allt eftir umfjöllunarefni sagnanna. Meðal annarra höfundarnafna hennar eru Jean Plaidy og Philippa Carr. Verk hennar hafa unnið til verðlauna, verið þýdd á fjölda tungumála og hafa selst í yfir 50 milljón eintökum um allan heim.

  • by Harriet Lewis
    69.99 kr.

    Þessi saga á sér stað á Viktoríutímabilinu í ensku samfélagi. Ung Verenika giftist Roy, Lávarðinum af Clynord. Hann á ekki stóra fjölskyldu en á tvö stjúpsystkini sem öfundast út í hina ungu og saklausu Vereniku og reyna að koma henni fyrir kattarnef. Skáldsagan er eitt vinsælasta verk Harriet Lewis og kom fyrst út á ensku árið 1872. Bókin naut mikilla vinsælda á Íslandi áður fyrr sem hluti af Sögusafni heimilanna.Persónurnar og notkun á tungumáli í verkinu endurspegla ekki skoðanir útgefandans. Verkið er gefið út sem sögulegt skjal sem inniheldur lýsingar á tíðaranda og skynjun manna sem tíðkaðist á tímum skrifanna.Serían samanstendur af eldri sögum sem eiga það sameiginlegt að hafa verið eftirsóttar til lengri tíma í flokki rómantískra bókmennta. Bækurnar henta einstaklega vel þegar þú vilt gleyma þér í rómantík og ævintýrum gamla tímans.Harriet Lewis fæddist árið 1841. Ritferill hennar fór hönd í hönd við ritferil eiginmanns hennar sem hún giftist árið 1860, en þau unnu saman að ýmsum ritverkum, m.a. spennuseríum. Harriet lést ung að aldri árið 1878, einungis 37 ára gömul. Hún lét eftir sig 41 skáldverk sem hafa verið þýdd yfir á fjölmörg tungumál.

  • by Victoria Holt
    From 45.99 kr.

    Dauðinn sækir þá heim sem trufla hina eilífu hvíld konunganna... Fyrir Judith Osmond virðast allir draumar hennar hafa ræst. Þrátt fyrir að hafa fæðst í fátækt erfir hún ríkan ættingja og getur því gert allt sem hún vill. Hún giftist Tybalt, ungum fornleifafræðingi sem hún hefur verið ástfangin af frá unga aldri, og þau ferðast til Egyptalands, nokkuð sem Judith hefur alltaf dreymt um að gera. En það er í Egyptalandi sem bölvun konunganna virðist ætla að rætast og það reynir á kænsku Judith að leysa ráðgátuna.Victoria Holt er eitt höfundarnafna Eleanor Alice Burford Hibbert. Hún fæddist í Bretlandi árið 1906 og lést 1993 og ritaði um 200 sögulegar skáldsögur um ævina undir hinum og þessum höfundarnöfnum, allt eftir umfjöllunarefni sagnanna. Meðal annarra höfundarnafna hennar eru Jean Plaidy og Philippa Carr. Verk hennar hafa unnið til verðlauna, verið þýdd á fjölda tungumála og hafa selst í yfir 50 milljón eintökum um allan heim.

  • by Catherine Cookson
    125.99 kr.

    Zal de nieuwe Mallen-generatie aan de vloek kunnen ontsnappen? Barbara, bekend uit het gelijknamige tweede deel van de Mallen-trilogie, krijgt samen met haar echtgenoot Dan een zoon. Tot haar grote schrik ziet zij de geruchtmakende kenmerken terug van de hopeloze mannen in haar familie... De Mallen-vloek is terug. Ook Barbara zelf is niet klaar met de vloek, wanneer ze in contact komt met haar grote jeugdliefde. Hoe loopt het met de tragedische familie af in dit sensationele slot van de ‘Het geslacht Mallen’-reeks?

  • by Julianne Donaldson
    73.99 kr.

