Later 19th century c 1850 to c 1899
69.00 kr. Hvordan satte den kønslige ulighed i samfundet sine spor i det private liv for et gift par i slutningen af 1800-tallet?I "Et ægteskab" fra 1889 møder vi en gift kvinde, som lever i et forhold, hvor hun ikke har mulighed for at udleve sit begær. Det fører til, at hun begiver sig ud i et nyt kærlighedsforhold, hvilket fører en erkendelsesrejse med sig, og hun bliver til slut forsonet i en erkendelse, både af hendes tids samfundsmæssige problemer og af den omsorgsfulde kærligheds natur.Det er en interessant fortælling, der giver indblik i datidens spørgsmål om kvinders ret til at definere deres eget begær samt spørgsmålet om kønsroller og familieformer.Massi Bruhn (1846-1895) var en dansk forfatter og kvindesagsforkæmper. Hun var datter af Thora Sevine Grønbech og skovfoged Georg Diderik Ludvig Sigismund B. Ved morens død flyttede hun fra barndomshjemmet i Gribskov til København og blev her en del af kredsen omkring Georg Brandes, hvor hun udfoldede sit virke, som dels var politisk og dels skønlitterært. Hun debuterede i 1888 med "Et lægemiddel", en føljeton om en kvinde som kureres for sin ulykkelige kærlighed gennem socialt arbejde, og hun bidrog desuden til tidsskrifter om kvindesagen, bl.a. bladet "Kvinden og Samfundet". Hovedværkerne er "Alt for fædrelandet" (1891) og "Et ægteskab" (1889).
- Ebook
- 69.00 kr.
79.00 kr. Hjobs mor døde, da han var ganske lille, og han kan ikke huske noget om hende. Til gengæld husker han sin også afdøde bedstemors fortællinger om hende og hendes fortryllende stemme. Hjobs tante Thea, som han har boet hos, så længe han kan huske, taler sjældent om Hjobs mor, selvom der ikke er noget, den lille dreng hellere vil høre om. Hvordan hun døde, forbliver længe et mysterium, og der går lang tid, før Hjob forstår hvorfor.Vilhelm Østergaard (1852-1928) var en dansk forfatter, journalist og titulær professor, der udgav en lang række bøger i forskellige genrer. Som journalist skrev Vilhelm Østergaard for blade som "Nationaltidende", "Berlingske Tidende" og "Dagens nyheder" om primært kulturliv. Han debuterede som forfatter i 1879 med novellesamlingen "Fra ulige steder" og udgav efterfølgende både romaner, digtsamlinger, erindringer, biografier, lærebøger samt genfortællinger af eventyr og sagn. I 1899 blev han titulær professor, og senere blev han både Ridder af Dannebrog og Dannebrogsmand.
- Ebook
- 79.00 kr.
79.00 kr. "Hvorfor gør du det? Hvorfor kaster du dig hovedkulds ind i et halvheds liv? Hvorfor venter du ikke, til der bydes dig noget, som er helt? Der er ingen, der forstår dig som jeg. – Der er ingen, der kan elske dig højere!"Sådan har Frans lyst til at sige til sin unge niece, da hun har sagt farvel og er løbet ned ad gaden med skøjterne dinglende i hånden. Han ved, at han er hendes fortrolige, men han ved også, at hun ikke nærer samme følelser for ham. Frans er med sine 25 år en ombejlet herre, men selv har han kun øje for sine bøger og så for sin 19-årige niece. Han ved imidlertid godt, at hun har ladet sig besnære af en ung køn skuespiller, som han på ingen måde mener er god nok til hende. Spørgsmålet er, om han kan tillade sig at erklære hende sin kærlighed – og om han tør!"Farbror Frans" er en skøn lille kærlighedshistorie fra København omkring århundredeskiftet, som udkom første gang i 1901.Jenny Blicher-Clausen (1865-1907) var dansk digter og forfatter. Hun begyndte at skrive allerede fra barnsben, og selvom hendes værker stilistisk tilhørte romantikkens litterære tendenser, var hun dybt optaget af det moderne gennembruds ideer om frigørelse og nytænkning. Blicher-Clausen udgav en lang række digtsamlinger og fik især med romanen "Inga Heine" fra 1898 en stor læserskare. Bogens tema er arbejdets rolle i kvindelivet, men fortællingen om hovedpersonens kærlighed til en gift mand står centralt. Blicher-Clausen bidrog desuden aktivt til datidens forskellige magasiner og tidsskrifter, og sammen med forfatterkollegaerne Laura Kieler og Johanne Schjørring redigerede hun et festskrift, der udkom i 1895 i anledning af Kvindernes Udstilling samme år.
- Ebook
- 79.00 kr.
