Crime and mystery: cosy mystery

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  • by Massimo Carlotto
    29.99 kr.

    Un lladre desafortunat i una excrupier alemanya es troben en la ciutat turística de Rimini.Quan l'Adelmo veu una finestra oberta en un edifici solemne i elegant, no pot evitar sucumbir a la temptació. Un cop a dins, però, s'adona que no està sol. Amb ell està la Lise, una excrupier alemanya i extravagant. El robatori es converteix en una sèrie de visites mentre sentiments estranys i complexos afloren en les seves converses, on entendran l'amor i també la foscor de l'ésser humà. Una novel·la sobre crims passionals, sobre sacrifici i traumes del passat.Massimo Carlotto (Pàdua, 1956), escriptor, dramaturg i guionista. Considerat un dels màxims representants de la novel·la negra italiana. A més d’"Il Fuggiasco", novel·la autobiogràfica, entre els seus títols de ficció destaquen "L’oscura inmensità della morte", "Arrivederci amore, ciao" i la sèrie protagonitzada pel detectiu Marco Buratti. Tots els seus llibres han estat traduïts a nombroses llengües i són un instrument per conèixer la realitat que ens envolta i, sobretot, el concepte de justícia, una de les seves grans dèries.

  • by Amanda Castello
    74.99 kr.

    Une enquête policière qui devra accepter les pouvoirs du chamanisme pour aboutir.L’histoire mélange habilement le suspense et l’information, l’art et la science, la poésie et la magie. Toute l’action se déroule à l’intérieur de l’Espace des expositions temporaires du Palais Farnèse de Plaisance, en Italie.Les acteurs de ce récit, qui à certains moments plongent le lecteur dans une réalité magique, sont les tableaux de l’artiste Getty Bisagni exposés dans le cadre d’une rétrospective de ses œuvres de 1964 à 1999. L’exposition, réalisée au profit du « Projet Vie », a pour but la lutte contre la mort soudaine.Grâce à une trame intelligemment structurée, l’auteure réussit à présenter le « Projet Vie » d’une façon divertissante et parfois poignante, tout en nous faisant partager son amour pour l’art et son idéal de justice.L’imagination du lecteur est constamment sollicitée. L’angoisse le prend et ne l’abandonne plus jusqu’à la fin. Le personnage de Neuza, brésilienne, nous fascine autant par la plénitude de son être, que par les pouvoirs chamaniques qu’elle possède. Elle nous emporte sur les ailes d’une autre dimension, véritable symbiose entre la raison et le surnaturel où la clé de lecture est l’amour.Amanda Castello, juriste de formation, spécialisée en Sciences politiques, a œuvré pendant de longues années dans le domaine des Droits Humains et en particulier dans la défense et la promotion des droits des femmes et des enfants.Depuis des années, elle donne des conférences et des cours en communication, estime de soi, développement personnel, relation d’aide, team building, accompagnement, soins palliatifs et deuil. Des programmes spécifiques sont destinés aux jeunes enfants et adolescents en difficulté.Passionnée de littérature, elle compte à son actif différentes publications, romans et essais, qui ont reçu des distinctions en France et en Italie. Elle travaille dans les deux pays et écrit dans les deux langues. Elle a écrit « Padi et l’aventure de la vie » sur la base de son expérience auprès d'enfants et de leur famille.

  • by Valentina Morelli
    From 58.99 kr.

    È mezzogiorno nel convento di Santa Caterina e suor Isabella si stupisce: come mai le campane non suonano? Quando Isabella va a vedere, fa una scoperta terribile: suor Raffaella giace senza vita nel cortile del convento. A un primo sguardo, sembra che la suora sia caduta dal campanile, ma allora qual è il significato del numero che è stato tracciato nella polvere accanto al cadavere? È stato davvero un incidente, come afferma con sicurezza granitica la madre superiora? Isabella non ne è convinta. Insieme al giovane carabiniere Matteo, la suora inizia un'investigazione privata e scopre ben presto un oscuro segreto... Ora solo l'intervento divino potrà essere d'aiuto!Benvenuto a Santa Caterina! Nel borgo pittoresco nel cuore della Toscana vive, lavora e prega Suor Isabella, che - quando meno se l’aspetta - si troverà a dover investigare su un omicidio! Da quel momento in poi, l'intrepida suora tenterà di risolvere i grandi e piccoli crimini che turbano la quiete della pittoresca cittadina toscana, facendone una ragione di vita. Il carabiniere Matteo sarà felice di questo aiuto celeste, dal momento che, in quanto unico poliziotto di Santa Caterina, ha sempre moltissimo da fare...Valentina Morelli è una scrittrice tedesca. Con la serie che ha per protagonista Suor Isabella, l'autrice rende omaggio alla suo paese del cuore, catturando l'essenza dello stile di vita toscano, unico nel suo genere. I gialli sono per lei un mezzo per raccontare storie profondamente umane.

  • by Sergio Grea
    73.99 kr.

    Nicole e Paolo non si sarebbero aspettati che la loro vacanza in Botswana e, più precisamente, nella regione dell’Okavango, lungo uno dei fiumi più lunghi del continente, si sarebbe trasformata in un soggiorno dalle tinte noir. Circondati dalla natura più incontaminata del Sud dell’Africa, la coppia si metterà ancora una volta alla ricerca di un misterioso assassino la cui identità sembra essere avvolta nelle tenebre.