    »Immer, wenn ich einen Vogel sehe, denke ich an dich. Dann frage ich mich, wohin dich deine Flügel eines Tages tragen werden, wenn du sie erst ausgebreitet hast, und wie weit fort von mir. Ich fürchte mich vor diesem Moment, um meinetwillen, und gleichzeitig sehne ich ihn herbei, um deinetwillen.«England, 1820. Kate Worthington hat sich geschworen, niemals zu heiraten. Sie möchte frei sein und die Welt bereisen. Ihre Mutter missbilligt das, schließlich ziemt sich das nicht für eine junge Frau. Als Kate jedoch auf das Anwesen Blackmoore eingeladen wird, lässt sie sich auf eine Wette mit ihrer Mutter ein: Gelingt es Kate, drei Heiratsanträge in Blackmoore zu bekommen – und sie alle abzulehnen –, ist sie frei. Wenn nicht, entscheidet ihre Mutter über ihre Zukunft. Ein Kinderspiel, denkt Kate. Doch kaum in Blackmoore angekommen, merkt sie, dass es gar nicht so leicht ist, in wenigen Tagen drei Männerherzen zu erobern – und zu brechen. Und als sie schließlich einen Antrag bekommt, stellt sie mit Entsetzen fest, dass ihr Herz etwas ganz anderes will als ihr Verstand ...Julianne Donaldson ist eine hoffnungslose Romantikerin. Sie hat Englische Literatur studiert, was ihre Leidenschaft fürs Schreiben nur noch verstärkt hat. Heute lebt sie mit ihrem Mann und ihren vier Kindern in Salt Lake City, reist aber bei jeder sich bietenden Gelegenheit nach England.

  • by Charlotte Mary Yonge
    120.99 kr.

    ‘The Pillars of the House Volume 1’ - or ´Under Wode, Under Rode´ - is the first instalment of English writer Charlotte Mary Yonge’s story about the Underwood children.Three years after the birth of her twins, Mrs Underwood dies, leaving her thirteen children orphaned.Felix, the oldest child at 16 years of age, and his eldest sister, Wilmet, are determined their family will stay together.Set in the industrial town of Bexley, this Victorian family saga tells the story of the children as they struggle to survive and find their way in the world against all odds.This is a story of hope, love, sacrifice, and family, and it is ideal for anyone looking for a great, heartwarming family saga.Charlotte Mary Yonge (1823 - 1901) was a prolific and popular English novelist, biographer, editor, historian, essayist, and journalist. She is most famous for her novels which include ‘Heartsease’, ‘The Daisy Chain’, ‘The Young Stepmother’, and the commercially successful ‘The Heir of Redclyffe’ (1853).Yonge was also a founder and editor for forty years of ‘The Monthly Packet’ magazine, while her book, ‘History of Christian Names’, is considered to be the first serious attempt at recording the subject. Profits from her books were often donated to charitable causes.

  • by Adeline Sergeant
    102.99 kr.

    Set in Victorian London, ‘Name and Shame’ is an unashamed melodrama in its purest form.Following the fortunes of Alan and Lisette Walcott, alongside the adventures of Lettice Campion, this is a tale of deceived wives, attempted murder, secret identities, politics, and illegitimate children.Although the writing is taut and the plot full of twists and turns, Sergeant saves a few well-chosen words with which to take pot-shots at the role of women in Victorian society and the deplorable attitudes of the men around them.A rollicking read for those new to Sergeant’s work.Emily Frances Adeline Sergeant (1851 – 1904) was one of the most prolific novelists of the 19th century. Born in Derbyshire, Emily was the daughter of Richard Sergeant, a Methodist missionary, and Jane Hall, a writer of children’s books. Jane published her stories under the name Adeline, which Emily was later to adopt.During her lifetime, Adeline Sergeant wrote over 90 novels, including ‘The Story of a Penitent Soul,’ ‘No Saint,’ and ‘The Idol Maker.’ Many of her works explored the theme of religion, as her views changed from committed faith to agnosticism, and finally, to Catholicism.

  • by Charlotte Mary Yonge
    120.99 kr.

    ‘The Pillars of the House Volume 2’ - or ´Under Wode, Under Rode´ - is the second instalment of English writer Charlotte Mary Yonge’s story about the Underwood children.Set in the industrial town of Bexley, this Victorian family saga continues the story of the orphaned children as they struggle to survive and find their way in the world against all odds.A story of hope, love, sacrifice, and family, ‘The Pillars of the House Volume 2’ will surely delight anyone interested in great family sagas.Charlotte Mary Yonge (1823 - 1901) was a prolific and popular English novelist, biographer, editor, historian, essayist, and journalist. She is most famous for her novels which include ‘Heartsease’, ‘The Daisy Chain’, ‘The Young Stepmother’, and the commercially successful ‘The Heir of Redclyffe’ (1853).Yonge was also a founder and editor for forty years of ‘The Monthly Packet’ magazine, while her book, ‘History of Christian Names’, is considered to be the first serious attempt at recording the subject. Profits from her books were often donated to charitable causes.