69.00 kr. Da Robert kommer hjem fra Italien, har han tillært sig nogle uheldige vaner. Han har ikke bare lært, hvordan man forfører unge kvinder, han har også lært at gøre det helt uden skrupler.Nu begynder rygterne at gå om, at Robert har udset sig et offer i sin mors unge selskabsdame, Elisabeth, der som forældreløs ikke kan tillade sig at sætte en fod forkert i livet. Holder Roberts mor op med at bryde sig om hende, vil hun ikke længere være velkommen i huset. Problemet er imidlertid, at Roberts mor kun ser sin søns gode sider, og al den sladder, der florerer om ham, preller af på hende. Hvordan skal Elisabeth navigere udenom Roberts antastelser og stadig bevare hans mors gunst?"Mænd af ære" er en spændende og humoristisk skildring af victorianske værdier og dobbeltmoral blandt det bedre borgerskab. Bogen udkom første gang i 1890.Laura Kieler (1849-1932) var en dansk-norsk forfatter, der både var kendt for sit forfatterskab, som ivrig debattør i kvindeorganisationernes tidsskrifter og for at være inspiration til to kvindeskikkelser i Henrik Ibsens skuespil. Henrik Ibsens skildringer af Laura Kieler var ikke flatterende, men udstillede i stedet aspekter af hendes liv, som hun ikke ønskede, at offentligheden skulle se. Uagtet Henrik Ibsens fremstillinger af hende og blandt andre Georg Brandes’ hårde kritik huskes Laura Kieler som en dygtig forfatter og en handlekraftig og viljestærk kvinde, der formåede at hæve sig over den uretfærdighed, verden igen og igen bød hende. Laura Kieler blev læst af mange, og hun fik som en af de få gennembrudskvinder en betydelig indkomst af sit forfatterskab. Sammen med forfatterkollegaerne Jenny Blicher-Clausen og Johanne Schjørring redigerede hun et festskrift, der udkom i 1895 i anledning af Kvindernes Udstilling samme år.
- Ebook
- 69.00 kr.
99.00 kr. Fasting har levet det meste af sit liv i USA og England, men som nyuddannet ung mand vælger han at rejse tilbage til det land, han forlod med sin familie, da han var helt lille.På vej tilbage til Danmark læser han det brev, hans far gav ham med, da de tog afsked ved kajen. Her fortæller faren for første gang i detaljer, hvorfor han følte sig nødsaget til at flytte fra sit fædreland, hvor hans familie havde spillet en prominent rolle i generationer. I takt med at Fasting lærer sit gamle hjemland at kende, kommer han også til at forstå sig selv bedre. De mennesker, han møder i Danmark, får ham til at se sin familie på en hel ny måde og får ham til at tvivle på, hvor han egentlig hører til.Vilhelm Østergaards roman "Det gamle land" udkom første gang i 1903.Vilhelm Østergaard (1852-1928) var en dansk forfatter, journalist og titulær professor, der udgav en lang række bøger i forskellige genrer. Som journalist skrev Vilhelm Østergaard for blade som "Nationaltidende", "Berlingske Tidende" og "Dagens nyheder" om primært kulturliv. Han debuterede som forfatter i 1879 med novellesamlingen "Fra ulige steder" og udgav efterfølgende både romaner, digtsamlinger, erindringer, biografier, lærebøger samt genfortællinger af eventyr og sagn. I 1899 blev han titulær professor, og senere blev han både Ridder af Dannebrog og Dannebrogsmand.
- Ebook
- 99.00 kr.
79.00 kr. "Det var ikke hans skyld, at man ingen lærdom havde givet ham; at man ikke havde prøvet på at udvikle de evner, der var hos ham; at man havde ladet ham slæbe og slide i det, fra han var en halvvoksen knøs, og sat en bom for ham og sagt: Hertil kommer du og ikke videre. Nej, han skulle vise dem noget andet."Henning nægter at ende som sin mor og far. Moren døde ung efter at have levet et trist og glædesløst liv. Faren er en mislykket kunstner, der gik fra at male skibsportrætter til bare at sidde og have ondt af sig selv. Derfor må Henning som bare tolvårig gå ud af skolen for at arbejde på porcelænsfabrikken. Men selvom ingen anden tror på Hennings kunstneriske evner, så nægter han at give op og affinde sig med at være porcelænsmaler resten af sit liv. Hans plan rækker langt ud over det småborgerlige Danmarks grænser, og efter turen er gået til Tyskland, fortsætter han til Italien for at udvikle sine kunstneriske evner, uden nogen prøver at fortælle ham, at han skal affinde sig med sin lod i livet."Et ægteskabs historie" udkom første gang i 1883.Vilhelm Østergaard (1852-1928) var en dansk forfatter, journalist og titulær professor, der udgav en lang række bøger i forskellige genrer. Som journalist skrev Vilhelm Østergaard for blade som "Nationaltidende", "Berlingske Tidende" og "Dagens nyheder" om primært kulturliv. Han debuterede som forfatter i 1879 med novellesamlingen "Fra ulige steder" og udgav efterfølgende både romaner, digtsamlinger, erindringer, biografier, lærebøger samt genfortællinger af eventyr og sagn. I 1899 blev han titulær professor, og senere blev han både Ridder af Dannebrog og Dannebrogsmand.
- Ebook
- 79.00 kr.