  • by Valentina Morelli
    From 51.99 kr.

    Benvenuto a Santa Caterina - a picturesque Tuscan village where the bells of the local Abbey chime loudly across the idyllic green hillsides. But today, at noon, Sister Isabella notices an eerie quiet; the bells are silent.Puzzled, Isabella makes a horrific discovery: Sister Raffaella is lying lifeless in the cloister! Though it appears she fell from the belfry, a cryptic number etched in the dust near her body suggests otherwise...While Mother Superior is insisting that it's an accident, Isabella isn't convinced. Together with the young Carabiniere Matteo, Isabella begins an investigation of her own and soon uncovers a dark secret... now only divine intervention can help!Monastery, murder and dolce vita - a crime series like a holiday under the Italian sun. Fans of Richard Osman's "Thursday Murder Club" will love this humorous cosy crime read.An intrepid nun makes it her life's work to solve crimes, large and small, that are committed in a picturesque Tuscan village, Santa Caterina.Carabiniere Matteo is happy for this heavenly help, because as Santa Caterina's only policeman, he certainly has his hands full!Valentina Morelli is a German author. With the Sister Isabella Series, she pays homage to her spiritual homeland, and captures the unique feel of life in Tuscany. For her, murder mysteries are a way of telling human stories.

  • by Javier Casís
    73.99 kr.

    Otro excelente ejemplar de novela policiaca y de misterio de la mano de uno de los mayores exponentes del género en España. En esta ocasión, Javier Casis nos presenta a su personaje estrella, el detective aficionado Luis Aguirre, en medio de una trama que tiene que ver con una sociedad secreta cordobesa y tres enigmáticas cartas firmadas por José Zorrilla, Lytton Strachey y Ángel Gavinet. Juegos de ingenio, asesinatos, investigaciones y muchas emociones nos esperan en esta obra trepidante.Javier Casis es un autor español nacido en Logroño en 1941. Administrativo de profesión, su jubilación le proporcionó el tiempo necesario para dedicarse a su mayor pasión: la literatura. Admirador férreo de Sherlock Holmes, sus obras se relacionan en mayor o menor medida con el detective de Baker Street. Ha publicado pastiches, novelas criminales y colecciones de relatos policíacos, siempre con la pluma más exquisita y un gusto peculiar por el otro lado de la ley.

  • by Gabriela Kasperski
    96.99 kr.

    In Camaret-sur-Mer organisiert Tereza Berger, Buchhändlerin mit Kampfgeist, ein Literaturfest. Während der Vorbereitungen entdeckt sie in ihrer geerbten Villa das Manuskript eines unbekannten Shakespeare-Stücks. Ist es womöglich ein Original? Die Kunde von dem spektakulären Fund ruft Literaturinteressierte aller Art auf den Plan – und einen geheimnisvollen Fremden, der behauptet, der wahre Besitzer der Villa zu sein. Tereza wird klar, dass nicht nur ihr Zuhause gefährdet ist, sondern auch ihr Leben.Die Urlaubskrimis aus der Betragne von Gabriela KasperskiGabriela Kasperski war als Moderatorin im Radio- und TV-Bereich und als Theater-Schauspielerin tätig. Heute lebt sie als Autorin mit ihrer Familie in Zürich, den Sommer verbringt sie jeweils in der Bretagne. Sie ist Dozentin für Synchronisation, Figurenentwicklung und Kreatives Schreiben.

  • by Sibylle Narberhaus
    103.99 kr.

    Das plötzliche Verschwinden des umjubelten Sternekochs Ralph Börner stellt die Sylter Polizei vor ein Rätsel. Bei der Suche trifft sie auf einen undurchsichtigen Journalisten, während gleichzeitig eine Gruppe junger Umweltaktivisten auf sich aufmerksam macht. Als der Journalist tot in seinem Hotel aufgefunden wird, stellt sich die Frage nach den Hintergründen der Tat. Entgegen aller Versprechungen steckt Landschaftsarchitektin Anna Scarren ihre Nase zu tief in anderer Leute Angelegenheiten und sitzt prompt selber in der Falle.Sibylle Narberhaus wurde in Frankfurt am Main geboren. Nach einigen Jahren in Frankfurt und Stuttgart zog sie schließlich in die Nähe von Hannover. Dort lebt sie seitdem mit ihrem Mann und ihrem Hund. Hauptberuflich arbeitet sie bei einem internationalen Versicherungskonzern und widmet sich in ihrer Freizeit dem Schreiben. Schon in ihrer frühen Jugend entwickelte sich ihre Liebe zum Meer und insbesondere zu der Insel Sylt. So oft es die Zeit zulässt, stattet sie diesem Fleckchen Erde einen Besuch ab. Dabei entstehen immer wieder neue Ideen für Geschichten rund um die Insel.

  • by Kirsti Porras
    From 59.99 kr.