  • by Charlotte Mary Yonge
    77.99 kr.

    Forty-year-old Alwyn Egremont seduces Alice, an 18-year-old nursery governess, in his brother's employ.Scared he will lose his inheritance for doing so, Alwyn denies the affair and abandons her and their unborn daughter, Nuttie.When the supposedly dead Alwyn Egremont appears on Alice’s doorstep some 17 years later, Nuttie’s life is changed forever.Taken from her childhood home, she must adapt to a new life. But can Nuttie overcome her mother’s blind devotion to a destructive Alwyn and her own resentment of her absent father?‘Nuttie’s Father’ (1885) is a romantic novel that will delight any reader interested in Victorian literature.Charlotte Mary Yonge (1823 - 1901) was a prolific and popular English novelist, biographer, editor, historian, essayist, and journalist. She is most famous for her novels which include ‘Heartsease’, ‘The Daisy Chain’, ‘The Young Stepmother’, and the commercially successful ‘The Heir of Redclyffe’ (1853).Yonge was also a founder and editor for forty years of ‘The Monthly Packet’ magazine, while her book, ‘History of Christian Names’, is considered to be the first serious attempt at recording the subject. Profits from her books were often donated to charitable causes.

  • by Charlotte Mary Yonge
    77.99 kr.

    The bed-ridden widow Julia Charnock Poynsett lives at home with her two youngest sons, but soon her three eldest children, who left home to get married, will return with their wives for the very first time.Raymond, an MP and heir to his mother's fortune, has married his second cousin, while Julius is the new rector of the parish. The third son, Miles, has sent his wife Anne back ahead of him while he completes his tour of duty.Living under the same roof as their crippled mother, the sons begin to learn a lot about their new wives.‘The Three Brides’ is a family drama full of romance, betrayal, and greed, perfect for fans of the Brontë sisters.Charlotte Mary Yonge (1823 - 1901) was a prolific and popular English novelist, biographer, editor, historian, essayist, and journalist. She is most famous for her novels which include ‘Heartsease’, ‘The Daisy Chain’, ‘The Young Stepmother’, and the commercially successful ‘The Heir of Redclyffe’ (1853).Yonge was also a founder and editor for forty years of ‘The Monthly Packet’ magazine, while her book, ‘History of Christian Names’, is considered to be the first serious attempt at recording the subject. Profits from her books were often donated to charitable causes.

  • by Anita Davison
    129.99 kr.

    Flora has trodden the path of amateur sleuth before, but with so much at stake, this time it's personal.1905 London is a heady mix of unimaginable wealth and simmering political tensions, and with war looming Flora Maguire wants to keep her family safe.So when her beloved charge Viscount Edward Trent is accused of murder, she's determined not to leave the investigation to the police.Slowly the body of the victim found stabbed on a train bound for Paddington starts giving up its secrets, and Flora and her husband Bunny become mired in a murky world of spies, communists and fraudsters. And with the police more sure than ever that Edward is their murderer, Flora must work fast to keep him safe.Anita Davison's compulsive story-telling, combined with the irresistible mix of historical drama and gripping mystery, makes this unputdownable.Perfect for cosy mystery fans who love the glitz and glamour of "The Gilded Age" and "Downton Abbey".

  • by Elizabeth Gaskell
    42.99 kr.

    When 19-year-old Paul Manning moves to the countryside, his cousin Phillis is thrown into turmoil and insecurity as she falls for the charms of Paul’s sophisticated friend.Paul is dismayed when he discovers that he must leave London and stay with his religious uncle in the country. But when he arrives, he discovers his relatives are far from pious bores - especially his beautiful cousin Phyllis.However, when Phyllis falls for the charms of Paul's dashing friend, he fears for his cousin's reputation.This haunting story is a masterful piece of Victorian fiction about heartbreak and tragedy and was adapted for a BBC TV series in 1982.A leading figure in Victorian literature, Gaskell’s work continues to resonate with readers to this day.Elizabeth Gaskell (1810-1865) was an English novelist, biographer, and short story writer, renowned for her earnest and detailed descriptions of Victorian society. Among her most famous novels are ‘North and South’, ‘Mary Barton’, and ‘Wives and Daughters’.Her work has been adapted for film and TV on numerous occasions, including the BBC TV drama ‘Cranford’, starring Dame Judi Dench. Gaskell also wrote ‘The Life of Charlotte Brontë’ (1857), which was the first-ever biography of the famous English writer, Charlotte Brontë.