79.00 kr. "Denne officer overbragte et brev fra prins Friederich Carl til kronprinsen af Prøjsen. Det indeholdt en bøn om, at den sidste ville trænge frem mod Østrigernes højre flanke, medens den første angreb dem i fronten. Dette brevs lykkelige overlevering beredte østrigerne nederlaget ved Sadowa."Laura Kieler skitserer en række små scener og historier fra 1870’ernes Europa. Vi kommer med til Königgrätz under Den Prøjsisk-østrigske Krig i 1866 og hører med, når de vigtigste beslutninger skal træffes bag fronten. Vi oplever, hvordan man fejrede jul i Sverige på god gammeldags manér. Noget så stilfærdigt som et gammelt dansk posthus’ kælder besøger vi også, for selv her kan Laura Kieler opstille en ejendommelig lille scene, der som alle hendes historier er spændende og finurligt fortalt. Bogen udkom første gang i 1875.Laura Kieler (1849-1932) var en dansk-norsk forfatter, der både var kendt for sit forfatterskab, som ivrig debattør i kvindeorganisationernes tidsskrifter og for at være inspiration til to kvindeskikkelser i Henrik Ibsens skuespil. Henrik Ibsens skildringer af Laura Kieler var ikke flatterende, men udstillede i stedet aspekter af hendes liv, som hun ikke ønskede, at offentligheden skulle se. Uagtet Henrik Ibsens fremstillinger af hende og blandt andre Georg Brandes’ hårde kritik huskes Laura Kieler som en dygtig forfatter og en handlekraftig og viljestærk kvinde, der formåede at hæve sig over den uretfærdighed, verden igen og igen bød hende. Laura Kieler blev læst af mange, og hun fik som en af de få gennembrudskvinder en betydelig indkomst af sit forfatterskab. Sammen med forfatterkollegaerne Jenny Blicher-Clausen og Johanne Schjørring redigerede hun et festskrift, der udkom i 1895 i anledning af Kvindernes Udstilling samme år.
- Ebook
- 79.00 kr.
102.99 kr. Orphan Anna’s life is changed for the better when she inherits an estate from her maternal uncle.Kind and intelligent, Anna decides to pass on some of her wealth by setting up a home for twelve women who have been mistreated throughout their life. These twelve women will be freed from financial worries, and will therefore not need to marry.Instead, they will be able to live in a place of natural beauty, forming a group of friends. Her goal is to make the women happy but achieving that may be harder than imagined...‘The Benefactress’ by Elizabeth von Arnim is a humorous historical fiction classic that will be enjoyed by fans of ‘Great Expectations’.Elizabeth von Arnim was an English novelist – a cousin of the New Zealand-born writer Katherine Mansfield – born as Mary Annette Beauchamp in Australia in 1866. She married a German aristocrat and her earliest written works are set in Germany.Von Arnim launched her career as a writer with her satirical and semi-autobiographical work ‘Elizabeth and Her German Garden’, published anonymously in 1898. Although she was known by the name May in her early life, when she began writing, her success as ‘Elizabeth’ meant that her writings were ascribed to the name Elizabeth von Arnim.
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- 102.99 kr.
- Barrack Room Sketches
78.99 kr. Between 1904 and 1918, Wallace collected tales about life in the British Army and the escapades and adventures of the troops. These led him to create the eponymous character, ‘Smithy.’The second book in the series ‘Smithy Abroad’ sees the eponymous soldier and his two mates, Nobby Clark and Spud Murphy, trying to scheme, connive, and bluff their way out of anything resembling hard graft.However, their plans have a tendency to backfire...A light-hearted and sometimes zany read for fans of humorous historical fiction.Smithy seriesInitially published in the Daily Mail, the ´Smithy´ series features a bunch of short stories about the everyday life of the soldiers in the British military.Born in London, Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was an English writer so prolific, that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England.Leaving school at the age of 12, Wallace made his first steps into the literary world by selling newspapers on the corner of Fleet Street.He worked as a war correspondent after joining the army at age 21, which honed his writing abilities. This led to the creation of his first book, ‘The Four Just Men.’Wallace is best remembered as the co-creator of ‘King Kong,’ which has been adapted for film 12 times (most notably directed by ‘Lord of the Rings’ director, Peter Jackson, and starring Jack Black and Naomi Watts).However, he leaves behind an extensive body of work, including stories such as ‘The Crimson Circle’ and ‘The Flying Squad.’
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- 78.99 kr.
58.99 kr. Salapoliisitarinoiden mestarin esikoisteos!James Fothergill West on amatöörietsivä, joka on vasta muuttanut Skotlannin Wigtownshireen. Hän on hädin tuskin ehtinyt asettua kodiksi, kun jo törmää omituiseen arvoitukseen. Minkä takia Cloomberin hallissa asuva kenraali Heatherstone on jatkuvasti niin peloissaan? Westin etsivänvaistoa herättelee myös se, ettei kenraali tunnu lainkaan päästävän lapsiaan ulos talosta.Arthur Conan Doylen kiehtova mysteeri tuo esiin myös aloittelevan dekkarikirjailijan kiinnostuksen paranormaaleihin ilmiöihin.Arthur Conan Doyle (1859–1930) oli skotlantilainen kirjailija, joka tunnetaan parhaiten etsivä Sherlock Holmesin tutkimuksista kertovista romaaneistaan.