    Hurmaavan salapoliisisarjan kolmas osa jatkaa Agatha Christien ja Waltarin Komisario Palmun jalanjäljissä.Kun komisario Kanerva rentoutuu täysihoitolassa, hän yllättyy suuresti törmätessään tuttuihin. Miten lääkäri Routa ja hänen saksalainen vaimonsa ovatkin sattuneet samaan paikkaan? Täysihoitolan yksinkertainen arki saa kuitenkin pian yllättävän käänteen. Eräänä aamuna rauhallisena asukkaana tunnettu herra Winter ei saavu aamiaiselle. Pian selviää, että herra Winter on kuollut. Eikä pelkästään kuollut – vaan murhattu. Komisario Kanerva on hankalan mysteerin edessä. Murhasiko joku hoitolan asukkaista herra Winterin? Mutta miksi? Ja kuka näistä miellyttävistä asukkaista voisi kyetä kylmäveriseen murhaan?Winter ei saavu aamiaiselle on Kirsti Porraksen jännitystä tihkuva dekkari.Omituinen murha parantolassa, nuoren taiteilijan mystinen kuolema... Kun murhaaja on saatava selville, komisario Kanervalta ei jää yksikään kivi kääntämättä. 1940-luvulle sijoittuva sarja vie lukijan jännittävään, menneen ajan Suomeen.Kirsti Porras (1908–1986) oli yksi ensimmäisiä suomalaisia naisdekkaristeja. Salapoliisiromaanien lisäksi hän kirjoitti myös näytelmiä ja radiokuunnelmia.

  • by Ramona Solé Freixes
    73.99 kr.

    Dos niñas tienen el pasatiempo de tomar notas de los movimientos de la gente de su pueblo en unos cuadernos. El juego, que parece trivial, podría convertirse en la clave para resolver una desaparición.Una escritora agorafóbica, un policía que quiere superar su pasado trágico, un profesor de informática con una vida sexual movida, otra joven agente muy sagaz, la dueña de una fonda y varios personajes más se cruzan en esta trama coral con final imprevisible.Es mentira que en los pueblos todo el mundo se conoce.Ramona Solé nació en Lleida en 1968. Se autodefine como adicta a la lectura. Tiene un blog literario desde el 2007, reseña en sus redes y también colabora con diversos medios de comunicación. Coordina clubs de lectura y organiza eventos literarios.Lleva publicadas cuatro novelas: "Cuadernos", "Instinto de supervivencia", "Bisturí" (que han sido finalistas en algunos premios literarios) y también una juvenil, "Cuando la niebla nos cubra".Ha participado y coordinado antologías de relatos con otros autores, de diferentes géneros.

  • by Kevin de Haan
    From 58.99 kr.

    Het beveiligingsbedrijf van de half-IJslandse Laufey Gísladóttir wordt door een rijke zakenman ingehuurd om een horlogediefstal op te lossen. Tijdens de werkzaamheden in de Achterhoekse villa wordt Lotte, de au pair van het gezin, echter vermoord aangetroffen in het aangrenzende bos.Laufey beseft dat haar beveiligingsmaatregelen misschien meer aanknopingspunten kunnen bieden in het politieonderzoek. Samen met haar collega Niels, een hacker met pleinvrees, zoekt ze uit wat er met Lotte gebeurd is. Is ze vermoord door dezelfde serie-aanrander die al eerder in het bos toegeslagen heeft? Is er een verband tussen de moord en de gestolen horloges? En wat heeft Lucien, de baldadige zoon van de zakenman, met de zaak te maken?Voor een schrijfwedstrijd gebruikte de auteur van de Islasec-reeks het pseudoniem Kevin de Haan. Vanwege een voorliefde voor detectives werd besloten om later onder dit pseudoniem detectiveverhalen te schrijven. De verhalen spelen zich af in de Achterhoek en hebben door hoofdpersoon Laufey Gísladóttir een IJslands tintje. Van Kevin de Haan verschenen ‘Het Bos van de Legenden‘, ‘De Schat in het Klooster‘ en ‘De Schaduw over de School‘. Deze drie boeken maken deel uit van de reeks over het beveiligingsbedrijf Islasec.Kevin de Haan (pseudoniem) is de auteur van de Islasec Detectives.Kevin is 40 jaar en woont in Utrecht, maar is ook vaak in de Achterhoek en de Liemers te vinden voor research of familiebezoek. De auteur heeft in het verleden een tijdje in IJsland gewoond, en heeft daar een studie gedaan naar plaatselijke volksverhalen en legendes. Bij terugkomst viel het hem op dat veel thema’s van dit soort verhalen sterk overeenkomen met Nederlandse volksverhalen.Dat is misschien de reden waarom deze elementen ook een grote rol spelen in de serie detectiveromans over Islasec, het Achterhoeks beveiligingsbedrijf van Laufey Gísladóttir en haar collega Niels. De verhalen zijn vormgegeven als een moderne ‘whodunit’: vlot geschreven en met een knipoog op zijn tijd, zoals een echte detectiveroman hoort te zijn. Met als toevoeging een vleugje cybersecurity, omdat Kevin waarde hecht aan digitale technieken die realistisch zijn weergegeven.

  • by Andrzej Bart
    43.99 kr.