  • by John Galsworthy
    56.99 kr.

    Pomiędzy porywami serca a pragmatycznymi podpowiedziami rozumu i... rodziny.W imponującej posiadłości rodziny Forsyte'ów odbywa się przyjęcie z okazji zaręczyn młodziutkiej June. Wybrankiem jej serca okazuje się niezbyt majętny architekt Filip Bosinney. W kuluarowych rozmowach wybór dziewczyny jest drobiazgowo roztrząsany. Przedstawiciele zamożnego mieszczaństwa zastanawiają się, czy to dobra matrymonialna inwestycja. W dyskusjach ujawnia się psychologia poszczególnych bohaterów, a także ich wspólna, do bólu praktyczna, perspektywa patrzenia na świat.Pierwsza część "Sagi rodu Forsyte'ów", za którą autor dostał Nagrodę Nobla. Historia rodziny była wielokrotnie ekranizowana, zainspirowała między innymi twórców serialu "Downton Abbey".To wnikliwe i krytyczne spojrzenie na średnią klasę wyższą może przypaść do gustu miłośnikom pisarstwa Herberta George'a Wellsa oraz "Lalki" Bolesława Prusa.John Galsworthy (1867-1933) - angielski powieściopisarz i dramaturg, najbardziej znany jako twórca arcydzieła "Saga rodu Forsyte'ów", za które w 1932 roku otrzymał literacką Nagrodę Nobla. Cykl przedstawia angielską rodzinę z wyższej klasy w latach 1886-1926. W swoich utworach Galsworthy porusza kwestie społeczne, analizuje złożoność życia rodzinnego i portretuje wyższą klasę średnią. Ostro krytykuje przy tym moralność i ideały wiktoriańskiej Anglii. Do jego innych wybitnych dzieł należą "Z czterech stron wiatru", "Srebrna papierośnica", "We dworze" i "Gra o skórę".

  • by E. Nesbit
    102.99 kr.

    Listen to the book that inspired the upcoming film 'The Railway Children Return' starring Jenny Agutter, John Bradley, Tom Courtenay and BAFTA-winning actress Sheridan Smith.When Roberta, Phyllis and Peter's father is accused of being a spy and sent to prison, the children and their mother are forced to leave their comfortable city life for the countryside. They move into a small cottage called "Three Chimneys" close to a railway station.As the children settle into their new home, the railway soon becomes the centre of their lives: promising new friends, plenty of adventures, and perhaps even the key to bringing their father home..."The Railway Children" is a heart-warming, timeless classic of friendship, family and bravery.

  • by Catherine Cookson
    125.99 kr.

    Hoe belandt de piepjonge Jinnie, helemaal alleen en volledig uitgebuit, in een wreed werkhuis? Het is 1873 wanneer haar vader overlijdt en Jinnie zichzelf moet zien te redden. Na een afschuwelijke jeugd in het werkhuis, mag ze op vijftienjarige leeftijd dienstmeisje worden bij de familie Shaleman. Ze hoopt zich eindelijk veilig en geborgen te voelen, maar niets is minder waar. De familie heeft hele andere plannen voor haar in petto. Wacht er een beter leven voor Jinnie, nadat ze de mysterieuze Richard Baxton-Powell ontmoet?

  • by Charles Dickens
    59.99 kr.

    ‘Pearl-Fishing – First Series’ by Charles Dickens is a collection of short stories which were first published in ‘Household Words’. Featuring titles such as ‘Loaded Dice’, ‘My Wonderful Adventures in Skitzland,’ ‘The Old Churchyard Tree’, ‘Father and Son', and 'The Ghost of the Late Mr. James Barber’ amongst others. These tales were very popular amongst readers of the magazine when they were first published and are still classic reads to be enjoyed by any modern-day fan of Charles Dickens. When you’ve read them all, re-live them all over again or read even more of the author's short stories in ‘Pearl-Fishing – Second Series’.Regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens is best known for creating some of the world’s best known fictional characters who feature in his most popular novels, including The Artful Dodger in 'Oliver Twist’, Ebenezer Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’, and Miss Havisham in ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens’ timeless novels and short stories are still widely read today and many have been adapted into countless TV programmes and films including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’, and 'A Christmas Carol' which well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time.

  • by Charles Dickens
    42.99 kr.