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- 58.99 kr.
148.99 kr. Behendig, pienter en ondernemend, dat is de jonge Freddy Musgrove in een notendop. In de roerige tijden van de negentiende eeuw, blijven zijn talenten dan ook niet onopgemerkt. Binnen een mum van tijd wordt hij gevraagd om geheimzinnige boodschappen en pakketjes door de douane te krijgen. Als koerier varend door de Theems, levert hij een pakketje af bij het Grote Huis. Maar wat voor verschrikkelijks hij daar te zien krijgt, blijft hem zijn leven lang achtervolgen. Of is het zijn ticket naar een gelukkig, liefdevol leven?Catherine Cookson (1906 - 1998) groeide op in een arm gezin in Engeland en is uitgegroeid tot een van de populairste romanschrijfsters in Groot-Brittannië. Hoewel ze pas op haar 44e haar eerste boek uitbracht, heeft ze in haar leven meer dan honderd boeken geschreven waarvan er wereldwijd meer dan honderd miljoen verkocht zijn. Haar bekendste werken zijn ‘Fiona’, ‘Het geslacht Mallen’, ‘Maisie’, ‘Mary Ann’ en ‘Tilly Trotter’. Op 91-jarige leeftijd overleed Cookson en liet ze de wereld achter met een indrukwekkend oeuvre aan romantische weglezers en vele verfilmingen.
- Audiobook
- 148.99 kr.
36.99 kr. Unos ladrones atemorizan a un pueblo de Castilla. Un vecino los ve una noche en los alrededores, cargados con escopetas y malas intenciones, y corre a avisar al alcalde. Enseguida el alcalde organiza la resistencia para proteger a su gente. Mientras tanto, Antonio aprovecha la confusión y el ajetreo para confesarse a Rosa, la hija del alcalde. Esta no será una noche tranquilaIsidro Sinesio Delgado García (1859-1928) fue un escritor y periodista español. Colaboró con el semanario «Madrid Cómico», y acabó dirigiéndolo. Publicó más de mil quinientos artículos en más de cincuenta periódicos y revistas. Una de sus obras más reconocidas es la de «Las vírgenes locas». Alfonso XIII le otorgó la Gran Cruz del Mérito Militar con distintivo blanco. En 1899 fundó junto con otros importantes autores de su época, como Ruperto Chapí o Carlos Arniches, la Sociedad General de Autores de España.
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- 36.99 kr.
42.99 kr. ‘Songs of Travel, and Other Verses’ is a collection of forty-four poems written in the last years of the life of renowned author Robert L. Stevenson. It is a wonderful collection with a wide range from love ballads to more pensive deliberations on time, being and mortality. Many poems are nostalgic retrospectives on his native Scotland, while others are set in his new home of Samoa. The word ‘Travel’ encompasses not just the physical movement of oneself, but also the internal journey we all take in our own lives. It is a beautiful collection of poetry, perfect for fans of Rupi Kaur’s ‘Milk and Honey’.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), was an author with a formidable legacy. You will be hard pressed to find anyone alive today who has not come across his work in one form or another. The brilliant mind behind ‘Treasure Island’ and the ‘Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’, has had a profound impact on every aspect of entertainment to this day with his brilliant creations. Despite dealing with ill health all his life he was a prolific traveller, spending his later years in Samoa where he fought vigorously for the rights of the natives, earning their love and respect. R.L Stevenson was a character in his own right, passionate and adventurous, his spirit shines through in his work, from his novels to his travel guides. You simply owe it to yourself to experience his creations, he was a true titan of literature on whose shoulders we all stand.
- Ebook
- 42.99 kr.
42.99 kr. ‘Across the Plains’ is a vibrant collection of travel and exploration pieces from Stevenson’s life. ‘Across the Plains’ itself recounts Stevenson’s journey from Glasgow to New York before his long train ride to California. It offers a fascinating insight in to how our world used to be, from the weeks of travel to the vastly different food, and unfortunately the vast prevalence of xenophobia.Other tales such as ‘Fontainebleau’ are love letters to the beauty of a small French town populated by artists where life is slow and procrastination is the order of the day. Or for the history buffs among you ‘The Old Pacific Capital’ gives a fascinating account of California’s old capital of Monterey. It is a collection perfect for those fascinated with the Victorian age, or those of you obsessed with ‘Carnival Row’, there’s just no elves unfortunately.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), was an author with a formidable legacy. You will be hard pressed to find anyone alive today who has not come across his work in one form or another. The brilliant mind behind ‘Treasure Island’ and the ‘Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’, has had a profound impact on every aspect of entertainment to this day with his brilliant creations. Despite dealing with ill health all his life he was a prolific traveller, spending his later years in Samoa where he fought vigorously for the rights of the natives, earning their love and respect. R.L Stevenson was a character in his own right, passionate and adventurous, his spirit shines through in his work, from his novels to his travel guides. You simply owe it to yourself to experience his creations, he was a true titan of literature on whose shoulders we all stand.