    Przepełniona czarnym humorem opowieść o miłości w czasach socjalizmu...Dobiegająca 30-tki Sabina mieszka z matką i babcią, które uważają ją za starą pannę. Kobieta podkochuje się w dyrektorze Barskim, szefie wydawnictwa, w którym pracuje jako redaktorka poezji. Nieoczekiwanie w życiu bojaźliwej Sabiny pojawia się szarmancki i przystojny Bronek, który chce się z nią ożenić. Narzeczony okazuje się uosobieniem zła i oczekuje od Sabiny regularnego świadczenia pewnej usługi. Zdesperowana Sabina chcąc uwolnić się od groźnego mężczyzny, popełnia zbrodnię... Oparta na filmie ,,Rewers" z doskonałymi rolami Agaty Buzek, Marcina Dorocińskiego, Krystyny Jandy i Anny Polony, który zdobył Złote Lwy 34. na Festiwalu Polskich Filmów Fabularnych w Gdyni. Spodoba się temu, kto gustuje w literaturze nacechowanej inteligentnym poczuciem humoru, z wątkami historycznymi w tle. Andrzej Bart (ur. 3 września 1951 r. we Wrocławiu) to prozaik, scenarzysta i reżyser filmów dokumentalnych, absolwent PWSFTviT w Łodzi. Jego pierwszym dziełem jest powieść z 1983 r. ,,Człowiek, na którego nie szczekały psy". Autor unika rozgłosu i medialnego szumu, a czasem ukrywa się pod pseudonimem, stąd bywa nazywany ,,polskim Thomasem Pynchonem". Wielu uważa Barta za jednego z najciekawszych polskich powieściopisarzy, jego książki przetłumaczono na język francuski, niemiecki, rosyjski, słoweński, węgierski, hebrajski. Artysta ma na koncie wiele odznaczeń np. Nagrodę Fundacji im. Kościelskich w Genewie za powieść ,,Rien ne va plus" (1991 r.), Złote Lwy na Festiwalu Filmów Fabularnych w Gdyni za scenariusz do filmu ,,Rewers" (2009 r.), Nagrodę Festiwalu Dwa Teatry w Sopocie za najlepszy tekst i reżyserię słuchowiska radiowego i filmu telewizyjnego ,,Boulevard Voltaire" (2011 r.).

  • by Luis García-Nieto
    73.99 kr.

    En la tradición del mejor Vázquez-Montalban o Andreu Martín, Luís García-Nieto aprovecha el trasfondo social y político de su ciudad natal para contarnos una historia comprometida bajo el ropaje de una dura novela negra. Con la Expo de 2008 en Zaragoza como telón de fondo, esta obra capital nos introduce en una trama de terrorismo en la que un descreído inspector tiene las horas contadas para detener una calamidad que podría dar al traste con todo el acontecimiento.Luis García-Nieto es un autor español nacido en Aragón en 1944. Político de formación, ha sido militante del PSOE durante toda su trayectoria, labor que compagina con su gran pasión por la literatura. Ha escrito varias novelas con gran éxito de crítica, y actualmente colabora con numerosos medios de comunicación en calidad de comentarista político.

  • by Javier Casís
    58.99 kr.

    Primera novela de uno de los autores que mejor ha cultivado el género policiaco más elegante en España. En ella nos adentramos en la historia de un joven filólogo, lector compulsivo de novela policiaca, que va a visitar al autor que será objeto de su tesis doctoral. Sin embargo, a lo largo de su encuentro, nuestro protagonista empezará a notar que hay algo que no cuadra en su entrevistado. Pronto se verá sumido en una trama de secretos, engaños, crímenes escabrosos y personajes siniestros sin ningún escrúpulo.Javier Casis es un autor español nacido en Logroño en 1941. Administrativo de profesión, su jubilación le proporcionó el tiempo necesario para dedicarse a su mayor pasión: la literatura. Admirador férreo de Sherlock Holmes, sus obras se relacionan en mayor o menor medida con el detective de Baker Street. Ha publicado pastiches, novelas criminales y colecciones de relatos policíacos, siempre con la pluma más exquisita y un gusto peculiar por el otro lado de la ley.

  • by Fernando Gómez
    73.99 kr.

    Un interesantísimo experimento narrativo que su autor cumple con creces. En esta historia con apariencia de novela negra, tendremos a tres narradores: un criminal, su madre y un detective privado. Entre los tres contarán quince historias hilvanadas por el mismo hilo: el reconocimiento social del asesino a medida que comete sus crímenes. Una solidez inesperada en una historia inolvidable.Fernando Gómez es un autor español nacido en Barcelona en 1957. Gran cultivador tando de la novela negra como de la novela costumbrista, ha sido además colaborador de medios como la Revista Enigmas de la Historia. Su obra le ha valido premios como el Mass Media, que entrega el Colegio Oficial de Detectives Privados de Cataluña.

  • by Eva Reichl
    111.99 kr.

    Der Liebenauer Priester wird im Gotteshaus tot aufgefunden. An seinem Hals befinden sich zwei Einstichmale. Boden, Altar und Soutane sind mit Blut besudelt. Als Chefinspektor Oskar Stern zum Tatort gerufen wird, hat sich die Kunde über einen Vampirmörder längst verbreitet. Beinahe zeitgleich wird in Linz ein Weinhändler ermordet. Auch seine Leiche ist blutleer. Ist der Täter tatsächlich ein Vampir, so wie die Liebenauer Bevölkerung vermutet? Mit Knoblauch und Weihwasser bewaffnet, macht sich Oskar Stern daran, dem Vampirmörder das Handwerk zu legen.Eva Reichl lebt mit ihrer Familie im Mühlviertel. Ihre Heimat verwandelt sie für ihre Krimis gern in einen Tatort getreu dem Motto: Warum in die Ferne schweifen, wenn das Böse liegt so nah.