    The majority of the poems in this collection ‘The Poems and Verses’ are a classic collection of poetic works by Charles Dickens. They are brought together in this anthology after appearing in Dickens' other works, including ‘The Pickwick Papers’ and several plays that he wrote together with Wilkie Collins.Regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens is best known for creating some of the world’s best known fictional characters who feature in his most popular novels, including The Artful Dodger in 'Oliver Twist’, Ebenezer Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’, and Miss Havisham in ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens’ timeless novels and short stories are still widely read today and many have been adapted into countless TV programmes and films including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’, and 'A Christmas Carol' which is well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time.

  • by Charles Dickens
    59.99 kr.

    ‘Pearl-Fishing – Second Series’ is a second collection of short stories written by the renowned author of ‘Great Expectations’, Charles Dickens. First published in ‘Household Words’, Pearl-Fishing – Second Series’ follows Dickens’ first anthology of short stories ‘Pearl-Fishing – First Series’. Featuring titles such as ‘The Young Advocate’, ‘The Last of a Long Line’, ‘Evil is Wrought by Want of Thought’ and ‘The Home of Woodruffe the Gardener’, amongst others. These tales were very popular amongst readers of the magazine when they were first published and are still classic reads to be enjoyed by any modern-day fan of Charles Dickens.Regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens is best known for creating some of the world’s best known fictional characters who feature in his most popular novels, including The Artful Dodger in 'Oliver Twist’, Ebenezer Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’, and Miss Havisham in ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens’ timeless novels and short stories are still widely read today and many have been adapted into countless TV programmes and films including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’, and 'A Christmas Carol' which well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time.

  • by John Galsworthy
    9.95 kr.

    Der fulminante Abschluss der Generationen überspannenden Forsyte-Saga: Fleur, die Tochter von Soames Forsyte und seiner zweiten Frau Anette, verliebt sich, und das ausgerechnet in Jon, den Sohn von Soames' Cousin und Rivalen Jolyon und Irene, Soames geschiedener Ehefrau. Die Kinder ahnen nichts von der Vergangenheit ihrer Eltern. Als diese aber von die Liaison erfahren, verbieten sie beiden den Umgang miteinander. Noch komplizierter wird es, als Michael Mont, ein Mann von hohem Adel, auf der Bildfläche erscheint und beginnt Fleur zu umwerben. Dies würde einen Aufstieg der Forsytes aus dem Bürgertum hinauf in die wahre Aristokratie bedeuten. Soames wähnt sich nahe an einem großen Ziel.Inklusive des literarischen Zwischenspiels „Erwachen‟, das unmittelbar an den Vorgängerband anknüpft.John Galsworthy (1867–1933) war einer der bedeutendsten englischen Dramatiker und Schriftsteller. Nach einem Studium der Rechtswissenschaften kam Galsworthy in den 1890ern zur Schriftstellerei. Mit seiner Saga über die vier Generationen der Forsytes, einer Familie der englischen Mittelschicht des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts, hat er einen Klassiker der modernen englischen Literatur erschaffen, für den er 1932 mit dem Literaturnobelpreis ausgezeichnet wurde.

  • by John Galsworthy
    9.95 kr.

    Das viktorianische England im Jahr 1886: Soames Forsyte fehlt es an nichts. Der Spross einer reichen Londoner Anwaltsfamilie hat Geld, Macht, Ansehen in der feinen Gesellschaft. Und mit Irene eine schöne Frau. Als seine Verwandte June Forsyte gegen den Willen der Familie die Verlobung mit dem Architekten Bosinney eingeht, beauftragt Soames diesen mit dem Bau eines neuen Anwesens. Bosinney und Irene fühlen sich zueinander hingezogen und beginnen eine Affäre, die nicht unentdeckt bleibt. Die Lage spitzt sich dramatisch zu und es kommt zu einem folgenschweren Zwischenfall. Der Auftakt zu John Galsworthys epischer Forsyte-Saga ist ein Muss für alle Fans von „Downton Abbey" und Thomas Manns „Buddenbrooks".John Galsworthy (1867–1933) war einer der bedeutendsten englischen Dramatiker und Schriftsteller. Nach einem Studium der Rechtswissenschaften kam Galsworthy in den 1890ern zur Schriftstellerei. Mit seiner Saga über die vier Generationen der Forsytes, einer Familie der englischen Mittelschicht des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts, hat er einen Klassiker der modernen englischen Literatur erschaffen, für den er 1932 mit dem Literaturnobelpreis ausgezeichnet wurde.