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- 42.99 kr.
38.99 kr. Written to honour the life of the eponymous abolitionist and activist, ‘John Brown’ is the transcript of a speech delivered by Douglass in 1860.While some saw Brown as a radical and a criminal, Douglass saw his friend as a man prepared to sacrifice his life so that others might be free.Passionate and powerful, the speech not only extolls Brown’s virtues, but also highlights the political and social issues faced by African Americans at the time.´John Brown´ is an important read for anyone with an interest in social justice and injustice.Frederick Douglass (1818-1995) was an American abolitionist and author. Born into slavery in Maryland, he was of African, European, and Native American descent. He was separated from his mother at a young age and lived with his grandmother until he was moved to another plantation.Frederick was taught his alphabet by the wife of one of his owners, a knowledge he passed on to other slaves. In 1838, he successfully escaped slavery by jumping on a north-bound train. After less than 24 hours, he was in New York and free.The same year, he married the woman that had inspired his run for freedom and started working actively as a social reformer, orator, statesman, and women’s rights defender.He remains most known today for his 1845 autobiography "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave."
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- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. ‘A Summer Evening's Dream’ (1898), a romantic, sentimental tale about second chances and first love, is a classic short story by the American author, Edward Bellamy, most famous for his socialist and utopian novel ‘Looking Backward: 2000-1887’ (1888).Elderly Mary Rood and Robert Morgan were once childhood sweethearts, and both of them now live alone on the same street in the village of Plainfield. However, when Mr Morgan pays Mary a visit during a full moon, long-forgotten memories are rekindled.Sweet and heartwarming, this quick read will delight fans of Bellamy´s other works, such as ´Hooking Watermelons´ and ´Deserted´.Edward Bellamy (1850 - 1898) was an American author, journalist and political activist. His novel ‘Looking Backward: 2000-1887’ (1888) was one of the most successful books published in the United States in the 19th century and influenced a generation of intellectuals. Referenced in many Marxist publications of the time, the book inspired the formation of Nationalist Clubs dedicated to spreading his political ideas.Bellamy’s other works include the novels ‘Six to One’ (1878), ‘Dr. Heidenhoff's Process’ (1880), ‘Miss Ludington's Sister’ (1885), ‘Equality’ (1897), and ‘The Duke of Stockbridge; a Romance of Shays' Rebellion (1900)’.
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- 38.99 kr.
42.99 kr. Can a lowly shoeshine boy called Dick make his way up the ladder to bigger and better things or is he destined to be poor for his whole life?This classic rags-to-riches story follows young Dick Hunter’s life in New York City from his position as a lowly shoeshine boy to his rise through society. Wildly popular long after it was first published, 'Ragged Dick' is the first story in Horatio Alger Jr. famous series. Dick's confidence, determination, and great sense of humour help him a lot in life, especially with his encounters with people good and bad alike.Horatio Alger Jr. (1832-1899) was an American writer who worked predominantly in the young adult genre. His protagonists are often boys who undergo tremendous transformations and whose humble origins at the beginning are contrasted with their successful careers at the end of their journeys.Among his many novels, the most important ones are 'Ragged Dick', 'Fame and Fortune', 'Rough and Ready', and 'Adrift in New York'. A 1982 musical, Shine!, was based on Alger's work, particularly Ragged Dick and Silas Snobden's Office Boy.
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- 42.99 kr.
59.99 kr. ‘New Poems, and Variant Readings’ represents the adoration for which Stevenson’s fans have for his work. This collection of dozens of poems has been painstakingly gathered piece by piece by his fans from individual collectors the world over to create this book.They are incredibly personal, insightful and intimate looks in to the life of this legendary author, with the love poems in particular being a stand out attraction. These pieces were created over many years, and kept safe by Stevenson across his many globe-trotting travels, yet never published in his lifetime.For fans of Stevenson this collection gives an incredible insight in to the mind of one of history’s best writers while allowing you the chance to revel in one of literatures best kept secrets.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), was an author with a formidable legacy. You will be hard pressed to find anyone alive today who has not come across his work in one form or another. The brilliant mind behind ‘Treasure Island’ and the ‘Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’, has had a profound impact on every aspect of entertainment to this day with his brilliant creations. Despite dealing with ill health all his life he was a prolific traveller, spending his later years in Samoa where he fought vigorously for the rights of the natives, earning their love and respect. R.L Stevenson was a character in his own right, passionate and adventurous, his spirit shines through in his work, from his novels to his travel guides. You simply owe it to yourself to experience his creations, he was a true titan of literature on whose shoulders we all stand.
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- 59.99 kr.