  • by H.P. Karr
    58.99 kr.

    Schlagerstar überfährt RadfahrerDiese Schlagzeile könnte Leo King das Genick brechen. Ausgerechnet jetzt, wo er eine neue Tour plant.Was für ein Glück, dass sein gutmütiger Freund und Bassist Benno sich der Polizei als Unfallfahrer präsentiert.Also alles gut für Leo King?Keineswegs.Denn einige Tage später wird Benno in seinem Studio erschlagen.Kommissarin Vera Falck und ihr Team blicken bei ihren Ermittlungen tief in die Abgründe der Musikszene Ruhr. Sie erfahren, dass im Schlagerland mit harten Bandagen gekämpft wird und begegnen schillernden Charakteren wie...... Ricky Wernicke, der mit seinem Talent-Casting in Bennos Studio den Nachwuchs abzockt.... Mike Groschek, der smarte Musikmanger, für den Leo Kings Tour über Leichen gehen würde.... Bronco, den einsamen Ruhrpott-Cowboy, der Johnny Cash liebt – und seinen Baseballschläger.... und natürlich Leo King, der König der Gute-Laune-Lieder. Ist er wirklich nur der nette Schlager-Onkel?H.P. Karr lebt im Ruhrgebiet und veröffentlichte bisher zahlreiche Kriminalromane, Hörspiele und Kriminalgeschichten. Außerdem gibt er die Story-Reihe "Mord nach Rezept" heraus und berät als Krimi-Experte die Hörer von WDR5.

  • by Hanne Dahl
    96.99 kr.

    Menneisyyden salaisuudet heittävät varjonsa kesäiltaan.Hauholaiset nuoret tekevät kaamean löydön läheisen autiotalon pihapiiristä: perunakellarissa viruu tuntematon nuori nainen kuristettuna. Mysteeri syvenee, kun kukaan ei tunnista vainajaa eikä ketään ole ilmoitettu kadonneeksi.Rikosylikonstaapeli Juutilainen hyppää murhatutkimuksen puikkoihin kesken kesäloman, mutta poliisin työtä häiritsevät perättömät silminnäkijähavainnot. Samaan aikaan paikkakunnalla puhaltavat muutoksen tuulet, kun Hellevi Hovin toinen osakas on muuttamassa Tampereelle ja huvila Villa Ankerin pihamökki saa uuden asukkaan. Murhatutkinnan lisäksi hämäläiseen kesäiltaan mahtuu myös romanttisia kipinöitä.Hanne Dahl on Anne Syrjän kirjailijanimi, joka tunnetaan tunnelmallisesta Hauho-kirjasarjastaan. Vanajaveden ääreltä kotoisin oleva Dahl asuu nykyisin Espoossa ja viettää paljon aikaa perheensä vapaa-ajan kodissa Hauholla.

  • by Valentina Morelli
    From 43.99 kr.

    Benvenuto a Santa Caterina! I denna idylliska by i hjärtat av Toscana bor ordenssystern Isabella. Och när hon inte arbetar eller ber, jo men då löser hon mord. I "Kloster, mord och dolce vita" får du ta del av de två första böckerna om Isabella, Toscanas egen detektivnunna!Lunchfallet:I lilla Santa Caterina går dagarna långsamt fram för ordenssystern Isabella, vars dagar mest består av arbete och bön. Men när hon hittar syster Raffaela livlös inne på klostergården så blir det genast liv i den sömniga lilla staden. Man misstänker att den levnadsglada nunnan måste ha ramlat ner från klocktornet. Men det är inte vad Isabella tror. Tillsammans med den unge karabinjären Matteo börjar Isabella själv utreda dödsfallet och kommer snart en mörk hemlighet på spåren... Nu krävs gudomlig hjälp!Döden vid floden:Den gamle Gaetano och hans trogna sanktbernhardshund Caesar är omtyckta gäster i Santa Caterina. Men en dag hittar karabinjären Matteo den sympatiske landstrykaren kallblodigt mördad i sin lilla bovagn nere vid floden. Hela byn är i chock – vem skulle göra något sådant mot en så godhjärtad människa? Och var har hunden tagit vägen egentligen? Syster Isabella blir också mycket berörd när hon hör talas om mordet. Tillsammans med Matteo börjar hon följa upp spåren. Och upptäcker att Gaetano inte var den han utgav sig för att vara...Benvenuto a Santa Caterina! I denna idylliska by i hjärtat av Toscana bor ordenssystern Isabella. Det är här hon lever, arbetar och ber. Men som en blixt från klar himmel hamnar hon mitt i en mordutredning! Från och med den dagen gör den nyfikna nunnan det till sin livsuppgift att gå till botten med bybornas alla större och mindre förbrytelser. Och karabinjären Matteo uppskattar sin himmelskt hjälpande hand. För som enda polis i Santa Caterina har han verkligen händerna fulla...Valentina Morelli har skrivit romaner i många år. Serien "Kloster, mord och dolce vita" är en hyllning till hennes älskade hembygd och den fångar det underbara, levnadsglada Toscana. Genom sina mysiga deckare förmedlar hon djupt mänskliga historier.

  • by Edgar Wallace
    77.99 kr.

    ‘Vanity takes no more obnoxious form than the everlasting desire for approval.’This collection of 12 short mystery stories includes titles such as 'Chick', 'For One Night Only', 'A Writ of Summons', 'Spotting the Lady', and 'A Lesson in Diplomacy among others'.The title story 'Chick' tells of an office boy who unexpectedly inherits the title of Marquis. As well as dealing with this unexpected elevation in his status, and learning how to behave as a member of the aristocracy he also has to protect his newly inherited estate from clever con men who try to convince him that there is oil on his land.Each of the other short stories stand out as intriguing and mysterious pieces of short-form literature as only Wallace could write it.If you love Wallace's amazing universe, this is a great collection of stories to help you dive deeper into the mind of the genius behind 'King Kong'.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English writer so prolific, that one of his publishers claimed that he was behind a quarter of all books sold in England. An author, journalist, and poet, he wrote countless novels, short stories, screenplays, stage plays, historical non-fiction, etc.Today, more than 160 films have been made from his works. He died suddenly in Hollywood in 1932, during the initial drafting of his most famous work, ‘King Kong’.The most popular movie of recent times based on Wallace's work is the blockbuster 'King Kong' (2005) starring Naomi Watts, Jack Black and Adrien Brody.

  • by Katie Gayle
    102.99 kr.

    Hurlingham House school is a high-achiever’s heaven, full of happy, hard-working pupils. There’s just the small matter of the dead body on the field... Sounds like a case for Epiphany Bloom!When Epiphany Bloom’s best friend’s sister Claire is accused of trading exam papers for money, Epiphany agrees to see Ms Peters, the headteacher of Claire’s fiercely competitive school, to provide moral support. Claire has always been a model student and is loudly protesting her innocence: surely it’s all just a misunderstanding.But when Ms Peters hears about Epiphany’s previous sleuthing exploits, she enlists her help to track down the true culprit!Taking a job as a PE teacher, Epiphany soon realises she has plenty of suspects for the exam scam mastermind. The broke young teacher with a shady past? The father willing to buy his daughter anything – including grades? The school governor desperate to keep Hurlingham House at the top of the ranks?Then Epiphany finds one of them dead at the school fair, and it becomes clear someone is taking the cut-throat culture of the school too literally – and when mysterious accidents start happening around her too, it seems the killer knows she’s onto them.Can Epiphany solve the murder as well as clearing Claire’s name, before she becomes the next victim? This is one test she can’t afford to fail...A charming and totally addictive cozy mystery with a hilarious and warm-hearted heroine. A must-read for fans of M.C. Beaton, Richard Osman, and Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum series.See what readers are saying about the Epiphany Bloom Mysteries:‘Wow! I need to get my breath back after that... A lie down in a darkened room is also definitely required to recover from the whirlwind that is amateur sleuth Epiphany Bloom, a real force of nature by anyone’s standards!... Moves along at a break-neck pace.’ Fiction Books Blog‘Katie Gayle never fails to keep me laughing, entertained, and trying to figure out the mystery till the very end. I absolutely adore this book... 10/10... This book is absolutely perfect!’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars‘You’ll be hard pushed to find a fictional sleuth who’s more of a delight; she truly is a tonic...oozing quirkiness and charisma and I absolutely love her!... Undoubtedly rollicking good fun. If the need to escape reality for a few hours presents itself, I can highly recommend this hilarious hullabaloo of a read.’ NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars .Author sold just under 1000 copies in less than 1 month of publishing their previous titleFor fans of M.C. Beaton, Joanne Fluke and Janet EvanovitchKatie Gayle is the writing partnership of best-selling South African writers, Kate Sidley and Gail Schimmel. Kate and Gail have, between them, written over ten books of various genres, but with Katie Gayle, they both make their debut in the cozy mystery genre. Both Gail and Kate live in Johannesburg, with husbands, children, dogs and cats. Unlike their sleuth Epiphany Bloom, neither of them have ever stolen a cat from the vet.

  • by James Oliver Curwood
    59.99 kr.

    While Jim Kent lies in his bed, thinking that he is dying from a fatal serious disease, he confesses to having committed a murder but he also falls head over heels in love with Marette Radisson, after she pays him a short visit. Kent is captivated by her dazzling beauty and violet-flamed eyes, and she is about to change the course of his life.Did Jim Kent actually commit the murder, or is he covering up for someone else? Who is Marette Radisson and what role will she play? Find all the answers in James Oliver Curwood’s 1920 novel "The Valley of Silent Men".James Oliver Curwood (1878 - 1927) was an American writer as well as an unwavering nature lover and conservationist. As such, many of Curwood’s action-adventure stories were based on real events from the rugged landscapes of the American Northwest. He built himself Curwood Castle, which he used as a writing studio and as a place to greet guests. More than 150 motion pictures have been adapted to or directly inspired by his novels.

  • by James Oliver Curwood
    42.99 kr.

    Sergeant Billy MacVeigh and his partner Pelliter are tasked to defend the outpost of Point Fullerton. They are all alone in the Canadian Northwest, hundreds of miles from civilisation. Their last mission, right before the end of their service, is to find and arrest the ruthless murderer Scottie Deane. Part of the mission is also to capture Eskimo women traders, if they come across any of them.How will Billy and Pelliter deal with the frozen wilderness? Will they finally capture the elusive Deane? Can someone help them to find the murderer? Find all the answers in James Oliver Curwood’s rough and tumble adventure novel "Isobel" from 1913.James Oliver Curwood (1878 - 1927) was an American writer as well as an unwavering nature lover and conservationist. As such, many of Curwood’s action-adventure stories were based on real events from the rugged landscapes of the American Northwest. He built himself Curwood Castle, which he used as a writing studio and as a place to greet guests. More than 150 motion pictures have been adapted to or directly inspired by his novels.