42.99 kr. Father Damien was a Belgian, Roman Catholic Missionary who devoted his life to helping at a leper sanctuary in Hawaii. Eventually Father Damien would die of the illness more than twenty years after arriving at the sanctuary. This letter by Stevenson is in fact a response to the Reverend of Hawaii, who following Damien’s death began attacking his character, something Stevenson took huge problem with.This letter is a beautiful example of the kind of soul Stevenson was, in this letter he refutes the reverend’s gross statements point by point. Stevenson targets the hypocrisy of the reverend, his lack of moral character and his failure in his spiritual duties. This letter is a potent moral statement stemming from a desire to be good and to do better.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), was an author with a formidable legacy. You will be hard pressed to find anyone alive today who has not come across his work in one form or another. The brilliant mind behind ‘Treasure Island’ and the ‘Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’, has had a profound impact on every aspect of entertainment to this day with his brilliant creations. Despite dealing with ill health all his life he was a prolific traveller, spending his later years in Samoa where he fought vigorously for the rights of the natives, earning their love and respect. R.L Stevenson was a character in his own right, passionate and adventurous, his spirit shines through in his work, from his novels to his travel guides. You simply owe it to yourself to experience his creations, he was a true titan of literature on whose shoulders we all stand.
- Ebook
- 42.99 kr.
77.99 kr. ‘Essays of Travel’ represents years of travel writing unpublished by Stevenson in is lifetime, and offer and incredible insight in to his globe-trotting adventures. From sultry walks in Suffolk to the rolling snows of Carrick to the tall mountain towns of France it is an all-encompassing collection. The collection includes wonderful anecdotes from Stevenson’s life, including the training in his youth to be a lighthouse engineer, and the inhospitable griminess that comes with it. This collection is perfect for lovers of classic travel writing, or people keen to know just how hard it was to be a Victorian lighthouse engineer.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), was an author with a formidable legacy. You will be hard pressed to find anyone alive today who has not come across his work in one form or another. The brilliant mind behind ‘Treasure Island’ and the ‘Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’, has had a profound impact on every aspect of entertainment to this day with his brilliant creations. Despite dealing with ill health all his life he was a prolific traveller, spending his later years in Samoa where he fought vigorously for the rights of the natives, earning their love and respect. R.L Stevenson was a character in his own right, passionate and adventurous, his spirit shines through in his work, from his novels to his travel guides. You simply owe it to yourself to experience his creations, he was a true titan of literature on whose shoulders we all stand.
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- 77.99 kr.
38.99 kr. ‘A day with Robert Louis Stevenson’ is no doubt every ‘Stevensonian’s’ dream, it is a rare look behind the curtain of one of the greatest literary talents mankind has ever seen. This book takes you to the sickly authors home where only the most "favoured" people were ever permitted. Consider yourself favoured, and step inside with this legendary author as you sit down to have all you burning questions answered.This book is perfect for fans of the great author as it gives an incredibly fascinating and vivid first hand insight in to his later life.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), was an author with a formidable legacy. You will be hard pressed to find anyone alive today who has not come across his work in one form or another. The brilliant mind behind ‘Treasure Island’ and the ‘Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’, has had a profound impact on every aspect of entertainment to this day with his brilliant creations. Despite dealing with ill health all his life he was a prolific traveller, spending his later years in Samoa where he fought vigorously for the rights of the natives, earning their love and respect. R.L Stevenson was a character in his own right, passionate and adventurous, his spirit shines through in his work, from his novels to his travel guides. You simply owe it to yourself to experience his creations, he was a true titan of literature on whose shoulders we all stand.
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- 38.99 kr.
38.99 kr. ‘A Christmas Sermon’ is an emotional and powerful piece. Written by Stevenson as he recuperated from another lung issue outside New York, he ponders the questions of life, death, morality and man’s place in it all. His prose is beautiful, his pondering interrupted by philosophy and a healthy dose of poetry. It is an emotional read, seeing such a great literary mind facing down the long journey, but *spoiler alert* it ends happily.Stevenson concludes that man’s purpose is "to be honest, to be kind, to earn a little and spend less, to make upon the whole a family happier for his presence". They are questions we all ask ourselves, questions that can make us feel hopelessly lost, but we aren’t, we’re just figuring things out.This little sermon packs a punch, it is incredibly cathartic pondering the questions of life with one of the greatest literary minds of all time, and as such is perfect reading for anyone.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), was an author with a formidable legacy. You will be hard pressed to find anyone alive today who has not come across his work in one form or another. The brilliant mind behind ‘Treasure Island’ and the ‘Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’, has had a profound impact on every aspect of entertainment to this day with his brilliant creations. Despite dealing with ill health all his life he was a prolific traveller, spending his later years in Samoa where he fought vigorously for the rights of the natives, earning their love and respect. R.L Stevenson was a character in his own right, passionate and adventurous, his spirit shines through in his work, from his novels to his travel guides. You simply owe it to yourself to experience his creations, he was a true titan of literature on whose shoulders we all stand.
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- 38.99 kr.
77.99 kr. ‘A Footnote to History’ is an account of Colonial abuse in Samoa, the scramble by the US, Germany and Britain so swallow up land with little regard for the native Samoans. Stevenson became deeply ingrained in the local culture, siding squarely with the Samoans against the duplicitous colonials, so much so that he even fought alongside the Samoans to help keep their king in power.It is frontline journalism, Stevenson is in the midst of this conflict and gives incredible account of both the foreign and native discord. His account brings century old events to life and makes for incredible reading. Despite its age, the lessons in this book stand the test of time and deserve to be learned by all.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), was an author with a formidable legacy. You will be hard pressed to find anyone alive today who has not come across his work in one form or another. The brilliant mind behind ‘Treasure Island’ and the ‘Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’, has had a profound impact on every aspect of entertainment to this day with his brilliant creations. Despite dealing with ill health all his life he was a prolific traveller, spending his later years in Samoa where he fought vigorously for the rights of the natives, earning their love and respect. R.L Stevenson was a character in his own right, passionate and adventurous, his spirit shines through in his work, from his novels to his travel guides. You simply owe it to yourself to experience his creations, he was a true titan of literature on whose shoulders we all stand.
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- 77.99 kr.
73.99 kr. Nel gennaio del 1889 la corte imperiale d’Asburgo è scossa da un evento terribile: nel comune rurale di Mayerling, nel distretto di Baden, vengono ritrovati i corpi senza vita dell’Arciduca Rodolfo – figlio dell’imperatore e principe ereditario d’Austria – e della sua giovanissima amante Marie Alexandrine von Vetsera. Le ipotesi si mescolano ben presto coi pettegolezzi, trasformando una tragedia famigliare in un episodio sottoposto alle più morbose attenzioni dell’opinione pubblica mondiale. La teoria del suicidio, in opposizione all’impossibilità per i due di sposarsi, comincia ben presto a farsi strada, gettando una luce disdicevole sull’intera casata asburgica. Con uno stile asciutto e preciso, che non indulge mai in frivolezze, ma si attiene a un rigore storico costante, Borgese ci racconta così uno degli eventi più scioccanti dell’alta società europea di fine Ottocento...Giuseppe Antonio Borgese (1882-1952) nasce a Polizzi Generosa, nei dintorni di Palermo, da una famiglia altolocata. Avviato agli studi giuridici, nel 1900 si trasferisce a Firenze, dove inizia una vivace attività giornalistica e di critica letteraria: negli anni successivi scriverà per La Stampa di Torino e Il Mattino di Napoli, oltre che contribuire a riviste quali Regno, Leonardo e Medusa. Dal 1912 inizia a lavorare per il Corriere della Sera e a insegnare all’Università La Sapienza di Roma. Dopo una parentesi di vigoroso attivismo politico durante la Grande Guerra – rispetto alla quale è un interventista – negli anni successivi si dedica maggiormente alla scrittura, scrivendo anche i primi romanzi e racconti. Trasferitosi negli Stati Uniti in polemica col regime fascista (1931), vi risiederà per quasi vent’anni, insegnando, ottenendo la cittadinanza e sposando in seconde nozze Elisabeth, la figlia di Thomas Mann. Fra i suoi lavori più rappresentativi si possono citare "Rubè" (1921), "I vivi e i morti" (1923) e il saggio critico "Gabriele D’Annunzio" (1909).
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- 73.99 kr.
73.99 kr. In un antico castello, inerpicato fra le ridenti valli del Tirolo e un lago carico di leggende popolari, vive da secoli la gloriosa casata dei conti Ardenberg. Le dicerie dei contadini tramandano la storia di una contessa che, tanto tempo fa, avrebbe tradito il marito con un paggio, incorrendo così nella sua brutale vendetta. Ma oggi, nel XIX secolo, sembrano non esserci più né fantasmi né sanguinolente rese dei conti. Il conte Ottone, alla notizia dell’adulterio della contessa Beatrice con un pittore, decide di escogitare un modo diverso, per vendicarsi, senza ricorrere alla barbarie dei propri antenati. Il figlio nato dal tradimento, Gualberto, sarà infatti costretto a farsi prete e sottostare alla tirannide del vecchio conte e del figlio legittimo Ermanno, andato in sposa a una nobile di miserabile casata. Una tragedia che sembra collegare i vari secoli, dal Medioevo alle soglie del Novecento, senza comunque perdere lo smalto di un’epopea d’altri tempi.Emilia Ferretti Viola (1844-1929) nasce a Milano. Meglio nota con lo pseudonimo Emma, è considerata una pioniera del femminismo italiano, grazie, se non altro, al famigerato romanzo "Una fra tante" (1878), con cui ha messo in luce l’ipocrisia della società italiana rispetto al tema della prostituzione. Altre sue opere sono "La leggenda di Valfreda" (1877) e "A quarantacinque anni" (1874).
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- 73.99 kr.