  • by James Oliver Curwood
    42.99 kr.

    Philip Raine is a Royal Canadian police officer, who is on the trail of a ruthless and wild murderer named Bram Johnson. The elusive Johnson roams through the frozen wilderness of Northwest Canada on a sled pulled by a pack of wolves. Johnson has lost his golden snare, made with a woman’s delicate flaxen hair. Raine is intrigued by the mysterious snare and is compelled to unravel its secret.Why is Bram Johnson so wanted? Is it only because of the crimes he has committed, or is the main reason the golden snare he has in his possession? Will officer Raine manage to catch the outlaw? Will he be able to solve the mystery of the golden snare? Find all the answers in James Oliver Curwood’s tense adventure novel "The Golden Snare" from 1918.James Oliver Curwood (1878 - 1927) was an American writer as well as an unwavering nature lover and conservationist. As such, many of Curwood’s action-adventure stories were based on real events from the rugged landscapes of the American Northwest. He built himself Curwood Castle, which he used as a writing studio and as a place to greet guests. More than 150 motion pictures have been adapted to or directly inspired by his novels.

  • by Giuseppe Grinza
    From 73.99 kr.

    Ma tu guarda: un’altra rogna per il povero don Prusòt. Che poi lui non chiede tanto: giusto pace, tranquillità, un bicchiere di vino a pranzo, e magari un piatto di pere caramellate. E invece no, ogni volta ce n’è una a destabilizzare Pravorino, che è sì solo un paesello, ma dà grattacapi come se fosse una città. Questa volta proprio al campo di bocce, tra l’altro. Forse il maresciallo dei Carabinieri dovrà intervenire. Chissà, sembra essere una cosa seria, conviene controllare.Nella Pianura Padana piemontese, in questo paesino dai tratti tragicomici, squisitamente anni Cinquanta, don Prusòt si troverà quindi coinvolto nell'ennesima avventura...Giuseppe Grinza è uno scrittore italiano. Dopo aver lavorato come insegnante, Grinza ha deciso di dedicarsi alla scrittura, immortalando nei suoi romanzi la vita che fu dei paesi della campagna piemontese.

  • by Wilkie Collins
    102.99 kr.

    What is "poor" about Miss Finch? Well, with a novel with names like "Mr Sebright" (he’s an eye specialist – "see bright", geddit?), it’s all about sight. You see, Lucilla Finch has been blind since infancy – until she meets the eccentric German doctor Herr Grosse who partially restores her sight. Far from treating her simply as a "poor" blind Victorian woman, this novel is conscious of the experience of blindness, particularly that of blindness and romance.Published a few years after his acclaimed mystery novel, "The Moonstone" (which starred Sarah Hadland in a recent BBC adaptation), Wilkie Collins now keeps up the mystery in "Poor Miss Finch". Having researched a real case of regained sight, Collins depicts great detail in Lucilla’s experience of colours whilst in the midst of a love triangle.Two brothers want Lucilla’s hand in marriage; their deception and plotting must be foiled before Lucilla unwittingly changes her life forever.London-born Wilke Collins (1824-1889) became known in Victorian England for his novels and plays, sometimes writing together with Charles Dickens. His most famous works, "The Woman in White" (1859) and "The Moonstone" (1868), are examples of the first modern detective novels.

  • by G. K. Chesterton
    42.99 kr.

    An invisible killer, a family curse, a voodoo cult, a murdered prince, and a stolen salad dressing. Strange events call for a detective like no other, and Father Brown has a tendency to see to the heart of things. G. K. Chesterton’s famous priest-detective shines in this crime anthology, packed with mystery and paradox. From ‘The Absence of Mr. Glass’ to ‘The Head of Caesar’, Father Brown and his thief-turned-detective sidekick, Flambeau, return for a series of adventures that range from philosophical quibbles to the most fundamental matters of morality. This collection of crime short stories will tickle fans of Sherlock Holmes and Dirk Gently alike with satirical wit and enticingly clever cases.Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874 – 1936) was an English writer, journalist, philosopher, and literary critic. An unparalleled essayist, he produced over four thousand essays during his lifetime, alongside eighty novels and two hundred short stories. Tackling topics of politics, history, philosophy and theology with tenacious wit and humour, G. K. Chesterton was often considered a master of the paradox. Himself both a modernist and devout Catholic, he is remembered best for his priest-detective short stories ‘Father Brown’, and his metaphysical thriller ‘The Man Who Was Thursday’. In his lifetime Chesterton befriended and debated some of the greatest thinkers of the age, such as George Bernard Shaw, H. G. Wells, and Bertrand Russell, while his works went on to inspire figures including T. S. Eliot, Michael Collins, and Mahatma Gandhi.

  • by Wilkie Collins
    77.99 kr.