40.99 kr. "-Dovrebbe chiamarla Mia!- disse burlando lo stalliere".Ed è proprio così che Milla decise di chiamare la sua piccola puledra. In sella alla sua inseparabile compagna, l’infanzia della bambina trascorse serena e leggera. Divenne adulta senza accorgersene, e le difficoltà, che prima ignorava, la raggiunsero senza avvertimento. Ma riguardando la sua ormai vecchietta compagna di giochi, Milla rivedeva ancora quei tempi andati, in cui la vita era facile e i pomeriggi lunghi e soleggiati.Una storia di formazione, d’amicizia, e d’amore, scritta nello stile elegante di fine Ottocento.Ines Castellani Fantoni Benaglio (1849-1897) è stata una scrittrice italiana, meglio nota con lo pseudonimo di Memini. Nata da una famiglia nobile, vive e studia tra Firenze e Milano. Nel 1880 esordisce nella narrativa, diventando una delle autrici più rinomate di fine secolo.
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- 40.99 kr.
58.99 kr. Pubblicato per la prima volta su Nuova Antologia nel 1874, "A quarantacinque anni" è un racconto con cui Emilia Ferretti Viola – nota anche come Emma – affronta il delicato argomento dell’adulterio. Siamo in Lombardia, fra Milano e il Lago Maggiore, dove un’avvenente e giovane contessa, per sfuggire a un marito soffocante, intavola una pericolosa relazione col proprio avvocato, un uomo di mezza età, già sposato e padre di famiglia. L’amore, purtroppo, sembra non essere mai stato considerato importante, nei rispettivi matrimoni: eppure esso esiste, così come il puro desiderio, e non si vi si può resistere nemmeno quando si tratta di fare qualcosa di socialmente sbagliato. Basterà l’incontro della contessa con la moglie legittima dell’amante, per rinunciare a un sentimento così profondo ed evidentemente necessario?Emilia Ferretti Viola (1844-1929) nasce a Milano. Meglio nota con lo pseudonimo Emma, è considerata una pioniera del femminismo italiano, grazie, se non altro, al famigerato romanzo "Una fra tante" (1878), con cui ha messo in luce l’ipocrisia della società italiana rispetto al tema della prostituzione. Altre sue opere sono "La leggenda di Valfreda" (1877) e "A quarantacinque anni" (1874).
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- 58.99 kr.
58.99 kr. La storia di una famiglia borghese e di un secolo, l’Ottocento, raccontata attraverso le vite, gli amori, e i drammi di diversi personaggi. Mettendo l’individualità dei singoli membri della famiglia al primo posto, "Quelli che vennero prima" si sofferma sulle persone, più che sulla storia. E così, lungo una serie di ritratti psicologici e biografici, partendo da quelli dei capostipiti, Tista e Bettina, liberale anticlericale il primo, religiosissima matriarca la seconda, questo romanzo familiare offrirà al lettore uno scorcio su una Toscana passata, colorata da tutti questi individui unici nella loro imperfezione.Maria Freschi Borghese (1881-1947) è stata una scrittrice e poetessa italiana. I suoi romanzi, dalle atmosfere intimamente dannunziane e borghesi, hanno catturato un momento storico crepuscolare, fatto di privilegi decaduti e passioni appassite.
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- 58.99 kr.
40.99 kr. "Roberta era stata ripresa dal suo male." Dopo un periodo di calma e tranquillità, "l’Implacabile" è tornato.Emilia aiuta la sorella. Le porge gli unguenti, le prepara il necessario. Il brutto male le ha raggiunte anche nella casa al mare, dove pensavano di essere al sicuro, lontano da tutto. Quando Cesare entrerà per la prima volta in quella casa, avrà modo di vedere con i suoi occhi la gravità della situazione. Eppure sarà proprio lui a portare uno spiraglio di luce: la speranza, riesce a sopravvivere anche al mare più in tempesta.Un libro che racconta il dramma, la forza e l’amore di due sorelle di fronte alle avversità della vita, che nasce, come scritto dall’autore stesso nella prefazione, dalla "tristezza dei casi umani e dalla bellezza degli spettacoli naturali".Luciano Zuccoli (1868-1929) è stato uno scrittore italiano. Nato in Svizzera, Zuccoli lavorò per tutta la vita in Italia come giornalista. Sbarcato nella narrativa, scrisse principalmente romanzi destinati al grande pubblico.
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- 40.99 kr.
40.99 kr. Alberto faceva lo scrittore e a Emilia, prima della malattia, piaceva stare ad ascoltarlo per ore.S’incontravano sul Lungarno, tra le carrozze e i cavalli, ma loro preferivano proseguire a piedi. Parlavano e passeggiavano molto. Loro non lo sapevano, ma la vita aveva in serbo piani diversi.Una storia d’amore incompiuta, drammatica, che lascia l’amaro in bocca, malinconica come la Firenze di allora, festosa e saturnina.Luigi Gualdo (1847 – 1898) è stato uno scrittore e poeta italiano, francese d’adozione. Scrive due romanzi in francese ("Une ressemblance" e "Une mariage excentrique). Oltre alla raccolta delle "Novelle" e una raccolta di poesie ("Le nostalgie), scrive due romanzi ("Costanza Gerardi" e "Decadenza") di gusto decadente e con una tematica psicologica. Gualdo era un uomo di cultura, un artista solitario, ma anche mondano, diviso tra i salotti milanesi e quelli parigini.
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- 40.99 kr.