    "Little Novels" isn’t quite a "Little Women" spin-off, as the title might suggest. While you won’t be treated to Timothée Chalamet, you will be treated to fourteen short stories – or little novels (ah now the title makes sense).Wilkie Collins loved writing thrillers about characters proposing marriage who get caught up in dramatic circumstances and must solve a mystery. The thrilling mystery-solving element is the foundations of modern detective novels. While these little novels are true to Collins’s style, they are unique and captivating stand-alone stories. There’s even some supernatural and some social commentary thrown in there.A haunted priest, a sea captain falling in love in Polynesia, a princess falling in love with a secretary, the unsolved murder of a sleepwalker’s husband – these short stories will immerse you in a Victorian world of intrigue, romance, and male suitors who you might imagine looking like Timothée Chalamet.London-born Wilke Collins (1824-1889) became known in Victorian England for his novels and plays, sometimes writing together with Charles Dickens. His most famous works, "The Woman in White" (1859) and "The Moonstone" (1868), are examples of the first modern detective novels.

  • by Wilkie Collins
    59.99 kr.

    Ok, nobody wants to lose pound500 – but is it big enough of a deal to deserve a short story? To put it into context: a Victorian pound500 was about pound60,000 in today’s money. So, yeah, it’s a big deal. That’s why, when Lady Lydiard has the money stolen from her, the plot becomes a whodunnit. A precursor to modern-day detective novels, this novella revolves around the colourful characters (and a Scottie dog) who are all present in Lady Lydiard’s household when her pound500 disappears.In this fun and compelling tale, two of the men suspected are both romantically interested in Isabel Miller, Lady Lydiard’s companion-cum-adoptive-daughter. "My Lady’s Money" follows these suspects as the intensity of both the theft and romance increases.A classic mystery novella with a love story: think Miss Marple but with marriage proposals.London-born Wilke Collins (1824-1889) became known in Victorian England for his novels and plays, sometimes writing together with Charles Dickens. His most famous works, "The Woman in White" (1859) and "The Moonstone" (1868), are examples of the first modern detective novels.

  • by Fabrizio Borgio
    96.99 kr.

    Giorgio Martinengo riesce a trovarsi lavoro anche durante un pranzo di Natale con i parenti. Tutta la famiglia, che di rado si riunisce al completo. La famiglia di Giorgio non si ama come tante altre al mondo e quando la magna Luisa, sua zia, gli propone un’indagine patrimoniale su suo marito, quell’idea in Giorgio si rafforza. Livio Baudino, lo zio mandrogno, il parente acquisito un po’ spaccone, ha messo Betesio, lo zio matto, in una costosa e prestigiosa casa di cura a San Costantino Belbo, piccolo comune della Langa. La retta è alta ma Livio Baudino non si fa il minimo scrupolo e oltre ad accollarsi quella spesa riesce a condurre uno stile di vita sontuoso. E senza toccare le finanze di famiglia. Questo inquieta magna Luisa e incuriosisce Giorgio che accetta. Poco tempo dopo, è contattato da una ditta di Alba, l’Eno Drink, specializzata in bevande isotoniche e bibite a base di mosto non fermentato, una derivazione dell’indotto dall’inflazionato mercato vinicolo. Giacosa, il titolare, sospetta che il suo braccio destro, il giovane e ambizioso Derek Bosso, conduca il doppio gioco con una ditta concorrente. Un ingaggio classico per Martinengo che grazie alla sua esperienza non trova particolarmente difficile da eseguire. Le cose cominciano a prendere una piega amara quando sembra che il contatto di Derek Bosso con la concorrenza sia l’affascinante Melissa Pozzo, moglie di Alessandro Baudino, il fratello minore di Livio Baudino, il quale grazie anche al suo supporto, ha appena avviato una società che si occupa delle stesse bevande della Eno Drink. Come se non bastasse, è proprio Alessandro Baudino a cercare Giorgio e ingaggiarlo per indagare sulla presunta infedeltà della moglie e il tutto mentre le indagini su Livio portano a società sospette e a una cooperativa di Canelli in odor di caporalato. Intanto, durante un torrido settembre, si preparano le vendemmie. Indagini multiple, grane di famiglia, mafie dall’est e l’aiuto di un outsider dai modi spicci e le mani pesanti attendono Martinengo e sarà tutto più difficile.©2022 Fratelli Frilli Editori (P)2022 Saga EgmontFabrizio Borgio nasce prematuramente nella città di Asti il 18 giugno 1968. Appassionato di cinema e letteratura, affina le sue passioni nell’adolescenza iniziando a scrivere racconti. Trascorre diversi anni nell’Esercito. Lasciata l’uniforme, bazzica gli ambienti artistici astigiani, segue stage di sceneggiatura con personalità del nostro cinema, tra cui Mario Monicelli, Giorgio Arlorio e Suso Cecchi d’Amico. Collabora proprio come sceneggiatore e soggettista assieme al regista astigiano Giuseppe Varlotta. La fantascienza, l’horror, il mistero, il fantastico "tout court", gialli e noir sono i generi che maggiormente lo coinvolgono e interessano ma non si pone paletti di sorta nella sua scrittura. Nel 2014 esce Vino rosso sangue, il primo noir che vede protagonista l’investigatore privato Giorgio Martinengo cui seguono Asti ceneri sepolte, Morte ad Asti (Menzione d’onore al festival Giallo Garda 2018), La Ballata del Re di Pietra (2019) e Panni sporchi per Martinengo (2020).